Kim Jong Il pays tribute to Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il,together with KPA commanding officers, visited the Kumsusan Memorial Palace at 00:00 on July 8 to pay homage to President Kim Il Sung. The palace was wrapped in an atmosphere of deep mourning on the ninth anniversary of the demise of the president, father of socialist Korea and the nation.
    Kim Jong Il entered the hall where the president's statue stands.
    Accompanying him were chief of the KPA General Staff Kim Yong Chun, Minister of the People's Armed Forces Kim Il Chol and operations officers of the KPA Supreme Command.
    He paid deep reverence before the statue and then went up to the hall where the president lies in state for perpetuity. There he made deep bows in humble reverence to the president.

Floral basket from Yasser Arafat

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Palestinian President Yasser Arafat sent a floral basket to the statue of President Kim Il Sung on Mansu Hill on the occasion of his 9th death anniversary. The floral basket was laid before his statue by Palestinian ambassador to the DPRK Shaher Mohammed Abdlah on July 7.
    Written on the ribbon of the floral basket were letters "H.E. The Great Leader Kim Il Sung Will Be Immortal".

Floral basket laid before Kim Il Sung's Statue

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- The military attaches corps here laid a floral basket before the statue of President Kim Il Sung on Mansu Hill on July 7 on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of his demise. They made bows to him in boundless reverence for him who made an immortal contribution to global independence and the development of friendly relations among countries with his outstanding idea and energetic activities.
    Written on the ribbon of the basket were letters "The Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung Will Be Immortal".

Halt to trial of those related to "remittance to north" demanded

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- The Reunification Solidarity for the Implementation of the June 15 South-North Joint Declaration and Peace on the Korean Peninsula reportedly issued a statement on July 4 opposing a legal action against those related to the "remittance to the north." The statement said that the desire for peace and reunification is growing stronger on the Korean peninsula than ever before thanks to the joint declaration based on the three principles of national reunification -- independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity -- clarified in the July 4 South-North Joint Statement.
    Dismissing any attempt to take a legal action against the June 15 Joint Declaration as an attack on the Korean nation and a criminal act to dampen the desire of the fellow countrymen for national reunification, the statement demanded an immediate stop to the trial of those related to the "remittance".
    The organization in a press conference on June 26 termed a new "bill on special inspection" proposed by the Grand National Party one aimed to ditch the joint declaration and branded the party as an anti-national, anti-reunification force.

KCNA refutes Japan's talk about "threat from North Korea"

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Japan is working in real earnest to establish the Missile Defence System (MD) under the pretext of a missile threat from the DPRK. It recently decided to establish the MD by introducing standard missiles capable of intercepting missiles in outer space and patriot missile under the pretext of "coping with a threat of ballistic missiles from North Korea."
    It is said that Japan would start deploying missiles for an actual war at the earliest possible date after reexamining the 2001-2005 mid-term arms build-up program and spend about 200 billion yen for it.
    What matters is that it is pushing forward the establishment of the MD in real earnest, saying that it is possible for North Korea to possess the technology of manufacturing smaller nuclear weapons that can be carried by Rodong medium-range ballistic missile targeted against Japan.
    It is necessary to make it clear in this regard that the fiction about "missile threat" from the DPRK much publicized by Japan is nothing but a smokescreen to cover up its ambition to emerge a military power and launch expansion overseas.
    It is a well-known fact that the Japanese reactionaries have systematically stepped up the development of large carrier rockets under the pretext of "developing space."
    Japan test-fired large carrier rocket H-2A, called "perfect prototype rocket", easily convertible into an inter-continental ballistic missile to serve various purposes in the past.
    It has long attempted to have independent intelligence-gathering capability by introducing spy satellites.
    In January 1994 it started examining its plan to introduce spy satellites. In 1997 the defence agency set up an intelligence headquarters analyzing and dealing with information gathered by satellites. On the basis of such careful preparations Japan launched two H-2A to put spy satellites into orbit on march 28 this year and it is now making preparations to launch two more spy satellites.
    It is also stepping up the nuclear weaponization, another goal of its moves for a military power.
    From 1967 to 1970 Japan conducted basic researches into a nuclear policy and since 1995 it has carried out in real earnest researches into the nuclear weaponization.
    There were at least 50 nuclear power plants in Japan as of the end of 1998 which are churning out nuclear waste capable of producing a huge amount of plutonium every year. As if it were not enough with it, Japan has shipped huge plutonium from Britain and France for years.
    According to information released by officials concerned of green peace, Japan has stockpiled 38 tons of plutonium and would possess 110 tons of it by 2020.
    Japan is aiming to store 400 tons of plutonium in the future enough to produce 60,000 nuclear weapons.
    It is as clear as noonday that the final aim of Japan's moves to become a military giant and go nuclear is to launch expansion overseas, reinvasion of Asia and Korea is its principal target.
    The DPRK can not but be vigilant against Japan as it is working hard to establish the MD acting as a shock brigade in carrying out the U.S. strategy for a preemptive attack, a strategy for a nuclear war to destroy the DPRK.
    Japan should ponder over the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by its bellicose acts of infringing upon the dignity and the sovereignty of the DPRK.

Meetings to remember Kim Il Sung held

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- A meeting of schoolchildren in Pyongyang and an evening of members of the Korean Democratic Women's Union took place on July 7 to remember President Kim Il Sung on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of his demise. Put on the memorial stage were trio poem recital "the generalissimo has come here", vocal solo and chorus "the generalissimo is our sun" and other songs, poems and tales.
    The performers told about the profound love shown by the president for the younger generations to bestow all blessings upon them and the benevolent care of leader Kim Jong Il who has inherited the noble love of the president. They also renewed their determination to prepare themselves as reliable successors to the revolutionary cause of Juche under the leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    In the memorial evening the performers praised the president as a great sage who realized everything and steered every work with warm benevolence and great devotion and the eternal sun of Juche.
    Present there were Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, and officials concerned.

Great life of President Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- The Korean people and the world progressives are recollecting the great life of President Kim Il Sung which adorned the 20th century. His was the life of a great sage who performed tremendous exploits for the country and the nation and for the independence of humankind.
    He started revolutionary activities in his early years and fathered the immortal Juche idea. Thus he opened up the Juche era, a new era in the development of the history, and made an outstanding contribution to the history of human thought.
    He liberated the country and defended the sovereignty and dignity of the country and the nation with credit by leading two revolutionary wars against the U.S. and Japanese imperialists to the victory.
    During 17,800 odd days from October 9, 1945, right after the liberation of the country, when he called on the workers of the Kangson Steel Works for the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people till the last moments of his life, he gave field guidance to more than 20,600 units of the army and economic and other domains, making more than 578,000-kilometer-long journeys.
    He put forward the three principles of national reunification -- independence, peaceful reunification and great unity of the nation -- the 10-point programme of the great unity of the whole nation and the proposal for founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo and thus brought about a great turn in the reunification movement.
    He paid official and unofficial visits to a total of 87 countries for 685 days on 54 occasions to strengthen friendship and unity among the nations and to safeguard peace in the world. the distance he covered totals more than 522,460 kilometers.
    He received more than 70,000 foreign guests from 136 countries. Among them were 120 heads of state, 206 heads of party and 76 heads of government. Through his external activities, he made an undying contribution to the independence of humankind.
    Indeed, President Kim Il Sung dedicated his whole life to the prosperity of the country, the happiness of the people and the cause of the global independence.

Animals delighting visitors

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- A large number of people enjoy their holidays at the Central Zoo every day. The rare and precious animals that were sent to President Kim Il Sung from various countries as gifts give pleasure to the visitors.
    Elephants attract particular attention of the people. They display such tricks as crawling, standing on the fore legs and walking on rear legs.
    They are descendants of the "hero" elephant and its litter "Moran" sent to Kim Il Sung by Ho Chi Minh, President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, in August Juche 48 (1959).
    The "hero" elephant rendered a distinguished service in the Vietnamese people's national liberation war against France. They were the first gift animals sent to Kim Il Sung.
    Rope walking, bicycle riding and other tricks of pan troglodytes are also popular. They are descendants of pan troglodytes presented to him by Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga, ex-President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (then Republic of Zaire) in March 1984.
    The swift movements of cute and beautiful lemur cattas are also catching the eyes of the visitors.
    In an interview with KCNA, an official of the Central Zoo Ju Kum Chol says: 27 animals of six species including 11 lemur cattas were sent to President Kim Il Sung as gifts by Didier Ratsiraka, former President of the Republic of Madagascar, on several occasions. The lemur cattas have multiplied to more than 220. Some 60 of them have been sent to various zoos in Pyongyang and local areas.
    Psittacus Erithacus imitates ten-odd words and chirps of other birds.
    The Central Zoo is inhibited by hundreds of gift animals of nearly 160 species sent to the president by heads of state and government, political and public figures, organizations and zoophilists of many countries and overseas Koreans in different regions of the world.

Boundless reverence for President Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung was a peerlessly great man who made an imperishable contribution to the independence of humankind. He founded the immortal Juche idea to indicate the way of human emancipation for the first time in the history. For nearly 70 years he authored more than 10,800 famous works, an ideological and theoretical wealth common to the humankind, to give perfect answers to the theoretical and practical issues arising at all the stages of revolution.
    In particular, he gave a powerful stimulus to the forward movement of the times for independence through his energetic external activities for the victory of the socialist cause, the strengthening and development of the non-aligned movement, the peace of the world and the friendship and solidarity among the peoples.
    He, thus, enjoyed boundless respect from the progressive people across the world.
    It is illustrated well by the fact that he was awarded more than 180 highest orders and medals from 70 odd countries and international organizations and presented with over 165,920 pieces of gifts from party and state leaders and individuals of 169 countries, and Koreans abroad and in the south.
    Over 24,570,000 copies of his works were published in 60 odd national languages in more than 110 countries. Some 480 streets, institutions, organs and organizations of more than a hundred countries were named after him.
    The president's reminiscences "With the Century" has been disseminated in more than 160 countries to be read by hundreds of millions of people.
    The progressive people's reverence for the president has never been dampened even after his demise. In eight years after his demise, heads of state and government, leaders of political parties and organizations, and public figures of various strata in nearly 200 countries sent some 150 pieces of gifts to him with best wishes for his eternal life, highly praising him as the eternal sun of the humankind.
    Organizations for remembering Kim Il Sung have been formed in Democratic Congo, Uganda, Guinea, Tanzania and many other countries to observe his death anniversary.

Grand mosaics erected

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- A grand mosaic "The Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il on Mt. Paektu" was erected in the central district, Pyongyang city. The mosaic 10.6m long and 5.7m high represents the firm faith and iron will of the Korean people to eternally glorify the revolutionary feats of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche under the steermanship of the party.
    An unveiling ceremony took place on July 7.
    Meanwhile, a huge mosaic 12m long and 9m high "The Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung Will Always Be With Us" was erected in the seat of Sinchon county, South Hwanghae Province.

U.S. urged to clarify its stand

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Some days ago, Rice, special assistant to the U.S. President for National Security, in a lecture given at the international institute for strategic studies in London, asserted that the United States' efforts to check North Korea's access to nukes should be supported and it does not rule out a military action against North Korea. In this regard Minju Joson today in a signed commentary says:
    Her outcries are quite contrary to the stand for "dialogue" the U.S. professed as regards the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula.
    It goes on:
    The U.S. loudmouthed "dialogue" for a solution to the nuclear issue is nothing but a deceptive trick to evade its responsibility for having spawned it and buy time necessary for putting into practice its plan for a military action to stifle the DPRK under the pretext of the nuclear issue.
    Now is the time for the U.S. to clarify its stand on the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula before the international community. It should stop clinging to any double-dealing tactics to deceive the international community.
    It is the consistent stand of the DPRK government to settle the nuclear issue peacefully. If the U.S. sincerely hopes for a peaceful solution to the nuclear issue, it should halt at once its military threat to the DPRK and its vicious psychological warfare against Pyongyang, the commentary urges.

"Theory of principal enemy" peddled by S. Korean military under fire

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today comes out with a commentary accusing the South Korean military authorities of vociferating again about the "theory of principal enemy". It holds them accountable for bringing the danger of war to the Korean peninsula to destroy the Korean nation. The commentary says:
    The South Korean Ministry of Defence in teaching materials titled "moral education" distributed among frontline units called the government, the army and citizens in the north "principal enemies".
    The gravity of the "theory of principal enemy" lies in that the South Korean military authorities peddled it in a bid to encourage the U.S. imperialists in their moves for a nuclear war to disturb peace on the Korean peninsula and bring disasters of war to the Koreans at a time when Washington is keen to lay an international siege to the DPRK and stepping up preparations for a war against it.
    The advocacy of this theory is a foolish anti-reunification move to bedevil the improving north-south relations as it came when cooperation and exchange are brisk between the north and the south in the spirit of the June 15 Joint Declaration.
    It is the biggest crime to totally negate the historic June 15 Joint Declaration and bedevil the inter-Korean relations, going against the trend of history.
    The South Korean military authorities would be most grossly mistaken if they think they can escape disasters of war to be caused by their advocacy of the "theory of principal enemy."

DPRK will shine forever as Kim Il Sung's Korea, say papers

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Papers here today say in editorials dedicated to the 9th anniversary of President Kim Il Sung's demise that the DPRK will shine forever as the great Kim Il Sung's Korea advancing true to his intention and triumphing and prospering with his achievements. The DPRK has become a dignified and powerful country entirely because it was led by the president, Rodong Sinmun says, and goes on:
    It is the greatest exploits of the president that he liberated the country and founded the immortal Juche idea to illuminate the road ahead of times and revolution, the country and the nation.
    He also created noble treasures for the building of a revolutionary party of Juche type, invincible single-hearted unity, the best revolutionary power, the people-centred socialist system, mighty self-supporting national economy and prosperity of the country.
    Another greatest exploit of the president is that he built the invincible revolutionary armed forces and powerful self-reliant defence industry and provided a firm military guarantee for protecting the supreme interests of the country and the sovereignty of the nation.
    Kim Jong Il is the great leader and distinguished statesman who showed a brilliant model in carrying forward the revolutionary cause of the president. He broke through the rigorous trials of "arduous march" with the gun of Songun and opened a new era of building a great prosperous powerful nation, which are his immortal historic feats in carrying forward the revolutionary cause of the president overall.
    The leadership of Kim Jong Il is that of carrying forward the traditions of the president down through generations and materialising his intention and desire and that of connecting his history to an ever-victorious history.
    Minju Joson says that the Korean revolution is sure to triumph as Kim Jong Il leads it under the banner of Songun.

Message of sympathy to Russian President

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) --Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, today sent a message of sympathy to V.V. Putin, President of the Russian Federation, as regards Chechnya terrorists' suicide attack in the suburbs of Moscow, which left scores of people dead and wounded. The message expressed deep sympathy with the president and the bereaved families of the victims and vehemently denounced the terrorist attack as a base move to reverse the process of political coordination developing anew in Chechnya and disturb socio-political stability in Russia.
    To oppose all forms of terrorism is the consistent stand of the DPRK government, the message said, expressing the belief that territorial integrity and social stability would be firmly ensured in Russia under the leadership of the president.

Floral baskets laid before statues of President Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- People in all parts of the country and servicemen of the Korean People's Army laid floral baskets before the statues of President Kim Il Sung on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of his demise. Working people from all walks of life, servicemen of the KPA, school youth and children here visited the statue of the president on Mansu Hill.
    Seen standing before the statue was a floral basket sent by leader Kim Jong Il.
    Amid the playing of a floral basket-laying music floral baskets, bouquets and flowers in the name of the party, military and power organs, social organizations, ministries and national institutions and various other organizations, units of the KPA, industrial establishments, farms and schools were placed before the statue.
    Also laid before his statues at Kim Il Sung University, Kim Il Sung Military University, the Ministry of People's Security, the Korean Film Studio, the Pyongyang Schoolchildren's Palace and other places of Pyongyang were floral baskets, bouquets and flowers.
    Working people, servicemen of the KPA and school youth and children placed floral baskets, bouquets and flowers before the statues of the president standing in their areas and paid homage to him.
    The diplomatic corps here, Jo Il Min, chief of the Pyongyang mission of the National Democratic Front of South Korea and its staff members and overseas compatriots placed floral baskets before the statue of the president on Mansu Hill today and paid tribute to him.
    A floral basket was also laid before his statue in Chongjin by staff members of the Chinese consulate general there and bouquets by staff members of the Russian consulate general there.
    Meanwhile, the family of Zhang Weihua, who was related to the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, sent a floral basket to be placed before the statue of President Kim Il Sung on Mansu Hill and Chinese residents here also laid floral baskets there on July 7.

Homage paid to Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Senior officials of the party and the state, servicepersons and people from all walks of life visited the Kumsusan Memorial Palace to pay tribute to President Kim Il Sung on July 8 on the occasion of the ninth anniversary of his demise. A floral basket was seen standing before his statue in the joint name of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea, the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly and the cabinet of the DPRK.
    Its ribbon bore letters "The Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung Will Be Immortal".
    The senior officials of the party and the state paid homage to the statue and made bows to the president who lies in state for perpetuity.
    They saw the orders and medals awarded to him by the DPRK and the orders, medals and certificates of honorary titles conferred upon him by different countries. They also looked round the mourning hall where they saw the portrait of the smiling president and bronze relievos and a train used by him during his field guidance and foreign tours and a car used by him during the last period of his life.
    On the same day, the former anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters, officials of organs at different levels, servicemen and people from all walks of life visited the palace.
    That day the diplomatic and military attaches corps here and Jo Il Min, chief of the Pyongyang mission of the National Democratic Front of South Korea and its members and overseas compatriots staying in the socialist motherland also visited the palace to pay homage to the president.

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il rindio tributo a kim il sung en palacio memorial kumsusan

    pyongyang, 8 de julio (atcc) -- el dirigente kim jong il, secretario general del partido del trabajo de corea, presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la republica popular democratica de corea y comandante supremo del ejercito popular de corea, junto con kim yong chun, jefe del estado mayor general del epc, kim il chol, ministro de las fuerzas armadas populares y los miembros de mando operacional de la comandancia suprema, rindio tributo a la hora cero del dia 8 al presidente kim il sung ante su estatua y su cuerpo en el palacio memorial kumsusan. con motivo del 9 aniversario del fallecimiento del presidente, fundador de corea socialista y padre de la nacion, el palacio estaba sumergido en un ambiente de profunda condolencia.
    los miembros directivos del epc estaban llenos de una decision de fidelidad de completar hasta el fin con armas la causa revolucionaria del juche bajo la direccion del dirigente en acato al legado del presidente.

kim jong il inspecciona la unidad no. 654 del epc

    pyongyang, 8 de julio (atcc) -- el dirigente kim jong il, secretario general del partido del trabajo de corea y presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la republica popular democratica de corea inspecciono la unidad no. 654 del ejercito popular de corea que recibio el titulo del septimo regimiento de o jung hup. el dirigente escucho la explicacion sobre la orgullosa trayectoria recorrida por la unidad, en la sala de historia.
    en la sala de mando operacional recibio informaciones de situacion por parte del jefe de la unidad y se entero del estado de cumplimiento del deber de la unidad.
    al ver el entrenamiento de los militares, se mostro muy satisfecho de que todos los miembros directivos y soldados se hayan preparado firmemente como inflexibles combatientes capaces de defender fidedignamente la seguridad de la patria y el pueblo y presento las tareas programaticas que sirven de guia para fortalecer mas la combatividad de la unidad.
    al recorrer la casa de militares hizo conocimiento del estado de la educacion revolucionaria y clasista que se realiza animadamente en la unidad y evaluo altamente la labor politica que se realiza originalmente con varias formas y metodos conforme a la caracteristica de los militares jovenes. subrayo que al desplegar sustancialmente la labor de educacion ideologica hay que convertir a todos los militares en los fuertes en la ideologia.
    acto seguido, recorrio la sala de educacion, dormitorio, comedor, deposito general, bano y otros lugares de la unidad prestando gran atencion a la labor y la vida de los soldados.
    se mostro muy complacido de que la unidad arreglo las instalaciones de cultura, educacion e intendencia y hace bien la faena secundaria para asegurar excelentes condiciones de vida a los soldados.
    ahora, todas las unidades del epc hacen bien la administracion de las unidades y organizan con esmero la vida economica, dijo el y subrayo que es necesario reinar en toda la sociedad el estilo revolucionario de lucha y de vida del ejercito.
    el comandante supremo se fotografio junto a los militares de la unidad.

infinita veneracion al presidente kim il sung

    pyongyang, 8 de julio (atcc) -- el presidente kim il sung es el gran hombre sin igual quien hizo una imperecedera contribucion a la causa de independencia de la humanidad. el creo por primera vez en la historia la inmortal idea juche dilucidando la via de la liberacion de la humanidad, y escribio durante cerca de 70 anos pasados mas de 10 mil 800 obras clasicas que dan perfectas respuestas a los problemas teorico-practicos que se presentaban en todas las etapas de la revolucion preparando asi los bienes ideo-teoricos comunes de la humanidad.
    en particular, desplego dinamicas actividades exteriores para la victoria de la causa del socialismo y el fortalecimiento del movimiento de los no alineados, para la paz del mundo y la amistad y la solidaridad entre los pueblos impulsando con dinamismo el movimiento de avance de la epoca.
    por sus grandes proezas el presidente se granjeo el infinito respeto y veneracion de los pueblos progresistas del mundo.
    el presidente recibio mas de 180 ordenes supremas y medallas de mas de 70 paises del mundo y organizaciones internacionales y mas de 165 920 presentes de los dirigentes de partidos y estados y personalidades de distintos sectores de 169 paises, surcoreanos y otros coreanos en ultramar.
    en mas de 110 paises del mundo las obras del presidente fueron editadas en mas de 60 lenguas nacionales y en mas de 24 millones 570 mil ejemplares y mas de 480 calles, organos, entidades y organizaciones de mas de 100 paises del mundo fueron denominados con su nombre.
    "en el transcurso del siglo", memorias del presidente que sintetiza toda su vida de epopeya heroica se divulga ampliamente en mas de 160 paises de los cinco continentes y esta leido por centenares de millones de personas.
    la veneracion de la humanidad progresista hacia el presidente sigue igual despues de su fallecimiento.
    durante ochos anos pasados los jefes de estado y gobierno, dirigentes de partidos politicos y entidades y personalidades de distintos sectores de cerca de 200 paises lo elogiaron como eterno sol de la humanidad y le dirigieron cortesmente mas de 150 regalos deseando su eternidad.
    con motivo del dia de su fallecimiento, en congo democratico, uganda, guinea, tanzania y otros paises se constituyen las organizaciones de recordacion de el y se eleva mas que nunca la anoranza de la humanidad progresista hacia el.

editoriales dedicados al 9 aniversario del fallecimiento de kim il sung

    pyongyang, 8 de julio (atcc) -- nuestra patria brillara como corea de kim il sung que eternamente avanzara segun el proposito de este y lograra triunfos y prosperidad segun su legado. asi senalan los periodicos capitalinos en los editoriales de hoy dedicados al 9 aniversario del fallecimiento del presidente kim il sung.
    el del "rodong sinmun" senala:
    es gracias al presidente que corea se ha hecho hoy un pais digno y poderoso. el presidente restauro la patria y creo la inmortal idea juche iluminando asi brillantemente el camino futuro de la epoca, la revolucion, la patria y la nacion. esta es la mayor proeza de el.
    tambien, preparo las preciosas riquezas para la prosperidad de la patria, entre otras, la fundacion del partido revolucionario de tipo jucheano, el logro de la inquebrantable unidad monolitica, la construccion del poder revolucionario mas ventajoso y el regimen socialista centrado en las masas populares y el establecimiento de la poderosa economia nacional independiente.
    en particular, construyo las invencibles fuerzas armadas revolucionarias y la poderosa industria de autodefensa nacional preparando asi una firme garantia militar para defender seguramente los intereses supremos del pais y la soberania nacional. esto constituye la mayor de las proezas del presidente.
    el dirigente kim jong il es el gran dirigente y destacado politico quien creo el gran modelo de la continuidad de la causa revolucionaria del lider.
    con la politica de songun (priorizacion militar) se sobrepuso a las severas dificultades de la "marcha penosa" y abrio una nueva epoca de la construccion de una gran potencia prospera, lo que constituye la inmortal proeza historica de el lograda en el camino de la sucesion de la causa revolucionaria del presidente. la sabia direccion del dirigente permite heredar eternamente el linaje del presidente, realizar el proposito y el deseo de este, y hacer invencible la historia del presidente.
    el del "minju joson" senala que es definitiva la victoria de la revolucion coreana gracias al dirigente kim jong il quien orienta la revolucion coreana bajo la bandera del songun.