Rumsfeld's Visit to S. Korea Protested

    Pyongyang, November 16 (KCNA) -- The south Korean public reportedly protested against U.S. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld's trip to south Korea on November 14. The Headquarters of the Anti-U.S. and Anti-War Movement for Urging Conclusion of North Korea-U.S. Non-Aggression Treaty held a rally in front of the U.S. embassy in Seoul and called for turning out as one in the struggle to oppose Rumsfeld's visit and demand the "government" withdraw its wrong decision on troop dispatch to Iraq.
    A written warning to the U.S. ambassador to south Korea was read out at the rally. It urged the U.S. to stop at once domination and interference in south Korea.
    The headquarters announced that it would hold a rally for peace against the U.S. and war in front of the U.S. embassy on every Friday, beginning with the rally that day till the U.S. domination and interference are terminated.
    The Solidarity for Implementing the South-North Joint Declaration in a statement on the same day said that if Rumsfeld wants peace, he should not force troop dispatch but immediately withdraw the U.S. troops from Iraq. The organization expressed opposition to the south Korea visit of Rumsfeld, incarnation of war and a guide who leads the troop dispatch and demanded the U.S. scrap its plan for a war on the Korean peninsula and hostile policy toward north Korea.
    The Seoul District Federation of University Student Councils in a statement titled "Opposition to south Korea visit of Rumsfeld, a lion of evil" said that his visit is aimed to pressurize south Korea to discuss the issue of troop dispatch to Iraq and the issue of redeploying the U.S. troops and transferring the U.S. military bases at the "south Korea-U.S. annual security consultative meeting" and calm down the public opinion opposing war on the Korean peninsula and turning down troop dispatch.

Stop to Enactment of "Law on Prevention of Terrorism" Demanded

    Pyongyang, November 16 (KCNA) -- The South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification reportedly made public a statement on November 8, condemning the moves of the "Intelligence Service" to enact a notorious "law on prevention of terrorism". The statement said that the "Central Intelligence Agency," the "National Security Planning Board" and then the "Intelligence Service" have killed and imprisoned champions of reunification and patriotic figures in a bid to block independence, democracy and reunification by dint of the "Security Law".
    On top of this, to institute the "law on prevention of terrorism" little different from the "Security Law" is an act intended to pursue confrontation and Cold War and violate the human rights of the people still further, charged the statement.
    Unless the "Intelligence Service" stops enacting the notorious law, the organization will rise up in the struggle for the disbandment of the tyrannical structure, the statement stressed, adding: the "National Assembly" should block the enactment of this law and abolish the "Security Law" at once.

Suppression of Labor Movement Condemned in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, November 16 (KCNA) -- The (south) Korean Confederation of Trade Unions reportedly issued a statement on November 11, denouncing the authorities' intensified suppression of the labor movement. The statement charged that the authorities issued a summons against Chairman of the KCTU Tan Pyong Ho, Senior Vice-Chairman Ryu Tok Sang, Chairman of the Federation of Metal Industrial Trade Unions Paek Sun Hwan and three other hard core members on November 11, before pushing ahead with procedure for their arrest and going in search for participants in a demonstration following the "national rally of workers".
    This is a declaration of war to turn down the demand of the KCTU for abolition of damages, provisional seizure and discrimination against part-time jobs which drive workers to death and to continue pursuing the labor policy favourable to plutocrats and a total crackdown on the KCTU, the statement said, stressing: The KCTU will rise up in the struggle to smash the suppression of the labor movement in solidarity with people of all walks of life.

Rodong Sinmun Calls for Respecting Sovereignty

    Pyongyang, November 16 (KCNA) -- Peace is guaranteed by respect for sovereignty and those countries and people who want peace should respect sovereignty. Rodong Sinmun says this in a singed article today.
    The struggle of people for peace is the struggle for defending sovereignty against imperialism and aggression, the article notes, and goes on:
    The United States has emerged as the "only superpower" in the world after the end of the Cold War. The U.S. is disturbing the global order in defiance of the elementary regulations and order that should be observed among countries. The U.S. aggression on Iraq is the greatest harassment of peace and infringement upon sovereignty.
    To defend, exercise and respect sovereignty is the rights of all countries and nations as well as their duties and the struggle for peace is their common task.
    All the people who protect sovereignty and want peace should form a joint anti-imperialist front and pool efforts to fight against the imperialists' moves of aggression and war.
    The Songun policy is a revolutionary strategy that all countries and people should hold fast to in the struggle to defend sovereignty and peace.

U.S. Should Stop Forcing S. Korea to Dispatch Troops

    Pyongyang, November 16 (KCNA) -- The United States should immediately stop forcing south Korea to dispatch troops to Iraq. Rodong Sinmun says this in a signed commentary today.
    Recalling that the south Korean authorities are abruptly tending toward the dispatch of combat troops from the dispatch of non-combatants, the commentary attributes it to the U.S. pressure.
    It was proved by the fact that the south Korean authorities untimely changed their stand after the consultation in the United States, the commentary says, and goes on: The troop dispatch to Iraq is to satisfy the aggressive interests of the United States from A to Z.
    The young people of the Korean nation can not be recklessly victimized for only U.S. interests.
    It is also attributable to the south Korean authorities. As they are not firm in the stand of defending the interests of the people, the U.S. is acting like a "metropolitan state."
    The south Korean authorities should withdraw the decision on troop dispatch as early as possible, mindful that their moves to keep "alliance" with the U.S. at the risk of the lives of young people are harmful to the dignity and interests of the nation.
    The south Korean people should frustrate the pressure for troop dispatch through all-people anti-U.S. resistance and reject the U.S. interference in south Korea.

Greetings to Communist Party of Greece

    Pyongyang, November 16 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea sent a message of greetings to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece on November 16 on the occasion of its 85th anniversary. Expressing the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two parties would further strengthen and develop in the joint struggle for socialism against imperialism, the message wished the party a new success in its activities.

Spokesman for DPRK Foreign Ministry on Next Round of Six-way Talks

    Pyongyang, November 16 (KCNA) -- We maintain the invariable stand to seek a negotiated peaceful solution to the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. after advancing a proposal for a package solution ultimately aimed to denuclearize the Korean peninsula. A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry said this on Nov. 16, answering the question raised by KCNA as regards the issue of opening the next round of the six-way talks. Only recently, we clarified the constructive stand that we are willing to take into consideration "written assurances of non-aggression" to which President Bush referred instead of the non-aggression treaty which the U.S. finds it hard to accept and we can modify even the phraseology of the principle of simultaneous actions, taking U.S. concerns into account..
    As the DPRK declared more than once, it is ready to abandon in practice its nuclear program which the U.S. is concerned about at the phase where its hostile policy is fundamentally dropped and its threat to us removed in practice.
    The prospect of solving the nuclear issue between the DPRK and U.S. will depend on whether the U.S. is ready to accept the proposal for a package solution based on the principle of simultaneous actions which commands the support and sympathy of all the participants of the talks.

Efforts of Korean People for National Reunification Supported

    Pyongyang, November 15 (KCNA) -- The government and people of Papua New Guinea hope that the Korean people, a homogeneous nation with the same language, blood and cultural tradition, will achieve national reconciliation and unity and certainly realize the reunification of the country by themselves. They will positively support the efforts of the Korean people for reunification.
    Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Michael Somare said this when new DPRK Ambassador Chon Jae Hong paid a courtesy call on him on November 11.
    The prime minister said he was deeply moved to see the Korean people, rallied close around leader Kim Jong Il, surmounting the economic difficulties by themselves and firmly defending the sovereignty of the country despite foreign interference. The government and people of Papua New Guinea will learn from the experience of the Korean people in such a struggle, he added.

Reunification Solidarity Calls for Dissolving GNP

    Pyongyang, November 15 (KCNA) -- The Reunification Solidarity for Implementing the June 15 South-North Joint Declaration and Peace in the Korean Peninsula reportedly made public a statement entitled "The Grand National Party of irregularities and corruption, dissolve" on November 11. Referring to the disclosed irregularities and corruption in the political camp, the statement said it was revealed that the Grand National Party received a political fund of 10 billion won from the SK group at the time of the last "presidential elections," before being disclosed again that it had kept the black money of over 100 billion won concealed in an office room.
    The statement charged it is an unpardonable act that the GNP has collected an unimaginable amount of money for accession to power, while taking issue with everything intended for reunification of the south and the north.
    The statement held that the GNP should return all the political fund collected by illicit means to the people and repent of irregularities and corruption and anti-reunification actions and it should be dissolved at once.

Friendly Gathering Held

    Pyongyang, November 15 (KCNA) -- The DPRK Ministry of Foreign Affairs arranged a friendly gathering on November 14 on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and central and east European countries. Speeches were made there.
    Its participants talked to one another about the need to boost the friendly relations between the DPRK and central and east European countries, deepening the friendship.
    Present on invitation were diplomatic envoys and staff members of the Polish, Romanian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Czech and Slovak embassies here.
    Present there were Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kung Sok Ung and other officials concerned.

Japan Urged to Meet Demands of Korean Victims

    Pyongyang, November 15 (KCNA) -- What the Korean victims and their bereaved families are demanding is an exercise of their legitimate right based on international law and justice and the Japanese authorities, should, therefore, immediately and unconditionally meet the demand, declared a spokesman for the DPRK Lawyers Committee in a statement issued on Nov. 14. He said: During their 40 odd year-long military occupation and rule over Korea the Japanese imperialists forcibly drafted at least 8.4 million Koreans for wars of aggression and forced slave labor, driving them to miserable deaths. On top of this they forced 200,000 teenage girls and women into sexual slavery for the imperial Japanese Army.
    The list of 427,129 Korean victims recently disclosed in Japan is just part of the victims of forcible drafting.
    The spokesman cited detailed facts to prove the monstrous crimes the Japanese imperialists committed after occupying Korea.
    He continued:
    The forcible drafting, massacres, torture and other moves to exterminate the Korean nation were the most hideous human rights abuses as they wantonly violated international law and regulations in force including regulations of the Nuremberg International Military Court. Their gravity lies in that they were state-sponsored crimes committed at the instruction and connivance of the Japanese government.
    It is a system and practice established by international law for an assailant state to hold responsibility before a victimized state, persons and their bereaved families for its organized human rights abuses.
    It is only the Japanese government which is distorting its history in a bid to cover up the crimes committed by the Japanese imperialists against humanity in the past and evade its legal and moral responsibility as an assailant state. Japan is ignoring the principles related to state responsibility to make compensation stipulated in norms of international treaties and universally recognized practice.
    The Japanese authorities are obliged to probe the truth of every human rights abuse the Japanese imperialists committed during their occupation of Korea and make it public and sternly punish those responsible.
    They should survey materials about those Koreans killed and their remains and ascertain them to the last and inform their bereaved families of them and make full apology and compensation to them.
    They should bear in mind that only then can they completely shake off the ill fame of a criminal state and will be able to establish truly friendly relations with the DPRK.

U.S. Pressure for Additional Troop Dispatch to Iraq Rebuffed

    Pyongyang, November 15 (KCNA) -- The additional troop dispatch to Iraq is not in the interests of south Korea but is aimed to help the U.S. achieve its strategic purpose, says Minju Joson today a signed commentary. It continues:
    The issue now sparking a great furor in south Korea surfaced entirely due to the U.S. unilateral demand and pressure. It is against the will of the south Korean people or authorities.
    By hurling south Korean troops into Iraq as bullet shields in a proxy war of aggression the U.S. seeks to realize its brigandish ambition for aggression with ease while minimizing the loss and damage to the U.S.
    The lives of young Koreans can never be risked to meet the strategic interests of the U.S., the commentary says, contending that the national dignity and interests and the lives of the nation's beloved sons entirely hinge on the south Koreans' struggle against the U.S. pressure for additional troop dispatch.

Democratization of International Community Urged

    Pyongyang, November 15 (KCNA) -- The DPRK will as ever unite close with all the anti-imperialist independent forces and make positive efforts to democratize the international community. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed article.
    It goes on:
    In order to accelerate the democratization of the international community it is necessary to intensify the anti-imperialist, anti-U.S. struggle. A fair and satisfactory solution to international issues can never be expected apart from this struggle.
    It is one of the important issues in democratizing the international community to strictly abide by the principle of fairness and impartiality in the international relations. Any application of double-standards by some particular countries should not be allowed.
    The democratization of the U.N. is an urgent issue in democratizing the international community at present.
    The U.N. should be reformed into a world body ensuring equal sovereign rights of all its member states, not as one meeting the interests of a few big powers only. It should be reformed in such a way as to decisively enhance the authority of its general assembly where all its member states have equal representation and its security council should be reorganized in such a way as to give the developing countries full representation. And the role of the U.N. should be raised in settling international issues.
    What is important here is not to allow unilateralism and high-handed practices.
    It is also important to establish a new international economic order for the democratization of the international community.
    When the world progressive forces go united and wage a positive struggle, the democratization of the international community will certainly come true.

National Cooperation Called for

    Pyongyang, November 15 (KCNA) -- National cooperation represents the strength of the Korean nation and provides a sure guarantee for the country's peace and reunification, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. National cooperation is based on the principle of national sovereignty which calls for rejecting and opposing flunkeyism and dependence on outsiders, the article says, and goes on:
    This cooperation is premised on the great unity of the entire nation based on patriotism. This has been proved by the vigorous advance of the Korean nation to implement the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration, united close in the idea of "By our nation itself".
    The line and policy of the Workers' Party of Korea for the great national unity are all-embracing ones. Invariable is its stand to respect ideas and religious beliefs of all political parties, organizations and individuals out to accomplish the cause of reunification in the spirit of patriotism and join hands with them and thus fulfill its obligations before the nation and keep good faith.
    All the Koreans in the north, and the south and abroad should turn out for national cooperation for the security of the nation and the independent and peaceful reunification of the country to cope with the prevailing situation.

Construction of Culture for Peace Urged

    Pyongyang, November 15 (KCNA) -- Peace is aimed to create world culture in which all countries, nations and people can co-exist in peace, fully enjoying their cultural life and promoting mutual understanding and cooperation. A DPRK delegate said this in a speech made at the plenary session of the 58th U.N. General Assembly when discussing its agenda item "Culture for Peace" on November 10.
    Such dominationist, chauvinist and ultra nationalist practices as regarding with hostility and suppressing the peculiar cultural traditions of other countries are still persisting in the world, he noted, and continued: As long as there is the tendency of hating and rejecting others' things it is impossible to establish peace for everybody and build a just world.
    It is of particular importance in building culture for peace to educate the younger generation so that they may love our planet and humankind.
    Unilateralism and high-handed practices in the international relations can not but be a great challenge to the efforts to build culture for peace.
    Culture for peace can be successfully built only when the principle of equal sovereignty and mutual respect is strictly observed.
    In the DPRK where the man-centered Juche idea has been embodied all young people are being trained to be true persons who not only value the dignity and honor of their country but also devote themselves to the friendship and harmony with the world peace-loving people.
    The DPRK will as ever actively cooperate with the member states to build an independent and peaceful world, the desire of humankind, he stressed.

Kim Jong Il Sends Greetings to Syrian President

    Pyongyang, November 15 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, today sent a message of greetings to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Arab Socialist Baath Party, on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the corrective movement in Syria. The message says:
    I extend warm congratulations to you and, through you, to the Syrian government and people on the occasion.
    For the past 33 years since the corrective movement, the Syrian people have made many achievements in their efforts to build developed and modern Syria under the wise guidance of HE Hafez al-Assad, the eternal leader of the Syrian people, and you.
    Availing myself of this opportunity I would like to express my full support to the Syrian people in their just cause to achieve progress and modernization of the country, recover Golan Heights and other occupied territories and wish you good health and happiness as well as the friendly Syrian people greater progress and prosperity.

Greetings to Syrian President

    Pyongyang, November 15 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to Bashar al Assad, president of Syria, on Nov. 15 on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the corrective movement in Syria The message said that since the historic corrective movement the Syrian people have achieved great successes in the work to build Syria into an independent, dignified and developed country under the wise leadership of their eternal leader Hafez al Assad.
    It sincerely wished the friendly Syrian people greater success in the efforts to build developed and modern Syria and seek a fair and comprehensive solution to the Mideast issue under the correct leadership of the president.

Executive Director of KEDO Here

    Pyongyang, November 15 (KCNA) -- Charles Kartman, executive director of the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO), and his party arrived here today by air.

For Spanish-speaking people

MINREX ofrece un encuentro de amistad

    Pyongyang, 15 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Con motivo del 55 aniversario del establecimiento de las relaciones diplomaticas entre la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y los paises de Europa central y oriental, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la RPDC ofrecio el dia 14 un encuentro de amistad. En el encuentro se pronunciaron los discursos.
    Los participantes profundizaron sentimientos de amistad compartiendo charlas para un mayor desarrollo de las relaciones de amistad entre la RPDC y los paises de Europa central y oriental.
    Estuvieron invitados los representantes diplomaticos de Polonia, Rumania, Hungria, Bulgaria, Checo y Slovensco en Corea y los miembros de estas sedes diplomaticas.
    Estuvieron presentes Kung Sok Ung, viceministro de RR.EE. y otros funcionarios coreanos.

Autoridades japonesas deben aceptar demanda de victimas y sus familiares

    Pyongyang, 15 de noviembre (ATCC) -- El vocero del Comite de Juristas de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, en su declaracion del dia 14, senalo que la demanda de las victimas y sus familiares es un ejercicio del derecho legitimo que conviene al derecho internacional y la justicia, y subrayo que las autoridades japonesas deben aceptar inmediata e incondicionalmente esta demanda. El vocero continuo:
    Los imperialistas japoneses, durante mas de 40 anos de su ocupacion militar y dominacion sobre Corea, arrestaron forzosamente a mas de 8 millones 400 mil coreanos para lanzarlos a la guerra de agresion y los lugares de duros trabajos y los llevaron a la muerte y al trabajo de esclavitud e incluso obligaron a 200 mil ninas y muchachas de diez y tantos anos de edad y esposas a servir de las esclavas sexuales a las tropas japonesas.
    La lista de 427 mil 129 personas recien divulgada en Japon no pasa de ser una parte de numerosas victimas coreanas del arresto forzoso por Japon.
    El arresto forzoso, la masacre, la tortura, la supresion nacional y otros actos perpetrados por los imperialistas japoneses son los crimenes de violacion a los derechos humanos de tipo ultragrande que contravienen a los reglamentos del Tribunal Militar Internacional de Nuremberg y otras reglas del derecho internacional, y su gravedad reside en que estos crimenes son los estatales perpetrados bajo la orden y aprobacion del gobierno japones de aquel entonces.
    El pais danador que perpetro de manera organizativa los crimenes de violacion a los derechos humanos contra otros paises debe asumir la responsabilidad de tales actos criminales ante estos paises, sus victimas y familiares. Esto es un regimen implantado por la ley internacional y una costumbre internacional.
    Sin embargo, unicamente el gobierno japones pretende tergiversar la historia y encubrir sus crimenes antieticos del pasado, eludir su responsabilidad juridica y moral del pais danador y da espaldas a los principios de indemnizacion bajo la responsabilidad estatal estipulados en los tratados y costumbres internacionales.
    Las autoridades japonesas deben averiguar los verdaderos aspectos de todos los actos de violacion a los derechos humanos cometidos en el periodo de su ocupacion en Corea, publicarlos y castigar severamente en virtud de la ley a los responsables.
    Deben averiguar y comprobar hasta el fin los datos de los coreanos muertos y sus restos mortales, notificarlo a las victimas y sus familiares y pedir disculpa y hacer indemnizacion estricta a estos.
    Las autoridades japonesas deben darse clara cuenta de que haciendolo asi podran quitarse por completo la deshonra de pais criminal y mantener las autenticas relaciones de buena vecindad con la RPDC.

Delegado de la RPDC se refiere al establecimiento de cultura de paz

    Pyongyang, 15 de noviembre (ATCC) -- El delegado de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, en su intervencion del dia 10 durante el debate de la agenda "Cultura de la Paz" en el pleno del 58 periodo de sesiones de la Asamblea General de la ONU, subrayo que el objetivo de la paz es crear una cultura mundial que permita a todos los paises, naciones y pueblos disfrutar a sus anchas de su propia vida cultural y coexistir pacificamente al lograr la comprension mutua y la cooperacion, y continuo: Hoy, siguen manifestandose en este mundo los fenomenos de dominacionismo, exclusivismo y ultranacionalismo que desprecian y cohiben las tradiciones culturales autoctonas de otras naciones, y con esta postura de odiar y excluir lo de otros paises, es imposible implantar la paz para todos y construir un mundo justo.
    Educar e instruir a las nuevas generaciones, para que estas posean el espiritu de amar el Planeta y la humanidad, revisten especial importancia en la construccion de la cultura de la paz.
    El unilateralismo y el autoritarismo surgidos hoy en las relaciones internacionales constituyen un gran desafio a la cultura de paz.
    Se implantara correctamente la cultura de paz al acatar estrictamente los principios de igualdad soberana y respeto mutuo.
    En la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, donde se ha materializado la idea Juche, centrada en el hombre, los jovenes y ninos se forman como autenticos seres humanos que aprecian la dignidad y el honor de su Patria y luchan con abnegacion por la amistad y la concordia con los pueblos del mundo amantes de la paz.
    La RPDC fortalecera en el futuro tambien la cooperacion activa con los paises miembros de la ONU para construir un mundo independiente y de paz a que aspira la humanidad.

Primer ministro de Papua-Nueva Guinea apoya la reunificacion de Corea

    Pyongyang, 15 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Michael Somare, primer ministro del Estado Independiente de Papua-Nueva Guinea dijo que su gobierno y pueblo desean que el pueblo coreano que es una nacion homogenea de la misma lengua, linaje y tradicion cultural logre la reconciliacion y la unidad nacionales y alcance ciertamente con sus propias fuerzas la reunificacion del pais, y subrayo que apoyarian activamente los esfuerzos del pueblo coreano por la reintegracion del pais. Chon Jae Hong, nuevo embajador extraordinario y plenipotenciario de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea realizo el dia 11 una visita de cortesia al primer ministro.
    En la ocasion el premier dijo que se conmovia grandemente de que el pueblo coreano, unido firmemente en torno al estimado camarada Kim Jong Il supera con las fuerzas propias las dificultades economicas al rechazar las intervenciones de las fuerzas extranjeras, y asi mantiene seguramente la soberania del pais y senalo que el gobierno y el pueblo de Papua-Nueva Guinea aprenderian de tales experiencias de lucha del pueblo coreano.