Kim Jong Il's Work Published in Italy

e092901 - Kim Jong Il's Work Published in Italy     Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il's famous work "Let Us Exalt the Brilliance of Comrade Kim Il Sung's Idea on the Youth Movement and the Achievements Made under His Leadership" was brought out in booklet on September 20 by the Publishing House of the Peace and Socialist Movement of Italy. The booklet says in its preface:
    The world people's struggle has become arduous owing to the collapse of socialism in east Europe and the imperialists' arrogant moves for world supremacy. Under these circumstances the revolutionary parties should unite the popular masses and call them to the struggle against imperialism.
    For the fulfilment of the task, we cannot but show special interests in the experiences of the DPRK in building socialism and its reality.
    His work fully coincides with today's reality and we sympathize with his idea.

People's Action Formed in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- The Emergency People's Action against Additional Troop Dispatch to Iraq was reportedly inaugurated in south Korea on September 23 with 351 civic organizations involved. A news conference was called on the formation of the organization at the Press Centre in Seoul. It was addressed by Jong Kwang Hun, permanent representative of the "National People's Solidarity", Kwon Yong Gil, representative of the Democratic Workers' Party, and others.
    They said the additional troop dispatch to Iraq means acting as a marionette of the U.S. conservative forces and it is a critical issue at which the destiny of the nation is staked.
    They gave vent to their indignation, saying: We can never approve the war which would kill our sons by spending our own money. They called on the people to hold higher the candle light of national independence and peace.
    An appeal to the people was released at the news conference.
    Noting that many countries oppose the war, it called for launching a struggle against troop dispatch as a nation-wide movement and a movement of the people themselves.
    A five-point plan of the people's action against troop dispatch including an all-people signature campaign, an all-people rally and a movement for urging the "National Assembly" to oppose it was made public at the news conference.

Troop Dispatch to Iraq Opposed

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- 21 religious organizations of south Korea including the Catholic Committee for Human Rights and the Catholic Priests' Council for Justice reportedly issued a joint statement on Sept. 18 against additional troop dispatch to Iraq. It expressed towering rage at the U.S. for demanding that the global community dispatch combat troops to Iraq and share spendings for the dispatch of troops after astonishing the whole wold with the Iraqi war.
    The demand of the U.S. for additional troop dispatch to Iraq under the absurd pretext of "maintenance of public peace" is a big crime, it said, and added: If south Korea complied with the U.S. brigandish demand, it would result in discarding of its own accord the justification of world's support to peace on the Korean peninsula.
    We cannot leave young people of this land to die in a war, the statement said, and demanded that the "government" and the "National Assembly" decidedly refuse the U.S. demand.

Joint Student Measure Committee Inaugurated in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- Over 10 student organizations including the South Korean Federation of University Student Councils, the National Solidarity Rally of Students, the Student Committee of the Democratic Workers' Party and the General Federation of Student Councils of South Korean Christian Church reportedly held an emergency meeting at Yonsei University on Sept. 23 at which the Joint Student Measure Committee against the Troop Dispatch to Iraq and for Peace on the Korean Peninsula was inaugurated. The student organizations called a press conference on the inauguration on the same day.
    The press release issued at the conference said that the U.S. pressure for the additional troop dispatch to Iraq is little short of its confession of the failure of its strategy of preemptive attack on Iraq and is nothing but another expression of its unilateralist move to shift the responsibility for the war of aggression and its resultant burden on to the international community.
    The press release declared that the 3 million students across south Korea would fight united as one behind the measure committee irrespective of ideology and political view.
    For this, it will conduct a powerful all-out action in the middle of October to send a strong message of students to the present "government" and stage a one million signature campaign against the troop dispatch, the press release noted.
    It warned that if the "government" goes ahead with its plan to dispatch troops to Iraq, the committee will organize the 2nd all-out action stronger than the first one and a student strike all over south Korea.

Rodong Sinmun on Strengthening Socialist Education

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today editorially calls for further strengthening socialist education to meet the requirements of the Songun era. What is most important in strengthening socialist education at the present juncture is to guide all the officers and men of the People's Army and the people to make it their creed and an integral part of their life to devotedly defend the headquarters of revolution, the editorial says, and goes on:
    We should see that the spirit and trait of devotedly defending the headquarters, the supreme crystallisation of collectivism, are given fuller scope in the Songun era. All the officers and men of the People's Army and the people should cherish deeper in their hearts the faith that the greatest worth and honor of life lie in devotedly defending the headquarters of revolution and the prosperity of the country and eternal happiness of generations to come are promised in it.
    They should become self-blasting fighters and human-bomb heroes who dedicate the whole course of struggle and life to defending the headquarters and lay down their lives without hesitation to safeguard leader Kim Jong Il.
    An important part of socialist education at the present moment is to bring up all the officials and working people into true revolutionaries and patriots putting the interests of the society and collective above individual benefits and working heart and soul for the prosperity of the socialist homeland.
    All the working people should be made to clearly understand that effecting constant innovations in the building of a powerful nation with their sincere efforts as befit the master of the country is to fully display the superiority and might of Korean-style socialism based on collectivism.
    What is important is that all the members of the Workers' Party of Korea and the working people should be made to have the moral view of socialist collectivism as their physical quality.
    All the members of society should regard it the happiest and worthiest life to live and struggle, helping and leading each other forward on the basis of revolutionary comradeship and sense of obligation.
    The army and people, officers and men, officials and working people should further consolidate the relations of genuine comradeship, sharing sweets and bitters on the road of the Songun revolution under the leadership of the Party.
    We should deepen socialist education on the basis of correct methodology elucidated by Kim Jong Il while leading the ideological work of the Party for scores of years.
    When all the officials lead the people and become their faithful servants in the work for the prosperity of the country can the invincible might of Korean-style socialism be fully demonstrated and the spirit of socialist patriotism highly displayed by the masses.

All Koreans Called upon to Uphold Songun Policy

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- The Koreans in the north and the south and abroad should advance to achieve peace and the cause of reunification, pulling through all sorts of trials and difficulties laying in the way of national reunification, true to the great Songun policy, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It goes on:
    The United States spawned the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. in a bid to stifle the DPRK. It has persistently insisted on its brigandish assertion that the DPRK should scrap its nuclear program first, turning aside the latter's just proposal to solve it, and escalated its moves to stifle the DPRK.
    The present situation proves that in order to defend the destiny of the nation from the U.S. war moves, it is necessary to build a strong self-defensive deterrent force, instead of calling for justice and conscience.
    Now that the U.S. has become more undisguised than ever before in its aggressive ambition to stifle the DPRK by force of arms under the pretext of the nuclear issue, it is the only powerful weapon to protect the destiny of the nation to build invincible military force.
    The Songun policy is aimed to contain the U.S. imperialist aggressors, not compatriots in the south, and to foil the U.S. war moves.
    But for our Songun policy, a war would have broken out on this land many times and our compatriots already suffered from the scourge of a nuclear war.
    The DPRK has advanced under the uplifted banner of independence without the slightest vacillation and the peace and security on the Korean peninsula have been firmly preserved despite the escalated moves of the U.S. imperialists and its allies to isolate and stifle the DPRK under the pretext of the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. This is the shining result of the Songun policy.
    Upholding the Songun policy provides the only way of frustrating the foreign forces' moves for a war of aggression, saving the destiny of the nation and achieving the prosperity of the nation.

Anti-U.S. Solidarity Rally Held

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- The 48th Anti-U.S. solidarity rally of citizens was reportedly held in the plaza by the U.S. embassy in Seoul on Sept. 23 under the co-sponsorship of the People's Action for the Revision of the Unequal "South Korea-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement", the Headquarters for Retaking the U.S. Military Base in Ryongsan and others. Speakers at the rally said that the U.S. pressure for additional troop dispatch to Iraq was already foreseen, urging the south Korean authorities to make a right decision, not reading the U.S. face.
    Kim Chong Il, chairman of the Committee for Independence and Peace of the National People's Solidarity, called for checking the additional troop dispatch to Iraq, come what may.
    A letter of protest to Bush was adopted at the rally.
    The letter accused the United States of brazen-facedly pressuring south Korea to dispatch combat forces to Iraq on account of the south Korea-U.S. relations.
    Recalling that the United States is working hard to seek the U.N. resolution calling for the dispatch of troops to Iraq at any cost, while threatening south Korea that it would "withdraw the Second U.S. division" and "south Korea's refusal to meet its demand would put the south Korean economy into difficulties", the letter warned that if Bush persistently forces south Korea to dispatch troops to Iraq defying the will of the south Korean people, he will meet strong protest of the people and will not be able to escape a bitter defeat.
    The letter also demanded Bush return the U.S. military base in Ryongsan to south Korea, close the U.S. firing range in Maehyang-ri and make a compensation to the victims, etc.

National Athletic Meet to Be Held

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- The 10th National Athletic Meet will be held in October amid deep interest of the sportspersons and the working people of all strata. It is the largest one of the national sports tournaments.
    It will be participated in by the national and local sports groups, sports teams of universities and industrial establishments and amateurs selected among workers, peasants, office employees and students, far more than ten thousand in all. The meet will be contested, divided into two--sports groups and amateurs.
    In the contest of sports groups, some 400 categories of 42 events including ball, heavy and light, water and defence sports games will be held in Pyongyang, Wonsan, Nampho, Sariwon and other places.
    In the amateurs contests, 11 events will be held in Pyongyang. Among them are ball games, field and track events, swimming, and national folk games such as Korean wrestling, swinging and seesaw.
    The national athletic meet, which started in Juche 49 (1960), plays a great role in popularizing the sports and developing sports techniques of the country.

Spokesman of FM Urges U.S. to Drop Its Hostile Policy towards DPRK

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- Increased efforts on the part of the U.S. to perpetuate its military presence in south Korea under the anachronistic south Korea-U.S. mutual defense treaty would only make the prospect of achieving peace and security on the Korean peninsula and in the region more dismal, said a spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry in a statement released on Monday 50 years after the conclusion of the treaty. The statement says:
    The U.S. has persistently opposed the DPRK's proposal to conclude a non-aggression treaty for the settlement of the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S.
    It is the U.S. worry that the conclusion of the non-aggression treaty between the DPRK and the U.S. might reduce the "south Korea-U.S. mutual defense treaty" which stipulates the DPRK as a "principal enemy" to a dead document.
    It is because of this worry that the U.S. is talking about such "written security assurances in the form of Congress resolution" minus legal-binding force or "collective security assurances" by neighboring countries, persistently refusing to assure the DPRK of non-aggression through a treaty.
    The U.S. is foolishly seeking to fish in the troubled waters by maintaining the confrontational structure in the era of the Cold War through the south Korea-U.S. mutual defense treaty.
    Such attempt of the U.S. is little short of bedevilling the inter-Korean relations that have favorably developed according to the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration.
    This is also quite contrary to the common interests of the neighboring countries which wish to see a new peace mechanism on the Korean peninsula.
    Inciting confrontation would only lead to a physical clash. The U.S. should express its will to drop its hostile policy towards the DPRK and opt for concluding a non-aggression treaty with the DPRK without delay.

Greetings to President of Botswana

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to Festus G. Mogae, president of Botswana, on September 23 on the occasion of the 37th anniversary of the independence of the country. Expressing the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger and develop in the idea of independence, peace and friendship, the message sincerely wished him greater success in his work for prosperity of the country.

Kim Yong Nam Receives Credentials from Brazilian Ambassador

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, received credentials from Affonso Celso de Ouro-preto, new Brazilian ambassador e.p. to the DPRK, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. Vice Foreign Minister Kung Sok Ung was on hand.
    Kim Yong Nam conversed with the ambassador after receiving credentials.

Friendly Gathering Held

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- A friendly gathering with members of the delegation of the General Federation of Labor Unions of Syria was held on Monday. Present there were the members of the delegation led by Vice-Chairman Izzat Alkang and officials of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea including its Vice-Chairman Ri Jin Su.
    The participants exchanged successes and experience gained by the organizations in their work and talked to each other about the need to boost the cooperative relations between them, deepening the friendship.

Choe Thae Bok Meets Syrian Delegation

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, met and had a friendly conversation with the delegation of the General Federation of Labor Unions of Syria led by its Vice-Chairman Izzat Alkang at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. Present there were Ri Jin Su, vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea,
    and Muhammad Adib Alhani, charge d' affaires ad interim of the Syrian embassy here.
    The head of the delegation said that the friendly relations between the two countries established by President Hafez Al Assad and President Kim Il Sung, the eternal leaders of the two countries, are developing more favorably under the care of President Bashar Al Assad and leader Kim Jong Il.
    He expressed belief that the Korean people who have made successes in socialist construction under the banner of the Juche idea would achieve greater success in the building of a great prosperous powerful nation under the leadership of Kim Jong Il.

Paek Nam Sun Meets New Brazilian Ambassador

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun met and had a talk with Affonso Celso de Ouro-preto, new Brazilian ambassador to the DPRK, who paid a courtesy call on him today.

For Spanish-speaking people

Acreditase ante Kim Yong Nam nuevo

    Pyongyang, 29 de septiembre (ATCC) -- Affonso Celso de Ouro Preto presento hoy en el Palacio de los Congresos Mansudae ante Kim Yong Nam, presidente del Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea sus cartas credenciales que le acreditan como nuevo embajador extraordinario y plenipotenciario de la Republica Federativa de Brasil en la RPDC. Estuvo presente Kung Sok Ung, viceministro de RR.EE..
    Luego de recibirlas Kim Yong Nam departio con el embajador.

Vocero del MINREX se refiere al "Tratado de Defensa Mutua Corea del Sur-EE.UU."

    Pyongyang, 29 de septiembre (ATCC) -- Cuanto mas EE.UU. se esfuerza por eternizar la permanencia de las tropas norteamericanas en Corea del Sur aferrandose al anacronico "Tratado de Defensa Mutua Corea del Sur-EE.UU." tanto mas se hara tenebrosa la perspectiva de la solucion del problema de la paz y la seguridad de la Peninsula Coreana y la region. Asi senalo el vocero del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea en una declaracion con fecha 29 dedicada al 50 aniversario de la concertacion del tratado.
    El vocero se refirio a que EE.UU. se opone tesoneramente a la propuesta de la RPDC de concertar un tratado de no agresion para la solucion nuclear entre ambos paises y continuo:
    EE.UU. se preocupa de que de concertarse el tratado de no agresion con la RPDC se anulara el Tratado de Defensa Mutua Corea del Sur-EE.UU." que define como enemigo principal a aquella.
    Precisamente con tal inquietud elude a todo trance concertar el tratado de no agresion con Corea del Norte y habla de la forma de "preservacion de seguridad escrita por una resolucion parlamentaria" o de la "forma de seguridad colectiva" por los paises vecinos, tanto la primera como la segunda carecen por igual de fuerza de restriccion juridica.
    En fin, trata de sacar provecho al mantener la estructura de enfrentamiento de la epoca de la guerra fria por el Tratado de Defensa Mutua con Corea del Sur.
    Al actuar asi, EE.UU. pone freno a las relaciones Norte-Sur de Corea que se desarrollan favorablemente segun la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio.
    Su intencion contraviene enteramente a los intereses comunes de los paises vecinos que desean la estructuracion del nuevo sistema de paz en la Peninsula Coreana.
    La conciencia de confrontacion traera solo un conflicto fisico.
    EE.UU. no debe tardarse en manifestar su voluntad de renunciar la politica hostil a la RPDC. Debe tomar el camino de concertar el tratado de no agresion con la RPDC.

Declaracion del CCPAP

    Pyongyang, 29 de septiembre (ATCC) -- Expresamos una desilusion y gran lastima por el alboroto de "inspeccion especial" y el juicio contra quienes contribuyeron a la preparacion del historico encuentro de los maximos dirigentes del Norte y el Sur de Corea y el nacimiento de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio, eventos especiales registrados en la historia del movimiento por la reunificacion de la patria. Asi senalo el vocero del Comite Coreano por la Paz de Asia y el Pacifico (CCPAP) en una declaracion publicada el dia 27 en relacion con que recientemente el tribunal de Corea del Sur dicto la sentencia de tres a un ano de prision y de 4 a 2 anos de probacion a 6 involucrados en el "envio de dinero a Corea del Norte" y continuo:
    La "inspeccion especial" y el "juicio" sobre el "caso de envio del dinero a Corea del Norte" que duraron cerca de medio ano a partir de la fabricacion de la "ley del particular" fueron actos erroneos, inutiles e ilegales desde su inicio.
    Pese a la fuerte oposicion y la opinion de diversos circulos sociales segun la cual el "problema del envio del dinero al Norte" no puede ser objeto de investigacion, las personas inocentes fueron castigadas por la imposicion y la arbitrariedad del "Partido Hannara", a traves de lo cual las personas del mundo comprenden que en Corea del Sur todas las cosas se tratan de modo injusto.
    Este "partido" y otras fuerzas conservadoras ultraderechistas de Corea del Sur, promotores de la fabricacion de la "inspeccion especial", no podran purgar nunca sus crimenes cometidos ante la nacion y la historia.
    La historia condenara severamente el injusto proceder de las fuerzas anti-reunificacion segun el cual la injusticia castra la justicia y los traidores juzgan a los patriotas y absolvera a quienes injustamente fueron condenados.
    En el futuro tambien el CCPAP impulsara con energia la labor de cooperacion con las entidades economicas no gubernamentales de Corea del Sur a base del ideal de "Con las fuerzas unidas de la nacion coreana" y asi contribuira activamente a promover la unidad y adelantar la reunificacion de la nacion.

Clausurado el 22o concierto de Yun I Sang

    Pyongyang, 29 de septiembre (ATCC) -- Quedo clausurado el dia 27 en la Casa de Musica Yun I Sang el 22o concierto de obras de este ilustre compositor. La funcion clausural la vieron Song Sok Hwan, vicepresidente del Comite Central de la Federacion General de Escritores y Artistas de Corea y otros funcionarios junto con los trabajadores y artistas capitalinos. Estuvieron presentes la esposa y la hija de Yun I Sang y los coreanos en ultramar que permanecen en la patria socialista.
    Ese dia, se pusieron en la escena las obras de Yun, entre otras, el cuarteto de cuerdas numero 6, la melodia inicial "carta" y la sinfonia de camara numero 1.
    Los artistas de la orquesta Yun I Sang en la funcion arrancaron efusivos aplausos de los espectadores al describir excelentemente con su probada representacion los contenidos de las obras.
    En la funcion del segundo dia del concierto se ejecutaron las obras de Yun I Sang entre otras "Ryoyang" para la armonia de camara, la melodia inicial "Talmuri" y el concierto para violin numero 3.