U.S. urged to change its undesirable stand

    Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- These days some officials of the Bush administration, though belatedly, acknowledge the realistic nature of the DPRK-U.S. Agreed Framework, referring to the unfeasibility of the U.S. policy that calls for "the scrapping of nuclear program first" and "pressure" upon the DPRK. Such moves are quite natural and the U.S. should change its unrealistic stand as soon as possible, urges Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary. The paper says: The situation of the Korean peninsula is running toward the brink of an unpredictable war due to the U.S. which is dead set against the DPRK-proposed direct DPRK-U.S. talks and conclusion of a non-aggression pact and insists only on "the scrapping of nuclear program first" and multilateral talks while seeking to lay an "international siege" around the DPRK.
    If the U.S. has no intention to attack the DPRK, there will be no reason for it to fail to accept the proposal of the DPRK, the commentary says, and goes on:
    The U.S. should clearly know that any pressure, blockade and military threat never work on the DPRK.
    The nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. should, under all circumstances, be settled through equal and direct talks between the two sides and their conclusion of a non-aggression pact. This is the invariable principled stand of the DPRK on the solution of the issue.
    The U.S. had better properly understand the unreasonableness of its assertions and the justice of the DPRK's proposal and make a practicable option.
    The DPRK is fully ready for both dialogue and military action.
    Whether the nuclear issue between the two countries is settled in a peaceful way or by war depends on the U.S. action.

KCNA urges negotiations based on equality and trust

    Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- The DPRK and the United States are locked in tense confrontation at the crossroads of war and peace due to the extreme hostile policy of the U.S. toward the DPRK. If a war broke out between them, it would be the fiercest war ever seen in the history of humankind. In face of this serious situation, the DPRK government some time ago put forward an innovative proposal to hold bilateral talks between the DPRK and the U.S. before U.S.-favored multilateral talks out of the desire to resolve the nuclear issue between the two sides and ensure durable peace and security in the Korean peninsula and Northeast Asia.
    And it set forth a new and broad-minded proposal to fundamentally settle the DPRK-U.S. nuclear issue at the Beijing talks in April.
    The DPRK's proposals are realistic, fair and aboveboard ones which take into consideration the background and present state of the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S., the ways of its settlement and even the U.S. "concern."
    It is well known a fact that the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula was caused by the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK and has got more serious after the Bush administration came on the scene.
    If the Bush administration had dropped this hostile policy and not listed the DPRK as a member of the "axis of evil" and target of preemptive nuclear strike, the DPRK-U.S. nuclear issue would not have been pushed to such an acute phase.
    Even though the DPRK-U.S. nuclear issue was carried into extremes, the DPRK with utmost tolerance proposed to hold DPRK-U.S. bilateral talks first and sign a non-aggression treaty through a statement of the spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry on October 25 last year and other occasions.
    Nevertheless, the United States is still insisting on "scrapping nuclear program before dialogue" and seeking to isolate and stifle the DPRK by forming what it calls "international siege".
    It is a brigandish demand little short of a call for unconditional surrender that a belligerent party urges the other to lay down arms before talks.
    The nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. is a very acute matter of "who beats whom." therefore, there can be no unilateral concession or compromise forced by one side. It can be settled only through negotiations based on the principles of fairness, equality and trust.
    As the increasing nuclear threat and war provocation moves of the U.S. compelled the DPRK to reinforce its self-defensive nuclear deterrent, the DPRK-U.S. nuclear issue must in any case be settled through simultaneous actions.
    If the United States dropped its hostile policy toward the DPRK and legally committed itself to non-aggression, the latter would be ready to dispel the U.S. "concern." insisting on "scrapping nuclear program before dialogue" aimed at disarmament of the DPRK cannot be construed otherwise than an intention not to solve the nuclear issue.
    If the United States truly wants a peaceful solution of the DPRK-U.S. nuclear issue, it should respond to the DPRK-proposed negotiations based on equality and confidence.

Greetings to Nigerian Foreign Minister

    Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun sent a message of greetings to Oluyemi Adeniji on his appointment as Foreign Minister of Nigeria. Expressing belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger in the interests of the two peoples, the message sincerely wished him great success in the performance of his new duty.

Cooperation with outsiders blasted

    Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- National independence and cooperation mean patriotism and "cooperation" with foreign forces treachery and death, says Rodong Sinmun Sunday in a signed article. Noting that anti-reunification utterances calling for "cooperation" with outsiders are coming non-stop from South Korea, the article dismisses this as a treacherous act that can be done only by traitors who do not have a shred of consciousness of fellow countrymen.
    It goes on:
    "Cooperation" with outside forces will lead to the destruction of the nation. Leaving the destiny of the country and the nation to the tender mercy of aggressors and plunderers is as good as leaving a sheep to a wolf.
    The nature of the U.S. imperialists can no more change than a wolf can change into a sheep. "cooperation" with them means death.
    Those who truly want national unity and reunification should opt for national independence and cooperation, not "cooperation" with outsiders.

Great change in land management work

    Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- The land management work has been dynamically carried on in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. In the last spring, 188 kilometer-long roads were constructed, over 2,000 kilometer-long roads renewed, 583 millions of trees planted, 12,630 dwelling houses built and a thousand and hundreds of kilometers of rivers and streams improved.
    Working people across the country repaired many sections of pavements, built or mended 4,377 meter-long bridges in 197 spots, and planted or restored some 45,600 road marks and over 248,600 accident-preventing stones.
    Jagang Province improved the technical condition of sharp curves and gradients in the Kanggye-Huichon Motorway and other main roads and planted over 1,698,000 trees along the roads.
    Some 11,800 hectares of forests including over 4,600 hectares of forests for firewood were created in South Hwanghae Province, while good species of trees were planted in 3,000-odd hectares in North Hamgyong Province.
    Large and small building-materials production bases in North Hwanghae, North Hamgyong, Jagang and other provinces are turning out coating and other building materials needed for repairing thousands of dwelling houses and public buildings.
    Some 3,000 dwelling houses were constructed and 8,460 odd houses repaired in North Phyongan Province.
    Branch channels of the Kaechon-Lake Thaesong Waterway, tens of kilometers of tidewater dikes and riverbanks were constructed and a large number of trees planted there.
    Besides, thousands of hectares of grass and mulberry fields were created and stockbreeding and fishing farms built.
    For the past seven years until the end of last year, the Korean people built 750-odd-kilometer-long highways, and some 200 bridges and improved the technical condition of over 8,400 kilometer-long main roads. They also readjusted tens of thousands of kilometers of rivers and streams and created a large acreage of forests.

U.S. war scenario under fire

    Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the National Reconciliation Council issued a statement on Monday accusing the U.S. of having worked out and published "Operation Plan 5030", a scenario for a war of aggression against the DPRK. The statement said:
    It is the desire of the Koreans in the north and the south to put an end to the long history of antipathy and confrontation and open a new phase of reconciliation and reunification under the banner of the June 15 Joint Declaration. But the U.S. is working desperately to stem this trend.
    This is clearly evidenced by the fact that it is now giving spurs to bolstering up the U.S. troops in South Korea after working out the very provocative "Operation Plan 5030" targeted against the DPRK and is holding war confabs with South Korean brasshats one after another. But this only lays bare its despicable true nature as an aggressor and splittist.
    The national reconciliation council bitterly denounces the U.S. warhawks for stepping up their criminal moves for a new war in a bid to harass the peace in Korea, block its peaceful reunification and bring a nuclear holocaust to the Korean nation.
    No war fever on the part of the U.S. can bring the army and people of the DPRK to their knees or stop the nation's advance for reconciliation, unity and reunification, the statement said, urging the U.S. to stop running amuck and immediately stop reckless anti-DPRK war racket, clearly understanding who its opponent is.

Voters' lists published

    Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- Voters' lists were published on July 19 by the constituency and sub-constituency committees for the election of deputies to the 11th Supreme People's Assembly and those to the provincial (municipal), city (district) and county people's assemblies. The voters' lists have been worked out strictly on the basis of detailed regulations for the enforcement of the law on the election of deputies to the people's assemblies at all levels of the DPRK.
    All citizens in their residential areas with rights to vote have been registered on the lists.
    Voters are verifying their names on the lists.

Passage of new special inspection law flailed

    Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- The South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification reportedly denounced the Grand National Party for railroading a "new law on special inspection" single-handed through the "National Assembly" with its groundless assertion and conjecture, which it said is a head-on challenge to the trend of inter-Korean reconciliation, unity and reunification and a fraud to hoodwink the people. The organization said in a statement on July 16 that if the GNP continues anti-national action on the basis of "information" given by the foreign forces, it would bring about an irretrievable ruin.
    We will wage an all-people struggle with the will to implement the joint declaration and defend peace against war and thus permit no moves of the GNP and other anti-reunification forces, prevent a war by the U.S. in this land and achieve independent and peaceful reunification, the statement noted.

U.S. drop of its "Operation Plan 5030" urged

    Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- The "Operation Plan 5030" worked out by the U.S. is a war scenario which has been elaborated to start the second Korean war on the basis of all the existing war plans and the "experience" it gained and the operation methods it employed in the Iraqi war. Papers here today say this in signed commentaries. Rodong Sinmun says that the "Operation Plan 5030" is aimed to put into practice the war outcry made by the U.S. imperialist bellicose forces that North Korea is their next target after Iraq.
    It goes on:
    The U.S. is inciting mistrust and enmity against the DPRK through various smear campaigns, shunning the DPRK-U.S. bilateral talks for the solution to the nuclear issue between them. It is, at the same time, vociferating about a "military option," talking about a "limit to diplomatic efforts."
    As its strategy to isolate and blockade the DPRK met only a setback and frustration, the U.S. is contemplating a reckless use of force, bereft of reason.
    The arrogant attempt of the U.S. imperialist bellicose forces to invade the DPRK has reached an adventurous phase of its realization, going beyond the danger line. as proven by the announcement of the "Operation Plan 5030" and the u.s. imperialists' recent military moves against the DPRK, the second Korean war may break out any moment.
    They are just watching for a chance to trigger off the war.
    If the U.S. invades the DPRK, the army and people of the DPRK will mobilize all the war deterrent forces and wipe out the aggressors to the last man in a do-or-die spirit. The second Korean war will spill over into a new global war. In that case the U.S\ imperialist aggressors will perish in the flames like a tiger moth.
    The U.S. is well advised to properly know who will be its rival and stop at once its dangerous war moves.
    Minju Joson warns that the U.S. warhawks are well advised to cool their war fever, withdraw their adventurous "Operation Plan 5030" and halt their moves to provoke a war against the DPRK.

Greetings to Colombian President

    Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, on July 18 sent a message of greetings to Alvaro Uribe Velez, President of Colombia, on the occasion of its national day. Expressing belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue to develop on good terms, the message sincerely wished the president new success in his work for the stability and prosperity of the country.

Kim Jong Il gives field guidance to power station construction

    Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il gave field guidance to the construction of the Orangchon Power Station in North Hamgyong Province. He was accompanied by chief of the KPA general staff Kim Yong Chun, first vice department directors of the WPK Central Committee Ri Yong Chol and Choe Chun Hwang and members of the operation command group of the KPA Supreme Command.
    He learned in detail about the progress made in the construction. The station is located in a good place and designed well to fully implement the principle of profitability, he said, greatly satisfied to see the country's one more edifice of eternal value under construction.
    Greatly pleased to learn that the builders including the members of the young volunteer groups have done a great deal of work in a short span of time, he highly praised their devoted efforts and extended warm thanks to all the builders for sweating a lot with loyalty to build a great prosperous powerful nation.
    It is a spectacular success that party members and other working people in North Hamgyong Province have built by themselves many modern power stations and edifices in the Songun era in different places despite difficulties under the motto "as the party decides, so we do", he noted, adding with pride that such precious result is a striking demonstration of the great spiritual power that can be displayed only by the Korean people single-heartedly united around the party.
    He set forth important tasks which would serve as guidelines in completing the construction of the power station earlier than scheduled. Saying that building hydro-power stations is beneficial from the economic point of view and provides the shortest cut to fully meeting the ever-growing demands for electricity under the natural and geographical conditions of the country which abounds in rivers and streams, he underscored the need to steadily implement to the letter the party's policy on building minor power stations on a large-scale along with large hydro-power stations.
    He called on all the builders including the members of the young volunteer groups to complete the construction of the power station as early as possible with redoubled courage by displaying the revolutionary soldier spirit and the revolutionary spirit of fortitude and thus demonstrate the heroic stamina of the Korean youth.

KCNA on U.S. moves for preemptive attack on DPRK

    Pyongyang, July 19 (KCNA) -- The U.S. is reportedly contemplating deploying a carrier flotilla and one task brigade equipped with new types of transport planes and other strategic means in pearl harbor under the pretext of "threat" from the DPRK. This is a very dangerous military move. In the meantime, a provocative anti-north war scenario dubbed "5030" is said to be in the making by the U.S. Defence Department.
    This is part of the U.S. extremely reckless preparations to launch a nuclear war, pursuant to its strategy for a preemptive attack, going beyond the phase of "deterrence" that has been maintained so far while shunning the DPRK's new, bold proposal. It is, therefore, a breach of the un charter which bans any act of threatening the sovereign states by armed forces.
    Recently the U.S. has massively bolstered up its troops in and around South Korea for a preemptive attack on the north. It published "arms buildup plan" of the U.S. forces present in South Korea, a plan that calls for spending 11 billion dollars, and according to it, hi-tech weapons that had been used in the Iraqi war are being redeployed in South Korea.
    A particular mention should be made of the fact that it is stepping up the transfer of the U.S. second infantry division to the areas south of the River Han in a bid to occupy positions favorable for mounting a preemptive attack on the north.
    The U.S. brought f-117 stealth fighters to South Korea and deployed B-52 and B-1 strategic bombers on Guam island targeted against the DPRK. All these moves are to carry out its strategy for a preemptive attack.
    The U.S. Defense Department reorganized the U.S. 8th army stationed in South Korea into a field army system, thus letting the huge U.S. forces in Northeast Asia come within the sphere of the military operation of the U.S. 8th army command. It set up the U.S. 9th theatre army command in Japan, making it possible for it to directly participate in military operations on the Korean peninsula.
    Pentagon also organized a first-line unit for a preemptive attack involving U.S. marines in Okinawa, the U.S. 7th fleet and 3rd fleet, the U.S. 7th air force in South Korea, the U.S. 5th air force in Japan and others it is quite clear that these dangerous military moves being staged by the U.S. behind the scene of "multilateral talks" are aimed to mount a surprise attack on the DPRK.
    The U.S. should not misjudge the DPRK.
    In case the U.S. mounts a preemptive attack on it, the DPRK will take self-defensive measures involving all means equivalent to what the U.S. will use.

U.S. urged to drop attempt at preemptive nuclear attack on DPRK

    Pyongyang, July 19 (KCNA) -- The U.S. Defense Department is contemplating the deployment of a task brigade in pearl harbor, an indication that the U.S. is implementing its military plan for a preemptive strike at the DPRK after listing it as a "dangerous terrorism sponsor." Minju Joson today says this in a signed commentary.
    It goes on:
    What the U.S. seeks is to totally reexamine the "deterrent strategy", a main strategy for realizing its ambition for world hegemony, and meet all the challenges to it beforehand by carrying out the "strategy for a preemptive strike".
    Finding it hard to settle the nuclear issue as Washington intends and implement its policy to stifle the DPRK, the U.S. seeks to attain its criminal aim to stifle the DPRK at any cost by mounting a preemptive attack on it.
    The U.S. moves for a preemptive attack on the DPRK are a criminal act that should be cursed and condemned by the international community as they are a wanton violation of the un charter which bans any act of threatening sovereign states by force of arms.
    It is a legitimate right of the DPRK, a sovereign state, to protect by all means and methods its sovereignty from being encroached upon. The U.S. is well advised to drop its reckless attempt at a preemptive nuclear attack on the DPRK, bearing in mind that the greater the U.S. pressure and threat become, the stronger retaliation the DPRK will take against them.

Papers observe anniversary of DPRK-Russia Joint Declaration

    Pyongyang, July 19 (KCNA) -- Papers here today carry signed articles on the occasion of the 3rd anniversary of the DPRK-Russia Joint Declaration. Rodong Sinmun says that the historic Pyongyang meeting and talks between leader Kim Jong Il and President Putin and the adoption of the joint declaration in July 2000 marked an important event as it put the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries on a new stage. The bilateral relations have since favorably developed in line with the desire and interests of the two peoples, the paper notes.
    It goes on:
    The planned and positive efforts of the Russian state leadership to increase the national defense capability of the country and imbue the people with patriotism and national self-respect, promote the people's well-being and achieve social progress are commanding support and sympathy from its people.
    The Korean people are closely following and appreciating the positive developments in Russia.
    Minju Joson says that exchange and cooperation between the DPRK and Russia are brisk in economic, cultural and other fields, stressing this fully encourages the two countries in their efforts to achieve social progress and development.

Foreign investigation groups and representatives here

    Pyongyang, July 19 (KCNA) -- Foreign investigation groups and representatives arrived here today to participate in the international conference for peace on the Korean peninsula and solidarity functions to be held on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the victory in the Great Fatherland Liberation War. Among them were Beth S. Lyons, representative of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers for Probing the Truth behind the GIs' atrocities who is its alternate representative at the UN, a Latin American and Caribbean Regional Group for Probing the Truth Behind the GIs' Atrocities led by Genaro Ledesma Izquieta, first vice-chairman of the Latin American and Caribbean Regional Committee to Support the Reunification of Korea who is also chairman of the People's Front of Workers, Peasants and Students of Peru, Nelia R. Sancho, Asian Regional Representative for Probing the Truth Behind the GIs' Atrocities who is also president of the Philippines-DPRK Friendship Society, a West European Regional Group for Probing the Truth Behind the GIs' Atrocities headed by Alejandro Cao De Benos, president of the Korean Friendship Association in Spain, and George Katsiaficas, North American Regional Representative for Probing the Truth Behind GIs' Atrocities who is also president of the U.S. Peace Island Foundation.
    They were greeted at the airport by Kim Jin Bom, vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries who is also vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Solidarity with the World People.

World called upon to reject U.S. war scenario

    Pyongyang, July 19 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Korea Anti-Nuke Peace Committee issued a statement today in which he urged the U.S. to roll back the reckless "Operation Plan 5030" and immediately stop its criminal racket for a war of aggression against the north and appealed to the world to reject and denounce this war scenario. The statement said:
    The U.S. cited the "weapons of mass destruction" as a pretext for invading Iraq. It is now going to launch the second Korean war under the pretext of the "nuclear issue." This is a real aim sought by the U.S.
    That is why the U.S. is not opting for a solution to the nuclear issue, adamantly sidestepping the DPRK-U.S. direct talks, but making it more complicated and leading the situation to the brink of war.
    The U.S. attempt at a military attack under the pretext of the "nuclear issue" has now gone beyond its critical point and this pushes the situation on the Korean peninsula to such a dangerous phase that the most disastrous and catastrophic nuclear war in human history may break out any moment.
    The U.S. which has become more arrogant than ever before through the Iraqi war is now getting frantic, bereft of reason.
    But the army and people of the DPRK will mercilessly punish the aggressors and provocateurs by mobilizing all means they have built up century after century and give miserable death to them.
    The U.S. adventurous "Operation Plan 5030" will only precipitate its self-destruction.
    Availing ourselves of this opportunity, we express the firm belief that all the South Koreans and world peace-loving people desirous of peace on the Korean peninsula and its peaceful reunification will reject and denounce the U.S. dangerous war moves rendering the situation on the peninsula extremely tense and turn out in a vigorous campaign to stop them.

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il dirige lugar de construccion de central hidroelectrica orangchon

    pyongyang, 21 de julio (atcc) -- el dirigente kim jong il, secretario general del partido del trabajo de corea y presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la republica popular democratica de corea dirigio sobre el terreno el lugar de construccion de la central hidroelectrica orangchon situada en la provincia de hamgyong del norte. le acompanaron el jefe del estado mayor general del ejercito popular de corea kim yong chun, los primeros subjefes de departamento del cc del ptc ri yong chol y choe chun hwang y los miembros del grupo de mando operacional de la comandancia suprema del epc.
    el dirigente, al enterarse de los detalles del estado de promocion de la obra, dijo que es buena la situacion de la central y se hizo bien su diseno al materializar estrictamente el principio del rendimiento real y se mostro muy satisfecho de que se construye una nueva creacion de gran alcance del pais.
    se regocijo mucho de que los miembros de la brigada de la juventud y otros constructores terminaron en un corto plazo de tiempo enorme cantidad de trabajo, evaluo altamente sus meritos y les expreso su cordial saludo a todos los constructores que derraman sudores de fidelidad para la construccion de la patria rica y poderosa.
    dijo que en pleno acato a la consigna de conviccion "cumplimos si lo decide el partido", los miembros del partido y otros trabajadores de la provincia de hamgyong del norte levantaron con sus propias fuerzas aun en las circunstancias dificiles, un gran numero de modernas centrales hidraulicas y otras creaciones de la epoca del songun (priorizacion militar), lo cual constituye un gran exito y anadio que este precioso fruto es una brillante manifestacion de la gran fuerza espiritual que solo puede poseer nuestro pueblo unido monoliticamente en torno al partido.
    presento las tareas programaticas que sirven de guia para terminar con anticipacion la construccion de la central hidroelectrica.
    dijo que en vista de la condicion natural y geografica de nuestro pais que tiene muchos rios y riachuelos, la construccion de las centrales hidroelectricas es economica y es el recto camino para resolver satisfactoriamente la creciente demanda de la electricidad y destaco que deben seguir materializando cabalmente la politica del partido de construir en gran medida las centrales hidroelectricas de grande, mediano y pequeno tamanos.
    anadio que los miembros de la brigada de la juventud y otros constructores, con el espiritu revolucionario de los militares y de tenaz lucha, deben demostrar el impetu heroico de los jovenes coreanos para asi terminar con anticipacion la construccion de la central hidroelectrica.

negociaciones rpdc-ee.uu. deben basarse en igualdad y confianza

    pyongyang, 21 de julio (atcc) -- debido a la extremada politica hostil de ee.uu. a la republica popular democratica de corea, estos dos paises estan en el punto critico: guerra o paz. una vez estallada la guerra entre ambos paises, sera una contienda mas enconada sin precedente en la historia humana.
    en relacion con esta grave situacion, hace poco, el gobierno de la rpdc, a partir de un deseo de solucionar el problema nuclear entre ambos paises y preservar la paz y la seguridad duraderas en la peninsula coreana y el resto del nordeste asiatico, presento un proyecto renovador de sostener primeramente las conversaciones bilaterales corea-ee.uu. y, despues, las multipartitas que propone este ultimo pais.
    tambien, en las conversaciones de beijing sostenidas en ultimo abril propuso un nuevo y audaz proyecto para solucionar de manera raigal el problema nuclear entre los dos paises.
    las propuestas del gobierno de la rpdc son las realistas y justas que tomaron en consideracion el proceso del surgimiento del asunto en cuestion, su estado actual y su medio de solucion e incluso la "preocupacion" de ee.uu.
    es bien conocido que el problema nuclear de la peninsula coreana fue generado por la politica hostil de ee.uu. a corea y se ha venido empeorando mas despues de la aparicion de la administracion bush.
    aun en la condicion de que se pone en el estado extremo el problema nuclear, la rpdc propuso con la magnanimidad el proyecto de anteponer las conversaciones bilaterales entre los dos paises y concertar un tratado de no agresion mediante la declaracion del vocero del minrex del 25 de octubre del ano pasado y otras oportunidades posteriores a eso.
    pero, ee.uu. insiste invariablemente en la "renuncia nuclear, primero" y trata de formar una "red de cerco internacional" para aislarla y aplastarla.
    el que una parte en beligerancia exija a la otra el desarme como premisa del dialogo es una teoria bandidesca que demanda la rendicion incondicional.
    en la solucion del problema nuclear entre la rpdc y ee.uu. no podra existir una concesion parcial ni la conciliacion impuesta por alguien. eso se podra solucionar solo por las negociaciones basadas en el principio de la estricta imparcialidad, la igualdad y la confianza.
    el que nos vemos obligados a fortalecer mas la capacidad de detencion nuclear autodefensiva se debe enteramente a la recrudescente amenaza nuclear y las maniobras de provocacion de guerra de ee.uu. y como tal, el problema nuclear debe ser solucionado estrictamente por la medida de accion simultanea.
    si ee.uu. abandona su politica hostil a la rpdc y asegura con ley la no agresion, esta tambien tiene la voluntad de eliminar la "preocupacion" de aquel.
    si ee.uu. desea de veras la solucion pacifica del problema nuclear, debe acceder a las negociaciones basadas en la igualdad y la confianza.

ee.uu. debe cambiar cuanto antes de su posicion irrealista

    pyongyang, 21 de julio (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun", en un comentario individual del dia 21, senala que se debe considerar debido que recientemente, dentro de la administracion bush se circula una opinion publica de irrealidad de su insistencia en la "renuncia nuclear de norcorea, primero" y "politica de presion contra corea del norte", evaluando aunque sea tarde, la realidad del acuerdo basico corea-ee.uu. e insiste en que ee.uu. debe cambiar cuanto antes de su posicion irrealista. ee.uu., dando espaldas a nuestra propuesta de sostener las conversaciones directas y de concertar el tratado de no agresion entre ambos paises e insistiendo en la "renuncia nuclear, primero" y las conversaciones multipartitas, se afana en formar el "anillo de cerco internacional" contra republica popular democratica de corea, debido a lo cual, la situacion de la peninsula coreana se encuentra en visperas de la guerra, senala el comentario y continua:
    si ee.uu. no tiene la voluntad de atacarnos, no tendra ninguna razon de no aceptar la propuesta de nuestra republica de conversaciones bilaterales y de no concertar un tratado de no agresion entre ambos paises.
    ee.uu. debe darse clara cuenta de que cualquier presion, bloqueo y amenaza militar no surtiran efecto para corea del norte.
    el problema nuclear entre la rpdc y ee.uu. debe ser resuelto por medio de las conversaciones directas e igualitarias y la concertacion del tratado de no agresion entre ambos paises. esta es nuestra invariable posicion para la solucion del problema nuclear entre los dos paises.
    sera mejor para ee.uu. que tome una opcion util, al reconocer la injusticia de su insistencia y la justeza de la propuesta de la rpdc de sostener conversaciones directas y de concertar un tratado de no agresion entre ambos paises.
    la rpdc esta lista tanto para las conversaciones como para el metodo militar. la solucion del problema nuclear entre la rpdc y ee.uu. depende enteramente de la actitud de este pais.