Israel's Moves for Permanent Occupation of Golan Heights Denounced

    Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) -- The Israeli government recently approved a "three-year plan for the development of the Golan Heights". In this regard Minju Joson today in a signed commentary dismisses such moves of Israel to permanently occupy the Golan Heights as a blatant infringement upon the sovereignty of independent Syria. Noting that Israel has no right to make any territorial claim to the Golan Heights as it is an inalienable part of Syria's territory from the historical point of view, the commentary continues:
    Now the Mideast situation is getting complicated and the anti-Syria moves of the U.S. have become evermore undisguised. Regarding it as a good chance of realizing its ambition for territorial expansion, Israel has zealously buckled down to its realization.
    The will of the Syrian government and people to regain the usurped land and firmly defend the sovereignty of the country from the imperialists' aggression and interference remains unchanged and will become stronger.

Preparatory Committee Inaugurated in Austria

    Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) -- A preparatory committee was formed in Vienna on Jan. 12 to celebrate the February holiday, birthday of leader Kim Jong Il. Max Verworner, chairman of the Society for the Promotion of the Relations between Austria and the DPRK, was elected chairman of the preparatory committee.
    The committee decided to hold colorful functions in central and local areas on the occasion.

DPRK's Stand for Peaceful Settlement of Nuclear Issue Supported Abroad

    Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) -- The Nepalese Committee for Supporting the Reunification of Korea, the Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Committee of Nepal and the Nepal Peace Action Committee released a joint statement on Jan. 15 supporting the DPRK's stand for the reunification of Korea and the settlement of the nuclear issue set forth in the joint New Year editorial of the DPRK's leading newspapers. Recalling that the leading newspapers of the DPRK in the joint editorial said the DPRK's principled stand for the peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. remains unchanged but it will always counter with the toughest stand the U.S. hard-line policy of wholly negating and threatening the dignified ideology and system of Korean style, the statement said:
    The Nepalese Committee for Supporting the Reunification of Korea, the Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Committee of Nepal and the Nepal Peace Action Committee express full support to the call of the joint editorial of the DPRK for the reunification of the country.
    We fully support the toughest policy of the DPRK, considering it as a just self-defensive measure to defend the country's sovereignty and right to existence.
    We strongly demand the U.S. immediately withdraw its troops from south Korea and stop deliberately hamstringing the efforts of the Korean people for the reunification of the country.

Seminar on Immortal Exploits of Kim Jong Il Held in Romania

    Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) -- A seminar on the immortal exploits of leader Kim Jong Il was held at the building of the Socialist Party of Romania on Jan. 13 on the occasion of his birthday (February 16). A portrait of Kim Jong Il was seen on the front wall of the hall where the seminar took place.
    Exhibited there were his famous works and books on his greatness. Present there were members of the preparatory committee to commemorate the Day of the Sun and February 16.
    The chairman and vice-chairmen of the Supreme Council of the Socialist Party of Romania made speeches at the seminar.
    The birth of Kim Jong Il was a great event for mankind as they acclaimed the great successor to President Kim Il Sung and the sun of the era of independence whose appearance history and all people longed to see so eagerly, they said.
    They praised Kim Jong Il as an outstanding great politician and invincible diplomatic and military strategist for defending the sovereignty of the country and dignity of the Korean nation with his unique Songun politics from the moves of the U.S.-led world imperialist allied forces to isolate and stifle the DPRK and wisely leading the cause of the prosperity of socialist Korea and the reunification of the country.
    They made detailed accounts of the fact that the position of the DPRK has reached its height and shines as a power of world standard with tremendous military potential as it is led by Kim Jong Il.

Friendly Meeting with Staff Members of Chinese Embassy Held

    Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) -- The DPRK Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a friendly meeting with staff members of the Chinese embassy here on Jan. 20 on the occasion of the New Year Juche 93 (2004). Speeches were made there.
    The participants talked about the need to boost the friendly relations between the DPRK and China.

Japan's Brigandish Assertion Assailed

    Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary denounces the eccentric and far-fetched assertion that Tok islet is "part of Japan's territory" as a blatant challenge to and violation of the dignity and sovereignty of the Korean nation as it is the reckless remark which can be let loose only by those steeped in bitterness towards Korea, consciousness of confrontation with it and ambition for territorial expansion to the marrow of their bones. The commentary says:
    The Japanese chief executive who signed the DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration insisted that the other's territory belongs to his country contrary to the spirit of the declaration. This indicates that the Japanese authorities have no will to sincerely implement the declaration and Japan is only keen to achieve its ambition for territorial expansion.
    The commentary cites historical facts to prove that Tok islet is part of the inviolable territory of Korea not only from a historical and geographical point of view but from a legal point of view.
    Tok islet will always remain part of the inviolable territory of Korea, the commentary observes, and goes on:
    The Korean people who consider independence as their life and soul will not abandon the jurisdiction over the islet whatever others may say, how much water may flow under the bridge and no matter what changes may occur around the DPRK. The army and people of the DPRK will severely punish Japan should it violate the territory and sovereignty of the DPRK even a bit.
    The Japanese reactionaries had better awake from an anachronistic daydream and immediately drop their brigandish "claim to Tok islet."

GNP Hit for Poking Its Nose into "Amnesty"

    Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) -- The Grand National Party of south Korea, chewing its nails, is now poking its nose into the issue of "amnesty" for those involved in "the case of remittance to the north" in an attempt to hinder it. Dismissing this as a ridiculous act of ill-natured ones, Rodong Sinmun in a signed commentary today says: The south Korean authorities are pushing for a "special amnesty" for those involved in the socalled "case of remittance to the north" with the lapse of one year after the assumption of office by the present chief executive. In this connection the GNP is now raising a hue and cry, contending that the "special amnesty must never be tolerated" as it is "an abuse of the right of amnesty that disturbs state discipline" and "strategy of Chongwadae for the National Assembly election."
    The GNP is showing its bad habit of blocking at every step anything good for inter-Korean reconciliation and cooperation. Truth to tell, the "case of remittance to the north" was an off-spring of an anti-reunification plot of those who do not want inter-Korean contact, reconciliation and cooperation, mortified by it.
    It was the GNP that took issue with the "case" that posed no problem and cooked up the "act of special inspection," malignantly criminalizing it.
    Giving vent to jealousy and indignation at the June 15 event, having been shut out of it, the GNP was dastardly enough to throw a snag in the way of reconciliation and cooperation between the fellow countrymen in the north and the south by means of the "special inspection" of the economic dealings between the Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee and the Hyundai Business Group and impudently tried to tarnish the image of the historic Pyongyang meeting.
    There is no room for doubt that the GNP is, indeed, a habitat of those who have got into the incurable habit of slandering and obstructing anything contrary to their narrow-minded, short-sighted and traitorous mode of thinking, absolutizing it.
    Abusing the "special amnesty" as something in the nature of causing illness and administering medicine is no more than an irresponsible and imprudent act of encouraging the GNP in its treacheries.

KCNA Assails Japan's Moves to Go Nuclear

    Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) -- Remarks calling for the nuclear weaponization of Japan are heard from the outset of this year against the backdrop of its escalated moves for militarization. This is rubbing the international community up the wrong way. Former Prime Minister Nakasone recently asserted that it is possible for Japan to possess nuclear weapons under a certain condition and it is in accord with the constitution.
    This is not a personal remark made by a former politician but clearly reflects Japan's stand and ambition to emerge a new nuclear force in the 21st century. It is clearly evidenced by Japan's stepped-up moves for nuclear weaponization.
    It is by no means fortuitous that Dietman Nishimura, who once called for examining the issue of Japan's possession of nuclear weapons a few years ago, again clarified his view on it and a professor at a Japanese university argued that Japan should move to have access to nukes from this moment. He even claimed for a country to completely abandon nuclear weapons is like promising not to hook his opponent in a boxing match. The ever-mounting zeal for nuclear weaponization in Japan can not but arouse vigilance of the Asian people aspiring after a peaceful new world free from a nuclear war.
    Japan is now rounding off its nuclear weaponization at its final phase. Japan is capable of producing thousands of nuclear warheads overnight once it is determined and has their delivery means in place and possesses its independent spy satellites and their guide system.
    What should not be overlooked is that the Japanese reactionaries are making much ado about the fictitious "nuclear and missile threats" from the DPRK in a bid to justify their moves for nuclear weaponization. Through this they seek to mislead the public opinion in Japan and fool the international community.
    The Japanese government recently made a final decision to introduce the Missile Defence System at the meeting of the National Security Council and a ministerial meeting citing the DPRK as a pretext and is now pushing ahead with its deployment in real earnest. This can not be construed otherwise than part of its plan to mount a preemptive nuclear attack on the DPRK.
    The DPRK keenly realizes the justice of the steps taken by it to build a strong nuclear deterrent force to cope with the nuclear threat from the U.S. and Japan's moves for nuclear weaponization.

Japan's Undisguised Attempt to Go Nuclear Assailed

    Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) -- On January 7, Nakasone, former prime minister of Japan, in a lecture expressed his view that Japan's possession of nuclear weapons is conditionally possible, noting that "the possession of nukes helpful to its exclusive defense is not a violation of the constitution in the light of its interpretation." Last year, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Fukuda, when referring to the issue of possessing nukes, claimed that "Japan may have them if they are for exclusive defence".
    Judging from their political viewpoint, it is not hard to guess that it is an important political task of the Japanese government to possess nuclear weapons and it is keen to fulfil it, says Minju Joson today in a signed commentary.
    It continues:
    Japan has stepped up for years the technological development and the construction of related facilities that can materially guarantee its nuclear weaponization and channeled its unusual efforts into stockpiling necessary raw materials.
    It is the unanimous view of experts that Japan is capable of manufacturing nukes in a few days if it has a will. What remains to be done is to provide legal conditions for Japan's possession of nukes. But a scrutiny into Japan's present legal circumstances suggests that it only ostensively negates nuclear weaponization.
    Displeased with this, the Japanese reactionaries are set to buckle down to realizing their ambition for nuclear weaponization, regarding the present situation as a golden opportunity to do so.
    The United States, seized by its wild ambition for world supremacy, worked out a new nuclear strategy to realize it and is getting desperate in its efforts to produce smaller nukes whose use it considers quite possible. It is the ulterior intention of the Japanese reactionaries to start the production of smaller nukes, taking advantage of the U.S. move, and, on this basis, revise its constitution to emerge a nuclear weapons state overnight.
    It is self-evident that when Japan goes nuclear, seized by the ambition for overseas expansion and militaristic overseas invasion,it will bring worldwide disasters.
    The reality goes to prove the justice of the measures taken by the DPRK to build a nuclear deterrent force to cope with the U.S. nuclear threat and Japan's moves for nuclear weaponization.

Unreasonable U.S. Pressure Must Be Rejected

    Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) -- The United States is demanding that the south Korean authorities "adjust" the inter-Korean relations in step with "the progress of the settlement of the nuclear issue" in an attempt to cut off again the rail and road links between the north and the south of Korea reconnected with much effort, shut the tourist road to Mt. Kumgang and suspend the construction of the Kaesong industrial zone. Rodong Sinmun in a signed article today dismisses this is an unreasonable interferencein the internal affairs of the Korean nation and a premeditated act to block reconciliation and reunification process on the Korean peninsula.
    It goes on:
    The cause of national reunification to establish the sovereignty of the nation all over the country, reconnect its bisected blood ties and achieve reconciliation and unity is entirely an internal issue of the Korean nation. No outside force has the right and excuse to interfere in its reunification issue.
    The U.S. is itching to upset other's apple cart with outrageous interference and pressure by getting its hand on the issues of reconciliation, cooperation and reunification on the Korean peninsula. This impudent and shameless act is motivated by its criminal policy to dominate Korea.
    To carry this policy into practice, the U.S. is framing plots to bring the holocaust of a nuclear war upon the Korean nation without hesitation. For this criminal design, it is intensifying interference and pressure against reunification, dismayed by the adoption of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and growing fervor for independence and reunification on the Korean peninsula.
    The Korean nation should deal a merciless sledge hammer blow to the U.S. interference and pressure insulting it which is desirous of achieving independence and reunification. All the Koreans, be they in the north, south or overseas, should turn out as one in the anti-U.S. showdown to bring into shape the Korean nation-U.S. confrontation by fully cooperating under the banner of the Korean nation-first spirit. The south Korean people should resolutely oppose the U.S. unreasonable pressure and interference running counter to the dignity and interests of the nation and raise a fiercer flame of struggle for independence against the U.S. South Korea should not yield to the U.S. pressure for the "adjustment" of the progress of inter-Korean relations.
    The south Korean authorities would be well advised to correctly judge and deal with all the matters from the national stand to suit the era of national independence and reunification.

Rallies Held to Denounce U.S. Arms Build-up

    Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) -- Rallies took place at Kim Chaek University of Technology and the Paek Song Cooperative Farm, Phyongsong, South Phyongan Province on Jan. 19 and 20 to denounce the U.S. imperialists for escalating their reckless moves for aggression against the DPRK by shipping ultra-modern military hardware into south Korea. Speakers at the rally held at Kim Chaek University of Technology accused the U.S. imperialists of perpetrating arbitrary practices in every part of the world, seized by an extreme delusion, noting with indignation that such moves of the U.S. imperialists havereached their height on the Korean peninsula.
    The present grave situation calls on the youth and students to firmly hold arms in hands and underscores the need for them to settle accounts with the U.S. imperialists in the death-defying spirit, they stressed.
    Speakers at the rally of agricultural workers held in the Paek Song Cooperative Farm called for resolutely smashing the U.S. persistent moves for a war with a revolutionary offensive to bring about a high stage of national prosperity under the Songun revolutionary leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea, branding the U.S. imperialist aggressors' arms build-up as an unpardonable criminal act of disturbing the peace and security of the country.
    If the U.S. imperialists ignite a war of aggression in Korea despite the repeated warnings of the DPRK, all the servicepersons and people of the DPRK will rise up to wipe out the U.S. imperialist aggressors through life-and-death resistance to achieve the historical cause of national reunification at any cost, they warned.

Lunar New Year's Day Customs in Korea

    Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) -- January 22 this year is the lunar New Year's Day, one of the traditional folk holidays of the Korean people. According to historical records, they enjoyed the holiday with colorful functions before and in the period of three kingdoms (Koguryo, Paekje and Silla).
    The solar calendar was introduced in Korea in 1896. Since then, the solar New Year's Day has been celebrated. But the people have still used lunar calendar and given greater significance to the lunar New Year's Day.
    The lunar New Year's Day is one of the three greatest folk holidays along with Surinal (the lunar May fifth) and Hangawi (lunar August 15th).
    The Korean people make preparations to meet the holiday from the last days of the year. Each family cleans the interior and exterior of its house, pastes pictures celebrating the New Year's Day on walls and doors and hangs lanterns to stir up the holiday atmosphere.
    @All the people including children and old men and women are in their attire. Women wear Korean skirts and jogori (coat) with ornamental edging. Boys put on coats with sleeves of many-colored stripes, blue waistcoats and jade green trousers, while girls wear coats with sleeves of many-colored stripes and red skirts.
    Main festive dishes are rice-cake, pancake, soup, meat dumpling soup, fruit punch made of honey, pop-rice cake, fermented fish, etc. They send some of dishes to their neighbors and serve them to their guests.
    It is one of the Koreans' most important customs to express etiquette to the elders on the New Year's Day.
    Young family members make a bow to the elders on the New Year's Day and visit other families in their villages to pay their respects to old people and teachers.
    Yut-game, tug-of-war, seesaw, kite flying, top spinning, sledging, etc. are popular among people on the day.
    The lunar New Year's Day is celebrated as a national holiday under deep care of leader Kim Jong Il, who leads the people to value and carry forward the inherent traditions of the nation.

Pueblo Incident Serves as Serious Lesson for U.S.

    Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) -- The U.S. armed spy ship Pueblo is seen in the River Taedong in Pyongyang, the capital of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. It, which was captured by the navy of the Korean People's Army on January 23, Juche 57 (1968), has been visited by an increasing number of people including servicepersons, youth and schoolchildren.
    Seeing the spy ship, visitors feel indignant at the U.S. imperialists persistently threatening the DPRK and infringing upon the sovereignty of the Korean people.
    Kim Tong Chol, a KPA officer, told the KCNA that the U.S. has escalated war preparations against the DPRK.
    Now, he said, the U.S. is preparing a preemptive attack on the DPRK, while bringing a large number of high-tech weapons to areas near the Military Demarcation Line and other south Korean areas of strategic importance.
    If the U.S. ignites another war against the DPRK, instead of drawing a lesson from the Pueblo incident, it will suffer the same fate with Pueblo, he added.
    Yang Sok Chol, a worker of the Kim Jong Thae Electric Locomotive Plant, said that the U.S. ambition for stifling the DPRK by force of arms remains unchanged and that the Korean people, who are keeping a close eye on the enemy's every movement, will annihilate the invaders if they start a war.
    Jang Kyong Jin, a student of Kim Il Sung University, said the U.S. should immediately drop the hostile policy towards the DPRK and stop arms buildup in south Korea.

Schoolchildren's Joint Meeting Held

    Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) -- A joint gathering of schoolchildren in Pyongyang and members of the art troupe of Korean schoolchildren in Japan led by O Jae Gun staying in the socialist homeland took place at the People's Palace of Culture on Jan. 21. Speeches were made there.
    Ri Mun, principal of Pyongyang Tongdaewon Middle School No.1, Kim Yong Ok, teacher at Pyongyang Sinri Primary School and pupils Ko Un Suk and So Yun Mi said that members of the art troupe of Korean schoolchildren in Japan put on the stage dance story-telling carrying their feelings to carry forward the patriotic cause of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) even in an alien land, touching the right chord in the hearts of the audience.
    They expressed the belief that the members of the art troupe would grow up to be reliable successors to the patriotic cause of Chongryon just as the schoolchildren at home do.
    O Jae Gun and members Ko Son Il and Han Hyon jun of the troupe said that leader Kim Jong Il arranged a grand banquet in honour of the art troupe sent gifts for them.
    They said that they would bear in mind the deep love and expectation of Kim Jong Il and grow up to be dependable able men and women who would carry forward patriotism and shoulder upon themselves the work of Chongryon and the movement of Koreans in Japan.

Friendly Meeting at Russian Embassy

    Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) -- Russian Ambassador to the DPRK Andrei Karlov sponsored a friendly meeting at the Russian embassy this evening on the occasion of the New Year Juche 93 (2004). Present on invitation were Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the Supreme People's Assembly, Deputies Hong So Hon, Choe Jong Son and Kim Kwang Chol and other officials concerned.
    Staff members of the Russian embassy were also present there.
    The participants went round photos showing immortal exploits performed by President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il in boosting the DPRK-Russia friendship.
    They saw a Korean documentary film showing Kim Jong Il receiving a congratulatory message and a gift sent by Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
    Speeches were made there.
    They deepened the friendship, underscoring the need to boost the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries which grow stronger as the days go by.

For Spanish-speaking people

Estudiantes y granjeros condenan aumento armamentista de EE.UU.

    Pyongyang, 21 de enero (ATCC) -- En el Instituto Universitario Politecnico Kim Chaek y la Granja Cooperativa de Paeksong de la ciudad de Phyongsong de la provincia de Phyong-an del Sur, se improvisaron respectivamente los dias 19 y 20 mitines de denuncia a las maquinaciones desesperadas de los imperialistas norteamericanos que no cesan de introducir los armamentos de punta en el Sur de Corea para la agresion al Norte de Corea. En el mitin improvisto en el instituto arriba mencionado los oradores dijeron con gran indignacion que los imperialistas norteamericanos, presos de extremada megalomania, actuan arbitrariamente en todos los lugares del mundo y que tales fanfarronadas llegan al extremo en la Peninsula Coreana.
    La situacion severa de hoy demanda que los jovenes y estudiantes empunen con mas firmeza el fusil para ajustar cuentas en la batalla decisiva contra los yanquis.
    En el mitin sostenido en la mencionada granja los oradores calificaron el aumento armamentista de los agresores estadounidenses de imperdonable acto criminal que perturba la paz y la seguridad de Corea y reiteraron la decision de desplegar una ofensiva revolucionaria para abrir la epoca de gran prosperidad de la patria bajo la direccion del Partido del Trabajo de Corea sobre la revolucion mediante el Songun (priorizacion militar), y de frustrar categoricamente las perversas maniobras de provocacion de guerra de EE.UU..
    Enfatizaron que si los yanquis desatan por fin una guerra de agresion en esta tierra a pesar de nuestras advertencias reiteradas, todos los militares y habitantes de Corea se levantaran valientemente en la decisiva batalla para aniquilar a todos los invasores norteamericanos y lograr sin falta la historica causa de la reunificacion de la patria.

Austria: Comite Preparatorio por el 16 de Febrero

    Pyongyang, 21 de enero (ATCC) -- Quedo constituido el dia 12 en Viena el Comite Preparatorio de Austria por el 16 de Febrero (cumpleanos del Dirigente Kim Jong Il). Como presidente del Comite fue electo Max Verworner, presidente de la Asociacion Austriaca por el Fomento de las Relaciones con la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea.
    El comite decidio efectuar variadas actividades en el centro y localidades con motivo de esa efemeride.

Ambicion abierta de armamento nuclear de Japon - Comentario de ATCC -

    Pyongyang, 21 de enero (ATCC) -- En medio de que en Japon se da acicate a la militarizacion, desde principios de este ano, se presenta hasta la palabra del armamento nuclear haciendo tensa la sociedad internacional. Hace unos dias, el ex-premier Nakasone dijo estupidamente que "la posesion de las armas nucleares de Japon es posible condicionalmente" y "conviene a la Constitucion".
    Esta tonteria no es la palabreria de un ex-politico sino refleja fielmente la posicion y ambicion de Japon que pretende aparecer como una nueva fuerza para la guerra nuclear en el siglo XXI.
    Realmente, lo demuestra el ambiente del armamento nuclear que predomina en Japon.
    El parlamentario Nishimura, quien hace unos anos se pronuncio por la revision del problema de que Japon poseyera las armas nucleares, volvio a aclarar tal criterio.Un profesor japones de una universidad dijo: "Desde ahora, Japon debe insistir en que puede poseer armas nucleares. El que un pais lo renuncie por completo es igual con la promesa de no dar el golpe lateral en el partido de boxeo".
    Esta realidad provoca una precaucion de los pueblos asiaticos aspirantes a un nuevo mundo pacifico exento de guerra nuclear.
    Actualmente, Japon da cima al armamento nuclear tras disponer de la capacidad de poseer en un corto tiempo miles de ojivas atomicas, si lo decide, y de los medios de transportarlas, e incluso, de satelites espias y del sistema de armas teledirigidas independientes.
    Lo que no podemos pasar por alto es que los reaccionarios japoneses difunden ruidosamente un rumor de la supuesta "amenaza nuclear y de misiles" de la RPDC, para justificar sus maniobras del armamento nuclear, excitar la opinion publica de su pais y enganar a la sociedad internacional.
    Recientemente, el gobierno japones definio finalmente la introduccion del sistema antimisiles en una reunion de seguridad estatal y la sesion ministerial, efectuadas so pretexto de la amenaza de la RPDC, y entro en la etapa de impulsar activamente su distribucion.
    No podemos menos que calificarlo de que es un eslabon para asestar el primer ataque nuclear a la RPDC.
    Sentimos de corazon que justa es la disposicion de la fuerza de detencion nuclear frente a la amenaza nuclear de EE.UU. y a las maniobras del armamento nuclear de Japon.