Memorial Meetings Held

    Pyongyang, July 9 (KCNA) -- Memorial meetings and memorial services were held in every province, city and county and at every complex and enterprise and every unit of the three services of the Korean People's Army Thursday on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the demise of President Kim Il Sung. All the participants paid a silent tribute to the President.
    Memorial addresses were made to be followed by speeches at the meetings and services.
    Speakers recalled that the President had devoted his all to the freedom and liberation of the people, prosperity of the country, the people's cause of independence and the victory of the socialist cause till his advanced age of over 80 since he embarked upon the road of the sacred struggle for the liberation of the country.
    The President victoriously led the whole historical course of revolution from the struggle for national liberation to socialist construction, overcoming all sorts of rigorous trials and difficulties in the periods of the sanguinary revolutionary war, fierce class struggle, gigantic construction work under the complicated international situation, etc. and struggling through troubles, they noted, and continued:
    The President established the glorious revolutionary traditions of the Workers' Party of Korea including the idea and line of attaching great importance to the army and the military affairs in the practice of the Korean revolution. Thanks to these great traditions, the entire Party and the whole army and all the people could make a steady and dynamic advance winning sure victory despite the tempest of history.
    Under the leadership of Kim Jong Il the revolutionary history of the President steadily advances thanks to the sacred struggle to implement the idea and cause of the President.
    The speakers called for devotedly defending the headquarters of the revolution headed by Kim Jong Il, consolidating the single-hearted unity of the Party, the army and the people as firm as an iron wall, more thoroughly establishing the traits of attaching great importance to the military affairs throughout the society and performing new feats in production and construction to accelerate the building of a great prosperous powerful socialist nation, true to the last instructions of the President.

S. Korean Authorities Condemned for Blocking Visit of S. Korean Del. to North

    Pyongyang, July 9 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland (CPRF) released a statement to the press on July 8 denouncing the south Korean authorities for disallowing a south Korean non-governmental delegation to visit Pyongyang to pay homage to President Kim Il Sung on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his demise. The statement said:
    Pak Yong Gil, widow of the late Rev. Mun Ik Hwan, and other personages of various social standings of south Korea intended to visit Pyongyang on this occasion to pay homage to the father of the nation in conformity with the good manners and customs handed down by ancestors.
    This was quite natural in view of moral laws, the traditional etiquette of the nation and idea of the June 15 joint declaration as it is an expression of the boundless respect and reverence for the President who devoted all his life to the liberation of the country and the reunification of the country.
    The south Korean authorities, however, took such an inhuman action as blocking the visit of the delegation to Pyongyang before its departure.
    The CPRF condemns with bitter national resentment the rude and immoral action taken by the south Korean authorities to bring the inter-Korean relations back to those in the period before the publication of the June 15 joint declaration on the strength of the outmoded anti-communist, anti-north law.
    It is well known that a lot of south Koreans have already visited the Kumsusan Memorial Palace to pay respectful homage to the President since the publication of the declaration.
    Absolutely intolerable is the action taken by the south Korean authorities to disallow the visit of the delegation to the north even ignoring the precedent of visits to the palace which have been placed on a traditional basis.
    This action is of more serious nature as it was committed in the era after the publication of the declaration when visits of compatriots have become brisk between the north and the south.
    The south Korean authorities attempted to downplay the significance of the June 15 joint declaration by kicking up the unjustifiable row of "special inspection" and are now keen to reject even the system of the north, part of the same nation and a dialogue partner. The north can never remain a passive onlooker to such insolent acts.
    The south seems to work hard to bring the inter-Korean relations back to those in the period of the anti-national and inhuman "civilian government" before the publication of the declaration as soon as a new "prime minister" and "minister of Unification" took office. The north cannot but hold it fully accountable for this development.
    The north does not have any intention to deal any more with those who deny its system nor consider it as their dialogue partner. It has no idea of permitting visits of those blocking even elementary visits of personages between the north and the south.
    The north will let those reckless guys ignorant of courtesy and morality know well that they have no future.
    The south Korean authorities will feel very shameful and regretful for manifesting such political and moral vulgarity and committing such anti-reunification rash acts as denying their dialogue partner, challenging the nation's supreme dignity and going against the June 15 joint declaration.
    The responsibility for the possible deterioration of the north-south relations will totally rest with the south Korean authorities keen to bring the ties back to those in the period before the publication of the declaration.

Floral Basket Laid before Portrait of Kim Il Sung

    Havana, July 7 (KCNA) -- A function was held on July 7 by the Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America to lay a floral basket before a portrait of President Kim Il Sung on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his death. The participants in the function honored his memory with a moment's silence after laying the floral basket before his portrait.
    Humberto Hernandez, secretary general of the organization, said: It is our duty to honor the memory of the President and we remember that he encouraged the Cuban people's struggle and always expressed solidarity with them.
    Present there were members of the organization, Korean Ambassador to Cuba Pak Tong Chun and his embassy officials.

Greetings to Bahamian Prime Minister

    Pyongyang, July 9 (KCNA) -- Pak Pong Ju, premier of the DPRK Cabinet, sent a message of greetings to Perry G. Christie, prime minister of Bahamas, on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the independence of the country. Expressing the belief that the friendly relations between the two countries would continue to develop favorably, the message wished the prime minister and the people of Bahamas great successes in the work for the prosperity of the country.

Unconditional Withdrawal of U.S. Troops from S. Korea Urged

    Pyongyang, July 9 (KCNA) -- The Dominican Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification issued a statement on June 26 on the occasion of the month of solidarity with the Korean people. The month of solidarity with the Korean people, which is observed every year with the day of the publication of the historic June 15 North-South Joint Declaration, is an important occasion for the international solidarity movement of the world peace-loving people, the statement said, and continued:
    More than half a century has passed since the Korean peninsula was bisected by the U.S. forces' occupation of south Korea. But the U.S. is making a massive shipment of modern means of war into south Korea still today. This is the root cause of threat to peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and the rest of Asia.
    The Dominican Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification demands that the U.S. forces immediately and unconditionally pull out of south Korea with all their military hardware to allow a detente in and around the Korean peninsula and let the Korean issue be solved by the Korean people themselves.

Seminar on Juche Idea Held in India

    Pyongyang, July 9 (KCNA) -- A national seminar on the Juche idea on the theme of "Independence and Self-Reliance" was sponsored in India by the Asian Regional Institute of the Juche Idea on July 3. Vishwanath, director-general of the International Institute of the Juche Idea, in his keynote speech said that President Kim Il Sung fathered the great Juche idea indicating a true way for the working masses to get rid of ill-treatment and contempt as targets of exploitation and oppression and carve out their destiny.
    The President sincerely helped many countries achieve national independence and independent progress and conducted energetic activities to encourage all the progressive movements including the socialist movement and the non-aligned movement aspiring after independence against imperialism, to remain true to their ideas and principles, he said.
    The revolutionary cause of Juche started by the President is being successfully carried forward by leader Kim Jong Il, he said, adding: Kim Jong Il opened up a new history of perpetuating the memory of the President and has led the human cause of independence in the new century to victory through his deep-going ideological and theoretical activities.
    Kim Jong Il set forth the Songun revolutionary line with his far-sighted wisdom and outstanding leadership under the complicated international situation. This line indicates the way of protecting the destiny of the country and the people from all the challenges of the imperialists and developing the country into a prosperous and powerful one. That is why the Korean people absolutely support his Songun politics and are firmly determined to uphold his Songun leadership with loyalty.
    Then followed speeches by the chairman of the All India Indo-Korean Friendship Association, the secretary general of the Asian Regional Institute of the Juche Idea, the chairman of the Indian Society for the Study of Works of Kim Jong Il and others.
    A message to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the seminar.

Kim Yong Nam Meets Secretary General of CILRECO

    Pyongyang, July 9 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, met and had a friendly talk with Guy Dupre, secretary general of the International Liaison Committee for Reunification and Peace in Korea (CILRECO), at Mansudae Assembly Hall today. On hand was Pak Kyong Son, vice-director of a department of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.

Floral Basket to Statue of Kim Il Sung from Guinean President

    Pyongyang, July 9 (KCNA) -- Lansana Conte, president of Guinea, sent a floral basket to the statue of President Kim Il Sung on Mansu Hill on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his demise. It was placed before the statue on July 8.
    Written on the ribbon of the floral basket were letters "The Great Leader HE President Kim Il Sung Will Be Immortal."

Jong Ha Chol Meets Secretary-General of Dominican United Left Movement

    Pyongyang, July 9 (KCNA) -- Jong Ha Chol, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, met and had a friendly talk with Miguel Mejia, secretary-general of the United Left Movement of Dominica, and his party on July 9. The general secretary said that President Kim Il Sung was the great leader of the Korean and world peoples as he performed immortal exploits for the country, the revolution, the times and humankind.
    Saying that while staying in the DPRK he saw for himself the achievements made by the Korean people in various fields under the leadership of Kim Jong Il, he noted that his movement would as ever extend support and solidarity to them.

110th Birth Anniversary of Kim Hyong Jik Commemorated

    Pyongyang, July 9 (KCNA) -- A national meeting was held at the People's Palace of Culture Friday to commemorate the 110th birth anniversary of the indomitable revolutionary fighter Kim Hyong Jik, an outstanding leader of the anti-Japanese national liberation movement in Korea and a great pioneer in making a switchover from the nationalist movement to the proletarian revolution. Present at the meeting were senior officials of the Party, the state and the army, anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters, servicepersons of the Korean People's Army, bereaved families of revolutionary martyrs and working people in the city. The meeting was also attended by overseas Koreans staying in the socialist homeland.
    A report was made by Yang Hyong Sop, alternate member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and vice-president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly.
    Referring to the life of Kim Hyong Jik, the reporter said:
    His whole life was a noble one of a true patriot who devoted all his wisdom and energies to achieving the sovereignty of the country and the liberation of the nation and a brilliant life of a prominent revolutionary who performed immortal feats which will remain shining forever in the history of the anti-Japanese national liberation struggle in Korea.
    He, born into a patriotic family at Mangyongdae on July 10, 1894, set out the noble revolutionary idea of Jiwon (aim high) in the dark period of the Japanese imperialists' colonial rule to indicate the way of national independence, the new way of the anti-Japanese national liberation movement that called on the Koreans to achieve the liberation of the country by themselves and energetically led the struggle to win it.
    After leaving Sungsil Middle School in mid-course to be a professional revolutionary in Spring of 1913, he actively stepped up the preparations to form a new revolutionary organization capable of leading the anti-Japanese national liberation movement in a uniform manner and, on this basis, formed the Korean National Association guided by the idea of Jiwon in Pyongyang on March 23, 1917.
    Under his guidance, the association created its lower organizations across the country and overseas in a short span of time and intensified diverse activities including enlightenment of masses and education, thus consolidating the popular foundation for the anti-Japanese movement and bringing about great progress in the work to give momentum to the anti-Japanese struggle.
    He set forth the policy for making a switchover in the anti-Japanese national liberation movement of Korea from the nationalist movement to the proletarian revolution in August 1919 and wisely led the struggle for implementing it.
    Thanks to his positive activities, the anti-Japanese national liberation movement in Korea could dynamically go in for the proletarian revolution aimed to meet the interests of the proletarian masses by armed struggle depending on the popular masses' strength and guided by the progressive idea.
    The reporter said: In the sacred cause to bring a bright future to the Korean nation Kim Hyong Jik brought up President Kim Il Sung into a peerless patriot, a lodestar of the nation and a distinguished leader of the revolution This is the immortal exploit performed by him for the country and it will remain shining for all ages in its history.
    In order to build a great prosperous powerful socialist nation on this land and accomplish the Juche revolutionary cause, true to the intention of Kim Hyong Jik in his lifetime all the servicepersons and people should uphold leader Kim Jong Il's idea and guidance with singlehearted loyalty and implement to the letter the Songun idea and revolutionary line of the Workers' Party of Korea set forth by Kim Jong Il, the reporter stressed. He underscored the need for them to always work and live in a militant manner and in a strained and mobilized posture as required by the situation, decisively smash the counterrevolutionary offensive of imperialists and reactionaries, firmly defend Juche-based socialism and accomplish the historic cause of national reunification as early as possible.

New Embroidery Works Created

    Pyongyang, July 9 (KCNA) -- The Pyongyang Embroidery Institute of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has created ten-odd embroidery works by applying various techniques. The embroidery work "Grand Flower Garden" reflects the will of the Korean people to hold President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il in high esteem.
    "Lake Chon on Mt. Paektu" and "Lake Samji" portray the President's undying feats. All of the works mirror the Korean people's deep reverence for him.
    "In Spring Days" and "Forest" delicately depict natural scenery.
    Over the last decade the institute has created more than tens of thousands of embroidery pieces of more than 500 kinds. Many of them are as valuable as national treasure. Typical of them are "Old Home in Mangyongdae" (243x96 cm) which shows the birth place of President Kim Il Sung in April, "Hyangdo Peak" (210x120 cm), "Sobaeksu in the Morning" (90x70 cm), "Evening Glow over Kangson" (110x80 cm), "White Birch Valley" (147x100 cm) and "Waves" (250x100 cm).

Cambodian King Pays Homage to Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, July 9 (KCNA) -- Cambodian King Norodom Sihanouk staying in the DPRK visited the Kumsusan Memorial Palace and paid homage to President Kim Il Sung Thursday on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of his demise. Visiting the palace together with the king were the queen, Senior Advisor to King Prince Norodom Yuvaneath, Cambodian Ambassador to the DPRK Oum Mannorine and other guests.
    The guests were accompanied by Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, Kim Yong Il, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, and officials concerned.
    A floral basket in the name of Norodom Sihanouk was placed before the statue of the President.
    The king entered the hall where the President lies in state for perpetuity and paid homage to him in profound reverence. Norodom Sihanouk looked round orders and medals awarded to the President, the mourning hall and a train coach and a car used by him.
    The king wrote in the visitor's book that he deems it a great honor to pay most respectful homage to Kim Il Sung and that he expresses deepest respect and admiration for Kim Jong Il for leading the DPRK to achieve steady great victories.

For Spanish-speaking people

Actos de recordacion a Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, 9 de julio (ATCC) -- Tuvieron lugar el dia 8 los actos de recordacion al Presidente Kim Il Sung por el 10 aniversario de su fallecimiento en las provincias, ciudades, distritos, complejos y unidades terrestres, navales y aereas del Ejercito Popular de Corea. Los participantes guardaron un momento de silencio en memoria del Presidente Kim Il Sung y escucharon palabras de recordacion e intervenciones.
    Los oradores senalaron que durante el periodo de su empeno en el camino de la sagrada lucha por la restauracion de la patria hasta la edad octogenaria, el Presidente Kim Il Sung dedico todo lo suyo por la libertad y la emancipacion del pueblo, la prosperidad de la patria y la victoria de la causa del socialismo, causa de independencia de las masas populares.
    En medio de duras pruebas y dificultades de la guerra revolucionaria ardua, la lucha clasista aguda, la magna labor de construccion y la compleja situacion internacional, el Presidente llevo a la victoria toda la trayectoria historica desde la revolucion de liberacion nacional hasta la construccion socialista.
    Los oradores dijeron que el Presidente preparo la gloriosa tradicion revolucionaria del Partido del Trabajo de Corea incluida la idea y la linea de dar importancia a las fuerzas armadas y asuntos militares en la practica de la Revolucion Coreana y enfatizaron que esta gran tradicion permitio a todo el partido, todo el ejercito y todo el pueblo avanzar con mas vigor logrando victorias sucesivas en las circunstancias adversas.
    Senalaron que transita de continuo la historia revolucionaria del Presidente en la sagrada lucha por materializar la idea y la causa de este bajo la direccion del Dirigente Kim Jong Il.
    Enfatizaron que deben defender a costa de la vida la Direccion de la Revolucion encabezada por el Dirigente segun el legado del Presidente, consolidar firmemente la unidad monolitica del partido, el ejercito y el pueblo, establecer mas estrictamente el estilo de dar importancia a los asuntos militares en toda la sociedad y crear nuevas proezas en la produccion y la construccion para asi acelerar la construccion de una gran potencia prospera socialista.

Cesto de flores de Lansana Conte ante estatua de Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, 9 de julio (ATCC) -- El presidente de la Republica de Guinea, Lansana Conte, hizo llegar un cesto de flores a la estatua de bronce del Presidente Kim Il Sung en la colina Mansu con motivo del 10 aniversario de su fallecimiento. El cesto de flores fue depositado el dia 8 ante ella. En la cinta del cesto se lee: "Sera inmortal Su Excelencia el Presidente Kim Il Sung, gran Lider."

Rinden tributo a Kim Il Sung en Palacio Memorial Kumsusan

    Pyongyang, 9 de julio (ATCC) -- Con motivo del 10 aniversario del fallecimiento del Presidente Kim Il Sung, los cuadros directivos del partido y el Estado, presidentes de partidos amigos, miembros del Consejo de Ministros, funcionarios responsables del partido y organizaciones de masas rindieron tributo, el dia 8, al Presidente ante su cuerpo en el Palacio Memorial Kumsusan. Lo hizo tambien el presidente del Presidium del Comite Central de la Asociacion General de Coreanos Residentes en Japon (Chongryon).
    Ante la estatua del Presidente estaba colocado un cesto de flores a nombre comun del Comite Central y la Comision Militar Central del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, el Comite de Defensa Nacional, el Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema y el Consejo de Ministros de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea.
    Los visitantes presenciaron ordenes, medallas, certificados de titulos honorificos de Corea y varios paises del mundo, otorgados al Presidente.
    Por otro lado, concurrieron al Palacio los oficiales y soldados del Ejercito Popular de Corea, los habitantes de distintos sectores, los cuerpos de diplomaticos y agregados militares, los funcionarios encargados de relaciones culturales y de amistad de las sedes diplomaticas de varios paises en Corea, ex combatientes revolucionarios antijaponeses residentes en China, personas relacionadas con la lucha revolucionaria antijaponesa y sus familiares, la delegacion de Coreanos Residentes en Japon, la de la Asociacion General de Coreanos Residentes en China, la de la Asociacion Internacional de Coreanos (Unidad), el director del Secretariado Conjunto de la Alianza Pannacional por la Reunificacion de la Patria, Rim Min Sik, el presidente de la Asociacion de Cooperacion de Coreanos Residentes en Alemania, Jang Il Jung, y otras delegaciones y coreanos en ultramar, el director de la Editora de la Sociedad Rusa de la Amistad y Cooperacion con Paises Extranjeros Nikolai Mishin y su comitiva, que habian participado en la ceremonia de edicion del libro "En Memoria del Presidente Kim Il Sung", y otros huespedes extranjeros.