Evening Galas of Youth and Students in DPRK

    Pyongyang, August 16 (KCNA) -- Evening galas of youth and students took place in various parts of the country Sunday evening to celebrate the 59th anniversary of the liberation of the country. They were held at the plazas in front of the Tower of the Juche Idea, the Arch of Triumph, the Monument to Party Founding, the April 25 House of Culture, the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium and other places of Pyongyang.
    The participants spread scenes of dances with boundless reverence for President Kim Il Sung, who brought the new spring of liberation to the country, to the tunes of "We Sing of My Country Holding the Leader in High Esteem," "My Country Will Eternally Remain the Country of the Leader," "Pyongyang Is an Eternal City of the Sun," "Korea, Let Us Sing of This Pride" and other songs.
    Also reverberating over the squares were the melodies of "Our General Is Best", "My Pyongyang Is Best", "Let Us Meet on the Front", "Songun Nilliri" and other songs, bearing in mind the great national pride and honor of being blessed by illustrious leaders down through generations as they are holding leader Kim Jong Il in high esteem.
    Citizens from all walks of life in Pyongyang joined the dancers, enjoying the festive evening while dancing to the tunes of such songs full of optimism and merriment as "Onghyeya", "Hullari" and "Broad Bellflower".
    The evening galas were preceded by an art performance praising the feats of the President in achieving the liberation of the country.
    Similar evening galas took place in provincial seats, cities and county seats, including Phyongsong, Sinuiju, Sariwon, Hamhung and Chongjin.

U.S. and S. Korean Bellicose Forces' Moves for War of Aggression Lambasted

    Pyongyang, August 16 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Federation of University Student Councils reportedly issued a commentary titled "Criminal Act of Inviting War in Cooperation with Outside Forces" on August 11. Noting that "operation plan 5027-04กษ worked out by the United States and the south Korean bellicose forces have been recently made public, the commentary said this was pursuant to the new military strategy of the Bush administration to round off the preparations for a war against the north.
    It went on:
    The U.S. is becoming all the more pronounced in its moves for a war against the north today when the Korean nation is broadening the way for peace and reunification after the adoption of the June 15 joint declaration, and the authorities are rashly banking on them, increasing the crisis of war. The authorities should know that they will only lead to military confrontation and war crisis by sinking ever deeper into cooperation with the U.S. for a war.
    Only national cooperation, not cooperation with outside forces, is the way of defending peace and achieving the reunification of the Korean peninsula.

S. Korean Authorities Urged to Make Apology to Nation

    Pyongyang, August 16 (KCNA) -- People of all strata in the northern half of Korea are demanding the south Korean authorities make an apology to all the Koreans for their obstructions which led to the failure of the August 15 joint reunification event of the nation scheduled on the 59th anniversary of the liberation of the country. Han Sang Chul, department director of the Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland, recalling that the south Korean authorities barred the South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification, the south Korean Federation of University Student Councils and other pro-reunification patriotic organizations from taking part in the event, said this showed that they were, in actuality, putting under taboo the activities of the pro-reunification patriotic forces by charging them with "pro-north" and "enemy-benefiting," while talking much in front about "reconciliation" and "unity."
    The anti-reunification behavior of the south Korean authorities in barring their participation in the event for reunification is little short of the anti-reunification moves of the former military dictatorial forces which blocked and cracked down on the turnout of the south Korean people in the movement for reunification, chanting on the "unified channel of dialogue", he said, demanding them repent of their anti-national, anti-reunification acts and make an apology to the whole nation.
    Noting that the south Korean authorities brought to rupture the event for reunification by invoking the notorious "Security Law" in the era of the reunification-oriented June 15 joint declaration, Han Myong Gil, workshop head of the Taedonggang Battery Factory, said: This is an anti-reunificatio and anti-historic criminal act of negating the historic north-south joint declaration and throwing a wet blanket over the movement for reunification and the development of inter-Korean relations.
    The history and the nation will never pardon the south Korean authorities who resort to anti-reunification acts, discarding even the mask of "reconciliation and cooperation," he warned.

Japan Urged to Make Apology and Compensation

    Pyongyang, August 16 (KCNA) -- The president of the Indonesian Transport Trade Union Federation on August 10 issued a statement titled "Japan cannot evade its responsibility" on the occasion of the 59th anniversary of the liberation of Korea. Japan is persistently turning a deaf ear to the voices of Korea demanding it make an apology and compensation for its past crimes, the statement said, and went on: This is driving the bilateral relations to a phase of acute confrontation and adversely affecting the situation in the Southeast Asian region, too.
    During their military occupation of Korea the Japanese imperialists forcibly took away at least 8.4 million Koreans and used them as cannon fodder for a war of aggression, thus forcing them to meet tragic deaths and do slave labor. They forced 200,000 Korean women into sexual slavery for the imperial Japanese army.
    Those countries which committed crimes during World War II have made sincere apology and compensation to the victims and their bereaved families but only Japan refuses to admit its past crimes, far from making compensation for them.
    In view of their criminal nature, content and grave and protracted nature the crimes committed by Japan in the past are applicable to the political and moral responsibility, criminal responsibility and material responsibility, all forms of responsibility stipulated by international law.
    Korea has the legitimate right to force Japan to make an apology and compensation for the forcible drafting of Koreans, massacres, the crimes related to "comfort women" for the imperial Japanese army, etc. anytime.

Art Performances Given on Day of Korea's Liberation

    Pyongyang, August 16 (KCNA) -- Art performances were given at theatres in Pyongyang and local areas to celebrate the 59th anniversary of the liberation of Korea. Concerts were given by the artistes of the Mansudae Art Troupe, the State Symphony Orchestra, the Phibada Opera Troupe and the Yun I Sang Symphony Orchestra at the Moranbong Theatre and the Yun I Sang Concert Hall.
    The concert began with immortal famous song "Song of Anti-Japanese War" of the first movement in the symphony suite "A Long Journey of Bloody Battles" and orchestra "Song of Loyalty". Put on the stages were a string ensemble of immortal classical masterpiece "Dear General, Where Are You", a violin concerto "Echoes in Unforgettable Lagoon Samil", a male vocal solo "Pochonbo, a Glorious Land", a male vocal solo "Toward Better Tomorrow", etc.
    The performers presented a female soprano "Song Devoted to Comrade Kim Jong Il", the first, second, third and fourth movements in the symphony suite "Long Journey for Songun Leadership", a female vocal solo "We Are Always Confident" and orchestra "A Hundred and Forty-Nine Bends along a Road Leading to Forefront" which represent the immortal leadership feats of Kim Jong Il and the aspiration and feelings of the soldiers and people in the Songun era dynamically advancing under the banner of the Workers' Party of Korea.
    Multi-act puppet play "Kind Heart of Third Son" was performed at the Pyongyang Puppet Theatre.
    Performed at the Pyongyang Circus Theatre were synchronized swimming "Balancing Stunts on Water" and physical acrobatics "Twin Swings", "A Girl Lights a Flame Holder," "Somersault," etc.
    Celebration performances were also given at theatres and houses of culture in local areas including South Hwanghae and Jagang provinces.

U.S. Hit for Encroaching upon Sovereignty of Syria

    Pyongyang, August 16 (KCNA) -- Armitage, deputy secretary of the U.S. Department of State, in a recent press conference let loose a string of balderdash that Syria should draw a lesson from the collapse of the Baath party system in Iraq, asserting that the second-phase sanctions including harsher measures are likely to be applied according to the "act on account settlement of Syria." Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun Monday denounces his remarks as a wanton encroachment upon the sovereignty of Syria and an unpardonable insult to its leadership and people.
    It goes on:
    The U.S., which has long been displeased with the anti-U.S. independent stand of Syria, has worked hard to bring down the progressive regime of Syria and make it a "second Iraq" as it exerts influence upon the Mideast region.
    The U.S. is escalating the sanctions, political and diplomatic pressure on Syria under the absurd pretexts of its "support to terrorism" and "purchase of weapons of mass destruction" in a bid to isolate and bring under its control this country.
    These anti-Syria moves, however, are bound to go bankrupt in face of the strong resistance of its people.
    The Korean people have strongly denounced the U.S. moves against Syria and extended invariable and firm support and solidarity to the Syrian Arab people in their just cause.
    They will as ever actively support the anti-U.S. independent stand and social progress of the Syrian Arab people enjoying international support and encouragement.
    No force on earth can block the advance of the just cause of the Syrian Arab people to defend the sovereignty and the dignity of the nation.
    The U.S. had better stop at once the base and heinous moves against Syria.

Any Mode of War Does Not Work on DPRK

    Pyongyang, August 16 (KCNA) -- The "operation plan 5027-04", a new war scenario projected by the U.S. imperialists and the south Korean military against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, is evoking surging indignation on the part of the Korean people. Vice Chairman of the State Planning Commission Ri Sung Ho told KCNA that the new operation plan, aimed to "encircle and occupy Pyongyang", is an extremely adventurous and dangerous war scenario that reveals their plot to mount a preemptive attack against the DPRK.
    He went on to say:
    This discloses in all nakedness that the U.S. is loudly talking about peace but, in actuality, has frantically made preparations for another war against the DPRK with a wild ambition to overthrow its social system.
    The U.S. has increased the military expenditure from 11 billion dollars to 13 billion dollars in accordance with the "plan to increase war capacity" of its forces present in south Korea. It has also brought many sophisticated weapons and operation equipment including Striker armored cars and F-117 Stealth fighter-bombers into south Korea. And it is pushing ahead with redeployment of its troops and relocation of its military bases in south Korea.
    All the moves, part of the "operation plan 5027-04" which is aimed at blitz warfare with the help of sophisticated guided missiles and high-tech military hardware, are an intolerable and grave challenge to the DPRK and the whole nation aspiring after the peace and reunification of the Korean peninsula.
    The present acute situation demands the DPRK stand against the aggressors' logic of strength with a tougher policy in order to defend the dignity, sovereignty and the right to existence of the nation.
    Ri Kwang Hyok, an officer of the Korean People's Army, said in an interview with KCNA:
    The U.S. imperialists and the south Korean bellicose elements should be mindful that their operation plan against the DPRK will only precipitate their destruction and death. Any mode of war can by no means work on the DPRK's war deterrent which has been strengthened under the Songun politics to safeguard peace and security on the Korean peninsula.

Construction of Glass Plant Progresses Apace

    Pyongyang, August 16 (KCNA) -- The leveling of the ground and digging and removal of earth for the Taean Friendship Glass Plant to be built in an area of 290,000 square meters in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea have progressed apace over the last one month after its ground-breaking ceremony. Three blastings were carried out successfully to blow a million cubic meters of earth and make a breakthrough in leveling of the ground for the factory. More than 10,000-cubic-meter earth work has been done on a daily average.
    With the project plan giving precedence to the construction of glass and tin furnaces, the builders have already carried out 45 percent of the earth excavation for the glass furnace.
    The construction of more than 50 related units including the Kumipho Silica Plant and the Phyongsong Marble Mine are being carried on simultaneously.
    The State Planning Commission, Ministry of Chemical Industry, Ministry of Metal and Machine-Building Industries, etc. have taken measures to preferentially supply construction materials to the project.
    The plant, symbolic of Korea-China friendship, will produce millions of square meters of plate glass a year.

Greetings to Indonesian President

    Pyongyang, August 16 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, today sent a message of greetings to Megawati Soekarnoputri, president of the Republic of Indonesia, on the occasion of the 59th anniversary of the independence of Indonesia. Wishing the Indonesian government and people greater success in their work for the stability and prosperity of the country, the message expressed the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger in the mutual interests.

Greetings to President of Gabon

    Pyongyang, August 16 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba, president of the Republic of Gabon, on August 16 on the occasion of the 44th anniversary of the independence of Gabon. Expressing the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger, the message sincerely wished the president and the people of Gabon success in their work for national prosperity.

Spokesman for DPRK Foreign Ministry on Prospect of Six-Party Talks

    Pyongyang, August 16 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Ministry of Foreign Affairs Monday gave the following answer to a question put by KCNA as regards the prospect of the 4th round of the six-party talks: As the DPRK has already clarified more than once, the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula is the goal the DPRK wants to achieve and its stand to seek a negotiated peaceful solution to the nuclear issue remains unchanged.
    Hence, the DPRK had paid deep attention to keeping the process of the six-party talks going.
    In fact, the DPRK sincerely hoped to see the situation surrounding the nuclear issue develop in a positive direction on the principle of "words for words", "action for action" and "reward for freeze" on which the countries concerned agreed after having a discussion on key matters for the first time at the 3rd round of the six-party talks and patiently waited for the U.S. side's response to its flexible proposal.
    Quite contrary to the DPRK's expectation, the situation is turning unfavorable for the settlement of the issue due to the U.S. unreasonable stand.
    The U.S. side clarified its policy stance that there can be no reward for the DPRK's freeze of its nuclear facilities and is reasserting CVID, reneging on all the agreements and shared understanding reached at the last talks.
    The U.S. went the lengths of claiming that a military option has not been completely removed from the table, while asserting that the DPRK's non-existent enriched uranium program and all other nuclear programs should be scrapped and the human rights, missile, conventional armed forces, religious and all other issues should be solved if the DPRK-U.S. relations are to normalize after the settlement of the nuclear issue.
    The present development stuns and disappoints the DPRK.
    Given that the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. was spawned by the latter's extremely hostile policy toward the former, the U.S. should begin the work to find a solution to the issue with dropping its hostile policy toward the DPRK.
    The U.S. persistently pretends not to pursue any hostile policy toward the DPRK but, in actuality, it is getting more undisguised in following the above-said policy.
    Recently the U.S. House of Representatives adopted the "bill on human rights in north Korea" in a bid to provide a financial and material guarantee for the overthrow of the system in the DPRK and force the third country to carry out it. The Bush administration spearheaded the massive abduction of people from the north and is leading the joint naval exercises according to PSI. It is massively shipping into south Korea latest war equipment worth 13 billion dollars under the pretext of "reduction" of the U.S. forces.
    What is this if it is not a hostile policy?
    It is clear that there would be nothing to expect even if the DPRK sits at the negotiating table with the U.S. under the present situation.
    Now that the process of the six-party talks is retracting from the desired direction due to the U.S. attitude and nothing can be expected from the next round of the talks, it is clear such talks for the form's sake would be helpful to no one. The United States hastily proposed to have a meeting of the working group for the six-party talks in New York when the two sides were having a multilateral exchange of views in New York in the mid- August. This clearly indicates that the U.S. is, in actuality, not interested in making the dialogue fruitful but only seeks to give an impression that it makes efforts to solve the issue.
    The DPRK could confirm this fact through the long-lasted exchange of views in New York and the DPRK-U.S. contacts.
    A nuclear freeze is possible and it can lead to the dismantlement of the nuclear program only when the situation develops in the direction of the U.S. dropping hostile acts against the DPRK. On the contrary, these acts are escalating. This prevents the DPRK from freezing its nuclear facilities, much less dismantling its nuclear program.
    As mentioned above, the U.S. has destroyed itself the foundation for the talks, making it impossible for the DPRK to go to the forthcoming meeting of the working group.
    The U.S. side is spreading a sheer rumor that the DPRK is delaying the talks in anticipation of the results of the U.S. presidential election. This is profound confusing of right and wrong. This rubbish only betrays the utter ignorance of the DPRK.
    Who will become a next U.S. president is the Americans' interest. It has nothing to do with the DPRK.
    It does not read anybody's face. No matter what type new administration emerges in the U.S. the DPRK will settle issues, pursuant to the policy of independence and self-defence, the policy of facing up to the reality and following the prevailing situation under any circumstances.
    What is urgent at the moment is for the U.S. to clarify its will to participate in the undertaking to make reward and show its willingness to give up in practice its hostile policy towards the DPRK and thus lay down a foundation for negotiations.
    The DPRK will make sustained efforts for the peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. And the DPRK is ready to render necessary cooperation to this end.

Greetings to Indonesian Foreign Minister

    Pyongyang, August 16 (KCNA) -- DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun sent a message of greetings to his Indonesian counterpart Hassan Wirayuda on the occasion of the 59th anniversary of the independence of Indonesia. Expressing the belief that the good relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries will continue to expand as agreed through mutual visits to Pyongyang and Jakarta following this year's significant commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, the message sincerely wished him, a dear friend, a greater success in his work.

Kim Jong Il Inspects Farm of KPA Unit

    Pyongyang, August 16 (KCNA) -- Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, inspected Farm No. 1116 of KPA Unit 534. He was accompanied by Yon Hyong Muk, vice-chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission, KPA Generals Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong and First Vice Department Directors of the WPK Central Committee Ri Yong Chol, Ri Je Gang and Ri Jae Il.
    He acquainted himself in detail with this year's farming, going round fields under a variety of crops of the farm for a long while.
    After watching various crops and sprinkling irrigation facilities on the fields, he noted with satisfaction that the employees of the farm have brought about good crops by putting the farming on a scientific and technological basis.
    After going round the farm, he set forth on the spot important tasks which would serve as guidelines in radically increasing the agricultural production.
    What is essential for farming is to select good seeds, he noted, underscoring the need to pay primary attention to the work to research into and cultivate many more high-yielding varieties suited to the climatic and soil conditions, complete Korean style farming system and actively introduce advanced farming methods.
    He called for turning all the paddy and non-paddy fields of the socialist homeland into a fertile land through vigorous endeavours to make them fertile. He underlined the need to conduct a widespread drive to increase the production of good quality organic fertilizers to this end.
    As water is one of the essential elements for the growth of plants it is necessary to put irrigation on a scientific basis to suit the characteristics of crops in each period of their growth, he noted.
    He called for applying insecticide in good time to ensure that crops grow healthy free from any damage by harmful insects.
    He earnestly instructed all the leading officials in the field of agriculture to scrupulously organize the work to this end and tenaciously push ahead with it in a revolutionary fighting spirit just as the officers of the KPA do in order to realize President Kim Il Sung's lifelong desire to enable the people to eat rice with meat soup in the present generation without fail.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il inspecciona hospital de Unidad No. 534 de EPC

    Pyongyang, 16 de agosto (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea inspecciono el hospital de la Unidad No.534 del EPC. Le acompanaron el vicemariscal del EPC Kim Yong Chun, miembro del CDN de la RPDC y jefe del Estado Mayor General del EPC y Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae y Pak Jae Gyong, generales de ejercito del EPC.
    En el hospital le recibieron los comandantes de la Unidad y de esta instalacion sanitaria.
    Primero, el Dirigente recorrio el monumento a la direccion sobre el terreno del Presidente Kim Il Sung y la sala de educacion en historia revolucionaria del hospital que tuvo el gran privilegio de recibir en varias ocasiones las instrucciones dadas en este lugar por el Presidente y el Dirigente.
    Al presenciar los vestigios y datos historicos en que estan impregnadas sagradas huellas del Presidente, el Comandante Supremo recordo con profunda emocion las hazanas directivas del Presidente realizadas en la trayectoria del desarrollo del hospital.
    El otrora hospital quirurgico -senalo el- fundado en plenos dias de la guerra gracias a la minuciosa direccion y el cuidado del Presidente se ha convertido hoy en un hospital combinado dispuesto de modernas instalaciones medicas. Asimismo, las inmortales proezas directivas del Presidente quien dedico toda su vida en aras del fortalecimiento de nuestras fuerzas armadas brillaran eternamente de generacion en generacion, subrayo.
    Acto seguido, paso por la sala de asistencia combinada, la de terapia masiva y otras instalaciones medicas donde se informo del estado de equipamiento tecnico y su labor terapeutica.
    El Dirigente se mostro muy satisfecho de que esta institucion medica dispone en lo suficiente de los equipos de distintos tipos capaces de curar exitosamente varias enfermedades y el colectivo de medicos militares trabaja con toda dedicacion para el fomento de la salud de los militares.
    Al mismo tiempo, hizo especial referencia a que el colectivo del personal asistencial del hospital, en pleno acato a las instrucciones dadas en el terreno por el Presidente, sentaron firmes bases materiales y tecnicas, produjeron un viraje trascendental en la terapia con la introduccion activa de tecnicas medicas de punta y decoraron de manera higienico-cultural el hospital conforme a las peculiaridades de un organo sanitario, y asi evaluo sus exitos logrados.
    Luego de indicar las tareas para este hospital se fotografio junto con todo el personal medico.

Kim Jong Il recibe mensaje de felicitacion de Putin

    Pyongyang, 16 de agosto (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea recibio un mensaje de felicitacion que le dirigiera, el dia 15, el Presidente de la Federacion Rusa Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin con motivo del 59 aniversario de la restauracion de Corea. El mensaje va como sigue:
    Aprovecho esta ocasion para congratular a Usted por el dia de la restauracion, fiesta de toda la nacion coreana.
    La liberacion de Corea lograda gracias a la heroica lucha del pueblo coreano marco un importante hito en la historia del Estado de Corea.
    De aqui se establecieron y se desarrollaron las relaciones de buena vecindad, amistad y cooperacion equitativa entre nuestros dos paises, las cuales fueron consolidadas con el tratado concertado en 2000.
    Estos principios resultan apremiantes hasta hoy cuando las relaciones Rusia-Corea se desarrollan favorablemente en nuevas circunstancias y se profundiza la cooperacion reciproca en la arena internacional, en particular para resolver el problema nuclear de la Peninsula Coreana.
    Evaluamos altamente y apoyamos los esfuerzos por la reconciliacion, la unidad nacional, especialmente el dialogo Norte-Sur de Corea que deviene la condicion mas importante para solucionar imparcialmente los problemas de la Peninsula Coreana de modo que convenga a los intereses del pueblo coreano y a la preservacion de la paz y la seguridad del continente asiatico.
    Formulo mis votos por su buena salud y nuevos exitos en sus actividades asi como por la felicidad y el bienestar del amistoso pueblo coreano.

CRPP denuncia a "ministro de Justicia" de Sur de Corea

    Pyongyang, 16 de agosto (ATCC) -- El secretariado del Comite por la Reunificacion Pacifica de la Patria (CRPP) hizo publica el dia 14 la informacion No. 880 en relacion con que el "ministro de la Justicia" del Sur de Corea, en una entrevista de prensa efectuada el dia 9 por primera vez despues de asumir su cargo, expuso su posicion de oponerse a la abolicion de la "ley de seguridad" esgrimiendo un alegato sobre la necesidad del "sistema juridico de freno a las fuerzas amenazantes a la existencia del Estado". Esta posicion es un desafio frontal a la unanime demanda de la opinion interna y externa sobre la derogacion de la infame "ley de seguridad" de caracter fascista que fomenta la division y el enfrentamiento de la nacion e impide la reunificacion de esta y es una malsana intencion de seguir poniendo trabas a la mejoria de las relaciones Norte-Sur de Corea, senala la informacion y prosigue:
    Lo problematico es que cada vez que en el Sur de Corea nuevos individuos toman posesion de sus cargos arman bullas de enfrentamiento de gran impacto con la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea llevando a la peor fase sus relaciones con esta.
    En julio pasado, el "premier" y el "ministro de Reunificacion", tan pronto como asumieron sus cargos, no permitieron la visita a la RPDC de la delegacion civil de recordacion y provocaron los incidentes llevando las relaciones Norte-Sur a la fase de enfrentamiento.
    A traves del disparate del "ministro de Justicia" del Sur de Corea volvio a revelarse la taimada intencion de las autoridades surcoreanas cubierta con el velo del "dialogo" y la "cooperacion".
    El Sur de Corea hay que eliminar sin demora de los cargos del poder a los fanaticos de confrontacion con la RPDC, derogar la "ley de seguridad", residuo de la vieja epoca de enfrentamiento opuesta a la de reunificacion del 15 de junio, segun la voluntad de los surcoreanos y la demanda de toda la nacion y respetar y ejecutar sinceramente la Declaracion Conjunta Norte-Sur de Corea.
    Si las autoridades surcoreanas siguen tomando el camino de la discordia y enfrentamiento amparando a los elementos anti-reunificacion a contrapelo de la aspiracion de la nacion coreana y de la corriente de la epoca, deberan asumir la entera responsabilidad de las severas consecuencias que emanen de ello.