Congratulations to Russian President

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Thursday sent a congratulatory message to Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin on his 52nd birthday. Expressing the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the DPRK and Russia would continue to develop favorably in the basic interests of the two peoples, Kim Jong Il wished him good health and happiness as well as success in his responsible work for the stability and development of the country.

Collection of Kim Jong Il's Works Published in Spain

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- A collection of leader Kim Jong Il's works "On Kim Jong Il and the Juche Philosophy" was brought out by the Alta Fulla Publishing House of Spain on October 1. It contains his six celebrated works.

Symposium on Yun I Sang's Music Held

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- The 18th Symposium on Yun I Sang's Music was held at the People's Palace of Culture Wednesday. Reviewed at the symposium were successes made in the studies of Yun I Sang's music and the life and musical activity of the composer who glorified his life in the work for the homeland and the nation.
    The speakers gave a scientific and theoretical analysis to the national and technical features incorporated in the musical works of the composer born by the nation who contributed to the development of human music, and highly praised his life and patriotic creative activity dedicated to the reunification of the country and the unity of the nation.
    The symposium was an occasion helpful to more comprehensive and profound studies of Yun's music which left a big trace in the history of world modern music for the national character, profound philosophy and passionate appeal of his works.
    Present at the symposium were Sim Tong Gol, vice-minister of Culture, Song Sok Hwan, vice-chairman of the C.C., General Federation of the Unions of Literature and the Arts, other officials concerned and the widow and daughter of Yun I Sang.

S. Korean Organizations Vow to Fight for Abolition of SL

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- The South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification reportedly made public a statement on October 2, branding the Grand National Party as a band of anti-national immoral persons who are trying to prolong their dirty political days on the strength of the "Security Law." We will certainly see the SL torn up this year, it declared, and went on: All the patriotic people are now making a vigorous advance to have the evil law scrapped and bring a new day of independent reunification. The Grand National Party will breathe its last together with the SL, a leftover of the Cold War era.
    The South Headquarters of the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification in a statement on the same day declared that with the south Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon), it would lift up louder voices for the complete repeal of the SL.
    Recalling that Hanchongryon opened its central committee meeting on September 22 and made public a declaration of emergency situation for the repeal of the SL and called upon the universities across south Korea to hold rallies for a general turnout and go on campus strikes on Oct. 14 and 15, the statement urged all the youth and students to respond to the patriotic appeal of Hanchongryon.

New Books Published

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- Scores of books on science and technology and common sense were published by the Science and Encyclopedia Press this year to contribute to the nation's development of science and technology and raising the working people's level of knowledge. Books "Biology of Kimilsungia" and "Biology of Kimjongilia" were recently reprinted and other books such as "NANO Technology and Its Application" and "Machine Reliability Engineering" were brought about by the press. New books on science and technology include "Easy Computer Dialogue" Vol. 2, "Charting and Calculating Program Excel 2002", "Database Management Program Access" that help the working people and young people raise their computer technology. Among the newly printed books are "Handbook of Home Medicine", "Questions and Answers as to Common Sense related to Health" (revised edition), "Questions and Answers as to Obstetrical Clinical Issues", "Questions and Answers as to Gynecological Clinical Issues" and others dealing with modern and Koryo medical treatment methods and medicines to cure different diseases and common sense about medicine. The books that have recently seen the light include books introducing the long history of Korea and its brilliant culture such as "Legends about Scenic Spots" dealing with those places in Kaesong and "Untold Tales about History" Vol. 1 (revised edition) and "History Dictionary" Vol.6 that help the readers widen their common sense about world history.

Art Performance Given in Celebration of WPK Anniversary

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- The Workers' Art Squad of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea gave a performance at the Central Workers' Hall on Wednesday to celebrate the 59th anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea. The performance began with the instrumental music and song "Glory to General Kim Jong Il". Its repertoire included colorful numbers such as instrumental music, songs and story telling.
    Through male vocal solo "The Mother Party", light music "It Is October" and other numbers the performers highly praised the immortal exploits President Kim Il Sung performed by developing the WPK into a revolutionary party of Juche type after setting out the Juche-oriented ideas and theories on the party building.
    They also presented numbers singing high praises of the immortal feats leader Kim Jong Il has performed by glorifying the WPK as an eternal party of Kim Il Sung under the banner of Songun, the mixed vocal quartet "My Prosperous Country", female duet and male quartet "Nilriri of Unity in Mind " and chorus "Our Faith Is One" and other pieces.

Foreign Diplomats Tour Different Parts of DPRK

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- Diplomatic envoys and other embassy officials and representatives of missions of aid organizations here visited different parts of the DPRK on the occasion of the 59th anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea. Ambassador Wu Donghe and officials of the Chinese embassy visited the Pyongyang Children's Food Factory on Wednesday.
    After looking round various production processes of the factory, a comprehensive food production base for children, the Chinese ambassador said that he came to know well about leader Kim Jong Il's benevolent politics and wished the Korean people greater success in building a great prosperous powerful nation.
    Charge d'Affaires Caridad Adela Galan Pelegrino and officials of the Cuban embassy visited the Mansudae Art Studio on the same day.
    They looked round various creating rooms and an art exhibition hall, being briefed on the fact that the studio has been built into a modern comprehensive art creating centre.
    Meanwhile, diplomatic envoys and officials of various embassies and staff members of missions of aid organizations visited the Poman Cooperative Farm of Sohung County, North Hwanghae Province and recreation grounds in Mountains Kuwol and Jongbang.
    On Tuesday diplomatic envoys and officials of Libyan, Syrian, Egyptian and Palestinian embassies visited the Monument to Party Founding and the Central Zoo.

Reception Given by Egyptian Military Attache

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- Military Attache of the Egyptian Embassy here Mahmoud Mohamed Osman Atik gave a reception on Wednesday evening on the occasion of the day of the Egyptian army. Present there on invitation were Son Sam Sul, vice-minister of the People's Armed Forces, general officers, officers and officials concerned, diplomatic envoys and military attaches of various countries here.
    Egyptian Ambassador Ahmed Ramy and staff members of the Egyptian embassy were on hand.
    Speeches were made at the reception.

Fighter-Bombers of U.S. Air Force Deployed in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialists have deployed a home-based squadron of F-15E fighter-bombers in south Korea, according to south Korean KBS. An official of the south Korea-U.S. "Combined Command" on Oct. 1 announced that the squadron was deployed in south Korea in the middle of September for the purpose of boosting the capability of deployment in contingency on the Korean peninsula.
    The U.S. imperialists are getting more persistent in arms buildup these days, revealing their true colors as war maniacs more glaringly.

Chinese Ambassador Hosts Reception

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- Wu Donghe, Chinese ambassador to the DPRK, arranged a reception at the embassy Wednesday on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the opening of diplomatic ties between the DPRK and the People's Republic of China. Recalling that China and the DPRK established diplomatic relations 55 years ago, the ambassador said it opened a new chapter of the good-neighborly and friendly relations between the two countries.
    Noting that the leaders of the two countries had made frequent mutual visits and the two peoples had lived in harmony like real brothers, he continued:
    The Chinese government and people have consistently supported the Korean people in their work for socialist construction.
    The Korean people have won one victory after another in the socialist revolution and construction, overcoming manifold difficulties in the spirit of self-reliance and fortitude under the wise guidance of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.
    He expressed the belief that the heroic Korean people would achieve greater successes in building a great prosperous powerful socialist nation, developing external relations and accomplishing the cause of the country's reunification under the leadership of Kim Jong Il and the Workers' Party of Korea.
    Kwak Pom Gi, vice-premier of the DPRK Cabinet, in his speech recalled that the two countries had closely supported and cooperated with each other in the struggle to attain common goals and steadily expanded and developed friendly and cooperative relations in various fields over the last 55 years since the opening of diplomatic ties.
    The historic meetings of the leaders of the two countries in recent years have served as a powerful impetus to the invariable consolidation and development of the friendly relations between the DPRK and China in the new century, he said, and continued:
    We feel glad over the achievements made by the fraternal Chinese people in the work of building a comprehensively well-off socialist society on an overall scale and achieving the complete reunification of the country under the correct guidance of the new collective leadership headed by Hu Jintao and sincerely wish them greater advance in the future.
    It is a consistent policy of the party and government of the DPRK to steadily boost the friendly relations between the DPRK and China. We will, in the future, too, make positive efforts with the Chinese comrades to expand and strengthen the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries.
    Present at the reception on invitation were Kim Su Hak, minister of Public Health who is chairman of the Central Committee of the DPRK-China Friendship Association, Mun Jae Chol, acting chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Pak Kyong Son, vice department director of the Central Committee of the WPK, and other officials concerned.
    Officials of the Chinese embassy here were on hand.

Full Play to Spirit of Self-Reliance Called for

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- Self-reliance represents a fighting trait and revolutionary spirit of solving all issues arising in the revolution and construction in reliance upon one's own strength, says Rodong Sinmun Thursday in a signed article. The whole course in which the Korean revolution started and made progress is inseparably linked to the spirit of self-reliance, the article says, and goes on:
    It is thanks to this spirit that the Korean people were able to lay a strong foundation for self-supporting economy and steadily advance the socialist construction on that basis.
    The army and people of the DPRK strikingly demonstrated the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance in the last decade when they had to overcome the most rigorous ordeal.
    Leader Kim Jong Il has steered the revolution and construction in the faith of independence. He has led the army and people of the DPRK to surmount difficulties and ordeals relying upon their own strength in the strong spirit of national independence in order to defend socialism and build a great prosperous powerful nation.
    Today the Korean revolution urgently requires holding aloft the banner of self-reliance. Only when the spirit of self-reliance is fully displayed is it possible to defend Korean-style socialism to the last despite any desperate moves of the U.S. imperialists to stifle it.
    Self-reliance alone can help the DPRK increase its political and ideological might, to say nothing of military and economic potentials. When the DPRK remains politically and ideologically, militarily and economically strong, neither pressure nor military threat and economic sanctions on the part of the U.S. imperialists will work on it.
    A full play to this spirit would make it possible for the DPRK to bolster its economy its own way and build a great prosperous powerful nation.
    It is the consistent principle the WPK can never abandon in any adversity to maintain independence in politics, self-support in the economy and self-reliance in national defence, and self-reliance only provides the way of adhering to this revolutionary principle.
    Noting that Kim Jong Il has led the army and people of the DPRK in their struggle to build a great prosperous powerful socialist nation, the article stresses that the WPK and people of the DPRK will invariably maintain self-reliance as their revolutionary mode and a banner of their struggle and its army and people are sure to attain the goal of building a great prosperous powerful nation despite their temporary difficulties as long as they are led by him.

Probe into Truth about S. Korea's Nuclear Issue Demanded

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- The south Korean authorities should stop serving the U.S. like puppets, raising a hue and cry over the north's nuclear issue, but probe the truth behind the secret nuclear weapons development program they have pursued for scores of years, urges Minju Joson Thursday in a signed commentary. In the wake of the recent disclosure of the fact that south Korea has pursued its nuclear weapons program in top secrecy for scores of years the nuclear issue of south Korea turned out to be a stark fact, going beyond suspicion, the commentary says, and goes on:
    Under such situation the south Korean authorities are obliged to clarify the truth about the issue. However, they keep making an uproar over the nuclear issue of the north. It is nothing but a mean and despicable political chicanery intended to divert the public criticism to the DPRK from them.
    This indicates that the authorities are trying to find a way of evading their blame for the nuclear development in slandering their fellow countrymen.
    Moreover, the nukes south Korea is developing are not aimed at driving out of south Korea the U.S. imperialists, the arch criminal that split the Korean nation, a stumbling block in the way of its reunification, a permanent source of a war and the sworn enemy common to the Koreans, but are targeted on their fellow countrymen who have lived in one and the same territory for 5,000 years and will live together with the south Korean brethren in a reunified country.
    It is the criminal purpose of south Korea's nuclear development to exterminate the nation and convert the Korean peninsula into debris as it is aimed to join the U.S. in massacring Koreans. A thorough probe into the truth behind the nuclear issue of south Korea is urgently required for ensuring the nation's security and improving the inter-Korean relations.
    The south Korean authorities will not be able to escape the nation's curse and denunciation if they keep slandering their fellow countrymen in a bid to hush up the case.

DPRK Ambassador to Egypt Appointed

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- Jang Myong Son was appointed as DPRK ambassador e.p. to Egypt according to a decree of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly.

Congratulations to Mongolian Foreign Minister

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun sent a congratulatory message to Ts. Monh-Orgil upon his appointment as Mongolian foreign minister. Expressing the belief that the traditional friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger and develop in the future in the interests of the two peoples, the message sincerely wished him success in his responsible work.

S. Korean Ultra-Right Conservatives' Anti-DPRK Rowdyism under Fire

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland in a statement issued Thursday denounced the south Korean conservative forces for their anti-DPRK moves. The ultra-right conservative forces held an anti-north rally in Seoul on Oct. 4 and went on rampage, finding fault with the dignified political system in the DPRK and torching its national flag against the backdrop of ever-mounting confrontation between progressive and conservative forces and between those forces standing for reunification and those standing against reunification over the issue of repealing the Security Law in south Korea, the statement said, and went on:
    The hysteric row kicked up against the north by the south Korean conservative forces including conservative Christians under the manipulation of the U.S. and wicked elements of the Grand National Party is nothing but an epileptic fit of those who are breathing their last after being marginalized in the society.
    The statement branded the recent rowdyism of ultra-right conservative forces of south Korea including the GNP as an outright challenge to the Koreans' desire for independence and peaceful reunification and an intolerable act of treachery as it fans up north-south confrontation.
    The U.S. and the GNP had better stop running amuck and egging ultra-right conservatives of south Korea on to anti-north rowdyism, clearly mindful that with neither challenge nor obstructive moves can they stem the nation's strong trend toward independence and reunification.
    The statement demanded the south Korean authorities hold accountability for the recent anti-north provocation, severely punish those responsible for it and take strong measures to stop the ultra-right conservative forces from running wild.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il envia mensaje de felicitacion a Putin

    Pyongyang, 7 de octubre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, envio el dia 7 un mensaje de felicitacion al presidente de la Federacion Rusa, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, por el 52 aniversario de su natalicio. El remitente exteriorizo su conviccion de que las relaciones de amistad y cooperacion entre Corea y Rusia seguiran desarrollandose en rumbo favorable conforme a los intereses fundamentales de los pueblos de ambos paises y deseo al destinatario buena salud, felicidad y exitos en su labor responsable para lograr la estabilidad y el desarrollo del pais.

Espana: Coleccion de obras de Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, 7 de octubre (ATCC) -- La casa editora Alta Fulla de Espana edito el dia primero del mes en curso la coleccion de obras del Dirigente Kim Jong Il intitulada "Kim Jong Il, sobre la filosofia Juche" que recopila sus 6 imperecederas obras clasicas.

Huespedes extranjeros recorren varios lugares de Corea

    Pyongyang, 7 de octubre (ATCC) -- En ocasion del 59 aniversario de la fundacion del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, los representantes diplomaticos y otros miembros de las embajadas de varios paises y los miembros de la Oficina de Cooperacion en Corea visitaron distintos lugares de esta capital y otras localidades de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea. El embajador extraordinario y plenipotenciario de la Republica Popular China, Wu Donghe, y otros miembros de la misma sede diplomatica visitaron el dia 6 la Fabrica de Productos Alimenticios para Ninos de Pyongyang.
    El embajador senalo que a traves de su recorrido por varios procesos de produccion de la fabrica acondicionada como una base combinada de produccion de comestibles para los ninos pudo tener una buena comprension de la politica de benevolencia del Dirigente Kim Jong Il y deseo al pueblo coreano mayores exitos en la construccion de una gran potencia prospera.
    El mismo dia, la encargada de negocios a.i. de la Republica de Cuba, Caridad Adela Galan Pelegrino, y otros miembros de la sede diplomatica visitaron la Casa de Creacion Mansudae.
    Los huespedes recorrieron varias salas de creacion y la galeria escuchando las explicaciones sobre el hecho de que la citada Casa se ha arreglado magnificamente como una base combinada de creacion de bellas artes.
    Por otra parte, el representante de la sucursal del Frente Democratico Nacional del Sur de Corea (FDNSC) en Pyongyang, Jo Il Min, y sus socios visitaron el Monumento a la Fundacion del Partido; los representantes diplomaticos y miembros de las embajadas de varios paises e integrantes de la Oficina de Cooperacion, la granja cooperativa de Pom-an del distrito de Sohung y los lugares de recreacion de los montes Kuwol y Jongbang, de la provincia de Hwanghae del Norte.
    El dia 5, los representantes diplomaticos y otros miembros de las embajadas de Libia, Siria, Egipto y Palestina recorrieron el Monumento a la Fundacion del Partido y el Parque Zoologico Nacional.

Sur de Corea: batallon yanqui de cazabombarderos "F-15E"

    Pyongyang, 7 de octubre (ATCC) -- Segun la emisora radial KBS del Sur de Corea, los Estados Unidos trasladaron de su territorio propio al Sur de Corea un batallon de cazabombarderos "F-15E". El pasado dia primero, un funcionario de la "comandancia de las fuerzas conjuntas" surcoreano-norteamericanas dijo que el referido batallon se ubico a mediados de septiembre con el fin de "mejorar la capacidad de despliegue en tiempo de emergencia de la Peninsula Coreana".
    En estos dias, EE. UU. se aferra tercamente al aumento armamentista, lo cual demuestra a las claras su naturaleza de maniacos de guerra.