Kim Jong Il nominated as candidate for 11th SPA

    Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- Electorate meetings took place at all constituencies across the country to nominate candidates for deputies to the 11th Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK. Kim Jong Il, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, Chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army, was nominated as a candidate for the SPA at the meetings held at all the constituencies.
    Each meeting courteously proposed to nominate Kim Jong Il as a candidate for the 11th SPA at each constituency as unanimously desired by all the voters.
    The voters fully supported and approved the proposal reflecting the unanimous will of all the servicemen and civilians. The meetings declared that Kim Jong Il has been nominated as a candidate for the 11th SPA.
    Letters to him were adopted there.

Anniversary of Kim Il Sung's demise commemorated

    Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- A memorial meeting of youth and students in Pyongyang "the leader will always be with the young people thanks to the general" took place before the statue of President Kim Il Sung on Mansu Hill of Pyongyang on July 6 on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of his demise. The meeting began with an ode and song "strong yearning". Ri Hang Jun, secretary of the Central Committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, said in a speech that Kim Jong Il opened a new history of perpetuating the memory of the president, reflecting the ardent longing of the youth and students and all other people for him and their strong desire to hold him in high esteem as the eternal sun of Juche.
    Young people from all walks of life renewed their determination to devotedly defend Kim Jong Il and uphold the Songun politics of the Workers' Party of Korea in the van, always keeping in mind the president's behests on holding Kim Jong Il in higher esteem.
    Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the Central Committee of the WPK, Kim Kyong Ho, first secretary of the c.c. of the league, and others were present at the meeting.
    A memorial stage of agricultural workers "the fatherly leader is still with our farmers in Yonbaek plain" was held in Ohyon-ri, Yonan county, South Hwanghae Province on the same day.
    Sung Sang Sop, chairman of the Central Committee of the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea, said in a speech that Kim Il Sung devoted all his efforts to the development of the country's agriculture and the happiness of the people, always mixing with the farmers, adding that he was the father of the people peerless in history.
    There was a presentation of art pieces including a female vocal solo "the leader is without an equal in the world", a mixed duet "the general is identical to the leader" and women's quintet "fully ripe rice sways on either side of the road to the front". It successfully represented the revolutionary enthusiasm of the agricultural workers.

Committee for Remembering Kim Il Sung formed in Britain

    Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- A British Committee for Remembering President Kim Il Sung was formed with due ceremony in London on July 3. At the ceremony, Andy Brooks, General Secretary of the C.C., the New Communist Party of Britain, was elected chairman of the committee.
    The committee set a memorial period from July 3 to 30 and decided to hold a memorial meeting, seminar, film show, photo exhibition and other events in the period.

Day of Korean people's war victory to be marked in Egypt

    Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- A preparatory committee was formed in Egypt to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Korean people's victory in the Fatherland Liberation War (July 27). Yehia Jakariya Khairallah, chairman of the Egyptian Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea, was elected chairman of the preparatory committee.
    The committee decided to arrange seminars on famous works of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and their enduring feats, a celebration meeting, film show, photo exhibition and other events on the occasion of July 27.

Greetings to Nepalese King

    Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, King of Nepal, on Sunday. Warmly congratulating the king on his birthday, Kim in the message wholeheartedly wished him greater success in the work for national stability and prosperity.

It introduced into agriculture

    Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- The agricultural sector is focusing on it and its introduction in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Agronomists of the computer centre at the Academy of Agricultural Science have already gained some successes in the work -- the comprehensive estimation of the country's land resources productivity, dividing of agro-ecological zones, crop growth forecast, distribution of varieties, selecting of the right time to manure and cultivate crops during the sowing and rice-transplanting season and according to farming operations, decision of a crop estimate and so on.
    These research hits are now available to the agricultural producers across the country through the network.
    They were applied last year to the farming of the Migok Cooperative Farm in Sariwon city, North Hwanghae Province.
    This year South Hwanghae and other provinces will benefit from them.
    Ri Yong Gu, director of the computer centre, said that the application of high technology to agricultural production is not only an important potentiality for increasing the country's agricultural production under the present investment environment but a prerequisite to the it industry.
    The Ministry of Agriculture plans to launch the it-based output increase programme as a nationwide undertaking and is working on the application of agricultural information.

U.S. attempt to abuse name of UN blasted

    Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- The United States recently distributed copies of its "draft statement" critical of the DPRK among member states of the U.N. security council in a bid to have a "statement of its president" adopted and desperately lobbied for achieving its objective. But its bid proved futile due to the opposition of some countries. Rodong Sinmun today carries a signed commentary in this regard.
    The commentary says:
    Such move of the United States is an act of disregarding the principles of the U.N. Charter as it branded the DPRK's just measures to defend its sovereignty as unjust ones by making a profound confusion of the relations between the arch criminal, who spawned the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula, and its victim.
    Through this the U.S. sought to convince the international community of the danger of nuclear development" in the DPRK and pit the U.N. against Pyongyang in a bid to get a justification for pursuing its policy of aggression against the DPRK.
    It is none other than the United States that compelled the DPRK to build up a strong physical deterrent force. The U.S. is persistently pulling up the DPRK over its "nuclear issue" and working hard to bring it up for discussion at the U.N. in a bid to get it take any "step" against Pyongyang while keeping mum about the nuclear weaponization of Japan, Israel and its other allies. This clearly indicates its unjust act of applying "double standards" in handling the nuclear issue, away from the principle of impartiality.
    The DPRK and the United States are committed to respect the U.N. Charter and abide by all its principles as members of the U.N. All its member states are equal and none of them has the right to impose its will and demand upon other member states.
    It is an insult and a mockery of the U.N. for the U.S. to attempt to take any "measure" against the DPRK through the U.N. forum.
    If the U.N. Security Council takes any "action" critical of the DPRK contrary to its stand and interests, as demanded by the U.S. it will leave an indelible blot on the U.N. history as it will be little short of encouraging U.S. arbitrary practices and moves for hegemony.
    Pressure or blackmail will not help solve the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula. Dialogue and negotiations are the only way of settling it.

"Theory of principal enemy" peddled by S. Korean military refuted

    Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland issued a statement on July 6 accusing the South Korean military authorities of vociferating again about the "theory of principal enemy" in a bid to bedevil the inter-Korean relations. The statement says:
    The "Ministry of National Defence" of South Korea in teaching materials titled "moral education" distributed among frontline units called not only the government, the army and the citizens in the north but South Koreans and the world peace-loving people supporting the north "principal enemies".
    The "theory of principal enemy" can never go together with the "policy of peace and prosperity."
    Although the South Korean authorities are talking about a "policy of peace and prosperity", they are, in fact, pursuing confrontation and war. This is clearly evidenced by their loudmouthed "theory of principal enemy."
    The South Korean military authorities are calling the fellow countrymen in the north "principal enemies" while treating the U.S. troops stationed in South Korea, the outsiders, like an ancestral tablet. This is, however, nothing but the shriek of the doomed.
    The advocacy of the "theory of principal enemy" will only bring war, disaster and self-destruction. The South Korean military authorities should know well that they will be held entirely accountable before the nation for the irretrievably serious consequences to be entailed by their fresh racket.

KCNA lays bare true colours of Japan as war criminal state

    Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- The "remembrance, responsibility and future" fund of Germany on June 30 declared that it has paid reparations to the tune of 2.3 billion euro to 1.37 million victims to forced labor of 70 countries of the world including Russia and Ukraine from June 2001 to June 2003. It is said that the fund will continue compensating till 2005, with the funds coming from the federal budget and private companies of Germany.
    As is well known, Germany, a war criminal state in Europe, has sincerely paid reparations and made compensation for scores of years to those nations and individuals that fell victim to fascist Germany in one way or the other during the Second World War after deeming it a state responsibility to compensate for the war crimes and apologizing for them.
    According to information available, Germany paid 122.3 billion mark equivalent to 7,900 billion yen as reparations by the end of the 20th century.
    But the attitude taken by Japan, another war criminal state in Asia, is quite the opposite.
    Japan has paid only 356, 552.07 million yen in compensation according to article 14 a of the San Francisco Peace Pact which stipulates that "Japan admits that it has to compensate allies for damage and sufferings it inflicted upon them during the war" and bilateral treaty and agreement signed in the subsequent period.
    Japan had refused to apologize to the Asian people for its crimes committed against them for half a century. Only on the 50th anniversary of its defeat it made a "repentance" for mere form's sake through the so-called "Statement of Murayama (the then prime minister)."
    It was no more than a verbal repentance and apology. Japan has not made any sincere compensation or reparation for mental, human and material damage it did to the Korean people.
    During its colonial military rule over Korea the Japanese imperialists forcibly drafted more than 8.4 million young and middle-aged Koreans and killed over one million Koreans.
    A special mention should be made of the fact that they forced more than 200,000 Korean women into sexual slavery for the imperial Japanese army and killed many of them in cold blood.
    The Japanese imperialists indiscriminately destroyed or looted valuable cultural heritages handed down by ancestors and plundered Korea of natural resources and products without limit.
    The crimes committed by Japan in the past are too many to enumerate. Yet, there is no prospect of Japan's redress for them though nearly 60 years have passed since its defeat.
    Even in this new century Japan is talking about a "peace state," a "normal state" and "future", keeping mum about the aggression and plunder it committed against Korea and other Asian countries. On the contrary it is keen to emerge a military power and launch expansion overseas.
    This is clearly evidenced by the fact that on July 4 shortly after it was reported that Germany has made fresh efforts to carve out its future after getting understanding from countries around it by liquidating its gloomy past, Japan was so brazen-faced as to approve at its diet a bill on dispatching heavily armed self-defence force to Iraq.
    Japan is getting more zealous than any other countries in supporting the U.S. in its strategy to stifle the DPRK over the "nuclear issue." This poses a great threat not only to the Korean peninsula but to the rest part of Asia.
    japan is greatly mistaken, however.
    The Korean nation is by no means what it used to be in the past and Asia today is not what it was in the past, either.
    The army and the people of the DPRK will resolutely foil Japan's moves to launch reinvasion of Korea under the uplifted banner of Songun to protect the peace and stability on the peninsula and in the rest of Asia.

Greetings to President of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

    Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, on July 3 sent a message of greetings to Hugo Chavez Frias, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, on the occasion of its Independence Day. In the belief that the friendly and cooperative ties between the two countries would grow stronger in the future, the message sincerely wished the president fresh success in his work for protecting the sovereignty of the country and the well-being of the people.

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il dirige sobre terreno la labor de varios sectores de ciudad de kanggye

    pyongyang, 7 de julio (atcc) -- el dirigente kim jong il, secretario general del partido del trabajo de corea y presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la republica popular democratica de corea dirigio sobre el terreno la labor de varios sectores de la ciudad de kanggye. el dirigente recorrio la posada kanggye, historico edificio donde se alojo el presidente kim il sung cuando recorrio en marzo de 1923 el camino de mil ries de estudio hacia mangyongdae.
    al recorrer el lugar de construccion de la central hidroelectrica juventud hungju no. 2 que se construye abajo del rio jangja evaluo altamente las orgullosas proezas de los miembros de la brigada de choque juvenil quienes aceleran energicamente la construccion de la central en etapa final.
    una vez construida esta planta de gran potencia sera posible realizar mas satisfactoriamente la electrificacion de la ciudad de kanggye, senalo el y presento las tareas que se presentan para anticipar la construccion de la central.
    visito la fabrica de alimentos basicos de kanggye donde recorrio el taller de salsa y pasta de soya, la sala de manejo de computacion y otros varios procesos de produccion para enterarse de los detalles del estado de los equipos tecnicos y de produccion.
    acto seguido, recorriendo el interior y el exterior de la planta avicola de hungju que se construye sobre el area total de mas de 20 hectareas presento las tareas programaticas que sirven de guia para desarrollar trascendentalmente la avicultura.
    el secretario general visito el centro de genetica de conejo de kanggye nuevamente erguido donde hizo conocimiento concreto del estado de construccion y de cria y cuidado y enseno que este centro es un centro de genetica que dispone de los procesos de produccion basados en la ciencia y tecnica modernas y fue construido con una firme base de pienso.
    al visitar el hotel inphung de kanggye reconstruido enseno encarecidamente la necesidad de asegurar las mas excelentes condiciones de vida a los habitantes que viven en el nuevo siglo.
    acto seguido, dirigio sobre el terreno la escuela secundaria heroe de jangjasan no. 1 de kanggye de la honrosa bandera roja de dos veces.
    recorrio la tabla de presentacion de heroes y la de noticias de puestos y otros especiales medios visuales en pasillo la sala de unecistas, la de educacion en la conciencia clasista y la defensa de la patria, la de computacion, la de musica, la de suministro de leche de soya, la de maestros y otros varios lugares y participo en la clase de fisica de los alumnos del segundo grupo del tercer grado para enterarse minuciosamente del estado de la labor de ensenanza y educacion de la escuela.
    senalo que la labor de formacion de generaciones es la importante que decide la prosperidad o decadencia del pais y presento las tareas programaticas que se presentan en la labor de ensenanza y educacion.
    el dirigente obsequio piano y numerosas computadoras a la escuela.
    acto seguido, miro el panorama de la ciudad de kanggye en que esta rebosando de la vitalidad del socialismo.
    al mirar las avenidas extendidas limpiamente en las orillas del rio jangja que se ha convertido en un gran lago artificial, las creaciones construidas nuevamente en la epoca del songun y los orgullos aspectos de los ciudadanos que van al lugar de trabajo, llenos del romanticismo y la alegria, se mostro muy satisfecho de que la ciudad de kanggye se ha convertido en la de paraiso.
    los habitantes de la provincia de jagang quienes se hicieron mil veces fuertes a traves de la "marcha penosa" y la marcha forzada, acondicionaron con sus fuerzas propias toda la ciudad y aldeas como un paraiso de felicidad, dijo el y evaluo altamente el entusiasmo patriotico de los funcionarios, miembros del partido y los demas trabajadores de la provincia, valientes precursores quienes abren con inflexible voluntad el nuevo siglo lleno de esperanza.
    le acompanaron el secretario responsable del comite del ptc en la provincia de jagang yon hyong muk, el secretario kim kuk thae y los primeros subjefes de departamento jang song thaek y choe chun hwang, del cc del ptc.

recomiendan a kim jong il como candidato al diputado a la aps

    pyongyang, 7 de julio (atcc) -- las asambleas de los votantes para elegir a los candidatos para diputados a la xi legislatura de la asamblea popular suprema de la republica popular democratica de corea tuvieron lugar en todos los distritos electorales del pais. las asambleas eligieron al dirigente kim jong il, secretario general del partido del trabajo de corea, presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la rpdc y comandante supremo del ejercito popular de corea como candidato para diputado a la aps.
    propusieron cortesmente elegirlo como candidato para diputado a la xi legislatura de la aps en sus respectivos distritos electorales recogiendo un unanime deseo de todos los votantes.
    todos los electores expresaron entero apoyo y aprobacion a la proposicion de todos los oficiales y soldados del epc y los demas habitantes.
    en las asambleas fue declarado que el dirigente fue elegido candidato para diputado a la xi legislatura de la aps de la rpdc de los respectivos distritos electorales.
    aprobaron cartas dirigidas al dirigente.

japon, pais criminal de guerra de asia - comentario de atcc -

    pyongyang, 7 de julio (atcc) -- el fondo "la recordacion, la responsabilidad y el futuro" de alemania publico el 30 de junio que en el periodo de junio de 2001 a junio de 2003 habia hecho indemnizacion de 2 300 millones de euros para 1 370 000 personas danadas por el trabajo forzoso en el pasado de 70 paises incluidas rusia y ucrania. y expuso la disposicion de continuarla hasta el ano 2005 a traves del presupuesto federal y los fondos recolectados de las companias privadas de alemania. segun estadisticas, el valor de remuneracion de alemania hasta finales del siglo xx llega a 122 300 millones de marcos (7.9 billones de yenes en moneda japonesa).
    ?que actitud toma japon, pais criminal de guerra de asia?
    no pasa de ser 356 552 070 000 yenes la suma total que este pais isleno indemnizo segun el articulo 14 (a) del tratado de paz de san francisco en que "japon reconoce su deber de recompensar a los paises aliados por los danos y sufrimientos causados en la guerra" y segun los posteriores tratados y convenios bilaterales.
    los imperialistas japoneses, durante su dominacion militar colonial sobre corea, se llevaron por coercion a mas de 8 millones 400 mil jovenes y adultos coreanos y asesinaron a mas de un millon.
    para colmo, secuestraron a 200 mil coreanas para ofrecerlas como esclavas sexuales a los efectivos japoneses y asesinarlas cruelmente.
    tambien, destruyeron y saquearon a diestro y siniestro y se apropiaron de los preciosos patrimonios culturales, inmensos recursos naturales y productos de corea.
    pero, hasta la fecha a cerca de 60 anos del termino de la segunda guerra mundial japon no da ni un hilo de perspectiva para la liquidacion de sus actos criminales de tamano ultragrande.
    hoy en dia, ese pais isleno se adhiere mas activamente que nadie a la estrategia de ee.uu. de aplastar la republica popular democratica de corea bajo el pretexto del "problema nuclear", lo cual constituye una gran amenaza a la peninsula coreana y toda la region asiatica.
    pero, japon se equivoca.
    la nacion coreana no es la de ayer y asia de hoy no es la de ayer.
    el ejercito y el pueblo de corea, con la bandera del songun (priorizacion militar) en alto, quebraran tajantemente las garras de nueva agresion de japon y preservaran la paz y la seguridad de la peninsula coreana y el resto de asia.