Gift to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a gift from the mayor of Jakarta, Indonesia, on a visit to the DPRK. The gift was handed to an official concerned by Mayor Sutiyoso.

DPRK Premier Meets Indonesian Guests

    Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- Pak Pong Ju, premier of the DPRK Cabinet, met and had a talk with Sutiyoso, mayor of Jakarta, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall when the latter paid a courtesy call on him on Sunday. Present there were Jon Hyon Chan, vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, and other officials concerned and Hendrati Sukendar Munthe, Indonesian ambassador to the DPRK.

Argument for Dispatching Combat Troops Assailed

    Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- The Emergency People's Action against Additional Troop Dispatch to Iraq comprising 351 south Korean civic and public organizations reportedly called a press conference in front of the building of the "Ministry of National Defense" on November 13 and strongly denounced the renewed argument for sending combat troops to Iraq brought forward by the military authorities. Co-representatives of the action and the chief of the Center for Peace and Disarmament under the Citizens' Solidarity for Democratic Society in their speeches recalled that the Policy Room chief of the "Ministry of National Defense" at a round-table conversation with newsmen on November 11 clarified, in fact, the decision to send troops mainly composed of combatants.
    We can hardly repress indignation at its attempt to make it fait accompli, they said, and added:
    Such act of the "Ministry of National Defense" only "represents the stand of the U.S." "If you are so much fond of war and aggression and fond of currying favor with the U.S., send your own children," they said.
    Then Ra Chang Sun, chairman of the South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification, read out a press release, which strongly demanded the authorities reprimand those concerned including the "defense minister" and declare the withdrawal of the decision on troop dispatch.

All-out Campaign for Withdrawal of U.S. Troops Called for

    Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- The Headquarters of the People's Movement for the Withdrawal of the U.S. Troops will take the lead in the struggle against the U.S. and war, for the conclusion of a DPRK-U.S. non-aggression treaty and against the U.S. pressure for troop dispatch that would drive out south Korean youths as bullet shields for U.S. troops. The headquarters clarified this stand in a statement on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of its formation on November 12, according to a news report.
    Our organization had vigorously held rallies, demonstrations, and various propaganda activities in front of the U.S. military bases in various areas including Seoul and Pusan and the U.S. embassy, demanding the withdrawal of the U.S. troops and joined the Headquarters of the Movement against the U.S. and War and for Urging the Conclusion of a North-U.S. Non-Aggression Treaty in the struggle against the war moves of the U.S., the statement said.
    Noting that now all the people are demanding the withdrawal of the U.S. troops, the statement said the presence of the U.S. forces in south Korea had lost ground.
    We will conduct the movement for the withdrawal of the U.S. troops on a higher level and fulfill our role and responsibility in drawing all the people in this struggle, the statement stressed.

National Meeting on Juche Idea Held in Austria

    Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- A national meeting on the Juche idea was held in Vienna on November 10 on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army and the 86th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero. A director of the Board of the International Institute of the Juche Idea and the chief of the Juche Society of University of Insburck, Austria, in his report said it is the fundamental requisite of an independent and sovereign state to defend and achieve independence and explained its reason. The present world political situation, he said, shows that defense of the independence of each country is the way for safeguarding global peace.
    Exposing that the U.S. was wantonly violating the sovereignty of various countries, he said it was entirely just for the Korean people to strengthen defense capabilities in order to defend the sovereignty of the country from the U.S. threat.
    The speakers noted that the vitality of the Juche idea was verified more convincingly as the days go by and called for further deepening the study and dissemination of the Juche idea on a worldwide scale.
    The chief of the Group of Youth for the Study of Kim Jong Il Juche Idea in Vienna at the meeting informed the participants of the Seminar on the Juche Idea for Independence of Europe in the Present World held in Paris early in October.
    The speakers at the seminar that brought together many figures from 17 European countries were unanimous in stressing that the Songun politics of Kim Jong Il was the basic guarantee for defense of the sovereignty and security of the DPRK, he said.
    Then the deputy chief of the Institute of East Asia of the University of Vienna spoke about his visit to the DPRK. He said: The world-wide interests in the DPRK is constantly growing. Korea has a long cultural tradition. We hope that Korea's reunification will be achieved at an early date.
    A message of greetings to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.

Kim Jong Il's Assumption of Supreme Commandership of KPA Celebrated Abroad

    Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- Lectures and film shows were held by the Youth Group for the Study of the Juche Idea in Democratic Congo and the Berlin City Committee of the Communist Party of Germany on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army and the 86th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero. The chairman of the Youth Group for the Study of the Juche Idea in Democratic Congo at a lecture said that the 24th day of December is a significant day when Kim Jong Il assumed the supreme commandership of the KPA and Kim Jong Suk was born.
    He highly praised the Songun revolutionary leadership feats of Kim Jong Il and the brilliant revolutionary life of Kim Jong Suk, woman commander of Mt. Paektu.
    The chairman of the Berlin City Committee of the Communist Party of Germany in a speech said:
    The U.S. imperialists are seeking a pretext to invade the DPRK while floating wild rumours about it. The world's progressives should clearly know about it. The members of the Communist Party of Germany express militant solidarity with the Korean people in their anti-imperialist, anti-U.S. struggle.
    Our solidarity with them will remain unchanged.
    The DPRK documentary film "Steel-Strong Ranks the Korean People's Army" was screened at the film shows.

S. Korean Democratic Party's Perfidy Assailed

    Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- The Democratic Party which had installed a "government based on broad participation" for the first time in the political history of south Korea did join its hands with the Grand National Party it has long considered to be a "sworn enemy" and went to the lengths of enacting a "law on special inspection" in a bid to bring down the present chief executive and the Uri Party. Dismissing this as political perfidy, a signed commentary of Rodong Sinmun today says:
    The Democratic Party which identified a progressive reform with its avowed political idea behaved, even going beyond the limit overcome with emotion. This is little short of disgracing itself.
    As far as the "law on special inspection" which had been railroaded through the National Assembly under the pressure of the GNP is concerned, it is like a "bullet proof jacket" to save the GNP. How can the Democratic Party cling to the GNP's apron-strings and conspire with it though it is ill-famed for deceiving and mocking at the people.
    This behaviour is, in essence, little short of political prostitution because the one who was styling oneself a "standard-bearer of democratization" in the period of military dictatorship disguised oneself overnight and joined those, who belonged to the dictatorial regime, to gratify one's greed for power.
    This behaviour of the Democratic Party created a political situation in south Korea reminiscent of a political crisis on the eve of May 16, 1961 when a military coup was staged. If the Democratic Party commits such perfidy as aligning itself with an opposition party whose idea is completely different from it simply because of antipathy toward the present chief executive, it would result in transferring the hard-won power to the ultra-right conservative forces including the GNP. This perfidy would remain cursed and denounced by history and the people generation after generation.

"Ulsa Five-point Treaty" Dismissed as False Document

    Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- The director of the History Institute of the Academy of Social Sciences on November 16 issued a statement with the lapse of nearly one century after the Japanese imperialists fabricated the "Ulsa (1905) Five-point Treaty" and occupied Korea in a brigandish way. He said:
    On November 17, 1905, the Japanese imperialist robbers mobilized a large force of aggressor troops and occupied the Korean Royal Palace and unilaterally forged the treaty against the will of the Koreans.
    The treaty which Japan puts forth as one "legal ground" for its occupation of Korea was a false document of no legal force as was unanimously branded by scholars at home and abroad.
    As proven by the whole course of its fabrication -- threat and blackmail against the sovereign of the state, lack of the mandate of full power to sign the treaty and the ratification of the King, seizure of the seal of the foreign minister and unilateral announcement of the treaty -- had no legitimacy at all in view of both the present international law and the then international usages and law.
    The treaty is denounced as a fraudulent one which can hardly be called a treaty as it has no formal name nor seal of the King.
    This is because it was fabricated by the Japanese imperialists in a brigandish way.
    It is only the Japanese authorities which assert that the old "treaties" were concluded "in a legal way" with the agreement of the old Korean government and took effect in those times.
    And some venal scholars, in tune with them, spin out the sophism that the old "treaties" assumed legitimacy from the international legal point of view though they were of aggressive nature.
    The Korean historians strongly denounce the Japanese authorities' brazen-faced behavior in running the gamut of tricks, claiming its legitimacy even today when its illegality and ineffectiveness has been made clear beyond argument.
    The Japanese authorities should thoroughly investigate and make public the truth behind the fabrication of the "treaty," the origin of all crimes, on the basis of the historical fact that Japan is the assailant and Korea the victim, and honestly repent of its scandalous past smeared with fraud and deception before the Koreans and all other people of the world.

New Perfumery Developed

    Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- The Institute of Perfume and Cosmetics under the Academy of Sciences of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has succeeded in developing a new perfumery for soap. The method makes it possible to produce large quantities of various kinds of perfume including rose perfume.
    Soap mixed with perfume made by the method does not reduce to pulp but preserves its peculiar perfume and color until it is used up.
    The production cost of the perfume made by the method is low.

Japan Urged to Redress Its Past Crimes

    Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- The Japanese imperialists fabricated the "Ulsa (1905) Five-Point Treaty" on November 17, 1905 at the point of bayonet, thus laying bare their true colors as the sworn enemy of the Korean people, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary. It was due to this treaty that the Koreans who had led a happy and comfortable life in this land as a homogeneous nation, proud of its 5,000-year-long history, came to be exploited and trampled down by the Japanese imperialists and were forced to shed blood, it says and goes on:
    After fabricating the treaty, the Japanese imperialists cooked up the Jongmi (1907) Seven-Point Treaty to seize the power to administer internal affairs of Korea.
    The "Ulsa Five-Point Treaty" was an illegal and invalid document for aggression.
    The Japanese imperialist robbers fabricated the treaty by cracking down upon opponents at the point of bayonet, employing deceptive tricks, wirepulling pro-Japanese traitors and stealing a seal, etc. This was unprecedented brutality which could be committed only by the Japanese imperialists.
    The treaty was quite contrary to the provisions of the law concerning the conclusion of any treaty instituted by the Korean government at that time and those of international law. Japan is, however, talking about "legitimacy" and "legality" of this illegal document of aggression though nearly a hundred years have passed since its fabrication. This is, indeed, a blatant denial of history by those who are keen on advocating the militarist idea of aggression. The Korean people's grudge against the Japanese imperialists is so towering that it can hardly be vented.
    Japan's increased efforts to cover up its past aggression of Korea would only bedevil the DPRK-Japan relations. The DPRK stands for improved relations with Japan but does not press it to have good relations with Pyongyang.
    The DPRK-Japan relations can not improve unless Japan redresses its past crimes.

U.S. Imperialists' Anti-DPRK Campaign Assailed

    Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- The Bush administration is working hard to incite hostility, discord, mistrust and confrontation among Koreans while escalating its moves to isolate the DPRK by force of arms, pursuant to its hostile policy toward the DPRK. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed article. It goes on: The U.S. is busy conducting false propaganda based on sheer lies in a bid to convince the international community that the DPRK is a "dangerous state" and "trouble maker."
    The U.S. is floating fictions about the "nuclear issue", "missile issue" and "human rights issue" as part of its smear campaign to stifle the DPRK at any cost.
    The peace-loving DPRK is often described as one beset with problems to be solved worldwide after it is listed as part of an "axis of evil" by the U.S. This is a product of the U.S. plot.
    The U.S. keeps beefing up its forces in south Korea, bringing the dark clouds of a new war to hang over the Korean peninsula.
    The U.S. forces in south Korea recently announced a large-scale "arms buildup plan" and is pushing ahead with its implementation.
    The U.S. considers the outbreak of a new war on the Korean peninsula as an established fact. It mapped out "Operation Plan 5030", "Plan to Cope with Emergency" and other plans for a war of aggression and has worked hard to put them into practice.
    The U.S. seeks to ignite the second Korean war by surprise, while making the nuclear issue fester.
    The U.S. is getting more undisguised in its moves to destabilize and suffocate the DPRK.
    The U.S. aggressive hostile policy to isolate the DPRK can never be justified but is bound to be frustrated as it is reckless one of those keen on hegemony.

Jong Ha Chol Meets Chinese Delegation

    Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- Jong Ha Chol, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, met and had a talk with a delegation of the Chinese People's Daily led by Li Demin, its deputy editor-in-chief, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. Present there were Hong Hwang Gi, deputy editor-in-chief of Rodong Sinmun, and Chinese Ambassador here Wu Donghe.

Equipment Donated to DPRK

    Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- Equipment was donated to the Korean Hydro Meteorological Service by the Chinese State Meteorological Bureau under a voluntary aid plan of the World Meteorological Organization. A donation ceremony took place at the People's Palace of Culture today.
    Present there were Ko Il Hun, director of the Hydro Meteorological Service, officials concerned, Chinese Ambassador Wu Donghe, embassy officials and members of the delegation of the Chinese State Meteorological Bureau led by its Deputy Director Liu Yingjin. The participants looked round the donated equipment.

Korea-China Cooperation in Meteorological Field

    Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- The minutes of the 12th talks on exchange and cooperation of meteorological science and technology was signed in Pyongyang today between the DPRK Hydro-Meteorological Service and the Chinese State Meteorological Bureau. It was signed by Ko Sang Bok, vice-director of the DPRK Hydro-Meteorological Service, and Liu Yingjin, deputy-director of the Chinese State Meteorological Bureau.

Kim Yong Nam Meets Mayor of Jakarta and His Party

    Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, met and had a cordial conversation with Sutiyoso, mayor of Jakarta, and his party on a visit to the DPRK at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. Present there were Mun Jae Chol, acting chairman of the Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Ryang Man Gil, chairman of the Pyongyang City People's Committee, officials concerned and Hendrati Sukendar Munthe, Indonesian ambassador to the DPRK.
    The mayor said that thanks to the wise leadership of President Kim Il Sung the Korean people could defeat the U.S. in the last Fatherland Liberation war and Korea could be a powerful nation as it is today.
    He hoped that the Korean people would put an end to the U.S. interference and achieve national reunification without fail.

Political Dialogue between Foreign Ministries of DPRK and Switzerland Held

    Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- A political dialogue between the delegations of the foreign ministries of the DPRK and Switzerland was held here today. Discussed at the dialogue were the issue of steadily deepening and developing the bilateral relations and other matters of mutual concern.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il recibe presente del alcalde de Jakarta

    Pyongyang, 17 de noviembre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il recibio presente de Sutiyoso alcalde de Jakarta de Indonesia de visita en Corea. El visitante lo entrego a un funcionario correspondiente de Corea.

Varios paises: actos conmemorativos

    Pyongyang, 17 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Con motivo del 12 aniversario del nombramiento del Dirigente Kim Jong Il como Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea y el 86 aniversario del nacimiento de Kim Jong Suk, heroina de lucha antijaponesa, tuvieron lugar conferencias y proyecciones filmicas en el Grupo de Estudio de la Idea Juche de Jovenes del Congo Democratico y el Comite de la ciudad de Berlin del Partido Comunista de Alemania. El presidente del citado Grupo, en su conferencia, dijo que el 24 de diciembre es el dia significativo en que el gran camarada Kim Jong Il fue nombrado como Comandante Supremo del EPC y nacio la camarada Kim Jong Suk, heroina de lucha antijaponesa y elogio las proezas de la direccion del Dirigente mediante el Songun (priorizacion militar) y la brillante vida revolucionaria de la heroina. El presidente del Comite de la ciudad de Berlin del PCA subrayo: Los yanquis buscan un pretexto para invadir a la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea difundiendo la demagogia sobre esta. Las personalidades progresistas del mundo deben saberlo correctamente. Los militantes del PCA expresan la solidaridad combativa con la lucha antimperialista y antiyanqui del pueblo coreano.
    Nuestra solidaridad sera invariable tambien en el futuro.
    En las proyecciones filmicas se proyecto la pelicula coreana "EPC, fila de acero".

China ofrece equipos a Corea

    Pyongyang, 17 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Segun el plan de cooperacion voluntaria de la Organizacion Meteorologica Mundial, el Buro Meteorologico Estatal de la Republica Popular China dono equipos a la Direccion Meteorologica e Hidrologica de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea. La ceremonia de donacion tuvo lugar el dia 17 en el Palacio Cultural del Pueblo bajo la participacion de Ko Il Hun, director de la Direccion Meteorologica e Hidrologica de la RPDC y otros funcionarios, Wu Donghua, embajador de China en Corea y otros miembros de esa sede diplomatica, asi como los miembros de la delegacion del Buro Meteorologico Estatal de China encabezada por su subdirector Liu Yingjin.
    Los participantes recorrieron los equipos donados.

Desarrollada nueva tecnica de produccion

    Pyongyang, 17 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Recientemente en el Centro de la Tecnologia de Perfume y Cosmeticos del Instituto Anexo de Industria Ligera de la Academia de Ciencias de Corea desarrollo una nueva tecnica de produccion de perfume combinado para jabon que tiene interes mundial. Esta tecnica abrio una perspectiva de producir en gran cantidad los perfumes que tienen el aroma de varias flores incluyendo el de rosa.
    El jabon fabricado con el perfume combinado no se descompone y mantiene su propio perfume y color original hasta el final.
    Es muy economico porque es bajo el costo de produccion.

Ilegal tratado de 5 puntos de 1905

    Pyongyang, 17 de noviembre (ATCC) -- El director del Instituto de la Historia de la Academia de Ciencias Sociales de Corea publico el dia 16 una declaracion en relacion con que transcurrio casi un siglo desde cuando en el pasado el imperialismo japones ocupara a Corea de manera bandidesca inventando el "Tratado de 5 puntos de Ulsa". El 17 de noviembre de 1905 (ano Ulsa), los piratas imperialistas japoneses se apoderaron del Palacio Real movilizando muchos efectivos agresores e inventaron de modo unilateral ese tratado en contra de la voluntad del pueblo coreano. La declaracion senala que ese tratado, que Japon habia tomado como uno de sus "fundamentos legales" de la ocupacion a Corea, es un documento falsificado, ilegal y cruel como reconocen unanimemente los eruditos del interior y el exterior del pais, y continua:
    La amenaza y el chantaje al maximo representante del Estado, la falta de la carta de autorizacion de concertar el tratado y de la firma del rey, la privacion forzosa al ministro de RR.EE. de su sello, la publicacion unilateral del "Tratado" y otros detalles del proceso de concertacion demuestran que el tratado en cuestion no tiene ni un apice de "legalidad" en vista de la ley internacional de hoy y las costumbres internacionales de aquel entonces.
    Hoy dicho tratado es un objeto de fuertes censuras porque este es un documento falsificado sin el titulo formal de un tratado y la selladura del sello real y fue inventado por el imperialismo japones de manera bandidesca.
    Sin embargo, solo las autoridades japonesas insisten en que este y otros "tratados" antiguos fueron concertados legalmente por la aprobacion del gobierno de Corea antigua y cumplidos con vigencia en aquel tiempo, y algunos pedantescos, uniendose a ellas, salen con los sofismas de que antiguos "tratados" tienen caracter agresivo, pero son "legales" a la luz del punto de vista del derecho internacional.
    Los historiadores de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea denuncian y rechazan categoricamente esta postura tan ilicita e ilegal de las autoridades japonesas que tratan de enganar a toda costa la opinion internacional abogando por la "legalidad" hasta hoy cuando ya la ilegalidad y la invalidez del "Tratado de 5 puntos de Ulsa" han sido incuestionables.
    Las autoridades japonesas deben investigar impecablemente el verdadero aspecto del problema de la invencion del "Tratado", que es la causa de todos los crimenes, basandose en el hecho historico sucedido entre los culpables y los danados y publicar su resultado.
    Ademas tienen que disculparse sinceramente de su pasado vergonzoso manchado por la falacia y el engano ante el pueblo coreano y la humanidad del mundo.