Koreans in Germany Demand Total Abolition of "NSL"

    Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- The Society for Cooperation among Koreans in Germany on October 20 issued a statement titled "Totally Repeal the National Security Law". Saying it was disappointed at the "plan for replenishing the criminal law" set forth by the Uri Party some time ago, the statement noted that in case the bill were enacted, people and organizations would continue to be charged with violation of the NSL.
    Under the NSL, many people are kept in prison and the South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification, the south Korean Federation of University Student Councils and other pro-reunification movement organizations are suppressed, being labeled as "enemy-benefiting organizations," the statement said.
    Noting that the "NSL" beclouds the future of the nation and tramples upon the basic rights of man, the statement demanded the Uri Party totally repeal the NSL and immediately drop its scheme to "replenish the criminal law."
    If the Uri Party failed to accept this demand, it would face, together with the Grand National Party and other conservative forces crying for "defense of the NSL," a stern judgment by the nation and history, warned the statement.

Seminar on Leader Kim Jong Il's Famous Work Held in India

    Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- A seminar on Kim Jong Il's famous work "Socialism Is a Science" was held by the Indian Working Women Society for Study of Juche Philosophy on October 28. President of the society Anita Chopra said at the seminar that Kim Jong Il refuted the counterrevolutionary renegades of socialism and provided the revolutionary people of the world the conviction of victory and a powerful ideological and theoretical weapon for reviving socialism by comprehensively proving the scientific accuracy and truth of socialism in his work.
    The last nearly ten years are brilliantly adorned as the history of lofty leadership of Songun revolution by Kim Jong Il in defending the socialism of Korea upholding the banner of Songun, she noted, adding: His energetic leadership of Songun revolution has made it possible to frustrate the aggressive acts of imperialism at every step and gain enormous achievements in the building of a great prosperous powerful socialist nation.
    The work "Socialism Is a Science" has a great theoretical and practical significance in accomplishing the socialist cause in the present era, she stressed.

"Evening of Korea" in Poland

    Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- A function of "Evening of Korea" was held at a rest home on October 25 under the sponsorship of the Bialystok Branch of the Poland-Korea Association. Tadeusz Bialkowski, first vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the association, in his speech said the Korean people were waging a vigorous struggle to carry into practice the idea and policies of national reunification set forth by President Kim Il Sung, under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il. Noting that it was the greatest national desire of the Korean people to reunify the country divided by outsiders, he stated: We earnestly hope that the Korean people would reunify the country at an early date under the leadership of Kim Jong Il and we will positively support this.
    Leshek Goudn, chairman of the Bialystok Branch, said he would enhance the role of the branch members to positively contribute to the development of the friendly relations between the peoples of Poland and the DPRK and conduct energetic solidarity activities supporting the Korean people's cause of justice in the future, too.

Over 190 Cases of Aerial Espionage by U.S. in October

    Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialists committed more than 190 cases of aerial espionage against the DPRK with the mobilization of strategic and tactical reconnaissance planes on different missions in October, according to military sources. On October 30 a U-2 high-altitude strategic reconnaissance plane spied on strategic objects of the DPRK, flying for long hours in the sky over Tokjok Islet, Phochon and Sokcho. And RC-135 strategic reconnaissance planes made shuttle flights in the sky over the east of Paeka Islet, Yangphyong and Yangyang on October 13, 14 and 19 to spy on objects in the depth of the DPRK.
    An E-3 commanding plane perpetrated espionage on the forefront areas of the DPRK on Oct. 13, 14 and 19 while commanding fighter planes mobilized in various war games including aerial warfare exercise and drill of catching aerial targets in the sky over Kumsan, Ronsan, Ansong and Koesan. The cases of the aerial espionage by strategic reconnaissance planes, electronic reconnaissance planes and commanding planes numbered 30 or more in October.
    Meanwhile, RC-12, RC-7B and other tactical reconnaissance planes made sorties day and night to spy on military objects of the DPRK side in the sky over the areas along the Military Demarcation Line. The planes numbered 8 on October 9, 7 every day on October 5, 18, 25 and 28 and 6 every day on October 19 and 22.
    They made 10 more espionage flights in October than in September. This timed to coincide with their massive shipment of aggression forces in and around south Korea, and this indicates how recklessly they are running about to stifle the DPRK by military force.

DPRK to Approach Six-party Talks in Its State Interests

    Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- It is the principled stand of the DPRK on the six-party talks to approach the talks and handle the issue related to them in its state interests, says Rodong Sinmun Monday in a signed commentary. The DPRK took the initiative of holding the six-party talks and has exerted efforts to make them successful prompted by the desire to make the Korean Peninsula nuclear-free, prevent a nuclear war and ensure lasting peace on it, the news analyst notes, and goes on:
    U.S. State Secretary Powell during his recent junkets to Japan, south Korea and other countries falsified facts, claiming that the six-party talks were put to a stalemate because of the DPRK's lack of efforts to participate in the talks. This indicates that his Asian trip was aimed to serve a sinister political purpose of convincing the international community of the U.S. willingness to further the six-party talks, shifting the blame for the delay of the talks on to the DPRK and putting collective pressure upon it under that pretext in a bid to bring it to its knees.
    The resumption of the six-party talks entirely depends on the U.S. attitude toward them.
    . Whether the U.S. renounces its hostile policy toward the DPRK or not is a determining factor of whether the six-party talks may prove successful or whether the DPRK-U.S. relations are pushed to those of acute confrontation The Bush group's claim that the DPRK will gain much for coming out to the six-party talks does not reflect its intention to lead the talks to any solution to the problem but is nothing but a crafty trick to attain sinister political and military purposes by employing a delaying tactics.
    The DPRK government's proposal for "reward for freeze" commanded approval of all the participants in the six-party talks at their third round as it was a just offer to settle the nuclear issue fairly, a proposal calling for compensation to the DPRK for its economic losses caused by the freeze of its nuclear power industry.
    The U.S. side, too, admitted this at the talks. However, no sooner had the talks been over than the U.S. asserted that there could never be any reward for north Korea's nuclear freeze, totally negating all the agreements and the common understanding reached at the talks.
    It even went the lengths of demanding once again that the DPRK scrap its nuclear program first, thus overturning the groundwork of the six-party talks.
    Clear is an aim sought by the U.S. in this behaviour. It wanted to give the American voters the impression that the government has exerted efforts for the solution of the nuclear issue in a bid to garner support for Bush in the presidential election just near at hand so that he might be reelected and, at the same time, lay the blame for the deadlocked six-party talks at the DPRK's door in case of their collapse in a bid to secure a pretext for preempting an attack on it.
    If the U.S. truly wishes a solution to the nuclear issue through the six-party talks and peace on the Korean Peninsula it should drop its hostile policy toward the DPRK and set forth a realistic alternative proposal to accept the principle of "words for words" and "action for action" and the offer of "reward for freeze".

South Korean Authorities' Act to Incite Inter-System Confrontation Lambasted

    Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- The south Korean authorities never let a chance pass by without vociferating that it is their most important task to lead the north to "reform" and "it is possible". They are getting more loud-mouthed about the "reform" and "opening" of the north, even stringing out the obtrusive words that they will "not stint aid" and going to the extent of begging for "international support" to it. Commenting on this, a Rodong Sinmun analyst today says:
    The essence of the "reform" and "opening" about which the south Korean authorities are beating the drum is, in one word, to disorganize the north from within and change it after the pattern of the "strategy of peaceful transition" that the U.S. used in driving the East European socialist countries to collapse.
    It is obviously a grave provocation against the north that the south Korean authorities are getting more desperate these days in their anti-national moves for "reform" and "opening".
    Now the inter-Korean relations are in a state of freeze due to the anti-ethical acts and anti-national perfidy of the south Korean authorities.
    They do not have the slightest intention to promote reconciliation and unity of the nation and improve the inter-Korean relations by honestly implementing the June 15 joint declaration. They are running about day in and day out to realize their wild ambition for "unification through absorption".
    The south Korean authorities should, above all, apologize for their criminal acts in driving the favorably developing inter-Korean relations into a crisis, instead of letting out the high-flown jargon about someone's "reform" and "opening" while cooperating with outside forces.

S. Korean Visit of U.S. Secretary of State Blasted

    Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- Paek Jong Ho, chairman of the south Korean Federation of University Student Councils reportedly issued a commentary on October 27, in which he commented that the south Korean visit of the U.S. secretary of State was aimed, to all intents and purposes, to force south Korea to meekly meet the U.S. brigandish demand and create expression that the U.S. is ready to peacefully settle the nuclear issue of the north in a bid to save Bush from the present crisis. The commentary continued: Powell's junket confirmed once again the danger of the U.S. moves to provoke a war against the north.
    It accused Powell of working hard to shift the blame for the deadlock of the six-party talks on to the north while telling the lie that the U.S. is keenly interested in the resumption of the talks.
    It noted that his recent south Korean visit also clearly disclosed the U.S. intention to interfere in the internal affairs of south Korea in a bid to make south Korea increasingly dependent on the U.S. under the pretext of "strengthening the bilateral alliance."
    Referring to the fact that an agreement on the transfer of the U.S. military base in Ryongsan containing the U.S. brigandish demand was formally signed and the issue of concluding the agreements on investment and free trade between south Korea and the U.S. was discussed during Powell's visit, the commentary stressed that all the facts clearly proved that the anti-U.S., anti-war struggle and the struggle for the withdrawal of the U.S. troops under the banner of national cooperation against the U.S. are the only way of achieving peace and reunification.

U.S. Hypocritical Talk about Dialogue under Fire

    Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- The Solidarity Council against the U.S. and War and for the Withdrawal of the U.S. Troops reportedly issued a statement on October 27 denouncing the U.S. hypocritical talk about "dialogue." The statement assailed with bitter indignation the reckless remarks made by U.S. Secretary of State Powell at a press conference held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on Oct. 26 during his tour of south Korea. It accused him of asserting that a proposal made by the U.S. at the third round of the six-party talks was a very flexible and good one and it hoped an early resumption of the next round of the talks. He went the lengths of raving that the north was to blame for the delayed talks, the statement noted, and continued:
    Powell was well aware of the fact that the U.S. evermore undisguised hostile acts against the north and its unilateral demand that the latter dismantle its nuclear program first are a stumbling block lying in the way of the talks but he worked hard to shift the blame for the delay of the talks on to the north. This is a brazen-faced assertion.
    If the U.S. has no intention to mount an attack on the north, then how can one interpret the U.S. massive shipment of up-to-date weapons of various types into the Korean Peninsula, its operation plans to invade the north being disclosed one after another and the "North Korean Human Rights Act," etc?
    The U.S. is not entitled to talk about the six-party talks. The call made by the U.S. for the talks while frantically stepping up the war preparations is just like asking for a handshake while brandishing an iron club to beat one.
    The statement called for conducting a more vigorous struggle against the U.S. and war and for the withdrawal of the U.S. troops from south Korea in order to frustrate the U.S. war moves and achieve independence, peace and reunification on this land.

Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Work Observed

    Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il's famous work "Socialism Is a Science" serves as a powerful ideological and theoretical weapon for carrying out the cause of independence in our era as it strikingly testified to the truth and the inevitable victory of socialism as a science, says Rodong Sinmun Monday in a signed article dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the publication of the work. Kim Jong Il in the work dealt a telling blow at the imperialists and renegades of the revolution who were loudmouthed about the "end of socialism" and instilled unshakable revolutionary faith in socialism to the Korean and other revolutionary people of the world, the article says, and goes on:
    Kim Jong Il proved on a scientific basis the truth and inevitability of socialism and clearly indicated principles to be abided by the revolutionary parties of working class in building socialism and fighting methods and ways.
    What is important among his immortal leadership exploits performed in leading the cause of socialism to victory is that he provided scientific and theoretical guidelines for advancing the cause of socialism without any slightest deviation.
    The line of the Songun revolution laid down by him serves as great guidelines for the revolution in the 21st century as they make it possible to defend socialism by the matchless armed forces and accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche. What is also important among the exploits he has performed by steering the cause of Korean-style socialism to victory is that he has strengthened the driving force of Juche to meet the requirements of the Songun era and built the Workers' Party of Korea into a mother party with warm love for the people.
    The revolutionary cause of the DPRK, the Juche cause of socialism, is sure to triumph as long as there are the idea and theory on socialism clarified by Kim Jong Il and his unique Songun politics.

Extra-Large Bearings Made in DPRK

    Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- Scientists and technicians of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea have made extra-large bearings (Nu3096M) needed for the cement industry. They decided to make them since it was hard to import such bearings due to the imperialists' ever-intensified anti-DPRK hostile policy and economic blockade.
    They succeeded in making the extra-large bearings in a matter of 40 days by providing themselves with new machines and equipment, renovating the existing ones and applying scores of inventions to the processing.
    The quality of the bearings for the speed reducer of the cement clinker crusher fully meets the international standards.
    The bearings have already been introduced into the cement clinker crusher of the Sangwon Cement Complex.
    Meanwhile, other large-size bearings (NCF 2988V, 60/630MCE) for cement production equipment were also manufactured.

Autumn Land Management Campaign in Real Earnest in DPRK

    Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- The autumn land management campaign is being conducted in real earnest across the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Kang Mun Gu, a department director of the Ministry of Land and Environment Conservation, told KCNA that such campaign as collection of tree seeds, road construction, river improvement, rehabilitation after flood damage and afforestation have been conducted in the provinces, cities and counties of the country during the month of general mobilization for autumn land management.
    Jagang, Ryanggang and North Hamgyong provinces which had started the campaign ahead of other areas to suit the geographical features already carried out their plan as of the middle of October.
    The projects for facelifting dwelling houses and public buildings in major streets and sprucing up the recreation ground along the Pothong River are going on in Pyongyang.
    More than 14,000 pieces of curbstones have been repaired in 80,000 square meters of promenade and turf planted in 10,000 square meters of the ground.
    South Hwanghae Province has carried out such projects as improving and laying stones on 360 square meters of bank and constructing and repairing 18,000-odd square meters of promenade along the River Kwangsok flowing through Haeju City.
    Ten-kilometer-long mountain passes in Hongwon, South Hamgyong Province were improved with 12,000 square meters of stonewalls and some 3,000 danger-prevention stones.
    Kangwon Province has also repaired to the original state the 50-kilometer-long sections of road damaged by a flood this year.
    Besides, a campaign for collecting tree seeds and planting trees is vigorously going on across the country.

Paek Nam Sun Meets Austrian Guests

    Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- Paek Nam Sun, foreign minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Monday met and had a friendly talk with Nikolaus Scherk, director for Asian and Oceanic Affairs of the Foreign Ministry of Austria who is a special envoy of its Foreign Minister, and his party. An official concerned was on hand.

For Spanish-speaking people

Mas de 190 actos de espionaje aereo

    Pyongyang, el primero de noviembre (ATCC) -- Segun fuentes castrenses, en el mes de octubre los aviones norteamericanos perpetraron mas de 190 actos de espionaje aereo contra la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea con la movilizacion intensiva de los aviones de reconocimiento estrategicos y tacticos de distintas misiones. El 30 de octubre, el "U-2", al realizar un vuelo de largo tiempo por el espacio aereo de la isla Tokjok y alrededores de Phochon y Sokcho cometio actos de espionaje sobre los objetos estrategicos de la parte Norte y con anterioridad, los dias 13, 14 y 19 el "RC-135" al sobrevolar repetidamente el este de la isla Paek-a, Yangphyong y Yangyang espio los objetos en la profundidad de la parte Norte.
    En tanto, los dias 13, 14 y 19 el "E-3" guio a los cazas incorporados en los ejercicios belicos de distinta indole como el de combate aereo y localizacion de los blancos realizados en el espacio aereo sobre Kumsan, Ronsan, Ansong y Koesan y al mismo tiempo, perpetro actos de espionaje de la zona mas avanzada del frente de la RPDC. En fin, llegan a mas de 30 los actos de espionaje de los aviones de reconocimiento estrategicos, electronicos y de mando en octubre.
    Por otra parte, los "RC-12", "RC-7B" y otros de reconocimiento tacticos se pusieron en accion de dia a noche para espiar los objetos militares de la parte Norte en la zona de linea de demarcacion militar. A brindar mas detalles, 8 unidades para el dia 9, 7 aviones respectivos para los dias 5, 18, 25 y 28 y 6 unidades respectivas para los dias 19 y 22.
    Tales actos de espionaje aereo aumentados en mas de 10 veces en comparacion con septiembre coinciden con la introduccion en el Sur de Corea y sus contornos de las grandes fuerzas armadas agresivas, lo cual sirve de una prueba elocuente de que llego a la temeridad la accion de EE.UU. dirigida a aislar y aplastar militarmente a la RPDC.

Delegado coreano denuncia abuso de derechos humanos

    Pyongyang, el primero de noviembre (ATCC) El delegado de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, al hacer uso de la palabra en el debate del "Problema de los derechos Humanos" en el tercer comite del 59o periodo de sesiones de la Asamblea General de la ONU, dijo que el obstaculo principal en el esfuerzo de la comunidad internacional por mejorar el disfrute eficaz de los derechos humanos y la libertad basica es la violacion de la soberania y los actos de alteracion del sistema y de intervencion en los asuntos internos que se cometen a rotulo de la "democracia" y la "proteccion de los derechos humanos". El se refirio a que se tornan mas abiertos los fenomenos de aprovechar el problema de los derechos humanos en el logro de su meta politica tergiversando la realidad.
    Denuncio categoricamente la ocupacion militar de Iraq y su asesinato a civiles por EE.UU. perpetrada a rotulo de la "democracia" y la tolerancia de los aliados de EE.UU. por el respecto calificandolos de un acto inhumano de anteponer la politica a los seres humanos y un insulto a los derechos humanos.
    Insistio en que no se debe tolerar por mas tiempo la intencion de usar los derechos humanos como medio de politica coercitiva unilateral y subrayo que ningun pais debe imponer a los otros paises, su sistema politico y economico mediante la fuerza y la opresion a rotulo de "derechos humanos".
    Dijo que un ejemplo de la intencion de lograr el cambio del sistema so pretexto de "derechos humanos" es el "proyecto de ley de derechos humanos del Norte de Corea" aprobado recientemente por el congreso estadounidense y puso al desnudo que EE.UU. se propone reeditar en Corea la agresion a Iraq.
    Es una vana ilusion pensar en la posibilidad de alterar el sistema politico y economico de la RPDC segun la pauta de EE.UU., dijo.
    La intencion de EE.UU. de cambiar nuestro regimen no podra evitar fracaso, asevero El delegado coreano demando que Japon sienta la responsabilidad de sus crimenes cometidos en el interior de su pais y otros paises, especialmente de sus crimenes antieticos de arresto forzoso a mas de 8.4 millones incluyendo a 200 mil coreanas como "consoladoras" de sus tropas.
    La RPDC ha recorrido con firmeza el camino optado por si misma sin ninguna confusion socio-politica ni frustracion a pesar de la presion politica, la sancion economica y la amenaza militar de las fuerzas foraneas durante cerca de 60 anos, lo cual se debe a que el gobierno de la RPDC ha venido
    aplicando la politica humanocentrica que disfruta del entero apoyo de los habitantes, afirmo.
    El gobierno de la RPDC tambien en el futuro consolidara mas su sistema humanocentrico de garantia de derechos humanos socialistas bajo la idea Juche y se esforzara activamente por la justicia y la proteccion y el fomento de los derechos humanos en el mundo, subrayo.

Vicepresidente de AGCRCh condena a congreso norteamericano

    Pyongyang, el primero de noviembre (ATCC) -- El vicepresidente de la Asociacion General de Coreanos Residentes en China (AGCRCh), Cha Sang Bo, hizo publica el 22 de octubre una declaracion de denuncia a la aprobacion del "proyecto de ley de derechos humanos del Norte de Corea" en el congreso estadounidense. El que este congreso lo haya aprobado recientemente pese a la preocupacion y oposicion internas y externas es una intolerable provocacion y revelacion explicita de la verdadera intencion de
    Estados Unidos de denigrar perversamente a la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea-digno estado soberano y "derrumbar" el sistema socialista de esta.
    Los coreanos residentes en China denuncian categoricamente con una vehemente indignacion nacional la locura de Estados Unidos que afecto gravemente la dignidad y el honor de la RPDC, dice asi la declaracion y continua:
    Es repugnante el que EE.UU., fautor de la violacion de los derechos humanos, hable de los "derechos humanos" de la RPDC.
    EE.UU. que se engordo con la agresion y la guerra es el mayor violador de derechos humanos en el mundo. Debe justipreciar la tendencia de la epoca y actuar con prudencia.
    Los coreanos residentes en China junto con el pueblo de la patria, que considera como su vida la soberania y la dignidad de la nacion, se levantaran como un solo hombre en la lucha por frustrar la provocacion de EE.UU. sobre los derechos humanos de la RPDC.