First Anniversary of Candlelight March Commemorated in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, December 3 (KCNA) -- The All-People Measure Committee for Sin Hyo Sun and Sim Mi Son, Schoolgirls Killed by a U.S. Armored Car held a commemoration of the first anniversary of the candlelight march in Seoul on November 29, according to south Korean KBS. More than 3,000 participants honored the memory of the schoolgirls who were killed in cold blood by a U.S. armored car last year and vehemently condemned the U.S. war moves, shouting anti-war and peace slogans.

Rally to Declare Struggle for Abolition of Security Law in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, December 3 (KCNA) -- A rally to declare struggle for abolition of the security law was reportedly held in Seoul on November 30. The rally made public a resolution titled "Let's start a powerful struggle to make 2004 the first year of the abolition of the security law".
    Noting that the security law was enacted and has existed with the history of division and its supreme mission is to prolong the remaining days of the conservative Cold War forces even at this moment, the resolution stressed that the nation can never greet the era of reconciliation, cooperation and reunification as long as the law remains in force.
    The resolution called for conducting a powerful all-people movement to abolish the security law, an evil law of the times, in the name of independence and reunification, democracy and human rights.
    Before the rally, the participants held an all-people walking function for abrogation of the security law in 2003.

Abolition of Security Law Called for

    Pyongyang, December 3 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the National Democratic Front of South Korea in a press statement on December 1 said that the abolition of the security law is the urgent requirement of the times and fellow countrymen and that the south Korean authorities should immediately abrogate the law, according to Kuguk Jonson internet site. For 55 years the security law has been used as the evilest law unprecedented in the world history of legislation and an all-purpose tyrannical means to mercilessly suppress and stamp out the patriotic movement of the nation and the people and the people's demand for vital rights while backing the colonial domination of the U.S. imperialists and the fascist dictatorship of pro-American and sycophantic traitors, the statement said, and stressed:
    Although there were many evil laws in the world, no evil law was so cruel and wicked as the security law. The anachronistic security law has no justification of existence today when for the south and north to pool efforts to achieve independent reunification has become an irresistible trend of the times.
    The NDFSK will wage a more vigorous struggle for abolition of the security law, a peerless evil law against the nation, democracy and reunification, together with all people.

Floral Basket to Cuban Embassy

    Pyongyang, December 3 (KCNA) -- The Ministry of the People's Armed Forces sent a floral basket to the Cuban embassy here on the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the day of the revolutionary armed forces of Cuba. The floral basket in the name of the ministry was conveyed to Cuban ambassador Esteban Lobaina Romero on December 2.

Celebrations Held Abroad

    Pyongyang, December 3 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held by the People's Rally for Socialism of Democratic Congo (PRSDC) on Nov. 27 to celebrate the 12th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army and the 86th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero. Present there were members of the party leadership including Jean Baptiste Nkoy, general secretary of the PRSDC, and members of the party.
    Recalling that the world community is deeply studying the Songun politics of Kim Jong Il with keen interest in it, the reporter and speakers at the meeting said that he is still on the way to the front to train the KPA into a matchless army.
    They also gave a detailed account of the fact that Kim Jong Suk devotedly defended President Kim Il Sung.
    Then the Korean film "Faith of Korea" was screened.
    Meanwhile, a photo exhibition and a show of Korean films including "New Appearance of Korea" showing the immortal exploits the generals of Mt. Paektu performed by developing the KPA into invincible revolutionary armed forces were held by the Peruvian-Korean Institute of Culture and Friendship and the Peru, Tomasa Titu Condemaita Women's Association on Nov. 26.

Implementation of Three Charters for National Reunification Called for

    Pyongyang, December 3 (KCNA) -- The three charters for national reunification, which were set forth by President Kim Il Sung and formulated by leader Kim Jong Il, serve as a great programme of national reunification and guidelines to which the whole Korean nation should always hold fast to achieve the reunification of the country, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. These charters clearly indicate the most fair and reasonable way of achieving an early national reunification in conformity with the specific conditions of the country and the unanimous desire of the whole Korean nation for reunification, the article says, and continues:
    The three principles of national reunification -- independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity -- are the touchstone of national reunification as they clarify the basic stand and ways to solve the country's issue of reunification by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation in line with the will and interests of the nation.
    The ten-point programme of great national unity is a great political programme to achieve the national unity and thus strengthen the driving force of national reunification. The programme sets the foundation of a unified national state, independent, peace-loving and neutral, as an ultimate goal of great national unity and defines patriotism and the spirit of national independence as an ideological basis of unity and the promotion of co-existence, co-prosperity and common interests of the north and the south as a basic principle of unity.
    The proposal for founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo is a design for national reunification as it shows the whole aspect of a unified state and ways of founding it.
    Indicated in the proposal is the basic ways of achieving the reunification of the country without any deviation on the basis of tolerating the ideologies and systems in the north and the south of Korea.
    The three charters for national reunification serve as an immortal banner gripping the hearts of all members of the Korean nation, who love the country and the nation and want national reconciliation, unity and reunification and encouraging them to accomplish the cause of national reunification as they clarify the basic principle and ways for national reunification.
    All the Koreans in the north and the south and overseas are called upon to wage a vigorous struggle to thoroughly implement the three charters for national reunification, regarding them as a strong pillar for accomplishing the national reunification no matter how the situation and circumstances may change in the future.

Rodong Sinmun on Japan's Grave Human Rights Abuses

    Pyongyang, December 3 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says that the forcible drafting of Koreans, mass killings, and drafting women as "comfort women" for the Japanese Imperial Army committed by Japan in the past were grave crimes against human rights unprecedented in the history of mankind and it is the unanimous demand of the times and humankind to call them to account in the international arena and force Japan to apologize and make compensation for them. Noting that those monstrous crimes were organized state-sponsored crimes committed on the instructions of the Japanese government and with its approval at that time, the commentary says:
    They were crying violations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Statute on Human Rights and International Slavery Convention.
    The commentary further says:
    Japan's attempts to evade responsibility for its past crimes and apology and compensation for them and to soft-pedal or embellish its grave human rights abuses in the past are intended partly to continuously commit such inhuman crimes. In fact, such crimes are being committed again in Japan. This is well illustrated by acts against the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) and suppression of Koreans in Japan. The Japanese government, while encouraging such acts of the rightist reactionary forces of Japan, listed Chongryon, a legal overseas citizens' organization of the DPRK, as a target of its "anti-subversive activity law" which is applied to an anti-state conspiratorial organization or espionage group, and is scheming to destroy it by mobilizing the "Self-Defence Forces" in an emergency.
    Those moves trace their origin to the grave human rights crimes committed by the Japanese imperialists in the past.
    The Korean people have the legitimate right to make Japan apologize and compensate for the forcible drafting of Koreans, mass killings and drafting women as "comfort women" for the Japanese Imperial Army at any time and will surely exercise this right.

GI's Crime under Fire

    Pyongyang, December 3 (KCNA) -- A few days ago, a GI belonging to the 6th Mechanized Brigade of the U.S. imperialist aggression forces in south Korea drove his car at breakneck speed and bumped against a car coming, opposite to it, killing a south Korean on the spot and putting four others into a critical condition when they were in the car. In this regard Rodong Sinmun today says in a signed commentary: As was the case with the crimes committed by the U.S. aggressor troops in south Korea till now, the recent case was not an accidental one but a natural outcome of the U.S. policy of occupation there. It was a product of their idea of despising Koreans and their dominationist arbitrary practices.
    Candles reflecting hatred and indignation against the U.S. imperialist aggression troops remain burning in different parts of south Korea, lighting the nocturnal sky with grudge.
    But they keep committing killings, defying that protest. This year witnessed an unbroken chain of crimes committed by GIs in south Korea.
    The United States is working hard to hurl young south Koreans into the abyss of death in Iraq while GIs in south Korea are hell-bent on killing civilians there.
    The reality calls on the south Korean people to rise up in fierce anti-U.S. resistance for their own security.
    A commentary of Minju Joson urges the U.S. to punish the killer and fully apologize and compensate for the murder if it sincerely admits the crime and feels responsible for it. The U.S. forces should be forced out of south Korea. This is the only way for the south Korean people to get rid of misfortune and pain, it adds.

U.S. Urged to Drop Scheme to Stifle DPRK

    Pyongyang, December 3 (KCNA) -- U.S. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld called for tightening the U.S.-Japan and U.S.-south Korea security alliance while touring Japan, south Korea and the Guam some time ago. He even cried that the use of nuclear weapons against the DPRK would not be excluded. Coinciding with this, the U.S. Department of Defense again declared its stand that the withdrawal of the U.S. forces from south Korea was impossible and Armitage and other senior officials of the Bush administration demanded the deployment of more armed forces in the Asia-Pacific region.
    Minju Joson today in a signed commentary notes that the DPRK would not be indifferent to their remarks that openly manifested the Bush administration's invariable scheme to stifle the DPRK.
    It continues:
    The strengthening of the U.S.-Japan and U.S.-south Korea security alliance cried for by the U.S. hard-line conservative forces means nothing but tightened military tie-up, which is aimed at crushing the DPRK by force of arms.
    It must not go unnoticed that those hard-line conservative forces in the U.S. are crying for the "possible use of nuclear weapons" against the DPRK even now when the U.S.-DPRK nuclear issue is on the order of the day.
    Dialogue can never go with pressure. Under the present situation, the DPRK cannot but strengthen its self-defense capabilities in every way in order to cope with at any time the U.S. moves to crush the DPRK which are getting more desperate behind the curtain of dialogue.
    The U.S. should immediately give up its scheme to destroy the DPRK and make a sincere approach to a solution to the nuclear issue between the two countries, looking straight into the present situation.

NDFSK Assails Lawless Acts of GNP

    Pyongyang, December 3 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the National Democratic Front of South Korea in a statement on December 2 denounced the lawless acts of the Grand National Party which is only pursuing its interests and stratagem in disregard of the livelihood of the commoners, the people and the nation. The statement said:
    The GNP, caught in the grip of investigation by the prosecution for its ill-gotten "funds for the presidential election," put up a shield in the form of "the law on special inspection of scandals of close associates of the president" in an effort to get out of the tough spot. When Chongwadae exercised veto, the GNP, chewing its nails, has refused to attend the National Assembly and is kicking up dust of childish "actions outside the assembly," while its representative is going on a hunger strike and its "National Assemblymen" are threatening to resign.
    If things go on like this, the danger cannot be ruled out that the pro-U.S. right-wing conservative forces, which are watching for an opportunity to seize "power," would stage a political coup with an all-out counterattack on the democratic forces at the instigation of the U.S.
    The current situation of south Korea cannot be saved neither by the force of "law" nor by the decision of the "government."
    We strongly demand that the "Vegetable-like National Assembly" paralyzed by the GNP be immediately dissolved by the force of tens of million of people and election to it be held in January, not in April, next year. Only the total dissolution of the "National Assembly" and its early election are the right way of redressing the confused political situation, achieving social stability and saving the people from the depth of misery.
    Our people are the master of this land and motive force of history and they are responsible for remoulding the corruptive "National Assembly" and "politics." History has already proved how strong and mighty the people are.
    The people of all social strata should resolutely turn out in the struggle to judge the GNP mocking at and deceiving the people and only pursuing its interests, dissolve the "National Assembly" turning its back on the popular sentiments and hold an early "election" to it.
    Only destruction awaits the GNP which looks down upon the people and turns against them.

Ultraprecision Stone Surface Plates Made in DPRK

    Pyongyang, December 3 (KCNA) -- The Huichon Machine Tool Factory of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has made ultraprecision stone surface plates of various sizes enjoying popularity among users for their good mechanical operation. They are quite different from the cast iron surface plate which is difficult to process precisely and easy to deform in high temperature. The latter also makes errors because of changed circumstances in inspection and calibration of products.
    The stone plates are more than two times the cast iron plates in hardness and resistance to abrasion and more than 35 times in resistance to heat. And they keep their shapes unchanged for a long time because they have a few factors of shrinkage and expansion.
    The nonmagnetic stone plates, which are unaffected by surroundings, bear well with acid and water and produce less vibration and noise.
    They, ensuring precision of 0.0025 mm per one square meter, have already been introduced into different economic sectors.

For Spanish-speaking people

MINFAP envia cesto de flores a la Embajada de Cuba

    Pyongyang, 3 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Con motivo del 47 aniversario del Dia de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Cuba el Ministerio de las Fuerzas Armadas Populares envio un cesto de flores a la Embajada de la Republica de Cuba en Corea. El cesto de flores a nombre del MINFAP fue entregado el dia 2 al embajador Esteban Lobaina Romero.

Vocero del FDNSC insiste en la abolicion de la "ley de seguridad"

    Pyongyang, 3 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Segun el sitio web del "Frente de Salvacion Nacional", el vocero del Frente Democratico Nacional del Sur de Corea (FDNSC), en su declaracion del dia primero, insistio en que la abolicion de la "ley de seguridad" es una demanda apremiante de la epoca y la nacion, y por lo tanto, las autoridades surcoreanas deben anularla inmediatamente, y continuo: Durante los 55 anos transcurridos, la "ley de seguridad", maligna ley, nunca vista en la historia de la legislacion mundial, ha servido de un medio omnipotente para respaldar la dominacion colonial del imperialismo norteamericano en el Sur de Corea y la dictadura fascista de los vendepatrias serviles a los EE.UU. y reprimir y estrangular sin piedad los movimientos masivos patrioticos de la nacion y el derecho de los habitantes a la existencia.
    Habian muchas leyes infames en el Oriente y el Occidente y en la antiguedad y la actualidad, pero, nunca habia una ley tan ilegal, cruel y atroz como la "ley de seguridad". Hoy, el Sur y el Norte marchan hacia la reunificacion independiente uniendo las fuerzas de la nacion, lo cual es la tendencia indetenible de la epoca. En tales circunstancias la anacronica "ley de seguridad" no tiene ningun motivo de seguir existiendo.
    El FDNSC junto con los habitantes de distintos sectores desarrollara la lucha mas audaz por la abolicion de esta ley que se opone a la nacion, la democracia y la reunificacion.

Congo Democratico y Peru: actos conmemorativos

    Pyongyang, 3 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar el 27 de noviembre en la Reunion Popular por el Socialismo del Congo Democratico (RPSCD) un acto dedicado al 12 aniversario del nombramiento del Dirigente Kim Jong Il como Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea y al 86 aniversario del natalicio de la heroina de lucha antijaponesa Kim Jong Suk. Estuvieron presentes Jean Baptiste Nkoy, secretario general de la RPSCD, y otros miembros de la direccion y militantes, de esta organizacion politica.
    Los oradores senalaron que hoy el circulo social internacional estudia con gran interes la politica de Songun (priorizacion militar) del estimado General Kim Jong Il y subrayaron que tambien en estos momentos el sale al frente para formar al ejercito popular como invencible ejercito poderoso.
    Tambien hablaron detalladamente de que la heroina de lucha antijaponesa Kim Jong Suk defendio a ultranza al gran Lider, Presidente Kim Il Sung.
    Acto seguido se proyecto el film coreano "Conviccion de Corea".
    Por otra parte, en el Instituto Cultural y de Amistad Peruano-Coreano y la Asociacion de Mujeres Tomaza Titu Condemaita del Peru tuvieron lugar el 26 de noviembre la exhibicion de fotos alusivas a las inmortales hazanas de los generales del monte Paektu que fortalecieron y desarrollaron el EPC en las invencibles fuerzas armadas revolucionarias y proyecciones de la pelicula coreana "Nueva fisonomia de Corea" y otras.

Periodicos condenan atrocidades de bestias yanquis

    Pyongyang, 3 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Hace poco, en el Sur de Corea un soldado perteneciente a la brigada blindada No. 6 de las tropas agresoras norteamericanas, al conducir con frenesi un vehiculo, choco contra otro carro que venia cara a cara, por lo cual murio un habitante y se pusieron muy graves otros cuatro surcoreanos montados en carro. Tambien este caso de asesinato es un fenomeno inevitable que trajo la politica de ocupacion de EE.UU. sobre el Sur de Corea y un producto de la ideologia de desprecio de las tropas agresoras a la nacion coreana y de la arbitrariedad dominante.
    Asi senala el diario "Rodong Sinmun" en un comentario individual de hoy y continua:
    Ahora, en todos los lugares del Sur de Corea no se apagan las luces de vela, ardientes con odio y colera a los agresores norteamericanos.
    Pero, estos vuelven las espaldas al respecto y cometen atrocidades homicidas. Tan solo este ano, son innumerables tales crimenes de todo genero perpetrados por las tropas yanquis.
    En la actualidad, EE.UU. actua desesperadamente para llevar a Irak a los jovenes y adultos surcoreanos como carne de canon para los efectivos yanquis, por una parte y por la otra, en el Sur de Corea los agresores norteamericanos asesinan a los habitantes inocentes.
    La realidad demuestra que los habitantes surcoreanos deben levantarse en la lucha antiyanqui para defender la seguridad de su vida.
    El periodico "Minju Joson", en su comentario individual, senala que si EE.UU. reconoce de veras tales hechos criminales y siente responsabilidad, debe castigar debidamente al asesino, pedir la disculpa y hacer la indemnizacion y subraya que los habitantes surcoreanos deben retirar a las tropas yanquis del Sur de Corea para librarse de desgracias y penalidades.