U.S. Arms Buildup in S. Korea Flailed

    Pyongyang, January 4 (KCNA) -- The United States is massively shipping various type sophisticated combat equipment into south Korea. This proves that though the U.S. is talking a lot about dialogue and negotiation it is seeking an ulterior motive behind the scene. Minju Joson Sunday says this in a signed commentary. It continues: It is the U.S. ulterior intention to seek a military solution to the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. as it did in Afghanistan and Iraq.
    After making the outbreak of a war on the Korean peninsula a fait accompli, the U.S. is now relocating its main forces for aggression in south Korea including its 2nd Infantry Division to areas south of the River Han and working hard to turn all its forces present in S. Korea into a "Northeast Asian regional force" targeted against the DPRK and countries around the Korean peninsula in the future.
    The U.S. loud-mouthed "resumption of the six-way talks" is nothing but hypocrisy and trick to cover up its intention to swallow up the DPRK by force.
    This being a hard reality, the DPRK feels no need to hesitate but will take all possible measures for its self-defence. The U.S. policy to stifle the DPRK based on its military pressure or threat would only push the situation to a catastrophic phase it warns.

KCNA Slams Japan's Dangerous Move to Revive Militarism

    Pyongyang, January 4 (KCNA) -- The chief executive of Japan reportedly visited the "Yasukuni shrine" on Jan. 1 and paid "homage" to the departed soul of militarists. This was his fourth visit to the shrine since his assumption of office in April 2001. This indicates that he is persistently pursuing his invariable reactionary and ultra-right militarist policy.
    As already known, entombed in the shrine are millions of those who died in the aggressive wars from the time before the sino-Japanese war to the Second World War.
    Interred on the altar of the shrine are remains of special-class war criminals including Hideki Tojo, the boss of Japanese militarism who ignited and commanded the Pacific war. Displayed in its court are artillery pieces, torpedoes and other weapons used by Japanese imperialists during the aggressive wars. Exhibitions are taking place in the hall one after another to agitate a war.
    It is not hard to guess what is sought by visits to the shrine aimed to embellish the blood-stained past history of aggression.
    The chief executive of Japan at a press conference held on October 8 last year disclosed his intention to continue to visit the shrine, saying that it was not for the sake of militarism but it was quite natural.
    His visit to the shrine on the New Year's day was a revelation of Japan's reckless attempt to step up in real earnest the moves for its conversion into a military power and overseas expansion this year.
    By putting visits to the shrine on a legitimate and regular basis the Japanese reactionaries seek to lay an ideological foundation for Japan's militarization and create an atmosphere more favorable for overseas aggression.
    They are rushing headlong into reinvasion, far from honestly redeeming Japan's past wrongdoings. This is a challenge to the justice and conscience of the Korean and other people of the world and a grave perfidy to the DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration.
    The Korean people will never remain a passive onlooker to the criminal moves escalated by the Japanese reactionaries to revive militarism and realize overseas expansion, refusing to liquidate Japan's past, quite contrary to the spirit of the Pyongyang declaration.

Functions against U.S. and Troop Dispatch Held in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, January 4 (KCNA) -- Civic and public organizations of south Korea reportedly held functions against the United States and troop dispatch to Iraq in Seoul on the evening of Dec. 31 last year with at least 3,000 workers, youth and students attending. A rally for seeing the year out began under the sponsorship of the People's Action against Troop Dispatch to denounce the "government's" decision on troop dispatch, check the passage of the motion on troop dispatch through the National Assembly and oppose the U.S. occupation of Iraq.
    At the rally speakers denounced the U.S. war of aggression against Iraq and the "government's" decision on troop dispatch, calling upon all the people to turn out in the struggle to check the troop dispatch at the cost of their lives.
    A resolution was published at the rally.
    Then followed a candlelight rally for seeing the year out for independence and peace together with the people under the sponsorship of the All-People Measure Committee for the Death of Schoolgirls.
    Speakers stressed the need to demonstrate the spirit of independence on the strength of candlelights so that the United States may stop lording it over south Korea. They called for waging, to begin with, a powerful struggle to check the passage of the motion on troop dispatch through the "National Assembly".
    A New year's message to the people was read out at the rally.
    Though we see the year out, we will not stop even a moment the candlelight march for defending independence and peace so as to terminate the unequal south Korea-U.S. relations causing trouble to us, foil the plan for troop dispatch to Iraq aimed to drive young people to an unjust war and prevent the U.S. from creating a constant danger of war on the Korean peninsula, the message noted.
    At the end of the rally an art performance was given by youth and students.
    The participants in the functions tore the Stars and Stripes to pieces, shouting "No to U.S." and "No to Troop Dispatch", and danced a train dance to the tune of a song "Arirang of Victory"

Kim Jong Il Sends Wreath to Bier of Late Chae Hyong Sik

    Pyongyang, January 4 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il on Jan. 3 sent a wreath to the bier of the late Chae Hyong Sik, alternate member of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, expressing deep condolences over his death. Chae Hyong Sik died of heart attack on Jan. 2, Juche 93 (2004) at the age of 70.
    Holding important posts at the central and local Party and economic organs for a long period, he devoted all his wisdom and energies to thoroughly defending and implementing the Party's economic policies and positively contributed to building monumental edifices in the era of the Workers' Party.
    The WPK Central Committee published his obituary on Jan. 2.

"Revised Law on Assembly and Demonstration" Protested in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, January 4 (KCNA) -- South Korean civic and public organizations reportedly issued separate statements in protest against the passage of the "bill on the revision of the law on assembly and demonstration" through the "National Assembly" on December 29 last year. A joint statement was issued by 27 organizations including the Reunification Solidarity, the "National People's Solidarity", the "National Federation of Peasants Associations", the "National Federation of the Poor", the south Korean Federation of University Student Councils, the "National Council of Professors", the Anti-U.S. Women's Association, the Solidarity for Public Progress and the Buddhist Human Rights Committee.
    Assembly and demonstration are the only way for the people exposed to the threat to their existence to express their will, the statement said, denouncing the "National Assembly's" passage of the bill on the revision of the law as an unjust behavior.
    The revised law only increases the power of the police and abridges the people's freedom of assembly and demonstration, the statement said, stating "we cannot recognize the evil law full of poisonous articles infringing upon democracy and human rights".
    The (south) Korean Confederation of Trade Unions issued a statement titled "We strongly denounce the passage of the bill on the revision of the 'Law on Assembly and Demonstration' through the 'National Assembly'".
    The statement said that the retrogressive revision is, in a word, little short of banning assembly and demonstration, the democratic rights of the people. This decision of the "National Assembly" should be revoked without fail, it noted.

Kim Jong Il's Aphorism on Great National Unity Lauded

    Pyongyang, January 4 (KCNA) -- Those who aspire after great national unity become patriots and those who stand against it become traitors. This aphorism of leader Kim Jong Il is a valuable one as it encourages all Koreans in the north, the south and abroad to display patriotism and arouses them to the struggle for national reunification, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. The article continues:
    This aphorism gives most lucid answer to a question as to what is genuine patriotism and what one should do to be patriotic in the struggle to put an end to the tragic division of the nation and reunify the country. This also serves as unshakable guidelines in powerfully encouraging all the members of the nation in the sacred patriotic struggle for reunification.
    Kim Jong Il set forth the five-point policy of the great national unity true to President Kim Il Sung's idea and line of great national unity, thus providing the nation with the most important guidelines for achieving the cause of the great national unity to meet the requirements of the changing times and the specific conditions.
    Policies pursued by Kim Jong Il in realising the great national unity are the all-embracing and benevolent ones as he embraces and unites all those who value the soul of the nation and love the country and the nation irrespective of ideology, system, class, and social strata. Kim Jong Il leniently treats those who went amiss, betraying the nation in the past, if they, sincerely remorseful of their past wrongdoings, are willing to contribute to the cause of national reunification, and lets them join in the march for national reunification on the principle of not digging into their past. This warm humanity and patriotism of his serve as magnetic power encouraging all the Koreans to join the ranks of the great national unity.
    Kim Jong Il's idea and leadership serve as an inexhaustible source of guaranteeing the victory of the cause of great national unity, the cause of national reunification.

Congratulatory Message to Kim Jong Il Adopted in Britain

    Pyongyang, January 3 (KCNA) -- A congratulatory message to leader Kim Jong Il was adopted at a meeting held in Britain on December 18 on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of his assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army and the 86th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero. The British Friendship Society with Korea and the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea in the message said that great achievements have been made in the cause of the army building of Juche under the leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    He founded the glorious Songun idea, ushering in a new era of the national defence-build-up and shattering all the moves of the U.S. imperialists to stifle the DPRK by force of arms, the message noted, and went on:
    Kim Jong Suk was a great woman general during the anti-Japanese armed struggle and played an important role in building new democratic Korea after the country was liberated in 1945.
    We extend solidarity to all the Korean people and the Korean People's Army in their struggle to defend and advance socialism of Korean style in the fierce confrontation with the U.S. imperialists and achieve the independent reunification of the country.
    The message wished Kim Jong Il greater success in his work for the army building.

C.C., NDFSK Publishes New Year's Message

    Pyongyang, January 3 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK) on Jan. 1 issued a New Year's message to the people, according to Internet site of Kuguk Jonson. This year the people are faced with an important task to open an epochal and decisive phase in the struggle for independence, democracy and reunification, the message said, and went on:
    This year all the people should intensify the struggle against the U.S. policy of colonial occupation and its interference in the internal affairs of south Korea and the U.S. brigandish pressure on the north and the U.S. nuclear war targeted against it and for the withdrawal of the U.S. troops.
    Now that the U.S. hysteric moves to mount a nuclear attack on the north and thus impose the disaster of a nuclear war upon all the fellow countrymen are carried into extremes the people from all walks of life should fully support and defend the Songun policy of the north that represents the dignity, wealth and destiny of the nation.
    The message called for uninterruptedly ferreting out those responsible for the illegal "presidential election" funds of the Grand National Party, a party of thieves, a Mafia party and a fascist party, through civic inspection activities and conducting a campaign for its dissolution with the forthcoming 17th-term "general election" as a momentum so as to hold it without the GNP's participation.
    It also called for not tolerating in the least the desperate anti-reunification moves of the United States and its followers to put a brake on the process of improving the inter-Korean relations while inciting inter-Korean confrontation but dealing a heavy blow at them in time and thereby making a signal advance in the implementation of the June 15 joint declaration.

S. Korean Peasants against Anti-popular Agricultural Policy

    Pyongyang, January 3 (KCNA) -- South Korean peasants on Dec. 30 reportedly staged a protest against the anti-popular agricultural policy of the authorities. At least 1,500 peasants belonging to the "National Peasants' Solidarity" held a rally against the "National Assembly's" ratification of a free trade agreement in front of the assembly building.
    The speakers at the rally called for fighting it out with concerted efforts to defend the agriculture of the Korean nation.
    Meanwhile, representatives of peasants organizations called a press conference on the same day and demanded the withdrawal of the "motion of the ratification of the free trade agreement." Jong Hyon Chan, chairman of the "National Federation of Peasants Associations", told reporters that the task of the peasants was to get the "motion" totally repealed and that the struggle would continue till this demand was met.

Koreans Vow to Glorify 2004 as Year of Proud Victory

    Pyongyang, January 3 (KCNA) -- The army and the people of the DPRK are glad and excited to read the joint editorial of the newspapers of the Party, the army and the youth league which was published on the occasion of the New Year (2004). They are firmly determined to powerfully conduct a revolutionary offensive to attain a higher goal in building a great prosperous powerful nation on the three fronts of politics and ideology, anti-imperialism and military affairs and economy and science set forth at the joint editorial.
    General of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Gak said that upon hearing the joint editorial the officers and men of the KPA are conscious of the honor and noble responsibility of the standard bearers and models of the Songun era. He stressed that the KPA will always unconditionally and thoroughly carry out the orders of Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il and thoroughly defend the headquarters of the revolution from the vicious moves of the enemy.
    Pak Kyong Suk, an anti-Japanese revolutionary fighter, vowed to hold Kim Jong Il, the destiny and future of the country and the nation, in high esteem as ever, devotedly defend him and uphold his Songun revolutionary leadership with loyalty.
    Vice-Premier of the Cabinet Kwak Pom Gi laid stress on enhancing the role of the Cabinet this year, correctly design and resolutely organize the work for settling the important knotty problems in economic construction of the country, push ahead with it till it is carried out and thus effect a revolutionary upswing on the front of the economy and science.
    Kim Un Gi, chief secretary of the South Hwanghae Provincial Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, said he would make the Party ideological work a work with the mind of people and consolidate the singlehearted unity of the revolutionary ranks as firm as a rock as indicated in the joint editorial.
    President of the Academy of Sciences Pyon Yong Rip vowed to conduct a powerful drive to put overall science and technology of the country on the world's advanced level as early as possible with a persevering will and patriotic enthusiasm, true to the Party's line of attaching importance to science and technology in the new year, too.
    Choe Ki Ryong, chairman of the Jagang Provincial People's Committee, resolved to take the lead in implementing the line of economic construction of the Songun era, always bearing in mind that the Party's leadership in the revolution and construction is a decisive guarantee for all victories.

Rodong Sinmun Calls for Vigorous Struggle for National Reunification

    Pyongyang, January 3 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today calls for waging a vigorous struggle to defend peace of the country and open up a turning phase in the movement for national reunification by the efforts of our nation itself this year. A joint editorial of the newspapers of the Party, the army and the youth league published on the New Year set forth militant tasks to settle the schema of the nation's confrontation with the U.S. on the Korean peninsula by practical actions and open up a new turning phase in the movement for national reunification and hold aloft the banner of Korean nation-first spirit to this end.
    Stressing that the Korean nation should take practical actions to settle by all means the schema of the Korean nation's confrontation with the U.S. on the Korean peninsula this year, the signed article of the paper says: Herein lies the guarantee for ensuring peace in the country and opening up a turning phase in the movement for national reunification.
    It continues:
    All the Koreans in the north, south and aboard should proudly uphold the Korean nation-first spirit and push forward the movement for reunification as befitting the nation that has recorded a history spanning 5,000 years as a homogenous nation in one and the same territory since Tangun reigned this land.
    All the members of the nation should deeply cherish the pride of being a member of the Korean nation and give full play to national self-esteem in solving the peace and reunification issues of the country. All the fellow countrymen should determinedly oppose the arrogant interference and arbitrariness, pressure and strong-arm practices of the United States, as becomes the dignified Korean nation.
    They should bolster national cooperation to the highest degree, come what may, this year, true to the calls of the joint editorial.
    The June 15 North-South Joint Declaration is a reunification program and landmark common to the nation which all the Koreans should uphold till the day of the country's reunification. The implementation of the joint declaration would guarantee the reunification of the country and the future of the nation.

Rodong Sinmun Calls for Glorifing Party's History and Exploits

    Pyongyang, January 3 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in an editorial calls on all the people to continue the powerful general march this year under the Songun revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il so as to glorify the history and exploits of the Workers' Party of Korea and speed up a bright future of the building of a great prosperous powerful nation. The joint New Year editorial of Rodong Sinmun, Josoninmingun and Chongnyonjonwi serves as a guildline to attain a high stage of the country's prosperity under the Songun revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il, pursuant to President Kim Il Sung's idea and cause, the editorial says, and goes on:
    This year marks the 10th anniversary of Kim Jong Il setting a worldwide example in accomplishing the cause of perpetuating the memory of the leader, the 30th anniversary of the proclamation of the programme on modeling the whole society on the Juche idea and the 40th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the WPK.
    It is the requirement of the revolution and call of the era and the country to make this year the most significant year of exalting the glorious history and immortal exploits of the Party.
    We should bear deep in mind the high national pride of demonstrating victory century after century, holding Kim Jong Il in high esteem and do work in all fields of the revolution and construction true to his intention as the President indicated.
    All the Party members and other working people should turn out in the general advance this year with extraordinary resolution and determination to more powerfully demonstrate the vitality of the Party's Songun policy and accelerate the building of the socialist economy.

Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Work Marked

    Pyongyang, January 3 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today dedicates a signed article to the 12th anniversary of the publication of leader Kim Jong Il's famous work "The Historical Lesson in Building Socialism and the General Line of Our Party". The work published on January 3, Juche 81 (1992) is a monumental document which indicated the way to firmly defend the cause of socialism and accomplish the popular masses' cause of independence.
    Kim Jong Il in the work made a wise analysis of the cause of the collapse of socialism in some countries and illumined the most correct way for socialism to make a long drive.
    The sagacity of Kim Jong Il in leading the cause of socialism to a brilliant victory lies in that he set forth the Songun idea to clearly show the road ahead of socialism in the new century and fortify the internal force of the Korean revolution, the article says, and continues:
    His sagacity also lies in resolutely defending the main principle of socialism.
    The key point in building the internal force of the revolution is to prepare well the main force. Basing himself on a scientific analysis of the position and role of the Korean People's Army in the Songun era, Kim Jong Il put forward the KPA as the main force of the revolution.
    It is the revelation of the steadfast revolutionary principle maintained by Kim Jong Il that the army and people of Korea have won victory after victory in the anti-imperialist, anti-U.S. confrontation even in the difficult days of the grim "Arduous March" and forced march.
    Our army and people will advance unswervingly along the road of Juche, the road of people-centered socialism pioneered by President Kim Il Sung and led by Kim Jong Il to victory, with the conviction and optimism that the ultimate victory is ours though our path is thorny.

Meeting of Servicepersons Held

    Pyongyang, January 3 (KCNA) -- Servicepersons under the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces today held a meeting to vow to carry through the tasks set forth in the joint New Year editorial and resolved to strengthen the military power in a bid to further consolidate the front of anti-imperialism and military affairs. Kim Yong Chun, chief of the General Staff of the Korean People's Army, who made a report, and speakers at the meeting said that the Workers' Party of Korea calls for launching a revolutionary offensive to attain a higher goal of building a great prosperous powerful nation on the three fronts of politics and ideology, anti-imperialism and military affairs and economy and science this year. They called for fully demonstrating the might of the strong revolutionary army of Mt. Paektu under the Party's slogan "Let us reach a high stage of the country's prosperity, true to the great Comrade Kim Il Sung's idea and cause!"
    All the officers and men of the People's Army should absolutely defend and thoroughly implement the great Songun idea and politics, they noted.
    The WPK has attached the most preferential importance to the strengthening of military power with a view to further consolidating the front of anti-imperialism and military affairs they said, stressing the need to build up the KPA as the strongest revolutionary army and elite armed forces no one can match in regular aspect and in military and technical potentials.
    They also called on all the servicepersons to continuously create models of the whole society as the driving force of the revolution in this year's revolutionary offensive to be carried out in the political mode of Songun under the leadership of the Party, and display the revolutionary soldier spirit on the three fronts and thus take the lead in paving a new way for the building of a prosperous and powerful nation.
    Present there were Director of the General Political Department of the KPA Jo Myong Rok, Minister of the People's Armed Forces Kim Il Chol, senior officials of the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces and officers and men of the KPA.

For Spanish-speaking people

Gran Bretana: mensaje de felicitacion al Dirigente Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, 3 de enero (ATCC) -- El 18 de diciembre se aprobo un mensaje de felicitacion al Dirigente Kim Jong Il en una reunion celebrada en Gran Bretana con motivo del 12 aniversario de su nombramiento como Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea (EPC) y del 86 aniversario del nacimiento de la heroina de lucha antijaponesa Kim Jong Suk. La Asociacion Britanica para la Amistad con Corea y el Grupo Britanico de Estudio de la Idea Juche senalaron en su mensaje que bajo la orientacion del Dirigente Kim Jong Il se han logrado grandes exitos en la causa de fundacion del ejercito autoctono.
    El mensaje senala que el camarada Kim Jong Il abrio una nueva epoca de la construccion de defensa nacional con la creacion de la gloriosa idea del Songun (priorizacion militar) y frustro todas las maquinaciones de los imperialistas norteamericanos encaminadas a aplastar con las fuerzas armadas la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea.
    La camarada Kim Jong Suk fue la gran generala en el periodo de la lucha armada antijaponesa, y despues de la restauracion de la patria en 1945, desempeno un papel importante en la construccion de una nueva Corea democratica, apunta el mensaje y continua:
    Extendemos nuestra solidaridad a todo el pueblo y Ejercito Popular de Corea, que en la enconada confrontacion con el imperialismo yanqui defienden y llevan adelante el socialismo coreano y luchan por lograr la reunificacion independiente del pais.
    Aprovechamos esta oportunidad para formular votos por mayores exitos en la labor del Dirigente Kim Jong Il para la construccion del ejercito.

Hagamos del 2004 un ano de gran victoria

    Pyongyang, 3 de enero (ATCC) -- El ejercito y el pueblo de Corea, al enterarse del editorial conjunto de los periodicos del partido, el ejercito y la juventud publicado con motivo del Ano Nuevo 2004, estan llenos de jubilo y conmocion infinitos. Renuevan la firme determinacion de desplegar con energia la ofensiva revolucionaria para alcanzar los objetivos mas elevados de la construccion de una gran potencia prospera en los tres frentes: la politica y la ideologia, el antiimperialismo y los asuntos militares, la economia y la ciencia presentados en el editorial conjunto.
    Kim Jong Gak, general del Ejercito Popular de Corea, dijo que los oficiales y soldados del ejercito, al enterarse del editorial conjunto, sienten el honor y gran responsabilidad de abanderado y modelo de la epoca del Songun (priorizacion militar) y recalco que el EPC materializara incondicional y estrictamente la orden del estimado Comandante Supremo y defendera firmemente la Direccion de la Revolucion contra las perversas maquinaciones de los enemigos.
    Pak Kyong Suk, ex-combatiente revolucionaria antijaponesa, senalo que en el futuro tambien como en el pasado defendera a riesgo de vida al Dirigente Kim Jong Il, destino y futuro de la patria y la nacion, y quedara fiel a su direccion sobre la revolucion mediante el Songun.
    El viceprimer ministro Kwak Pom Gi subrayo que este ano elevara el papel del Consejo de Ministros, proyectara con acierto, organizara con decision e impulsara hasta el fin la labor para solucionar los importantes problemas pendientes en la construccion economica del pais para producir un auge revolucionario en el frente de la economia y la ciencia del pais.
    Kim Un Gi, secretario responsable del Comite del Partido del Trabajo de Corea en la provincia de Hwanghae del Sur menciono que como lo senala el editorial conjunto, se esforzara por hacer de la labor ideologica del partido un trabajo para con el alma de las personas para asi consolidar mas firmemente la unidad monolitica de nuestras filas revolucionarias.
    Pyon Yong Rip, presidente de la Academia de Ciencias, recalco que tambien este ano en pleno acato a la orientacion del partido de dar importancia a las ciencias y tecnicas y dando pruebas de la indoblegable determinacion y el entusiasmo patriotico se esforzara por llevar dentro de un tiempo cercano las ciencias y tecnicas del pais en su conjunto al nivel avanzado del mundo.
    Choe Ki Ryong, presidente del Comite Popular de la provincia de Jagang, dijo que siempre consciente de que en la revolucion y la construccion la direccion del partido constituye una garantia decisiva de todas las victorias, tomara la vanguardia de la labor para la materializacion de la linea de la construccion economica de la epoca del Songun.

CC del FDNSC publica carta de ano nuevo

    Pyongyang, 3 de enero (ATCC) -- Segun el sitio web de "Frente de Salvacion Nacional", el Comite Central del Frente Democratico Nacional del Sur de Corea (FDNSC) hizo publica el dia primero una carta del ano nuevo dirigida a todos los habitantes del Sur de Corea, que senala: Este ano, se presenta ante la poblacion surcoreana la tarea importante de abrir una fase trascendental y decisiva en la lucha por la independencia, la democracia y la reunificacion.
    Toda la poblacion surcoreana debe intensificar este ano la lucha contra la politica de ocupacion colonial de EE.UU. y su intervencion en los asuntos internos, su bandidesca presion al Norte de Corea, su guerra nuclear contra este y por el retiro de las tropas norteamericanas del Sur de Corea.
    Ahora en que llega al extremo la locura nuclear de EE.UU. tendente a imponer a toda la nacion coreana una guerra nuclear, las masas populares de distintos sectores deben apoyar y defender por todos los medios la politica de Songun (priorizacion militar) del Norte de Corea, que es la dignidad, la riqueza y el destino de la nacion.
    Tienen que revelar de continuo, con la vigilancia de habitantes, los actos ilicitos y corruptos del "Partido Hannarra" en las "elecciones presidenciales" y deben desplegar con motivo de las proximas 17 "elecciones generales" la lucha por disolver el "Partido Hannara", agrupacion politica de ladrones, de mafias y fascistas para realizar las "elecciones" sin este partido.
    No deben perdonar jamas las desesperadas maquinaciones anti-reunificacion de EE.UU. y sus fuerzas satelites que inculcan el enfrentamiento entre el Sur y el Norte de Corea e intentan obstaculizar el avance de las relaciones Sur-Norte sino deben dar a tiempo el fuerte golpe al respecto y registrar el avance trascendental en la ejecucion de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio.

"Rodong Sinmun" llama a luchar por la paz y la reunificacion de la Patria

    Pyongyang, 3 de enero (ATCC) -- El periodico "Rodong Sinmun", en un articulo individual del dia 3, llamo a librar energicamente la lucha por defender este ano la paz del pais con las fuerzas propias de la nacion y abrir una coyuntura de viraje en el movimiento por la reunificacion de la Patria. El editorial conjunto de los periodicos del Partido, del Ejercito y de la Juventud publicado con motivo del ano nuevo presento las tareas combativas de llevar a la practica la estructura de enfrentamiento de la nacion coreana vs. EE.UU. en la Peninsula Coreana y abrir una nueva coyuntura de viraje en el movimiento por la reunificacion de la Patria enarbolando para este fin la bandera de dar prioridad a la nacion coreana.
    En la solucion practica de esta estructura de confrontacion para este ano, hay una garantia para abrir una fase de viraje en el movimiento por la paz del pais y la reunificacion de la Patria, enfatiza el articulo y continua:
    Todos los coreanos del Norte y el Sur y en ultramar, como una nacion con la historia de 5 milenios con el mismo linaje y territorio a partir de la epoca de Tangun debe dar prioridad a nuestra nacion e impulsar la causa de la reunificacion.
    Todos los integrantes de la nacion deben mantener el orgullo nacional en la solucion del problema de la paz y la reunificacion del pais. Como dignos componentes de la nacion coreana deben oponerse resueltamente a la arrogante intervencion, arbitrariedades, maniobras de presion y despotismo de EE.UU.
    Todos los coreanos del Norte y el Sur y en ultramar, en pleno acato al llamamiento del editorial conjunto deben consolidar inquebrantablemente la cooperacion nacional pase lo que pase este ano.
    La Declaracion Conjunta Norte-Sur del 15 de Junio es el programa y el jalon comun que debe mantener firmemente nuestra nacion hasta aquel dia de la reunificacion del pais. En la ejecucion de esta Declaracion estan la reunificacion y el futuro de la nacion.