Kim Jong Il Gives Field Guidance to Chongchongang Machinery Plant

    Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission, gave field guidance to the Chongchongang Machinery Plant. Kim Jong Il acquainted himself in detail with the technical equipment and production at the plant while looking round its various production processes.
    He was greatly satisfied to learn that its workers have made signal successes in their daily endeavors to build a great prosperous powerful nation and kept their work sites neat and tidy.
    Noting that the workers of the plant could win a proud victory as they struggled to defend socialism with an extraordinary determination at a time when their country was undergoing a most rigorous trial, he said this is a demonstration of the invincible might of the heroic Korean working class dynamically advancing along the road of revolution without the slightest vacillation or hesitation despite any adversity.
    He learned in detail about the politico-ideological education of workers.
    He stressed the need for the Party organizations at all levels to exert sustained big efforts for the ideological education, noting that it is very good for the plant to conduct a unique effective ideological education among the party members and other working people the way the People's Army does.
    To love and value ours means patriotism and Juche, he said, calling on everybody to spruce up their work sites and villages with ardent love for the plant and the country to turn it into a land of bliss.
    After going round service facilities kept neat and tidy, he expressed great satisfaction over the fact that the plant is making good service for its workers after successfully building modern welfare and supply facilities just as the army does. He called upon all the units of the society to earnestly follow its example.
    He noted that officials should always take deep care of the living of the workers as the working class is the reliable vanguard of the revolution which has single-heartedly remained loyal to the Party, only thinking of the destiny of the country and the revolution and always devoting their all to the revolution.
    He spared time to see a performance given by a traveling art squad of the plant.
    At the end of the performance replete with the revolutionary spirit, Kim Jong Il warmly congratulated the squad on its successful performance. He expressed great satisfaction over the fact that the workers of the plant are living and working in a revolutionary manner full of joy, confident and optimistic about their future.
    , He repeatedly praised the plant for having done a lot of work in the past, noting that the plant where the revolutionary soldier spirit prevails is good not only at the production performance but at the ideological education, mass cultural work and supply service and all other work.
    He set forth important tasks to be fulfilled by the plant, expressing the expectation and conviction that its workers would fulfill their mission and duty they have assumed before the era and history.

Sophism of U.S. and KEDO about "Fate" of LWRs under Fire

    Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry today gave the following answer to the question put by KCNA in connection with the recent talk made by the U.S. and the KEDO about the "fate" of LWRs: U.S. high-ranking officials recently said the U.S. made it clear that there was no prospect of the LWR construction and there can be no concession such as the resumption of the LWR construction. It was against this backdrop that an executive council meeting of the KEDO held a few days ago announced that member states of the council have not reached a consensus of views on whether the LWR construction would be resumed after December 1 2004 when the period of its temporary suspension will expire.
    It is well known that the Bush administration announced the measure to stop the provision of heavy oil to the DPRK on November 14, 2002 under the pretext of the non-existent issue of "enriched uranium program" and halted the LWR construction on December 1, 2003.
    In this regard the DPRK, considering that the Bush administration unilaterally and completely scrapped the DPRK-U.S. Agreed Framework adopted in October 1994, took a corresponding measure and additional measures are now expected to be taken.
    Frankly speaking, we have never thought that the Bush administration steeped in hostility toward the DPRK to the marrow of its bone would bring the LWR construction to a completion.
    The point is why the U.S. is now talking about the issue of LWR construction again though it is long since it discarded the issue by itself.
    Needless to say, the Bush administration was prompted by a sinister attempt to evade the responsibility for having unilaterally scrapped the Agreed Framework.
    The U.S. is grossly mistaken.
    The DPRK will certainly settle accounts with the U.S. which unilaterally pulled out of the AF.
    The LWR issue taught a serious lesson to the DPRK.
    There can be no relationship based on confidence with the U.S. administration as it scrapped the AF whose core issue is the provision of LWRs, throwing away the document signed by its president like a pair of old shoes.
    It is necessary to settle any issue with the U.S. through an one-to-one agreement on the principle of simultaneous actions.
    That was why the DPRK put forward a formula calling for a simultaneous package solution to the nuclear issue and a "reward for freeze" proposal as the first phase action.
    The Bush administration would be advised to see how the international community is censuring the U.S. for its non-compliance with international commitments. Then, it may come to realize the fact itself and sympathize with the DPRK's fair and aboveboard proposal.

Preparatory Committee for Remembering President Kim Il Sung Formed in Mexico

    Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- An inaugural ceremony of the preparatory committee for remembering President Kim Il Sung was held in Mexico on May 28. Andres Gasca Sanchez, chairman of the Mexican Fellowship Union to Honor the Memory of President Kim Il Sung, was elected chairman of the preparatory committee.
    Noting that Kim Il Sung performed distinguished feats for humankind, the chairman said the committee would mark off the days from June 1 to the end of July as a remembering period and sponsor various events in this period, including a symposium on Kim Il Sung's works, a film show, a photo exhibition and a lecture.

President Kim Il Sung Remembered in Poland

    Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- A meeting for remembering President Kim Il Sung was held at the Swider Orphanage in Otwock on May 29 on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of his visit to Poland. The participants in the meeting first laid bouquets before photographs of the President. Permanent members of the Central Committee of the Poland-DPRK Association and former instructors of the orphanage who had had the honor of meeting the President in their speeches highly praised him, recollecting the joy and emotion when they were received by the President.
    A message of greetings to leader Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.

Work of Kim Jong Il Published in Cambodia

    Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il's famous work "The Juche Philosophy Is an Original Revolutionary Philosophy" was published in booklet by the Antri Miek Publishing House in Cambodia. The work, brought out on July 26, Juche 85 (1996), comprehensively elucidates the originality and superiority of the Juche philosophy as compared with the preceding philosophy of the working class and profoundly proves that the Juche philosophy is the revolutionary philosophy and political philosophy of the Workers' Party of Korea.
    The preface of the booklet says the publishing house has the great honor of bringing out the work of Kim Jong Il, the great leader of the Korean people, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of his starting work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.
    A function took place at the publishing house on May 28 upon the publication of the work.
    The director of the publishing house in his speech highly praised Kim Jong Il who has strengthened the WPK into invincible militant ranks and performed immortal exploits startling the world people in all the spheres including political and military domains, while leading the revolution and construction.

Indonesian Diplomats Give Helping Hands to Yaksu Cooperative Farm

    Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- Barita Siburian, charge d'affaires ad interim, and officials of the Indonesian embassy here Wednesday helped the DPRK-Indonesia Friendship Yaksu Cooperative Farm in Kangso County, South Phyongan Province, in farming. The guests helped its farmers in weeding in the maize field.
    During break they conversed and sang songs with farmers, deepening the friendship.
    The charge d'affaires ad interim said the Indonesia-DPRK friendly and cooperative relations are daily developing on good terms under deep care of Indonesian President Megawati Soekarnoputri and leader Kim Jong Il.
    He wished the farmers great success in their efforts to increase the grain production. The embassy officials handed aid goods to the farm.

Distribution Chamber of German Scientific and Technological Books Opens

    Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- A distribution chamber of scientific and technological books of Germany was opened with due ceremony at the Chollima House of Culture Wednesday under the joint cooperation of the DPRK-Germany Friendship Association and the Goethe Research Institute of Germany. It will promote the development of the relations between the two countries in different domains including science and technology.
    Present at the ceremony were Mun Jae Chol, acting chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Hong Son Ok, vice-chairperson of the committee who is also chairperson of the DPRK-Germany Friendship Association, Kim Yong In, vice-minister of Education, Ri Ui Gu, vice-president of the Academy of Sciences, officials concerned and researchers and teachers in the field of science and education in the city.
    Also present there were members of the German delegation led by Jutta Limbah, director of the institute, on a visit to the DPRK to participate in the opening ceremony, Ambassador Doris Hertrampf and staff members of the German embassy here, David Arthur Slinn, British ambassador to the DPRK, and Eigil Sorensen, representative of the World Health Organization here.
    Mun Jae Chol in a speech said the distribution chamber has opened against the backdrop of the growing relations between the DPRK and Germany. The opening of diplomatic relations between them on March 1, 2001 helped deepen the understanding, confidence and friendship between the two peoples and develop the cooperative relations in different fields including politics, economy and culture, he added.
    Jutta Limbah, Doris Hertrampf and Uwe Schumlter, representative of the institute, in their speeches said that the distribution chamber is aimed to introduce scientific and technologic achievements made in Germany to the Korean people, expressing belief that it would contribute to the development of science and technology in the DPRK.

End to U.S. Military Occupation and Domination over South Korea Called for

    Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- The National Reunification Institute in an indictment issued on June 3 cited historical facts that the United States has desperately blocked independence, democracy and reunification, encouraged corrupt politics and committed all sorts of crimes since its occupation of south Korea. The U.S. military occupation and colonial domination over south Korea are something unprecedented as they are characterized by craftiness and brutality of the U.S. imperialists that put into the shade the cruelty of the Japanese imperialists, the indictment said, and continued: The U.S. occupation of south Korea was totally illegal and unjustifiable from its outset as it absolutely lacked an international legal ground. This military presence, therefore, is a wanton violation of the dignity and sovereignty of the Korean nation.
    No sooner had the U.S. occupied south Korea than it declared a "military administration" and enforced a brutal "military rule" putting the governor-general rule of the Japanese imperialists into the shade. It faked up a pro-U.S. puppet regime with hand-raised stooges and built an American-style colonial domination system and, through it, brought under its control all the domains of south Korea including politics, military, economy and culture and kept south Korea more dependent on it.
    Since its occupation of south Korea, the U.S. has cooked up many shackling treaties and agreements including "the temporary agreement on military affairs and security in the transition period" and placed south Korea under its strict domination.
    In consequence politics, economy and culture of south Korea have got rotten so completely that there is hardly a thing that belongs to it but everything seems to belong to America.
    The south Korean people have been deprived of elementary rights as man and mercilessly killed owing to the unprecedented U.S. military occupation policy and colonial rule.
    What was done by the U.S. before anything else right after its military occupation of south Korea was that it forcibly dissolved the people's committees that appeared after the liberation of Korea (August 15, 1945), dissolved the patriotic and democratic political parties and organizations and cracked down on the people in their struggle for the establishment of a united democratic government at the point of bayonet.
    The monstrous massacres committed by the U.S. during the Korean war were the thrice-cursed ones which made the whole nation tremble with rage.
    After the war, the U.S. reduced south Korea into a barren land of democracy and human rights, pursuing a harsher colonial fascist rule.
    The GIs' crude violation of democracy, human rights abuses and barbarous massacre of south Koreans were not just crimes committed by individuals but organized crimes perpetrated at the instruction of the U.S. ruling quarters and by their order.
    The U.S. thrice-cursed atrocities have taken lives of more than 83,000 south Koreans up to this date since the end of the war.
    The U.S. is not only chiefly to blame for having kept Korea divided into two parts but for having thrown a stumbling block in the way of its reunification and it is the root cause of confrontation and war, the indictment noted, and went on:
    After its occupation of south Korea the U.S. set up pro-U.S. separate government in south Korea in a bid to keep Korea permanently divided, defying the will of all the Koreans to set up a legitimate united government. It even provoked a war of aggression in Korea to put even its northern half under its control.
    The U.S. has worked harder for division, confrontation, war and maneuvers after the war to gratify its wild ambition for aggression, far from drawing a lesson from a disgraceful defeat it suffered in the Korean war.
    It was none other than the U.S. that blatantly challenged the historic meeting of the top leaders of the north and the south and the publication of the June 15 joint declaration in 2000 that excited not only the Koreans but the world.
    The Bush Administration listed the DPRK as part of an "axis of evil" and one of the targets of preemptive nuclear attacks and has since stepped up preparations for a war of aggression against it, openly blustering that north Korea is the next target after Iraq.
    Human and material damage caused by the U.S. to south Koreans for nearly 60 years of its occupation amounts to 43 trillion U.S. dollars.
    The south Koreans have been under foreign oppression for 100 years: For over 40 years under the Japanese imperialists' colonial rule and then for nearly 60 years under the U.S. military occupation and rule.
    The Koreans can not expect the U.S. to guarantee the security of the nation and the peace of the Korean peninsula. They should preserve them by their concerted efforts through national cooperation. The great Songun politics of the DPRK provides a sure guarantee for this.
    The U.S. should not try to deceive the public opinion through such farces as the "transfer of its forces to Iraq and their redeployment" and "troop cutback" but unconditionally take all its troops and war means out of south Korea in a definite and irreversible manner.
    The south Koreans should put an end to the U.S. protracted military presence and domination of south Korea by forcing the U.S. troops to pull out of south Korea at an early date through national cooperation and the concerted efforts of the Koreans in the spirit of national independence and the Korean nation-first spirit under the banner of the historic June 15 joint declaration.

Abu Ghraib Prison, Oswiecim Concentration Camp of New Version

    Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- The United States announced on May 24 that the Abu Ghraib Prison in the suburbs of Baghdad would be dismantled. The announcement was apparently aimed to remove the traces of GIs' human rights abuse in Iraq.
    The prison reminds one of the Oswiecim Concentration Camp in Poland where fascist Germany brutally tortured and killed a large number of innocent people from different European countries during World War II.
    GIs applied such special torture methods to Iraqi detainees as inflicting mental and physical sufferings upon them and driving them in an unbearable mental position to easily wrest confessions from them. The fact has been disclosed by media, photos, video-tapes and testimonies of victims. The terrible torture methods are the worst human rights abuse in the 21st century putting the fascists' torture methods into shadow.
    U.S. soldiers left all the detainees, men and women, naked, an act which is considered to be the most shameful thing for the Islams, before torturing them.
    The Russian paper Pravda May 11 said it has become a commonplace to keep detainees naked in prison, while the Japanese Tokyo Shimbun May 5 reported that they unclothed not only men but women and video-recorded them.
    Thousands of photos and video-tapes which have already been made public are enough to evidence their unimaginable tortures such as tortures with electricity, military dogs and poisonous snakes and building of human pyramid. The worst of them is the sexual torture.
    GIs' abuses are a wanton violation of the Geneva Convention prohibiting the maltreatment of prisoners and violation of their human rights. They are also a denial of the Islamic ethics and human morality.
    What matters is that the abuses are not merely crimes of individual soldiers who broke discipline but intentional, premeditated and organized crimes perpetrated by the top authorities of the United States.
    Recently, the U.S. "New Yorker Magazine" said U.S. Defence Secretary Rumsfeld approved a secret operation to apply the investigation method used in Afghanistan last year to the Abu Ghraib Prison.
    The magazine said the operation plan was also approved by National Security Advisor to the President Rice and reported to Bush.
    This indicates that the abuses are organized crimes committed in a planned way by the U.S. Department of Defence, the CIA and other military and intelligence agencies of the Bush Administration.
    Such unpardonable abuses have been reported from other prisons in Iraq, too.
    Since it started the Iraqi war of aggression on March 20 last year, the United States has used about 311,000 depleted uranium bullets, 13,000 cluster bombs and many other kinds of shells and bombs to devastate the country and kill tens of thousands of civilian people.
    All the facts prove that the United States is not a "liberator" of Iraq but the worst human rights violator that tramples down the freedom, sovereignty and rights to existence of the Iraqi people.

Flames of Pochonbo Still Flare up

    Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- The flames of the Pochonbo battle 67 years ago are still ablaze in the mind of the Korean people. The battle implanted a strong sense of patriotism in the hearts of the entire Korean nation.
    At that time the Japanese imperialists were making more desperate efforts than ever before to exterminate the Korean nation and convert Korea into their complete colony, claiming that "Korea and Japan are one", "Japanese and Koreans are of same descent" and "Koreans should be turned into loyal Japanese subjects".
    Fully aware of the Korean people's misfortunes and sufferings, President Kim Il Sung made up his mind to advance into the homeland in order to inflict a telling blow to Japanese imperialism and to give rise to the vanishing spirit of the nation.
    He came to the northern border area across the Amnok River in Juche 26 (1937), leading the main unit of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army (KPRA). On June 4 that year, he commanded a surprise attack on Pochonbo successfully. In the wake of the Pochonbo battle, the KPRA dealt heavy blows at the Japanese imperialists again in Mt. Kouyushui and Jiansanfeng, thus demonstrating its invincible might and instilling the confidence in victory into the mind of the downtrodden people.
    Upon hearing the news about the battles, the Korean people were so excited.
    Kim Ku, obstinate nationalist boss, who had been leafing through newspapers, came across news of the Pochonbo battle and was so inflamed. He opened the windows and shouted over and over again that the Paedal nation was alive. The fact is enough to show what a great inspiration the battle gave to the Korean people.
    Newspapers of China and the Soviet Union, to say nothing of Japanese papers, highlighted the news of the battle.
    Frequently recollecting the battle, the President said that the flames which flared up in the homeland when even the sun and moon lost their light were a dawn heralding the resurrection of the nation, and that the greatest significance of the Pochonbo battle was that it not only convinced the Korean people, who had thought Korea was dead, that their country was still alive but also armed them with the belief that they were fully capable of fighting and achieving national independence and liberation.
    The Pochonbo battle is still inspiring the Korean people in their efforts to build a great prosperous powerful nation, unyielding to the enemy's moves to stifle the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Rakwon Machine Complex

    Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- The Rakwon Machine Complex is one of the leading machine-building bases in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. In May this year leader Kim Jong Il gave field guidance to the complex, which is located in Sinuiju City, North Phyongan Province. He highly appreciated what the complex did in remoulding all the production processes and enhancing the production capacity to bring about a new surge in production.
    The complex has introduced IT into heat treatment and other processes and put the oil pressure technology on a high level, thus manufacturing such quality machines as 2-cubic-meter loader, oil-pressure excavator, self-inhaling pump, small-size bean-oil press and other kinds of machines.
    It started operation in September Juche 34 (1945).At that time it was the Sinuiju Machine Factory. It has manufactured numerous machines for the development of the national economy by fully displaying the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and hard-working.
    In June 1952 when the Fatherland Liberation War was at its height, President Kim Il Sung inspected the factory and guided a meeting of the Party cell of its casting workshop to inspire the 10 Party members of the cell and other workers of the factory. They melted iron by operating the blower with a charcoal car and repairing the cupola furnace damaged by the enemy's indiscriminate bombing. In this way they ensured the war-time production even under difficult conditions.
    After the war they made Rakwon No.1-branded water pump, tower crane and truck crane, and produced thousands of water pumps in a short time.
    The President highly appreciated their indomitable revolutionary spirit and called on all other people of the country to learn from them.
    The complex has turned into a powerful machine-building center which is capable of making any machines and equipment such as 100-ton hydraulic truck, 4,000-cubic-meter oxygen plant, 8-cubic-meter movable oxygen plant, large-size bucket excavator, a new model of high-performance rotary drill, 4,000-cubic-meter nitrogen plant, 6,000-cubic-meter and 18,000-cubic-meter oxygen plants.

Korean Wrestling Tournament to Be Held in Pyongyang

    Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- The second round of the "Grand Bull Prize" National TV Korean Wrestling Tournament of Working People is to be held on Moran Hill in Pyongyang between June 20 and 22 on the occasion of Surinal (the lunar May 5th), a traditional holiday. The tournament will be held, divided into two groups-- main competition and competition of those above sixty.
    The best wrestler will be selected through open-weight and knock-out competitions among scores of wrestlers selected from all provinces (cities).
    The winner will be awarded a nearly one-ton bull and a gold bell.
    What the second round differs from the first round is that it includes competitions of those above sixty. Old men who want to participate in the tournament will compete each other in a knock-out way. Relevant prizes are to be awarded to those who prove successful.
    Wrestlers have already been selected in all provinces (cities). They are engaged in training.
    Kim Song Do of Pyongyang came first at the first round held in June Juche 91 (2002).

Academy Ensemble of Russia Arrives

    Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- The State Academy Ensemble of the Ministry of Interior of Russia led by its Chief Viktor Eliseyev arrived here Thursday. It was greeted at the airport by Pak Kyong Son, vice department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, officials concerned and Mikhail Vetrov, councilor of the Russian embassy here.

Norodom Sihanouk Hosts Banquet

    Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- Norodom Sihanouk, king of Cambodia, on a visit to the DPRK hosted a banquet at Mokran House Thursday. Present on invitation were Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun and Vice-Foreign Minister Kim Yong Il, officials concerned, diplomatic envoys of various countries and representatives of international organizations here and their wives.
    The queen, Oum Mannorine, ambassador of Cambodia to the DPRK, and suite members of the king were also present there.
    Norodom Sihanouk made a speech at the banquet.
    Expressing his profound thanks to leader Kim Jong Il for having accorded him warm and cordial hospitality during his stay in the DPRK, the king asked for conveying the heartfelt gratitude of himself and the queen to the leader.
    We are the closest friends of the Korean people having friendly sentiment towards the Cambodian people and diplomatic envoys of different countries, he said, and continued:
    Cambodia which established friendly relations with various countries and has developed them will as ever boost them.
    Next Shaher Mohammed Abdlah, Palestinian ambassador to the DPRK, took the floor on behalf of the diplomatic envoys and the representatives of international organizations. Referring to the exploits performed by the king in various fields, he hoped that the king would lead friendly Cambodia to prosperity and peace.
    Paek Nam Sun spoke next.
    His Majesty the king's visit to the DPRK this year which marks the 10th anniversary of the accomplishment of the cause of perpetuating the memory of President Kim Il Sung is an expression of his respect for and true sense of obligation towards the President who invariably supported his patriotic cause, he said, and went on:
    The people of the DPRK are pleased with the positive efforts made by the king for the development of Cambodia's friendly relations with the DPRK.
    He noted that the friendly relations between the two peoples are growing stronger thanks to the noble sense of obligation of Kim Jong Il and the king's brotherly fidelity and uprightness.
    He sincerely wished the Cambodian people greater success in their efforts to achieve national unity and socio-political stability under the correct leadership of the king.
    There was a performance of artistes at the banquet.

For Spanish-speaking people

Cambodia: obra de Kim Jong Il en folleto

    Pyongyang, 3 de junio (ATCC) -- La Editorial Antri Miek de Cambodia dio a luz en folleto la imperecedera obra clasica del Dirigente Kim Jong Il "La filosofia Juche es una original filosofia revolucionaria", publicada el 26 de julio del 85 (1996) de la Era Juche. La obra dilucida globalmente la originalidad y la superioridad de la filosofia Juche en comparacion con la anterior de la clase obrera y argumenta profundamente que la filosofia Juche constituye la revolucionaria y politica del Partido del Trabajo de Corea (PTC).
    El prologo del folleto senala que la editorial tiene el gran honor de editar la citada obra de Su Excelencia Kim Jong Il, gran Dirigente del pueblo coreano, con motivo de cumplirse los 40 anos desde cuando el comenzara a trabajar en el Comite Central del Partido del Trabajo de Corea.
    En la Editorial tuvo lugar el 28 de mayo la ceremonia de publicacion de la obra, en la cual el director de esta editora, al hacer uso de la palabra, destaco que el Dirigente convirtio el PTC en un invencible destacamento combativo en el proceso de dirigir la revolucion y la construccion y acumulo inmortales hazanas que asombran a todo el mundo en la politica, asuntos militares y los demas sectores.

Mexico: Comite preparatorio de recordacion a Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, 3 de junio (ATCC) -- Quedo constituido el 28 de mayo en Mexico el Comite Preparatorio de la Recordacion al Presidente Kim Il Sung. Como presidente del Comite fue electo Andres Gasca Sanchez, presidente de la Union de Amigos Mexicanos en Memoria del Presidente Kim Il Sung.
    El dijo que el Presidente dejo proezas singulares ante la humanidad y apunto que definira un periodo de recordacion del primero de junio a finales de julio y organizara simposio sobre obras del Presidente, proyeccion filmica, fotoexhibicion, conferencia y otras actividades.

Llamas inextinguibles de Pochonbo

    Pyongyang, 3 de junio (ATCC) -- Las llamas prendidas en Pochonbo hace ahora 67 anos mantienen, hasta hoy en dia, su furor en el corazon del pueblo coreano en calidad de antorcha de lucha inextinguible. Estas llamas sagradas dejaron grabado en la memoria de toda la nacion coreana el clamor de la historia de velar por la patria con el ardiente patriotismo.
    En aquel entonces, los imperialistas japoneses intentaron con mas frenesi que nunca asfixiar a la nacion coreana y convertir a esta en su colonia de cabo a rabo esgrimiendo alegatos de "Japon y Corea son de la misma comunidad", "un mismo tronco y una misma casta" y "convertir en ciudadania del imperio japones a la nacion coreana".
    El Presidente Kim Il Sung, quien experimento hasta en los tuetanos la desgracia y los sufrimientos del pueblo coreano, tomo la firme decision de cruzar la frontera hacia la patria para realizar una punicion a los imperialistas japoneses y avivar el alicaido animo de la nacion coreana.
    En el 26 (1937) de la Era Juche, el Presidente salio a la zona fronteriza nortena de Corea via rio Amrok al mando del grueso del Ejercito Revolucionario Popular de Corea (ERPC) y se persono a organizar y comandar, el 4 de junio, el asalto a Pochonbo que termino con la brillante victoria. Seguidamente, volvio a asestar golpes demoledores a los agresores japoneses en Kouyushuishan y Jiansanfeng exaltando asi el poderio invencible del ERPC e infundiendo la fe en la victoria cierta al pueblo coreano.
    Estas consecutivas victorias provocaron grandes alegrias, jubilos y conmociones a la nacion coreana.
    Kim Ku, prominente nacionalista intransigente, al informarse de la noticia de la batalla en Pochonbo, se puso tan excitado que luego de abrir de par en par la ventana lanzo al aire gritos de "!Esta viva la nacion de Paedal (nombre con que se denomino la tribu de la que era el patron el padre de Tangun. Tangun fue el fundador de Corea)!".
    Esto es uno de los ejemplos vivos que muestran cuan grande fue el impacto que dio el asalto a Pochonbo al pueblo coreano.
    A su vez, los periodicos de Japon, China y la ex URSS se hicieron eco de esta batalla.
    El Presidente, al recordarla a menudo senalo que para la patria ensombrecida las llamas que remataban la oscuridad de Pochonbo constituyeron el pronostico que anuncio el renacimiento de la nacion coreana. Y prosiguio que el peso de dicha batalla reside en que inspiro al pueblo en la conviccion de que Corea no esta muerta y con la lucha se puede lograr la independencia nacional y la restauracion de la patria.
    Las llamas de Pochonbo redoblan la conviccion del pueblo coreano que hoy en dia, colmado de la confianza y el optimismo, construye una gran potencia prospera socialista mostrandose indiferente a las maniobras de los enemigos de toda laya dirigidas a aplastar a la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea.