Anti-North Rowdyism of S. Korean Ultra-Rightists Castigated

    Taegu, August 24 (KCNA Correspondent) -- The north can not but reconsider the participation of its delegation in the 22nd Universiad as long as such anti-north rally is openly staged as now, declared Jon Kuk Man, chairman of the Student Sports Association of the DPRK who is heading its delegation in a statement issued at a press conference at the Taegu press center on August 24 denouncing some ultra-rightists of south Korea for their anti-north campaign. The statement said:
    On August 24, at least 100 persons of the south Korean ultra-right reactionary conservative organizations such as the south Korean Netizen Solidarity for Democracy and the Youth Committee for Solidarity with Citizens for freedom, and German doctor Norbert Vollertsen staged such rowdyism as malignantly slandering the DPRK and seriously defiling its dignified system in front of the Taegu press center abustle with reporters of different countries to cover the universiad.
    This incident was an unpardonable criminal act committed by wicked traitors and human scum displeased with national reconciliation and unity.
    The south Korean authorities should have strictly kept the promise they made to the north, drawing a proper lesson from the August 15 incident. But, this time, too, they not only connived at the anti-north rally but protected it by mobilizing police force instead of blocking it.
    The south Korean side should be held accountable for the incident, punish its mastermind, apologize to the north for it and give the north assurances against the recurrence of similar incident, the statement urged, adding that the north would closely watch the future attitude of the south Korean authorities.

S. Korean Right-wing Conservatives' Heedless Act Condemned

    Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- The Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland issued information bulletin No. 846 on August 24 denouncing the anti-DPRK racket kicked up in Taegu where the 22nd Universiad is open We will sharply watch the future developments, it said, and went on:
    More than 100 riffraffs of right-wing conservative organizations of south Korea Sunday afternoon committed a rash act of disparaging the dignity and system of the DPRK in front of the press center of the Universiad with the patronage of the south Korean police and even assaulted reporters from the north who strongly protested and tried to stop it. This was an intolerable criminal act that roused our irrepressible resentment. This has made it plain that south Korea is a place unfit for a function for peace and friendship such as world sports games.
    The anti-DPRK rowdyism staged under the eyes of reporters from many countries was a shameful act that smeared the nation's image and a villainous act going against the idea of the current games.
    Making certain once again that the right-wing conservative forces of south Korea are running amuck, bereft of reason, to block the improvement of the inter-Korean relations and the peace and reunification of the country, we sternly denounce it as a criminal act against the nation and reunification.
    The south Korean authorities should be held responsible for this anti-DPRK racket committed again. They should make an apology for the anti-DPRK provocation, punish the criminals and give responsible assurances so that such incident would not occur again.

Ultra-Right Conservatives' Anti-north Provocation under Fire

    Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- At least 100 ultra-right conservative elements staged such rowdyism as chanting slogans defiling the dignified political system of the DPRK holding posters of the same content in broad daylight in front of the Press Center of the Taegu Universiad on Sunday afternoon at the instigation of the Grand National Party. Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says: The people in the north can never tolerate the provocative act perpetrated against fellow countrymen in the venue of international contest for promoting peace, unity, friendship and progress.
    They value the socialist system of their own choice as their life and soul as it guarantees their destiny and will never tolerate any slightest act of maligning it, the commentary says, and goes on:
    The rash anti-north rowdyism perpetrated by the GNP and ultra-right conservatives is nothing but a wriggling of the weak and the doomed who have no future.
    It is clear that it is impossible to hold international games in such lawless place where ultra-right conservatives go on rampage and for the players to participate in the games free from anxiety.
    As the anti-north crime has already been committed the DPRK can not but accuse those involved in the crime. The perpetrators of the crime must be punished and those responsible should not be excluded from the punishment.
    The south Korean authorities should apologize for the incident and hold responsibility for the serious impact it will have on the inter-Korean relations, national reconciliation and unity.

Anti-National Violence Criticised

    Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- On August 18 the Seoul District Criminal Court held what it called a final trial for the suspected remittance of the fund to the north at which it sentenced to prison terms ranging from one year and six months to five years those, who contributed to arranging the historic Pyongyang meeting and inter-Korean exchange and cooperation, on the strength of the "law on special inspection". Rodong Sinmun today terms this fascist tyranny as traitors punish patriots and an unpardonable criminal act to block the implementation of the June 15 joint declaration and bring inter-Korean relations back to those in the era of confrontation.
    The news analyst says:
    If everything is to go well in south Korea, such right-wing conservatives as the Grand National Party should be brought to justice. They are traitors who have committed innumerable crimes against the nation.
    The north is stunned by the demeanor of the south Korean authorities who are yielding to the unreasonable pressure of such right-wing conservatives as the Grand National Party who are no more than a handful of those on the deathbed.
    Such ceaseless acts of tarnishing the declaration and the inter-Korean relations would entail very serious consequences. The south Korean authorities should no longer overlook such anachronistic and anti-national acts as allowing injustice to try justice and traitors punish patriots. The penalties inflicted upon the patriots should be lifted.

U.S. Anti-DPRK Nonsense Assailed

    Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- With the six-way talk shortly off, the U.S. conservative forces are coming out with the absurd claim that the issue of referring the nuclear issue to the UNSC should not be ruled out in case the talks end fruitless. Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says that if this represented the U.S. stand, it could not be construed otherwise than its intention to use the talks as a bargaining chip of handling the DPRK-U.S. nuclear issue in its interests and as a means of acquiring time for achieving its sinister aim.
    The commentary continues:
    Their remarks suggest that the U.S. conservative forces are approaching the talks from an attitude and stand for realizing its unilateral and strategic interests in defiance of the desire and expectation of the international community, captive to the idea of centering on the U.S. interests and U.S. supremacy.
    The ulterior aim of the U.S. is to escalate international pressure and blockade against the DPRK when complication is created at the talks and they end fruitless, and thereby isolate and stifle it at any cost and justify the military option toward it.
    If the U.S. remains unchanged in its stand for stifling the DPRK by force and persistently tries to refer the nuclear issue to the UNSC, the six-way talks would be nothing but an exchange of high words and that will throw darker shadow on the prospect of solution to the DPRK-U.S. nuclear issue.

Stronger Non-Aligned Movement Urged

    Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea will as ever make energetic efforts to strengthen the Non-Aligned Movement. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed article dedicated to the lapse of 28 years since the DPRK became the full-fledged member of the Non-Aligned Movement.
    The joining of the DPRK in the movement was an important milestone in expanding its ranks, putting spurs to its development and enhancing the external position of the DPRK and increasing its voice, the article says, and continues:
    After becoming a formal member of the movement, the DPRK has directed all efforts to strengthening and developing the movement and advancing the cause of independence against imperialism on the basis of its principle and idea. The DPRK has greatly contributed to its development by remaining true to its principle and idea.
    The movement, an independent political force and powerful anti-imperialist force of the era of independence, should play a bigger role in the new century, the article stresses.

Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Letter Marked

    Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held in Pyongyang on Aug. 24 to mark the 10th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's historic letter "Let Us Further Speed Up the Modernization of Post and Tele-communications." The letter published on Aug. 25, Juche 82 (1993), elucidates the revolutionary essence and mission of telecommunications under socialism, its position and role in the revolution and construction and fundamental principles of telecommunication services and profoundly sets forth tasks and ways of modernizing telecommunications.
    It was stressed at the meeting that the letter was a historic milestone which brought a new turn in accelerating the modernization of telecommunications and thus further developing telecommunications of the DPRK into Juche-oriented telecommunications under socialism.
    The meeting reviewed proud achievements made by all the officials and working people in the field of telecommunications in the drive for the modernization of telecommunications over the past 10 years, remaining true to the letter.
    The meeting discussed matters of giving priority to the modernization of telecommunications to form nation-wide mobile communication networks at an early date, actively develop modern telecommunication and radio equipment and widely introduce advanced information communication system and methods to suit our specific conditions and the global trend.
    Present at the meeting were Ri Kum Bom, minister of Post and Telecommunications, and others.

Meeting Held to Mark Anniversary of Anti-Japanese Trade Union

    Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- A meeting took place here on August 24 to mark the 75th anniversary of the anti-Japanese trade union formed by President Kim Il Sung. The President inaugurated the anti-Japanese trade union, a revolutionary mass organization of new type of the workers, the first of its kind in Korea, on August 25 Juche 17 (1928).
    Chairman Ryom Sun Gil of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea in his report said that with the formation of the anti-Japanese trade union the workers of Korea came to have their genuine mass organization, united around it and discharged their historic mission and duty in the great struggle for national and class liberation under the guidance of the President and this marked a glorious beginning of the building of a revolutionary mass organization of the workers.
    Right after the liberation of Korea the President, basing himself on the strong roots provided by him to build a revolutionary mass organization of workers, founded the trade union, a unified mass political organization of the workers in the wake of the founding of a revolutionary party, clearly indicated the duties of the trade union in each period and at each stage of the revolution and wisely guided it to advance along the road of Juche, he said.
    Leader Kim Jong Il, attaching great importance to the work of the trade union, gave detailed instructions as regards the content and method of the work of trade union and energetically directed the organization so that it could make great contributions to the modeling of the whole society on the Juche idea, the reporter said.
    His idea and guidance, he noted, are vital to the trade union.
    He said all the trade union members should have absolute worship of Kim Jong Il and single-heartedly uphold the Party's Songun guidance.
    Present at the meeting was Secretary Kim Jung Rin of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.

DPRK Women's Soccer Team Beats French Rival

    Taegu, August 24 (KCNA Correspondent) -- The DPRK women's soccer team on August 24 downed the French counterpart 9:0 in a preliminary round at the 22nd Universiad. The first goal came at around 2nd minute after the kick-off when Kim Hye Yong, No.9, slammed the ball home and the second shot was scored by Mun Chol Mi, No. 8, at the 6th minute of match. Thus the Korean girls dominated the field from the very start.
    The DPRK cheering group and south Koreans broke into deafening cheers, waving Korean peninsula flags, each time the players from the north sent in a well-placed shot by a medium and long distance shot, excellent teamwork or nimble beguiling tactics.
    The match ended in favor of the DPRK team, Ri Un Sim scoring five, Mun Chol Mi two, and Kim Hye Yong and Kim Yong Ae one each.

Anti-North Provocation by Japanese Ultra-Rightists under Fire

    Tokyo, August 24 (KNS-KCNA) -- Nam Sung U, vice-chairman of the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon), called a press conference in Tokyo on August 24 as regards the anti-DPRK and anti-Chongryon terrorism committed again by the ultra-right gangsters of Japan. A statement of the Central Standing Committee of Chongryon was released there.
    According to the statement, at night on August 23 a guy purported to be a man of the "squad to punish Koreans" made a phone call to Japanese media, saying he had laid explosives.
    They were found at the Fukuoka Prefectural Headquarters of Chongryon and at the Fukuoka branch of the Nishi Credit Association of Korean Bank, causing the citizens in the surrounding areas to evacuate. At the same time, bullets were shot at the center of the Nishi Credit Association of Korean Bank in Okayama City, another grave terrorism.
    Recalling that those involved in the criminal act in the "crime-related statement" had threatened that they would resort to terrorism to prevent the entry of Mangyongbong-92 at Niigata Port on August 25, the statement continues:
    This is a hideous criminal act not only of trampling down the ardent wish of a number of Koreans and students in Japan to visit their dear homeland where their families and relatives live but of violating the right of Koreans in Japan to visit their motherland based on noble humanitarianism and threatening their safety.
    Recalling the massacre of Koreans at the time of the Kanto quake, the 80th anniversary of which falls on September 1, Chongryon vehemently denounces with towering national indignation the Japanese ultra-right reactionaries for their frequent terrorism threatening the life and property of Koreans in Japan.
    Niigata Port has been put on the same grim maximum alert and the ultra-right terrorist group is creating a terror-ridden atmosphere as in early June when the entry of Mangyongbong-92 into the port was expected.
    Chongryon representatives recently visited the Cabinet Office of the Japanese government to submit a written request addressed to the prime minister which had been adopted at the "meetings of Koreans in Japan wishing a normal home visit by Mangyongbong-92" held at Tokyo and Hyogo. However, the criminal act was perpetrated again. We can not but take a serious note of this.
    The Japanese authorities should guarantee the status, human rights, safety and right to live to the Koreans in Japan in the spirit of the DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration, following the trend of the times for peace, co-existence and co-prosperity.
    They should take into consideration the seriousness of the crimes committed in Fukuoka and Okayama and probe the truth behind them together with a series of incidents that occurred in Niigata and Kanagawa and take responsible measures to prevent the recurrence of such anti-DPRK and anti-Chongryon terrorism.
    We strongly urge the Japanese authorities to refrain from doing acts of inciting anti-DPRK and anti-Chongryon sentiments.
    Nam Sung U answered questions put by pressmen.

National Tournament of School Youth and Children for Jongilbong Cup

    Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- The 29th National Tournament of School Youth and Children for Jongilbong Cup took place in Hamhung from August 6 to 24. Competing in the tournament divided into groups of middle and primary schools were pupils selected from provinces.
    Involved in the tournament were basketball, soccer, volleyball, table-tennis, marathon, field and track, boxing, weightlifting, Taekwon-do, rhythmic exercise, defense sports and other events

Functions Held Abroad to Mark 55th Anniversary of DPRK

    Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- Seminars, round-table talks, lectures and reading sessions were held in Kyrgyzstan, Romania, Peru, Democratic Congo and Uganda and by the Secretariat of the Pan-African Movement from August 16 to 19 on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the DPRK. Klara Azhibekova, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan, said in her report at a seminar held in the country that the DPRK foundation 55 years ago was the birth of the first socialist state in the East.
    Usupbayev, chief of the Kyrgyz Group for the Study of the Juche Idea said in his speech the history in which President Kim Il Sung founded the DPRK and led it was a course in which the DPRK has been firmly consolidated into an invincible socialist fortress.
    Vasile Orleanu, chairman of the Supreme Council of the Socialist Party of Romania, who is chairman of the National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea, and other speakers said that victory and prosperity are always in store for the Korean people thanks to leader Kim Jong Il who has pursued the original Songun policy and consolidated the DPRK into an invincible fortress by inheriting and developing President Kim Il Sung's idea of attaching importance to the army.
    Teresa Otiniano, chairman of the Peruvian Association for the Study of Revolutionary Activities of Comrade Kim Jong Suk, said in his speech that Kim Jong Il has consolidated and developed the state set-up system in line with the Songun principle by following an original Songun policy and led state power organs of all levels to implement the policy to the letter. Kamwiziku Octave, chairman of the National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea in Democratic Congo, stressed in his lecture titled "On Songun Leadership and the Building of a Great Prosperous Powerful Nation in the DPRK" that the construction of a great prosperous powerful nation in Korea is being ensured by Kim Jong Il's Songun policy.
    Ratico Oral, deputy director of the Department for Foreign Relations of the Secretariat of the National Movement of Uganda, said at round-table talks that the significant increase of national defence capability in the DPRK and full demonstration of its might as a military power in recent years are precious results of the Songun policy.

Dictionary "Kwangmyong 2003"

    Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- The Central Scientific and Technological Information Agency under the Academy of Sciences has made a scientific and technical dictionary "Kwangmyong 2003." The computer dictionary consists of 12 parts -- 8 main parts including scientific and technical vocabularies, multimedia, natural maps, panoramic views of animal life, scientific knowledge, famous scientists of the world and anecdotes about them, and 4 appendices including a newly developed dictionary in different languages and scientific and technical abbreviation dictionary.
    The dictionary contains over 140,000 vocabularies used in 26 scientific and technical fields, and more than 16,000 multimedia.
    It introduces over 1,560 famous natural scientists and hundreds of anecdotes about them, 1,400,000 vocabularies in seven languages -- Korean, English, Russian, French, German, Chinese and Japanese -- 20,000 scientific and technical vocabulary abbreviations, and 600 SI units.
    It gives a scientific and technical chronological table to show scientific and technical achievements made until 2001 from 100,000 years ago.

Anniversary of NDFSK Observed

    Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- Papers here significantly observe the 34th anniversary of the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK), genuine patriotic vanguard of the south Koreans. On this occasion Rodong Sinmun today says the people in the northern half of Korea extend militant greetings to the vanguard fighters of NDFSK and patriotic-minded people from all walks of life in south Korea who are fighting for independence, democracy and reunification under the banner of the Juche idea despite great hardships and difficulties lying in the way of national reunification.
    NDFSK has grown in scope and strength amidst the deep trust and love of the south Koreans, the by-lined article says, and goes on:
    NDFSK has regarded it as its basic line of building up its organizations to model them on the Juche idea and worked hard for its implementation. As a result, it has become an invincible patriotic vanguard organization and a powerful militant contingent.
    It has deemed it as its top priority to terminate outsiders' domination and occupation of south Korea and reunify the country independently. This give a strong impetus to the struggle of the south Koreans for independence against outsiders, democracy against fascism and for national reunification as it correctly mirrors their desire and demand.
    Minju Joson Sunday notes that only victory and glory are in store for NDFSK which is moving forward under the banner of Juche.

S. Koreans Here

    Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- A visiting group of Jeju islanders head by U Kun Min, governor of the island, arrived here today at the invitation of the National Reconciliation Council. It was met at the airport with compatriotic feelings by Ho Hyok Phil, vice-chairman of the National Reconciliation Council, and officials concerned.

DPRK Hit by Heavy Rain

    Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- Different areas of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea were hit by a heavy rain. According to a report from the Flood Damage Rehabilitation Committee under the Cabinet, the most seriously damaged areas are Pyongyang, Phyongsong City and Phyongwon County of South Phyongan Province and Hwangju, Singye and Suan counties of North Hwanghae Province.
    From 9 p.m. on Friday to 9 a.m. on Saturday, it rained 114 millimeters in Pyongyang so that some roads were submerged and over 110 millimeters, 265 millimeters at maximum, in various areas of South Phyongan and North Hwanghae provinces to inundate farmlands. Dwelling houses were swept away by landslides.
    A rehabilitation work is underway in the flood-damaged areas.

Gift to Kim Jong Il from Chairman of NDPN

    Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il was presented with a gift by Pashupati Shumsher J. B. Rana, chairman of the National Democratic Party of Nepal, on a visit to the DPRK. The gift was handed to Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, by the chairman on August 25.

Talks between Choe Thae Bok and Chairman of NDPN

    Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, held talks with Pashupati Shumsher J. B. Rana, chairman of the National Democratic Party of Nepal, in Pyongyang on August 25. At the talks, the two sides informed each other of the activities of their parties and exchanged views on the development of friendly and cooperative relations between the two parties and a series of matters of common concern.

For Spanish-speaking people

Secretariado del CRPP publica informacion No. 845

    Pyongyang, 25 de agosto (ATCC) -- El Secretariado del Comite por la Reunificacion Pacifica de la Patria (CRPP) hizo publica el dia 23 la informacion No. 845 senalando que el "Partido Hannara" de Sudcorea, en vez de sentir su responsabilidad del incidente del 15 de agosto que dio un grave dano al desarrollo de las relaciones Norte-Sur, empeora mas la situacion con el fin de impedir por completo la reconciliacion y unidad nacionales. El documento continua:
    Ahora, los compinches del "Partido Hannara" censuran las autoridades surcoreanas que pidieron disculpa a la parte Norte de Corea por la perturbacion de las fuerzas conservadoras ultraderechistas contra la RPDC perpetrada el 15 de agosto, dia de restauracion considerandolo como un "error".
    Este incidente fue una monstruosa provocacion politica que causa una intolerable indignacion al pueblo y el ejercito de Corea del Norte y un acto antinacional y anti-reunificacion destinado a impedir la ejecucion de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio y empeorar las relaciones Norte-Sur.
    La realidad demuestra que si no se frustran rotundamente las maquinaciones de las fuerzas conservadoras ultraderechistas incluyendo el "Partido Hannara", se crearan las dificultades en la reconciliacion y la unidad nacionales y se ejercera la grave consecuencia sobre la paz y la reunificacion del pais.
    El secretariado del CRPP exhorta a los habitantes de distintos sectores y capas de Sudcorea a levantarse en la lucha por enterrar por completo la banda de los traidores.

Causa patriotica del FDNS triunfara ciertamente

    Pyongyang, 25 de agosto (ATCC) -- Los periodicos capitalinos conmemoraron significativamente el 34 aniversario de la fundacion del Frente Democratico Nacional de Sudcorea (FDNS), autentica organizacion de vanguardia patriotica del pueblo surcoreano. El diario "Rodong Sinmun" en un articulo individual del dia 25 senala que con motivo de esa efemeride el pueblo coreano envia un saludo combativo a los vanguardistas del FDNS y los habitantes patrioticos de distintos sectores y capas de Sudcorea quienes despliegan la lucha consecuente por la independencia, la democracia y la reunificacion con la bandera de la idea Juche en alto sobreponiendose a las severas pruebas y contratiempos interpuestos en el camino hacia la reunificacion de la patria.
    El FDNS ha crecido al disfrutar del profundo amor y confianza del pueblo surcoreano.
    El FDNS presento la transformacion de sus filas segun la idea Juche por la linea principal de la construccion de su organizacion y, al desplegar dinamica lucha por el particular, ha crecido como una invencible organizacion de vanguardia patriotica, como un poderoso destacamento combativo.
    Esta organizacion presenta como tarea de lucha principal acabar con el dominio y la ocupacion de las fuerzas extranjeras en Sudcorea y realizar la reunificacion independiente de la patria. Esto refleja correctamente la aspiracion y la demanda de los habitantes surcoreanos y estimula energicamente su lucha por la independencia contra las fuerzas extranjeras, la democratizacion contra el fascismo y la reunificacion de la patria.
    El periodico "Minju Joson" en un articulo individual senala que habra siempre la victoria y la gloria en el camino del FDNS que avanza firmemente con la bandera del Juche.

Observaremos con agudeza la evolucion de la situacion

    Pyongyang, 25 de agosto (ATCC) -- Observaremos con agudeza la evolucion de la situacion, asi senalo el Secretariado del Comite por la Reunificacion Pacifica de la Patria (CRPP) en la informacion No. 846 publicada el dia 24 en relacion con un alboroto anti-RPDC en Taegu donde se desarrolla la 22a Universiada Mundial. La informacion senala.
    El dia 24 por la tarde, mas de 100 gentuzas de las entidades conservadoras derechistas de Sudcorea, amparadas por la policia surcoreana, armaron, frente al centro de prensa de la Universiada Mundial, un intolerable alboroto denigrando la dignidad y el sistema de la RPDC y cometieron acto de violencia contra los reporteros norcoreanos que lo habian protestado energicamente y lo habian detenido.
    Esto es un intolerable acto criminal que suscita gran indignacion.
    Es un vergonzoso acto que mancilla el honor de la nacion y la briboneria que contraviene al ideal de la universiada.
    Reafirmamos que las fuerzas conservadoras derechistas de Sudcorea actuan desesperadamente por detener la mejora de las relaciones Norte-Sur y el camino hacia la paz y la reunificacion del pais y lo denunciamos categoricamente como acto criminal opuesto a la nacion y la reunificacion.
    Las autoridades surcoreanas deben asumir la responsabilidad por la repeticion de tal caso repugnante.
    Deben pedir disculpa por el respecto, castigar a los criminales y dar una garantia responsable para que no se repita tal incidente.

Fechoria fascista contra la nacion

    Pyongyang, 25 de agosto (ATCC) -- En un "juicio final sobre el caso de sospecha de envio del dinero al Norte" efectuado el dia 18, el "tribunal local de Seul", en virtud de la "inspeccion especial", sentencio la pena grave de un ano y 6 meses a 5 anos de prision a quienes contribuyeron a la preparacion del historico encuentro de los maximos dirigentes del Norte y del Sur en Pyongyang y a la labor de intercambio y cooperacion Norte-Sur. Esto es un acto fascista de los traidores a los patriotas y un crimen imperdonable que impide la ejecucion de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio y lleva las relaciones Norte-Sur a la confrontacion.
    Asi senala "Rodong Sinmun" en un comentario individual de hoy y continua:
    Hay que llevar al tribunal a las fuerzas conservadoras derechistas como el "Partido Hannara" que es una horda de traidores que cometieron incontables crimenes contra la nacion.
    Provoca gran consternacion el proceder de las autoridades surcoreanas que obedecen docilmente a la demanda de las fuerzas conservadoras derechistas como el "Partido Hannara" insignificante que esta en agonia.
    Sera grave la consecuencia que emane de tales actos que contravienen al espiritu de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio y que afectan las relaciones Norte-Sur.
    Las autoridades surcoreanas no deben estar con brazos cruzados ante tales actos antinacionales anacronicos.
    Deben anularse sin falta las penas impuestas a las personas inocentes.

Acto desesperado de quienes tienen los dias contados

    Pyongyang, 25 de agosto (ATCC) -- El dia 24 por la tarde, en el patio frente al centro de prensa de la Universiada Mundial de Taegu, mas de 100 elementos conservadores ultraderechistas instigados por el "Partido Hannara" levantaron a plena luz del dia un tumulto llevando pancartas y gritando las consignas que insultan el sistema de la digna Republica Popular Democratica de Corea. No podemos tolerar ni perdonar jamas ese caso provocativo contra los connacionales que ocurrio en el lugar de la competencia internacional para la paz, la unidad, la amistad y el desarrollo. Asi senala el periodico "Rodong Sinmun" en un comentario individual de hoy y continua:
    El pueblo de la RPDC aprecia como su vida el regimen socialista optado por si mismo, que defiende su destino y no tolera en lo minimo cualquier acto para denigrarlo.
    El alboroto anti-RPDC del "Partido Hannara" y otras fuerzas conservadoras ultraderechistas no pasa de ser un acto desesperado de los debiles y un acto de quienes tienen los dias contados y de los moribundos.
    Es obvio que en tal mundo caotico donde las fuerzas en cuestion levantan tumulto no es conveniente la efectuacion de la competencia internacional ni tampoco los jugadores de otros paises podran participar tranquilamente en los partidos.
    A los provocadores del presente caso les debe ser aplicada la sancion y a sus responsables el castigo.
    Las autoridades surcoreanas deben pedir disculpa por el presente caso y asumir la responsabilidad de las graves consecuencias que ejerceran influencia sobre las relaciones Norte-Sur, la reconciliacion y la unidad de la nacion.