S. Korean Academic Orgs. Urge Withdrawal of Decision on Troop Dispatch to Iraq

    Pyongyang, November 5 (KCNA) -- The Special Committee for Scientific Study of the Reunification Solidarity, the Council of Academic Organizations and the Political Study Society reportedly made public a statement titled "Withdraw the decision on troop dispatch to Iraq which will bring about an exorbitant loss and consequence" on October 31. The statement said that yielding to the U.S. demand for troop dispatch is to become an accomplice in the war of aggression and that the troop dispatch to Iraq is a criminal act of forcing death on the Iraqi people and our young people under the pretext of "national profit" and "utility."
    The south Korean army participated in the Vietnamese war ignited by the U.S., not only producing a large number of the killed and wounded and defoliant victims but also murdering guiltless people, which should not be repeated, the statement pointed out.
    What is now needed to Iraq is not combat troops but the assistance of the international community, the statement said, stressing: The "government" should withdraw the decision on the troop dispatch at once.

Thai Crown Prince on Friendly Relations with DPRK

    Pyongyang, November 5 (KCNA) -- Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Thailand Maha Vajiralongcorn, when the DPRK ambassador to Thailand paid a courtesy call on him on October 29, stressed that he would as ever make positive efforts for the development of friendly relations between the two countries. He said he could not forget forever the honour and hospitality of having audiences with President Kim Il Sung when he visited the DPRK two times. He wished the Korean people greater success in the building of a great prosperous powerful nation and the efforts for national reunification.
    Thailand will continue to support and encourage the just cause of the Korean people, he said.

Ugandan President on Building of Powerful Nation in Korea

    Pyongyang, November 5 (KCNA) -- Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, when meeting with the DPRK ambassador to Uganda on November 1, warmly congratulated leader Kim Jong Il on his reelection as chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK. The president expressed the belief that under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il the Korean people would achieve a great success in the building of a great prosperous powerful socialist nation.

People's Solidarity Formed in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, November 5 (KCNA) -- More than 100 civic, social and religious organizations including the Citizens' Solidarity for Media Reform, the Society for the Media Information Service, the Bar Association for a Democratic Society, the South Korean Professors' Council for Democracy, the Council of Christian Churches and the South Korean Catholic Alliance for Justice formed a people's solidarity for defending the joint broadcasting management in front of the head office of the Grand National Party on Oct. 31, according to south Korean KBS. The organizations expressed anger at the GNP which has recently pushed forward a bill on the revision of the broadcasting law which calls for receiving the KBS TV subscription fee separate from the fee for its radio broadcasting service.
    It is obvious that such move of the GNP is aimed to achieve its political aim to deteriorate financial situation of KBS before the next year's "National Assembly" election in a bid to put pressure upon KBS and bring the joint broadcasting management system to a collapse, they asserted. Their struggle would develop into an all-people's resistance movement in case the bill passes through the "National Assembly," they warned.

General Strike Declared in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, November 5 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions held an extraordinary meeting of deputies and declared that it would call an all-out general strike on Nov. 12, according to south Korean KBS. The organization decided to launch the general strike to demand the south Korean government authorities take immediate measures to solve the labor issues including the abolition of the policy of unilaterally discriminating against part-time workers.
    It said that prior to the general strike, it would stage a day-long strike on Nov. 6 and hold a large meeting of workers on Nov. 9.

Rodong Sinmun Calls for Protecting Independence with Arms

    Pyongyang, November 5 (KCNA) -- Independence should be defended with arms. This is a precious lesson the popular masses' hard-fought struggle for independence taught to humankind, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. Underscoring the need to hold arms more tightly to defend independence already achieved, the article goes on: The Iraqi war proved once again that one should be responsible for one's own destiny and independence must be defended with arms only. A matchless army provides a sure guarantee for reliably defending independence in our times whose main trend is the confrontation between revolution and counter-revolution.
    At present the imperialists are more desperately resorting to brigandish logic of strength. It is their trite method to turn to a violent military attack if they fail to achieve their aim of aggression politically and diplomatically. Neither international law nor the UN can stop them. The imperialists regard small countries with weak armies as their targets of aggression. It is, therefore, the only way to cope with it to strengthen one's own army. Armed attack should be countered with arms. This alone can prevent one from being reduced to a slave and defend one's independence.
    Those countries with weak armies should strengthen them, the article says, calling on them to build independent national defence industry and develop it and build up modern defensive and offensive means.

Stop to Suppression of S. Koreans' Patriotic Struggle Demanded

    Pyongyang, November 5 (KCNA) -- The onward movement in the era of national reunification is by no means a smooth one despite the positive changes on the Korean peninsula to swim with the global trend of independence, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. Neither national reconciliation and unity nor improved inter-Korean relations are thinkable as long as the people's movement for reunification is cracked down upon in south Korea, the article says, and goes on:
    Even at this moment south Korea witnesses unceasing suppression of pro-reunification patriotic forces who are out in their struggle for national independence and national reunification against outsiders.
    The reality goes to prove that it stands out as a crucial task to achieve social justice. Neither independence nor reunification are thinkable apart from democracy.
    The entire nation and all the south Koreans who want national reconciliation, unity and reunification unanimously demand an independent life.
    The suppression of pro-reunification patriotic forces including the South Korean Federation of University Student Councils should be stopped at once and their legalization and the freedom of their patriotic activities be provided in south Korea.

Blood Purifying Absorbent

    Pyongyang, November 5 (KCNA) -- A new selective absorbent for purifying blood has been developed and introduced into medical treatment in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. It differs from the existing absorbent which purifies blood after separating plasma from corpuscle. It directly purifies blood by selectively absorbing only what causes diseases.
    Its production cost is less than half the amount the existing one costs.
    The newly developed absorbent has proved very efficacious in the treatment of various autoimmune diseases.
    It enjoys popularity at home and abroad because it can be easily used.
    It was developed by scientists of Kim Il Sung University.

Scientific and Technological Achievements in DPRK

    Pyongyang, November 5 (KCNA) -- A rapid development has been made in the scientific and technological field of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Since artificial satellite "Kwangmyongsong No. 1" was launched more than five years ago, scientists and technicians have carried out a lot of tasks to which the government had attached importance for the normalization of production and technical modernization.
    They have introduced tens of thousands of inventions and new technologies into production, thus making a great contribution to the country's scientific and technological development.
    They have succeeded in making up-to-date electronic materials, cloning rabbit and developing high-tech measuring apparatuses and many others of world standard in a unique way with local raw materials.
    Such valuable programs as a diagnostic system of machine vibration, a system for monitoring and controlling the production processes of ammonia gas and a program for prospecting underground resources have been accepted by some 1,000 units of major factories and enterprises, with the result that their production and management activities have been put on a scientific and modern basis.
    They have also registered scientific and technical achievements in mass-producing virus-free potatoes and using small potatoes as seeds to open a bright prospect for raising the potato production per hectare.
    Achievements made in researches into many basic chemicals have been applied to production. Among them are various kinds of synthetic fibre, resin and rubber, catalyst for fertilizer production and its analyzer, effective herbicide and vermicide.
    Innovative ideas have been raised in the theory of elementary particles and researches into multi-function robots, quick coagulant of cement, etc. have been completed.
    Scientists made marvelous successes in 100-odd researches into electronics, bioengineering, heat engineering and other fields in the latter half of the 1990s when the country was in the "Arduous March".
    Many scientific and technological issues have been solved in the biological field, too. A scientific and technological foundation has been laid to gain high-yielding crops on the basis of successes in gene engineering and a basic technology invented to obtain expensive physiological active materials from domestic animals.

Double Cropping Encouraged in DPRK

    Pyongyang, November 5 (KCNA) -- Two-crop farming has proved successful in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. It is hard to increase the grain production with a single-crop farming in Korea where the arable land is limited.
    Paying deep attention to double cropping for increased grain production, leader Kim Jong Il has given energetic guidance to the efforts for bringing about a fresh turn in double cropping.
    Several years ago he acquainted himself with the experience gained by the Township Cooperative Farm, Janggang County, Jagang Province in the northern highland, in successfully doing three-crop farming a year and unfolded a blueprint for double cropping.
    Recently, he said again that much effort should be directed to double cropping. Some time ago, he went to a farm of an army unit to indicate the way for a successful two-crop farming.
    Through the first crop farming this year, agricultural officials and farmers have become convinced that the two-crop farming is profitable.
    Sowing for the first crops next year has already been wound up in a large acreage of land.

Rodong Sinmun on Great Vitality of Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Way of Study

    Pyongyang, November 5 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il on November 5, Juche 62 (1973) made public a work calling for effecting a new turn in the study of the revolutionary idea of President Kim Il Sung by widely introducing the anti-Japanese guerrilla way of study. It provides an important guideline which should be held fast to in establishing revolutionary traits of study throughout society, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It goes on:
    The essential characteristics of the anti-Japanese guerrilla way of study is to study assiduously, combining study with battle, production and rest to possess working knowledge applicable to the Korean revolution, and for the learned to teach and the unlearned to learn.
    The past 30 years after the publication of the work were proud decades in which the anti-guerrilla way of study has proved its great vitality in the course of its application to realities under Kim Jong Il's wise guidance.
    This is an excellent way of study as it helps remove formalism in study and possess revolutionary pabulum of real worth. It is also the most militant way of study as it calls for studying irrespective of conditions and environments and a mighty way which helps work miracles and effect innovations in the revolution and construction by linking study with the realities.
    The military force of the DPRK has grown remarkably in the confrontation with the imperialists and the U.S. and fresh miracles are being worked and innovations effected in all fields and units of the national economy. This is attributable to the fact that officials and working people have studied and lived the way the anti-Japanese guerrillas did as intended by Kim Jong Il.

National Meeting Held

    Pyongyang, November 5 (KCNA) -- A national meeting was held at the People's Palace of Culture on Nov. 4 to mark the 30th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's famous work published on Nov. 5, Juche 62 (1973), in which he called for bringing about a new turn in the study of the Juche idea by widely introducing the anti-Japanese guerrilla method of study. Kim Jong Il in his speech made before the participants in the first national question-and-answer contest of artistes clarified that the question-and-answer method of study is a long-standing method of study created in the period of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle led by President Kim Il Sung and has demonstrated its great vitality and the question-and-answer contest is a revolutionary method of study which developed the anti-Japanese guerrilla method of study in conformity with the present socialist reality. He comprehensively elucidated principled matters arising in displaying its advantages and vitality.
    Jong Ha Chol, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, in a report delivered at the meeting recalled that Kim Jong Il set forth the idea and policy to introduce the anti-Japanese guerrilla method of study to the whole Party. This marked an epoch-making event as it indicated the most correct way of thoroughly imbuing all the members of the society with the Juche idea of the WPK to successfully promote the cause of modeling the whole society after the Juche idea, liquidate formalism and formularism in the field of ideological work and conduct effective ideological education on the principle of development of man's thinking and consciousness, he added.
    He called on the information officials of the Party to resolutely defend and glorify the tradition of ideological work Kim Il Sung created and developed in the crucible of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle and the rich and diverse leadership exploits Kim Jong Il has performed in ideological work while leading the Party and the revolution and give steady continuity to the tradition of Juche in all the fields of ideological work.
    He also underscored the need for the officials to introduce the anti-Japanese guerrilla method of study to all fields in conformity with the demand of the developing reality in order to steadily intensify the work to firmly equip all the Party members and other working people with the unique Songun idea of Kim Jong Il and thus help them absolutely follow the Songun idea, resolutely uphold the Songun politics and thoroughly implement the Songun line.
    Present at the meeting were Choe Thae Bok and Kim Jung Rin, secretaries of the Central Committee of the WPK, party information officials in Pyongyang and local areas, officials of ministries and national institutions and officials, creators, artistes, journalists and editors in the fields of culture and arts and media.

Greetings Exchanged between DPRK and Romanian Foreign Ministers

    Pyongyang, November 5 (KCNA) -- The DPRK and Romanian foreign ministers exchanged messages of greetings on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun in the message expressed the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue to develop on good terms in the interests of both sides and wished his Romanian counterpart success in his responsible work.
    Romanian Foreign Minister Mircea Dan Geoana in the message hoped that the relations between Romania and the DPRK would positively develop in mutual interests and wished the DPRK foreign minister success in his work.

South Side's Delegation Here

    Pyongyang, November 5 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the south side headed by Kim Kwang Rim, vice-minister of Finance and Economy, arrived here on Nov. 5 to participate in the 7th meeting of the North-South Committee for the Promotion of Economic Cooperation. It was greeted at the airport by the members of the north side to the committee.
    A working woman gave a bouquet to the head of the delegation of the south side.

For Spanish-speaking people

Acto central por 30 aniversario de publicacion de obra de Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, 5 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar el dia 4 en el Palacio Cultural del Pueblo el acto central por el 30 aniversario de la publicacion (el 5 de noviembre del 62 (1973) de la Era Juche) de la historica obra del Dirigente Kim Jong Il, que subraya la necesidad de aplicar ampliamente el metodo de estudio a manera de la Guerrilla Antijaponesa para registrar un nuevo viraje en el estudio de la idea Juche. El Dirigente, en su discurso pronunciado ante los participantes en el I Concurso Nacional de Estudio de los Artistas, dijo que el metodo de estudio a traves de preguntas y respuestas es la tradicional manera que fue creada y mostro gran vitalidad en el periodo de la Lucha Revolucionaria Antijaponesa organizada y dirigida por el Presidente Kim Il Sung y el concurso de preguntas y respuestas es el metodo revolucionario de estudio que desarrollo el metodo de estudio a manera de la guerrilla antijaponesa conforme a la realidad socialista de hoy, y dilucido todos los problemas de principios para demostrar su superioridad y vitalidad.
    El informe conmemorativo estuvo a cargo de Jong Ha Chol, secretario del Comite Central del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, quien subrayo:
    El Dirigente presento la idea y la orientacion de aplicar el metodo de estudio a manera de la Guerrilla Antijaponesa en todo el partido, lo cual fue un evento trascendental que abrio un camino mas recto para armar estrictamente todos los miembros de la sociedad con la idea Juche del PTC, acelerar exitosamente la causa de la transformacion de toda la sociedad segun la idea Juche, eliminar el formalismo y el esquematismo en el dominio de la labor ideologica y realizar efectivamente la labor de educacion ideologica conforme a los principios del desarrollo de conciencia ideologica de las personas.
    Los funcionarios de propaganda del Partido deben hacer brillar la tradicion de la labor ideologica creada y desarrollada por el Presidente en el fragor de la lucha antijaponesa y las abundantes hazanas del Dirigente acumuladas en la direccion sobre la labor ideologica al dirigir el partido y la revolucion y tienen que mantener firmemente el linaje del Juche en todos los dominios de la labor ideologica.
    Deben materializar totalmente el metodo de estudio a manera de la Guerrilla Antijaponesa conforme a la demanda de la realidad en desarrollo y profundizar incesantemente las labores para armar firmemente a todos los militantes del partido y trabajadores con la original idea del Songun (priorizacion militar) del Dirigente para convertirlos en absolutos partidarios a esta idea, firmes defensores de la politica de Songun y ejecutantes de la linea del Songun.
    En el acto participaron los secretarios del CC del PTC Choe Thae Bok y Kim Jung Rin, los funcionarios de propaganda del partido del centro y localidades, funcionarios de ministerios, organismos centrales y de dominios de cultura, arte, prensa e informacion, creadores, artistas, periodistas y redactores.

Intelectuales contribuyen al desarrollo cientifico-tecnico

    Pyongyang, 5 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Gracias a los esfuerzos de los intelectuales la ciencia y la tecnica de Corea progresan al ritmo acelerado. En el ultimo lustro y pico, los cientificos y tecnicos, entusiasmados por el exitoso lanzamiento del satelite artificial "Kwangmyongsong No. 1", cumplieron numerosas tareas principales del Estado que tienen una gran importancia en la normalizacion de la produccion, la reconstruccion tecnica y la modernizacion.
    Hicieron gran aporte al desarrollo cientifico-tecnico del pais al aplicar en la produccion decenas de miles de invenciones y nuevas tecnologias.
    Los cientificos lograron exitos de investigacion de fama mundial: con sus propias materias primas y originales metodos, desarrollaron y produjeron materiales electronicos de punta, conejo clonado de celula nutricia, aparato de medicion de punta, etc.
    Ellos introdujeron el sistema de examen de vibracion de las maquinas, el sistema de control y manejo del proceso de la produccion del gas amoniaco, y el programa para la exploracion de recursos subterraneos y otros programas de gran valor en mas de mil unidades de importantes fabricas y empresas para realizar la fundamentacion cientifica y la modernizacion de las actividades de la produccion y administracion.
    Tambien fueron resueltos los problemas cientifico-tecnicos, que se presentaban en la produccion a granel de patatas sin virus y en el metodo de cultivo con patatas pequenas, abriendo una firme perspectiva para elevar el rendimiento por hectarea.
    Ademas fueron perfeccionadas e industrializadas numerosas investigaciones sobre los productos de la quimica basica como la de fibras, resinas y gomas sinteticas, la de catalizadores y medios analiticos necesarios a la produccion de fertilizantes y la de eficaces herbicidas e insecticidas.
    Se han investigado y perfeccionado nueva tesis sobre la teoria de unificacion del campo (rama de punta en la fisica moderna), los proyectos innovadores de gran significacion en la esfera de la teoria de particulas elementales, robots de multipropositos y metodo de rapida coagulacion del cemento.
    En la segunda mitad de la decada de 1990, pese a las dificiles condiciones de la "marcha penosa" los cientificos del pais lograron mas de 100 exitos de investigacion cientifica de talla mundial en la electronica, la biotecnologia, la ingenieria termica y otras ramas.
    Recientemente asentaron bases cientifico-tecnicas para obtener plantas agricolas de alta productividad con la aplicacion de los exitos de la genetica en la biologia, desarrollaron nueva tecnica de base para producir valiosas sustancias de actividad fisiologica de ganados, y resolvieron otros numerosos problemas cientifico-tecnicos.

Lucha por la democratizacion de la sociedad surcoreana

    Pyongyang, 5 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Tambien en la Peninsula Coreana se registran cambios positivos conforme a la tendencia mundial de realizacion de la independencia. Pero, no es facil el movimiento de avance de la epoca por la reunificacion independiente. Mientras en el Sur de Corea reprimen el movimiento del pueblo por la reunificacion, es imposible realizar la reconciliacion y la unidad de la nacion ni desarrollar las relaciones entre el Norte y el Sur de Corea.
    Senala asi el diario "Rodong Sinmun" en un articulo individual del dia 5 y continua:
    Tambien en estos momentos se ven reprimidas las fuerzas patrioticas que luchan contra las fuerzas extranjeras y por la independencia nacional y la reunificacion de la patria.
    La realidad demuestra que la materializacion de la justicia social en el Sur de Corea se presenta como una tarea imprescindible. Sin la democracia no puede lograr la independencia ni la reunificacion.
    Toda la nacion y el pueblo surcoreano que desean la reconciliacion nacional, la unidad y la reunificacion independiente demandan unanimemente la vida independiente.
    En el Sur de Corea debe ser cesada la represion contra la Federacion de Consejos Generales de Estudiantes Universitarios y otras fuerzas patrioticas para la reunificacion y realizadas la legalizacion y la libertad de las actividades patrioticas de estas.