Thai Preparatory Committee Formed

    Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- A Thai preparatory committee was formed with due ceremony in Bangkok on Jan 19 to commemorate the Day of the Sun and February 16, the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il. At the ceremony, Songchit Pullarp, chairman of the Thai Organization for the Study of the Juche Idea, was elected chairman of the preparatory committee.
    The committee decided to set a period from February to April for commemorating the Day of the Sun and February 16 and hold colorful political and cultural functions in the period.

Syrian Political Party Leader Refers to Ties with WPK

    Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- The Arab Socialists' Movement of Syria will as ever strengthen the friendship and solidarity with the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK). General Secretary of the movement Gassan Abdul Aziz Osman said this at round-table talks on the joint New Year editorial issued by the newspapers of the Workers' Party of Korea, the Korean People's Army and the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League of the DPRK held by the movement on Jan. 13. The general secretary said that the joint New Year editorial of the leading newspapers of the DPRK reviewed successes made by the Korean people in their just struggle last year and laid down major tasks to be fulfilled this year.
    He expressed belief that the Korean people who have built strong nuclear deterrence under the banner of the Songun politics would achieve greater success in this year's efforts to build a great prosperous powerful nation and reunify the country and peacefully solve the DPRK-U.S. nuclear crisis through negotiations.
    He continued:
    Both the DPRK and Syria are now struggling against the pressure and threat posed by the United States.
    The Korean people's anti-U.S. struggle for peace and security on the Korean peninsula encourages Syria in its cause and its struggle in Mideast constitutes solidarity with the Korean people in their struggle.
    It is a way of defending the security of the two countries and world peace to boost solidarity and mutual support between the DPRK and Syria under the present tense situation.

U.S. to Blame for Developing Nukes

    Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- The U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration recently instructed the Los Alamos Institute and two other institutes to resume the research into smaller nukes in the wake of the Bush administration's lift of the decade-long ban on the research into smaller nukes. Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article carried in this regard says:
    More than a decade has passed since the Cold War came to an end and the U.S. military rival demised. Moreover, the world greeted the new century. But the U.S. has frantically stepped up arms buildup and is now working hard to modernize and conventionalize nuclear weapons. This lays bare the true colors of the U.S. as the world's biggest nuclear criminal.
    The U.S. reckless policy for arms buildup is sparking off the second arms race worldwide.
    The U.S. is working hard to carry out its "strategy to mount a preemptive nuclear attack" after designating several countries as targets of nuclear attacks. This compelled big powers and several other countries to bolster nuclear means to cope with it.
    The world is now on the verge of being embroiled in the second global arms race.
    The U.S. imperialists' strategy for a preemptive nuclear attack is targeted against the Korean peninsula.
    It is none other than the U.S. which is chiefly to blame for the new world arms race and it is again the U.S. which has brought misfortune and pain to other nations, threatening to use nuclear weapons.
    The U.S. must stand international trial for developing nuclear weapons.
    The world community should never overlook the U.S. moves to launch a nuclear war going against humankind's unanimous desire and wish to live in a new stable and peaceful world free from the danger of a nuclear war and arms race.

Rodong Sinmun on Banner of Movement for Reunification

    Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in an article says our nation-first spirit is the banner the whole Korean nation should hold aloft in the struggle to accomplish the cause of the country's reunification. Stating that our nation-first spirit is the key to the security of the nation and patriotism for reunification, the author of the article goes on:
    The Korean nation should remove the factor of tense situation on the Korean peninsula and pave a wide avenue for independent reunification this year. Our nation-first spirit is a powerful ideological and moral weapon for victory in this struggle.
    It is an important demand of the present reality to advance the movement for the country's reunification under the banner of this spirit today when the U.S. imperialists' high-handed practices against the DPRK and their unilateralism and moves of aggression on Korea have been carried into extremes. If the U.S. imperialists' reckless nuclear rackets and moves to provoke a new war go unchecked, irreversible grave consequences may be incurred to the sovereignty and dignity of the country and the nation and the cause of independent national reunification.
    Only when the banner of our nation-first spirit is held aloft in today's anti-U.S. struggle is it possible to realize national unity and fortify the will of the nation to achieve peace and reunification on the basis of the excellent national character of the Korean people.
    It is the guarantee for shattering the aggressive moves of outside forces against Korea's reunification and spurring the process of reconciliation and reunification for the Korean nation to wage the struggle under the uplifted banner of our nation-first spirit which boosts the pride in the superiority and might of the nation and enhances the will to fight the U.S. for independent reunification.

For Spanish-speaking people

Egipto: Comite preparatorio por cumpleanos de Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, 26 de enero (ATCC) -- Quedo constituido el dia 19 el Comite Preparatorio de Egipto por el Dia de Nacimiento de Su Excelencia Kim Jong Il, gran Dirigente. Como presidente del Comite fue electo Muhammad al Husseini al Akad, viceministro de la Agricultura de ese pais.
    El comite preparatorio definio del 19 de enero al 19 de febrero como un periodo conmemorativo y decidio efectuar simposio, proyeccion filmica, fotoexhibicion y otros diversos actos.

Tailandia: Comite preparatorio por Dia del Sol y 16 de Febrero

    Pyongyang, 26 de enero (ATCC) -- En Bangkok se constituyo el dia 19 con un acto el Comite Preparatorio de Tailandia por el Dia del Sol(cumpleanos del Presidente Kim Il Sung) y el 16 de Febrero (cumpleanos del Dirigente Kim Jong Il). Como presidente del Comite fue electo Songchit Pullarp, presidente de la Organizacion de Estudio de la Idea Juche de Tailandia.
    El comite preparatorio definio de febrero a abril como periodo de festejo de ambas efemerides y decidio efectuar variados actos politicos y culturales.