First Anniversary of Youth and Students Solidarity Commemorated in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- A commemoration of the first anniversary of the Youth and Students Solidarity for Implementing the June 15 South-North Joint Declaration was reportedly held in Seoul on November 23. At the commemoration the executive chairman of the youth and students solidarity made a report on the review of work, which was followed by congratulatory addresses and speeches.
    Speakers said that they would wage a more active and powerful struggle as befitting youth in the van of implementing the joint declaration for national reunification.
    Noting that through the activities in the last one year they were fully aware of the importance of the youth and students solidarity movement, they stressed that they would do everything they can to strengthen solidarity.

Reckless Remarks of Tokyo Metropolitan Governor Condemned

    Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- Organisations of Chongryon (the General Association of Korean Residents In Japan) and compatriots in Japan vehemently condemned the reckless remarks of the Tokyo metropolitan governor. At a meeting of representatives of compatriots held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Headquarters of Chongryon on November 26, the reporter and speakers charged that the absurd remarks of Tokyo Metropolitan Governor Ishihara that "the Korea-Japan Annexation Treaty" was according to the will of Koreans" and "Japan did not invade Korea by force of arms" are a concentrated expression of the anti-DPRK, hostile policy toward Koreans.
    At the meeting a request group consisting of leading officials of organizations at all levels was formed and a written request for withdrawal of the governor's ridiculous remarks and his apology was adopted.
    Representatives of the meeting visited the Tokyo Metropolitan Office on November 27 and delivered the written request to the secretary of the governor.
    Meanwhile, the Federation of Korean Youth Traders and Industrialists in Japan, the Korean Youth League in Japan and the Union of Korean Students in Japan waged a protest struggle in front of the metropolitan office between November 26 and 28.
    More than 200 officials of organizations and youth demanded Ishihara withdraw his reckless remarks and make an apology, shouting slogans "the Tokyo metropolitan governor, admit the distortion of history on colonial domination in Korea and apologize!"
    Earlier, organizations respectively sent written protests to the metropolitan governor and made public statements, before holding a meeting and demonstration march to denounce his reckless utterances in solidarity with youth organizations of Japan.
    The Human Rights Association of Koreans in Japan, the Group for Investigation into the Truth behind the Forcible Drafting of Koreans submitted a press release regarding Ishihara's absurd remarks respectively to the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Children and the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights and others.

Romania's National Day Observed

    Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- Ioan Dedean, Romanian charge d'affaires ad interim here, hosted a reception at the Taedonggang Club for the Diplomatic Corps Monday evening on the occasion of the national day of Romania. Present there on invitation were Kung Sok Ung, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, Kim Hyong Jo, vice-minister of Labour who is also chairman of the DPRK-Romania Friendship Association, officials concerned and diplomatic envoys from different countries here.
    Staff members of the Romanian embassy were present there.
    Speeches were made at the reception

Two Memorable Days Observed Abroad

    Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held in Poland and a seminar in Tanzania on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army and the 86th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero. Displayed in the venue of the meeting held in Warsaw on Nov. 26 were photos showing the immortal exploits performed by the three generals of Mt. Paektu.
    The vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the Poland-Korea Association in a speech made at the meeting said that every country has its own army but no army is so firmly determined to devote their lives to their leader, the motherland and the people and so fully prepared politically and ideologically and in military technique as the Korean People's Army.
    All parts of the DPRK have turned into a fortress, he said, adding that the DPRK should in no way be equated with Afghanistan or Iraq.
    Meanwhile, speakers including the secretary general of the Tanzanian National Coordinating Committee of the Juche Idea Study Groups in their speeches made at the seminar of the groups for the study of the Juche idea held in Dar Es Salaam on Nov. 22 highly praised the Songun leadership exploits Kim Jong Il has performed by developing the KPA into an army strong in ideology and faith and invincible combat ranks.

Japan Must Be Punished for Its Human Rights Abuses

    Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- All the international human rights organizations should show due interests in the human rights abuses committed by Japan in the past and make all efforts for an early solution to the issue, says Minju Joson today in a signed commentary. Recalling again that the Japanese imperialists drafted at least 8.4 million Koreans to force them to tragic death and slave labor, made 200,000 women sex slavery for the Japanese Imperial Army and massacred over one million Koreans during their military occupation of Korea for 40 odd years, the commentary goes on:
    This shows that nearly a half of the Koreans fell victims to the hideous human rights abuses by the Japanese imperialists, measured against the then size of the Korean population.
    It was impossible for Japan to cause losses to so many Koreans without an organizational measure based on a state policy. This proves that the brutal human rights violation against the Korean people by the Japanese imperialists was a deliberately organized state-governed crime.
    The problem is that Japan is strutting about like a conquering hero scot-free today after committing such monstrous human rights abuses.
    Germany and other countries, which inflicted losses to humankind under different historical conditions in the past, are now paying a great attention to compensation and properly resolving the issue. Only Japan, however, is evading its legal and moral responsibility as the assailant and wantonly violating the principles of compensation based on provisions of international conventions and usages.
    This illegal and immoral act of Japan has become a main cause of encouragement to the continued practices of human right abuses.
    The realities show that for Japan to redress its past crimes of human rights abuses is not merely to comply with the demand for compensation to the victims but the preceding process of guaranteeing justice and putting an end to human rights abuses on the global scale.

Military Measure Taken by Russia Supported

    Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- Frokopenko, military attache of the Russian embassy here, called a press conference on Nov. 20 at which he introduced in detail the results of the meeting held at the Russian Ministry of Defence as regards the military principle of Russia and the document of the ministry "The immediate tasks for the development of armed forces of the Russian Federation". Referring to the issue of the nuclear deterrent, in particular, the document clearly stated that Russia can use nuclear weapons as actual means to check the U.S. attempt to lower the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons.
    In this regard Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says that the measure taken by Russia is a very just one in the light of the present international situation and from the viewpoint of holding in check the imperialists' hegemonic and unilateral policies and hard line and defending the security and interests of the country.
    It continues:
    Nobody can criticize Russia for opting to increase its national defence capability, especially its strategic armed forces, under the situation where the U.S. is pursuing a new military confrontation after listing Russia as a target of its nuclear attack.
    Brisk in Russia is the work to beef up the armed forces of the federation as evidenced by the modernization of the strategic rocket force and the process of equipping its navy with new type weaponry.
    Thanks to these efforts fresh changes are taking place in the military field of Russia and the military and technical level and combat capabilities of its armed forces getting boosted.
    This is in line with the desire and interests of the Russian people and helpful to ensuring global peace and security.

Medicinal Stone Made in DPRK

    Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- The Aeguk Multiple Microbiological Institute in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has made a medicinal stone. The activated stone is good for refining all kinds of drink including alcohol.
    If the stone is put into drinking water, it removes 76.5 percent of various kinds of bacteria including 57 percent of colitis germ and betters the taste of the water by decreasing the content of calcium and magnesium in the water by 17 percent.
    The stone protects oil from acidification and makes it possible to keep it unspoiled for a long time.
    It also has good effects on health of the people.
    It prevents the aging of the human body by checking cell extinction. So it enjoys popularity among the people.

Greetings to Romanian Prime Minister

    Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- Premier of the DPRK Cabinet Pak Pong Ju sent a message of greetings to Adrian Nastase, prime minister of Romania, on the occasion of the national day of his country. Extending warm congratulations to him, the message wished him success in his responsible work for the development of the country.
    Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun sent a message of greetings to his Romanian counterpart Mircea Dan Geoana on this occasion.

Greetings to Romanian President

    Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, Monday sent a message of greetings to Ion Iliescu, president of Romania, on the occasion of its national day. Extending warm congratulations to the president and the government and people of Romania, the message wished him success in his work for the prosperity of the country.

For Spanish-speaking people

Maravillas de "piedra de longevidad"

    Pyongyang, 2 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El Centro de Microbios Combinados Aeguk de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea invento una "piedra de longevidad" beneficiosa para la salud y la longevidad de las personas. Esta piedra activada resulta muy eficaz en la purificacion de varias bebidas.
    En caso de meterla en los recipientes de agua potable, elimina un 76.5 por ciento de la totalidad de bacterias de diferentes variedades incluyendo el 57 por ciento de colibacilos, y el 33 por ciento de nitrogeno y mejora la calidad de agua potable al rebajar en 17 por ciento su consistencia.
    En caso de meterla en el bidon de aceite, permite conservarlo durante largo tiempo deteniendo su rancidez. Tambien es muy util en la purificacion de numerosas bebidas incluidas las alcoholicas.
    La piedra cumple varias funciones en el fomento de la salud y la longevidad.
    Entre ellas, tiene especial virtud en el mantenimiento de la juventud evitando la extincion de celulas y deteniendo el envejecimiento del cuerpo humano, gracias a lo cual goza de gran popularidad de los hombres.

Nuevas ediciones de novelas sobre los fuertes en el credo

    Pyongyang, 2 de diciembre (ATCC) -- En los ultimos tiempos, en la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea siguen editandose largas novelas que tienen por protagonistas a los ex presos de largas condenas no abjurados, indoblegables combatientes patrioticos por la reunificacion. Durante los ultimos 2 anos y pico fueron publicadas ya mas de 40 obras, entre otras "El hijo de la patria", "La obligacion moral", "La sangre homogenea" y seguidamente se crearon nuevas novelas, entre otras, "La sonata de la reunificacion", "El cielo de la madrugada" y "El musgo manchado de sangre".
    Ahora, los habitantes leen con mucho gusto estas novelas que describen vividamente la lucha de los ex presos de largas condenas no abjurados sin precedente en la historia.
    Tambien, los novelas muestran bien cual es el sosten ideologico y espiritual de los ex presos quienes guardaron sin doblegarse su conviccion y entereza aun bajo las inimaginables torturas y penas crueles durante decenas de anos.
    Ademas, reflejan la verdad de la vida de que solo los seres humanos, que defienden hasta el fin su conviccion y entereza, podran gozar de la vida mas digna y hermosa.
    Con las desdichas y sufrimientos experimentados por los ex presos, estas piezas literarias hacen sentir en lo mas hondo de corazon que la reunificacion es una tarea nacional que no se puede postergar por mas tiempo para el pueblo coreano, y estimulan a todos los coreanos a alzarse energicamente a la lucha por reunificar la patria con las fuerzas unidas de estos.