Kim Jong Il Inspects KPA Company

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, inspected the company named after Hero Pak Kyong Sok under KPA unit No. 821. Upon his arrival at the company stationed on the forefront, he was greeted by commanding officers of the unit and the company.
    He mounted an observation post where he learned in detail about the terrain conditions and the company's performance of its duty and received a report on the situation from them.
    He highly appreciated the successes made by the servicemen of the company, greatly satisfied to learn that they have converted the defence positions into an invulnerable fortress and performed their guard duties in a responsible manner, fully ready to go into action to foil the ever more undisguised moves of the U.S. imperialists to start a new war.
    Then he watched the training of the servicemen of the company including their weapon handling.
    Looking round an education room, bedroom, mess, washroom, a room for getting ready for performing duties, barns and other places of the company, he took deep care of the service and life of the soldiers.
    He saw materials on the feats performed by Hero of the Republic Pak Kyong Sok, former company commander, and once again highly praised his worthy life.
    He appreciated the efforts made by commanding officers of the company, greatly pleased to learn that they have provided the servicemen with best living conditions by building excellent entertainment and logistic facilities with kindred love for them.
    He gave a pair of binoculars and an automatic rifle to the servicemen of the company as gifts, expressing the expectation and conviction that they would continue to perform shining exploits at their posts to defend the country in the future, too.
    He had a photograph taken with the servicemen of the company.
    He was accompanied by First Vice Department Director Ri Yong Chol of the Central Committee of the WPK.

Officials of Cuban Embassy Visit Jangsan Revolutionary Site

    Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- Cuban Ambassador to the DPRK Esteban Lobaina Romero and embassy officials visited the Jangsan Revolutionary Site in Pyongyang on October 22 on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of the publication of "Answers to Questions Raised by the General Director of the Cuban Newspaper Granma" by leader Kim Jong Il. The site is associated with the historic fact that Kim Jong Il participated in the Wasandong-Ryongsong road expansion project and led the project wisely, showing popular trait during his revolutionary activities at Kim Il Sung University.
    The ambassador wrote in the visitor's book that he is firmly convinced that the red flag held high by the fraternal Korean people would flutter forever as a symbol of a great victory.

Kim Il Sung's Reminiscences Found at S. Korean University

    Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- CD carrying the full text of President Kim Il Sung's reminiscences "With the Century" was found at Jinju Public Health College in South Kyongsang Province on October 14, according to south Korean KBS. CD found numbers over 30.
    Also given in CD was a picture album carrying images of Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.

DPRK Praised

    Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- Martin Lotscher, chairman of the Swiss Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification, said that leader Kim Jong Il's reelection as chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK marked an event of great significance for the future of the DPRK and in carrying forward and accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche. As the Korean people hold Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the top leader, they have become a proud people blessed with the illustrious leaders generation after generation, he said, and continued: Despite the persistent pressure of the U.S.-led imperialist forces, the Korean people have achieved great victories under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il who has given great pride and inspiration to all the progressive and peace-loving people of the world.
    The Swiss Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification extends firm support and solidarity to the Korean people equipped with the revolutionary idea of President Kim Il Sung, in their just struggle to defend the socialist country under the leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    If the U.S. imperialists invade the DPRK again, the Korean people will mercilessly wipe out the aggressors and demonstrate their dignity as a heroic people under the leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    He declared that the DPRK is invincible as it holds Kim Jong Il in high esteem as its top leader.

Japan Urged to Redress Its Hideous Crimes

    Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- Japan should redress at an early date its hideous anti-human crimes in abducting at least 200,000 women of Korea and other parts of Asia to force them into sexual slavery for the imperial Japanese Army and killing a great number of women in cold blood, strongly urged the DPRK delegate. He was addressing the meeting of the Third Committee of the 58th UN General Assembly on Oct. 16 when it was discussing the agenda items 110 "Progress for Women" and 111 "On the Implementation of the Results of the 4th World Women's Conference and of the 23rd U.N. Special Meeting on the Women's Issue". For the solution of the women's problem, above all, the rights of women should be regulated by law and all conditions and circumstances should be provided so that they could hold their legitimate place in the activities of all fields including politics and economy, irrespective of differences in nationality, race, language and religion, he said, and continued:
    Next, all the U.N. member states should increase joint efforts for the equality of women and nondiscrimination against them.
    Discriminations against women rife in the world, in many cases, are attributable to the lack of actions to thoroughly redeem the past crimes. It would conform to the state interests of Japan itself to sincerely repent of and thoroughly redress past crimes.
    Recalling that the DPRK government has consistently maintained the stand of attaching importance to international cooperation in solving the women's problem, he expressed thanks to international organizations for their sincere material and technical aids in the work for women's health and their welfare in the DPRK.
    The DPRK will in the future, too, positively contribute to the efforts of the international community to completely solve the women's problem, he concluded. .

DPRK's Stand on Talks with U.S. Clarified

    Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- If the United States truly wants a peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. it should make a bold switchover in its hostile policy toward the DPRK, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary. Saying that this is the only way for the peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue between the two countries, the commentary goes on:
    The U.S. bellicose forces have become more undisguised in their moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK after the six-way talks.
    One of the major assertions made by them recently is that north Korea should make an irreversible and verifiable abandonment of its nuclear program. This is, in essence, little short of forcing the DPRK to completely disarm itself and remain bare-handed and yield to the U.S.
    "Concession" on their lips is no more than their intention to make public a statement in which some countries would declare that they have no intention to attack and invade north Korea and they respect its borderline.
    The U.S. is building up public opinion to create such impression that the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. is an issue to be dealt between the DPRK and the countries around it. This is a very impudent artifice to sidestep the issue and evade its responsibility for its settlement.
    The U.S. has such a bad precedent whereby it adopted a joint statement and an agreed framework with the DPRK and sent its president's letter of assurances to the DPRK but threw away them like a pair of old shoes after a new president took office.
    The U.S. demand that the DPRK scrap its nuclear program irreversibly and verifiably is aimed to force the DPRK to disarm itself and remain bare-fisted and then achieve its ambition for aggression with ease.
    This can not but be an unreasonable way of thinking unacceptable to anyone for a belligerent party to force the other party to come out first with its hands up.
    No peaceful solution to the nuclear issue is thinkable apart from the U.S. switchover in its hostile policy toward the DPRK and the adoption of a non-aggression treaty between the two countries.
    The U.S. is employing delaying tactics, making a mockery of the international community with lip-service to the peaceful solution to the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S.
    It is a great mistake for the U.S. to expect the DPRK to disarm itself, while delaying the settlement of the issue.
    The DPRK once again states explicitly that it is not interested in any talks where the U.S. refuses to make a switchover in its hostile policy toward the DPRK.

Withdrawal of Decision on Troop Dispatch to Iraq Called for

    Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today in a signed commentary demands the south Korean authorities immediately withdraw the anti-national decision on additional troop dispatch to Iraq. We can never tolerate the south Korean youths, our compatriots, being reduced to bullet shields for the U.S. imperialists, the commentary declares, and goes on:
    The south Korean authorities fooled and insulted the people by making the decision on additional troop dispatch, backsliding on their promise to "decide it prudently," taking "the people's opinion" into consideration.
    They argue that the decision is for the national interests, but this cannot go down with anyone. The additional troop dispatch to Iraq will bring no other results than making south Korean army shed blood and lose lives for the U.S. forces.
    To talk about "economic benefits" when no one has promised economic interests with regard to additional dispatch of south Korean troops is an act of putting the cart before the horse.
    No less absurd is the noisy propaganda that the additional troop dispatch to Iraq is to strengthen "alliance" with the U.S. and add to "security." South Korea is forced into dependence and submission and the people are exposed to disasters, not "security", by "alliance" with the U.S.

Rodong Sinmun Calls for Tracking down Prime Mover in Massacre

    Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- A few days ago the south Korean authorities made public a "government report" on the April 3 incident in which they had no mention about the United States, the prime mover in the massacre of Jeju islanders. Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun Thursday terms this a wicked behavior not to offend the U.S.
    The commentary says:
    The April 3 incident is known to the world as unprecedented massacre of Jeju islanders who rose up against the colonial fascist rule of the U.S. imperialists and their followers and their moves to cook up a "separated government through a separated election" in 1948.
    The U.S. imperialist aggressor troops engineered the massacre.
    This was clearly proved by a report of the then "UN Temporary Commission of Korea" on the tragedy on the island and testimonies made by eyewitnesses and those involved in the mass killings.
    The U.S. is very afraid lest the truth of the massacre of Koreans committed by it in south Korea should be disclosed.
    This is because the U.S. does not want to see anti-Americanism mounting in south Korea but seeks its permanent military presence and domination over south Korea.
    It is because of the dark tentacles of the U.S. stretched to south Korea that its government in its report on the April 3 incident refrained from referring to the major role played by the U.S. imperialist aggressor troops in the massacre.
    This is a product of the master-servant relations between the U.S. and south Korea.

KCNA Raps S. Korea's Decision to Additionally Dispatch Troops to Iraq

    Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) --The south Korean authorities on Oct. 18 formally decided to additionally send troops to Iraq at the meeting of the "National Security Council" and submit the motion calling for the troop dispatch to the "National Assembly". It is touching off towering indignation among the Koreans as it is a sycophantic treacherous act of yielding to the U.S. pressure and an anti-national criminal act of driving fellow countrymen to death.
    As already known, the U.S. unilateral demand for troop dispatch to Iraq has been strongly rebuffed not only by the Koreans but by the international community for its injustice.
    Many countries still remain displeased with the U.S. start of the Iraqi war in defiance of the worldwide protest against the war and in disregard of the United Nations.
    Moreover, they are disillusioned with and opposed to the behavior of the U.S. which has persisted in the self-justified arbitrary practices based on unilateralism in the post-war period.
    How many countries have taken such a reckless option to send their people as bullet-shields to Iraq where anti-U.S. resistance is raging, feeling "common responsibility" for the serious consequences of the war launched by the U.S.
    Voices protesting against this decision are mounting as the days go by in south Korea, too.
    People from all walks of life in their statements and declarations charged that the "decision to send troops as part of the aggressor troops is an act of deceiving the people and a criminal act to justify the killings" and that the "additional troop dispatch is aimed to justify the U.S. preemptive attack".
    Over 77 percent of those polled at 37 universities opposed the troop dispatch. At least 350 civic and public organizations staged demonstrations in various parts of Seoul on Oct. 21 in protest against the troop dispatch against the backdrop of mounting protests against the troop dispatch.
    Despite the situation at home and abroad the pro-U.S. treacherous forces are working hard to meet the U.S. brigandish demand for troop dispatch, asserting that the troop dispatch is in the "interests of the state", a mockery of the fellow countrymen. How can the nation tolerate this?
    Given the fact that Choe Pyong Ryol and other ultra right conservative forces of the Grand National Party have been clamorous for the additional troop dispatch to Iraq, it would be just a simple procedure to pass the motion through the "National Assembly" dominated by the GNP.
    The ultra right conservative forces of the GNP can never shirk their blame for having taken the lead in wresting the decision to additionally dispatch troops to Iraq under the pretexts of "division of public opinion" and the "interests of the state."
    The south Korean authorities should immediately withdraw the perfidious decision and apologize to the nation for it.

Additive for Rapid Setting of Mortar

    Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- An additive for rapid setting of mortar is being extensively introduced in construction sites of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The additive is made of industrial leftovers and elementary chemical materials. Its production cost is low and the manufacturing process is simple.
    With two percent of additive mixed with mortar, it takes only three minutes to set it.
    One hour later, its solidity rate, adhesive power and tensile strength are 2.5 times those of ordinary cement mortar. With the help of mortar sprayer, it is possible to attach cement mortar 10 centimeters thick on wall at one time.
    The additive, effective in covering ceiling and wall, was applied to the Kaechon-Lake Thaesong waterway project and other major projects, with the result that it saved a great deal of manpower and materials and shortened the period of the projects.
    The demand for the additive is on the steady increase.
    The additive was developed by the Branch Institute of Railway Engineering under the Academy of Sciences of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

North Side Delegation Leaves Pyongyang for Jeju Island

    Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- The north side's delegation left here today to participate in the Sports and Cultural Festival for National Reunification and Peace slated at Jeju Island, south Korea. The delegation headed by Kim Yong Dae, chairman of the National Reconciliation Council who is chairman of the north side's preparatory committee of the festival, consists of a sports team, a Taekwon-do exhibition team and others.
    It was seen off at the airport by Pak Myong Chol, chairman of the Korean Physical Culture and Sports Guidance Committee, An Kyong Ho, director of the Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland, and other officials concerned.

Greetings to Zambian President

    Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to Levy Patrick Mwanawasa, president of the Republic of Zambia, on October 20 on the occasion of the 39th anniversary of the independence of the country. Expressing the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue to develop favorably in the idea of independence, peace and friendship, the message wished the president greater success in his responsible work for progress and prosperity of the country.

For Spanish-speaking people

Miembros de Embajada de Cuba visitan lugar historico de revolucion de Jangsan

    Pyongyang, 23 de octubre (ATCC) -- Con motivo de cumplirse 14 anos desde cuando el Dirigente Kim Jong Il publicara "Respuestas al cuestionario del director del periodico cubano 'Granma'" Esteban Lobaina Romero, embajador de la Republica de Cuba en Corea y otros miembros de esta sede diplomatica visitaron el dia 22 el Lugar Historico de la Revolucion de Jangsan situado en esta capital. En este lugar esta impregnada la inmortal historia del Dirigente quien en los dias en que desarrollaba actividades revolucionarias en la Universidad Kim Il Sung, participo en la obra de la ampliacion de la avenida Wasandong-Ryongsong donde dirigio sabiamente esta obra y demostro rasgos populares.

Sobre la visita a la RPDC de una delegacion estatal de China

    Pyongyang, 23 de octubre (ATCC) -- Una delegacion estatal de China presidida por Wu Bangguo, miembro del Comite Permanente del Buro Politico del Comite Central del Partido Comunista de China y presidente del Comite Permanente de la Asamblea Popular Nacional de la Republica Popular China realizara pronto una visita oficial de amistad a Corea cumplimentando la invitacion del Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema y del Consejo de Ministros de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea.

Coagulante rapido de mortero

    Pyongyang, 23 de octubre (ATCC) -- En estos dias en diversos lugares de construccion de Corea se introduce en gran escala un nuevo coagulante rapido de mortero. Este coagulante hecho de desechos industriales y materiales basicos quimicos tiene poco costo de produccion y simple proceso de fabricacion.
    Al mezclarlo con el mortero se acelera la hora de coagulacion. Cuando es de 2 por ciento la cantidad agregada, el mortero se coagula en grado de 3 minutos.
    Una hora despues, el porcentaje de dureza, la intensidad de adhesion y la resistencia de traccion se elevan 2.5 veces mas que el mortero general.
    Este coagulante de mortero eficiente en el revestimiento del techo y pared del edificio ya se introdujo en los lugares de construccion de importantes objetos del pais incluyendo el canal Kaechon-lago Thaesong y contribuyo grandemente a la anticipacion del periodo de la obra de construccion aun ahorrando mucha mano de obra y materiales.
    La demanda del coagulante del mortero se eleva cada dia mas.
    Este coagulante fue desarrollado por el Instituto Anexo de Ciencia Ferroviaria de la Academia de Ciencias de Corea.

Delegado de RPDC hace uso de la palabra en la 58 Asamblea General de ONU

    Pyongyang, 23 de octubre (ATCC) -- Al hacer uso de la palabra el dia 16 durante el debate sobre la agenda No. 110 "El progreso de la mujer" y la agenda No. 111 "4 Congreso de la Mujer del Mundo y la ejecucion del resultado de la 23a Asamblea General Especial sobre el problema de la mujer" en la reunion de la tercera comision del 58 periodo de sesiones de la Asamblea General de la ONU, el delegado de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea volvio a demandar energicamente a Japon liquidar de inmediato su tremendo crimen: luego de secuestrar a mas de 200 mil mujeres de Corea y Asia, les obligo a servir de esclavas sexuales para las tropas japonesas y asesino despiadadamente a gran numero de ellas. Subrayo que para resolver el problema de la mujer, ante todo se debe definir juridicamente el derecho de la mujer y ofrecer las condiciones y circunstancias que les permitan participar dignamente en las actividades de las ramas politica, economica, etc. superando las diferencias de nacion, tribu, lengua y religion, y continuo:
    Todos los paises miembros de la ONU deben fortalecer aun mas los esfuerzos comunes para realizar la igualdad de la mujer y la indiscriminacion.
    En el mundo ocurren con tanta frecuencia los actos de discriminacion a las mujeres, lo que se debe, en gran medida, a la falta de las medidas de accion para liquidar cabalmente los crimenes cometidos en el pasado. La reflexion sincera de sobre estos y su estricta liquidacion convienen a los intereses de Japon.
    El gobierno de la RPDC mantiene invariablemente la posicion de dar importancia a la cooperacion internacional en la solucion del problema de la mujer, dijo el y expreso agradecimiento a las organizaciones internacionales por su sincera cooperacion material y tecnica a la labor para el bienestar de la salud de las mujeres en Corea.
    La RPDC en el futuro tambien contribuira activamente a los esfuerzos de la sociedad internacional por la solucion perfecta del problema de la mujer, subrayo.