500th Thursday Rally in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- The Family Movement for Realizing Democracy held the 500th Thursday rally at Thapgol Park, Seoul, on December 11, according to south Korean MBC. Present at the rally were members of various civic and public organizations including the Reunification Square, the Democratic Workers' Party, the Citizens' Solidarity for Democratic Society, victims to the "Security Law" and their families.
    Jo Sun Dok, permanent chairman of the Family Movement for Realizing Democracy, said in his speech that although they held the Thursday rally 500 times in 10 years, demanding the release of the prisoners of conscience and the repeal of the "Security Law," the law still exists and the number of the prisoners of conscience has increased. He declared that the Thursday rally would continue until there is no prisoner of conscience in prison.
    A special resolution against the enactment of the "law on combating terrorism," the "Security Law" No. 2 threatening democracy and human rights, was read out at the rally.

Message of Condolence to President of Azerbaijan

    Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, on December 14 sent a message of condolence to Aliyev, president of Azerbaijan, over the death of illness of its former President Geidar Aliyev. The message said: We do not forget the contribution His Excellency Geidar Aliyev made to the development of the friendly relations between the two countries and express expectation that the relations between the two countries will grow stronger under your deep care.
    The message hoped that the people of Azerbaijan would overcome the grief and achieve success in the work for the stability and prosperity of the country under the leadership of the president.

Angolan President on Relations with DPRK

    Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- It is our hope that the Korean people will achieve great success in the efforts for the country's reunification and the economic construction under the wise guidance of His Excellency great Kim Jong Il and develop the friendly and cooperative relations and solidarity between the Popular Liberation Movement of Angola and the Workers' Party of Korea and between Angola and the DPRK. Angolan President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos who is president of the Popular Liberation Movement of Angola said this on Dec. 6 when meeting with Kim Ryong Yong, DPRK ambassador to Angola who is the delegate of the WPK to the 5th Congress of the Popular Liberation Movement of Angola. The president recalled that President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il extended support to Angola in its struggle for its liberation and independence and have positively assisted and inspired Angola in its work for reconstruction.

DPRK Photo and Book Exhibitions and Film Shows in Libya

    Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- DPRK photo and book exhibitions and film shows were held at the houses of culture in Tarabulus, Tubruq and other places of Libya from Dec. 4 to 6 on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army and the 86th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero. The curator of the Tarabulus House of Culture said at the photo and book exhibition that the Korean people were dynamically advancing along the road of victory despite all manner of moves of the U.S. imperialists and their followers, as they hold Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the great leader and the supreme commander of the KPA. He wished the Korean people greater successes in their efforts to build socialism and reunify the country.
    The director of the Tarabulus Daily Necessities Factory, after appreciating the Korean film "The Korean People's Army, Steel-like Ranks", said Kim Jong Il was pursuing the Songun policy, thus increasing the military power of the DPRK. The United States dare not provoke the DPRK because it is wisely led by Kim Jong Il, he added.
    Noting that Kim Jong Suk is the great mother of Korea, the vice-director of the factory said her feats in bringing up Kim Jong Il as the bright sun of Korea will shine forever.

U.S. Urged to Accept DPRK-Proposed Simultaneous Package Solution

    Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Now is the time for all the concerned countries participating in the six-way talks to clarify their stands toward the solution of the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula as the international community is increasingly asserting the resumption of the six-way talks to solve the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula at an early date, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary. It goes on:
    It is an invariable stand of the DPRK government on the six-way talks that it is a key to the solution of the nuclear issue and a core point to be agreed upon between the DPRK and the U.S. to seek a package solution based on the principle of simultaneous actions.
    As for the DPRK-proposed first-phase measures for a simultaneous package solution, it is not just a simple "words-for-words" commitment but an indication of its will to take direct actions to realize the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula as desired by all parties concerned.
    It is entirely due to the U.S. nuclear threat that the DPRK was compelled to possess the nuclear deterrent force despite its sincere desire to denuclearize the peninsula.
    The U.S. is categorically refusing to take any measure in return for the DPRK's freeze of its nuclear activities, describing it as sort of "reward." As the U.S. urges the DPRK to dismantle its nuclear weapons completely, verifiably and irreversibly, the latter has the same right to demand the U.S., the dialogue partner, give it complete, verifiable and irreversible security assurances.
    If the U.S. fully accepts the DPRK-proposed simultaneous package solution, though belatedly, the DPRK is ready to respond to it with the elimination of all its nuclear weapons.
    But the U.S. in its proposal sent through a channel did not mention the DPRK-proposed simultaneous package solution at all but only asserted that the DPRK should "scrap nuclear weapons program first."
    The U.S. wasting time would do the DPRK nothing bad. Its delaying tactics would only result in compelling the DPRK to steadily increase its nuclear deterrent force.

S. Korean Authorities Assailed for Fascist Violence

    Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- The Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland issued information bulletin No. 845 on Dec. 14 denouncing the fascist act of the "Security Investigation Group" of the Seoul Police Office of south Korea in arresting Min Kyong U, secretary general of the Reunification Solidarity, some time ago on the charge of violating the notorious "Security Law." The information bulletin says it is a criminal act that can never be pardoned to suppress reunification activists by brandishing the SL, a leftover in the era of confrontation, even in the historic June 15 era when all the Koreans in the north, south and overseas are dynamically advancing along the road of national reconciliation, cooperation and reunification.
    It is an entirely righteous act for the unity of the nation and reunification for the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification, a tripartite solidarity organization in the north and south and overseas, to conduct patriotic activities for reunification, keeping close relationship with each other, says the bulletin, and adds:
    Nevertheless, the south Korean police authorities are trying to shackle in chain the figures standing at the head of the patriotic movement for reunification by invoking the SL over the issue that cannot be considered a crime nor pose any problem in the era of "by our nation itself." This is an anachronistic fascist act and an open perfidy to the June 15 joint declaration.
    As long as the SL exists, the joint declaration cannot be implemented smoothly nor the patriotic movement for reunification be revitalized nor the north-south relations be improved.
    The south Korean authorities should scrap without delay the SL, an anti-reunification fascist law, unconditionally release the patriotic figures for reunification under arrest for no reason and stop at once suppression of the reunification movement organizations.

Rodong Sinmun Calls for Upholding Banner of National Independence

    Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- The inter-Korean relations marred by confrontation are now turning into relations of "By our nation itself" for cooperation and mutual assistance. It is high time the whole nation upheld the banner of national independence. Rodong Sinmun says this in a signed article today, which reads in part:
    Foreign interference in the reunification issue can be forestalled and our nation can fulfill its responsibility and role as the master only when the principle of national independence is maintained.
    Sovereignty must be established and only then can national dignity be displayed and the whole nation live a happy life in the land of three thousand ri.
    Sovereignty is unthinkable in a land under foreign occupation.
    The reality of south Korea proves this.
    The present south Korean authorities came to power, putting on a show of advocating "level relations" with the United States.
    However, going back on their "commitments," they are committing pro-U.S., flunkeyist acts.
    No matter is more vital and urgent than national independence today when the U.S. imperialists are working desperately to cut the lifeline of the Korean nation. All the Koreans should thoroughly bar the U.S. imperialists from poking their nose into the internal affairs of the Korean nation and should not tolerate their bellicose scheme of aggression. A fiercer flame of anti-U.S. action should be raised everywhere Koreans live.

Rally for All-out Struggle Held in Seoul

    Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- A rally for all-out struggle to win the right to existence was reportedly held by over 4,000 roadside vendors affiliated to the "National Roadside Vendors' Federation" and the "National General Federation of Roadside Vendors" in Seoul on Dec. 11. Speakers at the rally said the Seoul City Hall was sending gangsters to forcibly drive out roadside vendors, backsliding on its promise at a working negotiation on the work for rehabilitating the Chonggye Stream not to evacuate them.
    Disclosing the mean act of the city hall making a mockery of small tradesmen, they declared: "We will defend with death our right to existence." A resolution was read out there.
    At the end of the rally the participants marched through streets, chanting the slogan: "Death to the gangsters who are killing roadside vendors!"

Sit-in Hunger Strike Called in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- The presidium of the South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon) was reported to have declared an indefinite sit-in hunger strike on Dec. 11 demanding the withdrawal of the decision on the additional troop dispatch to Iraq. Prior to the strike, the presidium called a press conference declaring "anti-U.S. patriotic hunger strike to check troop dispatch to Iraq" in the vicinity of the "National Assembly" building at which Chairman Ra Chang Sun read out a press release.
    The presidium can never overlook the authorities' action to dispatch more troops to Iraq despite the recent killing of south Korean workers there, the press release said, demanding the U.S. stop pressurizing the south Korean authorities to send more troops to Iraq and the authorities withdraw their plan for troop dispatch.
    On the same day, the presidium sent a message to all the members of the South Headquarters of Pomminryon informing them of the start of the sit-in hunger strike in which it said that in the wake of the "government's" decision on the additional troop dispatch to Iraq the "National Assembly" is close to giving approval to it, adding that it is another criminal act.
    In an "appeal to all public organizations desirous of peace and reunification" it published on Dec. 10 the presidium said that victory would be in store for national democratic forces only when they get united and act in concert irrespective of views and methods of struggle.

Signal Progress in Efforts for National Unity and Reunification

    Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- The Korean people have made strenuous efforts to achieve the reconciliation, unity and reunification of the nation on the basis of the idea "by our nation itself" this year when they marked the 3rd anniversary of the historic June 15 North-South Joint Declaration. Thanks to the efforts to strengthen the nation-wide solidarity and unity, this year has witnessed a progress in exchange and cooperation between the authorities and civilian organizations of the north and the south and the territory, which had been severed for more than half a century, is now being relinked.
    Four rounds of the north-south ministerial talks have been held and exchange and cooperation activated between various civilian organizations in all fields this year.
    Such grand pro-reunification festivals as the national reunification festival observing the 3rd anniversary of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration, the March 1 national rally for peace and reunification and the August 15 national rally fully demonstrated the will of the nation to reject the outside forces and invigorate the struggle for national independence and reunification.
    Through conferences and meetings of workers, teachers, youth and students, a joint national ceremony commemorating the National Foundation Day and other pro-reunification events, the people in the north and the south manifested their strong will to implement the June 15 joint declaration and win national unity and reunification, transcending differences in ideology, idea, political view and religious belief.
    Meanwhile, historians of the north and the south had different kinds of seminars and vowed to pool efforts to preserve well the precious cultural wealth of the nation and regain the dignity of the nation.
    Various sports and cultural events were held in Pyongyang and Taegu and on Jeju Island, demonstrating to the whole world that the Korean nation has the same blood, language and culture.
    A trial travel of Mt. Kumgang, famous in the world, by land, the ground-breaking ceremonies for relinking railways and roads in the east and west coastal areas and the ground-breaking ceremony for building the Kaesong industrial zone and other grand events were also held this year.
    All the facts convincingly show that national reunification is not what can be achieved in a remote future and that the country can surely be reunified in any adversity when all the Korean people pool their efforts and take a joint step.

Construction of Power Stations in DPRK

    Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Great efforts are being made to construct power stations in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. An acute shortage of power that began in the middle of the 1990s played havoc with the national economy and people's living standards.
    To cope with this, the government, though it was pressed for everything and conditions were very severe, built within a few years hundreds of hydropower stations, large and small, including the Anbyon Youth Power Station and the power stations on the Songchon River.
    Large power stations including the Wonsan Youth Power Station, the Ryesonggang Power Station, the Orangchon Power Station, the Kumyagang Power Station and Thaechon Power Station No.4 are under construction in many parts of the country.
    Some power stations including Hungju Youth Power Station No.2 are being constructed in Jagang Province, too.
    When the power stations are completed, they will supply electricity for the lighting and heating to tens of thousands of families in Kanggye and Huichon cities as well as to many industrial establishments and cooperative farms.
    North Phyongan Province plans to build some 60 power stations in a few years and is working on the projects.
    Leader Kim Jong Il made an inspection tour of the construction sites of the Kumyagang and Orangchon power stations this year to clearly indicate ways of accelerating the projects.

Gift to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a gift from the Commission for External Affairs of the Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party. The gift was handed today to Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, by Vilayvanh Phomkhe, vice-chairman of the commission, on a visit to the DPRK.

Pak Pong Ju Meets Cuban Ambassador

    Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Premier of the DPRK Cabinet Pak Pong Ju met and conversed with Cuban Ambassador here Esteban Lobaina Romero who paid a courtesy call on him at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. On hand was Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kung Sok Ung.

Choe Thae Bok Meets Political Party Delegation of Laos

    Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, met and had a friendly talk with a delegation of the Commission for External Affairs of the Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party led by Vilayvanh Phomkhe, vice-chairman of the commission, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. On the occasion, the head of the delegation said that through this visit he was well aware of the immortal exploits President Kim Il Sung performed on behalf of the era and history.
    Noting that he saw for himself achievements the Korean people have made in socialist construction under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il, he wished them greater success in building a great prosperous powerful nation and carrying out the cause of national reunification.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il inspecciona la Unidad No. 3993 del EPC

    Pyongyang, 15 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea inspecciono la Unidad No. 3993 del EPC. Le acompanaron los generales de ejercito del EPC Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae y Pak Jae Gyong.
    El Comandante Supremo en la Unidad se entero en detalle del estado de cumplimiento del deber de esta y vio ejercicios de los militares en la sala de leccion tecnica general.
    Presento las tareas programaticas que sirven de guia para fortalecer aun mas la combatividad de la Unidad.
    Recorrio la sala de educacion, dormitorio, comedor y otros lugares prestando esmerada atencion a la vida de los soldados.
    Expreso la conviccion de que los militares de la Unidad defenderan seguramente la revolucion coreana y la patria socialista tomando con firmeza el arma de la revolucion, les dio binoculos y fusil automatico como recuerdo y se fotografio junto a ellos.
    El mismo dia, el Comandante Supremo inspecciono una compania subordinada a la Unidad No. 138 Vanguardia Kum Song del EPC.
    En la trinchera de una cota estimulo a los militares quienes cumplen con responsabilidad el servicio de guardia y recorrio la sala de educacion, dormitorio, comedor, bano, cocina, deposito diario y otras instalaciones de cultura, educacion e intendencia de la compania para prodigar esmerada atencion a la labor y la vida de los militares.
    Senalo que todas las unidades del ejercito popular mantienen limpios sus puestos y organizan con esmero su vida economica y subrayo que esto refleja tal como es la caracteristica propia del EPC, regularizado y normalizado al sumo grado.
    Acto seguido, el Comandante Supremo vio en el lugar de descanso al aire libre un encuentro recreativo de los militares de la compania.
    Al mirar los aspectos de descanso alegre de los oficiales y soldados, senalo que los militares del ejercito popular organizan con optimismo y alegria su vida y destaco que esto es una manifestacion de gran fuerza espiritual del EPC.
    Dio binoculos y fusil automatico como recuerdo a los militares de la compania y se fotografio junto a estos.

Ano para reconciliacion, unidad y

    Pyongyang, 15 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Este 2003, en que se cumple el tercer aniversario de la publicacion de la historica Declaracion Conjunta Norte-Sur del 15 de Junio, la nacion coreana ha desarrollado energicamente la lucha por la reconciliacion, la unidad y la reunificacion bajo la idea de "Con las fuerzas unidas de la nacion coreana". Gracias a los esfuerzos por el fortalecimiento de la solidaridad y la unidad de la nacion, se logran el intercambio y la cooperacion entre las autoridades y entre las entidades no gubernamentales del Norte y el Sur de Corea y se unen terrenos y vasos sanguineos de ambas partes de la nacion coreana, divididos en mas de medio siglo.
    Desde enero hasta la fecha, se entablaron 4 veces las conversaciones a nivel de ministro Norte-Sur y se activaron el intercambio y la cooperacion de las entidades no gubernamentales de todos los dominios y sectores.
    A traves del gran festival para la reunificacion nacional en conmemoracion del tercer aniversario de la publicacion de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio, el acto nacional del primero de marzo por la paz y la reunificacion, el acto nacional del 15 de agosto se pusieron de manifiesto al exterior y el interior de Corea la voluntad y la aspiracion de nuestra nacion a desplegar mas vigorosamente la lucha contra las fuerzas extranjeras por la independencia nacional y la reunificacion de la patria.
    Se efectuaron la conferencia de los delegados obreros Norte-Sur por la reunificacion de la patria - ano 2003, el encuentro de trabajadores docentes Norte-Sur, la reunion de los delegados de jovenes y estudiantes Norte-Sur por la materializacion de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio, el acto nacional conjunto por el Dia de Fundador de Corea, en los cuales los habitantes de ambas partes expresaron la ferrea voluntad de lograr de todas maneras la reunificacion de la patria con las fuerzas unidas de toda la nacion superando las diferencias de ideologia, ideal, criterio politico y religion.
    Por otra parte, los historiadores del Norte y el Sur, al coauspiciar la exhibicion de datos y el simposio conjunto Norte-Sur sobre Tanchong (pintura de colores tradicionales de Corea), el simposio conjunto Norte-Sur y la exhibicion conjunta de documentos referidos a la criminalidad de arresto forzoso de coreanos por el imperialismo japones y el simposio Norte-Sur para la rectificacion de la anotacion inglesa del nombre de Corea, etc., fortalecieron la solidaridad para conservar mejor valiosos patrimonios culturales, que muestran la superioridad de la nacion coreana, y recuperar la dignidad nacional uniendo la inteligencia y la fuerza.
    La "Escena de canciones de Pyongyang", la inauguracion del Coliseo Deportivo Jong Ju Yong de Ryugyong, el torneo de baloncesto Norte-Sur por la reunificacion, la 22a universiada mundial, el festival cultural y deportivo por la reunificacion y la paz de la nacion, etc., se efectuaron en Pyongyang, Taegu y la isla Jeju, a traves de los cuales se demostro a todo el mundo que la nuestra es la nacion del mismo linaje, la misma lengua y la misma cultura.
    Tuvieron lugar el turismo modelo rutero al monte Kumgang, famoso en el mundo, la ceremonia del comienzo de la union de ferrovias y carreteras orientales y occidentales, el acto del inicio de la construccion de la zona industrial de Kaesong, etc., derrumbando asi la barrera de rencor de mas de medio siglo.
    La realidad nos da la conviccion de que la reunificacion de la patria no es una cosa irrealizable sino se lograra ciertamente cuando la nacion une y coordina la accion sobreponiendose a todas las pruebas y contratiempos.

Premier coreano se reune con el embajador de Cuba

    Pyongyang, 15 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Pak Pong Ju, primer ministro del Consejo de Ministros de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea departio el dia 15 en el Palacio de los Congresos Mansudae con Esteban Lobaina Romero, embajador de la Republica de Cuba en Corea quien le hizo una visita de cortesia. Estuvo presente el vicecanciller coreano Kung Sok Ung.