Japanese Prime Minister Arrives

    Pyongyang, May 22 (KCNA) -- Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi arrived here Saturday on a visit to the DPRK to implement the DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration and restore the relations of confidence between the two countries. A plane carrying him and his party touched down at Pyongyang Airport at 9:15 am.
    He was accompanied by Masaaki Yamazaki, deputy chief Cabinet secretary, Hitoshi Tanaka, deputy minister for Foreign Affairs, Mitoji Yabunaka, chief of the Asia and Oceania Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and other suite members. They were greeted at the airport by Kim Yong Il, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, and other officials concerned.

Report on Meeting and Talks between Kim Jong Il and Koizumi

    Pyongyang, May 22 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission, Saturday met and had talks with Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on a visit to the DPRK to implement the "DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration" and restore the relations of confidence between the two countries. Present there were Kang Sok Ju, first vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, from the DPRK side and Masaaki Yamazaki, deputy chief Cabinet secretary, Koro Bessho, chief secretary to the prime minister, Hitoshi Tanaka, deputy minister for Foreign Affairs, Mitoji Yabunaka, chief of the Asia and Oceania Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and other suite members from the Japanese side.
    At the meeting and talks the two sides reaffirmed the "DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration" adopted in September 2002, discussed issues related to its implementation and exchanged views on the overall international issues and on a series of matters arising in improving the bilateral relations.
    Kim Jong Il clarified the principled issues arising in improving the DPRK-Japan ties.
    It is not beneficial in every respect that the two countries have been in the abnormal relationship for over half a century since the end of the war, though they were close to each other and had deep relations historically, he said, stressing that for the two countries to be on good terms, coexist and seek common prosperity is in line with their interests and in favor of peace and stability in Asia and the rest of the world.
    There would be no problems insoluble if the two countries determine and buckle down to settling them from a broad perspective to meet the desire and interests of the two peoples as it is the historic mission facing us, politicians, to improve the abnormal DPRK-Japan relations, he noted.
    Saying that the DPRK government would as ever make positive efforts to implement the declaration, Kim Jong Il stressed that progress in improving the bilateral relations would largely depend on what an attitude and stand the ally of Japan will take.
    Expressing regret at the undesirable things that have so far taken place in the relations with the DPRK, Koizumi manifested the will to set store by the "Japan-DPRK Pyongyang Declaration," convert the hostile relations into those of cooperation and normalize the bilateral relations in the course of honestly implementing it.
    He assured the DPRK side that Japan would halt the invocation of the "law on sanctions" against the DPRK, not discriminate against the Koreans in Japan but treat them in a friendly manner and immediately resume the humanitarian aid to the DPRK and supply 250,000 tons of rice and medicament worth ten million U.S. dollars to the DPRK with a view to restoring the ties of confidence between the two countries.
    The meeting and talks proceeded in a sincere and candid atmosphere.
    The meeting and talks between the top leaders of the DPRK and Japan mark an important and historic event in restoring the confidence, improving the relations between the two countries and promoting peace and stability in Asia and the rest of the world.

Japanese Prime Minister Leaves

    Pyongyang, May 22 (KCNA) -- Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi left here Saturday after visiting the DPRK. He and his party were seen off at the airport by Kim Yong Il, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, and other officials concerned.

KCNA Urges U.S. to Accept DPRK's Proposal

    Pyongyang, May 21 (KCNA) -- As already reported, there was a meeting of the working group of the six-party talks for the settlement of the DPRK-U.S.nuclear issue in Beijing from May 12 to 14. At the meeting, the DPRK side put forward the reward for freeze proposal as the first phase action to attain the general goal to denuclearize the Korean peninsula and maintained a sincere stance to solve the issue at all costs. It proposed to have an in-depth discussion on the specific and practical issues related to the nuclear freeze including the objects to be frozen, the duration of freeze and the method to verify it andthe time to freeze facilities.
    This proposal includes the core issues that should be implemented at the first phase for the solution of the DPRK-U.S. nuclear issue.
    The U.S. side, however, again insisted that the DPRK abandon its "nuclear program" first, i.e. CVID and argued it would not discuss the "reward for freeze" proposal or other offer unless the latter accepts the former's demand. This attitude brought the discussion to a failure.
    As the U.S. assertion was rebuffed at the meeting, U.S. Secretary of State Powell talked rubbish that the U.S. would put increased international pressure upon north Korea to disarm itself.
    This only glaringly revealed the fact that the U.S.-loudmouthed peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue was nothing but a sheer lie and a trick and it is only keen on disarming the DPRK behind the curtain of dialogue.
    The increasing U.S. nuclear threat to the DPRK, not a defeated nation, compelled it to build a nuclear deterrent for self-defence. For the U.S. to force the DPRK to dismantle its "nuclear program" first is, therefore, little short of a brigandish demand for laying down arms and unconditionally submitting to it and scrapping all its nuclear plans for a peaceful purpose.
    The DPRK-U.S. nuclear issue was caused by the United States and has become complicated in the historic process. Its solution is, therefore, possible only when the U.S. will drop its hostile policy toward the DPRK and accepts the latter's offer for reward for freeze the first-phase action.
    The U.S. unchanged arrogant assertion once again convinced the DPRK that the Bush administration has no will to peacefully coexist with the DPRK but only pursues a sinister aim to completely disarm it and swallow it up as was the case with Iraq.
    The same can be said of "north Korea's enriched uranium program" the U.S. raised again at the meeting.
    As already clarified by the DPRK, the "enriched uranium program" is the product of the despicable plot hatched by the hawkish group of the Bush administration to isolate the former in the international arena.
    What happened in Iraq clearly proved that it was the bellicose and bestial nature of the Bush administration to cook up misinformation to start and justify a war of aggression.
    The U.S. is grossly mistaken if it calculates its spread of such lie about this program among the international community would help lay an international siege" to the DPRK and force it to change its system.
    The moves taken by the Bush administration and the international situation including what is going on in Iraq go to prove that the Songun politics pursued by the DPRK serves as a treasured sword for achieving sure success in the political and military relations with other countries and the increase of the capability for self-defence including nuclear deterrent provides the best shield for protecting the sovereignty of the country and the destiny of the nation.
    The DPRK will take all possible measures for self-defence, wielding high this treasured sword of Songun, unless the U.S. administration makes a substantial switchover in its hostile policy toward the DRPK with the good will to co-exist with it.

Congratulatory Message to Foreign Minister of Venezuela

    Pyongyang, May 21 (KCNA) -- DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun in a congratulatory message sent to Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Jesus Arnaldo Perez. warmly congratulated the Venezuelan government and people upon foiling in time the anti-government forces' recent attempt at an armed coup and defending the Bolivarian revolution and the stability of the country. Expressing the belief that the relations between the two foreign ministries would steadily develop on good terms, the message wished him greater success in his work for the preservation of the sovereignty and peace of the country and the development of the friendly relations with various countries of the world.

Congratulatory Message to Prime Minister of Guinea-Bissau

    Pyongyang, May 21 (KCNA) -- Pak Pong Ju, premier of the DPRK Cabinet, sent a congratulatory message to Carlos Gomes Junior upon his appointment as prime minister of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau. Expressing the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger, the message sincerely wished him success in his responsible work.

Kim Yong Nam Meets Special Envoy of UN Secretary General

    Pyongyang, May 21 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, met and conversed with Maurice Strong, special envoy of the UN secretary general, and his party at the Mansudae Assembly Hall Friday. Present there were Vice Foreign Minister Choe Su Hon, and Eigil Sorensen, acting UN resident coordinator in the DPRK and representative of the WHO.

Gift to Kim Jong Il from Hungarian Party Leader

    Pyongyang, May 21 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a gift from Gyula Thurmer, chairman of the Hungarian Workers' Party. The gift was handed to an official concerned by Janos Boida, vice-chairman of the party who is on a visit to the DPRK.

DPRK Foreign Minister Meets Special Envoy of UN Secretary General

    Pyongyang, May 21 (KCNA) -- DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun met and conversed with Maurice Strong, special envoy of the UN secretary general, and his party Friday. Present there were an official concerned and the acting UN resident coordinator and representative of the WHO here.

Gift to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, May 21 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il was presented with a gift by Maurice Strong, a special envoy of the UN secretary general, on a visit to the DPRK. It was conveyed to Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, by the special envoy on May 21.

DPRK FM Spokesman Refutes U.S. "Report on Human Rights and Democracy"

    Pyongyang, May 21 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK gave an answer to a question put by KCNA Friday as regards the U.S. recent release of a "report on human rights and democracy" in which it again slandered the DPRK. He said:
    The U.S. Department of State in its "report on human rights and democracy" issued on May 17 absurdly asserted that the human rights issue in the DPRK has become an object of international debate and it is being taken up by the six-party talks, assessing as it pleased the human rights situation in at least 100 countries and regions.
    It admits of no argument that the U.S. far-fetched assertion was prompted by a sinister political aim to force the DPRK to change its inviolable socialist system.
    The U.S. is pressurizing the DPRK to accept the CVID as regards the nuclear issue and taking pains to egg its allies on to lay a siege to the DPRK under the pretexts of "human rights" and "democracy."
    GIs' maltreatment of Iraqi prisoners that shocked and infuriated the international community brought to light the hypocritical nature of the U.S. as the world's biggest violator of human rights and a graveyard of human rights.
    It is the view of the fair public opinion that the U.S. has neither qualification nor moral right to talk about "human rights" or "democracy."
    Yet, the U.S. is impudent enough to pull up not a few countries over their human rights performance or democracy, unaware of how other countries paint it. This only glaringly reveals the shameless nature of the Bush group.
    No smear campaign on the part of the U.S. can ever shake Korean-style socialism centered on the popular masses under which the leader, the Party and the people are single-heartedly united.
    The situation in Iraq where confusion, disorder, bloodshed and violence are rampant due to the U.S. aggression and wanton interference and tragic happenings in various other countries prove with added clarity that human rights precisely mean sovereignty and the loss of sovereignty leads to contempt, disgrace and humiliation.
    The DPRK will as ever protect as the apple of the eye the inviolable Korean-style socialism, the Korean people's choice and life and soul, and never allow anyone to vilify it.

Kim Yong Nam Calls on Cambodian King

    Pyongyang, May 21 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, Friday visited the state guest house where Norodom Sihanouk, king of Cambodia, is staying in the DPRK. He was accompanied by Kim Yong Il, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, and other officials concerned.
    He talked with the king in a friendly atmosphere.

For Spanish-speaking people

Llega a Pyongyang premier japones

    Pyongyang, 22 de mayo (ATCC) -- Llego el dia 22 a esta capital Junichiro Koizumi, primer ministro de Japon, quien viene a visitar la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea para promover la ejecucion de la Declaracion Corea-Japon de Pyongyang y el restablecimiento de las relaciones de confianza entre los dos paises. A las 9:15 a.m. el avion con el premier y su comitiva a su bordo aterrizo en el aeropuerto de Pyongyang.
    Arribaron junto con Koizumi el subdirector del Secretariado del Gabinete Masaaki Yamazaki, el viceministro encargado de asuntos exteriores del MINREX Hitoshi Tanaka, el director del Departamento de Asia y Oceania del MINREX Mitoji Yabunaka y otros acompanantes.
    En el aeropuerto los huespedes japoneses fueron acogidos por el vicecanciller Kim Yong Il y otros funcionarios coreanos.

Informacion sobre encuentro y conversaciones entre Kim Jong Il y Junichiro Koizumi

    Pyongyang, 22 de mayo (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, se reunio y departio el dia 22 con Junichiro Koizumi, primer ministro de Japon, de visita en Corea para la ejecucion de la "Declaracion Corea-Japon de Pyongyang" y el restablecimiento de las relaciones de confianza entre los dos paises. En esta ocasion participaron, por la parte coreana, el primer viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores Kang Sok Ju, y, por la parte japonesa, el subdirector del Secretariado del Gabinete Masaaki Yamazaki, el subsecretario del primer ministro del gabinete Koro Bessho, el viceministro encargado de asuntos exteriores del MINREX Hitoshi Tanaka, el director del Departamento de Asia y Oceania del MINREX Mitoji Yabunaka y otros acompanantes.
    En el encuentro y las conversaciones reafirmaron la "Declaracion Corea-Japon de Pyongyang" aprobada en septiembre de 2002, discutieron los problemas relacionados con su ejecucion e intercambiaron opiniones sobre los problemas internacionales en su conjunto y una serie de asuntos que se presentan en la mejora de las relaciones bilaterales.
    El Dirigente Kim Jong Il aclaro los problemas de principios que se presentan en la mejora de las relaciones entre los dos paises.
    Dijo que es una cosa enteramente inutil el actual estado en que los dos paises, que se hallan cercanos geograficamente y habian tenido profundas relaciones a lo largo de la historia, se hallan en el estado anormal tambien a mas de medio siglo despues de terminada la guerra y enfatizo que ambos paises deben vivir en buenas relaciones, coexistir y realizar la coprosperidad, lo cual conviene a los intereses de ambas partes y es util para la paz y la estabilidad de Asia y el resto del mundo.
    El Dirigente Kim Jong Il senalo que normalizar las relaciones entre Corea y Japon es la historica mision asumida a los politicos de la epoca actual y por lo tanto, no habra cosa imposible de realizarse si toman la decision partiendo de la posicion de estado entre si para el deseo e interes de los pueblos de ambos paises.
    Apunto que el gobierno de la RPDC tambien en lo adelante se esforzara activamente por ejecutar la "Declaracion Corea-Japon de Pyongyang" y prosiguio que el progreso de la mejora de las relaciones Corea-Japon depende de la actitud y posicion que tome el pais aliado de Japon.
    El premier Koizumi expreso el pesar por haber existido hasta ahora cosas ignominiosas en las relaciones con la RPDC y exteriorizo la voluntad de dar importancia a la "Declaracion Japon-Corea de Pyongyang", de convertir las relaciones hostiles en las de cooperacion a traves del proceso de la ejecucion sincera de este documento y de normalizar las relaciones bilaterales.
    Afirmo que en lo adelante Japon suspendera la vigencia de la "ley de sancion" contra la RPDC, tratara amistosamente a los coreanos residentes en Japon sin discriminarlos, reanudara de inmediato la asistencia humanitaria a la RPDC y ofrecera 250 mil toneladas de arroz y medicinas por valor de 10 millones de US$ para la recuperacion de las relaciones de confianza entre ambos paises
    El encuentro y las conversaciones entre los maximos dirigentes entre Corea y Japon se desarrollaron en un ambiente sincero y franco.
    Devienen un suceso historico que tiene suma importancia en la recuperacion de la confianza, la mejora de las relaciones entre los dos paises y en la promocion de la paz y la estabilidad de Asia y el resto del mundo.