S. Korean Authorities' Suppression of Reunification Organizations Denounced

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the North Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon) on December 18 issued a statement denouncing the present south Korean authorities claiming to be "a government for people" for their harsh crackdown on the righteous struggle of the organizations of the reunification movement and workers by invoking the "Security Law", an outdated leftover of the military dictatorship. Recalling that the south Korean fascist authorities have resorted to a premeditated crackdown on the South Headquarters of Pomminryon and other organizations of the reunification movement after groundlessly labeling them as "pro-north" and "enemy-benefiting" ones, the statement says:
    They have of late become all the more undisguised in their suppression of the student movement by faking up the "Ajou University incident" in the wake of a trial of the chairman of the General Student Council of Keimyung University who is a member of the Central Committee of the south Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon), linking them with the north. And they have kicked up a wholesale repressive campaign arresting ten odd persons under the cloak of "ferreting out forces behind Hanchongryon" and arresting forces of the reunification movement including the secretary general of the Reunification Solidarity and the former chairman of the South Headquarters of Pomminryon on charges of violation of the "Security Law".
    Meanwhile, the "Legislation and Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly" passed a revised "Law on Assembly and Demonstration" which bans assemblies and demonstrations on main roads and around schools and military setups in an effort to hold down more strictly the anti-U.S. struggle and actions for democratic freedom and rights by the organizations of the reunification movement and the labor movement and civic organizations. Such suppression is an anti-national, anti-reunification criminal act of negating the June 15 joint declaration and getting on the nerves of the other side.
    To cry over "pro-north" and "enemy-benefiting" acts even today when the north and the south committed themselves to reconciliation, unity and reunification is a mockery and perfidy to the nation.
    The present era is the historic June 15 era when reconciliation, cooperation and reunification are being carried to materilisation in accordance with the idea of "By our nation itself".
    The south Korean fascist authorities should look straight into the reality and act with discretion and unconditionally and immediately set free the unreasonably arrested persons. The North Headquarters of Pomminryon will as ever dynamically wage the nationwide action to defend the independence and dignity of the nation and achieve the peace of the country and its peaceful reunification by pooling efforts with the people of all social strata in south Korea including the organizations of the reunification movement.

Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia Greenhouse Opens

    Huichon, December 18 (KCNA) -- A new Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia greenhouse built in Huichon City, Jagang Province, opened with due ceremony on Dec. 18. The greenhouse covering at least 3,000 square meters has a floor space of over 900 square meters. There are two cultivation rooms, several tissue culture rooms, flower seedling room, exhibition, etc. It has sufficient facilities for regulating the temperature, humidity and light to suit the biological characteristics of flowers.

Omani Sultan on Relations with DPRK

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- Sultan of Oman Qaboos Bin Said Al Said, on Dec. 14 when he was receiving credentials from Jon Hui Jong, DPRK ambassador e.p. to Oman, said Oman, though far away from the DPRK, has good relations with it. In the future, too, Oman will make all its efforts to boost the relations with the DPRK in various fields, he stated. He wished the Korean people greater success in their work for the reunification of the country and the building of a prosperous nation under the leadership of Kim Jong Il.

Foreign Women Visit Revolutionary History Museum

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- Women of foreign embassies and missions of international organizations herevisited the Revolutionary History Museum of the Ministry of Railways on Dec. 18 on the occasion of the 86th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk, anti-Japanese war hero. Being briefed on the immortal exploits performed by the three generals of Mt. Paektu who devoted their all to the development of the railway transport, the guests looked round with keen interest historical materials, mementoes and the hall where rolling stock including a train coach associated with their history are preserved.

Reception at Chinese Embassy

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- Wu Donghe, Chinese ambassador to the DPRK, hosted a reception at his embassy yesterday evening on the occasion of the New Year, Juche 93 (2004). Present there on invitation were Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, Kim Su Hak, minister of Public Health who is also chairman of the Central Committee of the DPRK-China Friendship Association, and other officials concerned including Kim Jong Gi, Choe Yong Gon, Kim Jin Bom and Kim Jong Sik.
    Officials of the Chinese embassy were on hand.
    Speeches were made there.

Party of Thieves under Fire

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- With the truth behind its illegal "presidential election" funds disclosed, the Grand National Party of south Korea, styling itself No. 1 party, is tight-cornered. The GNP insisted that it did not receive even a penny from business groups. But the amount of its illicit money reached 60 billion won, counting only that disclosed in the course of the prosecution's investigation.
    In this regard Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says:
    The alarming financial scam of the GNP was aimed to seize power in a bid to execute the U.S. policy of domination over south Korea on the spot.
    This party, however, failed in the last "presidential election" and its former President Ri Hoe Chang was forced to quit the political arena. This was an inevitable result of the acts of treachery committed by the party, estranged from the people.
    At a time when south Korea was hard hit by a sudden typhoon, leaving more than 130 people dead or wounded and many people homeless, Choe Pyong Ryol, representative of the GNP, went to the U.S. utterly indifferent to this disaster. There he promised his American master to work hard for south Korea's dispatch of combat troops to Iraq as requested by the U.S. and cried out for imposing sanctions upon the north and pressurizing it irrespective of the six-way talks. It is tragedy and disgrace that there exists in south Korea the GNP represented by Choe Pyong Ryol who has worked hard to please his American master in quest of power in disregard of the fate of the people in south Korea and compatriots in the north.
    The GNP has always placed the outside forces above the nation and unhesitatingly betrayed the sovereignty and dignity of the Korean nation to meet the demand and interests of the outside forces. Such traitorous nature of the GNP can never change as long as it stays.
    The poisonous herb should be rooted out.
    The south Korean people should liquidate the GNP, the group of sycophantic traitors.

Wreath Laid before Bust of Kim Jong Suk

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- Women of foreign embassies and missions of international organizations here laid a wreath before the bust of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero, at the Revolutionary Martyrs' Cemetery on Mt. Taesong yesterday on the occasion of her 86th birth anniversary. They observed a silent tribute after laying the wreath.
    Written on the ribbon of the wreath were the letters "The revolutionary exploits of Anti-Japanese War Hero Comrade Kim Jong Suk will be immortal!"

Kim Jong Suk Lauded

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- At least 142,000 foreigners and overseas Koreans and 17,516 organizations worldwide have visited the bust of Kim Jong Suk, anti-Japanese war hero, at the Revolutionary Martyrs' Cemetery on Mt. Taesong to pay high tribute to her over the last 26 years since it was erected. Han Fei, director of Jilin Yu Wen Middle School, China praised her as a hero who performed immortal feats in the struggle against imperialism.
    Zainal Rampak, president of the Malaysian Trade Unions Congress, said that an endless stream of visitors to the bust of Kim Jong Suk who set a great example in devotedly defending the leader is a clear proof of the Korean people's profound reverence for her.
    Onechanh Thammavong, president of the Central Committee of the Lao Women's Union, noted that the greatest exploit of Kim Jong Suk is that she brought a bright future of Korea, adding that her revolutionary exploits will shine forever.
    O Min Hak, head of the home-visiting group of Korean students in Japan, said that the woman general of Mt. Paektu is a model of great revolutionaries as she devoted her whole life to accomplishing the revolutionary cause of President Kim Il Sung and a supreme paragon of loyalty which all the Koreans should always learn from.

S. Korean Authorities' Suppression of People under Fire

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- The south Korean authorities are now getting all the more frantic in their suppression of people. The present reality of south Korea is not different from that when it was under the military fascist dictatorship, says Minju Joson today in a signed commentary. It goes on:
    The authorities arrested 45 students for the mere reason that they did not bolt the south Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) although they called for the legalization of the organization in the early days of their office.
    In the past eleven months the security authorities arrested at least 8,260 workers and farmers and took 340 of them into custody, labeling their struggle for the right to existence as "illegal group violence."
    These facts go to clearly prove that the present regime has harshly cracked down upon the struggle of the pro-reunification movement organizations and workers and farmers in south Korea on charges of the violation of the "Security Law", a leftover of the era of confrontation, although it styled itself a "government for people" after the regime change early this year.
    What merits serious attention is that they cited the DPRK as a pretext for their suppression of the people demanding national reunification and the right to existence. This can not but be a criminal act against the nation and reunification as it is in violation of the June 15 joint declaration and provocation to their dialogue partner.
    The south Korean authorities will never escape a ruin if they keep suppressing the people and inciting north-south confrontation, swimming against the trend of the times when the compatriots are heading for reconciliation, cooperation and independent reunification under the banner of "By our nation itself."

Building of Nuclear Waste Dumping Ground Rejected in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- The Puan County People's Measure Committee for Foiling the Plan to Build Nuclear Waste Dumping Ground and Eliminating Nuclear Power Plant, the "National People's Solidarity" and the People's Action against Nukes in south Korea reportedly held a rally of the residents in Puan demanding peace and existence against nukes in front of the Fishermen's Cooperative in Puan County on December 13. The rally was attended by at least 20,000 people including residents of the county, workers, farmers and students from other regions of south Korea.
    Tan Pyong Ho, chairman of the (south) Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, and Kim Je Nam, secretary general of the Green Federation, made speeches there.
    They reiterated the need to continue the struggle till the construction plan is completely cancelled, saying that the "government" agreed to conduct an opinion poll in face of the strong protest and denunciation of people from all walks of life but has not yet given up the plan to build the nuclear waste dumping ground.
    Fr. Mun Kyu Hyon who has been on sit-in hunger strike in front of the cooperative office for the last more than 30 consecutive days called for joining efforts to frustrate the plan to build a nuclear waste dumping ground and build a beautiful society free from nukes, asserting that nuke means death and no nukes should be allowed to exist on this land.
    A resolution adopted at the rally demanded the "government" authorities immediately cancel the plan, contending that the struggle against the building of the ground should not be limited to an action of the residents in Puan only but be a regionwide struggle. At the end of the rally, the participants held the 141st candlelight rally in protest against the building of the ground.

Functions Held in Different Countries

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- Functions were held in different countries on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army and the 86th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero. A short course on the Juche idea and a Korean photo exhibition took place in Conakry, Guinea, on Dec. 11.
    On display at the photo exhibition were pictures showing the development of the DPRK in its vigorous march under the Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    At the short course, the secretary general of the African Regional Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea and the head of the philosophical department of Conakry University gave lectures on the Juche idea and the Songun politics and on the Korean people's endeavors for the building of a great prosperous powerful nation and national reunification.
    The head of the philosophical department said that Korean socialism was winning one victory after another, wrestling with all difficulties, as it is led by the unique Songun politics of Kim Jong Il, with the Juche idea founded by President Kim Il Sung as its guideline..
    Korean socialism, guided by Supreme Commander of the KPA Kim Jong Il, would be invincible, he stressed.
    A short course on the Juche idea and a seminar titled "On the Songun politics of the Workers' Party of Korea" were held at the Kim Il Sung Institute of Agricultural Science in Guinea on Dec. 10.
    Meanwhile, Yehia Jakariya Khairallah, chairman of the Egyptian Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea, issued a press statement on December 8.
    Though the United States is desperately trying to isolate and stifle the DPRK under the pretext of "nuclear issue", it would not dare provoke the latter led by Kim Jong Il, he said.
    The Dec. 8 issue of the Cambodian newspaper Kmae Amata devoted a full page to special write-ups with portraits of Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Suk on this occasion.
    Special write-ups with their portraits were also carried in the December issue of the German newspaper Die Rote Fahne.

Additional Display of Works on Juche Idea

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- A total of more than 130 famous works of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il have been added to the Exhibition of Works on the Juche Idea this year. Among them are a number of volumes of "Complete Collection of Kim Il Sung's Works" and over 10 collections and works of different fields containing Kim Jong Il's works arranged in chronological order and classified into various fields including "Accomplishing Juche Revolutionary Cause", "On Revolutionary Tradition of Juche", "On Juche Philosophy" and "On Juche Literature and Arts" and nearly 50 works by him in booklet including "Let Us Fulfil the Duty of Citizens of the Republic with Due Consciousness".
    Additionally exhibited are also 70 or more works of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il published in various languages by world-famous publishing houses of foreign countries including Cambodia, Jordan, Iran, India, Japan, Germany, Russia, South Africa, Mexico, Venezuela, Chile and Peru.

Accelerant for Pulverization of Cement

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- "KPY-99", accelerant for the pulverization of cement, is in great demand in local and foreign markets. When 150-200 grams of the accelerant is annexed to a ton of clinker, it increases the production by 30-40 percent.
    It also raises the quality of cement considerably while reducing the consumption of energy, extending the repair cycle of equipment and saving manpower. As a result, it drastically reduces the production cost of cement.
    It can be used in pulverizing mineral ores and coal, too. It makes it possible to enhance the combustion rate at thermal-power plants up to 97-99 percent.
    The odorless accelerant is neither corrosive to metal nor harmful to human body. And it does not cause environmental pollution.

Kim Jong Il Gives Field Guidance to Power Station Construction

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission, gave field guidance to the construction of power stations in North Phyongan Province. He first visited the Kochigang Revolutionary Site in Hakdang-ri, Thaechon County.
    The revolutionary site is the historical place which was visited by President Kim Il Sung on August 31, 1958, the day after he attended a ceremony for the completion of the Suphung Power Station, and where he gave a detailed instruction for rapidly improving the standard of the people's living in the county and he gave field guidance several times in the subsequent period.
    After hearing an explanation about the historical site of the revolution, he looked round relics preserved to their original state and the room devoted to the revolutionary history.
    The next leg of his visit was the newly-built Unhung Youth Power Station.
    Seeing the exterior and interior of the station, he learned in detail about its construction and the electricity production there.
    He was greatly satisfied to see the power station built in such a way as to ensure profitability and to be of eternal value.
    Then he moved on to the construction site of Thaechon Power Station No. 4.
    Noting that the completion of the power station would mean the successful implementation of the instruction given by Kim Il Sung to build a large hydro-power generating base in Thaechon district, he called for completing the construction ahead of the schedule.
    He was received on the spot by Kim Phyong Hae, chief secretary of the North Phyongan Provincial Committee of the WPK, and senior officials of the province, the county and enterprises.

For Spanish-speaking people

RPDC: acelerador de pulverizacion de cemento

    Pyongyang, 19 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El acelerador de pulverizacion de cemento "KPY-99", que se utiliza en Corea, gana gran popularidad de este ramo en el interior y el exterior del pais.
    Este acelerador de alta eficiencia con 150-200 gramos por cada tonelada de clinker trae un aumento productivo del 30-40 por ciento.
    Ademas posibilita mejorar la calidad de cemento, disminuir el consumo de energia, ahorrar la mano de obra y reducir considerablemente el costo de produccion.
    Este acelerador se usa en la trituracion de minerales y carbon y eleva la eficiencia de combustion al 97-99 por ciento en la planta termoelectrica.
    El "KPY-99" inodoro no tiene la accion corrosiva sobre el metal, ni da efecto negativo al ser humano, ni tampoco produce contaminacion en el medio ambiente.

Exhibicion suplementaria de obras clasicas en Exposicion de Obras de Idea Juche

    Pyongyang, 19 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Tan solo en el ano en curso, fueron exhibidas adicionalmente en la Exposicion de Obras de la Idea Juche las imperecederas obras clasicas del Presidente Kim Il Sung y el Dirigente Kim Jong Il en total mas de 130 generos. Entre estas figuran varios tomos de las "Obras Completas de Kim Il Sung", y las obras del Dirigente Kim Jong Il "Por el triunfo de la causa revolucionaria del Juche", "Sobre las tradiciones revolucionarias del Juche", "Sobre la filosofia Juche", "Sobre la literatura y el arte del Juche" y otras 6 colecciones asi como cerca de 50 folletos como "Cumplamos el deber civico de la Republica con la conciencia del ciudadano".
    Tambien fueron exhibidas de nuevo mas de 70 obras del Presidente y el Dirigente editadas en varias lenguas por las renombradas editoras de Camboya, Jordania, Iran, India, Japon, Alemania, Rusia, Sudafrica, Mexico, Venezuela, Chile, Peru y otros muchos paises del mundo.

Mas de 142 mil extranjeros y coreanos en ultramar rinden tributo a Kim Jong Suk

    Pyongyang, 19 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Durante los 26 anos que datan de la construccion del busto de la heroina de lucha antijaponesa Kim Jong Suk en el Cementerio de Martires Revolucionarios en el monte Taesong mas de 142 mil extranjeros y coreanos en ultramar de 17 mil 516 entidades de varios paises y regiones del mundo le rindieron tributo ante su imagen sublime. Han Fei, director de la Escuela Media Yu Wen de Jilin dijo que Kim Jong Suk es la heroina quien realizo inmortales proezas en el camino de la lucha antiimperialista.
    El presidente del Congreso de Uniones Sindicales de Malaysia, Zainal Rampak, enfatizo que la concurrencia incesante de incontables personas al busto de Kim Jong Suk, quien dio un gran ejemplo de la defensa a ultranza al lider, es una prueba clara de lo sincero que es el sentimiento de veneracion del pueblo coreano hacia ella.
    La presidenta del Comite Central de la Union de Mujeres de Laos, Onechanh Thammavong, dijo que la hazana mas brillante de su vida revolucionaria es haber asegurado el sucesor de la revolucion coreana, y subrayo que seran inmortales sus proezas revolucionarias.
    O Min Hak, jefe del grupo de visita a la patria de estudiantes coreanos residentes en Japon, califico a la generala del monte Paektu Kim Jong Suk de prototipo de gran revolucionaria, que consagro su noble vida a la realizacion de la causa revolucionaria del Presidente Kim Il Sung, y de modelo de fidelidad sin comparacion de quien el pueblo coreano debe aprender eternamente.

Mujeres extranjeras depositan ofrendas florales ante busto de Kim Jong Suk

    Pyongyang, 19 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Con motivo del 86 aniversario del nacimiento de Kim Jong Suk, heroina de lucha antijaponesa,las mujeres de las embajadas de varios paises y las representaciones de las organizaciones internacionales en la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea depositaron el dia 18 ofrendas florales ante su busto en el Cementerio de Martires Revolucionarios en el monte Taesong y guardaron un momento de silencio. En las cintas de las ofrendas florales se lee: "!Seran inmortales hazanas revolucionarias de Kim Jong Suk, heroina de lucha antijaponesa!"