Book and Photo Exhibition and Film Show Held for Foreign Students

    Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- A book and photo exhibition and film show for foreign students studying at Kim Hyong Jik University of Education were held at the Pyongyang Cultural Exhibition on Tuesday on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. The participants looked round with keen interest Kim Jong Il's immortal famous works and books and photos showing the immortal exploits he has performed by wisely leading the drive of the army and people of the DPRK to build a great prosperous powerful socialist nation with his unique Songun politics.
    They saw a Korean documentary film "The Respected Comrade Kim Jong Il Is a Great Thinker and Theoretician".

RS on Reactionary and Dangerous Nature of U.S. "Preemptive Attack Strategy"

    Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- The world cannot be peaceful nor can the development of human civilization be expected unless the U.S. imperialists' aggressive "preemptive attack strategy" is thwarted and frustrated, says Rodong Sinmun Wednesday in a signed article. It continues:
    The United States, since its appearance, has perpetrated aggression and wars on innumerable occasions. No administration, however, put forward "preemptive attack strategy" as the external military line under the pretext of "the security of the U.S." like the Bush administration. This strategy vividly reflects the robber-like and bellicose nature of the U.S. imperialists who are keen on placing the world under their military control and reigning over it as the "emperor" after the Cold War.
    If the U.S. "preemptive attack strategy" is allowed, the world might be reduced to a theatre of U.S. state terrorism and armed intervention and a dangerous ground of war.
    The object of the keenest concern of the U.S. today is to open up a broad avenue for its insatiable greed and accumulation of wealth by getting its clutches on major areas of resources and military and strategic vantages of the world.
    If the U.S. "preemptive attack strategy" went unchecked, no country would remain out of the reach of the damages done by the U.S. This strategy is not for the U.S. "security" but is a plan of armed attack to grasp economic interests and strategic areas of resources.
    It is a very dangerous doctrine of aggression fostering a renewed arms race and threatening and destroying global peace and security.
    Its reactionary and dangerous nature stands out in bolder relief in its being a strategy of preemptive nuclear attack. It is a very dangerous and grave developments that the U.S. imperialists have listed not only the hostile states but the powers which have entered into relations of "strategic partnership" as targets of their nuclear strike to overwhelm them by a preemptive nuclear attack and they are going to easily use small-type nukes as conventional weapons against whatever targets in any place under the mask of "anti-terrorism".
    The countries and peoples desirous of independence and peace should see through the reactionary and dangerous nature of the U.S. imperialists' "preemptive attack strategy" which is being forced under the pretext of "anti-terrorism" and fight vigorously in every way to curb and frustrate it.

Korean Women Pledge Their Loyalty to Leader

    Samjiyon, June 8 (KCNA) -- Officials and members of the Korean Democratic Women's Union (KDWU) held a meeting to pledge their loyalty in front of the Secret Camp on Mt. Paektu on Tuesday on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. Prior to the meeting, the participants laid a floral basket and paid tribute to the three generals of Mt. Paektu before a mosaic depicting them.
    They vowed their loyalty in chorus, led by Chairperson Pak Sun Hui of the Central Committee of the KDWU. They pledged themselves to glorify the immortal revolutionary exploits performed by the three generals of Mt. Paektu and the revolutionary traditions of the anti-Japanese struggle down through generations and dynamically advance along the road of Juche under Kim Jong Il's Songun revolutionary leadership..
    The meeting was followed by an oratorical gathering titled "Long Live General Kim Jong Il, the Sun of the 21st Century" and "Comrade" and the recital of a poem titled "I'll Climb Mt. Paektu Wherever I Am."
    They looked round historic relics preserved with care in the native home in the Secret Camp on Mt. Paektu.
    Present at the meeting were officials concerned, officials and members of the KDWU who were on a study tour of revolutionary battle sites in Mt. Paektu.

Swedish Ambassador Hosts Reception

    Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- Paul Beijer, Swedish ambassador to the DPRK, hosted a reception at the embassy Tuesday evening on the national day of Sweden. Present on invitation were Mun Jae Chol, acting chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Ri Ryong Nam, vice-minister of Foreign Trade, officials concerned and foreign diplomatic envoys and representatives of the international organizations in Pyongyang. Speeches were made there.

Spanish Organization Supports Korea's Reunification

    Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- The Spain-DPRK Friendship Association issued a statement on June 3 in the run-up to the 4th anniversary of the publication of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration. The joint declaration is a precious landmark as it opened up a bright prospect of Korea's reunification, the statement said, adding: Leader Kim Jong Il saw to it that the principle of "By our nation itself" was brought into reality.
    The statement continued:
    The United States and any other cannot interfere in the internal affairs of the Korean nation, a homogeneous nation, nor stamp out its spirit. Korea is sure to be reunified in the near future.
    The imperialists have mounted all manner of offensives over the last half a century or more but they have failed to bring the Korean people to their knees, the statement said, calling upon the south Koreans to defend the dignity of the nation.
    The association will make every possible effort to see that Korea is reunified free from foreign interference on the basis of the June 15 joint declaration, it concluded.

Report of KPA Navy Command

    Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- A report of the Navy Command of the Korean People's Army was made public on June 9. The report said:
    The military provocations perpetrated by the south Korean army in the West Sea of Korea have gone beyond the danger line.
    It increased the number of speed boats deployed in waters off Taechong Island and a series of Yonphyong islets from 8 to 12 and has infiltrated its warships into the territorial waters of the north side everyday, deliberately escalating the tension in these waters.
    The south Korean Maritime Police Agency has busied itself mobilizing 1,000 to 3,000-tonnage maritime police warships, helicopters and maritime police commandoes under the pretext of tightening control over fishing boats and inspection.
    In another development, the south Korean army has staged madcap firing exercises in waters west of Taechong and Paekryong Islands and in waters off the Yonphyong Islets with a flotilla of speed boats and guard craft involved.
    The purpose of the firing exercises staged by the south Korean army in the West Sea is to be proficient in firing at warships of the north with various types naval artillery pieces and 155 mm self-propelled howitzers deployed on the Yonphyong Islets.
    It is a fact well known to the world that these reckless military provocations have been committed at the instigation of the U.S. imperialists to serve their sinister political purpose.
    The south Korean army has gone so foolish as to keep the so-called "northern limit line" the U.S. had unilaterally drawn.
    Moreover, it is now allowing warships to freely sail in the sensitive waters in the West Sea where two skirmishes occurred.
    Such reckless military provocations of the south Korean army are seriously getting on the nerves of the KPA seamen as it is a very dangerous military gamble which may spark off another skirmish.
    There is a limit to the patience and self-restraint of the north.
    If the south Korean army keeps pursuing confrontation right after reaching an agreement with the north side at the north-south general-level military talks on making concerted efforts to ease the military tension, the north will be left with no option but to do what it should do and not allow those who try to intrude into its territorial waters even an inch but deal merciless blows at them.
    The south Korean army's military provocations in the sensitive waters in the West Sea is as foolish an act as jumping into the fire with faggots on its back.
    The south Korean military authorities should stop going mad, bearing in mind that they will have to pay a very dear price if they go on inciting military confrontation swimming against the trend of the times. This is the north's stern warning.

Independent Reunification Promoted by 70 Million Koreans

    Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- The present era of independent reunification is making a confident advance, riding on the crest of the patriotic fervor of the 70 million Koreans who cherish deep in their hearts the idea of "by our nation itself" laid down in the June 15 joint declaration, declares Rodong Sinmun in an article Wednesday. The author of the article says: 
    The era of independent reunification is one in which the might and the role of the driving force of the nation are displayed to the maximum extent. Only the united strength of the popular masses can bring victories in all the struggles.
    Noting that the era of independent reunification is being vigorously advanced by the Korean nation's high degree of self-esteem, the article says: The high sense of national self-esteem is the mighty mental factor ensuring the victory of the cause of national independence. The Korean nation's history spanning 5,000 years has advanced and won, supported by the Koreans' rarely strong sense of national self-esteem.
    The strong sense of national self-esteem filling the hearts of all the Koreans is a powerful mental weapon which makes it possible to stir up the process of peace and reunification, driving back the U.S. outrageous challenge to and interference in the cause of independent reunification.
    The era of independent reunification is an era in which the 70 million Koreans overcome all difficulties and trials with a smile, confident of the future of the reunified country. 
    Matchless is the strength of the nation which is advancing full of vitality, looking far into victorious morrow..
    Today the Korean nation's enthusiasm for reunification is running high with the approach of the 4th anniversary of the publication of the historic June 15 joint declaration. Endlessly vast is the future of the era of independent reunification as the country is replete with patriotic traits displayed by all the members of the nation, finding true happiness and worth of life in the struggle to preserve peace and accelerate the reunification of the country, not in seeking one's own interests.
    The cause of independent reunification will surely win by repulsing all the challenges of history, spurred on by the united strength and wisdom and the ardent patriotism of the 70 million Koreans.

U.S. Intensified Military Moves Flailed

    Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- The intensified military moves of the United States in and around the Korean peninsula are dangerous acts to provoke the second Korean war at all costs and, further, lay a military encircling ring around Northeast Asia with the Korean peninsula as the springboard in an effort to maintain its permanent hegemonic position in the Asia-Pacific region, notes Minju Joson in a commentary Wednesday. Recalling that the United States some time ago decided to throw ten and several billion dollars into the increase of the U.S. forces' combat capability in south Korea and intensify its military moves in and around the Korean peninsula, the news analyst continues:
    The situation has now reached the highest ever pitch of strain over the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula. The U.S. is stepping up its arms buildup in and around the Korean peninsula at such moment. No one can deny that this is intended to launch a preemptive attack on the DPRK.
    U.S. brasshats told congressional hearings that the increase of the U.S. forces' combat capability in south Korea was to cope with "threat from north Korea" and stressed the need to develop small nukes for destroying underground facilities targeted against "hostile states", singling out the DPRK as a "typical example".
    This claim of the Bush administration is nothing but a trick to veil its sinister purpose.
    In today's world where the U.S. is shamelessly running about, ignoring international justice, urged by extremely unilateral mode of thinking, the most powerful war deterrent is a defense capability strong enough to cope with whatever war provocation moves.
    Those who are fond of fire are burned in fire. The U.S. intensified military moves aimed at the provocation of another war of aggression are a foolish act of digging its own grave.

Staff Members of Russian Embassy Visit Kim Il Sung University

    Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- Andrei Karlov, ambassador e. p. of the Russian Federation to the DPRK and embassy officials visited the Revolutionary Museum of Kim Il Sung University on June 9 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. They first laid bouquets and made a bow before the statue of President Kim Il Sung standing on Mt. Ryongnam.
    Kim Jong Il performed shining ideological and theoretic exploits with his energetic thinking and study during his activities at the university and paid a deep concern to the development of the university.
    The guests attentively looked round relics and mementoes on display at the museum, hearing an explanation.
    The ambassador said that the university has made great successes in training competent officials of the country under the deep care of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il since it was founded as a true university for the people under the difficult conditions after the liberation of the country.
    They also looked round Russian lecture rooms of the faculty of foreign languages and literature of the university.

Spanish Ambassador Presents Credentials to Kim Yong Nam

    Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, received credentials from Jose-Pedro Sebastian de Erice, new ambassador e. p. of the Kingdom of Spain to the DPRK, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on June 9. Present there were Kung Sok Ung, vice minister of Foreign Affairs, and staff members of the Spanish embassy.
    After receiving credentials, the president conversed with the ambassador.

Ministry of Foreign Trade Gives Film Show

    Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- The Ministry of Foreign Trade Wednesday gave a film show at the Taedonggang Club for the Diplomatic Corps on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. Present on invitation were members of the economic and commercial councilors' corps here.
    The participants saw the Korean documentary film "February 16, Greatest National Holiday."

New Method of Poultry Preventive Medicine Production Invented

    Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- A research institute under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has opened up a new prospect of the preventive medicine production for poultry. It has successfully invented a biological method by which one can easily get factors of rapidly increasing cells, the most important in the medicine production, after developing a serum-free incubator. It, therefore, has made it possible to mass-produce preventive medicines by the method of tissue culture.
    According to Hong Thae Sik, a section chief of the institute, the newly developed medicines for chicken, goose, duck and other domestic fowls are stronger in immunity than those made with serum added to them.
    They have been widely accepted by poultry farms for their efficacy and low production cost.

New Designs of Korean Costumes

    Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- A dress-designing office under the Pyongyang City People's Committee has made new designs of Korean costumes to suit modern aesthetic sense and properly carry forward the inherent peculiarities of the nation. They have various colors and classical patterns well harmonized with each other on the basis of the principal designs of Korean costumes. Among them are designs for girls' everyday dresses, middle-aged women's best and children's clothes.
    There are designs of single-color chima (skirt) and jogori (jacket) of girls and middle-aged women with white breast-tie and those of chima and jogori with the neck-band and edge of sleeves well blended with the color of chima.
    Among the designs for children's clothes are those of first birthday dress, coat with multi-colored sleeves and colorfully decorated clothes.
    The designs of one-piece and two-piece clothes and shirts decorated with embroideries, belts and jewels are popular among women.
    The men's dress designs are characterized by different shapes of collars, breasts and pockets.
    The new designs have been extensively introduced in garment factories.

National Art Show Opens

    Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- A national art show to celebrate June 19 opened with due ceremony at the People's Palace of Culture Wednesday on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. Displayed there are at least 50 art works such as acrylic painting "In the days of proclaiming the program for modeling the whole society on the Juche idea", Korean jewel paintings "Visualizing the future of the country" and "Remembering the days of the anti-Japanese struggle" and Korean painting "Embracing Koreans in Japan " and acrylic painting "Comrade Kim Jong Il, lodestar of the world revolution" depicting the immortal exploits performed by the three generals of Mt. Paektu in the history of the WPK and their noble virtues, the single-hearted unity of the army and people of the DPRK and its socialist construction.
    Seeing the art works, its participants recollected with deep emotion the significant decades in which historical changes took place in the building of the WPK and the development of the revolution under the experienced and tested leadership of Kim Jong Il. They were highly proud and honored to have the peerlessly great man and statesman as the top leader of the Party and the revolution.
    Present there were Choe Ik Gyu, minister of Culture, officials concerned and artists and working people in the city.

Kim Jong Il Inspects KPA Unit

    Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, inspected KPA unit No. 952 honored with the title of O Jung Hup-led 7th Regiment. He was accompanied by KPA Generals Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong.
    He first looked round the monument to the on-the-spot guidance of President Kim Il Sung and historic relics on the height.
    Recollecting with deep emotion the unit's history of development, he said the immortal leadership exploits Kim Il Sung performed for the strengthening and development of the revolutionary armed forces all his life would shine for all ages.
    He dropped in at a firing position and a technical lecture room to learn about the unit's performance of duty and the combat preparedness of its servicepersons.
    He set forth important tasks which would serve as guidelines in further increasing the unit's combat capability, greatly pleased to learn that all the officers and servicepersons are performing their guard duties in a responsible manner and have fully prepared themselves as a-match-for-hundred fighters.
    He took warm care of the service and living of the servicepersons, going round an education room, a bedroom, a mess hall, a washroom, a nursery and other places of the unit.
    He acquainted himself with the management of the unit, walking in the compound of the barracks which looks like a park. Enjoying a bird's-eye view of the unit, he was pleased to see the barracks built so splendidly as to arouse the admiration of every visitor and appreciated the efforts made by the servicepersons to do so.
    This unit is exemplary in all aspects including the tending of forests and management of the unit, he noted, adding that this stirring reality is a precious fruition of the servicepersons' spirit of unconditionally carrying through the Party's policies and their noble patriotism.
    He gave the servicepersons of the unit an automatic rifle as a gift and had a photo session with them.
    He then moved to a place associated with revolutionary activities of Kim Il Sung in the area where the unit is stationed. Looking round the historic buildings standing just as they were more than 50 years ago and the monument to the on-the-spot guidance of the President, he said the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK have covered a proud path of victory and glory and have grown to be matchless armed forces of the revolution thanks to the wise leadership of the President. He called on everyone to always remember the President who devoted all his wisdom and energies to the cause of building the army.
    He underscored the need to preserve and manage well the revolutionary sites, an eternal treasure of the Party, and conduct brisk education through them as they are important places for equipping the servicepersons and working people with the revolutionary idea. He set forth tasks to do so.

For Spanish-speaking people

Entidades rusas conmemoran efemeride de Corea

    Pyongyang, 9 de junio (ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar el dia 3 en Moscu el acto conmemorativo por el 40 aniversario del inicio del trabajo del Dirigente Kim Jong Il en el CC del Partido del Trabajo de Corea bajo coauspicios del Partido Comunista de la URSS y la Asociacion Rusa por la Amistad y Cooperacion Cultural con la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea. O. Shenin, presidente del Partido Comunista de la URSS, en su informe, senalo que la historia de direccion de 40 anos del Dirigente Kim Jong Il es la inmortal trayectoria de construccion del PTC como el del Lider y su conversion en el mas digno y poderoso partido revolucionario que dirige la epoca del Songun (priorizacion militar).
    Subrayo que el Dirigente formulo la idea revolucionaria del Presidente Kim Il Sung como el sistema integral de la ideologia, teoria y metodo del Juche y la proclamo como la unica idea directriz del PTC preparando asi la firme garantia para fortalecerlo eternamente como agrupacion politica del Presidente.
    Destaco que las inmortales hazanas del camarada Kim Jong Il quien en la trayectoria de ardua lucha de 40 anos creo un ejemplo mundial de construccion del partido revolucionario que orienta la epoca de independencia son inestimables reliquias de la causa de independencia de la humanidad.
    Senalo que el Dirigente, al conducir la Revolucion Coreana por el unico camino de la victoria durante ese tiempo, pudo acumular las inmortales hazanas ante la epoca y la historia, lo que se debe a sus excepcionales cualidades propias de gran hombre.
    El heroe de la URSS, Serguei Kramarenko, en su discurso, senalo que la historia de direccion de 40 anos del camarada Kim Jong Il sobre el PTC brilla como la del gran hombre legendario quien fortalecio por todos los medios las fuerzas armadas del pais con el Ejercito Popular como medular y defendio firmemente el socialismo coreano.
    El jefe del Centro de Medicina Coryo de Corea, Viktor Zhukov, en su discurso, enseno que las victorias y los exitos del Ejercito Popular y el pueblo de Corea en la ardua batalla de confrontacion con los imperialistas son una clara prueba de la justeza y la vitalidad de la direccion del Dirigente Kim Jong Il sobre la revolucion mediante el Songun.
    En el acto fue aprobado un mensaje de felicitacion dirigido al Dirigente.
    Los participantes, al entonar el inmortal himno revolucionario "Cancion del General Kim Jong Il", "Sin usted, no hay patria" y otras canciones coreanas y los cantos revolucionarios rusos, conmemoraron la efemeride historica.

Acto de juramento de las funcionarias y miembros de UM.

    Samjiyon, 8 de junio (ATCC) -- Con motivo de cumplirse los 40 anos desde cuando el Dirigente Kim Jong Il comenzara a trabajar en el Comite Central del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, tuvo lugar el dia 8 en el campamento secreto del monte Paektu un acto nacional de juramento de las funcionarias y otras miembros de la Union de Mujeres Democraticas (UMD). Con anterioridad, las participantes rindieron tributo a los tres generales del monte Paektu tras colocar un cesto de flores ante la pintura de mosaico con las imagenes de estos.
    Todas las participantes, al responder en coro a la voz guia de la presidenta del CC de la UMD, Pak Sun Hui, prestaron juramento de fidelidad de llevar adelante las inmortales hazanas revolucionarias de los tres generales del monte Paektu y las tradiciones revolucionarias antijaponesas y de avanzar firmemente por el unico camino del Juche siguiendo la direccion del Dirigente Kim Jong Il sobre la revolucion mediante el Songun (priorizacion militar).
    Acto seguido, hubo las elocuencias con el tema de "!Viva el General Kim Jong Il, Sol del siglo 21!" y "Camarada" y la recitacion de la poesia "De cualquier parte escalaremos el monte Paektu".
    Las participantes recorrieron los objetos historicos de la casa natal en el campamento secreto del monte Paektu.
    En el acto estuvieron presentes los funcionarios interesados, funcionarias y otras miembros de la UMD que tomaron parte en la marcha de peregrinacion por los campos de batalla revolucionaria en la zona del monte Paektu.

CRPP denuncia al "ministro surcoreano de defensa"

    Pyongyang, 9 de junio (ATCC) -- El pasado dia 5, el "ministro de defensa" del Sur de Corea, al hacer uso de la palabra en la tercera ronda de Reunion de Seguridad de Asia, efectuada en Singapur, dijo que el "desarrollo de armas de exterminio masivo" de alguien constituye "serio peligro" no solo para la Peninsula Coreana sino tambien para el Nordeste Asiatico y abogo por el "fortalecimiento de la fuerza de detencion al Norte". Esto es un desafio frontal a la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y una imperdonable maniobra de confrontacion con esta encaminada a revertir las relaciones Norte-Sur, que tienden a mejorarse, a las de desconfianza y de hostilidad.
    Asi senalo la informacion No. 873 fechada 8 del secretariado del Comite por la Reunificacion Pacifica de la Patria (CRPP) y continuo:
    Las fuerzas de detencion autodefensiva de la RPDC no son para amenazar o atacar a alguien sino el poderio de defensa legitima para defender de la agresion de EE.UU. y las maniobras de aplastamiento en contra de si el sagrado territorio de la patria, la soberania y el derecho a la existencia de la nacion. Esto lo reconoce todo el mundo.
    Sin embargo, el mas alto funcionario del circulo militar cuestiona la fuerza de detencion del Norte dedicada a preservar la paz del pais y la seguridad de la nacion tildandola de "amenazante" en lugar de hacerlo con la politica belica y las ADM de la superpotencia capaces de exterminar a toda la nacion coreana, lo cual es una logica inversa.
    Apenas pasaron algunos dias nada mas desde que la cupula militar surcoreana firmo en las conversaciones castrenses inter-coreanas a nivel de general un acuerdo en que ambas partes juraron cesar todas las acciones tendentes a incrementar la tension y a difamar y calumniar a su contraparte. Por esta razon, nos alarman aun mas estas injurias humillantes e insultantes del "titular de defensa" contra la RPDC.
    El dialogo no es un jueguito de ninos y el contacto carente de confianza resulta innecesario.
    Las elites de la capa militar del Sur de Corea deben juzgar con prudencia sobre el resultado de sus maniobras de confrontacion contra la RPDC, en adhesion a EE.UU., abstenerse sin mas demora de sus insensatas maquinaciones a favor de choques armados y tomar el camino de rechazo a las fuerzas foraneas y de la unidad con los connacionales partiendo de la posicion de la independencia nacional.