Famous Work of Kim Jong Il Brought 0ut in Venezuela

    Pyongyang, November 28 (KCNA) - General Secretary's famous work "Let Us Exalt the Brilliance of Comrade Kim Il Sung's Idea on the Youth Movement and the Achievements Made under His Leadership" was brought out in pamphlet by the Cantaclara Publishing House of Venezuela on November 20. The work, published on August 24, Juche 85 (1996), carries the contents that President Kim Il Sung put forth the idea and theory on the Juche-based youth movement and successfully settled the youth problem in Korea. It also contains the tasks and ways of steadily developing the youth movement.

Crackdown on Trade Union of Public Servants Condemned in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, November 28 (KCNA) -- The south Korean National Trade Union of Public Servants called a press conference in Seoul on November 23 and condemned the government's crackdown on strikers, according to south Korean MBC. At the press conference the organization said that the government took a disciplinary measure for dismissing and discharging over 3,000 of those unionists who participated in the strike in demand of the three rights of labor. It charged that this is, in fact, little different from a bid to stamp out the trade union of public servants.
    The organization declared that it would join regional joint measure committees in holding a rally for checking discipline against the trade union of public servants all at once in all areas and continue to wage the struggle for checking the presentation of a legislation bill on the trade union of public servants to the "National Assembly" and for withdrawal of the disciplinary measure.

Dangerous "Plan" in S. Korea Assailed

    Pyongyang, November 28 (KCNA) -- Some time ago, the south Korean Ministry of Defense made public a "cooperative self-reliant national defense plan" for the ROK army to take over "10-point military duty" from the U.S. troops as regards the "relocation" of the U.S. troops in south Korea. Minju Joson Sunday in a signed commentary says that the south Korean authorities' talk about cooperation and self-reliance in the plan is no more than sophism to cover up their criminal acts of keeping standoff with fellow countrymen, pursuant to the U.S. policy.
    The "cooperative self-reliant national defense plan" is a product of the south Korean authorities' policy of following the U.S. and keeping north-south confrontation, the news analyst says, and goes on:
    The south Korean authorities' official announcement of the plan can never be overlooked as it is an anti-national, anti-peace and anti-reunification crime intended to play a shock brigade in materializing the U.S. policy to stifle the DPRK.
    Now is the era of reunification following the June 15 joint declaration when the entire Korean nation is pooling its efforts to advance toward independent reunification.
    The south Korean bellicose forces are overtly talking about inter-Korean "reconciliation and cooperation" while covertly whetting the sword of aggression to stifle the DPRK militarily. Their moves for confrontation pursuant to the U.S. policy will only precipitate their destruction.
    If they truly worry about the security of the nation and want self-reliant national defense, they should not join the U.S. in its war moves for invasion of the north, but take a decisive step to force the U.S. troops out of south Korea.
    We will carefully watch their action in the future.

Greetings to Albanian President

    Pyongyang, November 28 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, Sunday sent a message of greetings to Albanian President Alfred Moisiu on the occasion of the national day of Albania. The message expressed the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would develop on good terms in mutual interests.

Greetings to Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council

    Pyongyang, November 28 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, Sunday sent a message of greetings to Rawhi Fatouh, speaker of the Legislative Council of the Palestinian National Authority, on the occasion of the day of international solidarity with the Palestinian people. Noting that the struggle of the Palestinian people to put an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territory and retake their legitimate national rights including the right to establish an independent state with Kuds as its capital is enjoying sympathy and support among the progressive people of the world, the message wished him and the Palestinian people greater successes in their struggle for national independence and liberation.

Seminar on Kim Jong Il's Work Held in Mexico

    Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- A seminar on Part 1 of the famous work of Kim Jong Il "On Preserving the Juche Character and National Character of the Revolution and Construction" was held by the Mexican Committee for the Study of Kimilsungism on Nov. 19. Speakers at the seminar noted that the idea of preserving the Juche character and national character of the revolution and construction is the most scientific one indicating the way of defending the country and the nation and man's independence and destiny. The work is of great ideo-theoretical and practical significance, they stressed. Concluding the seminar, Ramon Jimenez Lopez, president of the committee, said that Kim Jong Il set out a new idea demanded by the times and has applied it to reality, proving its justice and scientific accuracy.
    He went on: Korea's reality and the present situation of the international socialist movement clearly show how important it is to preserve the Juche character and national character of the revolution and construction. The issue of preserving national character gives a valuable lesson to the Mexican people.

Public Presentation for Increasing Agricultural Production Held

    Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- The first national scientific and technological public presentation was held at the People's Palace of Culture on Nov. 25 and 26 to increase agricultural production by bringing about a radical turn in seed improvement. It was co-sponsored by the Central Committee of the Korean General Federation of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Agriculture. It was attended by officials, scientists and technicians in the fields of seed selection and breeding from all parts of the country.
    More than 100 papers on scientific and technological achievements and experience were presented there.
    The papers referred to the fact that leader Kim Jong Il set out the seed theory and the idea of attaching importance to seed and has wisely led the nation's agriculture to decisively increase production. They also recalled that active scientific researches have been conducted to study and develop new varieties of crops suited to the climatic and soil conditions of Korea to reap safe and high yield and introduce them into agricultural production.
    Also presented there were new technologies and good ideas of satisfactorily settling technological problems arising in seed selection and breeding. Its participants showed keen interest in the technology of quickly propagating virus-free seed potatoes, the technology making it possible to significantly boost the quantity of seed potatoes and improve their quality while saving manpower and materials.
    Prizes were awarded to the successful entrants.

U.S., Biggest Obstacle to Reunification

    Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- The Headquarters of the Hungsadan Movement for National Reunification in south Korea recently conducted through a statistics analysis organ a public-opinion poll regarding the issue of national reunification among at least 1,160 students in Seoul, according to a news report. More than 71 percent of respondents said that the United States is creating the crisis of the Korean Peninsula and that the biggest obstacle to reunification is the U.S.
    More than a half of those polled said that the conservative forces are keen to keep the "National Security Law" under the pretext of security but the evil law ought to be abolished.
    Many students said that the occurrence of the nuclear issue of the north is attributable to the U.S. hard-line policy toward the north.

Christians Call for Abolishing Evil Law in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- The National Council of Priests for Justice and Peace and the Headquarters of the Christian Movement for Abolition of the "National Security Law" in south Korea reportedly called a press conference in Seoul on November 22 to call for abolishing the evil law. Vice-Chairman Pak Su Hyon and Permanent Chairman Kim Pyong Gyun of the national council and other speakers said that the NSL has been used for keeping the power of the conservative forces under the cloak of security and that the evil law must be abrogated for south-north exchange and reunification.
    A declaration read out at the press conference charged that some religionists are putting the brake on the repeal of the evil law in collusion with the conservative forces.
    After the press conference the participants conveyed the declaration to the "House of National Assemblymen."

Adherence to Three Principles of National Reunification Called for

    Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- The cause of national reunification is now advancing along the way indicated by the June 15 joint declaration because the three principles of national reunification --independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity-- serve as an immortal banner indicating a clear way of accomplishing the cause of independent reunification. Rodong Sinmun Saturday says this in a signed article.
    It goes on:
    The principle of independence is the basic one of reunification as it calls for solving the issue of national reunification strictly from the viewpoint and stand of national independence.
    The Korean nation was divided by outside forces and it is still undergoing sufferings resulting from this division due to them. Koreans will never achieve national reunification should they allow outside forces to interfere in their affairs, who persist in their desperate moves against reunification in a bid to perpetuate the division of the Korean nation. In order to achieve the reunification of the country its people should strongly oppose and reject outside forces' interference in the issue of reunification from the steadfast independent stand of the nation and realize national cooperation through their concerted efforts.
    The principle of peaceful reunification calls for achieving the peaceful reunification of the country through dialogue and negotiations, reconciliation and cooperation without recourse to arms.
    There are differing ideologies and systems in the north and south of Korea.
    However, they do not create any conditions for using force of arms. National reunification can surely be achieved peacefully through dialogue and negotiations in spite of differing ideologies and systems.
    Achieving reunification by federal formula is the best way for peaceful reunification.
    The principle of great national unity calls on all Koreans to achieve independent and peaceful reunification of the country by their concerted efforts, united close under the banner of national unity.
    Reunification is sure to come when the north and the south achieve unity and all Koreans at home and abroad get united.
    In order to achieve great national unity, the Koreans should place the common interests of the nation above anything else, transcending difference in the ideology and system, and unite on this basis. The Koreans who have ardent patriotism and desire for reunification are quite capable of achieving great national unity despite the differing ideologies and systems.

U.S. Urged to Stop Making Far-fetched Assertions

    Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- A far-fetched assertion is a main leverage employed by the U.S. to implement its strategy to dominate the world and it, therefore, used to launch aggression and war on its basis, says Rodong Sinmun Saturday in a signed commentary. It is the U.S. brigandish logic and mode of action to rob others of their properties and charge their owner demanding their return with theft and pressurize them, the commentary says, and goes on:
    It is an irrefutable and stark fact that the U.S. invaded Iraq last year on the basis of the sheer lie and far-fetched assertion that it possesses "weapons of mass destruction."
    The U.S. deliberately assesses and finds faults with the human rights performances in other countries by its own human rights standards and interferes in their internal affairs, another manifestation of its brigandish method.
    The U.S. has abused the name of the UN and unlawfully kept south Korea under its occupation for more than half a century while committing all sorts of crimes. This is a clear proof of the unreasonable and criminal nature of the far-fetched method employed by it.
    The hard-line conservatives of the U.S. claimed that the underground structures in Nyongbyon area of the DPRK were underground nuclear facilities. This, however, could not convince those with the normal way of thinking.
    It also asserted that there was something inside the DPRK underground structures only to pay a dear price for it.
    The U.S. should have drawn a proper lesson from it and behaved itself.
    However, it is now busy with the false propaganda aimed to stifle the DPRK by force of arms and realize its ambition to dominate the whole of Korea.
    A typical example is the U.S. much publicized story about the "suspicious extraction of enriched uranium" by the DPRK. The U.S. does not hide its intention to use the human rights issue, missile issue, the issue of reduction of conventional armed forces and the religious issue as pretexts for stifling the DPRK even after the settlement of the nuclear issue. This clearly proves how frantic the U.S. has become in its moves to provoke the second Korean war. The U.S. far-fetched assertions will get it nowhere.
    The U.S. had better stop using the worn-out and threadbare brigandish far-fetched method.

U.S. Psychological Warfare and Espionage Scenario against DPRK Assailed

    Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- The U.S. attempt to bring down the system and regime in the DPRK through a psychological warfare and espionage is nothing but a very foolish and despicable plot based on an anachronistic delusion, observes Minju Joson Saturday in a signed commentary. It says:
    The U.S. is now contemplating spending 2 million dollars every year for massively smuggling transistors into the DPRK and increasing hours of false propaganda broadcasting against it.
    In another development, the new director of the CIA of the U.S. was reported to have instructed its operatives to conduct offensive intelligence activities against the DPRK and other countries.
    The U.S. is focusing its efforts on a new psychological warfare and spy operations in persistently pursuing its hostile policy toward the DPRK. This is a clear indication of the U.S. warlike forces' extreme hostility toward the DPRK and their old way of thinking.
    Their escalated anti-DPRK moves will result in nothing but completely checking the solution of the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and bedeviling the relations of stand-off between the DPRK and the U.S.
    The DPRK has already clarified more than once that the U.S. willingness to roll back its hostile policy toward the DPRK, recognize its political system, and co-exist with it in peace would lay a groundwork for settling the nuclear issue on the peninsula.
    However, it has reacted to this stand of the DPRK with the escalation of its hostile policy toward the DPRK as evidenced by its intensified psychological warfare and espionage against it.
    These hostile moves are only heightening the vigilance of the army and people of the DPRK against the U.S.
    They are now left with no option but to do everything they can to defend their political system from the U.S. moves to stifle their republic.

Kim Yong Nam Greets President of Mauritania

    Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, sent a message of greetings to Maaouiya Ould Sid Ahmed Taya, president of Mauritania, Saturday on the occasion of the 44th anniversary of its independence. The message wished the people of Mauritania progress and prosperity, expressing the belief that the friendly relations between the two countries would grow stronger.

Kim Yong Nam Congratulates Namibian President

    Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, on Thursday sent a congratulatory message to Hifikepunye Pohamba on his election as president of the Republic of Namibia. Expressing the conviction that the good friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue to grow strong in the future, too, he sincerely wished the president great success in his responsible work.

Congratulations to European Commissioner

    Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun sent a congratulatory message to Benita Ferrero-Waldner on his assumption of office as commissioner for external relations and European neighborhood policy of the European Commission. In the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the DPRK and the EU would grow stronger in various fields including politics, economy and culture during his term of office, the message sincerely wished him great success in his responsible work to raise the position and role of the EU in the international arena.


    Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the Workers' Party of Korea led by Pak Kyong Son, vice department director of the WPK Central Committee, left here Saturday by air to visit Cuba. An economic delegation of the Emperor Group of Hong Kong, China, headed by its Chairman Yang Shoucheng arrived here by air.

North-South Contact Made

    Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- Relevant officials of the Red Cross organizations of the north and the south had a contact at Mt. Kumgang Resort from Nov. 25 to 27, Juche 93 (2004) at which they discussed matters related to the geological survey of the construction sites of the reunion centers for separated families and relatives. At the contact both sides had a technical discussion on the geological survey plan, an operation directive and contracts and decided to start surveying the construction sites of the reunion centers from December 1

KCNA Warns Hack Writers against Involvement in Anti-DPRK Psychological Warfare

    Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- Media in some countries are now busy spreading false rumor that portraits of leader Kim Jong Il are no longer displayed in the DPRK. We categorically refute this misinformation as it is revelation of their utter ignorance of the true reality in the DPRK where the leader and the people are firmly united in thought and sentiment and the servicepersons and people deem it their life and soul to devotedly defend the leader.
    The spirit of devotedly defending the leader is being considered in the DPRK as the strongest national sentiment and the biggest treasure to be handed down to posterity.
    The Korean people are firmly determined to devotedly defend their leaders and hold them in high esteem forever for the sake of the nation's right to existence and all generations to come.
    It is only the wicked hostile forces hell-bent on bringing down the political system in the DPRK that deny and falsify this stark fact.
    A relevant institution in the DPRK has already made clear this stand. It issued a stern warning to those reptile papers involved in this smear campaign, stating that such thing has never happened and will never happen in the future in the DPRK either as what they claimed is baseless and the story floated by them is just part of a psychological warfare launched by the U.S. and other forces hostile to the DPRK.
    However, even after the DPRK's clarification of the matter media in the U.S., Germany, Russia and other countries again cited this issue in spreading more misinformation in a bid to make the story sound plausible and true. They went the lengths of spreading sheer lies.
    This has lashed the Korean army and people into great fury as it is a crucial issue related to the authority of the supreme headquarters of the DPRK.
    We would like to make it clear once again that the on-going smear campaign is part of the anti-DPRK psychological warfare waged by the U.S. and its allies in an effort to impair the high authority of the supreme headquarters of the DPRK and create the impression that the DPRK is fraught with a serious problem.
    Those hack writers are no more than slaves of power and money as they are so politically insensitive that they know nothing about the nature of the peculiar society in the DPRK and the ideological awareness and sentiment of its people.
    Kim Jong Il represents the destiny of the Korean people and that of socialism.
    The Korean army and people have never thought of their present and future apart from him.
    Their trust in their leader and respect for him have become immutable and absolute in practice throughout the course of the victorious and glorious advance of the Korean revolution.
    Their faith to entrust their destiny and future entirely to the leader and accomplish the cause of socialism has grown stronger with the passage of times. Herein lie the solidity and invincibility of the socio-political foundation of the DPRK.
    It is as foolish an act as trying to cover the sun with a palm for the enemies to slander the headquarters of the DPRK.
    The misinterpretation of this noble ideological awareness and sentiment of the Korean army and people is nothing but the most serious misunderstanding of the reality of our society the enemies have ever made.
    Those hack writers who took the lead in the anti-DPRK trumpeting are well advised to stop at once their mean practice.

For Spanish-speaking people

Mexico: simposio sobre obra de Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, 27 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar el dia 19 en el Comite de Estudio del Kimilsunismo de Mexico el simposio sobre el primer capitulo de la imperecedera obra clasica del Dirigente Kim Jong Il "Para mantener el espiritu Juche y la nacionalidad en el proceso revolucionario y constructivo". Los oradores senalaron que la idea de mantener el espiritu Juche y la nacionalidad en el proceso revolucionario y constructivo es la mas cientifica idea que indica el camino para defender la soberania y el destino del pais, la nacion y el ser humano y subrayaron que la obra reviste suma importancia tanto en el sentido ideo-teorico como en la practica.
    El presidente de dicho comite, Ramon Jimenez Lopez, al terminar el foro, destaco que el Dirigente Kim Jong Il presento una nueva idea que demanda la epoca y la materializa en la realidad demostrando su justeza y cientificidad.
    Apunto que la realidad de Corea y el estado del movimiento internacional por el socialismo muestran patentemente cuan importante es mantener el espiritu Juche y la nacionalidad en el proceso revolucionario y constructivo y anadio que el asunto de mantener la nacionalidad da serias lecciones a los mexicanos.

Primer forum nacional sobre ciencia y tecnica agricolas

    Pyongyang, 27 de noviembre (ATCC) -- El Primer Forum Nacional de la Ciencia y la Tecnica para Aumentar la Produccion Agricola mediante la Optimizacion de Semillas tuvo lugar los dias 25 y 26 en el capitalino Palacio Cultural del Pueblo bajo coauspicios del Comite Central de la Federacion General de Ciencias y Tecnicas de Corea y el Ministerio de Agricultura. Participaron ahi los funcionarios, cientificos y tecnicos del sector de produccion de semillas y variedades originales del pais.
    En el certamen fueron presentados mas de cien exitos y experiencias cientifico-tecnicos.
    Los oradores se refirieron a que el Dirigente Kim Jong Il presento la teoria de semillas y la idea de dar importancia a estas para aumentar decididamente la produccion agricola y apuntaron que desplegaron activamente la investigacion cientifica para desarrollar las nuevas variedades de plantas agricolas, que se adapten a las condiciones climaticas y de suelo del pais y reporten el alto y estable rendimiento y aplicarlas en la produccion agricola.
    En la ocasion fueron publicadas las nuevas tecnicas e ideas singulares para dar solucion satisfactoria a los problemas tecnicos que se presentan en la produccion de semillas y variedades originales. Desperto especial interes de los participantes la tecnica de rapida reproduccion de semillas de patatas libres del virus que permite aumentar y mejorar considerablemente la cantidad y la calidad de semillas al ahorrar mas que antes la mano de obra y materiales.
    Hubo premiacion a los participantes que presentaron mejores disertaciones.

Bandera de reunificacion independiente de la nacion

    Pyongyang, 27 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Gracias a los 3 principios, o sea, la independencia, la reunificacion pacifica y la gran unidad nacional, que devienen la eterna bandera para la causa de la reunificacion independiente de la patria, esta empresa se impulsa hoy canalizada por la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio. Senala asi un articulo individual aparecido en la edicion del dia 27 del diario Rodong Sinmun y prosigue:
    La independencia, clave principio para la reunificacion, exige cumplir esta causa partiendo en todo momento de la concepcion y posicion autoctonas de la nacion coreana.
    La nacion coreana fue dividida en dos y hasta la fecha sigue sufriendo dolores a causa de la division por culpa de las fuerzas foraneas. Por lo tanto, de permitir la intervencion de las fuerzas foraneas que recurren a sus enloquecidas maniobras anti-reunificacion deseando la division perenne de la nacion coreana, nunca llegara el dia de la reunificacion.
    Para hacer realidad este maximo anhelo nacional, hay que rechazar la intervencion foranea en este asunto al mantener con firmeza la posicion independiente de la nacion y lograr la cooperacion nacional con las fuerzas unidas de la misma nacion coreana.
    En tanto, el principio de la reunificacion pacifica aboga por lograrla por via pacifica mediante las conversaciones, negociaciones, reconciliacion y cooperacion no con el empleo de fuerzas armadas.
    Ahora, en el Norte y el Sur existen diferentes ideas y sistemas. Pero, esto nunca puede ser una justificacion del uso de fuerzas armadas. Es del todo posible conseguir la reunificacion pacifica a traves de las conversaciones y negociaciones, no importa que existan las diferencias de idea y sistema. En el mismo sentido, la reunificacion por el sistema confederal deviene la mas excelente solucion de este problema.
    De otro lado, el principio de la gran unidad nacional demanda alcanzar la reunificacion independiente y pacifica de la patria con las fuerzas unidas de toda la nacion coreana.
    La gran unidad entre el Norte, el Sur y todos los coreanos en ultramar significa la reunificacion.
    Para lograr esta gran unidad nacional, es preciso anteponer los intereses comunes de la nacion coreana y unirse a base de estos por encima de las diferencias de ideas y sistemas. El patriotismo y el ansia por la reunificacion de la nacion coreana posibilitan superar tales diferencias y hacer la gran unidad con toda seguridad.

Rodong Sinmun denuncia metodos gangsteriles de EE.UU.

    Pyongyang, 27 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Los metodos propios de un gangster que utiliza EE.UU. devienen una importante palanca para la materializacion de su estrategia de dominar el mundo y en estos tienen su genesis la agresion y la guerra. Senala asi el diario Rodong Sinmun en un articulo individual del dia 27 y continua:
    Arrebatar por la fuerza los bienes ajenos y hostigar a la victima que demanda su devolucion acusandola descaradamente de "bandido", esto es la logica gangsteril de EE.UU. y su modo de accion.
    Es un hecho innegable que la invasion norteamericana a Iraq del ano pasado fue desencadenada bajo un pretexto falso de "posesion de armas de destruccion masiva".
    Asimismo, EE.UU. evalua a su albedrio la "situacion de derechos humanos" de otros paises con un "rasero" preparado por si mismo e interviene en asuntos internos de estos, lo cual deviene otra expresion de sus metodos gangsteriles.
    La ocupacion ilegal norteamericana por mas de medio siglo del Sur de Corea abusando la insignia de la ONU y actos criminales de todo tipo cometidos alli por parte de tropas yanquis constituyen una prueba elocuente de la injusticia y la criminalidad de estos metodos norteamericanos.
    Por otra parte, las fuerzas conservadoras intransigentes de EE.UU. insistieron obstinadamente en que las edificaciones subterraneas de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea en la zona de Nyongbyon son "instalaciones nucleares soterradas".
    No obstante, esta porfiada ilogica no pudo convencer a la gente con la facultad normal de pensamiento y le costo cara a EE.UU.
    Sin embargo, en lugar de sacar lecciones de este antecedente y actuar con prudencia, continua en su campana publicitaria para aplastar a la RPDC con las fuerzas armadas y satisfacer su apetencia de dominar toda Corea. La acentuacion del Tio Sam en las "suspicacias de la extraccion de uranio enriquecido" forma parte de esta campana.
    Este imperio ni siguiera oculta su intencion de utilizar los problemas de "DDHH, misiles, reduccion de fuerzas convencionales y religion" como el pretexto de aplastar a la RPDC, aun despues de resuelto el problema nuclear. Esto demuestra que llegan al extremo las maniobras desesperadas de EE.UU. encaminadas a provocar la segunda guerra de agresion a Corea. EE.UU. debe renunciar a estos metodos caducos que resultan ineficientes en el caso de la RPDC.