Floral Basket from Zhang Weihua's Son and Daughter

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- A floral basket from Zhang Weihua's son and daughter and their party was laid before the statue of President Kim Il Sung on Mansu Hill yesterday on the occasion of the Day of the Sun. The ribbon of the floral basket bore the words "The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung will live forever".

Congratulatory Letter to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a congratulatory letter from the officials in charge of cultural and friendly relations of various foreign embassies here on the occasion of the Day of the Sun and the 11th anniversary of his election as chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK. The letter was conveyed to an official concerned by Mahmoud Masoud Amer, acting secretary of the People's Bureau of Libya, on behalf of the officials in charge of the cultural and friendly relations on April 13.

Floral Basket Laid before Statue of Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- A floral basket from the officials in charge of the cultural and friendly relations of foreign embassies in Pyongyang was laid before the statue of President Kim Il Sung on Mansu Hill yesterday on the occasion of the Day of the Sun. They laid the floral basket before the statue in humble reverence for him and paid high tribute to him.
    The ribbon of the floral basket bore the words "His Excellency great President Kim Il Sung will live forever".

Gift to Kim Jong Il from President of Pakistan

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a gift from Pervez Musharraf, president of Pakistan, on the occasion of the Day of the Sun. It was conveyed to an official concerned by Syed Farooq Ahmad, charge d'affaires ad interim of the Pakistani embassy here.

Weightlifters of DPRK Prove Successful

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- DPRK weightlifters proved successful at the 36th Asian Men's weightlifting Championships in Alma Ata, Kazakhstan. Kim Chol Jin came first in the jerk for the 69 kg category with a lift of 187.5 kg and finished a runner-up in the snatch for the same category with a lift of 142.5 kg, thus emerging a winner in total.
    Earlier, Ri Kyong Sok placed third in total in the 56 kg category.

Order of KPA Supreme Commander Issued

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Il today issued an order No. 00165 on promoting the military ranks of commanding officers of the KPA on the occasion of the Day of the Sun. He issued this order, expressing firm belief that they, who have grown up under the care of the Workers' Party of Korea and the leader, would as always creditably fulfill their heavy responsibilities in their efforts to strengthen the revolutionary armed forces and win the victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche under the leadership of the WPK.
    According to the order, Pak Won Sik and seven others have been promoted to lieut. generals and Kim Chang Sik and 64 others to major generals.

Film Show by Pyongyang City People's Committee

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- The Pyongyang City People's Committee arranged a film show at the Taedonggang Club for the Diplomatic Corps on April 13 on the occasion of the Day of the Sun. Present on invitation were Chinese residents in Pyongyang.
    On hand were Kim Jong Sik, vice-chairman of the Pyongyang City People's Committee, and other officials concerned.
    The attendants appreciated Korean documentary film "Song of Praise by All People" which shows the firm faith of the Korean people and the progressive people of the world to hold President Kim Il Sung in high esteem forever as the great sun of humankind and their infinite reverence for him.
    Then, a concert of Chinese residents was held to commemorate the Day of the Sun.

Trees Planted in Arboretum of Kumsusan Memorial Palace

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- A meeting of officials of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League and youth and students was held in the arboretum of the Kumsusan Memorial Palace yesterday to plant trees on the occasion of the significant Day of the Sun. Kim Kyong Ho, first secretary of the Central Committee of the youth league, made a speech which was followed by more speeches.
    Speakers called on all youth and students to plant many rare trees in the arboretum with the desire to hold President Kim Il Sung in high esteem for all ages and stage a vigorous all-out offensive on the three fronts of building a great prosperous powerful nation and thus demonstrate to the full the wisdom and honor of the young vanguard in the Songun era boundlessly loyal to leader Kim Jong Il.
    Then they planted trees.
    Officials of the youth league and youth and students from Pyongyang and South Phyongan and North Hwanghae provinces planted with good care more than 2,500 trees including Thuja orientalis, pine-nut trees, persimmon trees, apple trees, peach trees and azaleas and flower trees in humble reverence for the President.

Swedish Ambassador Hosts Reception

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- Paul Beijer, Swedish ambassador to the DPRK, hosted a reception at the embassy yesterday on the occasion of the Day of the Sun. He in his speech said that the immortal exploits President Kim Il Sung performed by devoting all his life to the freedom and happiness of the Korean people would shine forever.
    The Korean people are dynamically advancing along the road they have chosen despite all difficulties as they are led by Kim Jong Il who has successfully carried forward and developed the cause of the President, he said.
    Showing deep interest in the on-going 22nd April Spring Friendship Art Festival, he said that Swedish artistes' diverse performing activities in the festival are a manifestation of the deep respect of the Swedish people for the President.
    Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun in a speech said that the revolutionary cause of Juche pioneered by the President has been successfully carried forward and accomplished by Kim Jong Il, noting that the President devoted all his life to the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people.
    The DPRK will as always make energetic efforts to develop the friendly and cooperative relations with all countries including Sweden friendly to it in the idea of independence, peace and friendship clarified by the President, he added.

Reception at Syrian Embassy

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- Muhammad Adib Alhani, charge d'affaires ad interim of the Syrian embassy here, hosted a reception at the embassy Tuesday evening on the occasion of the Day of the Sun. He noted in his speech that President Kim Il Sung, born to a patriotic family, embarked upon the road of the revolution at his young age, achieved liberation of the country through an arduous struggle against the imperialist aggressors, defended the dignity of the nation and founded the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK.
    He said that the friendly relations between Syria and the DPRK provided by the eternal leaders President Hafez al-Assad and Kim Il Sung are now growing stronger under the care of President Bashar al-Assad and leader Kim Jong Il.
    Kim Yong Dae, vice-president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, in a speech said that the revolutionary cause of Juche pioneered by Kim Il Sung has been successfully carried forward and accomplished by Kim Jong Il.
    He stressed that the government and people of the DPRK would as ever make positive efforts to expand and develop the relations with Syria in all fields under any circumstances as intended by Kim Jong Il.
    Present on invitation were Rim Kyong Man, minister of Foreign Trade, and other officials concerned.

Third-day Performances of April Spring Festival

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- The third-day performances of the 22nd April Spring Friendship Art Festival were given at theaters in Pyongyang on April 13, drawing capacity audiences. Put on stage were many numbers representing unbounded reverence for and thanks to President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.
    Artistes of the Chamber Orchestra of the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory successfully presented in string orchestra the Korean song "We Long for the Sunny Smile."
    Artistes of the British Art Troupe gave an instrumental recital of "Nostalgia", a famous song, and male vocal soloists of Armenia and Vietnam sang the Korean song "Snow Falls."
    A singer from Georgia who is winner of international concours prize, impressively sang the Korean song "We Will Always Live with the Leader" and a Belgian female singer the Korean song "I Know It Now."
    Alberto Hoya, head of the Cuban Art Troupe, successfully played the piano in the piano concerto "To the Road of Decisive Battle" depicting the heroic struggle of the brave soldiers of the Korean People's Army in the Fatherland Liberation War.
    The female violin soloist of the Romanian Art Troupe and the Finnish vocal soloist, who are international concours prize winners, were also acclaimed by the audience.
    Goh Siew Geok, a female vocal soloist of the Singaporean Art Troupe, sang the Korean song "Best Wishes" with ardor, wishing Kim Jong Il good health.
    Home concours prize winner Alexei Prosolkov and ten odd other dancers of the Ukrainian Dance Troupe put on stage "Waltz of Flowers" and other dances.
    Overseas Koreans presented colorful numbers on stage, heightening the atmosphere of the festival.
    On the same day the Russian Ballet Troupe, the Chinese State Symphony Orchestra, the Mongolian Art Troupe, the German Instrumental Concert Group, the art troupes of Koreans in Japan, China, and the United States gave separate performances.
    Acrobats from different countries gave the third-day performance at the Pyongyang Circus Theater.
    The performances continue.

Nat'l Meeting Held in Commemoration of Birth Anniv. of President Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- A national meeting was held at the April 25 House of Culture today to commemorate the 92nd birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. It was attended by senior officials of the Party, the state and the army, chairpersons of the friendly parties, people from all walks of life and servicepersons of the Korean People's Army.
    Also present there were delegations of overseas Koreans, overseas compatriots, the chief of the Pyongyang Mission of the National Democratic Front of South Korea.
    Diplomatic envoys of different countries here and other foreigners were present there on invitation.
    Kim Yong Nam, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, made a report.
    The reporter said that April 15, the birthday of the President, is the most significant day as it gave an origin to Juche Korea in the nation's history spanning 5000 years and a holiday of the sun shedding eternal rays as a symbol of national honor and fortune of the Korean people.
    He went on:
    The President discovered the principle of independence when hewing out a new path of the Korean revolution and founded the Juche idea on that principle. This was an event of world historic significance as it made a switchover in the orientation of the development of history to the struggle to realize the desire of the people for independence and put the true path of the revolution on the orbit of independence.
    The President, placing the people in the center in the practice of the Korean revolution, set out revolutionary theories involving all stages from national liberation and class emancipation to socialist construction and its completion and the world revolution. He also enunciated revolutionary theories involving all fields including nature-harnessing, social reform and transformation of man.
    This meant a new clarification of the revolutionary theory of Juche.
    Kim Il Sung led the cause of national liberation and the deep-going social revolution at the two phases to victory under the banner of independence, thus putting an end to national and class subjugation and freeing the Korean people from exploitation and oppression. He built man-centered socialism demonstrating its might with independent politics, self-supporting economy and self-reliant national defence on this land where centuries-old backwardness and poverty once prevailed.
    He founded the Juche-oriented revolutionary party and the people's government. This helped the Korean people emerge a revolutionary and dignified people who carve out their destiny independently with strong power in their hands under the leadership of the Party and victoriously advance the revolutionary cause of Juche along the road of socialism meeting all challenges of history.
    He created a new history of national cohesion and great unity, paved a wide avenue for the country's reunification and independent development and ushered in the era of a fresh surge in the worldwide struggle for national liberation against imperialism upholding the banner of independence against imperialism.
    His revolutionary idea and exploits are being successfully carried forward and developed by leader Kim Jong Il. Basing himself on the review of the one hundred year-long history of the development of preceding revolutionary theories, Kim Jong Il formulated the President's revolutionary idea as an integral system of idea, theory and method of Juche and proclaimed it as a guiding idea of the revolution in the era of independence. This was a historic event as it opened up a road of an epochal change in developing the revolutionary idea for the Korean revolution and independence of the popular masses.
    What occupies the most shining position in Kim Jong Il's leadership over the efforts to carry forward and develop the President's revolutionary idea and exploits is that he set out the Songun idea and carved out the road of Songun revolution to cope with the grim situation the Korean revolution faced in the 1990s of the last century.
    We should invariably and vigorously advance under the Songun revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il in the future, too just as we did in the last decade when we paved the road of proud struggle victoriously standing the most stern trials so as to glorify the President's idea, cause and revolutionary traditions of Juche for all ages.
    It is a sure guarantee for carrying forward and developing the President's idea and cause and attaining the final victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche to devotedly defend Kim Jong Il and uphold his Songun idea and revolutionary leadership with loyalty.
    It is an unshakable will of the WPK to defend the motherland and socialism and carve out the destiny of the nation independently, considering it as the most important affair to increase the national defence capacity, the reporter said, underlining the need to strengthen the People's Army, give priority to the development of the national defence industry and consolidate the single-hearted unity of the army and the people as firm as a rock.
    All the Koreans in the north and the south and abroad should thoroughly implement the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration under the banner of national independence and actively promote the reunification cause on the principle of independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity, the reporter said, and went on:
    The situation on the Korean peninsula at present has reached a serious phase due to the U.S. persistent and vicious hostile policy toward the DPRK. If the U.S. imperialists misunderstand the generosity and patience of the DPRK and ignite another war on the peninsula, its army and people will turn out as one to mercilessly wipe out the aggressors to the last man.

Experience in Cultivating Kimilsungia Presented

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- A public presentation of experience gained in cultivating Kimilsungia was held at the Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia Exhibition today. Introduced there were successes and experience gained in the course of creative thinking and pursuit of advanced technology to cultivate the immortal flower and widely propagate it under different conditions and circumstances.
    The experience gained in solving the issue arising in cultivating Kimilsungia to keep it in full bloom on the occasion of the Day of the Sun and the technology that helped promote its growth and bring it into bloom earlier than usual by use of potato extract drew the interest of the participants.
    It was attended by officials concerned and researchers, horticulturists, cultivators and flower lovers in the field of flower cultivation of ministries, national institutions, all provinces and other units.

Yang Hyong Sop Meets Vietnamese Delegation

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, met and had a friendly talk with the delegation of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations led by Chairman Vu Xuan Hong at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. Present there were Jon Yong Jin, vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, and Phan Trong Thai, Vietnamese ambassador e. p. to the DPRK.

U.S. Proliferation Security Initiative under Fire

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- Bolton, U.S. under secretary of State, in his recent prepared testimony at the House International Relations Committee reportedly called for convening an "enlarged gathering" and a "gathering of experts" and conducting a "joint exercise to check the proliferation of WMD (weapons of mass destruction)" on the occasion of the first anniversary of the PSI (proliferation security initiative). In this regard Minju Joson today carries a signed commentary. It says:
    Bolton's loudmouthed PSI is a totally illegal and brigandish one set out by the U.S. together with its allies in May last year. It is unjustifiable.
    The U.S. is chiefly to blame for the world-wide proliferation of WMD. It is, indeed, shameless and brigandish for the U.S. to come out with the PSI aimed to brand the efforts of the DPRK and other anti-U.S. independent countries to increase the defence capability for self-defence as "proliferation of WMD" and eliminate them under that pretext, while evading its responsibility for the proliferation of WMD.
    The U.S. talk about "enlarged gathering" and "gathering of experts" and its plan to stage a "joint exercise" again to carry out the PSI are part of its criminal moves to justify the PSI and achieve the sinister aim of military aggression at any cost through its expansion and strengthening.
    The first target of the U.S. PSI is none other than the DPRK.
    The DPRK clarified its stance that it resolutely rejects the U.S. PSI aimed to isolate and stifle it.
    If the U.S. persistently pursues the strengthened PSI, it will only compel the army and the people of the DPRK to take a tough measure against the U.S.

Russian Embassy Officials Visit National Fine Art Exhibition

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- Ambassador e.p. Andrei Karlov and staff members of the Russian embassy here today visited the national fine art exhibition commemorating the Day of the Sun. The guests looked round with keen interest art pieces truthfully depicting the noble revolutionary life of President Kim Il Sung and his immortal exploits and the greatness of the Songun revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    The ambassador said that their visit to the exhibition provided him with an opportunity to know well about the revolutionary history of the President, the founder of the DPRK, and the deep trust and reverence he enjoyed from the Korean people and servicepersons.
    He added that he was deeply impressed to see art pieces representing the revolutionary activities of Kim Jong Il who has creditably carried forward the revolutionary cause of the President and art works on display there should be preserved forever.
    On the same day staff members of the Russian embassy visited the Moranbong Revolutionary Site associated with the history of the leadership of the three generals of Mt. Paektu.

President Kim Il Sung Always with World People

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- Colorful functions have been held in many countries with the approach of the Day of the Sun (April 15), the birthday of President Kim Il Sung. Preparatory committees were formed and lectures, round-table talks, meetings and other events took place in many countries including Germany, Mongolia, Pakistan, Uganda and Peru to commemorate the Day of the Sun.
    The world progressive people have significantly commemorated the Day of the Sun every year even after his demise in Juche 83 (1994).
    A preparatory committee for commemorating April 15 was formed in Mongolia in Juche 84 (1995) and observed the holiday significantly according to its program. Public organizations of Zimbabwe issued a joint appeal to set April 15 as the "International Day of Peace and Friendship."
    More and more preparatory committees have been formed in many countries as years go by to commemorate the Day of the Sun with colorful functions.
    Memorial meetings were held in Nepal, Bangladesh, Syria and other Arab countries in 2002 with the attendance of leaders of political parties and national liberation movement forces. Speakers at the meetings were unanimous in stressing that Kim Il Sung is the paragon of the world revolutionaries and a veteran statesman recognized by the world and that his undying exploits would shine forever.
    Even after his passing away, Kim Il Sung has been awarded with orders, honorary titles and gifts by other countries and progressive people across the world.
    Indeed, Kim Il Sung always lives in the hearts of the progressive people and illuminates the road ahead of them.
    Director of the International Institute of the Juche Idea Alva Chavez says in an article headlined "President Kim Il Sung and Korean Socialism": The only way to be taken by 5.4 billion people at present, 8.5 billion in 2025 and 10 billion in 2050 is the road of Juche, the road of Korean socialism established by Kim Il Sung and led by Kim Jong Il.

Day of Sun, Common Holiday of Humankind

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- The people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the world progressives are significantly commemorating the Day of the Sun (April 15), the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. The Korean people are commemorating this most auspicious holiday with deep reverence for the President, who liberated the country from the Japanese imperialists' colonial rule and exalted the national dignity.
    An increasing number of servicepersons, working people from all walks of life, youth and students have visited the Kumsusan Memorial Palace, in which the President lies in state, and his statue on Mansu Hill with the Day of the Sun approaching.
    The 6th Kimilsungia Festival opened on April 13 when colorful functions including the National Art Show and 19th National Scientific and technological Festival were going on amid deep public concern.
    The people in economic sectors are commemorating the holiday with a high degree of political enthusiasm and signal achievements in their work.
    Meanwhile, the world progressives are also observing the Day of the Sun with grandeur.
    The current visit to Pyongyang of King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia with boundless reverence for President Kim Il Sung further boosts the atmosphere of the jubilee and delights the Korean people.
    Floral baskets and messages have come from the presidents of the Russian Federation and the State of Palestine and heads of state of other countries on this occasion.
    Preparatory committees for the Day of the Sun formed in Russia, Belarus, Mongolia, Austria, Egypt and Guinea and many other countries have sponsored symposiums, lectures, commemoration meetings and other functions in praise of Kim Il Sung's immortal exploits.
    Mass media of various countries have edited special write-ups and broadcast special programs praising the feats he performed for the Korean revolution and humankind's cause of independence.
    The 22nd April Spring Friendship Art Festival is successfully going on before full houses in Pyongyang.
    Famous art troupes and artistes from scores of countries are putting on stage beautiful songs and dances reflecting the unanimous reverence of the world progressive people for the President.

Condolences to Russian Prime Minister

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- Pak Pong Ju, premier of the DPRK Cabinet, sent a message of condolence to Mikhail Yefimovich Fradkov, prime minister of Russia. Upon hearing the sad news that an explosion at Taizhna Coal Mine in Kemerovo Region claimed many human lives, I express condolences and consolation to you and, through you, to the victims and the bereaved families, said the message.
    I hope the Russian government would make active efforts to do away with the aftereffect of the accident at an early date, it added.

Gift to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a gift from the delegation of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations on a visit to the DPRK on the occasion of the Day of the Sun. Vu Xuan Hong, chairman of the union who is heading the delegation, conveyed the gift to an official concerned.

Kim Jong Il Sends Educational Aid Fund and Stipends to Children of Koreans in Japan

    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il sent educational aid fund and stipends amounting to 210,800,000 yen for the development of democratic national education of Chongryon (General Association of Korean Residents in Japan). This 150th installment brought the total amount of educational aid fund and stipends sent by President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il for the children of Koreans in Japan so far to 45,316,963,000 yen.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il inspecciona subunidad de la Unidad No. 156 del EPC

    Pyongyang, 14 de abril (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea (PTC), Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional (CDN) de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea (EPC), inspecciono una subunidad de la Unidad No. 156 del EPC. El Comandante Supremo, luego de enterarse del estado de cumplimiento del deber de la Unidad, recorrio los equipos tecnicos de combate y vio el ejercicio de los militares en la sala de leccion tecnica.
    Expreso gran satisfaccion de que la subunidad acondiciono excelentemente la sala de leccion tecnica y el salon de entrenamiento y al cumplir consecuentemente los ejercicios programados entrena seguramente a todos los oficiales y soldados como combatientes versados en esos equipos, dotados de la alta capacidad de operacion y mando y la combativa y listos a pelear a solas contra ciento y presento las tareas programaticas que sirven de guia para fortalecer considerablemente la combatividad de la Unidad.
    Acto seguido, recorrio la sala de educacion, el dormitorio, el comedor, el bano, el deposito diario, la parcela de legumbres, el lugar de descanso al aire libre y otros varios lugares para prodigar profunda atencion a la vida de los militares.
    El Dirigente prodigo infinita benevolencia a los soldados al hacer conocimiento detallado de toda la vida de estos desde la calefaccion del dormitorio, elaboracion de alimentos subsidiarios, el estado de cultivo de legumbres hasta la calidad de las fotografias de los soldados.
    Vio la funcion artistica de los militares de una compania de la subunidad.
    Muy regocijado de que el soldado superior Kang Chol Min y otros militares de la compania, unidos con una sola idea y voluntad, cantan a toda voz las canciones de lucha y de revolucion, les felicito por su exitosa actuacion.
    El Comandante Supremo dejo como recuerdo a los militares de esta subunidad los binoculos, la ametralladora y el fusil automatico y se fotografio junto a ellos.
    Le acompano Ri Yong Chol, miembro de la Comision Militar Central y primer subjefe de departamento del CC, del PTC.

Kim Jong Il da orden de ascender grados militares

    Pyongyang, 14 de abril (ATCC) -- Con motivo del Dia del Sol (cumpleanos del Presidente Kim Il Sung), el Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea (EPC), Kim Jong Il, dio el dia 14 la orden No. 00165 de ascender los titulos militares de los miembros directivos del EPC. El Comandante Supremo expreso una firme conviccion de que los miembros directivos del EPC formados bajo la profunda atencion del partido y el lider quedaran fieles en el futuro tambien a la direccion del Partido del Trabajo de Corea y cumpliran excelentemente sus deberes importantes asumidos en la lucha por el fortalecimiento de las fuerzas armadas revolucionarias y el triunfo de la causa revolucionaria del Juche y dio tal orden en ocasion de esa efemeride.
    Segun la orden, Pak Won Sik y otros 7 recibieron titulos de teniente general y, Kim Chang Sik y otros 64, titulos de mayor general.

Kim Jong Il envia subsidios escolares y becas para hijos de coreanos en Japon

    Pyongyang, 14 de abril (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il envio los subsidios escolares y becas equivalentes a 210 millones 800 mil yenes (moneda japonesa) para el desarrollo de la educacion nacional democratica de la Asociacion General de Coreanos Residentes en Japon (Chongryon). Los subsidios escolares y becas enviados hasta el presente por el Presidente Kim Il Sung y el Dirigente Kim Jong Il para los hijos de coreanos residentes en Japon llegan en 150 ocasiones a 45 mil 316 millones 963 mil yenes (moneda japonesa) en total.

Cesto de flores de funcionarios de embajada ante estatua de Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, 14 de abril (ATCC) -- Con motivo del Dia del Sol (cumpleanos del Presidente Kim Il Sung), los funcionarios encargados de asuntos culturales y de amistad de las embajadas de varios paises en Corea depositaron el dia 13 un cesto de flores ante la estatua de bronce del Presidente en la colina Mansu y le rindieron homenaje. En la cinta del cesto de flores se leia: "Su Excelencia el gran Presidente Kim Il Sung sera inmortal".