Cause of President Sure to Win Victory

    Pyongyang, August 11 (KCNA) -- The Korean people, rallied steel-strong around the leader, are sure to emerge victorious in their just struggle to accomplish the cause pioneered by President Kim Il Sung, said Zhao Zixiang, president of the Liaoning Academy of Sciences of China, who had participated in the Second World Congress of Korean Studies, when interviewed by KCNA. Gifts on display at the International Friendship Exhibition Kim Il Sung received from many leaders of political parties, states and governments, prominent figures and people from all walks of life in many countries prove what high international prestige he enjoyed, he stressed.
    Noting that he was deeply moved by the popular traits of the President who saw to it that the gifts were displayed at the exhibition as treasures of the people, he praised the President as the great leader of the Korean people who devoted his all to the country and people and a model of internationalist champions who contributed to global peace and justice.
    He went on to say:
    The Korean people are advancing under the leadership of Kim Jong Il, a creditable successor to the revolutionary cause of the President.
    Kim Jong Il's guidance serves as a banner of their struggle and a source of all victories.
    I am struck with admiration at the great revolutionary spirit and indomitable fighting traits displayed by the Korean people under the leadership of the President and Kim Jong Il. I will always support their cause.

Mexico-DPRK Friendship Parliamentary Group Formed

    Pyongyang, August 11 (KCNA) -- The Mexico-DPRK Parliamentary Group was inaugurated with due ceremony at the building of the National Congress of Mexico on August 4. Present there were members of the national congress and media persons of Mexico.
    At the ceremony Jose Luis Naranjoy Cuintana was elected chairman of the group and Pedro Vazquez Gonzalez general secretary.
    Cuintana in a speech said that the formation of the group is a manifestation of support and solidarity of the people and national congress of Mexico to the Korean people in their struggle to protect dignity of the nation and sovereignty of the country.
    Gonzalez in a speech noted that the inauguration of the group means that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries were put on a new high stage, adding the group would extend full support and solidarity to the Korean people in their drive for the prosperity, development and reunification of the country.

Panamanian Party Leader Supports Korean People's Revolutionary Cause

    Pyongyang, August 11 (KCNA) -- Hugo Guiraud Gargano, chairman of the National Executive Committee of the Democratic Revolutionary Party of Panama, when meeting with DPRK Ambassador Ri Kang Se in Panama on July 21, oped that the Workers' Party and people of Korea would register great successes in the work for building of a great prosperous powerful nation and achieving the country's reunification, pulling through difficulties.

Friendship Joint Meeting with Foreign Campers

    Pyongyang, August 11 (KCNA) -- A friendship joint meeting between schoolchildren here and schoolchildren from different countries enjoying camping at the Songdowon International Children's Camp was held at the Central Youth Hall Tuesday. The meeting involved a friendly joint performance and colorful sports and amusement events.
    Then followed a demonstration of members of the Taekwon-do circle of the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren's Palace.
    The children deepened friendly sentiments, talking about the need to strengthen unity and friendship with schoolchildren of various countries who love justice and truth and value peace.
    The meeting closed with children's mass dances.

S. Korean Authorities Hit for Their Additional Troop Dispatch to Iraq

    Pyongyang, August 11 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Korean National Peace Committee Tuesday issued a statement denouncing the south Korean authorities for their additional troop dispatch to Iraq. The statement bitterly condemned the troop dispatch as an anti-national criminal act as it hurts the dignity of the nation and brings irrevocable disasters to the fellow countrymen by toeing the U.S. line.
    Recalling that the Koreans still vividly remember the disgraceful history in which millions of them shed blood and died in alien lands after being taken away under the pretext of "conscription" and "compulsory labor" during the Japanese imperialists' colonial rule and many young and middle-aged south Koreans met the same lot in jungles of Vietnam after being taken there as cannon fodder for the U.S. troops in the 1960s, the statement said: We can never remain a passive onlooker to the reality in which such disgraceful history is repeating itself.
    It demanded the south Korean authorities stop at once the troop dispatch to Iraq which goes against the aspiration and demand of the people, estranged from the nation, and withdraw the decision on the troop dispatch at once and make a switchover from submission to the U.S. to national independence, though belatedly.
    It called upon the people from all walks of life in south Korea to turn out in a nationwide struggle to put an end to the U.S. military occupation and colonial rule, the root cause of all misfortunes and sufferings, and shatter the treacherous acts of the pro-U.S. traitorous forces for the dignity and sovereignty of the nation and the peace and reunification of the country.

U.S. Move Seeking Preemptive Attack Strategy Lambasted

    Pyongyang, August 11 (KCNA) -- The United States these days is putting impetus to the increase of the strength and capability of its forces in Japan, giving rise to deep concern and vigilance of the regional countries. The U.S. forces command in Japan has so far been under the control of the Hawaii-based U.S. Pacific Command, having no independent right of commanding But, given this right in the future, it will play the function and role of a commanding tower controlling not only the Asia-Pacific region but the Middle East also by integrating three services of the U.S. forces and the U.S. Marines as well as part of the Japan "Self-Defense Forces".
    Commenting on this a Minju Joson analyst today says:
    The reorganization of the U.S. forces in Japan, as can be seen in their global reorganization, is, needless to say, a link in the whole chain of the criminal undertakings to put fresh muscles into the military domination and interference of the U.S. forces in the Asia-Pacific region.
    The United States has already designated Japan as the regional base for the execution of its preemptive attack strategy in the Korean peninsula and the Asia-Pacific region. This indicates that the United States is set on rounding off a system for realizing the preemptive strike strategy in these areas and carrying this into practice, come what may.
    It is not unknown to the DPRK that it would be the first target of the strike by the U.S. forces in Japan prepared for preemptive attack.
    A preemptive attack is surely answered with a terrible retaliatory strike.
    The United States should behave itself properly, mindful of the grave consequences to be entailed by its harebrained preemptive attack strategy.

Projected Ulji Focus Lens-04 under Fire

    Pyongyang, August 11 (KCNA) -- The Ulji Focus Lens-04 joint military exercise the United States and south Korea plan to stage from August 23 to September 3 come under fire in a signed commentary of Rodong Sinmun Wednesday. The exercise will draw at least 13,000 U.S. troops stationed in south Korea and south Korean troops and more than 6,000 U.S. troops stationed overseas.
    Dismissing the exercise as a serious military provocation against the DPRK and an intolerable challenge to the Korean nation aspiring after independent reunification, the commentary goes on:
    The projected exercise is a test war and a preliminary war targeted against the DPRK to all intents and purposes.
    The U.S. imperialists' moves to launch a war of aggression against the DPRK have reached a very reckless phase. The Bush bellicose regime is seeking military aggression behind the scene of dialogue. To this end it has pushed ahead with the relocation of U.S. troops in south Korea and their "reduction" and the transfer of its army bases, while introducing there ultra modern weapons and war means without let-up according to the large-scale arms buildup plan calling for spending 13 billion U.S. dollars.
    Recently the U.S. worked out "operation plan 5027-04", an adventurous scenario for a war against the DPRK, to pose an undisguised threat to the DPRK.
    Ulji Focus Lens-04 would render the situation on the Korean peninsula so tense that a war may break out any moment. If the U.S. mounts a preemptive attack on the DPRK, misjudging its peace-loving will as weakness, the DPRK will wipe out the aggressors with the might of ideology, unity and the invincible Songun policy and eliminate all the sources of war on the Korean peninsula.
    If the south Korean authorities cooperate with outside forces and keep committing treacheries against the nation, they will be held wholly responsible for all the ensuing grave consequences.
    The U.S. and the south Korean warlike forces are well advised not to run amuck but cancel at once the plan to stage the provocative war exercise against the DPRK.

Blitz Warfare Formula Ridiculed

    Pyongyang, August 11 (KCNA) -- Any form of blitz warfare by aggressors will never work on the DPRK, declares Minju Joson Wednesday in a signed commentary. Rapping at the "Operation Plan 5027-04" worked out by the U.S. imperialists and the south Korean military, it says:
    The plan is divided into stages of "building a defense line", "air strike at the areas of the north," "full-scale march northward" and "siege and occupation".
    "Blitz warfare" is the main method of war advertised by the Bush bellicose group. The U.S. imperialists scheme to stifle the DPRK by mobilizing precision guided missiles and ultra-modern military hardware as they did in Iraq.
    Actually, the U.S. imperialists and the south Korean war-thirsty elements are putting spurs to preparations for provoking a war against the DPRK according to the operation plan. The "military reduction" noisily propagandized by the U.S. is a prelude to the war of aggression. Only recently, under the cloak of "reduction," the U.S. imperialists decided to hurl 13 billion U.S. dollars, much more than the originally earmarked 11 billion, into the "plan of combat power buildup" of their forces in south Korea.
    Following the lead of the bellicose Bush group, the present south Korean military is kicking up a very ill-boding anti-DPRK confrontation ruckus, while sharply boosting military expenditure and getting overheated in arms buildup.
    It is a foolish dream if the U.S. war hawks think it can vanquish the DPRK by "blitz warfare."
    The Bush bellicose group should abandon the adventurous plan to invade the DPRK, which would entail destructive consequences to it, and withdraw all its aggression forces from south Korea. This would be beneficial to the U.S. either.

Kim Il Sung, Liberator of Nation

    Pyongyang, August 11 (KCNA) -- August 15 is the 59th anniversary of the liberation of Korea from the military occupation by the Japanese imperialists. The Japanese imperialists, who occupied Korea by force of arms in 1905, enforced mediaeval repressive politics and plundered the Korean people of their natural resources at random and bled them white.
    Korean people organized volunteer army units across the country to retake the country. Koreans assassinated Ito Hirobumi, a boss of the invaders, and committed suicide by disembowelment at the International Peace Conference held in The Hague calling for the independence of Korea. They rose up in nation-wide struggles including the March First Popular Uprising and June Tenth Independence Movement. But they could not achieve national liberation because they were not guided by an outstanding leader.
    As they were led by President Kim Il Sung, the Korean people ushered in a new era of historic turn in their efforts to accomplish the cause of national liberation.
    Basing himself on a deep analysis of the historic lessons drawn in the early Korean communist movement and the national liberation movement, he formed the Down-with-Imperialism Union (DIU), a true revolutionary organization of Juche, in Juche 15 (1926), thus lighting the way for an independent development of the Korean revolution.
    With an idea that enemy with arms could be repelled only by arms, he founded the Anti-Japanese People's Guerrilla Army in April Juche 21 (1932), declaring a war against the Japanese imperialists.
    The President, with his original guerrilla tactics, dealt blows at the one-million-strong "elite" Kwantung Army of the Japanese imperialists in different areas.
    He founded the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland, an anti-Japanese united national front organization, in 1936 to arouse the whole nation in the sacred war against Japanese imperialism.
    With full preparations made for an all-people resistance, he issued an order of final offensive to all the units of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army on August 9, Juche 34 (1945). And he called on Korean people, armed groups and uprising organizations to turn out in an armed riot and thus defeated the Japanese imperialists and achieved the liberation of the country on August 15.
    The Korean people have conveyed the immortal exploits of the President, who accomplished the historic cause of national liberation and glorified the dignity and honor of the nation, down through generations.

Candlelight Rally Held in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, August 11 (KCNA) -- A candlelight rally was reportedly held at Kwanghwamun in Seoul on August 8 demanding the withdrawal of the decision on troop dispatch to Iraq with more than 500 members of the People's Action against Troop Dispatch and the reunification vanguard grouping people of all social standings attending. At the rally Choe Son Hui, director of the Secretariat of the Women's Association for Peace, bitterly denounced the present "government" for dispatching troops to Iraq, noting that despite the opposition of the people, an advance contingent of the "Jaitun" unit was dispatched to Iraq and the troop dispatch is going on.
    Paek Jong Ho, chairman of the south Korean Federation of University Student Councils, called for carrying on the struggle till the troops already dispatched to Iraq have been pulled out of there, noting that the world is out in the struggle against the U.S. and war but it is the only south Korean authorities that rely on the U.S.
    A resolution was read out at the rally.
    The present "government" will certainly face a judgment of history and the people for dispatching troops, the resolution said, calling on the whole nation to wage a joint vigorous struggle against the troop dispatch.

Kim Yong Nam Receives Credentials from Croatian Ambassador

    Pyongyang, August 11 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, received credentials from Boris Velic, Croatian ambassador e. p. to the DPRK, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on Wednesday. On hand was Kung Sok Ung, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK.
    After receiving credentials Kim Yong Nam had a talk with the Croatian ambassador.

Greetings to Chadian President

    Pyongyang, August 11 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to Idriss Deby, president of Chad, on Wednesday on the occasion of the 44th anniversary of its independence. Kim Yong Nam in the message wished the Chadian president and people greater successes in their work for stability and development of the country.

For Spanish-speaking people

Vocero de CNCDP denuncia a autoridades surcoreanas

    Pyongyang, 11 de agosto (ATCC) -- El vocero del Comite Nacional Coreano por la Defensa de la Paz (CNCDP) publico el dia 10 una declaracion de denuncia al envio adicional de efectivos a Iraq de las autoridades surcoreanas. El vocero denuncio severamente tal farsa calificandolo de acto criminal que dana la dignidad de la nacion y acarrea un desastre irreparable a los connacionales en obediencia a EE.UU.
    El pueblo coreano recuerda con viveza que durante el periodo de dominacion colonial del imperialismo japones, varios millones de coreanos fueron llevados a la tierra ajena a titulo de "reclutamiento" y "trabajo forzado" y alli murieron tragicamente derramando sangre, y en la decada del 60 del siglo pasado numerosos jovenes y adultos surcoreanos tambien corrieron el mismo destino en las junglas de Vietnam sirviendo de carne de canon a los efectivos norteamericanos, senala la declaracion y prosigue:
    No podemos estar con los brazos cruzados ante esta realidad en que se repite tal historia ignominiosa.
    Las autoridades surcoreanas deben poner de inmediato fin a su farsa de envio de efectivos a Iraq que contraviene a la aspiracion y demanda del pueblo y aunque desde ahora deben liberarse del espiritu de sumision a EE.UU. y tomar el camino de la independencia nacional.
    Para la dignidad y la soberania de la nacion, la paz y la reunificacion del pais, los habitantes de distintos estratos del Sur de Corea deberan levantarse vigorosamente en la lucha por poner fin a la ocupacion militar y dominacion colonial de EE.UU., que son causa raigal de desgracias y sufrimientos de toda indole, y por frustrar los actos entreguistas de las fuerzas proyanquis.

Lider de partido de Panama apoya causa de pueblo coreano

    Pyongyang, 11 de agosto (ATCC) -- Hugo Guiraud Gargano, presidente del Comite Ejecutivo Nacional del Partido Revolucionario Democratico de Panama, al reunirse el 21 de julio con Ri Kang Se, embajador extraordinario y plenipotenciario de Corea en su pais, deseo al Partido del Trabajo de Corea y al pueblo coreano grandes exitos en la lucha por superar las dificultades, construir una gran potencia prospera y lograr la reunificacion del pais.

Grupo parlamentario de amistad Mexico-RPDC

    Pyongyang, 11 de agosto (ATCC) -- El grupo parlamentario de amistad Mexico-Republica Popular Democratica de Corea quedo constituido el dia 4 en la sede del Parlamento de Mexico. En el acto participaron parlamentarios y personalidades de sector de prensa e informacion de Mexico.
    Como presidente de dicho grupo, fue electo Jose Luis Naranjoy Quintana, y como secretario general, Pedro Vasquez Gonzales.
    El presidente, en su discurso, dijo que la constitucion del citado grupo es una muestra de patente apoyo y solidaridad del pueblo y el parlamento de Mexico con la lucha del pueblo coreano por defender la dignidad nacional y la soberania del pais.
    El secretario general, en su discurso, senalo que la fundacion del grupo parlamentario significa que las relaciones de amistad y cooperacion entre los dos paises han entrado en una nueva etapa alta y destaco que su grupo enviara irrestricto apoyo y solidaridad a la lucha del pueblo coreano por la prosperidad del pais y la reunificacion de Corea.