U.S. Escalated Arms Buildup Assailed

    Pyongyang, December 28 (KCNA) -- The DPRK will further increase its physical deterrent force to cope with the U.S. increasing threat, stated a spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry in an answer given to the question put by KCNA on Dec. 27 as regards the U.S. more undisguised moves to bolster the military equipment of the U.S. forces in south Korea. It went on:
    The U.S. keeps reinforcing and updating the military hardware of its forces present in south Korea, while massively shipping high-tech weapons into the Korean peninsula.
    From the outset of the year the U.S. additionally inducted over 10 fighter bombers and U-2 high-altitude strategic reconnaissance planes into its forces in south Korea and Japan and deployed carrier "Carl Vinson" in the waters off the Korean peninsula. It let six F-117 stealth bombers and a wing of F-15E fighters and one battalion of a mechanized unit stay in south Korea after participating in "Foal Eagle" joint military exercise and RSOI
    It also deployed in south Korea a Shadow 200 unmanned tactical plane, which, equipped with military hardware, is capable of providing information gathered through aerial espionage and new PAC-3 interceptor missile system capable of striking ballistic and cruise missiles and planes.
    According to the "arms buildup plan" announced by the commander of the U.S. forces in south Korea in May last, the U.S. will spend 11 billion U.S. dollars for beefing up the military hardware of its forces there for 3 years till 2006.
    Such arms buildup is casting a darker shadow on the prospect of solving the nuclear issue as it is quite contrary to the present process of dialogue to seek a peaceful solution to the issue.
    It is not confined to this only.
    The U.S. attempt to turn its forces in south Korea into a "Northeast Asian regional force" targeted not only against the DPRK but against the countries surrounding the Korean peninsula, is rendering the situation on the Korean peninsula and in the region more unstable and tenser.
    If the U.S. calculates it can bring the DPRK to its knees through aggression and military threat as it did other countries, it will bring about grave consequences.

Kim Yong Nam Sends Message of Sympathy to Hu Jintao

    Pyongyang, December 28 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of sympathy to Hu Jintao, president of the People's Republic of China, on Dec. 27 in connection with a natural gas-jetting incident that caused big casualties in Chungching City. Upon hearing the sad news, I express deep sympathy and condolences to you and, through you, to the Chinese government and the bereaved families of the victims, the message said. It expressed belief that the Communist Party and the government headed by Hu Jintao and the people of China would eradicate the aftereffects of the incident at an early date.

Lectures and Film Shows Held Abroad

    Pyongyang, December 28 (KCNA) -- Lectures and film shows were held by the Socialist Party of Benin, the Benin-Korea Amicable Association "Long Live Kim Jong Il, Supreme Leader", the Benin National Committee for the Study of Juche Idea and General Kim Jong Il 's Works, the Nigerian Group for the Study of Juche Philosophy, the All India Indo-Korean Friendship Association, etc. from Dec. 16 to 19 on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army and the 86th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero. Present at the celebrations were political and public figures, members of organizations for the study of the Juche idea, members of friendship associations, directors and members of companies and other personages of those countries.
    Hessou Kohovi, chairman of the Benin-Korea Amicable Association "Long Live Kim Jong Il, Supreme Leader" and chairman of the Benin National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea and General Kim Jong Il 's Works, and other lecturers said it was the greatest happiness and pride for the People's Army and the people of Korea to have Kim Jong Il as its supreme commander. They explained the political idea and the invincible might of Songun politics of Kim Jong Il, defender of socialist Korea, and immortal exploits performed by Kim Jong Suk.
    Noting that the military power of the DPRK is clearly proved by the fact that the DPRK, though small, is standing in the nuclear stand-off with the United States, the chairman of the Nigerian Group for the Study of Juche Philosophy in a lecture stressed that they should know what great feats Kim Jong Il has performed.
    Meanwhile, the Nigerian Group for the Study of Juche Philosophy, the All India Indo-Korean Friendship Association and members of companies in Indonesia appreciated the Korean films "The Respected Comrade Kim Jong Il Is a Great Thinker and Theoretician" and "Korean People's Army, Steel-strong Ranks," and the mass gymnastic and artistic performance "Arirang" honored with the "Kim Il Sung Prize" and others. After appreciating them, they expressed their envy at the DPRK's self-reliant strong defence capability.
    They noted that they were deeply impressed to see the scenes showing the great leader of the people.

Hong Chang Su Wins Prize for Best Pro-Boxer for 2003

    Pyongyang, December 28 (KCNA) -- Hong Chang Su, Korean pro-boxer in Japan who is a labor hero and the People's Sportsman of the DPRK, won the prize for the best pro-boxer for 2003 on December 25. He has received this prize for the last three consecutive years as he has retained the championship in Super-flyweight Class of the WBC seven times.

Message of Sympathy to Iranian President

    Pyongyang, December 28 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, on Dec. 27 sent a message of sympathy to Seyed Mohammad Khatami, president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in connection with a strong earthquake that hit its southeastern region, causing big human and material losses. The message said:
    Upon hearing the sad news that the southeastern region of Iran was hit by a strong earthquake on December 26, causing big human and material losses, I express profound sympathy and condolences to you and, through you, to the victims and their bereaved families in the afflicted area.
    It is my belief that the government and the people of Iran will recover from the earthquake damage and bring the living of the people in the afflicted area to normal as early as possible.

DPRK Foreign Ministry Spokesman on Six-way Talks

    Pyongyang, December 28 (KCNA) -- Arrangements for the next round of the six-way talks should be oriented towards making "words-for-words" commitments and reaching an agreement on actions to be taken at the first phase, said a spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry in an answer given to a question put by KCNA Saturday as regards the recent DPRK visit of the vice-minister of Foreign Affairs of China. It said:
    The delegation of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs led by its Vice-Minister Wang Yi visited the DPRK from December 25 to 27.
    During its sojourn the delegation paid a courtesy call on Kang Sok Ju, first vice-minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK, had an exhaustive exchange of views on the six-way talks with the vice-minister for U.S. affairs and discussed bilateral issues with the vice-minister for Chinese affairs.
    Both sides unanimously admitted that the second round of the six-way talks can play an important role in furthering and advancing the process of dialogue and expressed their willingness to make necessary arrangements and exert efforts to ensure that talks are held early next year and thus promote the process of seeking a negotiated peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue.
    It is a stumbling block lying in the way of making arrangements for the talks that the Bush administration is keen to force the DPRK to disarm itself, asserting that it must scrap its nuclear weapons program first without showing any will to make a switchover in its hostile policy toward the DPRK.
    This is a main hurdle in realizing the proposal for a package solution on the principle of simultaneous actions, a proposal commanding the support and understanding of all the participating countries.
    The U.S. persistent insistence on such stand would only break the foundation of dialogue.
    As the DPRK has already clarified, the actions at the first phase are for the U.S. and neighbors to take measures in return for the DPRK's complete freeze of its nuclear activities.
    This is a starting point and a core issue in furthering the six-way talks.

Withdrawal of Decision on Troop Dispatch to Iraq Demanded in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, December 28 (KCNA) -- The Christians Solidarity for Peace in Iraq grouping the Solidarity for Carrying out the Church Reform and 18 other religious organizations in south Korea reportedly held a prayer meeting in front of the Sejong Cultural Center in Kwanghwamun on Dec. 23 demanding the authorities withdraw the decision on additional troop dispatch to Iraq. A statement was released at the meeting.
    The religionists oppose the troop dispatch because the Iraqi war is an unjust one launched by the U.S. on the basis of the jungle law to meet its own interests, the statement noted, contending that the "government" should not yield to the pressure of the U.S. for driving young south Koreans to death.
    It strongly demanded the "government" retract its decision on the troop dispatch and the "National Assembly" turn down the "motion on the troop dispatch".
    Meanwhile, the General Students Council of Chosun University issued an appeal for struggle to 3 million students on Dec. 23.
    The appeal noted that the behavior of the Grand National Party and the "government" of south Korea to hurl young people of this land into the Iraqi war, yielding to the U.S. demand, can never represent the "national interests".

Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Work Observed

    Pyongyang, December 28 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today dedicates a signed article to the 14th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's work "Let Us Highly Display the Korean-Nation-First Spirit". The work serves as an immortal banner as it makes the Koreans feel highly proud of the greatness of the Korean nation and hardens their determination and will to exalt the superiority of the nation, the article says, and goes on:
    The highest pride of the army and the people in the Songun era lies in that they live and fight holding the peerlessly illustrious commander in high esteem as the leader of the nation.
    The Koreans are the happiest people as they are blessed with the illustrious leaders generation after generation. Kim Jong Il is an iron-willed commander born of Mt. Paektu and the experienced and tested great revolutionary strategist.
    The army and people of the DPRK are signle-heartedly united to devotedly defend the headquarters of the revolution, cherishing the national pride and happiness of having a peerless leader.
    The national pride and happiness of the army and the people in the Songun era lie in that they have the Songun idea, great guidelines in the times.
    Kim Jong Il set out an unique Songun idea and politics that calls for putting forward the People's Army as the main force of the revolution with a deep insight into the requirements of the reality and the changed situation. Having the Songun idea as guidelines, the army and the people of the DPRK came to have invincible military power and achieve the army-people unity, the strongest weapon of revolution.
    The pride and happiness of the Koreans in the Songun era are also manifested in the fact that they have the strong revolutionary army, an invincible army.
    The pride of the army and the people of the DPRK in Korean-style socialism has been further exalted in the Songun era, concludes the article.

National Seminar on Juche Idea in Finland

    Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- A national seminar on the Juche idea was held in Helsinki on December 13 on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army. Addressing the seminar, the chairman of the Finnish National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea, the chief of the Group for the Study of Kim Jong Il's Works and other public figures explained the philosophical principle, main content and theoretical and practical significance of the Juche idea and stressed that the Juche idea founded by President Kim Il Sung and enriched by Kim Jong Il is the most correct guiding idea.
    The superiority and vitality of the Songun policy pursued by Kim Jong Il are fully displaying in the DPRK, they said, adding: The revolutionary cause of Juche will make a long drive under the Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    The seminar adopted a congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il.

Work of Kim Jong Il Published in Venezuela

    Pyongyang, December 28 (KCNA) -- Lectures and film shows were held by the Socialist Party of Benin, the Benin-Korea Amicable Association "Long Live Kim Jong Il, Supreme Leader", the Benin National Committee for the Study of Juche Idea and General Kim Jong Il 's Works, the Nigerian Group for the Study of Juche Philosophy, the All India Indo-Korean Friendship Association, etc. from Dec. 16 to 19 on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army and the 86th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero. Present at the celebrations were political and public figures, members of organizations for the study of the Juche idea, members of friendship associations, directors and members of companies and other personages of those countries.
    Hessou Kohovi, chairman of the Benin-Korea Amicable Association "Long Live Kim Jong Il, Supreme Leader" and chairman of the Benin National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea and General Kim Jong Il 's Works, and other lecturers said it was the greatest happiness and pride for the People's Army and the people of Korea to have Kim Jong Il as its supreme commander. They explained the political idea and the invincible might of Songun politics of Kim Jong Il, defender of socialist Korea, and immortal exploits performed by Kim Jong Suk.
    Noting that the military power of the DPRK is clearly proved by the fact that the DPRK, though small, is standing in the nuclear stand-off with the United States, the chairman of the Nigerian Group for the Study of Juche Philosophy in a lecture stressed that they should know what great feats Kim Jong Il has performed.
    Meanwhile, the Nigerian Group for the Study of Juche Philosophy, the All India Indo-Korean Friendship Association and members of companies in Indonesia appreciated the Korean films "The Respected Comrade Kim Jong Il Is a Great Thinker and Theoretician" and "Korean People's Army, Steel-strong Ranks," and the mass gymnastic and artistic performance "Arirang" honored with the "Kim Il Sung Prize" and others.
    After appreciating them, they expressed their envy at the DPRK's self-reliant strong defence capability.
    They noted that they were deeply impressed to see the scenes showing the great leader of the people.

Functions Held in Different Countries

    Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- A joint meeting of political parties and organizations took place in Lima of Peru, lecture meetings, photo exhibitions and film shows in India, Indonesia, Guinea and Singapore on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army and the 86th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero. Reporter and speakers said at the joint meeting that the Korean people are firmly defending socialism, frustrating the anti-DPRK moves of the imperialist allied forces under Kim Jong Il's outstanding Songun leadership.
    Pointing to the brilliant revolutionary life of Kim Jong Suk, they stressed that her revolutionary exploits of having devoted her noble life to the bright future of the Korean revolution and the cause of independence would be immortal.
    An official of the Guinean Ministry of Power and Environment, referring to the validity and vitality of the Songun policy, in a lecture titled "The Flag of the Supreme Commander Fluttering in Korea," said that Kim Jong Il, supreme commander of the Korean People's Army defended socialist Korea and opened a new era of building a great prosperous powerful nation.
    After seeing the DPRK film "Korean People's Army, Steel-Strong Ranks", the president of a company of Singapore stressed that the Korean Peoples' Army is displaying its invincible might as it has Kim Jong Il as its supreme commander.
    A story-telling session entitled "The Supreme Commander and His Soldiers" was held in Uganda.

Crime of Forcing Koreans to Change Their Names to Japanese Ones Denounced

    Pyongyang, December 28 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, on Dec. 27 sent a message of sympathy to Seyed Mohammad Khatami, president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in connection with a strong earthquake that hit its southeastern region, causing big human and material losses. The message said:
    Upon hearing the sad news that the southeastern region of Iran was hit by a strong earthquake on December 26, causing big human and material losses, I express profound sympathy and condolences to you and, through you, to the victims and their bereaved families in the afflicted area.
    It is my belief that the government and the people of Iran will recover from the earthquake damage and bring the living of the people in the afflicted area to normal as early as possible.

31st Anniversary of DPRK's Constitution Observed

    Pyongyang, December 28 (KCNA) -- Arrangements for the next round of the six-way talks should be oriented towards making "words-for-words" commitments and reaching an agreement on actions to be taken at the first phase, said a spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry in an answer given to a question put by KCNA Saturday as regards the recent DPRK visit of the vice-minister of Foreign Affairs of China. It said:
    The delegation of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs led by its Vice-Minister Wang Yi visited the DPRK from December 25 to 27.
    During its sojourn the delegation paid a courtesy call on Kang Sok Ju, first vice-minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK, had an exhaustive exchange of views on the six-way talks with the vice-minister for U.S. affairs and discussed bilateral issues with the vice-minister for Chinese affairs.
    Both sides unanimously admitted that the second round of the six-way talks can play an important role in furthering and advancing the process of dialogue and expressed their willingness to make necessary arrangements and exert efforts to ensure that talks are held early next year and thus promote the process of seeking a negotiated peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue.
    It is a stumbling block lying in the way of making arrangements for the talks that the Bush administration is keen to force the DPRK to disarm itself, asserting that it must scrap its nuclear weapons program first without showing any will to make a switchover in its hostile policy toward the DPRK.
    This is a main hurdle in realizing the proposal for a package solution on the principle of simultaneous actions, a proposal commanding the support and understanding of all the participating countries.
    The U.S. persistent insistence on such stand would only break the foundation of dialogue.
    As the DPRK has already clarified, the actions at the first phase are for the U.S. and neighbors to take measures in return for the DPRK's complete freeze of its nuclear activities.
    This is a starting point and a core issue in furthering the six-way talks.

South Korean Authorities Hit for Troop Dispatch to Iraq

    Pyongyang, December 28 (KCNA) -- The Christians Solidarity for Peace in Iraq grouping the Solidarity for Carrying out the Church Reform and 18 other religious organizations in south Korea reportedly held a prayer meeting in front of the Sejong Cultural Center in Kwanghwamun on Dec. 23 demanding the authorities withdraw the decision on additional troop dispatch to Iraq. A statement was released at the meeting.
    The religionists oppose the troop dispatch because the Iraqi war is an unjust one launched by the U.S. on the basis of the jungle law to meet its own interests, the statement noted, contending that the "government" should not yield to the pressure of the U.S. for driving young south Koreans to death.
    It strongly demanded the "government" retract its decision on the troop dispatch and the "National Assembly" turn down the "motion on the troop dispatch".
    Meanwhile, the General Students Council of Chosun University issued an appeal for struggle to 3 million students on Dec. 23.
    The appeal noted that the behavior of the Grand National Party and the "government" of south Korea to hurl young people of this land into the Iraqi war, yielding to the U.S. demand, can never represent the "national interests".

Spokesman for NDFSK Castigates GNP for Trying to Cover up Its Irregularities

    Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the National Democratic Front of South Korea issued a statement to the press on December 23, denouncing the Grand National Party engrossed in irregularities and corruption for working hard to cover up its crime, according to Kuguk Jonson Internet site. As Choe Pyong Ryol and his ilk could hardly cover up this crime with such absurd swindles as "special inspection of scandals of associates close to the president" and "suppression of opposition parties by prosecution investigation", they are now giving a base play to shift the responsibility on to an retired individual and evade the dock.
    The recently disclosed case of presidential election fund of the GNP is a special class money theft which all the GNP organizations including Ri Hoe Chang who stood as presidential candidate, and party officials robbed people of blood tax, the spokesman said, and went on:
    Choe Pyong Ryol is the person who was involved in the presidential election fund for Ri Hoe Chang as vice-president of the GNP at the time of the presidential election. Before this stark fact Choe Pyong Ryol and the GNP have nothing to say.
    The GNP will never remove the stigma of a corrupt group of thieves, a wicked group of political swindlers.

Greetings to Belorussian Prime Minister

    Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- Pak Pong Ju, premier of the DPRK Cabinet, sent a congratulatory message to his Belorussian counterpart Sergei Sidorski. The message extended congratulations and greetings to him on his appointment as Belorussian prime minister The message wished him success in his responsible work for the Belorussian people, expressing the belief that the good friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue to develop on good terms.

Kim Jong Il Gives Field Guidance to Kyenam Stock Farm Rebuilt on Expansion Basis

    Pyongyang, December 28 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, gave field guidance to the Kyenam Stock Farm rebuilt on an expansion basis. Working people in South Hwanghae Province have wrought such a miracle as successfully completing a vast project for the expansion of the farm's capacity in a matter of a little over four months by waging a dynamic drive to carry out the militant task Kim Jong Il assigned to them to rebuild it under a long-term plan when he was visiting it in June last.
    In this period the members of the shock brigades from cities and counties of the province built a milk processing factory, four goat barns, seven pigsties, three duck barns, several small reservoirs and water tanks, a rice mill and storehouses, scores of dwelling houses, cultural and welfare facilities and other new structures. They also successfully carried out the work for reinforcing the farm's equipment to modernize its operation.
    Kim Jong Il was greatly satisfied to see a modern stock farm, saying that its appearance has changed beyond recognition in four months.
    He learned in detail about live-stock products and their processing, going round various places such as goat, pig, rabbit and other domestic animal barns built in peculiar styles at the branch farms nos. 1 and 2 and the modern milk processing factory.
    He was greatly pleased to see another edifice of eternal value completed to be handed down to posterity, saying that the Kyenam Stock Farm is a very promising farm as it is equipped with all facilities for putting the breeding of goats, pigs and other domestic animals on a scientific and technological basis and it has large-size and modern milk processing equipment for steadily boosting the live-stock products.
    After going round the farm, he set forth highly important tasks which would serve as guidelines in managing and operating the farm and increasing the agricultural production in the province.
    He stressed the need to direct primary attention to intensifying the research and development of highly productive and healthy animals of good stock and applying them to production, true to the Party's policy of bringing about a radical turn in raising breeding animals.
    After hearing a report about this year's farming in the province, he praised the agricultural workers there for their strenuous efforts made to carry out the Party's agricultural policy while playing a pacesetter's role in two-crops-a-year-farming.
    He said that the primary task before the province which has a big share in the country's agricultural production is to do farming well, underlining the need to steadily carry on the work to increase the agricultural production and concentrate efforts on it. He called for planting more fruit trees around cozy dwelling houses and directing sustained big efforts to the road management and other work for land administration to turn all the villages into a land of bliss in the era of the Workers' Party.
    He was accompanied by First Vice Department Director of the C.C., the WPK Ri Yong Chol and Generals of the Korean People's Army Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong.
    He was greeted on the spot by Kim Un Gi, chief secretary of the South Hwanghae Provincial Committee of the WPK.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il inspecciona la Unidad No. 2106 del EPC

    Pyongyang, 27 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea inspecciono la Unidad No. 2106 del EPC. El Comandante Supremo, luego de enterarse de los detalles del estado del cumplimiento del deber de la Unidad vio un ejercicio de los militares.
    Se mostro muy satisfecho de que en la Unidad al establecer un estilo revolucionario de ejercicio los soldados se prepararon como valientes combatientes capaces de pelear uno contra cien enemigos y presento las tareas programaticas que sirven de guia para fortalecer por todos los medios la combatividad de la Unidad.
    Senalo que en la Unidad acondicionaron excelentemente las instalaciones de ejercicio de todo genero y al normalizar y hacer del ejercicio una parte de vida cotidiana convirtieron a todos los militares en invencibles combatientes capaces de aniquilar de un solo golpe a cualquier enemigo fuerte y evaluo altamente sus exitos de lucha.
    Acto seguido, al recorrer varios lugares de la Unidad presto gran atencion a la labor y la vida de los militares.
    Al ver la sala de educacion y el dormitorio calentados templadamente, el bano y los depositos limpios, los hongos y las verduras que crecen de manera encantadora pese a la frialdad de diciembre y el recinto del cuartel que hace recordar una casa de reposo, expreso gran satisfaccion de que al materializar cabalmente el metodo de administracion de unidad a la manera de guerrilla antijaponesa, la Unidad dispuso bien de instalaciones de cultura, educacion e intendencia y acondiciono excelentemente el recinto del cuartel y su contorno, y evaluo sus esfuerzos.
    Dijo que los militares del ejercito popular, tambien en el periodo de la "Marcha penosa" y marcha forzada que eran arduas sin precedentes, organizaron bien la vida, con el ardiente amor a la patria, el optimismo al futuro y la voluntad indoblegable y cambio asi de aspecto del ejercito y destaco con orgullo que tal orgulloso cambio creado en la epoca del Songun (priorizacion militar) es un brillante fruto del gran espiritu revolucionario de los militares del EPC.
    El Comandante Supremo dio binoculos, ametralladora y fusil automatico a los militares de la Unidad como recuerdo y se fotografio junto a estos.
    Le acompanaron los generales de ejercito del EPC Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae y Pak Jae Gyong y el primer subjefe de departamento del CC del PTC Ri Yong Chol.

Venezuela: obra de Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, 27 de diciembre (ATCC) -- La Editorial del Partido Comunista de Venezuela dio a luz en folleto la obra clasica del Dirigente Kim Jong Il "Para mantener el espiritu Juche y la nacionalidad en el proceso revolucionario y constructivo". En la ceremonia de presentacion de la obra, efectuada el dia 8 en esa editorial, Oscar Figuera, secretario general del CC de esta agrupacion politica, al hacer uso de la palabra, senalo que estaba muy alegre por haber publicado otra vez su obra con motivo de la efemeride en que el respetado camarada Kim Jong Il fue nombrado Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea y destaco que le felicitaba a nombre de todos los militantes comunistas venezolanos.
    Subrayo que bajo la direccion del General Kim Jong Il, genial comandante de acero, el pueblo coreano se ha enfrentado dignamente a EE.UU. y manifestado el poderio del socialismo, lo que estimula grandemente al pueblo venezolano y preciso que seguira esforzandose tambien en el futuro por desarrollar las relaciones de amistad con el pueblo coreano.

Actos conmemorativos en varios paises

    Pyongyang, 27 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Con motivo del 12 aniversario del nombramiento del Dirigente Kim Jong Il como Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea y el 86 aniversario del nacimiento de la heroina de lucha antijaponesa Kim Jong Suk tuvieron lugar un acto conjunto de los partidos politicos y entidades en Lima, capital del Peru, conferencias, fotoexhibiciones y proyecciones filmicas en la India, Indonesia, Guinea y Singapur. En el evento de Lima, los oradores senalaron que el pueblo coreano, bajo la destacada direccion del Dirigente Kim Jong Il mediante el Songun (priorizacion militar) defiende firmemente al socialismo frustrando las maniobras de las fuerzas aliadas imperialistas contra la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea.
    Se refirieron a la brillante vida revolucionaria de la heroina de lucha antijaponesa Kim Jong Suk y enfatizaron que seran inmortales las hazanas revolucionarias de ella quien dedico su noble vida para el futuro radiante de la revolucion coreana y la causa de la independencia.
    En una conferencia intitulada "Bandera del Comandante Supremo flameando en Corea", un funcionario del Ministerio de Energia y Medio Ambiente de Guinea, hizo mencion de la justeza y la vitalidad de la politica de Songun y apunto que el Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Comandante Supremo del EPC defiende Corea socialista y abre una nueva epoca de la construccion de una gran potencia prospera.
    El director de una compania de Singapur, tras ver el documental coreano "Ejercito Popular de Corea, fila de acero", subrayo que el EPC esta exaltando el poderio invencible porque tiene a Su Excelencia Kim Jong Il, gran Dirigente, como Comandante Supremo.
    Por otra parte, en Uganda tuvo lugar una tertulia con el tema de "Comandante Supremo y soldados".

"Rodong Sinmun" denuncia a las autoridades surcoreanas

    Pyongyang, 27 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Hace poco, las autoridades militares del Sur de Corea despacharon a Estados Unidos un "grupo de consultacion" e hicieron definir Kirkuk, situado en la parte norte de Iraq, como una region de efectivos del Sur de Corea, y seguidamente, el "gobierno" convoco una "reunion del gabinete" donde "decidio" oficialmente un proyecto del envio adicional de efectivos a dicho pais. Tal comportamiento de las autoridades surcoreanas es un acto servil a EE.UU. que sacrifica a los jovenes y adultos surcoreanos y un acto criminal antinacional que dana la dignidad e intereses de la nacion, senala asi el diario "Rodong Sinmun" en un comentario individual de hoy y continua:
    El envio adicional de efectivos del Sur de Corea a Irak es un problema politico: la independencia o la humillacion.
    En relacion con que se torna evidente el envio adicional de efectivos del Sur de Corea a Iraq, ahora las fuerzas de la resistencia de este pais persico advierten severamente que los efectivos surcoreanos seran objeto de ataque", no importa que se dediquen a cualquier trabajo y "no podran evitar la muerte al igual que los efectivos norteamericanos".
    Actualmente, los habitantes de distintos sectores y organizaciones civiles del Sur de Corea dicen que en caso de realizarse el envio de efectivos, "retiraran el apoyo" al "poder" actual y siguen efectuando concentraciones y lucha de toda clase contra el particular.
    Las autoridades surcoreanas deben tener presente de que el envio adicional de efectivos a Irak es un acto para probar un valor de su ente y poner de inmediato fin a tal juego antinacional y proyanqui.