Closing Ceremony of Month of International Solidarity in Mexico

    Pyongyang, August 7 (KCNA) --A closing ceremony of the month of international solidarity with the Korean people was held in Mexico on July 31. Present at the closing ceremony were chairmen and members of organisations for friendship and solidarity with the Korean people.
    The Korean ambassador to Mexico and embassy officials were present on invitation.
    The ceremony was addressed by the chairman of the Mexican Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification, the chairman of the Mexican Fellowship Union to Honour the Memory of President Kim Il Sung and the chairman of the Mexico-Korea Friendship Association.
    The speakers warmly congratulated the Korean people on the 50th anniversary of their victory in the fatherland liberation war and expressed firm solidarity with them who are resolutely defending socialism under the wise Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    Alejandro Rosales Sanchez, chairman of the Mexican Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification, said:
    The U.S. imperialists knelt down before the Korean people in the three-year war they ignited. It is generalissimo Kim Il Sung who led this war to victory.
    At the time of the ship "Pueblo" incident, too, the U.S. imperialists knelt down. standing in the van of the heroic Korean people was marshal Kim Jong Il, a young general in the twenties.
    The U.S. moves to stifle socialism after designating Korea as part of an "axis of evil" and a "terrorism-supporting state" are going beyond the limit. But under the Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il the Korean people will surely triumph in the confrontation with the U.S. and achieve the cause of the country's reunification.

Grand March for Reunification against U.S. Called for

    Pyongyang, August 7 (KCNA) -- The South Headquarters of the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification on August 4 released an appeal titled "Let all the youth and students turn out in the August 15 youth and students grand march to demonstrate the spirit as reunification vanguard." Pointing to the significance of the "August 15 National Meeting for Peace and Reunification" to be held in Pyongyang, the appeal called on the youth and students to take the lead in successfully ensuring the functions common to the nation.
    It called for showing to the world the conviction that "the Korean nation united in the anti-U.S. struggle will surely emerge victorious." It expressed the will to glorify the meeting through a grand march for reunification against the U.S. with the attendance of 10,000 youth and students from all youth and student organizations.
    The appeal called on the youth and students to bring earlier the day of independent reunification without fail by turning out in the grand march for reunification against the U.S. under the mottoes of "by our nation itself", "Let's defend peace from the U.S. and war" and "Let's uphold and implement the June 15 Joint Declaration".

Conference of Japanese Society for the Study of Kimilsungism

    Pyongyang, August 7 (KCNA) -- A conference of the Japanese Society for the Study of Kimilsungism was held in Hokkaido on July 12. Present there were Kenichi Ogami, secretary general of the International Institute of the Juche Idea, and representatives of regional organizations for the study of the Juche idea in Japan.
    Prof. Kikuo Tashiro of Notre Dame Women's College, made a report which was followed by speeches of representatives of regional organizations including the chairman of the Hokkaido Liaison Society for the Study of the Juche Idea.
    The reporter and speakers reviewed the activities of the Juche idea study organizations and called for energetically conducting the study and dissemination of the Juche idea and the movement for Japan-Korea friendship among public figures and masses of all strata in the future.
    At the conference Kikuo Tashiro was elected chairman, Noboru Omine, Hisashi Yuki and Masatake Shinzato vice-chairmen and Masaji Ueki secretary general of the Japanese Society for the Study of Kimilsungism.

GNP Held Responsible for Jong Mong Hon's Death

    Pyongyang, August 7 (KCNA) -- Jong Mong Hon's sudden death was not a suicide but an obvious political murder by the sword called "special investigation" illegally engineered by the Grand National Party of south Korea as the political and social circles in south Korea unanimously claim, said a spokesman for the Central Committee of the Korean Social Democratic Party in a statement on August 6. he said: The GNP group asserted the "Kim Dae Jung government sacrificed a business body for its political purpose." As if it were not enough with this, they went to the lengths of pulling up the north, blustering that they would surely probe the truth behind the issue of remittance to the north through hearing at the "national assembly," if not possible through special investigation or inspection of state administration.
    Such behavior of the GNP is nothing but a foolish attempt to divert the public attention elsewhere as all the circles in south Korea are cursing and denouncing it for being chiefly to blame for Jong Mong Hon's death.
    It goes without saying that the sudden death of Jong Mong Hon was a planned murder committed by the GNP, a traitorous political party which has hamstrung the efforts for common prosperity of the nation and the reunification of the country.
    But for the GNP-introduced "law on special investigation" the tragic death of Jong Mong Hon would not have taken place.
    With no desperate efforts can the GNP evade the responsibility for driving Jong Mong Hon, pioneer of national reconciliation and cooperation, to death.
    Such tragedy of those who have turned out on the road of reunification and patriotism will not cease in south Korea as long as such group of killers as the GNP are still at large.

Kim Il Sung's Exploits Performed in Nation-Building Praised

    Pyongyang, August 7 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung was a gifted thinker and theoretician who was the first in history to indicate the way of building a state centered on the popular masses and a peerless politician who built the DPRK into a socialist power, independent, self-supporting and self-reliant in national defence. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed article:
    What is most important among the exploits performed by the president in the state building is that he set out an original theory of building a state centered on the popular masses, the article says, and continues:
    He was the first in history to develop the idea and theory of power, placing the popular masses in the centre.
    The Juche-oriented theory of state building clarified by him such as the essence and nature of the state power, its form, its function and role and basic principles governing power building is the most revolutionary programme for building the power of Korean style developed, placing the popular masses in the centre.
    He performed shining exploits in building the state centered on the popular masses by enabling the people to live in the genuine homeland and giving an origin to building a new type of a socialist state.
    The president, the father of socialist Korea, was so great that by making a journey of bloody anti-Japanese battles he set up a genuine country of people in which the working people live and they are genuine masters of the state.
    The founding of the DPRK by the president was a historic event as it gave an origin to building a socialist state centered on the popular masses.
    One of the exploits performed by him in building a state centered on the popular masses is that he turned the country into a dignified socialist power.
    He firmly consolidated the eternal foundation for building a rich and powerful country with the people's power as a mighty political weapon.
    The reality of the DPRK advancing toward a high eminence of a great prosperous powerful socialist nation under the ever-victorious banner of Songun prompts the Korean people to recollect with deep emotion the great leadership provided by the president to consolidate the foundation for the grandeur and prosperity of the country.

Acorin Injection Developed

    Pyongyang, August 7 (KCNA) -- Pyongyang University of Medicine in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has developed an acorin injection efficacious for hepatocarcinoma and gastric carcinoma. Each ampoule contains 0.7 milligram of acorin. The injection remarkably decreases hepatocarcinoma. It also reduces ehrlich-ascites carcinoma.
    The injection had been applied to hepatocarcinoma patients from February 1997 to July 2001. The result shows that it begins to prove efficacious 3 days after the application of the injection and neoplasm decreases 80 percent after 3 months.
    According to the result of an experimental treatment of tumor by three local injections of acorin, the rate of neoplasm decrease is 95.6 percent in case of solid tumor.
    The injection can also treat 5 or 10 centimeter-long hepatocarcinoma.
    And it prevents stomachache, poor appetite and weight loss of hepatocarcinoma patients.
    It has neither side-effect nor toxicosis.
    The acorin injection was highly appreciated at the 2nd national exhibition of achievements of universities in scientific researches held in Juche 91 (2002).

Withdrawal of U.S. Troops from South Korea Urged

    Pyongyang, August 7 (KCNA) -- As long as the U.S. imperialist aggression forces stay in south Korea, the south Korean people can never escape from misfortune, sufferings and disasters nor can the whole nation be free from disasters of a nuclear war, much less achieving the peace and peaceful reunification of the country. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed article.
    The article goes on:
    The presence of the U.S. troops in south Korea is quite contrary to the trend of the times when the Korean nation is in the process of achieving reconciliation, cooperation and independent reunification by its concerted efforts.
    Much displeased with the adoption of the June 15 Joint Declaration the United States has worked overtly and covertly to derail the brisk process of achieving reconciliation and independent reunification by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation. The U.S. troops in south Korea have staged madcap war gambles targeted against the north, while chilling the atmosphere of inter-Korean dialogue. GIs' murder does not cease. These facts clearly show that the U.S. forces' presence in south Korea is a crime against the Korean nation, peace and reunification as it blocks the reconciliation and reunification of the Korean nation and is intended to realize the U.S. ambition for aggression of Korea.
    The U.S. bellicose forces' assertion that the DPRK is a threat to the U.S. "security" is none other than an absurd subterfuge to invent a pretext for justifying the U.S. forces' presence in south Korea and hostile moves against the DPRK.
    The United States should clearly know that its aim to stifle the DPRK by force can never be achieved, give up its aggressive policy of occupation of south Korea and stop its moves to start a new war and pull its troops out of it at once.
    This would do the U.S. good as it would save many U.S. soldiers from miserable death and catastrophic disasters.
    The withdrawal of the U.S. troops from south Korea would lead to the peace of Korea, the security of the Korean nation and its independent reunification.

Immortal Feats Performed by Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, August 7 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il saved the human cause of independence from the crisis created by the blatant challenge of the imperialist forces and has invariably led it to victory, says Rodong Sinmun in a signed article today. It goes on:
    He has made an immortal contribution to the human cause of independence by dealing a sledge-hammer blow at the strong-arm and arbitrary practices of the imperialists with the ever-victorious sword of Songun policy.
    He created the unique political method of Songun policy, the first of its kind in history, saved the destiny of humankind from the insane offensive of imperialism and opened a bright horizon before the human cause of independence.
    There is nothing to fear in the world when we defend independence and advance the revolution with arms and when all the army and the whole people carry through the idea and intention of the leader.
    He has built a new global structure of justice and wisely led the struggle for the democratization and independence of the international community, thus putting the human cause of independence on a new track of advance.
    Kim Jong Il, with one declaration, raised the demand of the world progressives as the task of the times and brought down a heavy blow on the heads of the forces insisting on the unequal structure of the world. His tireless external activities brought about a historic turn in the struggle to build a new global structure of justice.
    He gave the world anti-imperialist forces for independence a guarantee for the victory of the human cause of independence by leading them to strengthen their unity and cooperation under the banner of independence.
    He carried on energetic external activities for the unity of the anti-imperialist forces for independence and received many figures who had a will but was uncertain where to go and led them to join the ranks for independence against the imperialists.
    Thanks to his energetic leadership and activities, the anti-imperialist forces for independence could counter the divide-and-crush strategy of the imperialists with their strategy of unity.

U.S.-S. Korea Joint Military Exercises Under fire

    Pyongyang, August 7 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry today issued a statement on the joint military exercises "Ulji Focus Lens" scheduled to be staged by the U.S. imperialists with the south Korean bellicose forces from August 18 to 29. The spokesman says:
    With regard to the exercises, the U.S. is trying to cover up their provocative nature, claiming that "all the exercises will be held through a computer simulation without troop deployment." The exercises staged by the U.S. every year in south Korea, however, are entirely targeted against the DPRK as is the case with other military rehearsals.
    It is well known a fact to the world that the U.S. forces deployed in and around south Korea are largely escalating their threatening military actions according to the "operation plan 5030" directed against the DPRK.
    The scheduled joint military exercises are war rehearsals to "totally examine" the U.S. preparations of a war against the DPRK and nothing can conceal their aggressive nature.
    The adventurous war game is aimed at steadily intensifying tensions on the Korean peninsula and, eventually, making a preemptive attack on the DPRK and attaining sinister strategic goal of the U.S. in Northeast Asia.
    The U.S., remaining as it was, is going to stage such a war drill when the six-party talks for settling the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula is on the order of the day thanks to the DPRK's active efforts and bold initiative. This leaves us skeptical about the U.S. willingness to discard its hostile policy toward the DPRK and make a policy switchover.
    The United States should behave itself with discretion, pondering over the consequences of its reckless moves getting on the nerves of its dialogue counterpart.

Greetings to Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front

    Pyongyang, August 7 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea today sent a message of greetings to the Central Committee of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of its foundation. The message noted that the union achieved national independence through a protracted armed struggle against colonialism and has made great success in the efforts for the political stability and economic development of the country.
    In the belief that the excellent relations of friendship and cooperation between the two parties and the two peoples would continue to develop on good terms in the idea of independence, peace and friendship, it sincerely wished the union greater success in the work of its central committee to strengthen the union and defend the sovereignty of the country and national interests.

For Spanish-speaking people

umdc denuncia el acto terrorista de los reaccionarios japoneses

    pyongyang, 7 de agosto (atcc) -- hace poco, se disparo el fusil a la oficina de la direccion departamental de niigata de la chongryon (asociacion general de coreanos residentes en japon) y se arrojo el explosivo hacia cerca del edificio de la filial de niigata de la cooperativa de creditos hana amenazando la vida de los funcionarios de la chongryon y los coreanos residentes en japon y danando a sus bienes. esto es un acto provocativo para destruir y suprimir esta prestigiosa entidad de ciudadanos de la republica popular democratica de corea en ultramar y un monstruoso acto terrorista para sembrar el terror e inquietud entre los coreanos e inculcar el sentimiento anticoreano.
    asi senala la vocero de la union de mujeres democraticas de corea en una declaracion del dia 6 y continua:
    despues de septiembre del ano pasado en japon se perpetran cada dia freneticamente los actos subversivos e intrigantes contra los organos a todos los niveles de la chongryon y los actos de violencia y chantaje a los coreanos residentes en japon.
    japon es un reino del terrorismo que con el rotulo de la "prevencion de este" perpetra el terror.
    por las siniestras maquinaciones de los reaccionarios japoneses en japon reaparece un horroroso ambiente que hace recordar la disolucion forzosa de la federacion de coreanos residentes en japon en visperas del estallido de la guerra coreana (1950-1953) y el gran terremoto de kanto de hace 80 anos en que fueron asesinados cruelmente numerosos coreanos residentes en japon.
    si los reaccionarios japoneses no cesan de perpetrar los temerarios actos terroristas que danan la dignidad de la rpdc y la chongryon y que amenazan la vida y la seguridad de los coreanos en violacion al espiritu fundamental de la declaracion corea-japon de pyongyang, traeran una consecuencia catastrofica aproximando su autodestruccion.

mexico: ceremonia clausural del mes de solidaridad con el pueblo coreano

    pyongyang, 7 de agosto (atcc) -- tuvo lugar el 31 de julio en mexico una ceremonia clausural del mes de solidaridad internacional con el pueblo coreano. en el acto estuvieron presentes los presidentes y miembros de las entidades de amistad y solidaridad con el pueblo coreano.
    fueron invitados el embajador de corea en mexico y otros miembros de la sede diplomatica.
    hicieron uso de la palabra los presidentes del comite mexicano de apoyo a la reunificacion de corea, de la union de amigos mexicanos en memoria del presidente kim il sung y de la asociacion de amistad mexico-corea.
    los oradores felicitaron calurosamente el 50 aniversario de la victoria del pueblo coreano en la guerra de liberacion de la patria y expresaron la firme solidaridad con el pueblo coreano que bajo la sabia direccion del dirigente kim jong il mediante el songun defiende resueltamente el socialismo.
    alejandro rosales sanchez, presidente de dicho comite dijo que los imperialistas yanquis se arrodillaron ante el pueblo coreano en la guerra de tres anos provocada por ellos mismos y anadio que el generalisimo kim il sung es el hombre quien condujo esta guerra a la victoria.
    senalo que cuando ocurrio el caso del barco espia "pueblo", los yanquis se pusieron de rodillas tambien ante el pueblo coreano y destaco que en aquel entonces el general veinteno, mariscal kim jong il estaba a la cabeza de heroico pueblo coreano.
    indico que ee.uu. definio a corea como "eje del mal" y "pais de apoyo al terrorismo" y maniobra para aplastar el socialismo, lo cual sobrepasa el punto limite y subrayo que bajo la direccion del general kim jong il mediante el songun el pueblo coreano saldra sin falta victorioso en la confrontacion con ee.uu. y lograra la causa de la reunificacion del pais.

inmortales proezas acumuladas en la causa de independencia de la humanidad

    pyongyang, 7 de agosto (atcc) -- hoy, el periodico "rodong sinmun" inserto un articulo individual que senala: el dirigente kim jong il oriento por el invariable camino de la victoria la causa de independencia de la humanidad salvandola de la crisis creada por el desafio brutal de las fuerzas imperialistas.
    con la invencible politica de songun frustro resueltamente la arbitrariedad y el despotismo de los imperialistas y asi hizo un inmortal aporte a la causa de independencia de la humanidad.
    creo por primera vez en la historia el particular modo politico basado en el songun y salvo el destino de la humanidad contra los tenaces acosos de los imperialistas y asi dejo abierta una brillante perspectiva para la causa de independencia de la humanidad.
    no habra nada temible en el mundo cuando se apoyen en las fuerzas armadas para defender la independencia y llevar adelante la revolucion y todo el ejercito y pueblo materialicen la idea y el proposito del dirigente.
    el dirigente kim jong il oriento sabiamente la lucha por la democratizacion y la realizacion de la independencia de la sociedad internacional mediante la formacion de la nueva y justa estructura mundial y asi puso en la orbita del nuevo avance la causa de independencia de la humanidad. tambien, presento como tarea de epoca la demanda de la humanidad progresista y dio martillazo a las fuerzas adheridas a la vieja y desigual estructura mundial.
    por las incansables actividades exteriores del dirigente se ha operado un cambio historico en la lucha por establecer la nueva y justa estructura mundial.
    el dirigente kim jong il hizo fortalecer la unidad y cooperacion de las fuerzas independientes y antiimperialistas del mundo bajo la bandera de la independencia y les dio la garantia de la victoria de la causa de independencia de la humanidad.
    desplego dinamicas actividades exteriores para lograr la unidad de esas fuerzas y se encontro con numerosas personalidades desorientadas para incorporarlas en la fila de la lucha independiente y antiimperialista.
    por la dinamica direccion y actividades del dirigente las fuerzas independientes y antiimperialistas pudieron oponer la estrategia de la unidad a la de derrota por separado de los imperialistas.