Anniversary of KCU Observed

    Pyongyang, June 6 (KCNA) -- Papers here Sunday carry articles on the 58th anniversary of the Korean Children's Union (KCU). In an editorial titled "KCU members represent future of Songun Korea" Rodong Sinmun says the Korean schoolchildren are stoutly growing to be the future masters of Songun Korea with beautiful hope and high aim under the particular concern and meticulous care of the Workers' Party of Korea and the leader.
    President Kim Il Sung founded the KCU on June 6, Juche 35 (1946), enabling the Korean children to realize their ideal and aim, united close under the red flag of the revolution, the editorial says, and goes on:
    Kim Jong Il is the great leader who has developed in depth the children's movement on a new higher stage as required by the new era of the Juche revolution.
    He has shown all the loving care for the KCU members, paying deep attention to their work and life though he is busy making an endless journey of the arduous Songun revolution, shouldering the destiny of the country upon himself.
    It is the noble duty of the KCU members to remain loyal to him who has protected their happiness and brought a bright future to them under the banner of Songun.
    All the KCU members should take "Always Ready for Respected General Kim Jong Il!" as an eternal slogan of the KCU and a maxim in all aspects of their work and life.
    They should study harder and harder to shoulder upon themselves the future of Songun Korea, bearing deep in mind the true idea of the slogan "Let Us Learn for Korea!" put up by Kim Jong Il.
    They should have burning hatred against the class enemy and renew their determination to fully settle accounts with the U.S. imperialists, the sworn enemy of the Korean people, with arms of the revolution when they have grown up.
    Very bright is the future of the country as there are the schoolchildren stoutly growing to be its strong pillars under the care of Kim Jong Il, the editorial concludes.

S. Korean Students Term U.S. Biggest Hurdle in Way of Korea's Reunification

    Pyongyang, June 6 (KCNA) -- South Korean university students termed the United States the biggest hurdle in the way of the reunification of the Korean peninsula, according to KBS of south Korea. The results of the recent opinion poll conducted by the Consultative Council of Democracy and Peaceful Reunification among at least 1,200 students said 87 percent of the respondents demanded the withdrawal of the U.S. troops from south Korea, censuring its unequal relations with the U.S.
    The majority of those polled said the U.S. is a state most hostile to the reunification of the Korean peninsula.

Publication of June 15 Joint Declaration Termed as Landmark Event

    Pyongyang, June 6 (KCNA) -- The last four years since the publication of the North-South joint declaration are recorded with exciting events which proved that the Songun politics of leader Kim Jong Il has given a strong impetus to the march for reunification and made it yield rich fruits and served as a bright beacon indicating the road to be followed by the Koreans to build a reunified great prosperous powerful nation. Kim Yong Dae, chairman of the National Reconciliation Council, said this in an article dedicated to the 4th anniversary of the publication of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration.
    Noting that the movement for national reunification has reached a higher stage to pave a wide avenue for independent reunification through national cooperation in the idea of "By our nation itself," he continued:
    The last 90s of the 20th century was a period of global turmoil beset with ups and downs.
    While standing in the confrontation without gunfire with the United States, the DPRK grieved over the sudden demise of President Kim Il Sung, the nation's biggest loss, and, to make things worse, it had to pull through rigorous trials and difficulties due to the consecutive years of natural disasters.
    Taking this as the golden chance to stifle the DPRK, the U.S. and its allies further escalated their political pressure, military offensive and economic blockade against it than ever before.
    It was against this backdrop that Kim Jong Il set out a unique political mode called Songun, something unprecedented in the world history of politics, protecting socialism and the dignity of the nation and paving a wide avenue for national reunification.
    He has frustrated the U.S. frantic moves to stifle the DPRK with the might of Songun and its interference in Koreans' affairs, thus opening a turning phase of national reunification.
    With a scientific insight into the situation at home and abroad and the inter-Korean relations developing favorably thanks to his Songun politics, he climbed Mt. Paektu, the holy mountain of the revolution, early in Juche 89 (2000), the turning point in history which witnessed the start of a new millennium, brought his grandiose plan into maturity to open a turning phase in national reunification and thus provided the north-south summit meeting, the first of its kind in the history of national division.
    His noble idea of the Songun politics is embodied in the joint declaration the core of which is the idea of "By our nation itself."
    Since the historic Pyongyang meeting a great change has taken place on the Korean peninsula: The nation is heading for reconciliation and unity away from old antipathy and confrontation, he noted, and went on:
    Kim Jong Il has held aloft the banner of Songun in the efforts to implement the joint declaration, too, thereby barring any foreign forces from standing in the way of the process of implementing the joint declaration externally and leading the Korean nation to vigorously advance along the road of reconciliation, cooperation and reunification internally.
    He has placed the traditional friendly ties with the neighboring countries on a new higher stage with his preeminent diplomacy and improved the DPRK's ties with the West including the European Union and its member countries, thus countering the U.S. siege to the DPRK and creating on his initiative an international environment favorable to the implementation of the joint declaration.
    Remaining true to his Songun politics alone would bring independence, unity and reunification.
    All Koreans who truly love the country and wish the reunification, be they in the north, the south and overseas, should fully support and uphold his Songun politics.

Talks Held between DPRK and German Groups of Lawmakers

    Pyongyang, June 6 (KCNA) -- Talks were held between the DPRK-Germany Friendship Parliamentary Group and the German-Korean Friendship Parliamentary Group at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on Sunday. At the talks both sides exchanged views on the issue of boosting the friendly and cooperative relations between the parliaments of the two countries and a series of matters of bilateral concern.
    Present at the talks from the DPRK side were Deputy to the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) Ri Jong Hyok who is chairman of the DPRK-Germany Friendship Parliamentary Group, SPA Deputies Choe Hui Jong, Kye Yong Sam and Kim Ung Chol and from the German side members of the delegation of the German-Korean Friendship Parliamentary Group led by Member of the Bundestag Hartmut Koschyk who is chairman of the group, and German Ambassador to the DPRK Doris Hertrampf.

SPA Chairman Meets Delegation of German Lawmakers

    Pyongyang, June 6 (KCNA) -- Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly (SPA), met and had a friendly talk with a delegation of the German-Korean Friendship Parliamentary Group led by Hartmut Koschyk, chairman of the group and member of the Bundestag, who paid a courtesy call on him at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on Sunday. Present there were Deputy to the SPA Ri Jong Hyok, chairman of the DPRK-Germany Friendship Parliamentary Group, officials concerned and German Ambassador to the DPRK Doris Hertrampf.

Gift to Kim Jong Il from Russian Academy Ensemble

    Pyongyang, June 5 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a gift from the visiting State Academy Ensemble of the Ministry of Interior of Russia. The gift was handed to Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, by Chief of the ensemble Viktor Eliseyev on June 4.

Marine Environment Protected in DPRK

    Pyongyang, June 5 (KCNA) -- Great efforts have been made in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to provide good marine environment. The marine ecosystem has been severely damaged by waste matters and garbage from many countries, posing a serious threat to the existence of humankind.
    The UN Environment Program, calling on all the nations to strive to prevent marine pollution, set this year's theme "Wanted -- seas and oceans, dead or alive" to mark the World Environment Day, June 5.
    In response to the call, the DPRK organized a national seminar under the subject "Measures to control ballast water in the east and west seas of Korea, and increased capacity to monitor marine environment".
    Discussed at the seminar were issues of correctly assessing marine environment, establishing marine environmental areas suitable for geographical features and setting up model areas in cooperation with international environment organizations.
    On the occasion of the World Environment Day, Jo Yong Nam, a department director of the Ministry of Land and Environment Conservation, had an interview with KCNA.
    He said the work for environmental protection is going on in the DPRK under deep care of the government and society.
    The DPRK, which has attached great importance to the marine environmental protection, enacted "DPRK Law on Prevention of Marine Pollution" in October 1997 and has taken relevant measures, he said. As part of the efforts to improve water quality of seas, the country removed factories emitting noxious gas from coastal areas.
    We will invigorate technical exchange with other countries and strengthen cooperation with international organizations for better marine environment, he added.

U.S. Demands More Land for Transfer of Its Military Base

    Pyongyang, June 5 (KCNA) -- It was disclosed that the United States recently requested the south Korean authorities to offer 300,000 phyong of more land for the transfer of the U.S. military base in Ryongsan, according to the south Korean MBC. An official concerned of the south Korean Ministry of National Defence on June 1 clarified that at the 6th "consultative meeting of the south Korea-U.S. alliance future policy initiative" the U.S. requested the south Korean authorities to offer 300,000 phyong of more land for the transfer of its military base in Ryongsan to Phyongthaek.
    Earlier, the south Korean authorities had decided to offer 3.2 million phyong of land near the U.S. bases in Phyongthaek and Osan for the relocation of the U.S. troops, the radio said.

Minju Joson on U.S. Missionary's Plan to Pack His Bags

    Pyongyang, June 5 (KCNA) -- U.S. missionary Underwood IV resident in south Korea is going to pack his bags, finding it hard to stay there any longer due to the ever-growing desire of south Koreans for independence against the United States. Minju Joson says this in a signed commentary Saturday. It goes on:
    He has been proud of having lived in Korea through four generations. A decade back he said he would permanently reside in south Korea, even bringing the remains of Underwood I to south Korea from the U.S. He, however, decided to leave south Korea this fall, becoming a topic of public talk.
    His family has carried out on the spot the U.S. policy of aggression towards Korea for nearly 120 years.
    The south Korean people have seen through the aggressive nature of the U.S. imperialists as they have trampled down upon the sovereignty and dignity of the nation while throwing a hurdle in the way of Korea's reunification after dividing the Korean nation against its will. So they are now valiantly turning out in the actions to fully settle accounts with the U.S. This is the reality of south Korea.
    Very upset by this development, the U.S. is leaving no stone unturned to chill the ever-growing desire of the south Korean people for national independence. It is against this backdrop that Underwood is going to pack his bags, saying he has nothing more to do there. This means he can no longer instill the idea of worshipping and fearing the U.S into south Koreans.
    Of course, the crimes committed by his family will never be erased even if he leaves south Korea.
    The Korean nation will never pardon Underwood's family which has acted a guide in U.S. aggression of Korea generation after generation.

Reckless Remarks of U.S. Ambassador in Seoul under Fire

    Pyongyang, June 5 (KCNA) -- U.S. Ambassador in Seoul Harvard in a recent lecture asserted the need to keep the U.S. forces in south Korea as a deterrent to north Korea, saying that it is a threatening entity and the U.S. troops contribute to maintaining the deterrent force and preserving peace and security. In this regard Rodong Sinmun Saturday says in a signed commentary:
    His remarks painting the peace-loving DPRK as a threatening entity and the aggressive U.S. forces as a deterrent for maintaining peace in a bid to keep the occupation forces are nothing but typical American style logic intended to make a profound confusing of right and wrong.
    The U.S. has openly stepped up its preparations to invade the DPRK since it singled out the DPRK as a target of its preemptive nuclear attack and its target next to Iraq. It has staged war exercises in south Korea after deploying latest offensive weapons and other war means worth 13 billion U.S. dollars for an actual war. This has put the peace and security of the Korean peninsula in a great jeopardy.
    It is the U.S. imperialist aggression troops in south Korea that are executing the U.S. adventurous policy of aggression towards the DPRK on the spot.
    The aim sought by Harvard in letting loose such a string of balderdash is to justify the U.S. permanent military presence in south Korea.
    The fiction of the non-existent "threat from the north" can never work.
    The U.S. should clearly bear in mind that such outdated farce to serve its aggressive purpose is intolerable and withdraw its aggression troops from south Korea at once as demanded by the unbiased world public opinion.

Russian Academy Ensemble Gives Its Premiere

    Pyongyang, June 5 (KCNA) -- The visiting State Academy Ensemble of the Ministry of Interior of Russia gave its premiere at the Ponghwa Art Theatre on June 4. It raised the curtain with the chorus of immortal revolutionary paean "Song of General Kim Il Sung." Staged that day were wartime songs such as "Just War" and "Song of Soviet Army" and other songs of various genres including Russian folk songs, instrumental music and dance pieces and famous songs of Korea and different countries.
    Russian artistes truthfully represented the national emotion and optimistic life of the Russians through such Russian songs as "Kalinka" and "Night on Suburbs of Moscow" and "Dance of Kazaks".
    Their repertoire also included famous Korean songs such as "Dear General, Where Are You", "Song of Comradeship" and "My Native Place" and songs and dances of various nations.
    When the immortal revolutionary paean "Song of General Kim Jong Il" resounded through the hall, the audience responded to it with loud clapping.
    The performance was enjoyed by Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, General of the Korean People's Army Pak Jae Gyong, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Chang Gyu, servicepersons of the KPA and the Korean People's Security Forces, People's Securitymen, Russian Ambassador to the DPRK Andrei Karlov and embassy officials.
    A floral basket was conveyed to the performers in congratulation of their successful performance.
    The performance continues.

9th Meeting of North-South Comm. for Promotion of Economic Cooperation Held

    Pyongyang, June 5 (KCNA) -- The 9th Meeting of the North-South Committee for the Promotion of Economic Cooperation was held here from June 2 to 5. Present there were the members of the north side's delegation led by Choe Yong Gon, vice-minister of Construction and Building Materials Industries who is chairman of the north side to the committee, and suite members, the members of the south side's delegation led by Kim Kwang Rim, vice-minister of Finance and Economy who is chairman of the south side to the committee, and suite members.
    At the meeting both sides discussed the issues of boosting the inter-Korean economic cooperation in the spirit of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration.
    An agreement adopted after it was signed by the heads of both sides at the meeting said:
    1. The north and the south shall make sure that the construction of an experimental district inside the first-phase one million phyong area of the Kaesong Industrial Zone is completed and production starts towards the end of the year and actively cooperate with each other in the efforts to form and operate an industrial zone management organ till June.
    At the same time, both sides shall cooperate with each other in the efforts to commercially ensure from September electricity supply and telecommunications by use of the optical fibre transmission line connecting Munsan, Kaesong (telegraph and telephone bureau) and the industrial zone telecommunications centre and shall make internal preparations for the development of the next district depending on the smooth progress of the first-phase one million phyong development project.
    2. The north and the south shall simultaneously open the relinked railways on the east and west coasts to traffic next year. They shall start around October this year the train service on a trial basis in the possible sections upon which an agreement had already been reached.
    They shall open the relinked east and west coastal roads to traffic till October this year depending on the military guarantee to be provided for them.
    3. The north and the south shall adopt and effectuate the agreement on setting up and operating the north-south consultative office for economic cooperation as soon as possible through an exchange of documents.
    4. The north and the south shall make efforts for an early effectuation of the agreements adopted or initialed by both sides and take follow-up measures including the provision of appendices to them.
    In this regard both sides shall effectuate as soon as possible the north-south agreement on marine transport (appendix included) which has been already signed and exchanged between them and discuss the time for the passage of ships of both sides through territorial waters and the matters arising in navigation at the north-south working contact for cooperation in marine transport.
    5. The north and the south shall actively cooperate with each other in the efforts to settle the matters arising in relevant fields in order to boost the non-governmental economic cooperation.
    6. The south side shall provide 400,000 tons of rice to the north side on credit on the principle of mutual aid, prompted by compatriotism.
    7. The 10th Meeting of the North-South Committee for the Promotion of Economic Cooperation shall be held in Seoul from August 31 to September 3.
    The second meeting of the construction panel of the Kaesong Industrial Zone shall be held in Kaesong within June, the tenth north-south working contact for reconnecting the rail and road links at Mt. Kumgang resort from June 30 to July 2 and the fifth north-south working contact for cooperation in marine transport in Sokcho from July 13 to 15. They also shall hold other necessary panel meetings and working contacts after fixing dates for them in the future.

Del. of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Arrives

    Pyongyang, June 5 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies led by General-Secretary Markku Niskala arrived here Saturday. It was greeted at the airport by Paek Yong Ho, vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the DPRK Red Cross Society, and Per Gunar Jensen, head of the aid delegation of the federation working here.

President of South Korean Red Cross Arrives

    Pyongyang, June 5 (KCNA) -- Ri Yun Gu, president of the South Korean Red Cross, and his party arrived here Saturday. They were greeted at the airport by officials concerned with compatriotic feelings.

South Side's Delegation Leaves

    Pyongyang, June 5 (KCNA) -- The south side's delegation led by Kim Kwang Rim, vice-minister of Finance and Economy, left Pyongyang today after participating in the 9th meeting of the North-South Committee for the Promotion of Economic Cooperation. It was seen off at the airport by members of the north side to the committee.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il recibe regalo de conjunto artistico de Rusia

    Pyongyang, 5 de junio (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il recibio presente del Conjunto Artistico Academico Nacional del Ministerio del Interior de Rusia, de visita en la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea. Victor Eliseyev, quien preside la entidad artistica, lo entrego el dia 4 al secretario del Comite Central del Partido del Trabajo de Corea Choe Thae Bok.

RPDC se esfuerza por mejorar el Medio Ambiente en el mar

    Pyongyang, 5 de junio (ATCC) -- La Republica Popular Democratica de Corea trabaja intensamente para propiciar optimas condiciones del Medio Ambiente en el mar. En estos tiempos, varios paises arrojan arbitrariamente al mar desechos y residuos, que destruyen gravemente la biosfera en las zonas maritimas y que crean gran amenaza a la existencia de la especie humana.
    El Programa del Medio Ambiente de la ONU exhorto a todos los paises del planeta verde a esforzarse activamente para combatir este flagelo y como parte de esta labor, en homenaje al 5 de junio (Dia Mundial del Medio Ambiente), fijo la agenda de su trabajo para este ano como "?Quieren o no la contaminacion de mares y oceanos?".
    Al paralelo de los esfuerzos de la ONU, en la RPDC se desarrollo un seminario nacional con la tematica de "Sobre las medidas de la administracion y el control Ballast en los mares Este y Oeste y el aumento de la capacidad de control sobre el MA en el mar".
    En este forum se debatieron muchos problemas, entre otros, la evaluacion correcta de la influencia del MA en los mares Este y Oeste, la fijacion de las areas para el MA en el mar segun peculiaridades geograficas, la cooperacion activa con las organizaciones internacionales de la rama, la organizacion de entidades ejemplares, etc.
    Con motivo del Dia Internacional del MA, Jo Yong Nam, jefe de departamento del Ministerio de Proteccion Territorial y Ambiental, en entrevista con un periodista, refirio que en Corea se desarrolla vigorosamente esta labor gracias a la especial atencion del Estado y de toda la sociedad, y prosiguio:
    La RPDC, que da mayor importancia a las faenas para proteger el MA en el mar, aprobo en octubre de 1997 la "Ley de la RPDC sobre la prevencion de la contaminacion del mar" y adopto otras medidas necesarias. Ademas, como un paso del trabajo para mejorar la calidad acuifera de aguas maritimas, tomo la valiente medida de desinstalar las plantas generadoras de gases toxicos que estaban diseminadas en zonas litorales y su contorno.
    La RPDC realizara activamente el intercambio tecnico con otros paises y reduplicara la cooperacion con las organizaciones internacionales con el objetivo de conseguir mejores condiciones medioambientales en zonas maritimas.

Inaugurada Competencia Deportiva por "Premio de Antorcha Pochonbo"

    Hyesan, 5 de junio (ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar el dia 4 en el Estadio de Hyesan el acto inaugural de la Competencia Deportiva por el "Premio de Antorcha Pochonbo". El vicepresidente del Comite de Direccion de Deportes de Corea, Jong In Chol, en su discurso inaugural, dijo que la Competencia se efectua en homenaje al 67 aniversario del triunfo de la historica batalla de Pochonbo y senalo que los participantes deben demostrar sin reserva sus habilidades adquiridas en los ejercicios cotidianos para crear nuevos records.
    Terminado el acto, se efectuaron los partidos de futbol y baloncesto.
    Durante el presente certamen se realizaran en la ciudad de Pyongyang y las localidades los partidos de futbol, baloncesto, voleibol, boxeo, maraton, etc.

Miembros de Embajada de China participan en jornada agricola

    Pyongyang, 5 de junio (ATCC) -- El embajador extraordinario y plenipotenciario, Wu Donghe, y otros miembros de la sede diplomatica de China en Corea participaron el dia 4 en la jornada de faenas agricolas en la granja cooperativa de Thaek-am de amistad Corea-China, situada en el municipio de Sunan de esta capital. Los huespedes trasplantaron las posturas de arroz ayudando a los granjeros.
    En el tiempo de descanso, ellos profundizaron el sentimiento de amistad departiendo con estos sobre el desarrollo de las relaciones de amistad y cooperacion entre Corea y China que se fortalecen cada dia mas.
    El embajador se refirio a que en abril de este ano tuvo un gran honor de haberle acompanado al Dirigente Kim Jong Il durante todo el tiempo de su visita extraoficial a la Republica Popular China y deseo a los granjeros grandes exitos en las faenas agricolas para este ano.
    Ese dia, los miembros de la Embajada entregaron materiales de ayuda a la granja