October.11.2004 Juche 93
Kim Jong Il Gives Field Guidance to Ryongji Duck Farm
Film Shows Mark Two Important Occasions
S. Korean Lawmakers Criticize "Government"
Papers Observe Anniversary of WPK
Evening Gala Held
Paek Nam Sun Exchanges Message of Greetings with His Chinese Counterpart
Floral Baskets Laid before Statues of Kim Il Sung
Kim Jong Il Receives Floral Basket and Congratulatory Letter from Yasser Arafat
U.S. "North Korean Human Rights Act" Denounced
Floral Basket to WPK Central Committee from Chinese Counterpart
U.S. and S. Korean Warmongers' Arms Buildup against North under Fire
New Poems Created to Mark WPK's Birthday
Foreign Ministry Spokesman Blasts U.S. Arms Buildup
For Spanish-speaking people
Kim Jong Il recibe cesto de flores y carta de Yasser Arafat
El CC del PTC recibe cesto de flores del CC del PCCh
CRPP y CNCDP denuncian a belicistas yanquis y surcoreanos
Presidente de Sao Tome y Principe se solidariza con pueblo coreano