Disbandment of GNP urged in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, July 17 (KCNA) -- The South Headquarters of the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification reportedly issued a statement on July 11 accusing the South Korean Grand National Party of calling for a "new law on special inspection" in a bid to incite south-north confrontation. it demanded its disbandment. The statement said that when the investigation under the "law on special inspection of the remittance to the north" was suspended the GNP has become extremely desperate in its unreasonable moves to push the south-north relations to overall confrontation through a new investigation.
    What is serious in the "new law on special inspection" called for by the party is that it tried to link the "remittance to the north" with the "nuclear issue of the north," the statement noted, adding that this is an anti-reunification act going against the spirit of the June 15 Joint Declaration.
    The statement demanded the GNP disorganize itself as it is following the U.S. war strategy against the north while ignoring the ardent desire of all people in the struggle to achieve independence and peace through national cooperation.

Solidarity with DPRK expressed

    Pyongyang, July 17 (KCNA) -- The secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation released a statement on July 11 on the occasion of the June 25-July 27 Month of the Anti-U.S. Joint Struggle. The statement urged the united states and its followers to stop at once their moves of rendering the situation of the Korean peninsula strained, well aware of the truth behind the nuclear crisis.
    Unless the threat and blackmail moves against the DPRK stop the situation of the peninsula will get further strained and the dialogue for the peaceful reunification of Korea will come to a rupture, it said.
    The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is joining the world peace-loving forces in the recent solidarity movement for supporting the DPRK, it said, expressing full support to the statement for solidarity with Korea adopted at an international meeting of communist and labor parties in Athens.

President Kim Il Sung remembered abroad

    Pyongyang, July 17 (KCNA) -- Meetings for remembering President Kim Il Sung took place from July 7 to 9 in Kiev and Minsk and by the British group for the study of the Juche idea, the nationalist socialist party of Syria and the transport trade union in Lebanon. Reports and speeches were made at the meetings.
    The vice-chairman of the Nationalist Socialist Party of Syria in Lebanon in his speech said in detail that Kim Il Sung always extended support and encouragement to the just cause of the Arab people.
    The chairman of the Ukraine society for the study of the Juche idea noted in his report that Kim Il Sung was the outstanding great man representing the 20th century and the great master of ideology and theory, introducing his ideological and theoretical feats.
    The chairman of the Belarus association for the study of the Juche idea said in his report that the whole life of Kim Il Sung was that of a national hero, peerless patriot and outstanding leader.

Meeting on Korean situation held

    Pyongyang, July 17 (KCNA) -- A consultative meeting of Christians in different countries and regions on the Korean situation was co-sponsored in Washington by the national council of the churches of Christ in the U.S. and the church world service from June 16 to 18. The meeting discussed a joint action program to peacefully settle the crisis on the Korean peninsula and adopted a statement on it.
    The DPRK has taken a series of broad-minded measures to defuse the tensions over various issues including the nuclear issue but the U.S. has not responded to them, the statement said, urging the U.S. government to clarify its position on peacefully easing the tensions on the peninsula.
    It strongly demanded the U.S. withdraw its policy on a preemptive attack on the DPRK, resume the direct dialogue with it, conclude a non-aggression treaty with it and replace the armistice agreement by a peace agreement.
    The statement called upon all the Christian organizations in the U.S. and the rest of the world to actively turn out in a drive to peacefully settle the crisis on the Korean peninsula in firm solidarity with the Christians in the north and south of Korea.

KCNA refutes Japanese heavyweight's ultra-nationalist remarks

    Pyongyang, July 17 (KCNA) --Dietman from the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) of Japan Eto, an ultra-right reactionary element, again let loose reckless remarks, inviting criticism of the public at home and abroad and touching off indignation of the Asians. On July 12 he at a branch regular meeting of the LDP defended the Japanese imperialists' invasion of Asia and the monstrous murders committed by them in China and other places. As if it were not enough with this he, referring to Japan's military occupation of Korea, asserted that both countries signed a pact and the UN unconditionally supported it, stunning the people.
    It is a common sense that there existed no un in the period of the Japanese imperialists' military occupation of Korea and it is a stark historical fact that the Japanese imperialists committed bloody massacres wherever they set their feet.
    Historical facts can be neither denied nor falsified.
    Eto, who has been elected member of the house of representatives from the LDP for the last ten consecutive terms, once held the post of the director general of the agency of management and coordination. If he lacks such a common sense, it is clear that the Japanese politicians are all philistines with low i.q.
    What matters is that he is behaving like a schizophrenic patient, unbecoming for his status as a veteran dietman from the LDP.
    His wild remarks not only betray the sophism of a demented person but reflect Japan's political tendency.
    The Japanese reactionaries are putting forward such fanatic ultra-nationalists as Eto and Ishihara to justify Japan's military occupation rule over Korea in a bid to flee from its responsibility for evading the redeem of its past and rapidly militarize the Japanese society.
    This is eloquently proved by what Fukuda, chief cabinet secretary of Japan, told journalists on July 14 soon after Eto's remarks. He said that "the government is not in a position to comment on the remarks made by a dietman."
    At such tacit connivance of the authorities the Japanese ultra-nationalists are making provocative remarks one after another in a bid to create an atmosphere of turning the Japanese society to the right and pushing forward in real earnest their moves for militarization and fascism to launch reinvasion of Asia.
    The Japanese reactionaries are well advised to bear in mind that such moves will only lead Japan to a final ruin.

Militarist maniac's outbursts blasted

    Pyongyang, July 17 (KCNA) -- Takami Eto, member of the House of Representatives from the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, at a "branch regular meeting" let loose outbursts distorting the history in a bid to justify the Japanese imperialists' occupation of Korea. This comes under fire by papers here today. This clearly proves that the true colors and wild dream of the militarist maniacs remain unchanged despite the flow of time, they say.
    Rodong Sinmun in a signed commentary says that the "Korea-Japan Annexation Treaty" mentioned by him was a "treaty" forced by the Japanese imperialists upon Korea in 1910 as they occupied her by force of arms and, moreover, the united nations did not exist at that time. The aim sought by the Japanese right-wing reactionaries through the distortion of the history of aggression and war is to imbue the Japanese people with the militarist idea to repeat its blood-stained history, the commentary observes, and goes on:
    Eto made so far-fetched assertion as to insist that the Japanese imperialists' military occupation of Korea was "legal" as it was "unconditionally recognized by the un." such shameless distortion of history, in essence, means a total denial of aggression and crimes committed by the Japanese imperialists in the past.
    Eto is a die-hard ultra-right reactionary steeped in the militarist idea to the marrow of his bone. What he uttered, therefore, fully reflects the militarist wild dream of the Japanese reactionary forces keen on the distortion of history and reinvasion.
    Eto's remarks can not but pose a serious problem as they came at a time when the Japanese reactionaries are openly advocating a "hard-line measure", "pressure" and "preemptive attack" and putting spurs to their moves for the reinvasion of Korea, while escalating their steps to become a military power and rushing headlong into overseas aggression.

Election campaign brisk in DPRK

    Pyongyang, July 17 (KCNA) -- The election campaign is surging into a high tide all over the DPRK with the approach of elections of deputies to the 11th Supreme People's Assembly and those to the people's assemblies of provinces, cities and counties. Hanging in different cities and rural villages and on office buildings, factories and enterprises are election posters and slogans such as "August 3 is the day of elections of deputies to the Supreme People's Assembly and those to the people's assemblies of provinces, cities and counties. Let all of us participate in the elections" "Let all of us participate in the elections of deputies to the people's power organs to firmly consolidate the revolutionary power" and "Let us greet the elections of deputies to the people's assemblies of all levels with ardent political zeal and signal achievements in our work".
    Theatres, cinema houses and public halls are alive with art agitation activities by art troupes and schoolchildren's propaganda groups. Schoolchildren's brass bands and singing squads are marching through streets and villages to enliven the election atmosphere.
    All force and means of propaganda have been mobilized to inspire the working people in their energetic drive to greet the elections with high political enthusiasm and significant achievements in their work.
    Officials of the election committees and members of the campaign groups are all out in their activities to guide all the voters to participate in the elections as one with ardent political zeal.
    The whole country is seething with revolutionary enthusiasm to demonstrate once again the might of the revolutionary ranks of Juche united with a single heart under the banner of Songun and the dignity and grand appearance of the socialist motherland without vacillation in any storm through the elections, the first of their kind in the new century.

Clinical medicine dictionary published

    Pyongyang, July 17 (KCNA) -- The foreign language books publishing house of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has published the clinical medicine dictionary. The dictionary will be helpful to clinical practice since new medicines are developed constantly and the name of a medicine is used differently by nations where it is produced.
    The dictionary contains the ingredients, effects, application, dosage, contraindication, side-effects, etc. of more than 5,000 medicines which are popular at home and abroad. It also contains some 25,000 synonyms.
    It gives the dosage of each medicine as described by its producer.
    The dictionary is compiled in a simple and popular language for the convenience of understanding.

10-day film show opens

    Pyongyang, July 17 (KCNA) -- A 10-day film show was opened on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the victory in the Great Fatherland Liberation War. To be shown in this period are documentary films on the immortal exploits President Kim Il Sung performed by leading the war to victory and the greatness of leader Kim Jong Il exalting the dignity and honor of the Juche-based socialist country with his unique Songun revolutionary leadership.
    They include "Fatherly Leader Among Soldiers", "Bringing about Great Turn with Songun Revolutionary Leadership", "having the great brilliant commander" (series), "Song of General Kim Jong Il reverberates through the world".
    Cinema-goers will also see "Wolmi Island", "Defenders of Height 1211", "We Wait for Order" and other feature films representing the heroism displayed by servicepersons of the Korean People's Army in the period of the war and the spiritual world of the army and people of the DPRK in the Songun era.
    An opening ceremony of the show took place at the People's Palace of Culture here today.
    The show will take place at cinemas and houses of culture across the country till July 27.

Friendly meeting with Egyptian diplomats held

    Pyongyang, July 17 (KCNA) -- A friendly meeting was held at Kim Song Ju Primary School, the DPRK-Egypt Friendship School, in Pyongyang today on the occasion of the 51st anniversary of the July 23 revolution, the national holiday of the Egyptian people. Present on invitation were Ambassador Ahmed Ramy and staff members of the Egyptian embassy here.
    The guests laid a bunch of flowers before the statue of President Kim Il Sung at the school and paid tribute to him.
    After being briefed on the history of the school, they looked round the educational facilities of the school. They conversed with its teachers and danced singing songs together with its pupils, deepening the friendship.

For Spanish-speaking people

rpdc: propaganda electoral en animacion

    pyongyang, 17 de julio (atcc) -- en visperas de las elecciones de los diputados a la xi legislatura de la asamblea popular suprema y a las asambleas populares de las provincias, ciudades y distritos la propaganda electoral se desarrolla animadamente en todos los lugares de corea. en las ciudades, campos rurales, organos, fabricas y empresas del pais se ven los afiches relativos a las elecciones y las consignas "el 3 de agosto es el dia de las elecciones de los diputados a la asamblea popular suprema y a las asambleas populares de las provincias, ciudades y distritos. todos, a las elecciones", "que todos participen en las elecciones de los diputados a los organos del poder popular para consolidar monoliticamente el poder revolucionario", "acojamos con el elevado entusiasmo politico y los brillantes exitos laborales las elecciones de los diputados a las asambleas populares a todos los niveles" en los teatros, cines y casas se efectuan las actividades de agitacion artistica de las entidades artisticas y grupos de propaganda electoral de escolares y las bandas de instrumentos de viento de escolares y grupos de coro improvisado de escolares para fomentar un ambiente electoral recorriendo las calles y aldeas.
    se movilizan tambien todas las fuerzas y medios de propaganda para esta labor.
    los funcionarios de los comites electorales y los miembros de los grupos de propaganda electoral despliegan con vigor las actividades de propaganda para que todos los electores participen como un solo hombre en las presentes elecciones con el alto entusiasmo politico.
    todo el pais bulle de un alto entusiasmo politico de manifestar una vez mas, a traves de las presentes elecciones que tendran lugar por primera vez en el nuevo siglo, el poderio de las filas revolucionarias del juche unidas monoliticamente bajo la bandera del songun (priorizacion militar), la dignidad y el aspecto majestuoso de la patria socialista que no vacila ante cualquier tempestad.

editado "diccionario de medicamentos modernos clinicos"

    pyongyang, 17 de julio (atcc) -- recientemente, la editora de libros en lenguas extranjeras de corea dio a luz el "diccionario de medicamentos modernos clinicos". el libro fue redactado para dar ayuda a la practica clinica tomando en consideracion el hecho de que en el dominio de la medicina clinica se desarrollan sin interrupcion numerosas medicinas y son diferentes por cada pais de fabricacion tambien los nombres de los mismos medicamentos.
    recoge mas de 5 mil medicamentos clinicos que se usan en la republica popular democratica de corea o se utilizan ampliamente en el mundo y da su composicion, accion, indicacion, metodo de uso y contraindicacion, malos efectos y tipo de medicamentos. tambien da mas de 25 000 articulos.
    la unidad de dosis se basa en la marca de los respectivos paises.