Pyongyang, November 4 (KCNA) -- Some days ago, U.S. President Bush called for resuming the six-way talks, saying that he can give written assurances of non-aggression to the DPRK during the APEC summit held in Thailand. And a spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry clarified its stance that the DPRK is ready to consider the remarks of the U.S. president if they were prompted by an intention to co-exist with it and play a positive role in seeking a package solution based on the principle of simultaneous actions. In this regard Rodong Sinmun today says in a signed commentary: It was an expression of magnanimity and goodwill of the DPRK government to seek a negotiated peaceful solution to the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S.
    The commentary goes on:
    Our principled stand on finding a package solution to the nuclear issue on the principle of simultaneous actions is prompted by the expectation that both sides can build confidence and lay a foundation of co-existence in the process of solving problems one after another on the principle of simultaneous actions.
    Ours is a realistic one as it reflects the present situation of the Korean peninsula.
    It is the stand and principled demand of the DPRK that both sides should put down guns at the same time and establish normal state relationship in order to peacefully co-exist.
    The U.S. should make a switchover in its policy towards the DPRK to peacefully solve the nuclear issue through dialogue. If the U.S. is truly ready to give "written assurances of non-aggression," it should positively respond to the DPRK's proposal for a package solution based on the principle of simultaneous actions.
    Recently, the DPRK officially expressed its readiness to participate in the six-way talks if the talks will provide a process of realizing the proposal for a package solution based on the principle of simultaneous actions. Our stance to solve the nuclear issue in accordance with the proposal for a package solution based on the principle of simultaneous actions is very just and there is no reason for the U.S. not to accept it. The U.S. should not misjudge the magnanimity and good faith of the DPRK but show its unselfish, honest attitude.

Japan Urged to Redeem Its Past Crimes

    Pyongyang, November 4 (KCNA) -- A list of 427,129 Koreans who were forcibly drafted by the Japanese imperialists was disclosed recently. This is historic evidence proving before the whole world the Japanese imperialists' wanton encroachment upon the human rights of the Koreans. Minju Joson today says this in a signed commentary. It goes on: The Japanese imperialists forcibly took away many Koreans to different areas of Korea and Japan and overseas under various signboards such as drafting, conscription, "volunteers' corps for labour" and "comfort women for the Japanese army", before and after the outbreak of the Pacific War.
    The Japanese government authorities have worked hard to cover up and play down the crimes committed by Japan in the past, reluctant to admit them. In a bid to justify their unreasonable stand they arrogantly challenged the human conscience and the international community, blustering that any country critical of Japan may produce material evidence to support its claim.
    The Japanese reactionaries continue employing sleight of hand, refusing to admit hard historic facts. They adamantly refuse to admit the blood-stained history of mass killings committed by Japan against Koreans and other Asians for fear of standing trial for them. They do so in a bid to evade their responsibility for compensation, afraid that it may create an obstacle to realizing their ambition for militarist reinvasion.
    Japan's liquidation of its past crimes is a pressing task for solving human rights issues in the world. The DPRK has a legitimate right to demand Japan compensate for the monstrous atrocities committed by the Japanese imperialists in the past and Japan is only obliged to unconditionally meet the demand.
    The Korean people can never tolerate serious human rights abuses committed by the Japanese imperialists against the Korean nation but surely force Japan to pay for them without fail.

DPRK Photo Exhibition in Czech Republic

    Pyongyang, November 4 (KCNA) -- A DPRK photo exhibition opened with due ceremony in Ostrava, Czech Republic, on October 25. There were portraits of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il in the exhibition hall.
    On display are pictures showing feats of Kim Jong Il in the Songun leadership and the invincible might of the Korean people and the DPRK.
    Present at the opening ceremony were Karel Vimetal, vice-president of the Economic Policy Committee of the Czech Parliament, and others.
    It will be open until December 24 which marks the 12th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's assumption of the post of supreme commander of the Korean People's Army and the 86th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero.

U.S. Espionage against DPRK Assailed

    Pyongyang, November 4 (KCNA) -- Some days ago, an unmanned reconnaissance plane Shadow 200 belonging to the U.S. forces in south Korea made a forced landing on a place 20 miles south of the area along the Military Demarcation Line (MDL) during its flight in the air above the area along the MDL. In this regard Minju Joson today says in a signed commentary:
    If the Shadow 200 had crash-landed on the area of the north no one would predict its grave consequences.
    It is a hard fact that not only premeditated and deliberate military hostile acts but accidental incidents in the area along the MDL may easily lead to a war.
    The crash-landing of the Shadow 200 requires the U.S. to discontinue its espionage and hostile acts against the area of the DPRK. If the U.S. keeps committing military provocations against the DPRK, running amuck to start a war against it, it will be held fully responsible for all the ensuing consequences, it warns.

Treacherous Party Flayed

    Pyongyang, November 4 (KCNA) -- The south Korean people should turn inside out the corruption of the stinking Grand National Party and make them face a stern judgement by history, says Rodong Sinmun in a signed commentary today. It continues:
    The GNP wrested 10 billion won from a business giant on the threshold of the last "presidential election." Choe Pyong Ryol and his group have strutted about like a conquering hero, pretending to be upright in the matter of money. This treacherous group made loud-mouthed protestations against "profuse delivery of things" to the north and forced "a special inspection" in a bid to hamstring north-south economic cooperation for national reconciliation and reunification.
    The GNP brandished the sword of "special inspection," raising terrific outcries over the transfer of some amount of money in economic cooperation between the fellow countrymen although it squandered such a staggering amount of money without moving a muscle of its face for meeting its selfish interests. It is a corrupt party, a party of thieves and robbers.
    The GNP's illicit money dealing disclosed recently is just the tip of the iceberg of "political funds" which they have collected by hook or by crook.
    The treacherous party did collect an astronomical amount of money from enterprises at the cost of the people's taxes and dire destitution of the workers only to please the outsiders, incite confrontation with fellow countrymen and stage fascist rowdyism reminiscent of that in the fascist dictatorial era in south Korean society.
    The GNP is good-for-nothing for the reconciliation and reunification of the nation and the south Koreans.

Struggle against Additional Troop Dispatch to Iraq in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, November 4 (KCNA) -- A dynamic struggle of people from all walks of life against the additional troop dispatch to Iraq is going on in south Korea. Various organizations have formed mass bodies to launch a struggle against the troop dispatch after the U.S. pressurized the south Korean authorities to dispatch troops of divisional scope to Iraq early in September last.
    351 civic and public organizations including the National People's Solidarity on September 23 inaugurated the Emergency People's Action against the Additional Troop Dispatch to Iraq.
    In its wake at least 10 student organizations including the South Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) formed the Joint Measure Committee of Students for Checking the Troop Dispatch to Iraq and Achieving Peace on the Korean Peninsula. And more than 30 Catholic organizations including the south Korean Catholic Priests' Council for Justice inaugurated the Catholic Solidarity against the Troop Dispatch to Iraq and the National Teachers Union and students affiliated to Hanchongryon the Solidarity of Professors and Students to wage a struggle against the additional troop dispatch.
    Declarations against the troop dispatch have been made public one after another.
    The publication of the "women's declaration against the troop dispatch to Iraq" on September 25 was followed by 1,000 women's peace declaration, declaration of 1,000 men of the reserve forces of the Democratic Workers' Party and lawyers' declaration against the additional troop dispatch on October 9.
    And on October 16 26 organizations and personages of various circles made public a statement against the increase of defense budget and the dispatch of combat troops to Iraq."
    Actions against the troop dispatch are going on in various forms including signature campaign, information service, big rally, press conference and demonstration.
    Functions of the international anti-war joint actions against the U.S. occupation of Iraq and the dispatch of south Korean combat troops simultaneously took place in Seoul, Inchon, Jonju and other places under the sponsorship of the Organizing Committee of International Anti-War Joint Action made up of over 410 organizations including the National People's Solidarity, on September 27, the day of international anti-war joint action.
    18 religious organizations held a joint Catholic and Protestant prayers' meeting for remembering the victims of the Iraqi war and opposing the dispatch of south Korean troops.
    Organizations of various circles set October 11 as the day of all-people action against the dispatch of combat troops to Iraq.
    That day big rallies simultaneously took place in at least 10 cities including Seoul, Pusan, Taegu, Taejon and Kwangju with more than 12,000 workers, peasants and youth and students attending.
    The movement of people of various circles in south Korea against the troop dispatch has been mounting higher as days go by, after the south Korean "government" decided to send additional troops and offer a huge amount of fund to the U.S., yielding to its pressure.

Compliance with Workers' Demand Urged

    Pyongyang, November 4 (KCNA) -- The Federation of South Korean Trade Unions, in a statement on October 29, reportedly urged the "government" to comply with the workers' demand. Recalling that the "government," though belatedly, made public a statement promising to take a measure as regards a chain of self-immolation of workers, it said the statement should not end up being a stop-gap measure to brunt the sharp edge of workers' winter action.
    The statement declared that the federation would put its full weight on the all-out action in the latter half of the year including the holding of "a nation-wide workers' rally" on November 23 as scheduled for the elimination of discrimination against part-time workers

Members of Japanese Delegation Interviewed

    Pyongyang, November 4 (KCNA) -- The members of the visiting delegation of the Japan-Korea Cultural Interchange Association were interviewed by KCNA on Nov. 3. Tokuji Yanagisawa, vice chief director of the association, who is heading the delegation, said:
    I consider our visit to the DPRK as very meaningful as we came to Korea after the Korean people reelected General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea Kim Jong Il chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and significantly celebrated the 55th anniversary of the DPRK.
    Availing myself of this opportunity, I would like to offer the warmest congratulations to him.
    Our tour of different places during our stay provided us with an opportunity to see once again the Korean people greatly honored and proud to hold the distinguished great man in high esteem.
    The association will make positive efforts to improve the Japan-DPRK relations.
    Member of the delegation Ui Takagi, director of the association, said that President Kim Il Sung is revered not only by the Korean people but the world people.
    He went on to say:
    I still remember the time I was received by Kim Il Sung.
    The moment I met him, I keenly felt he was a man with strong affection and broad magnanimity.
    The care shown by the President for my father, who was just an ordinary writer, made me keenly realize his noble personality.
    Other members of the delegation said that Kim Il Sung was the greatest man highly praised by all the people for his immortal exploits performed on behalf of the times and history.

Signal Successes in Production

    Pyongyang, November 4 (KCNA) -- The workers of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea are registering successes in production and construction, in hearty response to the appeal of the Meeting of Heroes in Songun Era held in September. The Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex in the northern part of the DPRK has introduced a new technical process to produce quality steel billets.
    After the meeting of heroes the Pyongyang and Pukchang thermal power complexes have increased the electricity production by 10 per cent compared with the corresponding period last year.
    The March 26 Factory has introduced modern facilities and IT technologies into the main production processes including casting and cable pressing, to boost the production capacity more than 1.5 times.
    As of the end of October, the Pukchang and Kaechon area coal complexes and other collieries under the General Bureau of the Coal Mining Industry have carried out capital and preparatory tunnellings respectively over 10,000 and 6,000 more meters than last year.
    The Kim Jong Thae Electric Locomotive Plant, the June 4 Rolling-stock Plant and other railway-related factories have boosted the production of passenger and freight wagons.
    Meanwhile, different factories and enterprises in the fields of forestry and light industry have already fulfilled their yearly plans.

For Spanish-speaking people

Pueblo coreano se levanta en gran marcha heroica

    Pyongyang, 4 de noviembre (ATCC) -- En respuesta al llamamiento del Congreso de Heroes de la Epoca del Songun (priorizacion militar) efectuado en setiembre ultimo, los trabajadores de distintos sectores de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea logran exitos en la produccion y la construccion. Los obreros del Complejo Siderurgico "Kim Chaek", gran base de industria metalurgica de la parte septentrional de Corea, introdujeron nuevos procesos tecnicos y producen las planchas de acero de buena calidad al desplegar plenamente el espiritu revolucionario de los militares y superar todas las dificultades.
    Tambien, los trabajadores de los Complejos
    Termoelectricos de Pyongyang y Pukchang proclujeron en 110 por ciento energia electrica en comparacion con el mismo tiempo del ano pasado.
    Ademas, los obreros de los Complejos Carboniferos de las Regiones de Pukchang y Kaechon y otras minas pertenecientes a la Direccion General de la Industria Hullera realizan la perforacion principal de mas de 10 mil metros y la preparatoria de 6 mil metros mas que el ano pasado.
    Los obreros de la Fabrica "26 de Marzo" modernizaron los procesos de produccion principal incluyendo el de fundicion y aplicaron la tecnica de computacion aumentando asi mas de 1.5 veces la capacidad de produccion.
    Los obreros del dominio ferroviario incluidas la Fabrica de Locomotoras Electricas Kim Jong Thae y la Fabrica de Vagones "4 de Junio" registran cada dia innovaciones en la produccion de vagones de pasajeros y de carga.
    Por otra parte, los de varias fabricas y empresas de los dominios de silvicultura e industria ligera terminaron ya sus planes anuales y amplian sin cesar exitos.

Surcoreanos rechazan el envio adicional de efectivos

    Pyongyang, 4 de noviembre (ATCC) -- En los ultimos dias, la poblacion de distintos sectores del Sur de Corea desarrolla una dinamica lucha contra el envio adicional de efectivos a Irak. Tan pronto como EE.UU. empezo a forzar, a principios de septiembre, a las autoridades surcoreanas el envio adicional de los efectivos con tamano a nivel de division, las organizaciones de distintos sectores formaron las entidades masivas y se levantaron en la lucha contra el envio de efectivos a Irak.
    Las 351 entidades civiles y sociales incluyendo la "solidaridad popular nacional" constituyeron el 23 de septiembre la Accion Popular Extraordinaria contra el Envio de Efectivos a Irak. Tambien, mas de 10 entidades estudiantiles incluida la Federacion de Consejos Generales de Estudiantes Universitarios del Sur de Corea (FCGEUSC) organizaron el Comite de Medidas Conjuntas de los Universitarios por la Detencion del Envio de Efectivos a Irak y la Realizacion de la Paz en la Peninsula Coreana; mas de 30 entidades catolicas incluido el "Cuerpo Nacional de Sacerdotes Catolicos por la Realizacion de la Justicia", la "solidaridad catolica de oposicion al envio de efectivos a Irak; y el "Sindicato Nacional de los Ensenantes" y los universitarios de la "FCGEUSC", la solidaridad de profesores y estudiantes para desplegar la misma lucha.
    Se publicaron el 25 de septiembre la "declaracion de mujeres de oposicion al envio de efectivos a Irak", y el 9 de octubre la "declaracion de paz de 1 000 mujeres de oposicion al envio de efectivos a Irak" y la "declaracion de 1 000 de reserva del Partido de Trabajadores Democraticos de oposicion al envio adicional de efectivos a Irak", y la declaracion de juristas de oposicion al envio adicional de efectivos. Las 26 entidades y personalidades de distintos sectores publicaron el 16 de octubre la "declaracion de personalidades de diversos sectores de oposicion al aumento del presupuesto para la defensa nacional y al envio de efectivos a Irak".
    Se despliega ampliamente la lucha contra el envio adicional de efectivos en diversas formas, entre otras, la campana de recogida de firmas, las actividades de propaganda, grandes concentraciones, entrevistas de prensa y manifestaciones.
    El 27 de septiembre que es el "Dia de Accion Conjunta Antibelica Internacional", el comite organizador de accion conjunta antibelica internacional integrado por mas de 410 entidades incluida la "Solidaridad Popular Nacional" efectuo al mismo tiempo en Seul, Inchon, Jonju, etc. el acto de "Accion Conjunta Internacional contra la Ocupacion de EE.UU. en Irak y el Envio de Efectivos Surcoreanos".
    18 entidades religiosas realizaron una oracion conjunta de la religion catolica y protestantismo por la recordacion de las victimas en la guerra iraqui y la oposicion al envio de los efectivos surcoreanos".
    Las entidades de diversos sectores definieron el 11 de octubre como "dia de la accion pannacional de oposicion al envio de efectivos a Irak". Ese dia, tuvieron lugar a la vez las grandes concentraciones en mas de 10 ciudades entre otras Seul, Pusan, Taegu, Taejon y Kwangju con la participacion de mas de 12 mil obreros, campesinos, jovenes y estudiantes.
    La lucha de la poblacion de distintos sectores del Sur de Corea contra el envio de efectivos cobra auge con motivo de que el "gobierno" surcoreano, rendido por la imposicion de EE.UU., decidio el envio adicional de efectivos y ofrecimiento de enorme suma de fondos.

Con buena voluntad a la buena voluntad

    Pyongyang, 4 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Durante la cumbre de Cooperacion Economica de Asia-Pacifico, celebrada recientemente en Tailandia, el presidente de EE.UU. Bush dijo que podria dar la "garantia escrita de no agresion" a la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y propuso reanudar las conversaciones de 6 partes. Con respecto a esto, el vocero del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la RPDC expuso la posicion de que si la palabra del presidente de EE.UU. relativa a "la garantia escrita de no agresion" salio de la intencion de coexistir con nosotros y ejerce influencia positiva sobre la realizacion del proyecto de modalidad global basada en el principio de accion simultanea, tenemos la voluntad de tomarla en consideracion.
    El periodico "Rodong Sinmun", en un comentario individual del dia 4, senala que tal posicion es una prueba de indulgencia y de buena confianza del gobierno de nuestra Republica de resolver por via pacifica el problema nuclear RPDC-EE.UU. a traves del dialogo y negociaciones y continua:
    Nuestra posicion de principios de resolver el problema nuclear con la modalidad global basada en el principio de accion simultanea parte de la esperanza de que las partes de Corea y EE.UU. acumulen la confianza a traves del proceso de solucionar uno por uno los problemas segun el principio de accion simultanea, y puedan echar la base de coexistencia.
    Nuestra propuesta es una medida realista que salio de la actual situacion de la Peninsula Coreana.
    La RPDC mantiene la posicion y la demanda de principio de que las partes de Corea y EE.UU. bajen a la vez el fusil y establezcan las relaciones estatales normales para asi coexistir en paz.
    Para resolver pacificamente el problema nuclear a traves del dialogo, EE.UU. debe cambiar de su politica con respecto a Corea. Si es verdad la disposicion de la "garantia escrita de no agresion", EE.UU. debe dar una respuesta positiva a nuestro proyecto de modalidad global basada en el principio de accion simultanea.
    Recientemente la RPDC expuso oficialmente su voluntad de participar en las proximas conversaciones de 6 partes si estas son el proceso de realizar el proyecto de modalidad global arriba mencionada. Nuestra posicion de resolver el problema nuclear entre Corea y EE.UU. a traves de la modalidad global en cuestion es sumamente justa y por eso no hay razon de no aceptarla.
    EE.UU. no debe analizar erroneamente la generosidad y buena fe de la RPDC sino debe mostrar la sincera actitud sin egoismo.