S. Korean Armed Forces' Military Provocation in West Sea under Fire

    Pyongyang, November 2 (KCNA) -- The Navy Command of the Korean People's Army issued the following communique Tuesday: The south Korean armed forces committed a grave military provocation against the north in the West Sea Monday.
    At around 10:55 that morning, their combat warships perpetrated such reckless provocation as firing several shells at a patrol boat of the Navy of the KPA on a routine guard duty in the waters of the north side.
    Such military provocation committed by them in broad daylight in the sensitive waters in the West Sea where two skirmishes occurred is an unpardonable provocation and a blatant challenge to the north in the light of the present inter-Korean relations.
    The south Korean armed forces deliberately committed this armed provocation which may give rise to another skirmish in the West Sea at a time when the U.S. imperialists' moves to stifle the DPRK by force of arms have reached an extreme phase. This crime against the nation can never be overlooked.
    It was thanks to the high restraint and patience exercised by seamen of the KPA that this incident did not spark off a grave armed conflict.
    The south Korean authorities should punish the prime movers of this armed provocation and take a responsible step to prevent the recurrence of similar incident.
    We will closely follow the future movement of the south Korean armed forces.

Actions Staged for Repeal of NSL

    Pyongyang, November 2 (KCNA) -- The members of the Seoul foot march group for the abolition of the National Security Law (NSL) reportedly staged a candlelight function and a signature campaign for the abolition of the NSL on Oct. 29 in front of Kwanghwamun of Seoul. At least 60 members of the group conducted the signature campaign among citizens, putting up in the venue of the function the placards reading "The National Assembly should totally abolish the NSL" and "Disband the Grand National Party opposed to the repeal of the NSL."
    Members of the group gave an art performance for the citizens who signed signature papers after gathering with candles in their hands.
    On the same day the march group held a meeting in front of the building of the GNP, condemning the GNP for opposing the repeal of the NSL.
    A resolution read out at the meeting noted that the GNP is chiefly to blame for using the NSL as a tool for the upkeep of the dictatorial power in a bid to trample down upon democracy in south Korea and foster division and confrontation among Koreans.
    The GNP should apology to the people for its crimes, though belatedly, the resolution urged, warning that if it desperately works to turn back the wheel of history as it's doing now, the concerted efforts of all people will surely force the GNP to disband itself.

National Juvenile Gymnastic Dance Contests Held

    Hamhung, November 1 (KCNA) -- The 30th national gymnastic dance contests of school youth and children for "Jongilbong Prize" took place in Hamhung, South Hamgyong Province from Oct. 26 to 31. The contests divided into middle and primary school groups brought together over 600 school youth and children from all parts of the country.
    The gymnastic dances "The General to the Front and Children to the Camp", "No More to Desire in the World", "In Front of the Historical Monument at Pass Chol" and "Splendid is the Mountaineering Course in Mt. Chilbo" were highly appreciated at the contests for their high ideological and artistic value and vivid presentation of the mentality of schoolchildren.
    First prizes went to Namhung Middle School in Nampho, South Phyongan Province, Yokjon Middle School in Lason, Kumbit Primary School in Hungnam, South Hamgyong Province, the Sunam Primary School in Sunam District, Chongjin, North Hamgyong Province, and Chongdan Middle School in Chongdan County, South Hwanghae Province.
    Prizes were awarded at the end of the contests.

Korean Female Pro Boxer Wins World Championship

    Pyongyang, November 2 (KCNA) -- Korean female pro boxer Kim Kwang Ok won world championship. She knocked out Japanese adversary in the 53.52kg category for world championship of the IFBA in Shenyang, China, on October 29 and captured the title.
    She met with Japanese female boxer Toshie Suga to fill the vacancy of the IFBA Bantam class champion. She knocked out the desperately resisting Suga in the 36 seconds of the ninth round by a powerful blow.
    She is the first world champion of female pro boxing of the DPRK.

Simple Chlorine Dioxide Generating Technology Developed in DPRK

    Pyongyang, November 2 (KCNA) -- A new chlorine dioxide (ClOE) generating and stabilizing technology and generator have been developed in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Scientists of the Basic Science Center under Kim Il Sung University developed them in a matter of one year in a new way with local raw materials.
    Chlorine dioxide is widely used in different sectors of the national economy such as public health, service, disinfection of drinking water, treatment of spent water, foodstuff processing, livestock and fish breeding, pulp production and textile industry.
    By the new technology, it is easy to produce chlorine dioxide, which had been made only at specialized factories, even in families.
    The generator using no power is cheap, light and portable so that it may be installed in any place and under any conditions. And it can instantly produce any amount of chlorine dioxide, which is regarded as wide-range, powerful and safe disinfectant, disinfectant of the fourth generation and foodstuff additive.
    The chlorine dioxide generating method has been applied to over 1,200 units.

Measures Taken to Prevent Bird Flu in DPRK

    Pyongyang, November 2 (KCNA) -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea has directed great efforts to the prevention of bird flu after the recent recurrence of the epidemic in various Nordic and Asian countries. Kim Hyok Jin, vice-minister of Agriculture, who is also vice-chairman of the National Emergency Epizootic Prevention Committee, told KCNA:
    Even a case of bird flu has not been reported in the country. Basing itself on this success, the committee has started the anti-epidemic work again.
    The campaign is being undertaken across the country in close contact with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Public Health, the Pyongyang Associated Poultry Bureau and other ministries, national institutions, provinces, cities and counties.
    All the poultry farms have not allowed other people to enter them, strictly controlled and sterilized the fodder-transporting and other vehicles and established an information system of the examination of poultry diseases and veterinary and examination system of living poultry.
    The provincial, city and county emergency epizootic prevention committees are carrying on the vaccination and treatment of domestic animals as well as the observation and information of the movement and habitats of wild birds.
    The public health establishments have regularly checked the health of those working with poultry and livestock farms.
    The check-up posts in border areas, ports and airports are conducting a strict veterinary and hygienic quarantine in order to prevent bird flu from coming from outside. In particular, the government has taken a step to prohibit the import of living and processed poultry from the regions and the countries where bird flu cases have been reported.
    The mass media and hygienic short courses give people knowledge about the danger of bird flu and its consequences so that they may turn out in the anti-epidemic campaign with a strong sense of obligation as civilians.
    The government has also cooperated with international organizations including FAO, WHO and the Office of International Epizootic (OIE) to prevent the epidemic.

Rodong Sinmun on Our-Nation-First Idea

    Pyongyang, November 2 (KCNA) -- Our-nation-first idea is an ever-victorious weapon on which the Korean nation should keep a tight hold in its struggle to achieve national reunification by its own efforts, rebuffing flunkeyism and dependence on outside forces, declares Rodong Sinmun in a signed article Tuesday. It goes on: Our-nation-first idea is a solid ideological foundation for accomplishing the cause of independent national reunification. It is the source of patriotism instilled into the hearts of all the fellow countrymen.
    This idea is immediately the patriotic spirit of zealously pushing the rare superiority of the nation to the foreground and giving full play to it. It is, indeed, a powerful ideological weapon to bring earlier independent national reunification with ardent passion of patriotism.
    Our-nation-first idea is the banner of cohesion closely uniting all the fellow countrymen in the north, the south and overseas under the banner of patriotism.
    There should be an idea of cohesion to which all the members of the nation respond and which they follow, if great national unity is to be achieved.
    The patriotic spirit of the Korean nation and national temperament peculiar to it should be made the ideological foundation of great unity, if the north and the south with differing idea and ideology are to get reconciled to each other and all the members of the nation differing in ism and political view are to be united into one.
    The attraction and vitality of our-nation-first idea as the banner of great national unity are convincingly proved by the reality today when all the organizations of the reunification movement and public figures of all circles in the north, the south and overseas are invigorating national cooperation and actively promoting the cause of great national unity and independent national reunification in the spirit of "By our nation itself."
    There can be no Gordian knot that cannot be cut on the way to independent national reunification when they are armed with this idea.

U.S. Urged to Roll Back Its Hostile Policy towards DPRK

    Pyongyang, November 2 (KCNA) -- The United States has revealed its undisguised attempt to "overthrow the system," plan to destroy Korean-style socialism, totally denying the co-existence with the DPRK. This has rendered the dialogue and negotiations for the settlement of the nuclear issue meaningless. Rodong Sinmun Tuesday says this in a signed article. Referring to the fact that the U.S. moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK have reached an extreme phase, the article notes that the former can never succeed in its hostile policy towards the latter.
    It goes on:
    It was the calculation of the U.S. that steady progress made in the peace process on the Korean Peninsula would deprive the U.S. troops of any justification to stay in south Korea. It was against this backdrop that the U.S. designated the DPRK as part of an "axis of evil" and a target of its preemptive nuclear attack over the nuclear issue, pushing the situation to an alarming phase.
    The Bush administration has frantically escalated its moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK, obsessed with megalomania, paying no heed to the assertion and advice of the public at home and abroad that Washington should make a fundamental switchover in its hostile policy towards the DPRK. Moreover, it has only worked hard to internationally isolate and stifle the DPRK behind the scene of dialogue. A series of the U.S.-led "multinational naval inspection exercises" staged against the DPRK go to prove that its blockade operation to lay an "international siege" to the DPRK and put pressure upon it has entered into the phase of its full-scale implementation. The U.S. imperialists' anti-DPRK blockade operation is designed to impose more economic difficulties upon the DPRK, take the initiative in settling the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. and, moreover, contain the former by force of arms.
    Meanwhile, they have further stepped up the preparations for their preemptive attack on the DPRK by deploying a squadron of "F-15E" ultra-modern combat fighters in south Korea and Aegis destroyers in the waters surrounding the Korean Peninsula recently.
    The tense political and military situation prevailing on the Korean Peninsula goes to clearly prove once again what just steps were taken by the DPRK to increase the self-defensive military capability to avert a war and ensure peace.
    The U.S. would be well advised to clearly understand who its rival is and drop its anachronistic hostile policy to stifle the DPRK.

DPRK Delegations Leave

    Pyongyang, November 2 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea led by Kim Sang Ik, vice-minister of the People's Armed Forces, left here Tuesday to participate in a meeting for security policy of the ASEAN Regional Forum to be held in Beijing. A DPRK government cultural delegation led by Hong Son Ok, vice-chairperson of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, also left here for Syria on the same day.

Commemorative Medal of Land Realignment Instituted in DPRK

    Pyongyang, November 2 (KCNA) -- A decree of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on instituting a commemorative medal of land realignment was promulgated on Oct. 27 According to the decree, the Presidium of the SPA decided to institute the commemorative medal of land realignment in order to convey long the labor feats performed by the soldiers and the members of the shock brigade who were mobilized in the land realignment to successfully realize the far-reaching plan of the Workers' Party of Korea and approve the regulations on awarding the medal and its diagram.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il inspecciona compania de Unidad no. 756 de EPC

    Pyongyang, 2 de noviembre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea, inspecciono una compania de la Unidad no.756 del EPC. Se informo del estado de cumplimiento del deber de la compania e hizo un recorrido por la sala de educacion, dormitorio, bano, lugar de descanso al aire libre, establo y otros lugares para prodigar esmerada atencion a la vida de los soldados.
    Al ver a los rebanos de chivos carnosos en la montana, puercos, conejos y otros animales domesticos, se mostro muy satisfecho de que la compania hace abundante la vida con la organizacion eficiente de la agricultura y la ganaderia para el autoabastecimiento. Y dijo que esta orgullosa realidad que se ve en todas las unidades del EPC es una de las valiosas creaciones de nuestros uniformados.
    El Comandante Supremo se mostro muy regocijado de que los militares de la compania acondicionaron excelentemente su puesto revolucionario y se esmeran en la administracion de su unidad segun la demanda de la consigna del PTC "!El entrenamiento, el estudio y la vida a la manera de la Guerrilla Antijaponesa!", y evaluo en alto sus meritos.
    Acto seguido, presencio una funcion artistica de los militares de la compania.
    Subrayo que es de capital importancia fortalecer la compania, unidad principal de combate del EPC, e indico las tareas que incumben a la compania.
    Al manifestar la esperanza de que todos los uniformados de la compania acumulen meritos propios de heroes del nuevo siglo, les dio como recuerdo binoculos y fusil automatico y se fotografio junto a ellos.
    Le acompanaron los generales de ejercito del EPC Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae y Pak Jae Gyong.

Competencia de danza gimnastica de jovenes y ninos escolares

    Pyongyang, 2 de noviembre (ATCC) -- La XXX Competencia Nacional de Danza Gimnastica de Jovenes y Ninos Escolares por "Premio Pico Jongil" tuvo lugar del 26 al 31 de octubre en la ciudad de Hamhung de la provincia de Hamgyong del Sur con la participacion de mas de 600 jovenes y ninos escolares seleccionados de distintas localidades del pais. El certamen se efectuo dividido por unidades secundaria y primaria.
    Las danzas gimnasticas "El General al frente y los ninos al campamento", "No tenemos nada que envidiar a nadie", "Ante el monumento del puerto Chol", "Muy bueno ir al sendero alpino del monte Chilbo" y otras piezas fueron valoradas por su alto valor ideo-artistico y buena refleja de la psicologia de los ninos escolares.
    Se adjudicaron primeros respectivamente la escuela secundaria de Namhung de la ciudad de Nampho de la provincia de Phyong-an del Sur, la secundaria Yokjon de la ciudad de Rason, la primaria de Kumpit de la ciudad de Hungnam de la provincia de Hamgyong del Sur, la primaria de Sunam del municipio homonimo de la ciudad Chongjin de la provincia de Hamgyong del Norte y la secundaria de Chongdan del distrito homonimo de la provincia de Hwanghae del Sur.
    Despues de terminada la competencia, hubo una premiacion a las entidades excelentes.

Comandancia de Fuerzas Navales de EPC denuncia a ejercito surcoreano

    Pyongyang, 2 de noviembre (ATCC) - La Comandancia de las Fuerzas Navales del Ejercito Popular de Corea publico el dia 2 la siguiente informacion; El primero de noviembre, el ejercito surcoreano perpetro una grave accion militar muy provocativa a la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea en el Mar Oeste de Corea.
    A eso de las 10 y 55, los buques de guerra del ejercito surcoreano dispararon varios proyectiles de canon contra un barco patrullero de las fuerzas navales del EPC que estaba en servicio rutinario de guardia en las aguas jurisdiccionales de la RPDC.
    Esta provocacion militar perpetrada a plena luz del dia nada menos en las aguas muy convulsas donde ya se entablaron 2 conflictos armados entre el Norte y el Sur de Corea deviene una maniobra anti-RPDC nunca perdonable y un abierto desafio a esta si tomamos en cuenta las actuales relaciones inter-coreanas.
    Ademas, adquiere mayor criminalidad en detrimento de toda la nacion coreana porque esta provocacion del ejercito surcoreano coincide con la llegada al tope de las maniobras de los imperialistas norteamericanos encaminadas a aplastar a la RPDC por via militar y puede generar otro conflicto armado en las aguas del Mar Oeste.
    Gracias a la paciencia y control de si mismos de los uniformados del EPC, este incidente no se extendio a un grave choque armado.
    Las autoridades surcoreanas deben castigar a los responsables de esta provocacion militar y tomar medidas pertinentes para evitar la repeticion de tal incidente.
    Observaremos con agudeza los movimientos ulteriores del ejercito surcoreano.