Kim Jong Il Sends Thanks to Crew of Trading Ship Hyoksin

    Pyongyang, December 29 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il sent thanks to the crew of the trading ship Hyoksin on the 30th anniversary of the opening of the sea lane for foreign trade by this ship. President Kim Il Sung 30 years ago opened a new chapter of foreign trade shipping across oceans by DPRK ships, giving instructions to open the ocean lane by the trading ship under the DPRK flag.
    Kim Jong Il saw the navigation plan of the trading ship Hyoksin which would be the first ship to set sail for the ocean under the DPRK flag and encouraged its crew, saying they should not forget that they were always with the motherland even in oceans.
    Over the past 30 years since the successful opening of the ocean route, the crew of the trading ship Hyoksin have made enormous contributions to building a great prosperous powerful nation of Juche and developing the external relations by sailing across oceans without an accident with a loyal heart.
    A meeting took place on Dec. 27 to mark the anniversary.
    The thanks sent by Kim Jong Il to the crew of the ship were conveyed there.
    A reporter and speakers at the meeting said the crew of the Hyoksin and all other trading ships would scrupulously plan transport and command to increase the volume of cargo shipping and establish a steel-like discipline on the ships to always ensure navigation without an accident and thus defend and glorify the immortal leadership feats performed by Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in marine transport.
    A message of pledge to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.

Congratulatory Message to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, December 29 (KCNA) -- A congratulatory message to leader Kim Jong Il was adopted at a national seminar on the Juche idea held in Helsinki on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of his assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army. The KPA commanded by Kim Jong Il has an important mission to fulfil as a defender of the sovereignty of the nation and socialism, the message said.
    Noting that under the banner of Songun the Korean people have registered signal achievements in political, economic and all other fields, overcoming manifold difficulties in the past years, the massage said that it is thanks to his distinguished leadership that the Korean people are vigorously struggling for a better morrow, the sovereignty of the country and its peaceful reunification, united steel-strong under the banner of Songun.
    The progressive socialist constitution adopted under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung is firmly guaranteeing the sovereignty of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the message noted, adding that Kim Jong Il is defending this precious constitution and the great heritage provided by Kim Il Sung for the Korean people.

Hanchongryon Calls Press Conference

    Pyongyang, December 29 (KCNA) -- The death-defying corps of the South Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) for checking the passage of troop dispatch to Iraq through the "National Assembly" reportedly held a press conference in front of Kwanghwamun, Seoul, on Dec. 24. A press release read out at the press conference said that the passage of the "motion on troop dispatch" through the "State Council meeting" clearly indicated that the "government's" dragging on the issue of additional troop dispatch for several months while making clumsy excuses was an artifice to calm down the people's anti-war fever and support the U.S. moves to perpetuate its occupation of Iraq.
    It dismissed the "government's" projected dispatch of 3,000 strong force to Iraq as a move to remain more "loyal" to the United States.
    We can never allow the "motion on troop dispatch" to be passed through the "National Assembly", it said, stressing the need to conduct a campaign to vote down the "national assemblymen" who approve the troop dispatch.

Implementation of June 15 Joint Declaration Urged

    Pyongyang, December 29 (KCNA) -- The participants in a meeting of youths and students in Kwangju and South Jolla Province, south Korea reportedly issued an article on December 23 calling for a more dynamical turnout in the action for the implementation of the June 15 joint declaration and defence of peace against the United States and war. This year marking the third anniversary of the historic June 15 joint declaration is a significant year in which a powerful struggle was waged to accelerate the independent reunification of the country and prevent a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula in accordance with the idea of "By our nation itself", the article said.
    The primary task facing the youth and students is to take the lead in the struggle to defend and implement the joint declaration, the invariable landmark of the reunification of the country, it stressed.
    The United States has not abandoned its plan for a preemptive attack on the north, persisting in the "doctrine of strength", the article noted, calling upon all the youth and students to carry on the powerful action to defend peace against the U.S. and war.
    Denouncing the Grand National Party for resorting to anti-national and anti-reunification acts by obstructing the implementation of the joint declaration and taking advantage of the U.S. war moves, the article called upon the youth and students to take an active part in the struggle to dissolve the GNP.

Former Chairman of C.C., Chondoist Chongu Party Passes Away

    Pyongyang, December 29 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Chondoist Chongu Party and the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland on December 27 issued a joint obituary of Jong Sin Yong, former chairman of the C.C., the Chondoist Chongu Party and former vice-chairman of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland. According to the obituary, Jong Sin Yong died at the age of 83 at 14:00, December 27, Juche 92 (2003).
    He was born to a worker's family in Wonsan City, Kangwon Province, on April 6, Juche 9 (1920) under the Japanese imperialists' colonial rule. It was not until the liberation of the country that he could enjoy a worthy life.
    Holding the posts of the chairman of the C.C., the Chondoist Chongu Party and the vice-chairman of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland for years, he made positive contributions to the sacred cause of great national unity and the reunification of the country under the guidance of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.
    He remained loyal to the leadership of Kim Jong Il and devoted his all to achieving the cause of national reunification, the cherished desire of the nation, till the last moments of his life.

S. Korean Authorities' Pro-U.S. Servitude Denounced

    Pyongyang, December 29 (KCNA) -- The Reunification Solidarity of south Korea on December 24 reportedly made public a statement titled "We denounce the government for betraying the people's will and exposing itself as minions of war of aggression. The statement said that the "government" confirmed the "motion on troop dispatch" at the "State Council meeting," which is a "decision" only for the Bush administration.
    The "government" is working hard to justify the troop dispatch, talking about "national interests" and "necessity of the intensified south Korea-U.S. alliance for a peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue of the north", the statement said, and continued:
    As no word can justify the war of aggression on Iraq, so nothing can justify the authorities' moves for troop dispatch.
    The pro-U.S. servitude of the authorities following the U.S. aggressive policy and hostile policy toward the north will be surely judged by the people, the statement warned.

Bush Administration's Anti-DPRK Moves This Year

    Pyongyang, December 29 (KCNA) -- This year the U.S. imperialists have escalated tensions on the Korean peninsula, pursuant to a hostile policy toward the DPRK. U.S. President Bush in his "state of the union address" slandered the DPRK, saying that it is developing nuclear weapons deceiving the world, and it is using its nuclear weapons program for creating a terror-ridden atmosphere and wresting concession.
    The U.S. even went to the lengths of instigating some elements of the International Atomic Energy Agency to hold a meeting of its Board of Directors and referring the DPRK issue to the UNSC.
    The U.S. lobbied the UNSC for adopting a statement of its president in a bid to escalate the international pressure upon the DPRK under the name of the UN and secure a justification for its armed aggression of the DPRK..
    The G-8 summit held under the manipulation of the U.S. adopted a declaration attacking the DPRK, claiming that it "violated" international obligation by failing to implement the safeguards agreement with the IAEA.
    The U.S. has craftily worked to exploit those meetings for the settlement of the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. as a leverage for attaining its sinister aim.
    At the talks held in Beijing toward the end of April the U.S. failed to advance any proposal but repeated its old assertion that the DPRK should scrap its nuclear weapons program first.
    At the six-way talks held toward the end of August it clearly revealed the fact that it has neither willingness to improve relations with the DPRK nor any intention to make a switchover in its policy toward the DPRK but is only keen to completely disarm the DPRK, far from opting to co-exist peacefully with it.
    After the six-way talks the U.S. let loose the sophism about a "peaceful solution" intended to deceive the international community desirous of a fair and early solution to the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. while escalating its, blockade and pressure against the DPRK, talking about "naval inspection exercises" and others.
    During the APEC summit held in Thailand Bush proposed "written security assurances" and conducted vicious and mean smear campaigns to isolate and stifle the DPRK.
    He and U.S. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld let loose vituperation against the DPRK, terming it a "terrorist regime" and malignantly slandering its political system and government.
    Washington resorted to all sorts of mean smear campaigns to tarnish the dignity of the DPRK, bringing all conceivable charges against it such as "drug smuggling", "counterfeit money", "suppression of religion," "flesh traffic," "training of computer hackers" and "arms smuggling".
    Toward the end of May the U.S. imperialists announced an "arms buildup plan" to arm the U.S. troops in south Korea with new type weapons.
    By this the U.S. totally scrapped sub-paragraph 13 d of the Armistice Agreement which stipulates cease of the introduction into Korea of reinforcing combat aircraft, armored vehicles, weapons, and ammunition.
    From January to November the U.S. imperialists conducted aerial espionage against the DPRK 2,100 times by mobilizing strategic reconnaissance planes, electronic reconnaissance planes, patrol planes, commanding planes, and tactical reconnaissance planes.
    All these facts go to prove once again that the DPRK government was just when it took the measure to build up its nuclear deterrent force this year under the uplifted banner of Songun, clearly seeing through the true aggressive nature of the U.S. imperialists.

"Son of Mt. Paektu" Vol. 2 Published

    Pyongyang, December 29 (KCNA) -- The Publishing House of the Workers' Party of Korea brought out "Son of Mt. Paektu" vol. 2 which gives a comprehensive description of the revolutionary activities, immortal exploits and noble traits of leader Kim Jong Il. The book divided into 6 chapters deals with the glorious revolutionary activities performed by him in the period from February Juche 63 (1974) to October Juche 69 (1980).
    Chapter 1 "The Year of Great History" has such subtitles as "That Day Was February 13", "Declaration in Mt. Paektu" and "Light Never Extinguished".
    Chapter 2 "Mt. Paektu Shines" recalls that Kim Jong Il saw to it that the Grand Monument on Mt. Wangjae and the Grand Monument on the shore of Lake Samji were built on the highest level and the revolutionary historic sites across the country were splendidly built up and that he led to a decisive improvement in the work for eternally preserving the trees bearing slogans and educating people with revolutionary historic remains.
    Described under subtitles of Chapter 3 are how he led the work to bring a new turn in all the fields of the revolution and construction and Chapter 4 tells how he led the work for building culture including education, arts and sports in Korean style and firmly defending independence in external affairs.
    Chapter 5 "New Chapter Opened in Army Building" recollects that he set forth the slogan of faith "Let us fight devotedly for the great leader!" and wisely led the work to implement it.
    Chapter 6 "On the Eve of the Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea" writes about the indefatigable efforts he devoted to the preparations for the 6th Congress of the Party.

More Historical and Cultural Relics Discovered

    Pyongyang, December 29 (KCNA) -- A dynamic work to carry forward the time-honored history and culture of the nation has been carried on in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea this year. Researchers of the Archaeological Institute of the Academy of Social Sciences and the Korean Central History Museum have discovered a lot of valuable relics and remains which are of great historical significance.
    Among them are a 5 meter-high Buddhist stone statue largest ever found in the country which belongs to the Koryo dynasty, the oldest earthenware kiln site and a 1,000 meter-long earthen wall built along the mountainous ridge near the River Taedong in the period of ancient Korea (early 30th Century B.C.-108 B.C.).
    Earthen walls and ancient tombs were also discovered in Pyongyang, Anak of South Hwanghae Province and other parts of the country.
    The tomb with mural painting of four guardians in Taesong-dong, Taesong District, Pyongyang, and the stone grave in Sinsong-dong, Sunan District, Pyongyang in which a bronze mirror, pipha-shaped dagger and other relics dating back to the end of ancient Korea are of great academic significance.
    The historical relics and remains unearthed this year clearly show the long history and brilliant culture of the Korean nation that developed centering around Pyongyang, one of the cradles of the human culture.
    A great progress has been made in the compilation of a history book dealing with the time-honored history of the nation comprising politics, economy, culture, military and other fields.
    Great efforts have also been made to restore and preserve well Anbul and Simwon temples and other historic relics amid deep attention of the government.
    A national costume exhibition and other activities have been conducted on a nation-wide scale to give the people a good knowledge of the nation's history and properly carry it forward.

Socialist Public Health System Proves Advantageous

    Pyongyang, December 29 (KCNA) -- This year the advantage of the socialist public health system has been brought into full play in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The government has taken various steps to thoroughly implement the policy of the Workers' Party of Korea for preventive medicine, while providing the people with better sanitary and cultural environment.
    The public health policy of the DPRK is being successfully implemented on the basis of achievements in researches into medical science.
    Pyongyang University of Medicine developed a new method of curing pleuritis in a way of a simple operation and succeeded in heart operation on a newborn baby.
    The Pyongyang Maternity Hospital and the Kim Man Yu Hospital succeeded in operation without incising abdomen and chest but with the help of thoracoscope and angiography.
    The Academy of Koryo Medical Science developed a system of correctly classifying human constitutions by objective examination, showing corresponding dietetics for prevention of diseases and maintenance of health and giving prescription of Koryo medicines according to constitutions and diseases and their ingredients and dosage. It also invented diagnosis equipment by auriculo-acupuncture spots.
    Meanwhile, tens of thousands of people recovered their health after enjoying medical care at sanatoria with spas.

Message of Sympathy to Lebanese President

    Pyongyang, December 29 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, Sunday sent a message of sympathy to Lebanese President Emile Lahoud as regards a recent airliners crash in Benin that claimed lives of many Lebanese. The message expressed deep condolences to the president, the government and people of Lebanon and the bereaved families of the deceased.

U.S. Decides to Offer Food to DPRK

    Pyongyang, December 29 (KCNA) -- The U.S. government decided to offer 60,000 tons of food to the DPRK through the WFP on December 24. This is the rest of 100,000 tons of food which the U.S. decided on February 25 to donate to the DPRK in 2003 according to an appeal of the WFP.

Floral Basket and Congratulatory Letter to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, December 29 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a floral basket and a congratulatory letter from the economic and commercial councilors corps here on the occasion of the New Year Juche 93 (2004). They were conveyed to an official concerned today by Evelio Duenas Ponce, commercial councilor of the Cuban embassy here, on behalf of the corps.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il dirige sobre terreno la Granja Ganadera de Kyenam

    Pyongyang, 29 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea y Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea dirigio sobre el terreno la Granja Ganadera de Kyenam, cuya capacidad fue ampliada. Los trabajadores de la provincia de Hwanghae del Sur, en pleno acato a las tareas combativas que el Dirigente Kim Jong Il dio al visitar en junio a esta granja para acondicionarla con vistas al futuro, al desplegar una energica lucha crearon un sorprendente milagro de haber terminado con exito durante 4 meses y pico la vasta obra de ampliacion de la capacidad de produccion.
    Los miembros de brigadas de las ciudades y distritos de la provincia construyeron nuevamente numerosos edificios, entre ellos, la fabrica de elaboracion de leche, 4 corrales de cabras, 7 pocilgas y 3 corrales de patos, varios embalses y tanques de agua, molino arrocero, almacenes, decenas de edificios de viviendas e instalaciones culturales y servicios publicos y realizaron satisfactoriamente la labor de refuerzo de equipos para modernizar mas la granja.
    El Dirigente, diciendo que ha cambiado mucho de fisonomia la granja durante unos meses, se mostro muy satisfecho de que fue construido magnificamente la granja moderna.
    Al recorrer los corrales de cabras, cerdos y conejos especificamente construidos en las filiales No. 1 y 2 de ganaderia, la fabrica de elaboracion de leche dotada con los equipos modernos y otros lugares, se entero de los detalles de la produccion de productos ganaderos y el estado de su elaboracion.
    Enseno que esta es la granja perspectiva porque esta dispone de suficientes instalaciones para criar cientifica y tecnicamente los animales domesticos como las cabras y cerdos y puede aumentar constantemente los productos ganaderos al haber hecho grandes y modernos los equipos de elaboracion de leche y se mostro muy alegre de que se puede entregar a las generaciones venideras una creacion de eterna duracion.
    Luego de recorrer la granja, el Dirigente presento las tareas programaticas que sirven de guia para gestionar la granja y aumentar la produccion agricola de la provincia.
    Subrayo que al materializar cabalmente la orientacion de renovacion de semillas del Partido del Trabajo de Corea se debe prestar primordial atencion a la labor para investigar y desarrollar mucho las variedades de buena calidad y de fuerte vitalidad e introducirlas en la produccion.
    Tras recibir el informe del estado agricola de este ano de la provincia senalo que los trabajadores agricolas de esta provincia, al desempenar el rol de vanguardia en el cultivo de dos cosechas al ano, libraron obstinadamente la lucha por materializar la politica agricola del Partido, y evaluo sus esfuerzos.
    La primera tarea de la provincia de Hwanghae del Sur que se encarga de la importante porcion en la produccion agricola del pais es cultivar bien la tierra, apunto el y enseno que se debe tomar firmemente la labor para aumentar la produccion cerealista y concentrar las fuerzas en el particular.
    Destaco que se deben plantar los arboles frutales en alrededor de las viviendas modernas construidas bien, prestar de continuo la mayor fuerza a la administracion territorial incluyendo el arreglo de carreteras y acondicionar todas las aldeas rurales como paraiso de la epoca del PTC.
    Le acompanaron Ri Yong Chol, primer subjefe de departamento del CC del PTC, los generales de ejercito del Ejercito Popular de Corea Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae y Pak Jae Gyong.
    En el mismo lugar, le acogio Kim Un Gi, secretario responsable del Comite del PTC en la provincia de Hwanghae del Sur.

Finlandia: mensaje de felicitacion a Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, 29 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Quedo aprobado un mensaje de felicitacion al Dirigente Kim Jong Il en el Simposio Nacional sobre la Idea Juche, efectuado en Helsinki, Finlandia, con motivo del 12 aniversario de su nombramiento como Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea. El mensaje senala que el EPC guiado por el Dirigente Kim Jong Il tiene la importante mision de defensor de la soberania nacional y el socialismo y continua:
    Hoy, el pueblo coreano bajo la bandera del Songun (priorizacion militar) esta logrando exitos valiosos en la politica, la economia y otros demas sectores tras superar las multiples dificultades en los anos anteriores, y continua:
    Bajo la destacada direccion de Su Excelencia el Mariscal Kim Jong Il, el pueblo coreano, unido ferreamente bajo la referida bandera, lucha energicamente por un futuro mejor, la soberania y la reunificacion pacifica del pais.
    La progresista Constitucion Socialista, promulgada por la direccion del Presidente Kim Il Sung, gran Lider, asegura firmemente la soberania de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea.
    Su Excelencia el Mariscal Kim Jong Il es defensor de esta valiosa constitucion y grandes herencias que preparo el Presidente Kim Il Sung en aras del pueblo coreano.

Kim Jong Il envia agradecimiento a tripulantes del barco "Hyoksin"

    Pyongyang, 29 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Con motivo del 30 aniversario del inicio del comercio exterior por embarcaciones comerciales de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, el Dirigente Kim Jong Il envio agradecimiento a los tripulantes del barco comercial "Hyoksin". Hace ahora 30 anos el Presidente Kim Il Sung dio las instrucciones de explotar la via de navegacion de alta mar por el barco comercial con la bandera de la RPDC en alto para abrir una nueva pagina del transporte de comercio exterior en alta mar por nuestro barco.
    El Dirigente Kim Jong Il vio un plan de navegacion del barco comercial "Hyoksin" que iba a salir por primera vez hacia el oceano flameando la Bandera de la Republica y dio fuerza estimulante a los tripulantes del barco diciendo que el barco "Hyoksin" sale hacia alta mar, pero no deben olvidar que la Patria siempre esta al lado de ellos mismos.
    Durante los 30 anos pasados desde cuando abrieron con exito la primera ruta de navegacion de alta mar, los tripulantes de este barco contribuyeron activamente a la construccion de una gran potencia prospera del Juche y al desarrollo de las relaciones con el extranjero al correr sin accidentes la via de navegacion de fidelidad.
    El acto por esta efemeride tuvo lugar el dia 27.
    En la ocasion fue transmitido el agradecimiento del Dirigente dirigido a los tripulantes de dicho barco.
    En el acto los oradores subrayaron que todos los tripulantes del "Hyoksin" y otros barcos comerciales deben aumentar la cantidad de transporte de mercancias al organizar bien el transporte y el mando y asegurar siempre la navegacion sin accidente al establecer la disciplina ferrea en el barco y asi hacer brillar las inmortales hazanas de direccion del Presidente y del Dirigente realizadas en el sector de transporte maritimo.
    Y fue aprobado un juramento dirigido al Dirigente Kim Jong Il.

Kim Yong Nam envia telegrama de consuelo al presidente de Iran

    Pyongyang, 29 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Kim Yong Nam, presidente del Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea envio el dia 27 un telegrama de consuelo a Seyed Mohammad Khatami, presidente de la Republica Islamica de Iran en relacion con que este pais sufrio grandes perdidas humanas y materiales por un fuerte terremoto en la region sureste de Iran. El telegrama senala que al enterarse de una noticia triste de que la region sureste de Iran, sufrio el 26 del mes en curso grandes perdidas humanas y materiales por un fuerte terremoto expresa profunda compasion y consuelo al presidente y, por su conducto, a los habitantes de la region damnificada y sus familiares. Manifiesta conviccion de que el gobierno y el pueblo de la Republica Islamica de Iran eliminaran cuanto antes los danos y estabilizaran la vida de los habitantes de la region damnificada.