U.S. Abuse of United Nations under Fire

    Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary denounces the United States for getting more undisguised in its attempts to tighten sanctions and blockade against the DPRK and stifle it by force of arms through the United Nations. U.S. President Bush, addressing the UN General Assembly session some time ago, brought forward again "the issues of nuclear development and missile diffusion" by the DPRK and proposed drafting "a new resolution for checking dealings in weapons of mass destruction" and called upon all the UN member nations to support it.
    Lurking behind it is a heinous intention of the U.S. to use the UN as a leverage of realizing its policy for stifling the DPRK, the commentary says, and goes on:
    The adoption of a UN "resolution" on sanctions and blockade against the DPRK would be an open encroachment upon the sovereignty of the DPRK and, at the same time, a violation of norms of international law. The United Nations is not a tool for the U.S. military intervention and aggression and the UN member nations are not henchmen of the U.S.
    The U.S. has resorted to high-handed and arbitrary practices, and, as it they were not enough, dares try to use the UN for a leverage of the attainment of its aggressive goal.
    It is a criminal act that can never be tolerated for the U.S. to try to impose international sanctions and blockade on the DPRK under the pretext of "checking the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction."
    In working to cook up a "UN resolution" designed to form an international encirclement ring around the DPRK, the U.S. seeks to abuse the name of the UN in a bid to legally and more zealously step up its policy to isolate and stifle the DPRK. The more desperate the U.S. tries to lay an international ring around the DPRK, the worse the hostile relations between the DPRK and the U.S. will grow, and this will not be favorable to the U.S. itself.
    The DPRK has already warned that it would regard sanctions and blockade against it as a war. The U.S. should not carry the developments into extremes but drop its foolish attempts to isolate and stifle the DPRK.

Kim Jong Il's Election as WPK General Secretary Celebrated in Russia

    Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held in Russia on Oct. 7 to celebrate the 6th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's election as general secretary of the Workers' Party Korea and the 58th anniversary of the WPK. Russian Writer Nadezhda Garifolina in her speech said the WPK has been throwing its rays on the world as a greater party with Kim Jong Il elected its general secretary 6 years ago.
    The WPK with him at its top post is advancing and will always advance as the revolutionary vanguard of the Songun era, she stressed.
    A congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.
    Participating in the meeting were leaders of political parties, the chairman and the secretary of the Russian Association for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK, the first vice-chairman of the Peace Fund's International Association, other political, social, academic and media persons and citizens from all walks of life.

Inter-Korean Panel Meeting Held

    Phaju, October 12 (KCNA Correspondent) -- The 3rd meeting of the North-South Arrangement-Making Panel for Economic Cooperation took place in Phaju, south Korea on Oct. 11 and 12. At the meeting both sides discussed technical issues of providing an institutional guarantee for effecting the north-south economic cooperation in the basic spirit of the June 15 joint declaration and published the following joint press release:
    The north and the south have discussed the issue of organizing and operating a north-south committee for the arbitration of business disputes according to the "North-South Agreement on the Procedures for the Settlement of Business Disputes" and adopted an "agreement on organizing and operating the North-South Committee for the Arbitration of Business Disputes".
    They agreed to form and operate a working council for the implementation of the "Agreement on the Procedures to Confirm the Origin of the Goods Transacted between the North and the South" as early as possible. It was agreed that the council would be made up of three persons, its chief delegate being department director or section chief.
    Both sides agreed to conduct on a trial basis in the middle of November a work of confirming the origin of those products already transacted between them on a regular basis and discuss the date and venue of the working consultation at the meeting of the North-South Committee for the Promotion of Economic Cooperation.
    Both sides agreed to further the consultations about the order regarding the entry into and stay in the Kaesong Industrial Zone and the tourist area of Mt. Kumgang by way of exchanging documents. They also decided to discuss at the next meeting a credit limit to the settlement of accounts, selection of items of goods, interest rate and other issues for the implementation of the "Agreement on the Settlement of Accounts between the North and the South" and let banks for the settlement of accounts have a working contact to discuss specific procedures and methods.
    Deeming it beneficial to exchange ordinances and regulations necessary for satisfactory inter-Korean economic cooperation, they agreed to exchange them at an appropriate time.
    It was agreed to decide on the venue and date of the 4th meeting of the panel at the 7th meeting of the North-South Committee for the Promotion of Economic Cooperation.

Inter-Korean Working Contact Made

    Phaju, October 12 (KCNA Correspondent) -- The 3rd north-south working contact for marine transport was held in Phaju of south Korea on Oct. 11 and 12. At the contact, both sides discussed the issues arising before the north and the south in effecting cooperation in the field of marine transport in the basic spirit of the June 15 joint declaration.
    The north and the south shared the understanding of the significance of the effectuation of the already adopted "North-South Agreement on Marine Transport" and the adoption of an appendix to its implementation, had an exhaustive discussion on them and reached a consensus of views on a number of issues.
    Both sides agreed to further the discussions on issues of sea route and telecommunications on the basis of what was discussed at the contact and decide on the venue and date of the 4th contact by way of exchanging documents.

Talks between Delegations of WPK and UDFM

    Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- Talks were held in Pyongyang on Sunday between a delegation of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and a delegation of the United Democratic Front of Malawi. At the talks, both sides informed each other of their party activities and exchanged views on the development of bilateral friendly and cooperative relations and other matters of mutual concern.
    Present at the talks were Secretary Choe Thae Bok and Vice-Department Director Pak Kyong Son of the WPK Central Committee and other officials and members of the delegation of the UDFM led by Rodwell T. C. Munyenyembe, member of the Central Executive Committee of the front and Malawian minister of Defence. .

U.S. Demand for Additional Troop Dispatch to Iraq Opposed in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- Mass rallies reportedly took place in over ten cities such as Seoul, Pusan, Taegu, Taejon and Kwangju on October 11 simultaneously in protest against the U.S. demand for additional troop dispatch to Iraq. A rally held on the occasion of the "day of all-people action against the additional troop dispatch to Iraq" was participated in by at least 12,000 workers, peasants and students.
    A big rally was held in the university street in Seoul under the sponsorship of the Emergency People's Action against Additional Troop Dispatch to Iraq that groups 351 civic and social organizations.
    The rally was addressed by Chairman of the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions Tan Pyong Ho, Director of the Secretariat of the Green Federation Kim Je Nam,
    Co-representative of the "National People's Solidarity" Hong Kun Su and Representative of the Democratic Workers' Party Kwon Yong Gil.
    They warned that if the authorities dispatched young people to Iraq yielding to the demand of the United States, that would be little short of declaring its end.
    A resolution was read out at the rally.
    Participants in the rally repeatedly shouted such slogans as "We strongly oppose the dispatch of combat troops to an unjust war," "U.S. stop its dirty war of aggression and quit Iraq" and "Stop the war moves on the Korean peninsula".
    During the rally there took place a people's signature campaign against the troop dispatch to Iraq and all-people signature campaign against the increased defense spending and the introduction of weapons.
    Prior to the rally a meeting was held in Maroni Park on the same day to oppose the troop dispatch to Iraq and war on the Korean peninsula and demand the conclusion of a non-aggression treaty between the DPRK and the U.S. It was sponsored by the Headquarters of the Movement against the U.S. and War and for Earlier Conclusion of Non-Aggression Treaty between the North and the U.S.
    A resolution was adopted there.
    The resolution said that the Iraqi war was a shameless war of aggression launched in disregard of even the U.N., adding that the act of forcing young people to serve as bullet shields for the U.S. troops can never be justified.
    It urged the south Korean government authorities to give up such a deceptive act allegedly aimed to meet "national interests" and decisively turn down the U.S. demand for the dispatch of young people to its dirty war of aggression as its bullet shields.

Additional Troop Dispatch Scheme Condemned in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- South Korean organizations and people are denouncing the U.S. demand for additional troop dispatch to Iraq and the authorities' act of submitting to it. The Emergency People's Action against Additional Troop Dispatch to Iraq, the Joint Measure Committee of Students to Check Troop Dispatch to Iraq and Achieve Peace on the Korean Peninsula and other mass movement organizations were formed and the south Korean Federation of University Student Councils, the Reunification Solidarity and other organizations and public figures are disclosing the substance of the U.S. pressure for troop dispatch and denouncing the "government" authorities for their moves to send additional troops to Iraq through rallies, protests, statements and talks.
    And some "national assemblymen" at a press interview said now that the aggressive nature of the Iraqi war by the U.S. has been made clear, the people would never accept troop dispatch, expressing their firm will to block additional troop dispatch at the National Assembly. Loud voices opposing troop dispatch are heard from religious and media circles.

Lagging Materials Developed

    Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- The Branch Institute of Construction and Building-Materials under the Academy of Sciences of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has developed lagging materials with foam from plant-steeped water. Its heat conduction is 0.08 watt per meter kelvin. It does not break under the pressure of five mega Pascal.
    It has been widely used in the newly built factories, dwelling houses and stockbreeding farms including the recently face-lifted Yonggwang Street.
    Its raw material is inexhaustible in the country. Its production cost is low but the quality is good.

DPRK Delegate on Task to Attain UN Millennium Development Target

    Pyongyang, October 12 (KCNA) -- It is most urgent to establish a fair world order based on the respect for the right to independent development of each country in order to attain the UN millennium development target and promote its sustained development. The DPRK delegate said this at the meeting of the Second Committee of the 58th Session of the UN General Assembly on October 7.
    He stressed the need to reject such unilateral high-handed practices as sanctions, suffocation and military threat, the most serious challenges to the world economic development and the realization of the well-being of humankind, liquidate poverty in the developing countries at an early date and create conditions and atmosphere needed to promote local socio-economic development.
    He continued:
    To this end, it is important, first of all, to stop disturbing the free economic cooperation and development between developing countries and halt political interference, he said, and went on:
    In order to achieve the sustained development of the world major industrial countries should sincerely implement their commitment to allot 0.7 percent of their gross national product as an official development aid to developing countries and take practical measure to sharply cut or annul heavy burden of debt and positively promote the work of establishing and managing the World Solidarity Fund for the developed countries to assist the socio-economic development of the developing countries materially and financially.
    It is important for the UN to satisfactorily fulfill its role as the center of dialogue and negotiation for international economic development.
    The DPRK government has set a basic goal to step up economic construction and constantly improve the people's living on the principle of actual profit and made every effort to achieve it.
    The DPRK will as ever value the development of multilateral cooperative relations based on the principle of equality and mutual benefit and further develop the relations of support and solidarity with the international community.

Reception in Honor of Malawian Delegation

    Pyongyang, October 12 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea hosted a reception on Saturday in honor of the delegation of the United Democratic Front of Malawi. Present on invitation were members of the delegation of the United Democratic Front of Malawi headed by Rodwell Thomas C. Munyenyembe, member of the Central Executive Committee of the Front and defence minister.
    Secretary Choe Thae Bok and Vice-department Director Pak Kyong Son of the C.C., the WPK and other officials concerned were on hand.
    Choe Thae Bok in his speech said that the United Democratic Front of Malawi headed by President Bakili Muluzi has made positive efforts to consolidate national independence under the slogan of "reconciliation" and "unity," develop national economy and achieve peace, stability and unity of the southern African region and the continent. He sincerely hoped that everything would go well in Malawi to meet the desire of the Malawian people for independence and the interests of the country.
    We will positively strive to develop friendly relations with the United Democratic Front and the people of Malawi in the idea of independence, peace and friendship, he noted.
    Rodwell Thomas C. Munyenyembe in his speech said that he took the opportunity of Korea visit to extend warm congratulations to all the Korean people on the 58th anniversary of the WPK in the name of President Bakili Muluzi, chairman of the United Democratic Front of Malawi, and the Malawian people.
    Saying that the Korean people have made great successes in the revolution and construction under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il, he noted that the heroic struggle of the Korean people for the prosperity of the country and the independent and peaceful reunification of the country is instilling great strength and encouragement into the world progressive people aspiring after independence.

Anti-DPRK, Anti-Chongryon Moves Assailed

    Pyongyang, October 12 (KCNA) -- The ever-more escalating moves of the Japanese authorities against the DPRK and the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) are touching off the indignation and hatred of the army and people of the DPRK. Papers in Pyongyang carry what public circles said reflecting the unanimous will of the Korean people not to permit the Japanese reactionaries to intentionally turn aside from the basic spirit of the DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration and agreement and escalate the anti-DPRK and anti-Chongryon campaign.
    Hwang To Sik, vice-director of the General Bureau of Reception for Overseas Compatriots, said that what is now happening in Japan reminds Koreans of the Kanto quake of 1923 during which the Japanese reactionary rulers attempted to "exterminate Koreans" and that the 70 million Koreans would never overlook the anti-DPRK and anti-Chongryon campaign of the Japanese reactionaries.
    He noted that the Japanese authorities should immediately stop the anti-DPRK and anti-Chongryon campaign and unconditionally apologize for all the crimes committed against Koreans in Japan.
    Pak Yong Chol, manager of the Tongdaewon Aeguk Knitted Goods Factory in Pyongyang, said that the Japanese reactionaries, who have imposed national discrimination and persecution upon descendants of the sufferers who had been forcibly drafted by the Japanese imperialists, Koreans in Japan who should have been under legal protection, should be cursed thousand times.
    The Japanese reactionaries should know that there may be an explosion of anti-Japanese hatred of the Korean working class if the Japanese reactionaries keep resorting to the anti-Chongryon moves, getting on the nerves of the Korean people, he warned.

S. Korea's Humiliating Act under Fire

    Pyongyang, October 12 (KCNA) -- The Ministry of National Defence of south Korea begged the United States' side to cut down some of costs to be paid by south Korea according to "memoranda" signed in 1990 at the 5th meeting of the "Policy Plan of Future Alliance" held between south Korea and the U.S. in Seoul a few days ago. Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun today says:
    We, as the fellow countrymen, feel national disgrace at the south Korean authorities' humiliating attitude toward the U.S. Recalling that the "memoranda" are submissive documents as they stipulate that south Korea shall entirely bear a colossal amount of nearly 110 trillion won for removal of the U.S. military base in Ryongsan of Seoul, the paper goes on:
    It means that south Korea gives money to the aggression troops to fire at the Korean nation.
    South Korea cannot free from the bridle of submission as long as it keeps dependent relations under the U.S. occupation. South Korea is well advised to make a bold decision for independence.

Agreement Signed between DPRK and Russia

    Moscow, October 11 (KCNA) -- An agreement on cooperation in the field of customs was signed between the DPRK and Russian governments in Moscow on October 8. At the signing ceremony it was inked by Kim Kyong Sok, director of the General Customs Bureau of the DPRK, and Mikhail Vanin, chairman of the State Customs Committee of Russia

Messages Exchanged between DPRK and Russian Foreign Ministers

    Pyongyang, October 12 (KCNA) -- The foreign ministers of the DPRK and Russia exchanged messages of greetings on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The messages said that after the establishment of diplomatic relations the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries have developed favorably in conformity with the interests and desire of the two peoples.
    Paek Nam Sun, foreign minister of the DPRK, in a message of greetings to his Russian counterpart Igor Sergeyevich Ivanov expressed the belief that close cooperation between the foreign ministries of the two countries would grow stronger in comprehensively expanding and developing the friendly relations between the DPRK and Russia in all fields as intended by the top leaders of the two countries.
    The Russian foreign minister in a message of greetings to his DPRK counterpart expressed the belief that the traditional and reciprocal ties between Russia and the DPRK would continue to develop for peace and prosperity in the Korean peninsula and the Northeast Asian region in the spirit of the agreement between the top leaders of the two countries on the basis of the treaty of friendship, good neighborlines and cooperation.

"Complete Collection of Kim Il Sung's Works" Vol. 51 Published

    Pyongyang, October 11 (KCNA) -- The Workers' Party of Korea Publishing House brought out "Complete Collection of Kim Il Sung's Works" Vol. 51, a library of the great Juche idea, which systematically and comprehensively deals with President Kim Il Sung's famous works in a chronological order. The collection contains 28 works including the President's important speeches, conclusions and talks from February to May, Juche 62 (1973).
    These works were made public in the historic period when the Korean people were faced with militant tasks to carry on more vigorously three revolutions for a radical turn in socialist construction and a signal success in the drive to honour the 6-year plan.
    The collection comprehensively deals with the outstanding ideas, theories and policies the President set out to accelerate the socialist economic construction and model the whole society on the Juche idea, seeing through the requirements of the revolutionary development with his extraordinary wisdom and far-sightedness.
    The collection clearly elucidates theoretical and practical issues arising in the overseas Koreans' movement and the accomplishment of the global cause of independence including issues of strengthening organizations of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan, helping the Koreans in Japan to positively contribute to the patriotic work, strengthening the solidarity with the world progressives and encouraging the peoples in the fighting countries.

Inaugural Ceremony of Workshop on Koryo Medicine Held

    Pyongyang, October 11 (KCNA) -- An inaugural ceremony of a workshop on Koryo medicine was held by the Dominican Doctors' Association on Sept. 29. Present at the ceremony were Fernando Sanches Martinez, chairman of the Dominican Committee for the Reunification of Korea, Severino, vice-chairman of the Dominican Doctors' Association, members of the association, the director of the Medical Department of Santo Domingo University and participants in the workshop.
    The chairman of the Dominican Committee for the Reunification of Korea and the vice-chairman of the Dominican Doctors' Association made speeches at the ceremony.
    They said that the ceremony would provide Dominican doctors with a very good opportunity to learn Koryo medicine of Korea with a 5,000 year-long history and ancient culture.
    They noted that the lectures to be given this time would help hear about and learn not only traditional medicine of Korea but brilliant history, culture and tradition of the Korean nation, and successes and experience the Korean people have gained in the fields of education and public health, in particular.
    Lectures on Koryo medicine would offer good chances to deepen the bilateral understanding and boost the friendship between the peoples of Dominica and the DPRK and develop the friendly and cultural relations between the two countries, they added.

Japan's Moves for Overseas Aggression Assailed

    Pyongyang, October 11 (KCNA) -- The Japanese ruling quarters are getting over-heated in the moves to establish the missile defense system, making much ado about "missile threat" from the DPRK in a bid to realize their ambition for military power and overseas expansion, Rodong Sinmun today says in a signed commentary. It goes on:
    Just after forming the new cabinet the present chief executive of Japan instructed the director general of the Defense Agency to strengthen missile measures, which means to step up and complete the establishment of the missile defense system to prevent "missile threat" from the DPRK.
    The DPRK has preserved and developed a military power not to threaten others but to defend itself. The DPRK's development, production and deployment of missiles are not contrary to the principle of self-defense.
    The DPRK remains true to the spirit of the DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration which promises to suspend missile launch.
    The DPRK government insists on the implementation of the declaration though Japan is aggravating the DPRK-Japan relations while shunning the liquidation of its past, a hardcore article of the declaration.
    Japan's moves for military buildup and overseas expansion have gone to extremes and the threat of missile and reinvasion comes from Japan to the DPRK.
    Closely following Japan's reckless moves, the army and people of Korea recognize that they should approach Japan with arms, not words.

Paek Nam Sun Greets Spanish Foreign Minister

    Pyongyang, October 11 (KCNA) -- DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun sent a message of greetings to Spanish Foreign Minister Ana Palacio on the occasion of the national day of Spain. The message sincerely wished the Spanish people prosperity and welfare.

Greetings to Equatorial Guinean President

    Pyongyang, October 11 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to President Obiang Nguema Mbasogo on Oct. 7 on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the independence of Equatorial Guinea. The message wished the president fresh success in his responsible work for the national unity and prosperity of the country, expressing the conviction that the good friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would further expand and develop.

Kim Yong Nam Greets Spanish King

    Pyongyang, October 11 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to Spanish King Juan Carlos on Oct. 6 on the occasion of the national day of Spain. The message sincerely wished the King good health and happiness, expressing the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger.

Malawian Delegation Here

    Pyongyang, October 11 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the United Democratic Front of Malawi led by Rodwell T. C. Munyenyembe, member of the Central Executive Committee of the front and minister of Defence of the republic, arrived here today. The delegation was met by Pak Kyong Son, vice department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, at the airport.

KCNA Dismisses Reckless Row Kicked up by GNP

    Pyongyang, October 11 (KCNA) -- The group of the Grand National Party of south Korea is busy with an anti-north campaign, clamouring for an investigation into the case of a social scientist in Germany who visited his hometown. As far as the scientist is concerned, he emigrated to Germany long ago, disillusioned with the military fascist dictatorial regime after being engaged in the struggle for democracy in south Korea. Yet, the group linked him to the north. Such act can be done only by those who are steeped in the fever of confrontation with the north to the marrow of their bones.
    If several visits paid by an overseas compatriot to the north of the divided country with feelings of kinship were in violation of the "present law" in south Korea, many overseas compatriots and all the political, social and media persons of south Korea
    who have visited the north should be charged with violating the law and punished as criminals.
    The north can not but worry about all those who have visited the north, taking wide-range opportunities provided since the publication of the historic June 15 joint declaration.
    The reckless campaign staged by the group of the GNP every day bereft of reason is nothing but the last-ditch effort of the separatists.
    Anti-reunification elements including Choe Pyong Ryol, representative of the party, are busy talking bloody nonsense that the overseas compatriot must be punished by the "security law" and he is a follower of the north.
    This is a product of a political strategy of the party to fare well in the "general election" slated for the next year.
    The party is now forsaken by the people as it groups pro-U.S. flunkeyists and traitors and anti-reunification elements.
    For this reason they do not bother to launch all sorts of anti-north smear campaigns in a bid to discredit and contain other political forces.
    Such hostile remarks of the GNP are only harmful to the democratic development of the south Korean society and the improved inter-Korean relations as they are based on the self-righteous and fascist moves in the past period of military dictatorship.
    The GNP's persistent anti-national reunification acts based on the dictatorial logic would deprive it of any future.

For Spanish-speaking people

III reunion de Seccion Institucional de Cooperacion Economica Norte-Sur

    Phaju, 12 de octubre (Corresponsal de la ATCC) -- La III Reunion de la Seccion Institucional de Cooperacion Economica Norte-Sur de Corea tuvo lugar los dias 11 y 12 en Phaju de Corea del Sur. En la reunion ambas partes consultaron los problemas practicos concernientes a la garantia institucional para realizar la cooperacion economica entre el Norte y el Sur de Corea conforme al espiritu fundamental de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio y publicaron un comunicado conjunto cuyo contenido es el siguiente:
    El Norte y el Sur consultaron el problema sobre la organizacion y la gestion del Comite de Mediacion de Companias Norte-Sur segun el "Acuerdo del procedimiento para la solucion de conflictos de companias entre el Norte y el Sur" y aprobaron el "Acuerdo sobre la Organizacion y Gestion del Comite de Mediacion de Companias Norte-Sur".
    El Norte y el Sur acordaron formar y gestionar lo mas pronto posible un consejo de expertos para la ejecucion del "Acuerdo sobre los tramites de verificacion de los lugares origen de los productos en transaccion entre el Norte y el Sur", consejo que se integrara por tres personas incluido el representante a nivel de jefe de departamento o de seccion.
    Acordaron realizar a modo de ejemplo, a mediados de noviembre, la labor de confirmacion de lugares origen en cuanto a los objetos de transaccion normal ya en marcha y discutir el tiempo y el lugar de inauguracion del consejo de expertos en el Comite por la Promocion de Cooperacion Economica Norte-Sur (CPCENS).
    Acordaron seguir consultando a modo de intercambio de documentos el orden de la entrada y salida y la permanencia en la Zona Industrial de Kaesong y la Zona de Turismo del Monte Kumgang, consultar en la proxima reunion el limite de credito de liquidacion, la seleccion de renglones, la tasa de interes, etc. para la ejecucion del "Acuerdo sobre la liquidacion entre el Norte y el Sur" y sostener el contacto de expertos entre los bancos de liquidacion para consultar el procedimiento y metodo concretos.
    Reconocieron que es util intercambiar los decretos y reglamentos necesarios para efectuar satisfactoriamente la cooperacion economica y acordaron hacerlo en un tiempo oportuno.
    Ambas partes acordaron fijar el lugar y la fecha de la IV Reunion de la Seccion Institucional de Cooperacion Economica entre el Norte y el Sur en la VII reunion del CPCENS.

III contacto de expertos de transporte maritimo Norte-Sur de Corea

    Phaju, 12 de octubre (Corresponsal de la ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar los dias 11 y 12 en Phaju de Corea del Sur el tercer contacto de expertos del transporte maritimo Norte-Sur.En el contacto ambas partes consultaron los problemas que se presentan en la realizacion de la cooperacion entre el Norte y el Sur de Corea en el dominio de transporte maritimo conforme al espiritu fundamental de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio. Compartieron la identidad de criterios que revisten un significado la puesta en vigor del "Acuerdo del Transporte Maritimo Norte-Sur" ya aprobado y la adopcion del acuerdo anexo para su ejecucion y al desarrollar una consulta sincera llegaron a la unanimidad de criterios en muchos problemas abordados.
    Decidieron consultar de continuo en el futuro la ruta de navegacion y el aseguramiento de comunicaciones a base de los contenidos discutidos en el presente contacto y definir a modo de intercambio de documentos el lugar y la fecha del IV contacto de expertos de transporte maritimo Norte-Sur.

Cooperacion en el sector aduanero entre Corea y Rusia

    Moscu, 11 de octubre (ATCC) -- El dia 8 quedo subscrito en esta ciudad el convenio sobre la cooperacion en el sector aduanero entre los gobiernos de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y la Federacion Rusa. En la ceremonia de firmas lo suscribieron Kim Kyong Sok, jefe de la Direccion General de Aduanas de la RPDC y Mijail Wanin, presidente del Comite Estatal de Aduanas de la FR.

Delegado coreano se refiere a tarea para meta de desarrollo de milenio de la ONU

    Pyongyang, 13 de octubre (ATCC) -- El delegado de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea pronuncio el dia 7 un discurso en la reunion de la segunda comision del 58o periodo de sesiones de la Asamblea General de la ONU. El delegado senalo que establecer un imparcial orden mundial basado en el respeto al derecho de desarrollo independiente de cada pais es la tarea primordial para lograr la meta de desarrollo de milenio de la ONU y fomentar el desarrollo sostenido y continuo:
    Es necesario rechazar estrictamente los actos forzosos unilaterales incluyendo la sancion, el aplastamiento, la amenaza militar, etc. que son desafios supremos al desarrollo economico del mundo y la realizacion de bienestar de la humanidad, y crear las condiciones y el ambiente para eliminar cuanto antes la pobreza en los paises en vias de desarrollo y fomentar su propio desarrollo socio-economico.
    Para ese efecto, es importante, ante todo, no obstaculizar la cooperacion economica libre y la labor de desarrollo de los paises en vias de desarrollo y cesar en la intervencion politica.
    Ademas, para realizar el desarrollo sostenido mundial, los importantes Estados industriales deben ejecutar sinceramente la promesa de destinar 0.7 por ciento de valor total de produccion nacional como asistencia oficial de desarrollo a los paises en vias de desarrollo, tomar la medida practica de disminuir grandemente o cancelar la deuda pesada y los paises desarrollados deben promover activamente la fundacion y la gestion del fondo de solidaridad del mundo para ayudar en lo material y financiero al desarrollo socio-economico de los paises en vias de desarrollo.
    Es importante que la ONU cumpla satisfactoriamente su funcion de centro del dialogo y las negociaciones para el desarrollo economico internacional.
    El gobierno de la RPDC presento como meta principal acelerar la construccion economica en el principio del interes real, mejorar de continuo la vida del pueblo y hace todos sus esfuerzos para su efecto.
    La RPDC apreciara tambien en el futuro el desarrollo de las relaciones de cooperacion multilateral basadas en el principio de la igualdad y beneficio mutuo y desarrollara aun mas las relaciones del apoyo y la solidaridad con la comunidad internacional.

Rechazan coaccion de EE.UU. de enviar adicionalmente efectivos a Iraq

    Pyongyang, 13 de octubre (ATCC) -- Segun una informacion, mitines de gran envergadura por rechazar la coaccion de EE.UU. de enviar adicionalmente efectivos a Iraq tuvieron lugar a la vez el dia 11 en mas de 10 ciudades entre otras, Seul, Pusan, Taegu, Taejon y Kwangju, de Corea del Sur con motivo del "dia de accion pannacional contra el envio adicional de efectivos de combate a Iraq". Participaron mas de 12 mil trabajadores, campesinos, jovenes y estudiantes. En la avenida universitaria de Seul se celebro el mitin principal de gran tamano auspiciado por la accion nacional de emergencia contra el envio adicional de efectivos a Iraq compuesto por las 351 entidades civiles y sociales.
    En la ocasion pronunciaron discursos Tan Pyong Ho, presidente de la Confederacion de Sindicatos Surcoreanos (CSS), Hong Kun Su, co-representante de la "Solidaridad Nacional de masas" y Kwon Yong Gil, delegado del Partido de Obreros Democraticos.
    Los oradores senalaron que "si el gobierno acepta la exigencia de EE.UU. de enviar a los jovenes a Iraq, eso es igual que la declaracion del fin del gobierno".
    En la ocasion se dio lectura a una resolucion.
    Los participantes en el mitin no cesaron de gritar las consignas: "Rechazamos absolutamente el envio de efectivos de combate a la guerra que carece de la justeza", "Que EE.UU. ponga fin a la sucia guerra de agresion y se retire de Iraq", "Cese en las maniobras de guerra en la Peninsula Coreana", etc.
    Mientras se desarrollaba el mitin, en su contorno se desplego el "Movimiento pannacional de recogida de firmas en contra del envio adicional de efectivos a Iraq" y el "Gran movimiento nacional de recogida de firmas contra el aumento de gastos de defensa nacional e introduccion de armas".
    Por otra parte, este dia, antes del mitin principal, tuvo lugar en el parque Maroni un "acto para tomar la decision de oponerse al envio de efectivos a Iraq y la guerra de la Peninsula Coreana y para urgir la firma de un Tratado de no agresion Norcorea-EE.UU." bajo el auspicio de la sede del movimiento contra EE.UU. y la guerra y por urgir la concertacion de un tratado de no agresion Norcorea-EE.UU.
    En la ocasion fue publicada una resolucion.
    El documento senala que la guerra de Iraq es una cinica guerra de agresion a que hasta la ONU dio espaldas y anade que enviar a los jovenes como carne de canon de tropas norteamericanas no se puede justificar por ninguna razon.
    Las autoridades del "gobierno" -subraya- deben poner fin a los actos enganosos intitulados "interes estatal" y rechazar tajantemente la demanda de EE.UU. de enviar a efectivos de combate a Iraq.