50th Anniversary of Cambodian Independence Observed

    Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- The Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries arranged a friendship gathering at the Taedonggang Club for the Diplomatic Corps on November 19 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the independence of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Invited to the gathering were Cambodian Ambassador to the DPRK Oum Minnorine and embassy officials.
    Present at the gathering were Vice-Chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Jon Hyon Chan and other officials concerned.
    The participants talked to one another about further developing the friendly relations between the DPRK and Cambodia before appreciating an art performance given by students of Pyongyang University of Music and Dance.

Permanent Chairman of Jongukryonhap Issues Appeal

    Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- The permanent chairman of the (south) Korean Alliance for Democracy and Reunification (Jongukryonhap) reportedly made public an appeal for struggle on November 11, denouncing the south Korean authorities' suppression of the labour movement and decision on additional troop dispatch. Workers are killing themselves in protest against the authorities' crackdown on the labour movement, the appeal said, and went on:
    The reaction of the government and capital to the death of people is hostile rather than averting their eyes.
    The troop dispatch to Iraq brings only unbearable disasters to people. If you join in the aggression on Iraq under the U.S. pressure, you will be sent to a more criminal war than it.
    The appeal called for rousing the popular masses to the struggle against the troop dispatch, strongly demanding the withdrawal of the decision on the troop dispatch and vehemently denouncing the U.S. pressure for troop dispatch.

Seminar on Peace in Korean Peninsula

    Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- A seminar on peace in the Korean peninsula with more than 100 Koreans in the U.S. and Americans attending was reportedly held in Los Angeles on November 13 under the sponsorship of the Federation of South Korean Youth in the U.S. and the Federation of Hangyore Compatriots in the U.S. Jong Uk Sik, representative of the Peace Network in south Korea, said that although the U.S. disburses a large amount of fund as military expenditure and has weapons of mass destruction, it charges north Korea with a military threat. He said he cannot but ask a question in return who threatens whom.
    The serious crisis of war prevailing in the Korean peninsula is a product of the U.S. hostile policy toward north Korea, he noted, asserting that for this reason north Korea had no choice but to prepare a nuclear deterrent force.
    U.S. peace activist John Pepper said Bush's Korea policy was a one-sided hard line. The U.S. administration has pursued the hostile policy for the purpose of "overthrowing the system" or "replacing the regime," indifferent to dialogue or negotiation with the DPRK, he said, stressing:
    To strive for the normalization of the DPRK-U.S. relations is what the U.S. citizens should do.
    At the seminar the federations informed its participants of their activities for peace in the Korean peninsula in all parts of the U.S.

Japan Urged to Accept DPRK's Proposal

    Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- Japan should bear in mind that it is the demand of the times and humankind to accept the proposal of the DPRK government for holding inter-governmental talks in order to discuss the issue of compensating the victims of human rights abuses and sincerely opt for settling the issue, urged J. K. Patel, director of the Indian Institute for the Foreign Policy, in a statement on November 15. Referring to the fact that the list of over 420,000, just part of the Koreans who were forcibly drafted during the Japanese imperialists' military occupation of Korea, was recently disclosed, he held that all the crimes committed by Japan were war crimes and the most hideous human rights abuses which should be punished irrespective of the then domestic law or the statute of limitations.
    Just and reasonable is the stance of the DPRK government that there will be no normalization of the DPRK-Japan relations unless Japan compensates for the human rights abuses, he added.

"Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia Greenhouse" Opens

    Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- A "Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia greenhouse" was built in Tongdaewon District, Pyongyang. The greenhouse has a floor space of over 490 square meters and covers on area of 950 square meters. It has a tissue cultivation room, a flower exhibition room, a cultivation room and others. And there are all facilities for regulating temperature, humidity and light. An opening ceremony was held on November 2

Peasants' Actions in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- The "Peasants' Solidarity" of south Korea grouping 8 peasants organizations including the south Korean Federation of Peasants Associations held a rally of peasants from across south Korea to protect agriculture and rice and achieve peasants' right to existence at Yoido and in the university street in Seoul on November 19, according to press reports. It was attended by at least 100,000 peasants from South and North Kyongsang and North Jolla provinces, Jeju Island and other parts of south Korea who went there in more than 1,000 separate buses and other vehicles.
    An address was made at the rally, which was followed by speeches.
    Song Nam Su, permanent representative of the solidarity, in his address said that the agriculture in south Korea is standing at the crossroads of life and death due to the failure of the agricultural policy pursued for scores of years, the policy of extensively opening local markets to foreign agricultural products and the moves to conclude an agreement on free trade, etc. It is the only way to save agriculture for four million peasants to unite and struggle alongside all other people.
    So Jong Ui, chairman of the south Korean Federation of Peasants, called for putting an end to the government authorities' deceptive agricultural policy through the peasants' actions.
    A resolution was read out at the rally.
    The resolution proposed 10 demands including the suspension of the negotiations for opening local rice markets, a halt to the moves to conclude an agreement on free trade, the revision of the "special law on debts levied on peasant houses" and guarantee of real income of peasants. It evinced the peasants' determination to struggle till the authorities meet the demands.
    The participants held a ceremony of tearing off and burning a large Stars and Stripes. At the end of the rally they staged fierce demonstrations in different directions.

Press Conference at Russian Embassy

    Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- There was a press conference at the Russian embassy here yesterday. A speech was made by Military Attache of the embassy Vladislav Prokopenko.
    He informed the participants of the main content of the document "Present task for the development of the armed forces of the Russian Federation" in which a Russian military institution recently clarified the position and role of the armed forces of the federation and character and prospect of their building on the basis of an analysis of the present international political and military situation.
    A series of questions were answered at the conference. Mediapersons in Pyongyang were present there.
    Also present there were Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov and embassy officials.

Anniversary of Kim Il Sung's Work Observed

    Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today dedicates a signed article to the 45th anniversary of President Kim Il Sung's famous work "On Communist Education". He made a speech under the above-said title at a short course for agitators of city and county party committees of the country on November 20, Juche 47 (1958). The work comprehensively clarifies the necessity to educate the people on socialist lines to meet the requirements of the new environment where a socialist system was established, tasks to do so and the ways for implementing them. It is one of the most important tasks to educate and transform all the members of the society in a revolutionary way in building socialism, the article notes, and goes on:
    The revolutionary life of the President represents a great history in which he gave beginning to the training of revolutionary man of Juche-type and successfully put it into practice. It was thanks to his idea and policy on the human transformation that the ideological education has been decisively intensified and great changes have taken place in the mental and moral traits of the working people in our country.
    The struggle of the Workers' Party of Korea to transform man on socialist lines has been intensified and carried to a new higher stage in the Songun era led by Kim Jong Il.
    He has paid primary attention to educating and transforming the soldiers and the people in a revolutionary way to meet the requirements of the Songun era and energetically led it.
    The WPK gave a new definition to the height of the ideological and moral world of revolutionaries to meet the requirements of the Songun era and is perfecting it in all aspects.
    The ideological education and transformation of man aimed to make the revolutionary soldier spirit prevail throughout the society are brisk in our country.
    The WPK is bringing about innovations in the forms and methods of the transformation of man and ideological education and putting them into revolutionary practice to meet the requirement of the times. It also has paid deep attention to perfecting the system of ideological education and made great successes in the transformation of the Party members and other working people.

Kim Jong Il's Visit to Pyongyang Circus School Memorized

    Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- It is 15 years since leader Kim Jong Il saw the performance given by the 4th-term graduates of Pyongyang Circus School. He gave a high appraisal after seeing the performance on November 21, Juche 77 (1988). He then set forth ways and orientations to train reserve acrobats on a long-term basis and develop Juche-orientated circus art.
    The school newly worked out teaching programs to create peculiar acrobatic pieces of Korean style and is now giving practical training and education of other subjects in a systematic, scientific and technical way on the basis of Juche-orientated idea and theory of literature and arts and methods of acrobatic creation according to the ages and physical preparedness of students.
    The school reinforced the teaching staff with famous artistes and acrobats and consolidated the material and technical foundations of the school, and thus trained many talented acrobats contributing to opening a bright vista before Juche-orientated circus art.
    The graduates who brought their talents to full bloom under the solicitude of the Workers' Party of Korea fully displayed elegant acrobatic skills of Korean style socialist in content and national in style on the stages of graduation performances.
    Notably "Flight from swings", "Somersault flight", "Sea-sawing", "Flying girls", "Flight between iron bars," "Multisided flight", and other typical air stunts and acrobatic numbers of the Pyongyang Circus are highly acclaimed at home and abroad still today. They were enthusiastically acclaimed and received gold prize, special prize and gold lion prize on world famous festival stages including Monte Carlo and Wuqiao International Acrobatic Festivals.

New Species of Apple Tree

    Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- A new species of apple tree has been planted on the Hwangju Fruit Farm, North Hwanghae Province, and other fruit farms throughout the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Its per-hectare output is more than double that of other species and it bears fruits earlier than the latter.
    The short apple tree starts to bear fruits two years after its plantation and, after seven years, enters its heyday, which continues for 10-odd years.
    It is easy to replace old trees with saplings. As the trees are replaced in a rotation way, there is no decrease in harvest. The height of the tree is no more than 2 meters. So it is also easy to lop, spray insecticides and pick fruits

Health Service for Children in DPRK

    Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- Great efforts are being directed to the health service for children of 5 years in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. This year the national, provincial, city and county public health institutions have conducted various medical activities including short training courses in order to raise immunity in eyesight, breathing and reproductive system of children.
    Two or three-member medical teams were formed, each administering vitamin A and anthelmintic to 150-200 children at clinics and nurseries across the country on May 20 and November 20.
    The children under five have also been vaccinated against infantile paralysis inoculation.
    Vaccination for nursery and kindergarten children is undertaken by public health institutions of all levels according to the yearly vaccination timetable issued by the Ministry of Public Health.
    Although the country's economic situation is still difficult, the government has taken every possible measure to manufacture prophylactic medicines for children.

For Spanish-speaking people

Labor de salud publica para los ninos

    Pyongyang, 21 de noviembre (ATCC) -- La Republica Popular Democratica de Corea presta una gran atencion a la labor de salud publica para los ninos de menos de 5 anos de edad. En este ano, los organismos de salud publica del centro, provincias, ciudades y distritos efectuaron en varias ocasiones cursillos y otras actividades medicas para elevar la capacidad de inmunidad de los sistemas de la vista, la respiracion y el organo genital de los ninos.
    El 20 de mayo y el mismo dia de noviembre, los grupos de medicos compuestos de 2-3 personas por cada 150-200 ninos fueron enviados a las clinicas y casas - cuna donde dieron de comer la vitamina A y el antihelmintico a los ninos de menos de 5 anos de edad.
    En el pasado, el Estado organizo la vacunacion de paralisis infantil para los ninos de la misma edad.
    Los organismos de salud publica a todos niveles cumplen con responsabilidad la vacunacion de los infantes de las casas-cuna y jardines infantiles.
    Por otra parte, los medicos vacunadores de los organos de tratamiento preventivo realizan exitosamente sus labores segun el calendario de vacunacion anual mandado por el centro.
    Aunque es dificil todavia la vida economica del pais, el Estado toma todas las medidas posibles para producir y suministrar las medicinas preventivas necesarias para el particular.

Deben asegurar libertad a ex presos de largas condenas no abjurados

    Pyongyang, 21 de noviembre (ATCC) -- El vocero del Comite Coreano por las Medidas de Salvacion de los ex Presos de Largas Condenas No Abjurados (CCMSPLCNA) del Sur de Corea, en su declaracion del dia 20, insistio en que el hecho de que las autoridades surcoreanas no permitieron solo a los ex presos de largas condenas no abjurados el viaje turista al monte Kumgang, que no esta restringido para otras personas, es una violacion evidente al espiritu de la historica Declaracion Conjunta Norte-Sur del 15 de junio y un imperdonable acto inhumanitario, y continuo: Recientemente estos ex presos en el Sur de Corea solicitaron el viaje turista al monte Kumgang, pero las autoridades surcoreanas no dieron permiso a esta solicitud so pretexto de que "no ha terminado el periodo de proteccion y observacion" aplicado a ellos en virtud de la "ley de observacion de seguridad".
    Las autoridades surcoreanas no aceptaron la propuesta de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea de devolver del Sur al Norte de Corea dentro del ano en curso, a todos los ex presos de largas condenas no abjurados, sino les impidieron hasta el mencionado viaje. Esto demuestra patentemente que el Sur de Corea, colonia de EE.UU. es la tierra esteril para los derechos humanos y la tumba de la democracia.
    Las autoridades surcoreanas deben asegurar la libertad de actividades a estos ex presos y devolver inmediata e incondicionalmente a todos ellos al Norte de Corea conforme al espiritu de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de junio y al deseo de ellos mismos.
    El vocero expreso la esperanza de que el "Comite por la Promocion de la Devolucion de los ex Presos de Largas Condenas No Abjurados" (CPDPLCNA) y otras entidades de derechos humanos y el pueblo del Sur de Corea se alcen mas dinamicamente en la lucha por realizar tal devolucion.

Firmado un tratado entre Corea y China

    Beijing, 20 de noviembre (Corresponsal de ATCC) -- Quedo rubricado el dia 19 en Beijing el Tratado sobre Cooperacion de Justicia Civil y Penal entre la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y la Republica Popular China. En la ceremonia de firmas participaron, por la parte coreana, los miembros de la delegacion juridica presidida por Kim Pyong Ryul, presidente del Tribunal Nacional y el embajador coreano en China y, por la parte china, Zhang Fusen, ministro de Justicia y otros funcionarios.

Simposio sobre la Paz en la Peninsula Coreana

    Pyongyang, 21 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Segun una informacion, tuvo lugar el dia 13 en Los Angeles el Simposio sobre la Paz en la Peninsula Coreana con la participacion de mas de 100 coreanos residentes en EE.UU. y estadounidenses bajo auspicios de la Alianza de la Juventud Coreana en EE.UU.(AJCEU) y la Alianza de Compatriotas Hangyorae en EE.UU.(ACHEU). Jong Uk Sik, representante del Network Paz del Sur de Corea dijo que pese a que EE.UU. destina enormes gastos militares y tiene armas de exterminio masivo acuso al Norte de Corea diciendo que este "le da amenaza militar". Ante tal hecho no podemos menos de preguntar: "?quien da amenaza a alguien?".
    La aguda crisis belica que se crea actualmente en la Peninsula Coreana es un producto de la politica de hostilidad de EE.UU. a Corea.
    Por eso el Norte de Corea se vio obligado a preparar la fuerza de detencion nuclear, preciso Jong.
    John Pepper, miembro del Movimiento por la Paz de EE.UU. dijo que la politica de Bush con respecto a Corea era unilateralmente intransigente y subrayo que la administracion estadounidense no tiene interes en el dialogo ni en las negociaciones con la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea sino ha mantenido la politica de hostilidad tomando por objetivo el "derrocamiento del sistema" o el "cambio de poder".
    Enfatizo que esforzarse por la normalizacion de las relaciones RPDC-EE.UU. es la labor que deben hacer los ciudadanos estadounidenses.
    En el simposio la AJCEU y la ACHEU informaron del estado de las actividades de sus respectivas entidades desplegadas en todo el territorio estadounidense por la paz en la Peninsula Coreana.