Dyke Project Completed in Tideland

    Haeju, October 14 (KCNA) -- A dyke and standing water project was completed in the Kangryong tideland. The completion of the project made it possible to use water from a reservoir for sufficiently irrigating at least 11,000 hectares of land in Kangryong and Ongjin though it could hardly be used for that purpose in the past. As a result, at least 1,000 hectares of new land has been obtained.
    A ceremony for its completion was held on the spot on Tuesday. Thanks from leader Kim Jong Il were conveyed to the officials and working people who contributed to its completion.
    A reporter and speakers recalled that Kim Jong Il laid down a task to carry out the project in order to satisfactorily solve the problem of water in Kangryong and Ongjin counties and wisely led the drive to fulfil it.
    Officials and builders of the South Hwanghae Provincial Tideland Construction Complex carried out a herculean task to remove more than 437,000 cubic meters of earth in a matter of one year and 8 months, thus building a new edifice in the Songun era, they said.
    Noting that Kim Jong Il named the reservoir "Lake Kangryong", they called on all the officials and working people to repay his love and trust by achieving successes in the agricultural production.
    Present at the ceremony were Vice-Premier of the Cabinet Kwak Pom Gi, Minister of Agriculture Ri Kyong Sik and others.

Japanese Racket over "Abduction Issue" Dismissed

    Pyongyang, October 15 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary denounces the Japanese reactionaries for grossly violating the spirit and agreed points of the DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration and working hard to use the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. for meeting their selfish purpose. The Japanese reactionaries are now kicking up a racket, peddling the "abduction issue" in the international arena including the United Nations, the commentary says, and goes on:
    Japan has pursued a hostile policy towards the DPRK for more than half a century without redeeming its past crimes committed against the Korean people, thus causing the hostile relations between the DPRK and Japan to persist and the anti-Japanese sentiment of the Korean people to grow bitter generation after generation. The "abduction issue" was an abnormal isolated phenomenon that occurred against this backdrop.
    This issue had already been solved by the adoption of the DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration. There is neither reason nor ground for Japan to link the issue to the nuclear issue.
    As far as the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula is concerned, it surfaced as the U.S. has pursued a policy of stifling the DPRK after shipping nukes into south Korea. The nuclear issue is something to be solved between the DPRK and the U.S. But Pyongyang showed such magnanimity as allowing Japan to participate in the six-way talks to discuss the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S., taking its face into consideration.
    The real intention of the Japanese authorities is to compound the nuclear issue and not to see it settled peacefully and diplomatically under any circumstances.
    Lurking behind this is a sinister design of the present rulers to step up the moves to turn Japan's domestic policy to the Right and militarize it under the pretext of the nuclear issue in a bid to consolidate their ruling foundation and establish a military fascist system for overseas aggression.
    The Japanese reactionaries are fostering a war atmosphere, while getting more zealously involved in the U.S.-pursued strategy for international pressure and blockade against the DPRK than any others.
    The reality more clearly proves that Japan can do nothing for solving the DPRK-U.S. nuclear issue. Now that it is clearer that Japan is not the party that the DPRK can deal with it will never allow Tokyo to meddle in any form of negotiations for the settlement of the nuclear issue.
    Japan should know that the noisier anti-DPRK racket Japan kicks up under the pretext of the "abduction issue" the more indelibly it will stain its own name.

Celebrations Held Abroad

    Pyongyang, October 15 (KCNA) -- Functions took place in different countries to celebrate the 6th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's election as general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and the 58th anniversary of the WPK. The second secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation at the celebration meeting in Moscow on October 8 said his election as general secretary of the WPK was a historic event that opened a brilliant chapter on the road of accomplishing the Juche revolutionary cause started by President Kim Il Sung.
    Kim Jong Il performed precious feats in the cause of building a Juche-type revolutionary party by strengthening the WPK into a powerful party of the Songun revolution, he noted, and added:
    With him as its general secretary, the WPK, the glorious party of Kim Il Sung, will lead the Korean people's struggle for the advance of the socialist cause only to victory in the future, too.
    The first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the Russian Young Communist League said General Secretary of the WPK Kim Jong Il has further strengthened the WPK into a great party advancing unswervingly for victory in any storm and stress by successfully carrying forward Kim Il Sung's feats in party building.
    The world-startling spirit of perseverance displayed by socialist Korea and all the achievements made in the DPRK are entirely results of his wise leadership, he pointed out.
    The chairman of the Movement for "Working Capital" stressed it was immortal exploits that would shine long in the political history of the revolutionary party that Kim Jong Il unfolded the new history of the unique Songun politics.
    Meanwhile, celebration meetings and seminars were held in Romania, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Uganda, Ethiopia, Tajikistan and Peru.

Dissolution of South Korean GNP Urged

    Pyongyang, October 15 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today denounces the south Korean Grand National Party thrashing around in desperation in its treacherous acts, in keeping with intensified moves of its U.S. masters to isolate and stifle the north. The author of the commentary says:
    The situation of the Korean peninsula is in a critical phase and the implementation of the June 15 joint declaration is facing a challenge. This is linked, in a way, with treacheries of the GNP toeing the U.S. line of stifling the DPRK.
    The United States is viciously seeking to stop the trend of reconciliation and cooperation between the north and south of Korea and realize its policy of aggression against the north under the pretext of its nuclear standoff with the DPRK. Today when the destiny of the nation and the prospects of the inter-Korean relations are in danger owing to the foreign forces, the political parties in this land, leftist or rightist, conservative or innovative, should turn out to dispel the nation's disasters and promote the course of reunification.
    Nothing correct can be found in the policies of the GNP toward the north, external and internal. Its external policy is invariably pro-U.S. flunkeyist and blind tailing behind the U.S., its policy toward the north is anti-reunification and confrontational and its internal policy fascism-seeking. What it pursues in its policy toward the north is anti-reunification and confrontation based on the "doctrine of principal enemy".
    The present era is an era of reconciliation and cooperation between the north and the south to achieve peace and reunification by concerted efforts of the nation. It is a tragedy that the party is still desperately trying to find a way of returning to power, failing to draw a lesson from its setback.
    In a word, the GNP is a useless party too far removed from the era of the independent reunification of the nation. It is high time the party disappeared from the historical scene.
    The GNP should make a bold decision and dissolve itself without delay.

U.S. to Entirely Blame for Serious Nuclear Stand-off

    Pyongyang, October 15 (KCNA) -- The serious situation surrounding the nuclear issue is chiefly attributable to the U.S. persistent anachronistic hostile policy towards the DPRK, says Minju Joson today in a signed commentary. The nuclear stand-off between the DPRK and the U.S. is deteriorating quite contrary to the expectation of the international community, the commentary observes, and goes on:
    The U.S. anachronistic hostile policy towards the DPRK is the main factor of spawning the nuclear issue between them. It is, therefore, the master key to finding a peaceful solution to the nuclear issue for the U.S. to make a switchover in its policy.
    The U.S., however, has not shown any will to make a switchover in its anachronistic hostile policy towards the DPRK.
    On the contrary, it is set to further its hostile policy towards the DPRK aimed at stifling the DPRK militarily in the future, too.
    This is clearly evidenced by the U.S. ever more undisguised moves to stifle the DPRK.
    These U.S. moves compel the DPRK to steadily increase its self-defensive nuclear deterrent force.
    The DPRK will continue strengthening its self-defensive measure. The U.S. should abandon its anachronistic hostile policy towards the DPRK and accept the proposal for the conclusion of a non-aggression treaty with the DPRK, the commentary urges.

New Aerial Stunts Created

    Pyongyang, October 15 (KCNA) -- The Pyongyang Circus has created aerial stunts "Diversified Flights" and "Double Swinging Flight". "Diversified Flights" contains three side-somersaults and three and four flip-flaps in the air.
    "Double Swinging Flight" is made up of short and long-distance flights including a 14-meter-long flight and three somersaults in the air.
    The circus has also created an ice acrobatic feat "Let's Hold High the Flag of the Supreme Commander" representing the Korean people emerging victorious under the Songun politics of the Workers' Party of Korea, a balancing stunt "Flames" showing their indomitable stamina and an ice interlude "We Are in Good Days".

Scientific and Technological Symposium Held

    Pyongyang, October 15 (KCNA) -- A national scientific and technological symposium on covering the country with forests and gardens took place at the Grand People's Study House on Tuesday. Presented at the symposium divided into sections of forests and gardens were at least 30 valuable papers and information of experience on science and technology which would help solve scientific and technological questions arising in covering the country with thick woodlands and green spaces, to live up to the important tasks set forth in leader Kim Jong Il's famous work "Let Us Build Up the Mountains and Rivers of the Country into a Land of Golden Tapestry in the Workers' Party Era through Vigorous Afforestation and Water Conservancy".
    Proposed at the symposium in the forests section were various scientific and technological ways of practical significance including the issues of planting trees of good species suitable to local conditions and rapidly propagating them, adding beauty to sceneries along rivers and streams and roads and exterminating harmful insects of trees and issues arising in computerizing forest management.

New Industrial Art Designs Produced

    Pyongyang, October 15 (KCNA) -- At least 1,500 successful industrial art designs and goods based on them were produced in the last one year, according to information available from the Industrial Art Department of the State Quality Control Bureau. Leader Kim Jong Il personally examined and highly appreciated a design for improving a universal lathe produced by creators of the Industrial Art Company under the Ministry of Metal and Machine-Building Industries and designers of the Designing Office of the Huichon Machine-tool Factory through their joint efforts. It is popular among producers as it meets requirements of the times and ensures economic profitability.
    A computer-aided design of summer clothing materials produced by the Pakchon Silk Mill is listed as a successful one as it broke new ground in turning out clothing materials of more diverse and graceful patterns with the help of a computer.
    Drawing the attention of people are many designs of monuments including the monument to the water-way project created by the Mansudae Art Studio as they fully meet monuments' formative and architectural needs.

Lifeline in Building Great Prosperous Powerful Nation

    Pyongyang, October 15 (KCNA) -- It is thanks to the powerful defence industry that the Korean people are dynamically building a great prosperous powerful nation, unshaken in face of the vicious challenge of the imperialists and their moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK. Defence industry is the lifeline in building a great prosperous powerful nation. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed article, a summary of which reads:
    The strengthening of national power and building of a great prosperous powerful nation are unthinkable apart from the development of a powerful defence industry. Today when powerful and weak states are distinguished by their military strength, greatest efforts must be directed to strengthening defences in order to truly achieve the prosperity of the country.
    In the present times, military affairs are of top weight, defence industry is of primary importance and to develop it arises as a vital matter. Defence industry is the material foundation for increasing military strength and its practical potential.
    Defence industry is now the hardcore and leading industry as it represents the level of the development of heavy industry and its might in each country.
    The defence industry of the DPRK has developed into a powerful one capable of modernizing the whole army, arming all the people and turning the whole country into a fortress on a higher level by successfully manufacturing modern offensive and defensive means, powerful military hardware and combat technical equipment of our style.
    As the DPRK has invincible revolutionary armed forces and a powerful military deterrent thoroughly prepared politically and ideologically and in military technique, it is shattering at every step all the aggressive moves of the U.S. which poses itself the world's "only superpower" and defending the sovereignty, dignity and peace of the country.
    The army and the people of the DPRK will further develop defence industry, holding high the great banner of Songun, and thus increase the national power in every way and build a great prosperous powerful nation of Juche on this land.

South Side's Delegation Arrives

    Pyongyang, October 15 (KCNA) -- The south side's delegation headed by Ro Song Dae, chairman of the Radio and TV Broadcasting Committee of south Korea, arrived here on Wednesday to participate in the north-south broadcasters' seminar. It was greeted by Yang Si Un, vice-chairman of the Radio and TV Broadcasting Committee of the DPRK, Ho Hyok Phil, vice-chairman of the National Reconciliation Council, and other officials concerned with compatriotic feelings at the airport.
    The head of the delegation made public a statement on its arrival at the airport.

Kim Yong Nam Receives Credentials from Ghanaian Ambassador

    Pyongyang, October 15 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, received credentials from new Ghanaian ambassador e.p. to the DPRK Afare Apeadu Donkor at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on Wednesday. Present there was Kung Sok Ung, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs.
    Kim Yong Nam had a talk with the ambassador after receiving the credentials.

Message of Condolence to Cambodian King

    Pyongyang, October 15 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, on Oct. 13 sent a message of condolence to Norodom Sihanouk, king of Cambodia. Upon hearing the sad news that your son prince Norodom Narindrapong died of a sudden illness, I express deep condolences to Your Majesty the King and the bereaved family of the deceased, the message said.

12th Inter-Korean Ministerial Talks Open

    Pyongyang, October 15 (KCNA) -- The 12th North-South Ministerial Talks were opened in Pyongyang on Wednesday. Present there from the north side were members of the delegation led by Kim Ryong Song, chief councilor of the DPRK Cabinet, and suite members and from the south side members of the delegation with Jong Se Hyon, minister of Unification, as chief delegate and suite members.
    Keynote speeches were made by the heads of both sides at the talks.
    The head of the north side said that non-governmental organizations in the north and the south have made significant progress in opening the era of "By our nation itself" under the banner of the June 15 joint declaration since the 11th inter-Korean ministerial talks.
    He recalled that in the period some persons in the south malignantly slandered the north and defamed even its dignified system.
    Terming this rowdyism a dangerous provocation quite contrary to the basic spirit of the June 15 joint declaration and the main requirements of the north-south agreement that calls for recognizing the system of other party and respecting it, he strongly demanded the authorities of the south side properly understand the gravity of the issue and take responsible measures to fundamentally settle the situation.
    Inter-Korean economic cooperation for the uniform development of the national economy is not making progress despite the agreement of both sides and the humanitarian issue between the north and the south is not properly solved to meet the requirements of the joint declaration, he said. This is ascribable to the insincere attitude and stand of the south side.
    Clarifying the principled stand of the north side on the implementation of the joint declaration on the basis of the review made of it since the 11th inter-Korean ministerial talks, he proposed as follows as regards the matters to be urgently settled:
    First. Urgent measures should be taken to prevent the recurrence of acts of fundamentally denying the system of the other party and slandering it and defaming and destroying the foundation of inter-Korean relations.
    Second. Effective cooperation should be promoted for the uniform development of the national economy.
    Third. The humanitarian issue should be settled as early as possible as required by Article 3 of the June 15 joint declaration.
    Pointing to the issues to be settled at the inter-Korean negotiations at an early date, the head of the north side advanced its proposal to be agreed upon at the current talks.
    He underscored the need to increase the responsibility and role of the ministerial talks in order to reach a good agreement for the implementation of the joint declaration and put it into practice.
    The talks continue.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il recibe cesto de flores del jefe de Estado de Libia

    Pyongyang, 15 de octubre (ATCC) -- Al Dirigente Kim Jong Il le dirigio, con motivo del 58 aniversario de la fundacion del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, un cesto de flores el Coronel Moammer Al Kaddafi, dirigente de la Gran Revolucion del Primero de Septiembre de la Gran Jamahiria Arabe Libia Popular Socialista. Ahmed Amer Al Muakaff, secretario de la Oficina Popular de la Gran Jamahiria Arabe Libia Popular Socialista en Corea lo entrego el dia 14 a un funcionario coreano.

Nuevas piezas de acrobacia aerea

    Pyongyang, 15 de octubre (ATCC) -- Se crearon recientemente en el Conjunto Circense de Pyongyang nuevas y originales piezas: "Vuelo poliangular" y "Trapecios gemelos". En la primera pieza se cumplen los movimientos tecnicos superiores como 3 vueltas en el aire, 3 vueltas de lado y hasta 4 vueltas en el aire.
    En la segunda se logra la combinacion organica de los vuelos de larga y corta distancias y se realizan el vuelo de maxima distancia de 14 metros y 3 vueltas en el aire por delante.
    El Conjunto creo la acrobacia sobre el hielo "Enarbolemos la bandera del Comandante Supremo" que describe la lucha del pueblo coreano que siempre logra victorias bajo la bandera del Songun (priorizacion militar) del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, el equilibrismo "Llamas" que muestra el espiritu indoblegable del pueblo coreano y el entremes sobre el hielo "Es mejor nuestro tiempo", tres piezas llevadas a la escena.

Dia Mundial de Alimentos

    Pyongyang, 15 de octubre (ATCC) -- El 16 de octubre es el Dia Mundial de Alimentos. Con motivo de este dia en Corea se realizan las labores para dar a entender a toda la gente la importancia del problema alimentario y para prestar una gran atencion al problema de aumentar la produccion alimentaria. Jong Sun Won, secretario general del Comite Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea de la Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentacion (FAO), en una entrevista con un reportero de la Agencia Telegrafica Central de Corea (ATCC) dijo:
    Con motivo del Dia Mundial de Alimentos, en los principales lugares de produccion de arroz y patata, incluidas las provincias de Hwanghae del Norte y del Sur y la provincia de Ryanggang se efectuan en varias formas los simposios y conferencias bajo el tema para este ano "Union internacional contra el hambre" designado por la FAO, y los periodicos y radios daran articulos y programas conmemorativos.
    Ademas, se organizaran visitas al canal Kaechon-Lago Thaesong y los objetos de asistencia que da a la RPDC esta organizacion internacional.
    El secretario general dijo que la asistencia material y tecnica de la FAO, el Programa Mundial de Alimentos y el Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agricola da ayuda a la solucion del problema alimentario de Corea y expreso profundo agradecimiento al respecto.

En Pyongyang la delegacion de parte Sur de Corea

    Pyongyang, 15 de octubre (ATCC) -- Llego el dia 14 a esta capital la delegacion de la parte Sur de Corea cuyo delegado jefe es Jong Se Hyon, ministro de Reunificacion, para participar en la 12a Ronda de Conversaciones a Nivel de Ministro Norte-Sur de Corea. En el aeropuerto la delegacion fue acogida por los delegados de la parte Norte a estas conversaciones.
    El primer ministro del Consejo de Ministros de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, Pak Pong Ju, ofrecio anoche en el Teatro de Arte Mansudae un banquete en honor de la delegacion de la parte Sur.