GNP Shake-up Termed Charade

    Pyongyang, January 12 (KCNA) -- The shake-up now being carried out by the Grand National Party of south Korea before the National Assembly election slated to take place in April is nothing but a charade orchestrated by the traitorous party to get rid of the worst crisis and lay a foundation to seize "power," says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary. It continues:
    It is the height of absurdity for the GNP to contest the "general election" again which can be a watershed in the south Korean politics.
    The GNP has committed unpardonable crimes by pursuing a pro-U.S. sycophantic policy and escalating the moves for confrontation against reunification quite contrary to the trend of the times towards national independence and reunification.
    As clearly proved by the "scandal of illegal presidential election fund," the GNP is a typical party of thieves and Mafia hell-bent on raising slush money and rendering the whole society corrupt.
    The GNP is nothing but rubbish of the times as not only its individual members but its whole set-up are outdated and rotten to the core.
    The "shake-up" is spearheaded by Choe Pyong Ryol, who should quit the political arena before any others. How can this be called a reform?
    The south Korean people should mete out a severe punishment to the GNP in the "general election".

Seminar on Joint New Year Editorial Held

    Pyongyang, January 12 (KCNA) -- A joint seminar on the joint New Year editorial in the DPRK was held in India on Jan. 4 under the sponsorship of the Asian Regional Institute of the Juche Idea. Vishwanath, director general of the International Institute of the Juche Idea, in a speech said the followers of the great Juche idea would intensify the activities for the study and dissemination of the Juche idea in this significant year to make a sizable contribution to the accomplishment of the cause of global independence.
    The state politics of the DPRK is a socialist one rooted on the solid foundation of single-hearted unity and embodying the Songun idea and the most powerful politics guaranteeing the sovereignty of the nation and eternal prosperity of the country, he noted.
    Harish Gupta, secretary general of the Asian Regional Institute of the Juche Idea, in his speech expressed unquestioned support and solidarity for the Songun politics of the DPRK, stating:
    In face of the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il, a great statesman and strategist, the U.S. moves to stifle the DPRK have been frustrated and the validity and vitality of Songun politics have been eloquently demonstrated to the world.
    Other figures in their speeches said that the Korean people led by Kim Jong Il would thoroughly implement the tasks set in the joint New Year editorial and thus register greater achievements on the three fronts -- politics and ideology, anti-imperialism and military affairs, and economy and science.

Removal of Candlelight Monument Denounced in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, January 12 (KCNA) -- Members of the All-People Measure Committee for Schoolgirls Killed by a U.S. Armored Car reportedly held a candlelight rally in front of Kwanghwamun, Seoul, on Jan. 8, condemning the Jongro District Office and the "government" authorities for forcibly removing the "Candlelight Monument to Independence and Peace." The participants declared they would not stop struggle until the candlelight monument is rebuilt, saying that the higher rate of reports about U.S. soldiers' crimes to the police since the start of candlelight rallies meant the might of the candlelight and the people.
    And a one-by-one protest continues in front of the Jongro District Office against the authorities' anti-popular violence and for the restoration of the monument to its original state.

Construction of U.S. Firing Range Protested in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, January 12 (KCNA) -- The People for Achieving Peace and Reunification, the Green Federation, the Headquarters of the People's Movement for the Withdrawal of the U.S. Forces and the Phaju Association for Green Environment in south Korea reportedly called a press conference in front of the U.S. military base in Ryongsan on Jan. 7 in protest against the U.S. forces' illegal construction of a new firing range. Speeches were made there.
    Kim Je Nam, secretary general of the Green Federation, demanded an immediate halt to the "illegal construction" charging that the natural ecosystem and environment of Phaju was seriously destroyed by the construction.
    U Kyong Bok, director for Natural Ecosystem of the Phaju Association for Green Environment, noted that the right to existence of the inhabitants who have eked out their living by tilling the land inside the Story firing range under construction is exposed to a more serious threat.
    Ri Hyong Su, director of the People for Achieving Peace and Reunification, criticized the authorities for their humiliating attitude, accusing the "government" and the "Ministry of National Defense" of bearing all expenses for the illegal construction of the U.S. firing range.

Joint New Year Editorial Supported

    Pyongyang, January 12 (KCNA) -- The Asian Regional Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification, the All India Indo-Korean Friendship Association and the Indian Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification issued a joint statement on Jan. 4 supporting the joint New Year editorial of leading newspapers Rodong Sinmun, Josoninmingun and Chongnyonjonwi of the DPRK. The joint editorial termed the year 2003 a year of heroic struggle in which the dignity and might of the DPRK were demonstrated to the world and a year of proud victory in which the sovereignty of the nation and socialism were defended under the tense situation, the statement said, and went on:
    Last year was a year of victory that proved the truth of anti-imperialist struggle that Korean people's struggle is sure to triumph if they wage a life-and-death struggle with arms in hands.
    The general task facing the Korean people this year is to conduct a revolutionary offensive to attain a higher goal in building a great prosperous powerful nation on the three fronts of politics and ideology, anti-imperialism and military affairs and economy and science.
    We warmly congratulate the Korean people on the successes achieved last year under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il and wish them new success in their efforts to implement the militant tasks set forth in the joint editorial.
    We strongly demand the U.S. drop its hostile policy toward the DPRK and stop at once its nuclear threat to it.
    We urge the U.S. clearly understand the Korean people's desire to reunify the country by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation in the basic spirit of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and the trend of the times, halt all its acts to block them and immediately withdraw its forces from south Korea.

Songun Politics Praised as Greatest Political Mode

    Pyongyang, January 12 (KCNA) -- It has become a worldwide trend today for the world progressives to deeply study and apply to practice leader Kim Jong Il's Songun politics. Seminars, lectures and round-table talks on Songun politics were held on more than 500 occasions in over 70 countries last year.
    Wide-range activities to study and disseminate Songun politics are now underway in all parts of the world including Italy, India, Belarus, Democratic Congo and Ecuador. Typical of them is a seminar on the Juche idea for the independence of Europe in the present world which was held with grandeur, bringing together chiefs of groups for the study of the Juche Idea and personages of all social standings of 17 countries and a joint seminar of political parties of Balkan countries .
    Celebration meetings, photo exhibitions and film shows were held thousands of times worldwide on the occasions of major anniversaries of the DPRK.
    It was stressed at the seminars and functions that Kim Jong Il's Songun politics is all-powerful politics, the greatest political mode in the world as it helps turn adversities into favorable conditions.
    The Lao People's Revolutionary Party, the Peruvian Communist Party and other progressive political parties and organizations published brochures to disseminate it among members of the organizations and personages of various social standings. Their organs and other influential newspapers carried articles introducing the validity and the might of Songun politics.
    Brazilian newspaper Hora do Povo, Guinean newspaper Horoya and other organs of parties and governments of various countries said the DPRK was throwing light as the bastion of socialism and a lighthouse for the progressives. More than 100 pieces of poems praising Songun politics of the DPRK were created and published in Russia, Syria, Japan, Egypt and other countries last year.
    A special note should be taken of the fact that the Peru-Korea Friendship Association for the Study of Songun Politics of Juche was formed in 2002 to be followed by the formation of the Association for the Study of Songun Politics in Britain and the Group for the Study of Songun Politics in the U.S. last year.

National Cooperation Called for

    Pyongyang, January 12 (KCNA) -- The slogan set out in the joint New Year editorial to pave a wide avenue for independent reunification through national cooperation under the banner of our nation-first spirit is the slogan all the Koreans in the north, the south and overseas should put up in the reunification movement this year. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed article.
    It goes on:
    The Korean nation has a legitimate right to project the Korean nation-first spirit, proud of being the best nation.
    The Korean nation is a homogenous nation which lived with the same language and culture in one territory for thousands of years.
    The advantages of the Korean nation were given full play in the era when it acclaimed President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il as its leaders.
    The Korean nation has a great Songun policy whereby it can defend its dignity and sovereignty and the June 15 joint declaration, a milestone of independent reunification.
    The Korean nation should realize national cooperation with a firm national independent stand and attitude which calls for giving priority to the nation and depending on its strength.
    "By our nation itself" is a great proposition in the era which should be consistently upheld by our nation to achieve independent reunification through national cooperation.
    It is an important task to be fulfilled to realize national cooperation to frustrate the treacherous "cooperation" with foreign forces. It is a crime against the nation and reunification to cooperate with the foreign forces keen to impose a nuclear holocaust upon the Korean nation.
    All the Koreans should hold aloft and thoroughly implement the slogan "Let us pave a wide avenue for independent reunification through national cooperation under the banner of our nation-first spirit!", a banner for the victory in the movement for national reunification, and thus bring about a decisive turn in their movement for national reunification this year.

Expanded Kyenam Stockbreeding Farm

    Pyongyang, January 12 (KCNA) -- The project to expand the Kyenam Stockbreeding Farm was successfully completed in South Hwanghae Province, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, some time ago in a matter of 4 months. More than 150 buildings were constructed or reconstructed in the farm to double the production capacity. Now the farm covers over 20,000 square meters.
    All the goat pens, each covering 320-odd square meters, were built to breed goats on a scientific and technical basis. All of them have yards for goats and each compartment houses 10-20 goats.
    Pigpens were designed and built for the convenience of production in all seasons, veterinary and anti-epidemic services. The fodder processing workshops and fodder stores were also constructed in a unique way.
    Bright is the prospect of the farm with thousands of hectares of grass land.
    All the production processes of the milk processing factory including weighing and butter, cheese and kefir production are furnished with latest facilities.
    When guiding the farm on the spot some time ago, Leader Kim Jong Il said it was a promising livestock production base equipped with all facilities necessary to breed goats, pigs and other domestic animals on a scientific and technical basis and with large-size and modern milk processing facilities.

Viciavillosa, Green Manure Crop

    Pyongyang, January 12 (KCNA) -- Viciavillosa has been widely cultivated for green manure in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Many co-operative farms of Pyongyang, Hwangju County of North Hwanghae Province and other parts of the country harvested 5-10 tons of sweet potatoes from a hectare of the fields fertilized with viciavillosa more than in ordinary fields.
    It, with many nutritive elements including oil cellulose, is good protein fodder of domestic animals.
    Viciavillosa honey is popular for its peculiar taste and aroma.
    The crop can be cultivated easily everywhere as it grows well and its sowing method is simple.
    It, belonging to the pulse family, is sown in maize field as an aftercrop. It opens flowers in the second half of next May and its seeds ripen in late June.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il inspecciona una fabrica de alimentos en construccion

    Pyongyang, 12 de enero (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea inspecciono una fabrica de alimentos que construyen militares del EPC. Esta fabrica, que se construye en un area de mas de 130 mil metros cuadrados, es una base combinada de elaboracion alimentaria capaz de producir diversos alimentos, los basicos y subsidiarios, y de elaborar hasta los cereales.
    El Dirigente, al recorrer el exterior y el interior de esta fabrica, se entero en detalles del estado de construccion y produccion.
    Tras recorrer el taller de procesamiento de maiz, el de alimentos subsidiarios, el de elaboracion de arroz y otros procesos de produccion, se mostro muy satisfecho de que los constructores estan levantando magnificamente una nueva fabrica de alimentos de alto nivel, evaluo altamente sus meritos laborales y envio su cordial saludo a todos los constructores.
    Dijo que el diseno de la fabrica esta elaborado con audacia y con vistas al futuro y la calidad del edificio esta garantizada al maximo nivel, y destaco que esto es un fruto valioso que dio el noble mundo espiritual de nuestros constructores quienes con el ardiente amor a la patria viven no para hoy sino para el manana.
    Subrayo que todo el trabajo que hacemos es la sagrada labor en aras de la prosperidad de la patria, la felicidad del pueblo y las generaciones venideras, por lo tanto, debemos construir de modo cualitativo esta fabrica como creacion de eterna duracion que no tendra defecto en el futuro lejano.
    Recalco que con la normalizacion de la produccion de las modernas fabricas de gallinas, patos, siluros y los criaderos de peces, erguidas por doquier en pleno acato a las instrucciones del Presidente Kim Il Sung segun las que la intendencia es precisamente la labor politica, hay que preparar cuanto antes la vida alimenticia abundante.
    El Comandante Supremo presento las tareas programaticas que sirven de guia para terminar con anticipacion la construccion de la fabrica y para la administracion y mantenimiento de esta.
    Le acompanaron los generales de ejercito del EPC Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae y Pak Jae Gyong y los primeros subjefes de departamento del Comite Central del PTC Ri Yong Chol y Choe Chun Hwang.

Tendra lugar VIII festival de Kimjongilia en Pyongyang

    Pyongyang, 12 de enero (ATCC) -- Con motivo de la fiesta de febrero, cumpleanos del Dirigente Kim Jong Il, durante mas de 10 dias a partir del 14 de febrero del 93 (2004) de la Era Juche, tendra lugar grandiosamente en Pyongyang el VIII Festival de Kimjongilia auspiciado por el Comite de Kimilsungia y Kimjongilia de Corea en la Exposicion Permanente de Kimilsungia y Kimjongilia.. En el festival participaran los comites del Consejo de Ministros, ministerios, organos centrales, organismos de las Fuerzas Armadas, las provincias y trabajadores individuales que cultivan Kimjongilia.

Granja Ganadera de Kyenam

    Pyongyang, 12 de enero (ATCC) -- Recientemente la provincia de Hwanghae del Sur de Corea termino exitosamente durante 4 meses y pico la obra de ampliacion en mas de 2 veces de capacidad de la Granja Ganadera de Kyenam. Esta vez, mas de 150 edificios fueron construidos o reconstruidos.
    Su superficie llega a mas de 20 mil metros cuadrados.
    Los corrales de cabras cuya superficie de cada uno es mas de 320 metros cuadrados podran realizar la cria y cuidado cientificos y tecnicos y tambien tienen lugar de recreo al aire libre.
    Cada sala del corral de cabra tiene la capacidad de criar unos 10~20 cabras.
    El corral de puerco tambien fue proyectado y construido de modo racional al tomar en consideracion la productividad estacional y la prevencion veterinaria. Se construyeron tipicamente las salas de elaboracion y los almacenes de cebos.
    La granja cuenta con miles de hectareas de herbazales a lo largo de carreteras en medio del monte de decenas de ries (10 ries equivalen a 4 kilometros) de Este a Oeste.
    Las instalaciones de la Granja estan modernizadas.
    La fabrica de elaboracion lechera esta dotada de instalaciones ultramodernas desde el proceso de medicion de leche hasta los procesos de produccion de manteca, queso, kefir, etc.
    Hace poco, el Dirigente Kim Jong Il visito esta granja ganadera donde dijo que la Granja Ganadera de Kyenam es una base de productos ganaderos que dispone suficientemente de todas las instalaciones para criar de modo cientifico y tecnico los animales domesticos como la cabra y el puerco y de grandes y modernas instalaciones de elaboracion de leche y presento las tareas programaticas que se presentan en su administracion y gestion.