Foreign Ministry Spokesman on U.S. "Arms Reduction"

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry gave the following answer to a question put by KCNA Thursday as regards the U.S. recent decision to scale down the U.S. forces in south Korea: The U.S. made public its plan to cut down part of its troops stationed in south Korea but is massively shipping latest weapons and war means into south Korea under the "arms buildup plan" that calls for spending 11 billion dollars.
    U.S. Heavyweights are now claiming that this measure will have no impact on the U.S. capability to cope with the emergency on the Korean peninsula, saying that means capability is more important than the numerical strength.
    As a matter of fact, the U.S. plans to transfer and deploy modern war means it had tested in the Afghan and Iraqi wars in and around south Korea in the near future in the wake of its deployment of latest type PAC missiles and reconnaissance planes in south Korea for an actual war.
    This clearly proves that the "arms reduction measure" does not mean any switchover in the U.S. Korea policy but is aimed at retaining a "qualitative edge" to stifle the DPRK by force.
    Now that there is no change in the U.S. policy to stifle the DPRK by force, the latter is left with no option but to strengthen the measures to cope with the U.S. "qualitative edge."
    The world public is taking note of the fact that the measure was taken according to the U.S. unilateral decision with neither prior discussion nor notification to the UN.
    The U.S. has claimed for the past more than 50 years that the U.S. forces in south Korea are the "UN forces." The recent measure unilaterally taken by the U.S. in utter disregard of the UN is little short of admitting themselves that the U.S. forces are occupation forces, not the "UN forces."
    Now that practical measures are taken by the military authorities between the north and the south to remove the root cause of mistrust and confrontation, the U.S. is left with no justification to keep its forces in south Korea any longer. If the U.S. truly hopes peace and detente on the Korean peninsula, it should completely withdraw its troops from south Korea, far from deceiving the world public opinion with talk about so-called "arms reduction."

Leader of Good Green Guyana Expresses Solidarity with Korean People

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- We extend firm solidarity to leader Kim Jong Il, the Workers' Party of Korea and the revolutionary and valiant Korean people in their struggle against imperialism, dominationism and hegemonism. Hamilton Green, leader of the Good Green Guyana, said this in a statement issued to the press on June 16 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.
    Expressing his respect to the Korean people who are under the energetic leadership of Kim Jong Il, he said he was convinced that the Korean people would certainly smash the moves of the imperialists.

Comm. to Remember Eternal President of Korean People Kim Il Sung Inaugurated in Russia

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- The Committee to Remember Eternal President of the Korean People Comrade Kim Il Sung was inaugurated with due ceremony on June 12 under the co-sponsorship of the United Confederation of Koreans and the Association of Korean Citizens in Kamchatka, Russia. At the inaugural ceremony Sin Hyon No and Kim Kum Ja, heads of the two organizations, were elected co-chairpersons of the committee.
    The committee set the period from June 19 to July 10 as a period to remember Kim Il Sung and decided to hold such functions as a meeting to adopt a letter, a memorial meeting, a film show and a commemorative lecture in the period.

S. Korea Reconfirms Additional Troop Dispatch

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- The south Korean authorities held a Security Council meeting on June 21 and reconfirmed their planned additional troop dispatch to Iraq, according to MBC of south Korea. They reiterated their stand that "there is no change in the plan of additional troop dispatch" despite the recent abduction of a south Korean civilian in Iraq.
    The Permanent Committee of the Security Council met on June 18 and officially designated Arbil, a Kurdish autonomous region in northern Iraq, as the place where additional troops shall be dispatched.
    Meanwhile, the Defense Ministry decided to send 3,000 or more soldiers including an advance party and the first echelon of the main force in August and the rest force 1,000 strong later.
    This step of the south Korean authorities is evoking unanimous denunciation from the south Korean public.

Friendly Gathering with Laotian Embassy Officials Held

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- A friendly gathering with staff members of the Laotian embassy here was held at the Taedonggang Club for the Diplomatic Corps on Wednesday on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the DPRK and the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Present there on invitation were Laotian Ambassador to the DPRK Chanpheng Sihaphom and staff members of the embassy.
    Present there were Jon Yong Jin, vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, officials concerned and teachers and students of the Korea-Laos Friendship Pyongyang Chongryu Middle School.
    Speeches were made at the gathering.
    The participants in the gathering saw an art performance given by students and talked to one another about the need to boost the relations between the two countries.

Meeting Held to Denounce U.S.

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- An indignation meeting of workers and members of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea was held Wednesday before the Pueblo, an armed spy ship of the U.S. imperialists on display on the River Taedong, two days before June 25, day of struggle against the U.S. imperialists. Present there were Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, and officials and members of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea.
    At the meeting Ryom Sun Gil, chairman of the Federation, made a speech to be followed on the rostrum by other speakers.
    They said the Korean war ignited by the U.S. imperialists was a barbarous and robber-like war of aggression without parallel in the war history of the world and a war of most brutal and hideous massacre of people. They bitterly denounced the U.S. imperialists who committed in this land the brutal massacre never to be condoned down through generations, representing cursing and resentful voices of the parents and brothers and sisters who fell with deep rancor and all the trade union members across the country.
    They noted that the U.S. imperialists who are bent on the provocation of another war, still entrenched in a half of Korea, continue committing murder, running an armored car over young schoolgirls and shooting people in broad daylight.
    The pernicious hostile policy of the Bush administration toward the DPRK has created the worst situation in which a war may break out any moment on the Korean peninsula, they said, and warned: If the U.S. imperialists provoked a war on this land again, the Korean working class and trade union members, together with the People's Army, would determinedly destroy the aggressors and accomplish the historical cause of national reunification without fail.
    The poem "U.S. Imperialists, Don't Run Riot!" was recited at the meeting.

Kimjongilia Show Closes with Success

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- The Kimjongilia show, which was opened on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (June 19) ended with success on June 23. The show was a great political festival pervaded with the people's boundless admiration and praises of Kim Jong Il, an illustrious commander of Mt. Paektu and a peerless patriot, and served as an important occasion of providing a scientific and technological guarantee for keeping the flower of the sun in full bloom all the year round.
    It was visited by senior officials of the Party, the state and the army, servicepersons of the Korean People's Army, people from all walks of life, overseas compatriots and foreign guests, at least 550,000 in all, in the past one week.
    The visitors looked round with deep emotion more than 15,000 potted Kimjongilias in the hall decorated in three dimensions to ensure high ideological value and artistry.
    Drawing particularly keen interest of visitors were stands prepared by over 70 units including Ri Phung Gil-led KPA unit, the Ministry of Railways, the Central Public Prosecutor's Office, the Rodong Sinmun Office, the Radio and TV Broadcasting Committee of the DPRK and the Sonbong Guidance Bureau. Seen on those stands were the august images of the peerlessly great men, who led the Party and revolution with experienced and seasoned guidance and thus opened a new history of epochal changes in this land, adorned with immortal flowers in full bloom.
    They once again felt highly honored and happy with being members of Kim Il Sung's nation blessed by the illustrious leaders generation after generation as they have Kim Jong Il at the top post of the Party, the state and the army.

Rodong Sinmun on Truth behind Outbreak of Korean War

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Thursday carries a signed article disclosing how frantically the U.S. imperialists stepped up their preparations for the last Korean war (1950-1953). The article says:
    After appointing McArthur as commander-in-chief of the U.S. Forces in the Far East on December 16, 1946, the U.S. imperialists organized their Far Eastern forces with the most of the former U.S. forces in the Pacific and rounded off the ABC plan, a scenario to invade the Far East.
    They worked out a detailed military strategy plan for "northern expedition" early in 1949. They committed ceaseless military provocations in areas along the 38th parallel in a bid to put the plan into practice in July and August 1949. But they were frustrated by the strong counter-actions taken by the Security Forces of the DPRK for self-defence.
    Finding it hard to realize the plan for the "northern expedition" with the strength of the south Korean force, the U.S. imperialists amended their plan for the Korean war from the end of 1949 to early 1950 and replaced it by a new Korean war scenario which reflected the diplomatic strategy and intelligence operation plan of the U.S. State Department to politically support their military operation. It was examined by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff in January 1950 before being discussed and ratified by the U.S. National Security Council.
    In order to successfully carry out the plan the U.S. imperialists organized and bolstered the south Korean forces and concluded the "status of forces agreement on tentative military forces and security in the transitional period" with traitor Syngman Rhee on August 25, 1948, thus seizing the command over the army and the right of control over the military bases and facilities in south Korea.
    The U.S. fabricated the law on conscription in peace time in June 1948, the first of its kind in the history of the U.S., in a bid to reinforce the U.S. forces which would play the role of a main force in carrying out the Korean war, drastically increased its military budget and hired at least 100,000 Japanese in units of the U.S. 8th Army in Japan before provoking the Korean war.
    After concluding with south Korea an "agreement on mutual defence assistance" and the "agreement on establishing military advisers group" in south Korea on January 26, 1950, the U.S. imperialists stepped up the conclusion of bilateral military agreements with its satellite countries.
    They pushed forward a plan to hurl the U.S. forces and armies of its satellites into the Korean war under the signboard of the UN and worked out a draft UN resolution even before the war in a bid to justify their future "aggression of north Korea." Having singled out the "UN Commission on Korea" as the third party which would submit a report on "north Korean invasion" to the UN, the U.S. provided it with every necessary condition for acting to realize its plot.
    The U.S. imperialists and the south Korean military committed at least 5,150 military provocations by mobilizing a total of 83,800 troops up to the day the Korean war broke out since 1947.
    When the scenario for the Korean war was completed in early 1950, McArthur called Syngman Rhee to Tokyo in mid-February, 1950 and gave him 11-point special instructions related to launching the Korean war.
    As seen above, the U.S. imperialists and Syngman Rhee traitors provoked the Korean war of aggression by mounting a surprise attack on June 25, 1950 on the basis of these careful preparations.

Russian Dance Company Gives Performances in Hamhung

    Hamhung, June 23 (KCNA) -- The State Academic Moiseyev Folk Dance Company of Russia gave performances at the Hamhung Grand Theatre in South Hamgyong Province from June 20 to 23. They were appreciated by Kim Phung Gi, chairman of the South Hamgyong Provincial People's Committee, Pak Gil Hak, secretary of the South Hamgyong Provincial Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, officials concerned and working people in the city. 
    The company which had left deep impressions through several visits to the DPRK and performances in Humhung in September last year put on stage this time colorful numbers it had prepared with all sincerity. 
    Dances including "Guerrillas" and "Summer" reflecting the life of Russian rural women deeply impressed the spectators.
    The performers well displayed the features of a veteran dance company through the successful presentation of folk dances of different countries and nations.
    They also danced a Korean dance. 
    Floral baskets were presented to the performers in congratulation of their successful performances.
    Performances continue.

Koryo Sindoksan Mineral Water Mass-Produced

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- The Koryo Sindoksan Spring Water Factory under the Kosanbong General Trading Company of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea turns out hundreds of tons of Koryo Sindoksan spring water every day. The factory, located in Ryonggang County, South Phyongan Province, has modern production processes including 75 cubic meter-settling tanks, sand and activated charcoal filters, 1, 0.5and 0.2-micrometer filters and ultraviolet sterilizer.
    The Sindoksan spring water, thoroughly free from germs, keeps its inherent taste for 5 years.
    The demand for the mineral water is ever increasing in foreign markets.
    The company (Fax: 850-2-381-4071) has exported large quantities of the mineral water to China and other countries and regions.

Brutal Killing of Koreans by GIs in Sinchon

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- Remains of more patriots who were killed by the U.S. imperialist aggressors during the Fatherland Liberation War (June 25, 1950-July 27, 1953) were unearthed in Sinchon recently, making the Koreans angry. The previous discovery was in 2001. Among the remains are cranial bones riddled by bullets and broken into pieces. Carpal bones remained tied twofold or threefold with copper wire 3.5 mm in diameter. The ends of the wire were twisted by pincers some 20 times.
    Though several decades have passed, the marks on the remains clearly show the thrice-cursed atrocities committed by the American murderers who took human killing for pleasure.
    The U.S. troops revealed their brutality by killing innocent people in cold blood from the very days of their occupation of Sinchon in October 1950.
    On October 18, 1950, GIs drove some 900 innocent people into an air-raid shelter and sprayed gasoline over them and burnt them to death. In such way, they killed more than 1,550 people in and around the air-raid shelter in a few days.
    The aggressors did not hesitate to massacre some 580 people including old people, women and children, or 70 percent of the villagers in Unbong-ri, Onchon-myon (sub-county), Sinchon county in November that year.
    Saying that it was happy for the mothers and children to stay together, the GIs threw them into a warehouse, separated from each other. They sprayed gasoline over the crying children, set fire to them and even threw hand grenades into the warehouse.
    There are tombs of the 400 women and the 102 children in Sinchon.
    During their 52-day occupation of Sinchon, the GIs cruelly killed more than 35,000 patriots and innocent people, a fourth of the county population, in such a way as torturing, burying alive, hanging, burning and driving nails into heads.

Gift Presented to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il was presented with a gift by the delegation of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on a visit to the DPRK. The gift was conveyed to an official concerned by Wang Wanbin, deputy secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the CPC, who is heading the delegation.

For Spanish-speaking people

Congo Democratico: Comite de recordacion a Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, 24 de junio (ATCC) -- Quedo constituido el dia 16 en Kinshasa el Comite Preparatorio Nacional de Congo Democratico de Recordacion al Camarada Kim Il Sung, gran lider. Como presidente del Comite fue electo el presidente nacional del Partido Patriotico Lumumbista Autentico del Congo Democratico y presidente de la Asociacion de Amistad y Solidaridad Congo Democratico-Corea.
    El Comite definio del 16 de junio al 10 de julio como periodo de recordacion y decidio organizar distintos actos conmemorativos.

Rusia: Comite de recordacion a Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, 24 de junio (ATCC) ? La Asociacion de Coreanos en Kamchatka de Rusia (Unidad) y la Asociacion de Ciudadanos Coreanos en Kamchatka constituyeron el dia 12 en comun el "Comite de Recordacion al camarada Kim Il Sung, eterno Presidente del pueblo coreano". Como copresidentes del Comite fueron elegidos los presidentes de las citadas entidades: Sin Hyon No y Kim Kum Ja.
    El Comite definio del 19 de junio al 10 de julio como un periodo de recordacion al Presidente Kim Il Sung y decidio organizar un acto de aprobacion de carta, acto de recordacion, proyeccion filmica, conferencia conmemorativa y otras variadas actividades.

Clausurada Exhibicion de Kimjongilias por 19 de junio

    Pyongyang, 24 de junio (ATCC) -- Quedo clausurada el dia 23 con exito la Exhibicion de Kimjongilias en homenaje al 40 aniversario del inicio (19 de junio de 1964) del trabajo del Dirigente Kim Jong Il en el Comite Central del Partido del Trabajo de Corea. La citada feria fue un gran festival politico en el cual se manifestaron plenamente la infinita veneracion y elogio del pueblo coreano hacia el Dirigente, General ilustre del monte Paektu y patriota sin par, y sirvio de un motivo importante para la garantia cientifica y tecnica capaz de hacer florecer Kimjongilias en todas las estaciones.
    Durante una semana pasada, la visitaron mas de 550 mil personas, entre otras, cuadros directivos del partido, el Estado y el ejercito, militares del Ejercito Popular de Corea, trabajadores de distintos sectores, coreanos residentes en ultramar y huespedes extranjeros.
    Los visitantes recorrieron con gran emocion el lugar decorado con mas de 15 mil flores inmortales y especiales articulos de adorno y dispuesto de caracter ideologico, artistico y estereografico.
    Profundas impresiones las provocaron mas de 70 mostradores, entre otros, los de la Unidad del EPC a la que pertenece Ri Phung Gil, el Ministerio de Ferrocarril, la Fiscalia Nacional, la Editora del periodico Rodong Sinmum, el Comite Nacional de Radio y Television de Corea y la Direccion de Sonbong, que pusieron entre las flores en pleno florecimiento las imagenes de los grandes hombres simpares quienes con la veterana y probada direccion condujeron el PTC y la Revolucion Coreana y registraron en esta tierra una nueva historia de transformacion secular.
    Los visitantes sintieron profundamente gran orgullo y felicidad de la nacion de Kim Il Sung, que, gracias a tener al Dirigente Kim Jong Il en el primer puesto del partido, el Estado y el ejercito, goza de generacion en generacion de la sabia direccion del gran Lider y del gran General.