Decision to Increase Defence Budget Protested

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- 8 civic and public organizations of south Korea including the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the Association of Those for Peace and Reunification, the Council for National Reconciliation and Independent Reunification, the Democratic Workers' Party, the Network for Peace and the Social Progress Solidarity held a press conference in front of the building of the government on September 17, demanding the authorities to revoke the decision to increase the defence budget, according to a press report. A press release titled "Revoke the decision to excessively increase defence spending and immediately cancel the reckless plan to introduce U.S.-made weapons" was published at the press conference.
    Noting that the authorities are planning to increase the defence budget next year under the pretext of the repositioning of the U.S. troops in south Korea, it dismissed the decision to drastically raise the defence budget as a self-opinionated decision of utterly ignoring the people's life in distress and an act of increasing the military dependence on the U.S. and threatening peace on the Korean peninsula.
    It dismissed the authorities' call for the increased defence budget as a deception on the people and a ruse to cover up the flunkeyist attitude of accepting the U.S. military and strategic demand.
    It urged the government to decisively reject the U.S. demand for the introduction of weapons related to the U.S. missile defence system including Patriot missiles and early warning planes and its pressure upon south Korea to increase its defence spending, revise the unequal "SOFA" and strive to save the people's living from distress.
    Published at the press conference was an action program of organizations including a signature campaign of public figures of all social strata opposing the increased defence spending and the introduction of weapons and a meeting for peace and disarmament.
    At the end of the press conference, the organizations staged one-by-one demonstration before the front gate of Chongwadae.

DPRK Cabinet Gives Reception in Honour of World Judo Champion

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- The Cabinet of the DPRK gave a reception at Sosan Hotel on September 20 in honor of Kye Sun Hui, who won a gold medal at the 2003 World Judo Championships. Kwak Pom Gi, vice-premier of the Cabinet, in his speech warmly congratulated Kye Sun Hui, who placed first at the championships by defeating all her strong rivals and received the prize for the best player, thus having the honour of making a report on her victory to leader Kim Jong Il.
    He called on all the sportspersons to achieve greater successes in international games true to the Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il and thus fulfil their mission and civic duty as sportspersons of Juche Korea.
    Kye Sun Hui in her reply speech said that she could hold again the world title and receive the prize for the best player entirely thanks to Kim Jong Il who brought up and trained the sportspersons with profound loving care.
    She vowed to vigorously conduct the ideological and fighting spirit battles, speed and technical campaigns in all games as taught by Kim Jong Il and sweat much in training and thus bring joy to him by bagging gold medals and demonstrate the heroic stamina of Kim Il Sung's nation to the world in the future, too.

Pulikovski Refers to DPRK-Russia Relations

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- Russia will continue to develop the bilateral relations with the DPRK and invariably implement in the future, too, its commitments made in the Moscow declaration, a result of the meeting of President Putin and Chairman of the National Defence Commission Kim Jong Il irrespective of the outcome of the six-way talks. Konstantin Borisovich Pulikovski, presidential envoy to the Far Eastern Region of the Russian Federation who visited the DPRK on the occasion of its 55th anniversary, said this when interviewed by the Voice of Russia on Sept. 16. Recalling that he was received by leader Kim Jong Il, he noted that the talk with him proceeded in an atmosphere of friendship and mutual trust.
    Saying that he was deeply impressed to participate in celebrations of the 55th anniversary of the DPRK, he referred to the Beijing six-way talks and the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries.
    He continued:
    The bilateral relations between Russia and the DPRK will steadily develop.
    I would like to stress the point that both sides will further strengthen the political and economic relations and pursue talks and negotiations. This will promote the normalization of the complicated situation on the Korean peninsula.

Rodong Sinmun on Main Force in Cause of Songun Revolution

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- The Korean People's Army is reliably defending the DPRK as a main force in the cause of the Songun revolution, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It goes on:
    The main force of the revolution means the hardcore, the pillar of the revolutionary ranks.
    The KPA is, first of all, playing the role of a hardcore unit in strengthening the driving force of the revolution.
    It plays such a role in the driving force of the revolution because it is the strongest in the revolutionary spirit, organization and discipline in our society.
    The strong revolutionary spirit, organization, discipline and unity are an intrinsic characteristics and advantages of the KPA that no other group of society can have and, at the same time, a model in making the whole society elite and strong.
    The role and example of the KPA as a pacesetter are the source of strength which helps achieve the perfect unity of the army and the people in thinking and fighting spirit and gets them united close in one ideology and purpose.
    The KPA is also playing the role of a shock brigade in the building of a great prosperous powerful nation.
    It is a group of the highly awakened and organized revolutionaries and the hardcore unit tempered and tested. That is why the revolutionary army plays the vanguard role in socialist construction, too.
    During the "Arduous March", the most difficult period, leader Kim Jong Il firmly believed in the revolutionary spirit and militancy of the KPA and put it forward as a standard-bearer and shock brigade to pave the way for the building of a great prosperous powerful nation.
    The KPA, the hardcore and pivotal force in the revolutionary armed forces, is standing guard with rifles over the forefront of the country to protect the security of the country and the people from enemies.

8th Reunion of Separated Families and Relatives starts

    Mt. Kumgang, September 21 (KCNA) -- The 8th reunion of separated families and relatives started at Mt. Kumgang resort. Those from the north side had a collective reunion with those from the south side on Sept. 20 according to the agreement between the Red Cross organizations of the north and the south.
    Those from the north side had a family reunion with their kinsmen from the south side on September 21.
    They posed for photographs with their kinsmen from the south side and exchanged souvenirs with them.
    Meanwhile, the south side's Red Cross gave a reception for those from both sides.
    Those from the north side together with those from the south side went round an area of Lagoon Samil, a scenic spot. The reunion continues.

Message of Sympathy to President of South Korean Red Cross

    Pyongyang, September 20 (KCNA) -- The chairman of the Central Committee of the Red Cross Society of the DPRK today sent a message of sympathy to the president of the south Korean Red Cross. The message said:
    I express profound compatriotic sympathy with you, feeling painful for the big human and material losses caused by a strong typhoon that hit various areas of your side.
    It is our hope that the living of the people in the afflicted areas will return to normal and the aftermath of the calamity will be eradicated as early as possible.

U.S. Dangerous Bribing Operation Flailed

    Pyongyang, September 20 (KCNA) -- Countries and people aspiring after independence should be well aware of the crafty ways of the U.S. imperialists' bribing operation and its dangerous nature and wage an active struggle to foil their psychological operation, said Rodong Sinmun yesterday in a signed article. It went on:
    The U.S. imperialists are using the bribing operation as an important leverage for their psychological warfare in launching aggression and realizing their strategy for domination over other countries.
    They are bribing heavyweights of some countries in particular in a bid to put them under their control and attain their goal for aggression with ease.
    The Iraqi war clearly proved that renegades and traitors to the nation who betrayed the country for a few dollars and scanty riches are bound to be bitterly cursed by the people.
    Before and after the Iraqi war the U.S. escalated bribing operation to buy off them after singling out the Iraqi leadership as the first target of its psychological warfare.
    The Iraqi war taught a lesson that cowards, lackeys and worldly-minded ones can not but surrender, turn to treachery and betray the nation in the grim period.
    The U.S. has persistently conducted a bribing operation against the DPRK, claiming that however upright one may be, one is bound to be influenced by money.
    Socialism in the DPRK is the most advantageous man-centred one and its people have stronger revolutionary faith and principle than any other peoples, reposing boundless trust in their leader and system, and they are firmly determined to uphold them to the last. The U.S. imperialists should clearly know this.
    The Korean people are approaching the U.S. imperialists' bribing operation with high vigilance. The more desperate U.S. moves will only harden the Koreans' revolutionary determination to foil the enemy's anti-DPRK bribing operation.

GNP Representative Slammed

    Pyongyang, September 20 (KCNA) -- Choe Pyong Ryol, representative of the south Korean Grand National Party, in a resent interview with Washington Times asserted that if the six-way talks end in a failure it is necessary to pressurize the north by suspending food and energy aid to it, saying the nuclear issue is not a matter whose discussion can be dragged on and one can hardly rely on the dialogue and negotiation only. He repeated the lie that the former south Korean regime indirectly provided the north with fund for its nuclear program. His outbursts come under fire by Rodong Sinmun today. It says:
    We can not but be surprised by a string of thoughtless remarks made by Choe as he behaved, ignorant of the essence and nature of the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S.
    "Pressure" and "sanctions" can in no way be a solution to the nuclear issue. The six-way talks in Beijing proved unsuccessful because the U.S. put unreasonable pressure upon the DPRK to disarm it, refusing to make any switchover in its hostile policy towards the DPRK, the master key to the settlement of the nuclear issue.
    Choe, much upset by the recent public opinion that moderates gain the upperhand within the U.S. government as regards the DPRK-U.S. nuclear issue, hurriedly visited his master to ask him to maintain the U.S. hardline policy towards the north and made reckless remarks fanning up the atmosphere to stifle it.
    This clearly proves what a despicable pro-U.S. flunkeyist traitor he is.
    Choe is well advised to act with discretion, bearing deep in mind that those who run amuck to stifle the fellow countrymen in utter disregard of the destiny of the country and the nation are bound to be short-lived.

DPRK Praised by Nepali Public Figure

    Pyongyang, September 20 (KCNA) -- The world progressives are paving the way for independence and progress, looking up to the DPRK as a beacon of hope, said Pashupati Shumsher J. B. Rana, chairman of the National Democratic Party of Nepal, who visited the DPRK. The Korean nation with its history spanning five thousand years is demonstrating its glory today because it holds in high esteem President Kim Il Sung, a peerless hero, as the founder of state building, he noted, and continued:
    His great revolutionary history is a brilliant one as it encourages and accelerates the accomplishment of the cause of global independence.
    The Korean people are honored to be the most proud and happiest people as they hold in high esteem leader Kim Jong Il identical to Kim Il Sung.
    The world progressives are greatly encouraged by the Korean people who have risen up as one to foil the imperialist moves.
    We extend positive support and solidarity to the Korean people in their efforts to build a great prosperous powerful socialist nation and reunify the country.

Rodong Sinmun on Decisive Role of Revolutionary HQ

    Pyongyang, September 20 (KCNA) -- The essence of leader Kim Jong Il's idea on the core of unity is that the headquarters of the revolution plays a decisive role in achieving the perfect unity of the Party, the army and people and only their single-hearted unity whereby they are closely knit to devotedly defend the headquarters can display its invincible might. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed article.
    This idea represents the most revolutionary idea as it reflects the requirements of the present times when most acute confrontation with imperialists is under way, the article notes, and goes on: The revolutionary headquarters serves as a center of unity and leadership.
    It is the great center of ideological unity as it closely unites the Party, the army and people in the same thinking and purpose.
    It is the revolutionary headquarters that plays a decisive role in providing an ideological foundation of unity and uniting the masses based on it.
    The headquarters of the revolution is a center of guidance as it gets the whole Party and army and all the people on the move as one with its outstanding and tested leadership ability.
    It also plays a decisive role in ensuring unity of the revolutionary ranks not only in thinking but in action and struggle.
    Kim Jong Il has extraordinary organizing ability as he brings about marvellous changes by organizing all work in a big way and conducting bold offensive operations and outstanding leadership ability as he turns misfortune into blessing and adversity into a favorable condition by always finding himself among soldiers and people to immensely encourage them.
    The headquarters of the revolution is also a great center rallying the Party, the army and people as a community linked by the same destiny with its policy of trust and love. The great single-hearted unity of the Party, the army and the people provides the strongest integral whole, a product of the policy of trust and love pursued by the headquarters of the revolution.
    Kim Jong Il's policy of trust and love serves as a source of the undisputed reverence for the revolutionary headquarters among the servicepersons and the people.
    The single-heartedly united ranks of them are those of loyalists who advance, regarding it as a banner of faith and practice to devotedly defend the leader and the death-defying ranks of those who take the lead in upholding and implementing the great idea and policy of the headquarters of the revolution in a do-or-die spirit.
    Prevailing in our revolutionary ranks is the spirit of devotedly defending the leader.
    The idea and politics of the great headquarters serve as a life and soul of our revolutionary ranks. It is the unanimous desire of our army and people in the Songun era to uphold Kim Jong Il's Songun idea and policy and implement them to the letter. Our society where Kim Jong Il is held in high esteem as a father is one based on warm comradeship.
    Our revolutionary headquarters and the single-hearted unity are an eternal community linked by the same destiny.

Verdict of Guilty Passed on Pro-Reunification Figure Denounced in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, September 20 (KCNA) -- A south Korean court in a verdict of guilty given on Sept. 17 sentenced to 10 months in jail and two-year stay of execution Ri Kyu Jae, vice-chairman of the South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification and former commander-in-chief of the reunification vanguard of the Reunification Solidarity, according to a news report. The South Headquarters in a statement issued that day bitterly condemned the authorities for making such a decision for the mere reason that Ri, together with members of the reunification vanguard, staged a protest against the arrest of all the participants in the surprise demonstration in the U.S. troops' firing range.
    It is shame on the nation that Ri was sentenced to such penal servitude on the charge of interfering with the performance of special duty though he protested against the actions taken against the just patriotic demonstration staged by students inside the firing range to check the war exercise of a U.S. rapid deployment brigade.
    The statement demanded the authorities release the arrested students, reverse the verdict of guilty passed on Ri and apologize to the people for acting a waiting maid of the U.S. troops.

GNP Representative's Anti-reunification Outburst under Fire

    Pyongyang, September 20 (KCNA) -- The Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland Friday issued information bulletin No. 849 as regards the south Korean Grand National Party's ever-more pronounced anti-DPRK confrontation moves. It says:
    The representative of the GNP, talking about the "settlement of the nuclear issue" of the north, openly let loose a string of provocative remarks that the international community should pressurize the north by suspending food and energy aid to the north if the six way talks end in a failure and that he could hardly understand why only negotiated settlement was sought when problems cropped up between the north and the south.
    Such remarks can be made only by the heinous traitor who does not care for fellow countrymen and is indifferent to the destiny of the country and the nation. His utterances are an unpardonable criminal act against the nation and reunification, which goes against the desire of the whole nation for the reconciliation and reunification of the nation and peace of the country.
    The GNP gentries have played a flute to the tune of the U.S. in disregard of dialogue and negotiations between the fellow countrymen as a puppet of the U.S. running amuck in its nuclear racket to stifle the DPRK. They are a group of foul traitors to the Korean nation and the factor of evil that can not be allowed within the Korean nation any longer.

Who Is Wrecker of Mideast Peace?@KCNA News Analyst's Article-

    Pyongyang, September 20 (KCNA) -- Israel decided on Sept. 11 to expel President Yasser Arafat from the Palestinian territory, according to media reports. The decision came after a bombing incident on Sept. 9, which Israel associated with Arafat. Prime Minister Sharon gave instructions to the military to prepare an expatriation operation.
    This is a violation of Palestine's sovereignty and state-sponsored terrorism ignoring international law and usage.
    Arafat was elected president of Palestine by the Palestinian people in 1996 and has enjoyed their full support. Intolerable is Israel's decision to expel him from the Palestinian territory of even kill him.
    The decision has been strongly condemned by state leaders, governments and organizations of many countries in their statements and press releases.
    After the adoption of the decision, however, Israel has sent tanks and armored vehicles to Ramallah City, the West Bank, backed by fighter jets, to hold all the buildings around Arafat's office in its hands and fire at demonstrators supporting him. On Sept. 14 Israel's deputy prime minister said killing Arafat was a definite choice of the Israeli government. Israel's moves to expunge Arafat from the political arena are not a thing that happened only yesterday or today.
    The Israeli government has severed relations with Arafat from December 2001, defining him as an "obstacle to peace" and threatening to eliminate him. Since March 2002 it has confined him to his office. And it ordered a special unit to make full preparations to abduct him two years ago.
    Such moves of Israel have been patronized by the United States.
    From the very outset, the Bush administration has pursued a pro-Israel policy for its Middle East strategy, keeping aloof from Arafat. It has also threatened that there would be no conference to solve the issue with Israel unless Palestinians select their new leader.
    It, for the purpose of isolating Arafat, even excluded him from the summit conference for Mideast peace held on June 3. The U.S. intention to eliminate the Palestinian leader is clearly illustrated by the "road map to the Middle East peace" made public on April 30.
    The "road map" calls for assigning all the security agencies of Palestine to the new prime minister and disarming the "terrorist" groups.
    Lurking behind the scheme is an ulterior purpose of the Bush administration to leave the incumbent president of Palestine without any real meaning and turn the Palestine-Israel confrontation into that between the Palestinian authorities and "terrorist" groups. So it was the then Prime Minister Abbas, not Arafat, that represented Palestine in the Mideast peace process based on the "road map".
    The U.S. policy of splitting and alienating the Palestinians has caused a divergence of view in the Palestinian leadership and made Israel all the more arrogant so it has fully revealed its true colors again as an aggressive and unilateral terrorist nation.
    The Middle East situation has been further aggravated owing to Israel's wrong policy motivated by the U.S. Middle East strategy for isolating and weakening anti-U.S. nations with Israel as its shock brigade and with pro-U.S. Arab nations as its allies.

Rodong Sinmun on Great National Unity

    Pyongyang, September 20 (KCNA) -- The unity of the entire Korean nation helps protect the destiny of the nation from the aggression and war moves of hawkish forces at home and abroad and achieve peace and independent reunification of the country, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It is none other than the Korean nation itself that is responsible for its destiny, the article says, and continues:
    The bitter lesson the Korean nation drew from the long history of its sufferings is that flunkeyism and dependence on outsiders lead the nation to a ruin. All the Koreans in the north, south and abroad should turn out in a vigorous anti-war struggle for peace, conscious that the destiny of the nation should be defended by the nation itself.
    The Korean nation has strength enough to protect its destiny from the aggression and war moves of hawkish forces at home and abroad and achieve peace and independent reunification of the country. The strength is the unity of the entire Korean nation.
    There exist differences between the north and the south in ideology and system and other fields. But they can never surpass national commonness and joint demand.
    The Korean people are sure to foil the aggression and war moves of the U.S. imperialists and their followers if all the fellow countrymen in the north, south and abroad get united as one in the idea of "By our nation itself" set forth at the historic June 15 joint declaration.
    All the Koreans should rise up in the anti-war struggle for peace in order to remove the danger of a war from this land and speed up the independent and peaceful reunification of the country by our nation itself under the banner of the historic June 15 joint declaration.

DPRK Delegation Leaves to Attend UN General Assembly

    Pyongyang, September 20 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the DPRK led by Choe Su Hon, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, left here today to participate in the 58th session of the UN General Assembly. It was seen off at the airport by an official concerned.

Visiting Group of S. Korean NGO Leaves

    Pyongyang, September 20 (KCNA) -- The visiting group of the south Korean NGO "Let-Koreans-Help-Each-Other-Movement" led by its Permanent Representative Song Hyon Sop left here today. It was seen off at the airport by Ho Hyok Phil, vice-chairman of the National Reconciliation Council, and officials concerned.
    During their stay they visited the Pyongyang Metro, the Korean Central History Museum, the Korean Art Gallery, King Tongmyong's Mausoleum and other places and toured the area of Mt. Paektu.
    They also participated in a ceremony of commissioning the Taedong County Farm Machine Repair Factory.

Greetings to Prime Minister of Belize

    Pyongyang, September 20 (KCNA) -- Pak Pong Ju, premier of the Cabinet of the DPRK, sent a message of greetings to Prime Minister of Belize Said Musa on the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of its independence. The message expressed the belief that the friendly relations existing between the two countries would as ever grow stronger and wished the prime minister and the government of Belize greater success in their work for the prosperity of the country.

For Spanish-speaking people

Premier de la RPDC envia mensaje de felicitacion a su homologo de Belice

    Pyongyang, 20 de septiembre (ATCC) -- Pak Pong Ju, primer ministro del Consejo de Ministros de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea envio un mensaje de felicitacion a su homologo de Belice, Said Musa, con motivo del 22 aniversario de la independencia de este pais. El remitente expresa la conviccion de que las relaciones de amistad existentes entre los dos paises se fortaleceran y se desarrollaran de continuo en el futuro tambien y desea mayores exitos al premier y el gobierno de Belice en la labor para la prosperidad del pais.

Salio delegacion de la RPDC a 58 periodo de sesiones de Asamblea General de ONU

    Pyongyang, 20 de septiembre (ATCC) -- Partio hoy de esta capital la delegacion de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea presidida por Choe Su Hon, viceministro de RR. EE. para participar en el 58 periodo de sesiones de la Asamblea General de la ONU. En el aeropuerto la delegacion fue despedida por un funcionario interesado.

Judoka Kye Sun Hui regreso a Pyongyang

    Pyongyang, 20 de septiembre (ATCC) -- Regreso el dia 19 Kye Sun Hui quien manifesto el impetu invencible de Corea del Songun (priorizacion militar) al ocupar el primer lugar en el Campeonato Mundial de Judo de 2003 efectuado en Osaka de Japon. En el certamen de categoria de 57 kilos del presente Campeonato la judoka Kye Sun Hui, con tenaz espiritu de ataque, indoblegable voluntad de combate y elevado nivel tecnico, vencio con una aplastante superioridad, es decir, por una sola partida a todas sus adversarias fuertes y asi volvio a hacerse campeona mundial y recibio el premio de jugadora mejor del Campeonato Mundial de Judo del 2003.
    Ella gano las medallas doradas en el certamen de categoria de 48 kilos de los 26 Juegos Olimpicos de Atlanta de 1996 y en el de 52 kilos del Campeonato Mundial de Judo de 2001. En fin gano victorias en tres certamenes de categoria de peso, ocupando asi la posicion de la judoka mas fuerte en el mundo.
    La tricampeona fue recibida por el viceprimer ministro Kwak Pom Gi, Pak Myong Chol, presidente del Comite de Direccion de Deportes de Corea, y otros funcionarios.
    Los deportistas y los familiares de la judoka la felicitaron colocandole collares de flores y brindandole ramos de flores.

Secretariado de CRPP condena peroracion del "representante del partido Hannara"

    Pyongyang, 20 de septiembre (ATCC) -- El Secretariado del Comite por la Reunificacion Pacifica de la Patria (CRPP) hizo publica la informacion No.849 en relacion con que en estos dias las maniobras de enfrentamiento del "Partido Hannara" de Corea del Sur con la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea llegan a una etapa muy temeraria. Recientemente, el "representante del Partido Hannara", al hablar de "solucion del problema nuclear" de la RPDC, hizo abiertamente peroraciones muy hostiles y provocativas al decir: si fracasan las conversaciones de 6 partes, "la sociedad internacional debe ejercer presion sobre la RPDC dejando de ofrecer la asistencia alimentaria y energetica a esta" y "no se entiende porque dependieron solo del dialogo y negociaciones cuando ocurrio un problema con Corea del Norte".
    Esto es una perorata que puede soltar solo un maligno traidor que no toma en consideracion el destino del pais y la nacion y un imperdonable acto criminal que resulta contraproducente con la aspiracion de todos los coreanos a la reconciliacion, la reunificacion y la paz del pais, senala la informacion y continua:
    El "Partido Hannara", sirviendo de marioneta a EE.UU. que arma un alboroto nuclear para aplastar la RPDC, niega hasta el dialogo y las negociaciones con esta y baila al son que le toca su amo. Es una banda de renegados sucios y una existencia cancerosa que no se puede dejar por mas tiempo dentro de la nacion.