Korean People's Struggle for Withdrawal of U.S. Forces from S. Korea Supported

    Pyongyang, December 8 (KCNA) -- Korea will surely be reunified true to the last instructions of President Kim Il Sung. The Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America (OSPAAL) will fully support the struggle of the Korean people to force the U.S. troops from south Korea and remove their military bases there. Humberto Hernandez, general secretary of the OSPAAL in Cuba, said this on Dec. 1 when meeting with Pak Kyong Son, vice department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea who was leading the WPK delegation on a visit to Cuba. The organization will conduct a widespread solidarity movement in support of the peoples of the DPRK and other countries struggling for world peace against domination and subjugation, he noted, and continued:
    Both Cuba and the DPRK have advanced despite the U.S. protracted blockade.
    This blockade of the present Bush administration is bound to go bust thanks to the wise leadership of Fidel Castro and Kim Jong Il.

Projects for Rationalizing Power Supply System Make Brisk Headway

    Pyongyang, December 8 (KCNA) -- Projects for rationalizing the power supply system are going full steam ahead in all parts of the country. They are aimed to put on a more rational basis the power supply network at different units and regions including provinces, cities, counties and major industrial establishments.
    The newly established power supply system will make it possible to do away with the loss of electricity in transmission and ensure the best use of it.
    It will also make it possible to remove a lot of transforming equipment and wires and electric poles in paddy and non-paddy fields that have long been in use.
    The power supply system extending hundreds of kms has already been updated taking the country as a whole in a short span of time since the start of the projects.
    Teachers, researchers, scientists and technicians of Kim Il Sung University and Kim Chaek University of Technology are contributing to successfully settling technical problems arising in the projects.

Government's Policy of Environmental Pollution Denounced in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, December 8 (KCNA) -- Members of the Association for Settling the Emergency Environmental Situation grouping at least 200 environmental organizations in south Korea called a press conference on Dec. 3 denouncing the government's policy of environmental pollution, according to MBC of south Korea. They charged that forest resources including the area of Mt. Kyeryong have been seriously devastated due to the development policies of the government.
    Demanding the government reflect on its wrong doings and positively settle the problem, they declared that they would stage an indefinite sit-in strike in mountain passes and streets till measures are taken to protect the environment.

40th Anniversary of Kim Il Sung's Historic Speech Observed

    Pyongyang, December 8 (KCNA) -- Forty years have passed since President Kim Il Sung gave an on-site guidance to the Korean Film Studio on December 8, Juche 53 (1964) and then convened an enlarged meeting of the Political Committee of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea there and made a historic speech "Let Us Produce Many Revolutionary Films Contributing to Revolutionary Education and Class Education." That day, the President went round the film-making processes including the indoor shooting sites, the cutting-room, the make-up room, the super-imposition workshop and the recording workshop to acquaint himself in detail with and guide film creation and the work of the studio.
    At the enlarged meeting of the Political Committee, he gave instructions to produce many films which would help toward firmly arming the Party members, working people and younger generation with the revolutionary idea of the Party, bringing them to revolutionary and class awareness and rousing them to socialist construction.
    And he comprehensively expounded questions of principle arising in film production and creative practice such as properly combining idea and artistry in producing revolutionary films and revolutionizing the moviemen.
    A meeting was held at the People's Palace of Culture Tuesday to mark the occasion.
    Kim Mu Jon, president of the studio, in his report called upon the creative staff of the moviedom to produce many more works making sizable contributions to accomplishing the Party's cause of Songun revolution in compliance with the requirements of the developing realities, true to the behests of the President and leader Kim Jong Il's policy of bringing about a great upswing in literature and arts.
    Present at the meeting were Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, Jong Ha Chol, secretary of the C.C., the WPK, and Choe Ik Gyu, minister of Culture.

Hanchongryon Chairman Walked Off

    Pyongyang, December 8 (KCNA) -- The Seoul District Police Office on Dec. 5 walked off Paek Jong Ho, chairman of the 12th-term south Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon), according to a KBS report from south Korea. Having issued an arrest warrant for him on the charge of violation of the law on punishment of violence, the police had been watching for a chance. It took him away when he was heading for Dankook University to participate in a meeting marking the 14th anniversary of the formation of the South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification.
    More than 1,000 students under Hanchongryon staged a protest in this connection in front of the police office.

Japan Warned against Military Expansion

    Pyongyang, December 8 (KCNA) -- If the Japanese politicians are capable of looking far into the future with a sound way of thinking and political sense they should make soul-searching for the crimes Japan committed in the past, feel heavy responsibility for them and swim with the trend of the times as required by human conscience, 63 years after the outbreak of the Pacific War, observes Rodong Sinmun Wednesday in a signed article carried on the occasion. The Pacific War the Japanese imperialists launched under the slogan of the "Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere" was a criminal war of aggression and plunder that brought unspeakable disasters and misfortune to the Koreans and other Asians, the article notes, and says:
    It has become a trend for those countries which committed crimes in the past to repent of and compensate for them. But, only Japan has not yet shown any change in its attitude toward the settlement of the past, doggedly evading it.
    The militaristic view of thinking and mode of action have persisted in Japan century after century. This clearly indicates that it still seeks to repeat the history of aggression, oblivious of a lesson taught by the war.
    Citing facts to disclose Japan's full-dressed moves to emerge a military giant for expansion overseas, the article goes on:
    The Koreans and other Asian people are well aware of the reactionary and dangerous nature of those moves of the Japanese militarist forces and are closely following them with high vigilance.
    Asia and the rest of the world today are no longer what they used to be in the past when the Japanese imperialists had made a mockery of the destinies of other countries and nations and trampled down upon them as they pleased, going on the rampage.
    Japan's overseas aggression will lead it to another defeat and that will make its resurrection quite impossible.
    The only way out for Japan in the new century is to fully redeem its crime-woven past, its historical commitment, at an early date and head for peace to get confidence of the international community.

Songun Idea and Politics Lauded

    Pyongyang, December 8 (KCNA) --It was a decade back when a new history of the great Songun politics began in the DPRK. This decade witnessed ever-growing worldwide concern for the Songun idea and politics and widespread diverse activities to disseminate and study them in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe and other parts of the world, says Rodong Sinmun Wednesday in a signed article. It took more than a hundred years for the socialist idea to be disseminated throughout the world after its emergence. But the great Songun idea was spread worldwide in a short time and has become a common idea of a large number of progressive political parties and organizations. This is something remarkable in the history of world politics, the article says, and goes on:
    The Songun idea and politics have gripped the hearts of hundreds of millions of people today because they are the most viable idea and political mode that fully guarantee the sovereignty of the country and the nation and their prosperity in the era of independence.
    The past decade was years of victories when leader Kim Jong Il's great Songun idea and politics resolutely foiled the U.S. imperialists' strategy for a preemptive attack for aggression.
    He provided the world progressives with the invincible Songun idea and politics, an all-powerful treasured sword effective enough to contain and defeat the U.S. imperialists.
    Ours is the Songun era which requires not only the revolutionaries but progressive humankind to attach importance to military affairs and learn from Kim Jong Il's Songun idea and politics for global independence, the article says, adding that this is a new era of Juche-oriented revolution and a new higher stage for the accomplishment of the human cause of independence.
    The great Songun idea and politics are shedding their rays all over the world and the movement for global independence is now making a victorious advance along the road of Songun, concludes the article.

Kim Yong Nam Receives Credentials from Irish Ambassador

    Pyongyang, December 8 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, today received credentials from Irish Ambassador e.p. to the DPRK Conor Murphy at the Mansudae Assembly Hall. On hand was Kung Sok Ung, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs. After receiving credentials the president had a talk with the ambassador.

Unity in Mind, Source of DPRK's Strength

    Pyongyang, December 8 (KCNA) -- A great progress has been made in all domains of the socialist construction of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea this year by dint of the unity between the leader and people in mind. The efforts to heal the damage caused by an unexpected train explosion at Ryongchon Railway Station last April once again demonstrated the might of Korea's unity.
    Leader Kim Jong Il, who was deeply concerned about the sufferings of the victims, saw to it that the disaster area was rebuilt completely, not merely rehabilitated to the original state. He also took every possible step to save all the wounded.
    Inspired by this, servicemen and people turned out as one and constructed modern dwelling houses and public buildings in the county seat in months.
    The unity, in which the leader shapes policies for the people and they remain faithful to him, is the source of inexhaustible strength with which the Korean people have wrought world-startling miracles despite economic difficulties.
    The DPRK has fully demonstrated its political and military might in the international arena defying the persistent moves of the imperialists to isolate and stifle it. It has also produced such unassuming heroes, merited persons and hero mothers as worker An Jong Min, farmer Kim Tae Song, researcher Kim Sa Myong, teacher Kim Kyong Su and house-wife So Hye Suk.
    They have devoted their all to the leader, Party, fatherland and people.
    Meanwhile, monumental edifices have been built in different parts of the country to adorn the Songun era. Among them there are a large oxygen plant built and put into operation at the Songjin Steel Complex, the extra-large underground duct of the Paekma-Cholsan waterway, Kunmin (army and people) Power Station No. 410 and the Myongrye Kunmin Reservoir.
    Scientists have achieved a number of scientific successes including scanning tunnel microscope and artificial bone. And computer experts won four consecutive world computer paduk (go) contests.

Aqueous Organo Solution Made in DPRK

    Pyongyang, December 8 (KCNA) -- A newly developed aqueous organo solution for heat treatment and casting has been used in the field of the machine-building and casting industry including the Huichon Machine-tool Factory and Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The solution remarkably improves mechanical properties of products.
    When it is applied to chilling products, it raises their intensity as much as HRC 5-10 and reduces their deformation below one tenth compared with oil, water and oil mixed with water.
    The solution substitutes for all kinds of the heat treatment materials.
    It is very effective in making mould as it is used as binder in moulding, decreases the amount of gas and improves sand shake-out.
    Its test application showed that it reduced the amount of gas by 60 percent and ensured ventilation at more than 150 percent, drying and hardness 1.5 times and the humidity of mould made with sand two times as against the phenol resin solution.
    The aqueous organo solution which is made with abundant natural materials in the country does not produce any pollution and its production cost is 50 percent less than other binders including oil.

For Spanish-speaking people

Acto por 40 aniversario de discurso de Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, 8 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Hoy se cumplen los 40 anos desde cuando el Presidente Kim Il Sung dirigio sobre el terreno los Estudios Cinematograficos de Corea el 8 de diciembre del 53 (1964) de la Era Juche y convoco ahi la reunion ampliada del Comite Politico del Comite Central del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, en la cual pronuncio el historico discurso intitulado "Produzcamos mas peliculas revolucionarias que contribuyan a la educacion revolucionaria y a la clasista". Ese dia el Presidente recorrio las salas de filmacion, redaccion y maquillaje, los talleres de grabacion y otros procesos de fabricacion de peliculas para enterarse en detalle de la labor de creacion filmica y de estos Estudios Cinematograficos.
    En la reunion ampliada el enseno la necesidad de producir mas peliculas que contribuyeran a armar firmemente a los miembros del partido, trabajadores e integrantes de nueva generacion con la idea revolucionaria del PTC, a despertarlos de manera revolucionaria y clasista y llamarlos a la construccion del socialismo.
    Dilucido el problema de combinar correctamente la cualidad ideologica y la artistica en la creacion de peliculas revolucionarias, el de imprimir la conciencia revolucionaria a los cineastas y otros problemas de principios que se presentan en la creacion filmica y la practica creativa.
    El acto por esa efemeride tuvo lugar el dia 7 en el capitalino Palacio Cultural del Pueblo.
    El director general de los Estudios Cinematograficos de Corea, Kim Mu Jon, al presentar el informe conmemorativo, senalo que los creadores y artistas del sector cinematografico, en pleno acato al legado del Presidente Kim Il Sung y a la orientacion del Dirigente Kim Jong Il de producir la revolucion en la literatura y arte, deben crear mas obras que contribuyan activamente al cumplimiento de la causa revolucionaria del Songun (priorizacion militar) del PTC conforme a la realidad en desarrollo.
    En el acto participaron el vicepresidente del Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema Yang Hyong Sop, el secretario del CC del PTC Jong Ha Chol, el ministro de Cultura Choe Ik Gyu y otros funcionarios.

Corea avanza con poderio de unidad monolitica

    Pyongyang, 8 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Corea ha logrado este ano grandes exitos en todos los sectores de la construccion socialista con el poderio de la unidad monolitica entre el dirigente y las masas populares. El proceso de resarcimiento de danos ocasionados por la inesperada explosion en la estacion ferroviaria de Ryongchon en abril pasado fue una parte de verdaderos aspectos de la unidad monolitica de Corea.
    El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, apenado mas que nadie por la desgracia de los habitantes damnificados, tomo todas las medidas para reconstruir la zona afectada no al estado original sino en el maximo nivel y rescatar a todos los heridos.
    Los militares del ejercito popular y todo el pueblo del pais, estimulados por estas medidas, se levantaron unanimemente y construyeron en unos meses la cabeza distrital como un paraiso socialista con modernas viviendas y edificios publicos.
    La unidad monolitica entre el dirigente y el pueblo se traduce en que el primero se preocupa siempre por el segundo y este queda fiel a aquel y constituye una fuente de la inagotable fuerza que impulsa al pueblo coreano a hacer grandes milagros aun en prolongadas condiciones precarias.
    Pese a las virulentas maquinaciones de los imperialistas destinadas a aplastar y aislar a la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, se manifiesta el poderio politico y militar de esta en la palestra internacional y aparecieron heroes y hombres con meritos y heroinas de la epoca del Songun (priorizacion militar) quienes dedican todo lo suyo al lider, el partido, la patria y el pueblo, entre otros, el obrero An Jong Min, el campesino Kim Tae Song, el investigador Kim Sa Myong, el maestro Kim Kyong Su y la ama de casa So Hye Suk.
    En tanto, en el Complejo de Acero Songjin se puso en funcionamiento un nuevo separador de oxigeno de gran tamano que contribuye al fortalecimiento de la independencia de la industria metalurgica y a la realizacion de la modernizacion y cientifizacion.
    Y en el campo de construccion del canal Paekma-Cholsan se termino la obra del primer tubo subterraneo de gran tamano para agua y se levantaron la Central Electrica Kunmin (significa la unidad entre el ejercito y pueblo) No. 410, la "Presa Kunmin de Myongrye" y otras muchas creaciones monumentales que glorifican la epoca del Songun.
    Ademas, los cientificos coreanos hicieron investigaciones de talla mundial como el microscopio-tunel escaner y el hueso artificial, mientras el programa de Corea logro cuatro victorias consecutivas en la Competencia Mundial de Retadores de Paduk por Computacion.
    Al responder a la pregunta de reporteros, la campeona mundial en pugilismo profesional Kim Kwang Ok dijo que la firme confianza en el Dirigente Kim Jong Il le hizo salir vencedora de la pelea.

Expansion militar de Japon es camino de segunda derrota

    Pyongyang, 8 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El diario Rodong Sinmun inserto en su edicion del dia 8 un comentario individual en relacion con que transcurrieron los 63 anos desde cuando los imperialistas japoneses desataron la Guerra del Pacifico. A la madrugada del 8 de diciembre de 1941, la aviacion de la flota aliada de Japon asalto inesperadamente la flota norteamericana del Pacifico anclada en Pearl Harbor.
    La Guerra del Pacifico desatada por los imperialistas japoneses bajo la consigna de la "esfera de co-prosperidad de gran Asia oriental" fue una criminal contienda belica de rapina que impuso indecibles calamidades al pueblo coreano y los demas asiaticos, senala el articulo y prosigue:
    Transcurrieron mucho mas del medio siglo desde su tragica derrota en esta guerra. Durante este plazo, varios paises, criminales de guerra en el pasado, reflexionaron de sus fechorias y las indemnizaron materialmente. Esto es una tendencia de hoy.
    Pero, Japon es el unico que elude su responsabilidad de liquidar sus crimenes cometidos en el pasado sin mostrar ningun cambio en su posicion del pasado.
    Al contrario, hasta en el nuevo siglo, siguen el modo de pensar militarista y la manera de procedimiento de este pais-isla. En particular, se acelera en la etapa crucial la conversion de este en una potencia militar, dirigida a la expansion a ultramar.
    Por esta expansion a ultramar, Japon volvera a ser arruinado.
    En el nuevo siglo, la unica salvacion para Japon es cumplir su tarea historica de liquidar cuanto antes su criminal pasado y emprender el camino hacia la paz ganandose la confianza de la sociedad internacional.
    Si los politicos japoneses tienen el sano modo de pensar y correcta vision politica y saben prever el futuro, deben reflexionar seriamente sobre su pasado criminal en esta ocasion del 63 aniversario del inicio de la Guerra del Pacifico, sentirse responsables por el respecto y aceptar la demanda de la corriente de la epoca y el reclamo de la conciencia de la humanidad.

Acreditase ante Kim Yong Nam embajador irlandes

    Pyongyang, 8 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Conor Murphy presento el dia 8 en el Palacio de los Congresos Mansudae ante Kim Yong Nam, presidente del Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, sus cartas credenciales que le acreditan como nuevo embajador extraordinario y plenipotenciario de la Republica de Irlanda en Corea. En la ocasion estuvo presente el viceministro coreano de Relaciones Exteriores Kung Sok Ung.
    Luego de recibirlas, el presidente departio con el diplomatico irlandes.