Release of Kim Kwang Su Demanded in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, November 18 (KCNA) -- The South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification reportedly made public a statement on November 13 in demand of the release of Kim Kwang Su, member of the Secretariat of the South Headquarters of the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification (Pomchonghakryon). The security authorities arrested Kim Kwang Su, the statement said.
    The statement charged that to take issue with the movement of the South Headquarters of Pomchonghakryon is an act going against the times and to consider the movement of patriotic youth and students as "enemy-benefiting" and "illegal" under the "Security Law" which should already have been abolished is an anti-reunification and anti-national act.
    The authorities should lift the anti-reunification and anachronistic "label of enemy-benefiting", the statement said, demanding the release of Kim Kwang Su and the abolition of the "Security Law".

Seminar on Situation of Korean Peninsula Held

    Pyongyang, November 18 (KCNA) -- A seminar on the situation of the Korean peninsula was held at University of Paris 5 on Nov. 10 under the sponsorship of the European Society for the Study of the Juche Idea. Edmond Jovue, president of the council of the society, said at the seminar that the DPRK is a socialist country which has applied the principle of independence into politics, self-support into economy and self-reliance into defence guided by the Juche idea.
    Thanks to leader Kim Jong Il's unique Songun policy, it has firmly defended its sovereignty and dignity despite the U.S. and other imperialists' military threat and economic sanctions, he said, and went on:
    If the DPRK had failed to build strong military power under Songun policy, it would have already fallen victim to imperialists.
    The academic and press circles of France should study the Korean issue of worldwide concern objectively and impartially and thus contribute to ensuring peace and security on the Korean peninsula.

Large Mosaic Erected

    Pyongyang, November 18 (KCNA) -- A large mosaic "The Great Leaders Comrade Kim Il Sung and Comrade Kim Jong Il on Farm Fields" was erected in the cooperative Unha farm in Unjon County, North Phyongan Province. The mosaic is 6.5 meters long and 4.3 meters high.
    Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il always served the people. It portrays the leaders watching fields visited by a rich harvest, with sunny smiles on their faces.
    Kim Il Sung visited the farm on August 30, Juche 43 (1954) and clarified orientation and ways to recover from the war damage at an early date and turn it into a village of bliss. He also paid close attention to the farm and bestowed great love and solicitude upon it afterwards.
    Kim Jong Il has always paid deep attention to the work of the farm and led it with profound care. He also saw to it that the whole country learned from its experience gained in doing farm work well without help.
    An unveiling ceremony was held on the spot yesterday.
    Kim Phyong Hae, chief secretary of the North Phyongan Provincial Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, made a speech at the ceremony.

Written Opinion against Dispatch of Combat Troops to Iraq Presented

    Pyongyang, November 18 (KCNA) -- Students who study law presented a written opinion against the "government" decision on additional troop dispatch to Iraq to "Chongwadae" on November 12, according to "KBS" of south Korea. The written opinion signed by more than 500 students said that the additional troop dispatch is a clear expression of support to the war of aggression not related to the exercise of sovereignty in the light of the south Korean "constitution." It went on:
    The decision is a challenge to the world peace and an act to drive young men to death. It is a violation of the people's sovereignty.

U.S. Pressure for Troop Dispatch Slammed

    Pyongyang, November 18 (KCNA) -- Big rallies and demonstrations against the troop dispatch to Iraq were simultaneously held in 16 regions of south Korea on November 15 the participants of which strongly demanded the U.S. immediately discontinue the undisguised pressure for troop dispatch, according to press reports. A "people's rally for the withdrawal of the decision on troop dispatch" was held in the plaza of the Seoul City Office with at least 5,000 people attending under the sponsorship of the Emergency People's Action against the Additional Troop Dispatch to Iraq grouping 351 civic and public organizations.
    Tan Pyong Ho, chairman of the "Korean Confederation of Trade Unions," Kwon Yong Gil, representative of the Democratic Workers' Party and other speakers charged that it is an act of deceiving the people for the government to make the troop dispatch a fait accompli, arguing about whether to dispatch combatants or non-combatants.
    A resolution read out at the rally accused the "Ministry of National Defense," "Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade," the south Korean ambassador to the U.S. and others of working with blood-shot eyes to dispatch combatants, representing the stance of the U.S. and demanded them stop the treacherous moves for troop dispatch at once.
    Evincing the people's determination to struggle against the U.S. pressure for troop dispatch to Iraq and check it by their concerted efforts, the resolution demanded the U.S. immediately discontinue the undisguised pressure for troop dispatch.
    An art performance on the theme of opposing the troop dispatch and the U.S. was given at the rally.
    At the end of the rally, the participants staged a street demonstration, chanting such slogans as "The war is neither a computer game nor a boxing match" and "No troop dispatch."
    Then they staged the 355th candlelight demonstration and rally in front of Kwanghwamun, Seoul.
    Prior to the rally, an "all-people meeting to oppose the troop dispatch to Iraq and put an end to the suppression of workers" was held in the plaza of the Seoul City Office under the co-sponsorship of the All-People Measure Committee for Halting Compensation for Damages and Provisional Seizure, Putting an End to the Suppression of Workers and Abolishing the Part-time Job System and the KCTU.
    A resolution on actions was read out at the rally.
    That day, the "Pusan citizens' rally to vow to oppose the troop dispatch to Iraq and demand an end to suppression of the labor movement" was held in Pusan.
    Meanwhile, the Reunification Solidarity released a statement on November 12 condemning the forces of the south Korean "Ministry of National Defense" for working harder to meet the strong demand of the U.S. for troop dispatch.

Behavior of South Korean Democratic Party Blasted

    Pyongyang, November 18 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Democratic Party is joining hands with the Grand National Party against the Uri Party. This is an act of sowing the seeds of its own destruction. Minju Joson today says this in a signed commentary, which reads in part:
    The KDP's cooperation with the GNP which had been its inveterate enemy different from it in political idea and roots will only result in allowing the right-wing conservative forces to fish in troubled waters.
    Division and confrontation among democratic forces is what the GNP craves for as they would benefit the conservative forces. Not only once did the democratic forces drank bitter cups of setback due to the manoeuvres of the conservative forces to divide them and sow discord among them.
    The KDP has fought against ultra right-wing conservative forces in the past days. For it to throw in its lot with the GNP is betrayal of the people and this will end up losing their support. If it ally with the conservaive forces against the will of the people, this will result in handing over the hard-won power to the conservative forces including the GNP, bringing upon itself the curses of history and the nation for long years.
    The KDP should be deeply mindful of this and should not join hands with GNP, a traitorous party and a group of robbers estranged from the nation and engaged in irregularities and swindle, which is complete different from it in political idea, urged by party's interests and stratagem and personal feelings.

Japan's Loud-mouthed "Security Alliance" with U.S. under Fire

    Pyongyang, November 18 (KCNA) -- The Japanese rightist conservatives are these days raising terrific outcries for "Japan-U.S. security alliance" under the pretext of the DPRK's military threat. Commenting on this, Minju Joson today terms this one of their frantic acts to justify the continued presence of U.S. force in Japan at any cost.
    The author of the commentary says:
    Now loud voices urging the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Okinawa are coming from Japan. This growing demand in Japan is entirely justifiable either in view of the trend of the times or the realities of Japan.
    It is the realities of Japan that an unending chain of GIs' crimes have left a great many people in the grip of uneasiness and fear. Nevertheless, the Japanese rightist conservatives are vociferating about the fictitious "threat" of the DPRK to keep the U.S. forces in Japan, worshiping them more than their own forefathers. This disgraceful behavior is a direct expression of their deep-rooted pro-U.S. flunkeyst and submissive consciousness and an open manifestation of their sinister intention to attain a foul goal.
    In the current hectic jawbone campaign for the maintenance of the U.S. forces in Japan the Japanese reactionaries seek to realize their invariable reinvasion designs, come what may, with the U.S. backing.
    It is the Japanese reactionaries' heinous intention to make military preparations for overseas expansion by actively taking advantage of the U.S. continuous war moves and launch into reinvasion of the continent on this basis. It is nothing but a stupid illusion which stands no chance of success for the Japanese rightist conservatives to try to realize their invariable ambition of reinvasion with the U.S. backing.
    They should behave with discretion, looking straight into the trend of the times.

Japan Urged to Stop Tampering with History

    Pyongyang, November 18 (KCNA) -- The "Korea-Japan Annexation Treaty" was not a real "treaty" as it was fabricated by the Japanese imperialists defying even international law after occupying Korea at the point of bayonet, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It goes on: As an international treaty should be concluded between the parties to international law, an international treaty can not be concluded without a contracting party.
    The Japanese imperialists cooked up the "Ulsa (1905) Five-Point Treaty" on the strength of which they deprived Korea of diplomatic right, prerogative of military command and judicial right. It was allowed to adopt any decision related to its domestic and foreign policies and implement them and appoint any official only under the approval and supervision of Japan's "resident general."
    It is clearly stipulated in the "international public law" at that time and the present international law that the Korean government cannot be a contracting party to a treaty as it was deprived of the diplomatic right.
    The illegality of the treaty can be explained well by the fact that it was a product of the Japanese imperialists' violence, coercion, threat and pressure.
    On July 23, 1910 Terautsi, minister of the Japanese Army and resident general in Korea, amassed in Seoul three battalions of aggression troops from Japan and two regiments stationed in Korea.
    From the outset they did not intend to pay heed to any request of the Korean side nor envisage any agreement. They covered streets of Seoul with their troops to force the Korean side to accept only their unilateral demand, imposing an unconditional conclusion of the treaty on it.
    It is quite natural that such treaty can not have any validity as it was fabricated by the unilateral demand without any agreement under coercion and threat.
    The treaty was a false document which had a forged ratification though a ratification is the most important condition for effectuating any treaty.
    If the treaty was to take effect, it had to be ratified by the emperors of both sides.
    But the Japanese imperialists committed such brigandish act as forging the ratification of Emperor Sun Jong contrary to international law.
    The treaty had already been branded as an illegal and invalid treaty at the U.N. for its impudent and brigandish nature.
    The Japanese reactionaries should stop at once such shameless act of distorting history and apologize for their past crimes and fully compensate for them.

U.S. Brigandish Pressure for Troop Dispatch Condemned

    Pyongyang, November 18 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson in a signed commentary Tuesday condemns the United States for pressurizing south Korea to dispatch additional troops to Iraq. The U.S. ambassador to south Korea at a meeting on Nov. 13 said that the U.S. hopes that south Korea will dispatch combat troops to be in charge of public security in Iraq. Earlier, U.S. officials openly pressurized members of the south Korean "consultative group for troop dispatch" to dispatch combat troops.
    The U.S. pressure is a manifestation of malicious and brigandish intention to involve south Korea in the war of aggression unleashed by itself, the commentary says, and goes on:
    The U.S. is wriggling in a dilemma, facing unpredictable difficulties in Iraq. It was revealed that Iraq's "possession of weapons of mass-destruction" was no more than a pretext to hoodwink the world public and justify the war of aggression.
    The U.S., discontented with a plan for dispatching 3,000 non-combatants recently put forward by south Korea, forced south Korea again to dispatch a 5,000-10,000-strong combat unit of a division scale.
    But it is the people's mind that even a non-combatant should not be dispatched.
    The struggle against the additional troop dispatch to Iraq spreading in all parts of south Korea is an expression of the anti-American will of the south Korean people to defend the national sovereignty and interests.
    The south Korean people should reject the U.S. demand and pressure for troop dispatch in an effort to check the troop dispatch to Iraq.

U.S. Urged Not to Chill Atmosphere of Talks

    Pyongyang, November 18 (KCNA) -- The recent military moves of the United States around the Korean peninsula are very disturbing. This is a very alarming provocative act to chill the atmosphere of the six-way talks and an indecent action on the part of dialogue partner bereft of any common sense and good faith. Rodong Sinmun says this in a signed commentary today. The commentary goes on: The Bush bellicose group is contemplating about the deployment of more than 100 tactical ground to ground missiles with a firing range of 300 km in south Korea and staging a joint naval maneuvre with Japan. And Bush in a lecture malignantly pulled up the DPRK over its "human rights issue."
    The DPRK recently manifested its readiness to participate in the six-way talks if they prove to be a process of realizing the proposal for package solution based on the principle of simultaneous actions. This principled stand proceeded from its expectation that it would be possible to build confidence and secure a groundwork of co-existence when the DPRK and the U.S. settle issues one by one on the principle of simultaneous actions. It is the elementary sense of obligation for dialogue partners to reciprocate good faith each other.
    The recent moves of the U.S. make the DPRK doubt as to whether the U.S. will come out to the talks with a will to make a switchover in its policy towards the DPRK and co-exist with it in peace and whether the latter will be able to expect any positive results from the talks.
    The U.S. should not misinterpret the magnanimity and good faith of the DPRK government as a sign of weakness. There is a limit to its tolerance and patience. The U.S. would be well advised to behave itself, mindful of the consequences to be entailed by its provocative acts.

KCNA Refutes Japan's Talk about "Military Threat"

    Pyongyang, November 18 (KCNA) -- Voices demanding the withdrawal of the U.S. troops from Okinawa are now growing strong in Japan. In response to this demand of different public circles of Japan its opposition parties are becoming assertive about the transfer of U.S. marines stationed in Okinawa abroad. Much upset by this, Japanese right-wing conservative forces are becoming vociferous about "military threat" of the DPRK in a bid to justify the presence of U.S. troops in Okinawa.
    Abe, secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, who is ultra right-wing element, let loose sophism in his speech made in Chiba Prefecture on Nov. 2 that the "Japan-U.S. alliance" is aimed to "let the U.S. strike the north Korean missile base when it launches a missile" and protect Japan from it." Other right-wing elements also grumbled that the withdrawal of the U.S. troops would adversely affect Japan's "security". This is an expression of Japan's inveterate tendency of submitting to the U.S. This is quite understandable because the right-wing conservative forces are called special class pro-U.S. forces. But their remarks merit a serious attention. What matters is why they are becoming so zealous to peddle the DPRK's "threat" whenever an opportunity presents itself.
    Lurking behind their outcries is their sinister intention to accelerate militarization with the backing of the United States and realize their ambition to reinvade Korea and the rest of Asia at any cost.
    There are in Japan huge U.S. forces including many missiles targeted against the DPRK. It is a stark reality of Japan that its moves are being stepped up to emerge a military power. The Japanese reactionaries launched spy satellites and are building large warships, while accelerating the establishment of the missile defence-system.
    Director General of the Japan Defence Agency Ishiba in his recent interview with a British newspaper advocated the theory of preemptive attack by claiming that "Japan has the right to attack the north Korean missile base," talking about the so-called imminent missile attack of the DPRK.
    All this eloquently indicates what the Japanese reactionaries seek in peddling the DPRK's "military threat".
    Their notion is that the DPRK's forces that have defended its sovereignty from the U.S. threat of aggression for over 50 years pose a "threat" while the U.S. aggression forces and their moves to emerge a military power for reinvasion serve as deterrent forces. This is the militarist way of thinking peculiar to the Japanese right-wing conservative forces steeped in the pro-U.S. idea to the marrow of their bones.
    Japan was publicly branded as a war criminal state for turning Korea and other Asian countries into seas of blood and a shameful state that entered the new century without redressing its crimes committed in the last century.
    The world community will never remain an on-looker to Japan accelerating militarization under the absurd pretext of "threat" from the DPRK and heading for overseas aggression.

Export of Light Industrial Goods on Increase

    Pyongyang, November 18 (KCNA) -- Light industry factories and enterprises in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea overfulfilled their production plans of export goods for the third quarter of the year. According to the data available at the Ministry of Light Industry, the Pyongyang Shoes Factory, the Pyongyang Daily Necessities Factory, the Ryuwon Company and other shoes, daily necessities and silk factories increased the production of export goods an average of 27 percent more than their targets.
    In particular, the Sinuiju Enamel Ironware Factory raised production by 57 percent, the Hamhung Silk Mill by 52 percent and the Kangso Silk Mill by 116 percent, thus recording the highest growth in recent years.
    Light industry factories across the country, on the basis of the already made successes, have enhanced their targets and concentrated on boosting the production and improving the quality of goods.

Kiln Site of Neolithic Era Discovered in DPRK

    Pyongyang, November 18 (KCNA) -- A ruined earthenware kiln belonging to the Neolithic era was unearthed in Honam-ri, Samsok District, Pyongyang, some time ago. Many ruins of the Neolithic era have been discovered in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. But the discovery of the almost remaining kiln is the first of its kind in the country.
    The airtight underground kiln consists of a combusting compartment, a raised entrance to a hypocaust flue from fireplace and a calcinating compartment. Most of the kiln parts still remain intact, except ceiling.
    The kiln is about 300 centimeters long, 110 centimeters wide at the maximum and the remaining part of the wall is 50-60 centimeters high.
    It is believed to date back to about 6,000 years ago in view of its shape and size and earthenware pieces with designs found out at the site.
    If so, the kiln existed some 4,000 years earlier than that of the early period of the three kingdoms, which had been considered to be the oldest. Such ruins are few in the world.
    The recent discovery proves that Korea was one of the first nations to produce earthenware with airtight kilns and use them.
    It also marks a signal event demonstrating the long history and developed culture of the Pyongyang area, the cradle and center of human culture, and is another admirable success of archaeologists.

Executive Director of KEDO Leaves

    Pyongyang, November 18 (KCNA) -- Charles Kartman, executive director of the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO), and his party left here today by air.

Greetings to Latvian President

    Pyongyang, November 18 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to Vaira Vike Freiberga, President of Latvia, on Nov. 18 on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of her country. The message expressed the belief that the friendly relations between the two countries would develop on good terms in conformity with the interests of the two peoples.

For Spanish-speaking people

Aumento de exportacion de articulos de industria ligera

    Pyongyang, 18 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Las fabricas y empresas de la rama de la industria ligera de Corea sobrecumplieron el plan de produccion de articulos de exportacion para el tercer trimestre. Segun estadisticas recogidas por el Ministerio de la Industria Ligera, los obreros de la Fabrica de Calzados de Pyongyang, la Fabrica de Articulos de Uso Diario de Pyongyang, la Empresa Ryuwon y otras fabricas y empresas del sector de las industrias de calzados, uso diario y de seda aumentaron en el 27 % en promedio mas que su plan la produccion de articulos de exportacion.
    Particularmente, la Fabrica de Recipiente de Hierro Esmaltado de Sinuiju aumento en el 57 %, la produccion, la Hiladeria de Hamhung, en el 52 %, la de Kangso, en el 116 %, registrando asi la proporcion de aumento mas alto en los ultimos anos.
    Las fabricas de la industria ligera de distintas partes del pais, a base de los exitos alcanzados ya, aun venciendo dificiles condiciones de produccion, presentan la meta alta y concentran todas las fuerzas a producir gran cantidad de articulos de buena calidad.

Surcoreanos condenan a EE.UU. que les impone el envio de efectivos a Irak

    Pyongyang, 18 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Segun trascendidos, en 16 regiones del Sur de Corea tuvieron lugar a la vez, el dia 15, los mitines y manifestaciones de gran tamano en oposicion al envio de efectivos a Irak, en los cuales demandaron energicamente el cese inmediato de la presion abierta de EE.UU. al Sur de Corea para el particular. En la plaza frente al ayuntamiento de Seul se efectuo el "mitin de ciudadanos por la retirada de la decision del envio de efectivos" con la participacion de mas de 5 000 personas bajo el auspicio de la Accion extraordinaria de los habitantes contra el envio de efectivos a Irak compuesta de 351 entidades civiles y sociales.
    Tan Pyong Ho, presidente de la Confederacion de Sindicatos Surcoreanos, Kwon Yong Gil, representante del Partido de Obreros Democraticos, y otros oradores senalaron que el "gobierno" hace como hecho consumado el envio de efectivos discutiendo efectivos combatientes o no combatientes, lo cual es un acto para enganar a los habitantes.
    La resolucion leida en el acto senala que el "Ministerio de Defensa Nacional", el "Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y de Comercio", el embajador surcoreano en EE.UU., etc., que abogan por la posicion de EE.UU. y actuan locamente para enviar los efectivos, deben poner fin de inmediato a sus vendepatrias conjuras del envio de efectivos.
    Se refiere a que deben detener tajantemente con la fuerza de los habitantes el envio de efectivos a Iraq frente a la coaccion de EE.UU. por el respecto y demanda a este que suspenda de inmediato la abierta presion.
    En la ocasion se ofrecio una funcion artistica cuyo contenido es oponerse al envio de efectivos a Iraq y EE.UU..
    Terminado el acto, los participantes desarrollaron una manifestacion gritando "La guerra no es un juego de computadora ni competencia de boxeo", "Nos oponemos absolutamente al envio de efectivos", y otras consignas.
    Acto seguido, libraron la 355a manifestacion con velas y mitin ante la puerta Kwanghwa de Seul.
    Con anterioridad, tuvo lugar en la plaza frente al ayuntamiento de Seul una "conferencia pannacional de oposicion al envio de efectivos a Irak y por la frustracion de la represion al movimiento obrero" bajo auspicios de la Confederacion de Sindicatos Surcoreanos y otra entidad.
    En el acto se dio lectura a la resolucion de lucha.
    El mismo dia, en Pusan se celebro el "mitin de ciudadanos de Pusan de oposicion al envio de efectivos a Irak y por la frustracion de la represion del movimiento obrero".
    Por otra parte, la Solidaridad por la Reunificacion hizo publica el dia 12 una declaracion condenando a las fuerzas del "Ministerio de Defensa Nacional" del Sur de Corea que se adhieren activamente a la abierta coaccion de EE.UU. por el envio de efectivos a Irak.

?Que persigue rumor de la "amenaza militar"? - Comentario de ATCC -

    Pyongyang, 18 de noviembre (ATCC) -- En estos dias, en Japon se elevan aun mas las voces de retirada de las tropas norteamericanas de Okinawa. Tambien, en respuesta a esa demanda de todos los circulos sociales de Japon, se presenta dentro de los partidos de oposicion una teoria de traslacion de la infanteria de marina de EE.UU. de Okinawa a ultramar.
    Atemorizadas de eso, las fuerzas conservadoras derechistas de ese pais isleno maniobran persistentemente para justificar el mantenimiento de las tropas norteamericanas pretextando la "amenaza militar" de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea.
    El elemento ultraderechista Abe, secretario en jefe del Partido Democrata Liberal, al hacer uso de la palabra el dia 2 en el Departamento de Chiba, hablo de que "La alianza Japon-EE.UU. es para defender Japon mediante el ataque de EE.UU. a la base de misiles del Norte de Corea cuando sea lanzado el misil de este". Tambien, otros elementos derechistas dicen como si la retirada de las tropas norteamericanas ejerciera una gran influencia sobre la "seguridad" de Japon.
    De veras, esto es una prueba de la acostumbrada conciencia de sumision de Japon a EE.UU. Pueden actuar asi solo las fuerzas derechistas japonesas que se llaman fuerzas proyanquis de categoria especial.
    Pero, sus disparates tienen un problema grave que no se puede pasar por alto.
    He aqui un sinestro intento de los reaccionarios japoneses de acelerar la militarizacion bajo el amparo de EE.UU. para luego realizar a toda costa su ambicion de una nueva agresion a Corea y el resto de Asia.
    Ahora, en Japon estan emplazados numerosos misiles y enormes fuerzas armadas de EE.UU. contra la RPDC.
    Tambien, los reaccionarios japoneses promueven el establecimiento del sistema antimisiles, lanzan satelites de espia y construyen grandes buques de combate dando acicate a la conversion de su pais en una potencia militar.
    En una entrevista recien sostenida con un periodico ingles, el director de la Agencia de Defensa de Japon, Ishiba, hablo de la inminencia del "ataque de misiles" de la RPDC e insistio en que Japon "tiene el derecho a atacar la base de misiles del Norte de Corea".
    Todos los hechos demuestran elocuentemente que es el objeto de rumor de la "amenaza militar" de Corea de que hablan los reaccionarios japoneses.
    Japon es el pais criminal de guerra que en el pasado siglo convirtio Corea y otros paises asiaticos en un mar de sangre y es un pais vergonzoso que entro en el nuevo siglo sin liquidar sus crimenes cometidos en el siglo XX.
    La sociedad internacional no estara con brazos cruzados jamas ante el hecho de que Japon acelera la militarizacion bajo el pretexto de la supuesta "amenaza" del Norte de Corea y toma el camino para agredir a otros paises.

"Tratado" leonino que contraviene al requisito del derecho internacional

    Pyongyang, 18 de noviembre (ATCC) -- El periodico "Rodong Sinmun", en un articulo individual del dia 18, senala que el "Tratado de anexion de Corea a Japon" no tiene absolutamente nada de un tratado porque fue inventado por el imperialismo japones, que habia ocupado a Corea con bayonetas, en desacato total al derecho internacional, y continua: El tratado internacional es un acuerdo entre los paises interesados segun la ley internacional, y por lo tanto es imposible concertarlo sin una contraparte del tratado.
    El imperialismo japones, al inventar el "Tratado de 5 puntos de 1905 (ano Ulsa)" se apodero de la diplomacia, la prorrogativa de mando militar y la jurisdiccion de Corea e impuso el sistema de que solo con la aprobacion y bajo el control del "gobernador" japones, Corea podia trazar y ejecutar la politica interna y externa y hacer nombramiento de funcionarios.
    Como "la ley publica de todos los paises" de aquel entonces y el actual derecho internacional codifican claramente en sus respectivos textos, entonces, el gobierno de Corea privado de su diplomacia no pudo ser un pais contratante de un tratado.
    Lo ilegal de este "tratado" se manifiesta patentemente en el proceso de su concertacion caracterizado por la violencia, la coercion, la amenaza y la presion de los imperialistas japoneses.
    El ministro de fuerzas terrestres de Japon, quien fue el "gobernador" de Corea, Terauchi, piso la tierra de Corea el 23 de julio de 1910 e introdujo 3 batallones del ejercito agresor para luego concentrarlos en Seul junto con los 2 regimientos japoneses que ya se habian desplegado en Corea.
    Desde el principio los imperialistas japoneses no querian aceptar ninguna demanda de Corea, ni tampoco preveian obtener un acuerdo con esta. Solo impusieron a aceptar su demanda unilateral llenando toda la ciudad de Seul con sus efectivos agresores y obligaron a firmar un tratado de manera incondicional.
    Por estos motivos arriba mencionados, es incuestionable que dicho tratado, inventado por la ambicion de una parte sin obtener el acuerdo de la otra y bajo la amenaza militar, no tiene ninguna vigencia.
    Ademas, este tratado es un documento falso porque los japoneses falsificaron descaradamente la firma, la cual es una condicion mas elemental en la entrada en vigor de un tratado.
    Para poner en vigor dicho "tratado" se requeria obligatoriamente la firma de los emperadores de ambas partes.
    Pero los japoneses cometieron canalladas de falsificar inescrupulosamente la firma del emperador coreano Sunjong en desacato a la exigencia del derecho internacional.
    El "Tratado de anexion de Corea a Japon" fue calificado en la ONU de un tratado ilegal e invalido por el caracter descarado y bandidesco de su contenido.
    Los reaccionarios japoneses deben cesar inmediatamente en las descaradas maniobras de tergiversacion de la historia, disculparse de sus crimenes en el pasado e indemnizarlos estrictamente.

EE.UU. no debe romper ambiente de

    Pyongyang, 18 de noviembre (ATCC) -- El diario "Rodong Sinmun", en un comentario individual de hoy, senala: En estos dias EE.UU. muestra el movimiento militar muy insolito en alrededor de la Peninsula Coreana, lo cual es una provocacion irrazonable para destruir el ambiente de las conversaciones de 6 partes y un acto brutal que carece del sentido comun y confianza elementales de un interlocutor.
    Bush y otros belicistas de EE.UU. intentan ubicar en el Sur de Corea para la guerra real mas de 100 misiles tacticos tierra - tierra de 300 km de alcance y despliegan simulacro conjunto de fuerzas navales con Japon.
    En una conferencia Bush volvio a acusar a la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea del "problema de los derechos humanos".
    Hace poco, la RPDC expreso la voluntad de participar en las conversaciones de 6 partes si estas sean un proceso de realizar el proyecto de modalidad global basado en el principio de la accion simultanea.
    La posicion de principios de la RPDC partio de la esperanza de que la RPDC y EE.UU. puedan tener la confianza y echar la base de coexistencia a traves del proceso de resolver uno por uno los problemas segun los principios de la accion simultanea. Responder con la buena voluntad a la buena voluntad, esto es el deber elemental que deben observar los interlocutores.
    EE.UU. no debe evaluar erroneamente la magnanimidad y la buena voluntad del gobierno de la RPDC como expresion de debilidad. Estan limitadas tambien la magnanimidad y la paciencia de la RPDC.
    EE.UU. debe darse clara cuenta de consecuencias que emanen de su acto provocativo y actuar con prudencia.