DPRK Foreign Ministry Spokesman on Six-Party Talks

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry issued the following statement Monday after the close of another round of the six-party talks in Beijing on June 26 after it started from June 23 for the settlement of the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S.: Unlike the previous talks each party advanced various proposals and ways and had a discussion on them in a sincere atmosphere at the talks. Some common elements helpful to making progress in the talks were found there.
    This time the U.S. side said that it would take note of the DPRK's proposal for "reward for freeze" and seriously examine it.
    An agreement was reached on such issues as taking simultaneous actions on the principle of "words for words" and "action for action" and mainly discussing the issue of "reward for freeze". This was positive progress made at the talks.
    The talks, however, could not make a decisive breakthrough towards breaking the present deadlock as there existed big differences between the DPRK and the U.S.
    What merits a serious attention is that substantial negotiations could not start among the parties concerned for the settlement of the issue as the DPRK and the U.S. failed to wipe out the bilateral mistrust and misunderstanding.
    At the talks the DPRK side advanced once again a bold and flexible proposal which requires a big political decision for making a breakthrough towards breaking the present deadlock between the DPRK and the U.S. over the nuclear issue and making the talks fruitful, prompted by its sincere wish to contribute to peace and security on the Korean peninsula, Northeast Asia and the rest of the world.
    The DPRK delegation at the talks clarified details concerning its nuclear freeze on the premise that the U.S. withdraws its demand for CVID. It made it clear that the DPRK would freeze all the facilities related to nuclear weapons and products churned out by their operation, refrain from producing more nukes, transferring and testing them and the freeze would be the first start that would lead to the ultimate dismantlement of the nuclear weapons program.
    It also clarified its stand that the nuclear freeze should be accompanied by reward and the period of the freeze would be decided according to whether reward is made or not under any circumstances.
    The reward which the DPRK delegation called for should include such issues as the U.S. commitment to the lifting of sanctions and blockade against the DPRK, the energy assistance of 2,000,000kw through the supply of heavy oil and electricity, etc.
    The DPRK's proposal for "reward for freeze," the first-phase action for a package solution based on the principle of simultaneous actions, is the only way of seeking a step-by-step solution to the nuclear issue as it took into consideration the present conditions in which there is no confidence between the DPRK and the U.S.
    That was why all the parties to the talks except the U.S. positively supported and sympathized with the DPRK's flexible proposal and clarified their stance to participate in making reward for freeze.
    The DPRK delegation had exhaustive negotiations with the U.S. side for nearly two and half hours on the sidelines of the talks.
    The U.S. side recognized the reward for the freeze and advanced what it called "landmark proposal."
    It is noteworthy that the U.S. put forward such proposal nine months after the talks began.
    And it was fortunate that the U.S. did not use the expression of CVID but accepted the principle of "words for words" and "action for action" as proposed by the DPRK.
    A scrutiny into the U.S. "proposal" suggests that, to our regret, it only mentioned phased demands for disarming the DPRK.
    Its real intention was to discuss what it would do only when the DPRK has completed the unilateral dismantlement of its nuclear program.
    A particular mention should be made of the fact that in its proposal the U.S. raised the issue of "period of three months' preparations" for dismantling the nuclear program but it could not be supported by anyone as it totally lacked scientific and realistic nature.
    As far as the period is concerned, it depends on how the U.S meets the demands for reward.
    It is by no means fortuitous that the participants in the talks termed the U.S. "landmark proposal" a complicated and unclear one and an unfair one as it lacked any U.S. commitment to implement the principle of "words for words" and "action for action".
    The U.S. "proposal" could not convince the participants in the talks nor could it be considered as a way of settling the issue as it was away from the principle of simultaneous action and based on its demand that the DPRK dismantle its nuclear program first.
    If the U.S. seriously studies the DPRK proposal "reward for freeze", drops its unreasonable assertion about an enriched uranium program and the like, commits itself to renounce its hostile policy toward the DPRK according to the principle of "words for words" and "action for action" and directly takes measures for the reward for freeze in the future as its delegation had promised at the talks, this will help solve the nuclear issue and meet its interests.
    The DPRK will closely follow the U.S. future attitude, pushing forward as planned the work to increase its capability for self-defence to cope with the threat of aggression from outside forces.

Kim Jong Il's Leadership Exploits Praised

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- The Dominican Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification issued a statement on June 17 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. The statement said Kim Jong Il's start of work at the WPK Central Committee was a historic event which opened a new high stage in accomplishing the cause of the Korean revolution pioneered in Mt. Paektu and in party building, and the WPK has since been strengthened to be an invincible revolutionary party leading the Korean people along a glorious road of victory.
    Kim Jong Il has developed and enriched the Juche idea founded by President Kim Il Sung and was the first in history to put forward a unique theory on party building with the issue of the position and role of the leader as its core and he gave flawless answers to all the questions arising in party building and activities, it noted, adding:
    The exploits Kim Jong Il, great leader of the Korean people, has performed in the Korean and world revolutions are the greatest without an equal in the history of the socialist movement of the world.
    The statement expressed firm belief that the WPK and the Korean people under his outstanding leadership would build a great prosperous powerful socialist nation in their land and surely achieve the independent and peaceful reunification of the country under the banner of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration.

Protocol on Sci. Cooperation Signed between DPRK and Ukrainian Academies of Sciences

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- A 2005-2007 protocol on scientific cooperation was signed between the DPRK Academy of Sciences and the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences in Kiev on June 24. Present at the signing ceremony from the DPRK side were the members of the delegation of the academy led by its President Pyon Yong Rip and from the opposite side were President of the academy B. Ye. Paton and officials concerned.
    It was signed by Pyon and Paton.

Kim Yong Nam Exchanges Greetings with Lao President

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, and Khamtay Siphandone, president of the Lao People's Democratic Republic, exchanged messages of greetings on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries. Kim Yong Nam in his message on June 24 expressed the belief that the traditional friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries which had favorably developed after the opening of diplomatic ties would grow stronger in different fields and sincerely wished the president health and happiness and the Lao people prosperity and well-being.
    The Lao president in his message on June 23 said he was pleased to note that the friendly and cooperative relations between the parties, governments, and peoples of the two countries provided by Kaysone Phomvihane and President Kim Il Sung had constantly been strengthened after the establishment of diplomatic ties.
    He expressed the belief that the fraternal Korean people would surely achieve great successes in socialist construction of the country and in accomplishing the cause of national reunification under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    He wished Kim Yong Nam good health and happiness and greater success in his responsible work.

Congratulations to Philippine President

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, on June 25 sent a congratulatory message to Gloria Macapagal Arroyo upon her reelection as president of the Philippines. Expressing the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue to grow in scope and develop, the message wished her new success in her responsible work for the stability and development of the country.

Functions Held Abroad

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- Lecture meetings, photo exhibitions, film shows and lectures on the Juche idea were held in Kyrgyzstan, Peru, Colombia, Guinea and Ecuador from June 8 to 16 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and the 4th anniversary of the publication of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration. Displayed there were photos showing the revolutionary activities of Kim Jong Il.
    Lectures were given on "The 40 year-long history of great leadership," "40 years of outstanding statesman," "The Workers' Party of Korea is leader of Songun" and " Recent events in DPRK" and other subjects.
    The chief of the Group for the Study of the Juche Idea of Kyrgyzstan noted in his lecture said that Kim Jong Il has led all the affairs of the country including politics, military affair, economy and culture since he began working at the Central Committee of the WPK in the mid-1960s.
    The world sees a bright future of the DPRK and humankind in the political ability of Kim Jong Il to protect peace in the Korean peninsula and the rest of the world with his Songun politics, he stressed.
    The chairman of the Society for the Study of the Juche Method of Farming of the Kim Il Sung Institute of Agricultural Science of Guinea in a lecture noted that Kim Jong Il has strengthened and developed the WPK to be the party of the leader and the most powerful and dignified revolutionary party which steers the Songun era, adding that under his leadership a brighter prospect would be opened for socialist Korea.
    Screened at the film show was the Korean film "They Were Always Together on the Road to Bring about the People's Well-being."
    A message of greetings to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the lecture in Colombia.

DPRK and Lao Foreign Ministers Exchange Messages of Greetings

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- Paek Nam Sun, foreign minister of the DPRK, and Somsavath Lengsavath, deputy prime minister and foreign minister of Laos, exchanged messages of greetings on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the opening of diplomatic ties between the two countries. Paek Nam Sun in his message expressed the belief that the good and traditional friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger and wished Somsavath Lengsavath greater success in his responsible work.
    Lengsavath in his message said that after the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries the bilateral friendly and cooperative relations have been boosted in different fields.
    The message referred to the fact that the parties, governments and social organizations in the two countries exchanged experience, boosted the wide-range exchange of views on regional and international issues and strengthened the bilateral support and cooperation through visits of their high-level delegations.
    It expressed belief that the good and traditional friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would as ever grow stronger and wished Paek greater success in his responsible work.

Paek Nam Sun Leaves for Indonesia

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- Paek Nam Sun, foreign minister of the DPRK, left Pyongyang on Sunday to visit Indonesia and participate in the 11th ministerial meeting of the ASEAN Regional Forum to be held in Jakarta. He was seen off at the airport by Kim Yong Il, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, officials concerned and Barita Siburian, first secretary of the Indonesian embassy here.

United States Urged Not to Forget Historical Lesson

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- The United States after emerging the boss of the world imperialists at the end of the Second World War started a war in Korea on June 25, 1950 to occupy the DPRK at a stretch. Historical facts clearly prove that the war was deliberately ignited by the U.S. imperialists under a carefully worked out plan. Rodong Sinmun Monday says this in a signed commentary. It goes on:
    The U.S. imperialists are now seeking to make a preemptive attack on the DPRK after listing it as a "terrorism-sponsor" and part of the "axis of evil."
    They are now busy relocating the U.S. troops deployed in the area along the Military Demarcation Line in the area south of Seoul as a military measure to round off the preparations for the second Korean war.
    Their preparations for preemptive attacks on the DPRK are being actually pushed forward in real earnest. Ultra modern weapons and equipment used by them in the Iraqi war are being deployed in and around south Korea.
    The U.S. intention to stifle the DPRK by force is a day-dream.
    The DPRK's strong revolutionary armed forces advancing under the uplifted great banner of Songun provides a sure military guarantee for averting a war and defending peace and security on the Korean peninsula.
    The U.S. attempt to mount an armed attack on the DPRK, seized by war hysteria, is little short of inviting a disaster.
    If the U.S. imperialists ignite another war in Korea, oblivious of the historical lesson, they will get nothing but a bitter defeat and death, the commentary warns.

Meeting of Peasants of North and South Held

    Mt. Kumgang resort, June 27 (KCNA) -- A meeting of peasants of the north and the south was held at Mt. Kumgang resort on June 27 to pave a wide avenue for reunification by the concerted efforts of the nation. Present there were the members of the delegation of the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea led by Chairman of its Central Committee Sung Sang Sop and the members of the delegation of the south Korean Peasants Solidarity led by Permanent Representative Jong Jae Don.
    When the meeting was declared open women and peasant representatives of the north and the south entered the venue of the meeting holding a large Korean peninsula flag and flags of their organizations to the tune of Arirang.
    Congratulatory messages addressed to the meeting from different organizations of the north and the south were read out and speeches were made.
    The speakers said it was the pride and happiness of the peasants in the north and the south that their representatives had an opportunity to gather and have a grand meeting for reunification at Mt. Kumgang resort, calling upon all the Koreans to put an end to the division of the country at an early date by pooling their efforts and live in a reunified beautiful land of three thousand-ri doing farm work to their hearts' content.
    No matter what difficulties may lie in their way of achieving national reunification a bright morning of a reunified country will certainly break when the peasants in the north and the south and all other Koreans pool their efforts, they said, stressing the need to settle the issue of the nation by concerted efforts of the Korean nation.
    An art performance of schoolchildren of the north side was given at the meeting.
    Peasants of the north and the south divided into "National Independence" and "National Cooperation" teams had Korean wrestling games, a tug of war, a running with water jar on head, a dribbling ball inside ring, and other folk games and a Samcholli race for reunification.
    Artistes of the north and the south put on the stage of songs and dances for reunification chorus "Glad to See You," folk dance "Yangsando", mixed duet "Blue Sky of My Country", "By Concerted Efforts of Our Nation" "Reunification, Come Please","Song of Peasants", etc.
    A joint declaration of the meeting of peasants in the north and the south for paving a wide avenue for reunification by the concerted efforts of the nation was adopted at a closing ceremony that followed the art performance.
    The declaration underscored the need for the peasants to work for reunifying the country independently by concerted efforts of the nation under the uplifted banner of the historic June 15 joint declaration.
    The peasant organizations in the north and the south will strengthen solidarity and unity to avert a war, defend peace and bring earlier national reunification through national cooperation under the banner of the Korean nation-first spirit, the declaration said, calling upon the north and the south to wage a joint struggle to develop national agriculture and defend the right to food of the south Korean farmers.
    That day the representatives looked round the fine art and handicraft exhibition arranged by the north side as part of the meeting.

NDFSK Opposed to Additional Troop Dispatch to Iraq

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- The south Korean authorities, drawing a lesson from the recent tragedy resulting from their submission to outside forces, should promptly retract the decision on additional troop dispatch to Iraq in compliance with the will of the people and demand of the times and withdraw the already dispatched troops. A spokesman for the National Democratic Front of south Korea demanded this in a statement issued on June 25 as regards the murder of a south Korean civilian in Iraq.
    The statement said:
    The incident was caused by the brigandish U.S. pressure to send troops to Iraq for making south Korea an accomplice in aggression after starting the Iraqi war without justification. Therefore, the real criminal is the U.S, to all intents and purposes.
    The act of the U.S. is a notorious crime which has evoked hatred and wrath not only of the bereaved family but of the whole nation, all the fellow countrymen and human conscience.
    The robber-like pressure of the U.S. to dispatch additional troops to Iraq has exposed not only the young Koreans and defenseless civilians now in Iraq but the whole of this land to the danger of being made a target of the indiscriminate terrorism of the resistance force. Facts clearly show once again that the U.S. is, indeed, the ferocious aggressor clean indifferent to the life and security of the Korean people and the misfortunes and unrest of this land are coming from the U.S., the empire of evil.
    The Korean people can no more shed blood for nothing, placed on the altar of the U.S. war of aggression.
    The statement called upon the whole Korean people to closely unite and put fresh muscles into the anti-U.S., anti-war struggle to resolutely check and frustrate the U.S. policy of colonial domination and its pressure to send troops to Iraq and defend the welfare and peace of the nation and existence of the people by their own efforts.

Rodong Sinmun on Pride and Dignity of Korean People under Great Leader

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- The army and people of the DPRK are highly proud and dignified to dynamically advance under the leadership of Kim Jong Il who the whole world praise as the sun of the 21st century, says Rodong Sinmun Monday in an editorial. It continues:
    Kim Jong Il, who enjoys the absolute authority recognized by the whole world, is steering the Korean revolution.
    He is a peerlessly great man who is possessed of the highest authority as the supreme brain of the Party and the revolution and leader of the people.
    History knows no other leaders but Kim Jong Il who has adorned his 40 year-long history with steady victories and feats with his outstanding ability and traits, a history equivalent to an era. Herein lie the distinguished greatness of Kim Jong Il and his undisputed authority as the sun of the 21st century.
    In the long historic course of the revolution under the leadership of Kim Jong Il the army and people have keenly realized what a high and absolute authority he enjoys and how proud and honored they are to make revolution under his leadership. Thanks to his high authority our Party and army could demonstrate their dignity as an invincible party and army and our country shed its rays all over the world as an ideologically, politically and militarily strong power and our people emerged a dignified people who fully exercise their sovereignty.
    Boundless are the honor and dignity his authority has brought to our army and people and tremendous is its impact on the efforts to achieve the prosperity of the country and accomplish the cause of Juche.
    The editorial calls on all the Party members and other working people to more dynamically accelerate the general onward movement for building a great prosperous powerful nation, highly proud and honored to glorify the new century under the leadership of Kim Jong Il.

Kim Il Chol Meets Del. of Border Guards of Chinese People's Liberation Army

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- Vice Marshal of the Korean People's Army (KPA) Kim Il Chol, minister of the People's Armed Forces, Monday met and had a friendly conversation with a delegation of the border guards of the Chinese People's Liberation Army led by Lieut. General Li Yu, assistant to the chief of the General Staff of the army. Present were Lieut. General Choe Pu Il and Maj. General Han Tong Su and officers of the KPA, Chinese Ambassador e.p. to the DPRK Wu Donghe and Yang Xilian, military attache of the Chinese embassy here.

For Spanish-speaking people

Siria: Comite preparatorio de recordacion a Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, 28 de junio (ATCC) -- Quedo constituido el dia 21 el Comite preparatorio del Partido Socialista del Resurgimiento Arabe (BAAS) y la Asociacion de Amistad Arabe-Coreana de Siria para recordar al Presidente Kim Il Sung. Como presidente del Comite fue electo Wolid Hamdoun, miembro de la Direccion Regional del BAAS y presidente de dicha Asociacion.
    El Comite decidio organizar del 21 de junio al 9 de julio mitin, acto de recordacion, exhibicion de fotos y otras actividades.

Cosmeticos de buena calidad

    Pyongyang, 28 de junio (ATCC) -- En estos dias, la Fabrica de Cosmeticos de Pyongyang produce variedades de articulos de tocador elaborados con tonicos naturales, entre ellos, coloretes de varios colores, cremas de polvos, aguas de colonia y pastas dentales. Los coloretes son utilizables tambien para los varones.
    Aguas de colonia, elaboradas en combinacion armonica de insam (ginseng), miel natural y otros extractos vegetales surten virtud para la prevencion de envejecimiento de piel.
    Las cremas liquidas son eficaces para la prevencion de dermatosis y la desarrugadura y suavizan la piel.
    La pasta dental mixta de 3 colores, elaborada con productos farmaceuticos, da ayuda simultanea al tratamiento y la prevencion de gingivitis y a la extirpacion de tartaro.
    Tambien las cremas en polvo tienen una gran virtud contra sabanon y rayos ultravioletas.

Paulonia de gran valor economico

    Pyongyang, 28 de junio (ATCC) -- Es facil encontrar en varias regiones de Corea frondosas paulonias de gran valor economico. Esta nueva variedad crece 5 metros al ano y por lo tanto, 5 anos despues de plantada, puede servir de madera de optima calidad. La cantidad de madera y fibras que se producen con paulonias es mucho mayor que con alamos o acacias.
    Incluso, paulonias aportan la miel 5 veces mayor que las acacias.
    Esta variedad, que crece sin complicaciones aun en medio de la frialdad de 30 grados bajo cero, se jacta de su brillantez, belleza de vetas, insensibilidad a modificaciones y putrefaccion, por lo cual sirve de excelente materia prima para la produccion de muebles. Tambien, es un magnifico resonante, razon por la cual es objeto de gran demanda en la fabricacion de instrumentos musicales.
    Paulonias rinden sus beneficios especiales en preparar buenas condiciones medioambientales a la hora de ser plantadas en los parques, lugares de recreacion, ambos lados de las avenidas o en los patios de viviendas. Ademas, el bosque vedado de paulonias es capaz de proteger las plantas agricolas.
    Esta nueva variedad, que se reproduce con la siembra de semillas o la plantacion de sus raices, es un fruto del Instituto de Silvicultura del Ministerio de Proteccion Territorial y Ambiental.

Vocero de CRPP declara

    Pyongyang, 28 de junio (ATCC) -- El pasado 22, el surcoreano Kim Son Il, al cabo de trabajar de interprete en una firma comercial que se encargaba de proveer de materiales belicos a las tropas norteamericanas en Iraq, fue secuestrado y asesinado despiadadamente por las fuerzas insurgentes iraquies. Al responder a la pregunta de un reportero de la Agencia Telegrafica Central de Corea formulada en relacion con este caso, el vocero del Comite por la Reunificacion Pacifica de la Patria (CRPP) respondio el dia 26 como sigue:
    Si el Sur de Corea, rendido por la presion de EE.UU., emprende finalmente el envio adicional de sus efectivos a Iraq, traera el segundo y tercer caso Kim Son Il.
    Siendo integrantes de la misma nacion nos sentimos apenados de la muerte de un surcoreano en Iraq y consideramos que en lo adelante tal tragedia no debe repetirse.
    Este caso de asesinato es producto de la unilateral politica de agresion de EE.UU. a Iraq y la injusta demanda de esta superpotencia sobre el envio de efectivos a este pais persico.
    Para lograr que no se repitan crimenes antieticos como el asesinato tragico de los civiles inocentes en Iraq, se debe poner fin a la ocupacion militar y el dominio de EE.UU. sobre la nacion persica.
    EE.UU. debe retirar a sus tropas tanto de Iraq como del Sur de Corea y dejar de intervenir en los asuntos internos de esta parte de la Peninsula Coreana, en tanto que las autoridades surcoreanas, segun la demanda de la nacion, deben derogar sin demora su decision de enviar efectivos a Iraq y evacuar incondicionalmente a sus efectivos de este pais.