CILRECO Supports DPRK's Stand on Nuclear Issue

    Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- The International Liaison Committee for the Reunification and Peace in Korea issued the November Issue of its information bulletin. The bulletin in an article on the nuclear issue questioned the U.S. if it is ready to solve the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula peacefully and put an end to its hostile policy towards the DPRK. The arrogant and unilateral attitude of the U.S. delegation at the six-way talks held in Beijing and the ceaseless provocations of the U.S. to the DPRK, in particular, cast a doubt as to whether the recent remarks of the U.S. president truly reflect the stand to settle the nuclear crisis on the Korean peninsula.
    The bulletin carried an article introducing progress made in the DPRK, south Korean news and news of the vigorous international movement for solidarity with the Korean people now under way worldwide.

Group of Sit-in Strikers Formed in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- The Emergency People's Action against the Additional Troop Dispatch to Iraq in south Korea reportedly inaugurated a group of sit-in strikers at the plaza in front of Seoul Railway Station on November 4. A statement released at the inaugural ceremony noted that people can expect nothing from the "government" unable to reject even the U.S. unjust pressure for additional troop dispatch. It called on all the people to turn out in a struggle against the additional troop dispatch.
    The group declared that it would escalate the struggle till the "day of south Korean people's third action" slated for November 15.
    Earlier, the Democratic Workers' Party formed a "group of sit-in strikers for coping with the emergency situation in order to put an end to the suppression of workers, have the decision on the troop dispatch to Iraq withdrawn and urge a radical political reform."

U.S. Intention to Stop LWR Construction Assailed in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- The Reunification Solidarity for Implementing the June 15 South-North Joint Declaration and Achieving Peace on the Korean Peninsula in south Korea reportedly made public a commentary on November 5 as regards the U.S. intention to suspend the construction of light-water reactors (LWR) and officially announce it. Dismissing the U.S. pretext for suspending the LWR construction as absurd, the commentary said:
    We strongly denounce the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO) for having deliberately delayed the fulfilment of its commitment to provide the north with LWRs, one of the core points of the Geneva Agreement at the instruction of the U.S. and, not content with this, opting for suspending the construction.
    The KEDO has already caused a huge loss of electricity to the north by delaying it. If there is any technical problem as regards the construction of LWRs KEDO is obliged to settle it and positively push ahead with the construction. But KEDO's decision to suspend the construction proves that it has no will to construct the LWRs.
    The commentary denounced the south Korean "government" for showing a passive attitude by agreeing to the decision to suspend the LWR construction, yielding to the U.S. unjust demand.

GNP's Corruption Condemned

    Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the National Economic Cooperation Federation on November 8 made public a statement condemning the Grand National Party of south Korea for its corruption. Recalling that the GNP grumbled about "drain on resources" and cried out for "special inspection," interfering even in the inter-Korean non-governmental economic cooperation in a bid to cover up its dirty true colors and gratify its greed for power, the statement said:
    There is no need to explain what a shameless and clumsy aim the GNP sought.
    The GNP dared downplay the significance of the historic Pyongyang meeting that ushered in a new era of independent reunification, claiming that money was spent for it, described economic cooperation between fellow countrymen including the tour of Mt. Kumgang as a horse-trading and drove a patriotic businessman to death.
    This hard reality proves how brazen-faced this group of thieves is.

Dismantlement of S. Korea- U.S. "Combined Command" Demanded

    Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the National Democratic Front of South Korea made public a statement on November 7, 25 years since the south Korea-U.S. "combined command" was formed, according to the Internet site of the National Salvation Front in south Korea. The statement said:
    The command is a product of the U.S. plan to perpetuate its military presence in south Korea and an undisguised expression of its ambition to invade the north.
    The 25 year-long history of the south Korea-U.S. "combined command" clearly proves the U.S. criminal nature.
    It was none other than the command that pushed the situation on the Korean peninsula to the brink of a war by staging provocative anti-north war drills and shipped all types of war means including nukes into south Korea, thus turning this land into the world's largest arsenal for a nuclear war.
    The command branded the righteous Kwangju resistance fighters as "rioters" and mobilized troops to crack down on the patriotic people in their struggle for independence, democracy and reunification at the point of bayonet.
    In order to carry out the instruction of the Bush administration to "stifle the north by strength," the command worked out an operation plan to invade the north and is hell-bent on staging war maneuvers under the simulated conditions of a war, shipping ultra modern weapons into south Korea and deploying them for an actual war.
    The command is, indeed, a main source of a nuclear war against the nation and a root cause of all sorts of misfortune and pain of the Korean people.
    The command should be dismantled at once and the U.S. troops be withdrawn from this land.

Ishihara's Apology Demanded

    Pyongyang, November 8 (KCNA) -- Representatives of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan visited the Tokyo Metropolitan Office to lodge a strong protest with Governor Ishihara against his reckless remarks that the Korea-Japan annexation in 1910 was made according to the will of the Koreans, according to Choson Sinbo, newspaper of Koreans published in Japan. Ku Pon Hon, chairman of the Association of Young Korean Traders and Industrialists in Japan, and other representatives in their letter on October 30 dismissed his outcries as an act of going against the times and distorting even the history and strongly urged him to withdraw his reckless remarks and apologize for them.
    Meanwhile, five representatives including Jong Tu Chol, chairman of the Tokyo Metropolitan Headquarters of the Korean Youth League in Japan (Jochong), and Yun Hwa Ya, chairperson of the Tokyo Metropolitan Headquarters of the Union of Korean Students in Japan (Ryuhakdong), on October 31 demanded Ishihara's apology and handed a protest letter in the name of the Tokyo Metropolitan Headquarters of Jochong and the Kanto Headquarters of Ryuhakdong to the secretary of the governor.

Hanchongryon Condemns Authorities for Reckless Crackdown

    Pyongyang, November 8 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) reportedly made public a statement titled "Hanchongryon cannot be caught in a noose of enemy-benefiting" on November 5. Referring to the security authorities' continued reckless crackdown on deputies to the 11th term Hanchongryon, the statement said that Mun Ok Ju, chairperson of the General Student Council of Dong-A University, was walked away on November 3 and Kim Jin Hui, chairperson of the General Student Council of Dankook University, on November 4.
    The arrests are no more than a rash act to block all people's demand for the legalization of Hanchongryon which brooks no further delay, the statement said, stressing: Hanchongryon vehemently denounces the security authorities' recent action bereft of reason and sternly warns against the reckless suppression.

Additional Troop dispatch to Iraq Opposed by S. Korean Public

    Pyongyang, November 8 (KCNA) -- Members of south Korean civic and public organizations reportedly staged one-man demonstrations against the additional troop dispatch to Iraq and increase of defence expenditure in front of the building of the "National Assembly" on November 4. Members of the Central Council for National Independence and Reunification (Minjatong) held one-man demonstrations.
    Chairman of Minjatong Kim Jae Bong said most of the opposition forces are enlisted in the Emergency People's Action against the Additional Troop Dispatch to Iraq. As the government is shaking by a word of the U.S., the movement against the troop dispatch is more difficult, he said, and went on: As the unjustifiable murder cannot be sympathized, the demonstration will continue until the decision on troop dispatch is withdrawn at the "National Assembly".
    Members of the People for Peace and Reunification staged similar demonstrations.
    Meanwhile, members of the south Korean Health and Medical Workers Union, the south Korean Stockbrokerage Society, the Citizens Society for the Abolition of the "Security Law" and so on held one-man demonstrations, carrying slogans reflecting the demands of their respective organizations.

Ishihara's Reckless Remarks Denounced in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, November 8 (KCNA) -- The "South Korean Committee of the International Solidarity Council Demanding Japan's Liquidation of Its Past" held a rally denouncing the reckless remarks of Tokyo Metropolitan Governor Ishihara in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul on November 3. A statement was read out at the rally.
    The statement expressed indignation at a spate of reckless remarks made by Ishihara on October 28 and 31 that the Korea-Japan annexation in 1910 was made according to the will of the Koreans and Japan's colonialism in Korea was humanitarian.
    The statement also denounced the former chairman of the Group for Making New History Book, Japan's right conservative reactionary organization, for letting loose intolerable sophism, echoing the words of Ishihara.
    The statement noted that these reckless remarks were intended to justify the ever more undisguised moves of Japan for rearmament as they were aimed at denying the illegality of Japan's military occupation and colonial rule over Korea and completely evading the responsibility of the Japanese government for them.
    It urged the south Korean "government" to take a strong measure against them.
    Ri Su Ho, representative of the Headquarters of the Movement for Correcting the Japanese Textbook, and others speaking at the rally said that Japan should retract the dangerous remarks beautifying its colonial domination. They declared that they would bring the case of Ishihara to the UN and disclose all his crimes to the international community.

Dismantlement of S. Korea-U.S. "Combined Command" Urged

    Pyongyang, November 8 (KCNA) -- The U.S. announced its plan to set up the "Combined Command" in south Korea on November 7, 1978 and decided to transfer the prerogative of the "UN Command" to command the U.S. troops in south Korea and the ROK army to the "Combined Command". This was aimed to retain its grip on south Korea as its permanent military strategic base and escalate its moves to launch an adventurous war of aggression against the north, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary. Over the last 25 years since the formation of this command for aggression the movement for independence and democracy in the south Korean society and the cause of peace and reunification on the Korean peninsula have faced grave challenges, the commentary says, and goes on:
    Since then the U.S. forces present in south Korea have been massively beefed up and the campaign for a war of aggression of the north has been further intensified.
    This is evidenced by the Team Spirit joint war exercises staged by the U.S. and south Korea. The number of troops involved in the north-targeted war maneuvers had gradually increased from 100,000 to over 200,000 since 1978, the year when the command was formed. Ulji Focus Lens, Foal Eagle, Hwarang and many other war exercises of various code names and U.S.-Japan joint military exercises under the simulated conditions of an "emergency" on the Korean peninsula are still going on under the control of the South Korea-U.S. "Combined Command."
    The command has stepped up the process of fascistizing the south Korean society while holding in check the south Koreans' patriotic struggle for independence, democracy and reunification in order to fulfil its mission for aggression.
    Viewing the south Koreans' just and patriotic advance as a move to undermine its base for its presence, the command worked hard to put a firm hold on the south Korean regime and stepped up the fascistization of the south Korean society and directly involved itself in ruthlessly suppressing the south Koreans' struggle at the point of bayonet. A typical example of it was the massacre in Kwangju.
    The dismantlement of the command and the withdrawal of the U.S. troops from south Korea are urgently required for the country's reunification and global peace and security.
    Calculating that Korean reunification would make it impossible for the U.S. to realize its ambition to dominate the whole of Korea and other parts of Asia it has become all the more desperate in its moves for a war against reunification through the command. The West Sea skirmish in June last year was a product of such plot. It also forced the south Korean authorities to get approvals of the command on all the issues raised in the inter-Korean relations and worked hard to prevent the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration from being implemented putting every possible brake on the process of improving the relations between the north and the south.
    The U.S. would be well advised to face up to the trend of the times, immediately stop the anti-DPRK campaign and roll back its criminal hostile policy toward the DPRK, dismantle the south Korea-U.S. "combined command" and pull the U.S. forces out of south Korea without delay so that the Koreans may achieve reconciliation, cooperation and reunification by themselves.

Irregularities of GNP of South Korea Condemned

    Pyongyang, November 8 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee issued a statement on November 7 to denounce the south Korean Grand National Party for its "fund scandal during the presidential election" as a monstrous crime which proves its wicked nature as the principal criminal of irregularities and traitorous politics. The statement went on:
    The scandal is only a part of the irregularities and corruption of the party that has squandered taxes in personal luxury and greed for power.
    A group of thieves such as the GNP holds sway over the "National Assembly" in south Korea. This is a shame of the south Korean people and shows the political and moral backwardness of the south Korean society where injustice tramples down justice.
    As far as the ultra-right wing forces of the GNP remain, cooperation and exchange between the north and south can neither be proceeded nor independent reunification of the country be expected and the south Korean people can hardly live in peace.

Disorganization of S. Korea-U.S. "Combined Command" Demanded

    Pyongyang, November 8 (KCNA) -- The dismantlement of the south Korea-U.S. "combined command" is urgently required by the times and the Korean nation, said a spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland in a statement issued on Friday, 25 years since the U.S. set up the south Korea-U.S. "combined command" despite Korean and other people's strong opposition and rejection. When a resolution calling for the disbandment of the "UN Command" and the withdrawal of the U.S. forces abusing the UN flag from south Korea was adopted at the 30th UN General Assembly the U.S. cooked up the south Korea-U.S. "combined forces" on November 7, 1978, by changing the helmet of the "UN command" to that of combined forces, the statement said, and continued:
    The U.S. organized the command despite the unanimous desire of the Koreans and other world people for the implementation of the UN resolution. This was aimed to justify the U.S. forces' permanent presence in south Korea and their colonial rule over it and gratify their ambition for aggression of the north at any cost.
    The U.S. invested the command with the right to command operations of the U.S. and the south Korean forces including rights of drafting and completion of the joint operation plan in case of emergency on the Korean peninsula, organization of war exercises, tactical study, introduction and deployment of military hardware, organization and reorganization of units, control over the units under the command in war time and in peace time and operational command over the U.S. 7th fleet in case of emergency.
    Over the last 25 years the command has committed all sorts of crimes. It organized and carried out all forms of war exercises targeted against the north every year and drove the south Korean army to suppressing the Kwangju popular uprising and forced south Korea to buy U.S.-made arms.
    Recently it decided to keep the command in the Ryongsan base in Seoul as it is while discussing the relocation of the U.S. troops to invade the north.
    The U.S. intention to keep the command in south Korea is a wanton challenge to the unanimous wish and desire of all the Koreans for peace and reunification against war and division.
    The U.S. would be well advised to drop its ambition for permanent colonial domination over Korea and aggression of north, dismantle the command and withdraw all its troops and lethal weapons from south Korea at once.

Elimination of Kingpin of Corruption Called for

    Pyongyang, November 8 (KCNA) -- The Grand National Party of south Korea is working hard to gloss over its fund scandal during the "presidential election" with empty words of "apology". This is an insult and a mockery of the south Korean people. Minju Joson today says this in a signed commentary. It goes on:
    Representative of the GNP Choe Pyong Ryol and its former President Ri Hoe Chang made apologizes in tears but the south Korean people dismissed this as a gimmick to bridge over the crisis.
    The GNP has committed too many acts of treachery to cite to please the United States, betraying the nation. It was the GNP that called for the abrogation of the historic June 15 joint declaration supported by all the fellow countrymen and supported Bush's reckless remarks listing the north as part of an "axis of evil" though they were condemned by the whole world.
    It was well known that the ultra-right conservatives of the party including Choe groundlessly described normal non-governmental economic exchange between the north and south as "drain of resources" and, not content with this, made a patriotic businessman who made a contribution to national reconciliation and unity fall a victim to "special inspection," driving him to death. No wonder the south Korean people nicknamed the party "an alien party." This group of traitors misappropriated a fund amounting to astronomical figures to gratify their unsatiable greed for power.
    That is why the GNP is called a party of thieves.
    The GNP is keen on stoking confrontation between fellow countrymen to implement the U.S. imperialists' policy to stifle the north, while leaving no means untried to come to power.
    This party should be thrown overboard in order to achieve the national reconciliation and unity and the reunification of the country.

Greetings to Cambodian Prime Minister

    Pyongyang, November 8 (KCNA) -- Pak Pong Ju, premier of the DPRK Cabinet, sent a message of greetings to Hun Sen, prime minister of Cambodia. Warmly congratulating the government and people of Cambodia on the 50th anniversary of the independence of the Kingdom, he expressed the belief that the traditional friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would develop favorably.
    The message wished him greater success in his responsible work for prosperity of the country and welfare of the people.
    Paek Nam Sun, minister of Foreign Affairs, sent a message of greetings to Hor Nam Hon, Cambodian minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Greetings to Cambodian King

    Pyongyang, November 8 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, today sent a message of greetings to Norodom Sihanouk, king of Cambodia, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its independence. The message said that the brave Cambodian people waged a protracted struggle under the energetic leadership of the king, winning the independence of the country from foreign colonialists and opening a bright prospect for the building of a new independent and sovereign society.
    Expressing belief that the traditional friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries provided by President Kim Il Sung and the king would grow stronger, the message sincerely wished the king greater success in accomplishing his noble cause for the country's prosperity and people's well-being and him good health and happiness.

7th Meeting of North-South Committee for Promotion of Economic Cooperation

    Pyongyang, November 8 (KCNA) -- The 7th meeting of the North-South Committee for the Promotion of Economic Cooperation was held here from November 5 to 8 according to the agreement reached at the 12th north-south ministerial talks. At the meeting both sides proposed issues arising in actively promoting the immediate economic cooperation for the balanced development of the national economy in the idea of "By our nation itself" and carried on discussions.
    The meeting adopted an agreement signed separately by Choe Yong Gon, vice-minister of Construction and Building Materials Industries and chairman of the north headquarters of the committee, and Kim Kwang Rim, vice-minister of Finance and Economy and chairman of the south headquarters of the committee, who headed the delegations of the two sides.
    According to the agreement, the north and the south decided to take positive practical measures including the provision of equipment and materials needed for the railway and roadbed projects in the sections of the rail and road links to be reconnected on the East and West coasts scheduled to be completed by the end of this year at the first phase.
    The 8th working contact for the reconnection of rail and road links is expected to be made in Sokcho from December 2 to 5.
    The agreement calls for instituting and proclaiming detailed regulations necessary for building the Kaesong Industrial Zone in such a way as to make it rise as a zone with international competitiveness, winding up the designing of one-million pyong development area at the first phase, etc. before the end of this year, start the infrastructure construction from the beginning of the next year and forming and operating an industrial zone management body as early as possible.
    The north and south also decided to have trade on the trial basis of clearing account from 2004, effectuate the north-south agreement on marine transport and conclude its supplementary agreement and wind up as early as possible the discussion on the agreement on the flood control in the River Rimjin now under consultation by the way of exchanging documents.
    It was decided to hold a working consultative meeting to confirm the origin of goods exchanged between the north and south on a trial basis and the 4th meeting of the arrangement-making panel for economic cooperation to discuss and settle the issue of the passage through Kaesong and the area of Mt. Kumgang, etc. in Pyongyang or Kaesong between late November and early in December.
    The 8th meeting of the North-South Committee for the Promotion of Economic Cooperation is scheduled to take place in Seoul from March 4 to 7, 2004.

For Spanish-speaking people

Debe eliminar "Comandancia de fuerzas conjuntas" surcoreano-norteamericanas

    Pyongyang, 8 de noviembre (ATCC) -- El desmantelamiento de la "Comandancia de las fuerzas conjuntas" surcoreano-norteamericanas es la demanda apremiante e impostergable de la epoca y el ardiente deseo de la nacion coreana. Asi senalo el vocero del Comite por la Reunificacion Pacifica de la Patria en una declaracion publicada el dia 7 con motivo de cumplirse los 25 anos desde cuando EE.UU. organizo esa "comandancia" pese a la energica protesta interna y externa, y continuo:
    En la reunion de 30o periodo de sesiones de la Asamblea General de la ONU fue aprobada la resolucion de desmantelar la "Comandancia de las fuerzas de la ONU" y retirar las tropas norteamericanas ocupantes del Sur de Corea que hicieron uso fraudulento de la bandera de esa organizacion internacional. Entonces, pese a la unanime demanda de la nacion coreana y los pueblos del mundo que desean la ejecucion de la resolucion de la ONU, EE.UU. organizo el 7 de noviembre de 1978 la "Comandancia de las fuerzas conjuntas" surcoreano-norteamericanas como un aparato de agresion para legalizar la ocupacion perenne de sus tropas y la dominacion colonial al Sur de Corea y realizar a toda costa la ambicion de agresion al Norte de Corea.
    EE.UU. dio a esa "comandancia" el derecho de operacion y mando sobre las tropas norteamericanas y el ejercito surcoreano tales como el establecimiento y culminacion del plan de operacion conjunta en el caso de desatar una guerra en la Peninsula Coreana, la organizacion de ejercicios belicos, el estudio de tacticas, la aplicacion y ubicacion de armamentos y equipos, la organizacion y la reorganizacion de las unidades, el control a las unidades pertenecientes en tiempo de la guerra y el periodo ordinario y el mando operacional sobre la septima flota norteamericana en tiempo de emergencia.
    Realmente, durante los 25 anos transcurridos, la "Comandancia de las fuerzas conjuntas" planeo y realizo cada ano diversos ejercicios belicos contra la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, lanzo el ejercito surcoreano a reprimir el Levantamiento Popular de Kwangju y ejecuto sobre el terreno la compra forzosa de las armas norteamericanas en el Sur de Corea.
    En particular, aun tramando conciliabulo de redespliegue de las tropas norteamericanas para la agresion del Norte, trata de mantener invariablemente esa "comandancia" en la base militar de Ryongsan en Seul y fortalecer de continuo la funcion de esta.
    Tal artimana constituye un desafio a una unanime aspiracion y anhelo de toda la nacion coreana que se opone a la guerra y la division y desea la paz y la reunificacion.
    EE.UU. debe abandonar su ambicion de dominacion colonial permanente en el Sur de Corea e ilusion de agresion a la RPDC y sacar ahora mismo la "comandancia de las fuerzas conjuntas", sus tropas y armas homicidas de la parte Sur de la Peninsula Coreana.

Vocero del CCPAP denuncia al "Partido Hannara" por su acto ilicito

    Pyongyang, 8 de noviembre (ATCC) -- El vocero del Comite Coreano por la Paz de Asia-Pacifico (CCPAP) hizo publica el dia 7 una declaracion senalando que el caso ilicito del "Partido Hannara" del Sur de Corea relativo al "fondo para las elecciones presidenciales" muestra patentemente una sucia naturaleza de este partido, promotor de la ilicitud, la corrupcion y la politica traidora. El documento destaca que el presente caso no pasa de ser una parte de los actos ilicitos y corruptos del "Partido Hannara" que ha venido malgastando los impuestos sanguinarios de los habitantes al ejercer la autoridad a ciegas para la opulencia y el lujo personales y para la realizacion de la ambicion de la toma del poder.
    El mismo hecho de que en el sur de Corea existe todavia la banda de ladrones corruptos como el "Partido Hannara" y este maneja a su antojo la "Asamblea Nacional" con la fuerza del partido gobernante es una verguenza del pueblo surcoreano y demuestra el subdesarrollo politico-moral de la sociedad surcoreana donde reina la injusticia, senala el documento y continua:
    Al dejar intactas las fuerzas conservadoras ultraderechistas del "Partido Hannara", es imposible realizar bien la cooperacion y el intercambio entre el Norte y el Sur de Corea ni esperar la reunificacion independiente del pais ni tampoco vivir en paz los habitantes surcoreanos.

Vocero del CC de la FGSC denuncia arresto forzoso a coreanos

    Pyongyang, 8 de noviembre (ATCC) -- El vocero del Comite Central de la Federacion General de los Sindicatos de Corea (FGSC) denuncio el arresto forzoso a los coreanos perpetrado por el imperialismo japones estigmatizandolo de un crimen de la guerra demasiado cruel cometido por el Estado del pais isleno y de un gravisimo delito sin precedente de violacion de los derechos humanos que contraviene completamente al pacto sobre el trabajo forzado de la Organizacion Internacional del Trabajo firmado en 1932 por los mismos japoneses jurando cumplirlo ante la opinion internacional. En su declaracion publicada el dia 7 con motivo de la reciente publicacion de la lista de mas de 400 mil de danados coreanos arrestados forzosamente por los imperialistas japoneses en el pasado, el vocero senalo que ya transcurrieron mas de medio siglo, pero hasta ahora las autoridades japonesas tratan de evadirse de una forma u otra de la responsabilidad de ese crimen, y tal postura provoca la indignacion cada vez mas grande entre la clase obrera y el pueblo de Corea.
    Las autoridades japonesas -continuo- deben juzgar correctamente el proceder del incidente, investigar hasta el fin el aspecto verdadero del acto criminal de violacion de los derechos humanos cometido contra el pueblo coreano, pedir disculpas y hacer indemnizacion de modo incondicional e inmediato a las victimas y sus familiares.
    Exhorto a los sindicatos de Japon y otros paises del mundo y las organizaciones internacionales, que aprecian la justicia y la conciencia, a elevar la voz de protesta contra la descarada posicion de las autoridades japonesas que maniobran ridiculamente para evadirse de dicho crimen tan grave.

VII reunion del Comite por la Promocion de Cooperacion Economica Norte-Sur

    Pyongyang, 8 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Segun el acuerdo de la XII Ronda de Conversaciones a Nivel de Ministro Norte-Sur tuvo lugar del 5 al 8 del mes en curso en esta capital la VII reunion del Comite por la Promocion de Cooperacion Economica Norte-Sur (CPCENS). En la ocasion ambas partes presentaron y consultaron los problemas de promover activamente las inmediatas labores de cooperacion economica para el desarrollo equilibrado de la economia nacional segun el ideal "Con las fuerzas unidas de la nacion coreana".
    En la reunion fue aprobado el acuerdo firmado respectivamente por los jefes de ambas partes: Choe Yong Gon, viceministro de Construccion y de Industria de Materiales de Construccion y presidente de la parte Norte del CPCENS, y Kim Kwang Rim, viceministro de Finanzas y Economia y presidente de la parte Sur del CPCENS.
    El documento senala:
    El Norte y el Sur acordaron tomar activamente las medidas practicas incluyendo el ofrecimiento de equipos y materiales para la extension del carril y la obra de la acrotera en los tramos para la union de las vias ferroviarias y carreteras que planean terminar hasta finales de este ano en la etapa primera en las lineas oriental y occidental.
    Decidieron efectuar del 2 al 5 de diciembre en Sokcho el VIII contacto de expertos para la union de las vias ferroviarias y carreteras.
    Para promover el desarrollo de la Zona Industrial de Kaesong en direccion de tener la competitividad internacional, acordaron terminar en este ano el establecimiento y la publicacion de los detalles del reglamento relativo, el diseno de la region del desarrollo con un millon de phyong (un phyong equivale a 3.30579 metros cuadrados) de primera etapa, etc., empezar la construccion de la infraestructura a principios del ano proximo y componer y poner en funcionamiento lo mas pronto posible el organo de administracion de la Zona Industrial.
    Desde el 2004, el Norte y el Sur realizaran de manera experimental la transaccion de liquidacion y daran en el periodo cercano toque final a la labor de poner en vigencia el Acuerdo de Transporte Maritimo Norte-Sur y la concertacion del acuerdo anexo y a la discusion de un acuerdo relativo a la prevencion de los danos por la inundacion del rio Rimjin que esta en consulta del intercambio de documentos.
    Tambien, acordaron efectuar en el periodo desde segunda quincena de noviembre hasta principios de diciembre en Pyongyang o Kaesong la reunion consultiva de expertos por la confirmacion ejemplar de los lugares originales de los productos de negocios entre ambas partes y la IV reunion de la Seccion Institucional de Cooperacion Economica para consultar y solucionar dentro de este ano el problema de transito por las zonas de Kaesong y el monte Kumgang y otros asuntos.
    Acordaron sostener del 4 al 7 de marzo de 2004 en Seul la VIII reunion del CPCENS.

Sur de Corea: se oponen de continuo al envio adicional de efectivos a Iraq

    Pyongyang, 8 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Segun trascendidos, los miembros de las organizaciones civiles y sociales del Sur de Corea desplegaron el dia 4 frente a la sede de la "Asamblea Nacional" una manifestacion individual contra el envio adicional de los efectivos a Iraq y el aumento de los "gastos para la defensa nacional". Kim Jae Bong, presidente del Comite Nacional por la Soberania y la Reunificacion Pacifica (Minjathong) senalo que la mayoria de las fuerzas de oposicion se incorporan a la accion popular extraordinaria contra el envio adicional de efectivos a Irak y destaco que en la situacion en que el "gobierno" vacila a una palabra de EE.UU., es dificil desarrollar el movimiento por la oposicion al envio de los efectivos, pero, continuara la manifestacion hasta cuando la "Asamblea Nacional" anule la decision de envio de los efectivos porque no puede adherirse a la muerte injustificada.
    Los miembros de la entidad de los Hombres por la Paz y la Reunificacion entraron en una manifestacion individual.
    Por otra parte, los miembros del "Sindicato Nacional de Salud Publica", la "Asociacion Surcoreana de Negocio de Valores", la Reunion Civil por la Anulacion de "Ley de Seguridad" y otras entidades realizaron manifestaciones individuales portando las pancartas que reflejan insistencias de sus entidades, respectivamente.