Greetings to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, on Dec. 8 received a message of greetings from Iajuddin Ahmed, president of Bangladesh, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The message said:
    It gives me pleasure to extend warmest congratulations to Your Excellency on behalf of the government and people of Bangladesh and on my own behalf on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of Bangladesh and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    I am very pleased to note that the relations between the two countries have steadily developed in the last three decades. I am confident that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries will grow stronger in the interests of the peoples of the two countries.
    Availing myself of this opportunity. I would like to wish the Korean people prosperity and happiness and express belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries will steadily develop.

Rally in S. Korea against Additional Troop Dispatch to Iraq

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- The Joint Peace Action against War in south Korea held a rally of "December 13 south Korea-Middle East joint anti-war action " in Seoul on December 13, south Korean KBS reported. Attending there were the family of Kim Su Man, a south Korean worker killed in Iraq, and citizens and students, more than 1,500 in all.
    Speeches were made at the rally.
    Jong Tae Yon, planning chief of the joint action, denounced the panjandrums who pocketed hundreds of billions of won under the name of "presidential election" funds for trying to force young people to go to Iraq for "national interests".
    Jong Jae Uk, chairman of the south Korean Federation of University Student Councils, said the "government" was working to "tighten alliance with the United States" by dispatching troops largest in size to Iraq.
    The daughter of Kim Su Man in a "message to the people" called upon all the people to turn out in the action against troop dispatch.
    The resolution read out at the rally declared that an all-out protest against the political parties and "national assemblymen" agreeing to troop dispatch to Iraq, to say nothing of the "government," would be launched in case the motion on troop dispatch were carried through the "National Assembly".
    An action program was published at the rally.

KCNA Flails Corrupt GNP of S. Korea

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- The Grand National Party of south Korea is censured as a "party of thieves" in the wake of the disclosure of more illicit money squeezed from tycoons on the threshold of the "presidential election" last year. It was newly disclosed on December 12 that it received 10 billion won from Hyundai Motor just before the election. This means that the GNP had received a total of over 60 billion won from business groups after putting pressure upon them: 10 billion from SK Group, 15.2 billion from Samsung Group and 15 billion from LG Group.
    The prosecution in charge of investigation claims that it would reach hundreds of billions if bribes it received from other enterprises are added to it.
    It is well known to the world that the south Korean "policy" is a corrupt one swayed by money. But history knows no such precedent in which the GNP pressurized big businesses to provide it with a stupendous amount of money, threatening that it would label them as "undesirable ones" when it comes to power.
    No wonder, even the conservative media that has strongly supported the GNP traitorous group dismissed it as a "corruption-ridden party", branding its hideous financial scam as "an act of organized violence."
    The GNP insisted at the outset of the investigation that it had received not a single penny. But it is now driven to such a tight corner as its scandals are irrefutable and the public and other political parties are strongly demanding its immediate dismantlement.
    Much upset by this, the GNP unilaterally railroaded the "bill on the special inspection of scandals of president's close associates" through the "National Assembly," taking advantage of its dominant position there, in a bid to divert elsewhere the focus of the prosecution. And Choe Pyong Ryol, representative of the party, even staged a clumsy farce of attacking other parties, asserting that "it is not only the GNP that has received illicit money".
    A family nearing its end has frequent fights. Former GNP President Ri Hoe Chang staged the burlesque of making an apology full of lame excuses and privately blamed Choe for driving the situation to such a deplorable state while Ri's associates are locked in a fierce free-for-all to shift the blame for it onto others.
    What matters is that this corrupt party drove the figure who took the lead in the north-south cooperation undertakings to death by brandishing the sword called "the law on special inspection" and cried out for a stern punishment of others until recently.
    This clearly proves that the GNP coteries are thieves putting even Mafia into shade and human scum that have to be eliminated immediately for the sake of the democratization of the south Korean society, to say nothing of the inter-Korean cooperation.
    Choe Pyong Ryol must frankly confess the truth behind all cases of corruption of the GNP and quit the political arena before talking about the "special inspection."

Regulations on Establishment and Operation of Kaesong Industrial Zone Management Institution Adopted

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- The Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly in its decision adopted the regulations on the establishment and operation of the Kaesong Industrial Zone Management Institution. The decision dated Dec. 11, Juche 92 (2003) consists of 21 articles.
    The regulations will contribute to increasing the function and role of the Kaesong Industrial Zone Management Institution by setting up a strict system and order in its establishment and operation.
    The regulations specify provisions including the status of the founder of the management institution and that of its general manager, the qualifications and conditions to become a member of the institution, the application for the registration of the management institution, its duty and the fund for its operation.

Regulations on Entry, Stay and Residence in Kaesong Industrial Zone Adopted

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- The Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly in its decision adopted regulations on entry, stay and residence in the Kaesong Industrial Zone. The decision dated December 11, Juche 92 (2003) consists of 30 articles.
    The regulations will contribute to promoting the convenience in the entry of persons and transport means and for sojourners and residents by establishing a well-regulated system and order in the entry, stay and residence in the zone.
    According to the regulations, they are applicable to the persons and transport means coming to the zone from the south side's areas and overseas compatriots, foreigners and transport means using the same route.
    International terrorists, drug addicts, lunatics, cases of infectious diseases, those from the regions infected with epidemic diseases, bearers of false certificates or badly damaged ones, those who carry certificates whose term of validity has expired and others who are prohibited from entering, staying and residing in the zone as agreed upon are not allowed to do so.
    Excluded from the registration for stay are those who are expected to go back within 7 days from their arrival in the zone, members of international organizations and foreign missions in south Korea, tourists and those who are not required to make any registration for their stay.
    Other regulations clarify the issue of certificate related to the entry, procedures of issuing the certificates for stay and residence registration cards and the extension of their term of validity, the order of going outside the zone, etc.

Customs Regulations of Kaesong Industrial Zone Adopted

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- The customs regulations of the Kaesong Industrial Zone were adopted according to a decision of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The decision dated December 11, Juche 92 (2003) consists of five chapters and 43 articles.
    The regulations will contribute to promoting convenience in taking into and out goods, persons' coming and going and transport service by establishing a strict system and order in the customs service in the zone.
    These regulations are applicable to enterprises (developer included), branches, business offices and offices in the zone carrying goods and mail matters into and out and transport means coming to and going from the zone for the development, management and operation of the zone and production and administration.
    The regulations shall be also applied to south Koreans and overseas compatriots and foreigners coming to the zone from areas of the south side.
    Clarified in the regulations are the principle of customs registration, the principles of customs exemption and payment, presentation of applications for the permit to carry goods into and out, declaration of mail matters and personal belongings, customs inspection and supervisory institutions, inspection method of the goods to be carried into and out, standard customs price and calculation, etc.
    An appendix attached to the regulations specifies the goods not allowed either to bring into the zone or to take them out of it.
    The goods prohibited to carry into the zone include weapons, bullets, explosives and other materials for military use, narcotics, radioactive materials, toxic chemical agents, printed materials that may badly affect public order and good manners and customs of the nation and the listed goods coming from contagious disease-afflicted areas.
    Those goods banned to take out of the zone include weapons, bullets, explosives, materials for military use, lethal weapons, wireless apparatuses and their accessories, poisonous substance, powerful medicines, narcotics, radioactive materials, toxic chemical agents, historical relics, secret documents, printed materials (copies included) and their manuscripts, films, photos, cassettes and video tapes, records, compact disks and other goods which are banned from carrying out under an agreement.

Chinese Ambassador Hosts Reception

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- Wu Donghe, Chinese ambassador here, hosted a reception at his embassy yesterday evening on the occasion of the New Year, Juche 93 (2004). The ambassador in his speech at the reception said that the year 2003 was a significant year as it opened a brilliant chapter in the development of the Sino-DPRK friendly relations.
    He said that leader Kim Jong Il received the Chinese delegations during their stay in the DPRK despite the pressure of work. The exchange of visits of high-ranking delegations between the two countries was of great significance in the development of the friendly relations between the two countries, he added.
    Recalling that the exchange and cooperation have been boosted in the political, economic, military and other fields this year, he said that this clearly indicates the growth of the friendly relations between China and the DPRK.
    The Sino-DPRK friendship is growing stronger thanks to the supreme leaders of the two countries and this is the common desire of the peoples of the two countries and beneficial for global peace and development, he said.
    He noted that he would make positive efforts to boost the Sino-DPRK friendship in the future, too.
    DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun in his speech said that this year is marked as a significant year as the traditional DPRK-China friendship has been further developed than ever before under the deep care of the leaders of the two countries.
    He recalled that Kim Jong Il sent before any others his congratulatory message to the leadership of China when it was formed and the party and state leaders of China including General Secretary Hu Jintao sent messages warmly congratulating Kim Jong Il on his reelection as chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the DPRK.
    He said that this year the delegations at various levels have been frequently exchanged between the two countries and broad views on the important issues of mutual concern have been exchanged and good successes achieved in economic cooperation.
    He expressed belief that the traditional friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger in various fields in the new year, too.

Kim Jong Il Sends Reply Message to Bangladeshi President

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, yesterday sent a message to Iajuddin Ahmed, Bangladeshi president, in reply to his message of greetings sent on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and Bangladesh. The message said:
    I express profound thanks to you for the congratulations and best wishes sent on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the People's Republic of Bangladesh.
    Expressing the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries will grow stronger, I wish you great success in your responsible work for the prosperity and happiness of the Bangladeshi people.

Japan's Sinister Intention behind Troop Dispatch to Iraq under Fire

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- Two Japanese diplomats were shot to death by resistance force in Iraq recently. This can be seen as a warning to Japan in its moves to dispatch "Self-Defense Forces" to Iraq, Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed commentary.
    The news analyst goes on:
    The recent incident indicates that the resistance force in Iraq has opted for attacking Japanese after designating them as an enemy. Therefore, Japan's dispatch of its SDF may meet attacks by Iraqis and Japan may have to pay the highest price since the end of the Second World War.
    The reality urges Japan to discard its pro-U.S. servitude and stop its moves to dispatch the SDF to Iraq.
    Many countries of the world are either opposed or displeased with Japan's dispatch of SDF to Iraq.
    The Japanese chief executive, however, recently made a decision to dispatch SDF to Iraq at any cost.
    The dispatch of SDF to Iraq is also in the breach of the "law on the special measure for supporting the rehabilitation of Iraq" adopted by the Japanese Diet.
    This notwithstanding, Japan is going to send heavily-armed SDF to combat areas in Iraq.
    This reveals the sinister intention of the Japanese reactionaries to pave the way for SDF's overseas military operation through their troop dispatch and realize their wild ambition for overseas expansion at any cost.
    The dispatch of the SDF to Iraq indicates that they can also be dispatched to the Korean peninsula and areas surrounding it fraught with great danger in the future.
    Many countries of the world including those in Asia are highly vigilant against Japan's moves to dispatch troops to Iraq.

Frustration of Imperialists' "Globalization" Strategy Urged

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- The "globalization" strategy of the imperialists, the U.S. scheme of uni-polor world, is bound to go bankrupt, says Rodong Sinmun in a signed article today. It goes on:
    The United States is resorting to arbitrary and strong-arm practices in the international arena in disregard of the United Nations, international law and the demand of the era, styling itself the "only superpower" and "leader" of the world. This throws a revealing light on the reactionary nature and danger of the "globalization" advertised by it.
    The developing countries are suffering enormous damage from the imperialists' "globalization" moves.
    The phenomenon of "the rich get richer, the poor poorer" is becoming more pronounced worldwide with the world being divided into capitalist countries getting richer and the developing countries poorer. The reactionary nature and injustice of the imperialists' "globalization" strategy have been proved by realities.
    The developing countries should buckle down with a zeal to working out a correct strategy to cope with the imperialists' "globalization" scheme negated by history. The main channel to knock the bottom out of this scheme is for each country to apply the principle of independence in keeping with its specific conditions and thereby defend and develop the Juche character and national identity in politics, economy, culture and all other areas and build an independent society, a new world based on independence.
    One of the important matters for the developing countries to free themselves from the clutches of the imperialists' "globalization" strategy is to expand and develop south-south cooperation and economic relations on the principle of collective self-reliance and increase their own competitiveness.

Greetings to King of Bahrain

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to Sheikh Hamad Bin Isa al-Khalifa, king of Bahrain, on Dec. 15 on the occasion of the 42nd anniversary of the national day of his country. Expressing the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger in the future, the message wished him greater success in his work for the prosperity of his country.

Signal Successes of DPRK Sportspersons

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- Sportspersons of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea have won many gold medals at international tournaments this year. Women boxers bagged gold medals in six categories of the 2nd Asian Women's Boxing Championships held in India some time ago, so the DPRK came first in total.
    At the 13th World Taekwon-Do Championships held in Greece in June, Korean boys and girls carried off 21 gold medals in pattern competitions, sparring matches, demonstration shows and exhibitions for special skill and thus placed first in total.
    Women's soccer teams won the 14th Asian Women's Football Championships held in Thailand in June and the 22nd Universiad in August.
    People's Athlete Kye Sun Hui captured the title for the women's 57-kg category at the World Judo Championships held in Osaka, Japan in September, designated as the best judoist in the championships.
    Ri Song Hui came first in the 53-kg jerk and second in total at the 16th World Women's Weightlifting Championships held in Canada in November.
    Hong Chang Su, a Korean pro-boxer in Japan, retained his championship by defeating a Japanese challenger in the WBC's super-flyweight held in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan in June.
    Meanwhile, DPRK athletes proved successful at the 22nd Universiad, the 4th Asian Junior Women's Volleyball Championships, the 10th Asian Rowing Competitions, 2003 International Boxing Tournament for Green Hill Cup and many other international tournaments, demonstrating the honor and dignity of the country.

Greetings to Nigerien President

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, on Dec. 15 sent a message of greetings to Mamadou Tandja, president of Niger, on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic. Believing that the friendly relations between the two countries would grow stronger and develop in the interests of the two peoples, the message wished him greater success in his work for the prosperity of his country.

Film Show Held

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- A film show took place at the Taedonggang Club for the Diplomatic Corps for officials in charge of cultural and friendly relations of foreign embassies here on Dec. 17 on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army and the 86th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero. Present there were Kim Jin Bom, vice-chairman of the Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, and officials concerned.
    Its participants saw the DPRK documentary film showing the immortal leadership exploits of Kim Jong Il who weathered out all difficulties and ordeals before the Korean revolution with his great Songun policy, thus turning the "Arduous March" into a cheerful march and a victorious march.

U.S. Moves to Stifle Syria Accused

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK answered the following question raised by KCNA on Dec. 17 as regards the U.S. president's signing of the legislation which provides for sanctions against Syria: It is well known that the United States has openly threatened, blackmailed, pressurized and blockaded against those independent countries including Syria that they do not meekly obey it after listing them as "sponsors of terrorism."
    The Bush administration's signing of the legislation on sanctions against Syria is part of U.S. undisguised pressure and blockade against such independent countries.
    Such action taken by the United States to stifle Syria under the pretext of "anti-terrorism" can never bring the Syrian people desirous of progress and independence to their knees.
    The world community and the progressive people are condemning the U.S. sanctions against Syria.
    The U.S. legislation on sanctions against Syria should be repealed at once.

Friendly Gathering with Chinese Delegation

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- Officials of the Pyongyang City Committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League had a friendly meeting with members of the delegation of the Beijing Committee of the Communist Youth League of China at the Central Youth Hall on Dec. 17. Invited there were members of the delegation led by its Secretary Guan Chenghua.
    Present there were Kim Song Chol, first secretary of the Pyongyang City Committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, and officials of the youth league in Pyongyang.
    They deepened the friendship, informing each other of their activities and swapping the successes and experience they have gained.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il inspecciona la Unidad No. 1925 del EPC

    Pyongyang, 17 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea inspecciono la Unidad No. 1925 Vanguardia Kum Song del EPC. Tras recorrer una planta hidroelectrica construida por militares de la Unidad vio en la sala de historia los anales que muestran una orgullosa trayectoria recorrida por esta escuchando su historia.
    Recibio en la sala de investigacion de operacion el informe de situacion por parte del jefe de la Unidad y se entero de los detalles del estado del cumplimiento del deber de esta.
    Se mostro muy satisfecho de que los oficiales y soldados de la Unidad defienden fidedignamente la linea de defensa de la patria y presento las tareas programaticas que sirven de guia para fortalecer mas la combatividad de la Unidad.
    El Comandante Supremo recorrio la casa de militares, la sala de educacion clasista, la biblioteca y otras instalaciones de cultura y educacion e hizo conocimiento del estado de la labor politica e ideologica sobre los militares.
    Expreso conviccion de que los oficiales y soldados de la Unidad cumpliran excelentemente la honrosa mision de vanguardia y brigada en la empresa para realizar la politica de Songun (priorizacion militar) del Partido del Trabajo de Corea y se fotografio junto a ellos.
    Acto seguido, inspecciono una compania anexa a la Unidad.
    Al ver ejercicios de los militares de la compania expreso gran satisfaccion de que todos los militares de esta han crecido como valientes combatientes.
    Senalo que al hacer ejercicios persistentes y sustanciales todos podran prepararse como invencibles combatientes quienes puedan aniquilar a cualesquier enemigos fuertes y destaco que la mas importante tarea revolucionaria para los militares quienes estan puestos en primera linea de defensa de la patria es hacer bien los ejercicios.
    Recorrio la sala de educacion, dormitorio, comedor, cocina, bano, deposito diario, lugar de descanso al aire libre y otros lugares de la compania prestando esmerada atencion a la vida de los militares.
    El Comandante Supremo se entero minuciosamente de la temperatura del dormitorio, el deposito de los alimentos subsidiarios, la calidad de agua del bano y los demas de la vida y senalo que deben hacer esfuerzos para que los soldados pasen templadamente el invierno.
    Enseno que el EPC que sostiene en la delantera la direccion del PTC mediante el Songun debe hacerse un modelo de la sociedad en todos los aspectos de ideologia, moral, estilo de lucha, manera de trabajar y la vida cultural y preciso que todo el pueblo debe aprender activamente de los nobles rasgos ideo-espirituales del EPC.
    El Comandante Supremo dejo binoculos y fusil automatico como recuerdo a los militares de la compania y se fotografio junto a estos.

Kim Jong Il envia telegrama de respuesta al presidente de Bangladesh

    Pyongyang, 17 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea envio el dia 16 un telegrama a Iajuddin Ahmed, presidente de la Republica Popular de Bangladesh, en respuesta a su mensaje de felicitacion en ocasion del 30 aniversario del establecimiento de las relaciones diplomaticas entre los dos paises. El telegrama de respuesta senala:
    Le expreso profundo agradecimiento por su felicitacion y votos que me ha dirigido con motivo del 30 aniversario del establecimiento de las relaciones diplomaticas entre la RPDC y la RPB.
    Convencido de que se desarrollaran y se fortaleceran aun mas las relaciones de amistad y cooperacion entre los dos paises, le deseo grandes exitos en su labor responsable para la prosperidad y felicidad del pueblo bengali.

Kim Jong Il recibe mensaje de felicitacion del presidente de Bangladesh

    Pyongyang, 17 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea recibio un mensaje de felicitacion que le dirigiera el dia 8 Iajuddin Ahmed, presidente de la Republica Popular de Bangladesh con motivo del 30 aniversario del establecimiento de las relaciones diplomaticas entre Bangladesh y Corea. El mensaje senala:
    Con motivo del 30 aniversario del establecimiento de las relaciones diplomaticas entre la RPB y la RPDC hago llegarle mis mas cordiales felicitaciones a Su Excelencia en nombre del gobierno y el pueblo de la RPB y en el mio propio.
    Complacido de que durante los 30 anos pasados las relaciones entre ambos paises han venido consolidandose y desarrollandose, estoy convencido de que las relaciones bilaterales de amistad y cooperacion se desarrollaran mas conforme a los intereses de los dos pueblos.
    Aprovecho esta oportunidad para formular votos por la prosperidad y la felicidad del pueblo coreano y al mismo tiempo estoy seguro de que seguiran desarrollandose las relaciones de amistad y cooperacion entre los dos paises.

Deportistas glorificaron con medallas de oro a la patria

    Pyongyang, 17 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Este ano los deportistas de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea adquirieron muchas medallas de oro en varias competencias internacionales y exaltaron la dignidad y el orgullo de la patria. En el 2 Campeonato Asiatico de Boxeo Femenino que tuvo lugar hace poco en la India, las deportistas coreanas, al poner de manifiesto una probada tecnica, firme voluntad y elevada paciencia, conquistaron medallas de oro en 6 categorias de pesos y ocuparon el primer lugar en la clasificacion general por paises.
    En el 13 Campeonato Mundial de Taekwon-do que se efectuo en junio en Grecia, los taekwondoistas coreanos, al mostrar perfectas tecnicas en los certamenes de pattern, parrins, power y tecnica especial, obtuvieron 21 medallas de oro y ocuparon el primer lugar en la clasificacion general manifestando asi una vez mas el impetu de la patria materna de Taekwon-do.
    En el 14 Campeonato Asiatico de Futbol Femenino celebrado en junio en Tailandia y en la 22 Universiada Mundial efectuada en agosto, las futbolistas coreanas, con tactica bien trazada, capacidad espiritual y colectividad elevadas, vencieron a todas sus rivales y tuvieron el honor de primer lugar.
    Kye Sun Hui, deportista del Pueblo se clasifico primera en el certamen de categoria de 57 kilos(F) del Campeonato Mundial de Judo efectuado en septiembre en Osaka de Japon y se adjudico el premio de deportista sobresaliente en el Campeonato Mundial de Judo de 2003.
    Ri Song Hui, quien participo en el 16 Campeonato Mundial de Levantamiento de Pesas Femenino celebrado en noviembre en Canada, ocupo el primer lugar en envion de categoria de 53 kilos y el segundo en la clasificacion general.
    El boxeador Hong Chang Su gano al desafiador japones en el partido de defensa del principe de division super fly (categoria de peso ultraligero) del Consejo de Boxeo del Mundo (WBC) efectuado en junio en la ciudad de Yokohama del departamento de Kanagawa, Japon y se hizo otra vez campeon mundial.
    Ademas, los deportistas coreanos adquirieron buenas notas en muchas competencias internacionales, entre otras, 22 Universiada Mundial, 4 Campeonato Asiatico de Voleibol Femenino de Juniores, 10 Campeonato Asiatico de Kayak y el Torneo Internacional de Boxeo por "Copa Green Hill" y ostentaron el orgullo y la dignidad de Corea.