Foreign Ministry Spokesman Blasts U.S. Psychological Campaign

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry gave the following answer to a question put by KCNA Monday as regards the U.S. evermore undisguised psychological operation aimed at a regime change in the DPRK: Recently the U.S. let reptile media and riff-raffs spread the sheer lie that portraits of leader Kim Jong Il are no longer displayed in the DPRK. As this smear campaign proved futile, they floated sheer misinformation that "there is confusion within its leadership" and "at least 130 army general officers and high-ranking officials deserted their units in the wake of the defection of ordinary people." All this was intended to give impression that a sort of dramatic crisis has occurred in the DPRK.
    The U.S. false propaganda and psychological operation aimed to slander the DPRK and finally realize a regime change there have, in actuality, gone beyond the tolerance limit.
    The U.S. seems to foolishly think that its mean psychological operation works on the DPRK and it has done something in its bid to tarnish the image of the DPRK and bring down its political system. However, few would be taken in by such trick of those who are so ignorant as to know north Korea as a peninsula.
    We consider it mean to react to every plot-breeding operation orchestrated by the U.S. for its despicable and clumsy nature.
    Now that the U.S. is trying to shake the backbone of the DPRK, not content with hurling mud at it, the DPRK is compelled to say something to the U.S.
    The present situation makes us deplore the fact that the U.S.administration has only those politicians who are utterly ignorant of the DPRK to handle its Korean policy.
    As for the DPRK, all its servicepersons and people are devoting themselves to accomplish the cause of socialism confident of victory and all are out in a drive to build a great prosperous powerful nation thanks to the Songun politics energetically pursued by Kim Jong Il.
    Quite contrary to what the U.S. claimed, not even a button of a general officer's uniform, to say nothing of more than a hundred of general officers, has ever been found across the border.
    We do not know such a word as "defection".
    There may be some illegal border trespassers who crossed the border in violation of the law now in force in the DPRK, unable to live in their native land any longer because of their illicit acts and crimes.
    But their number is so small that there is no need to take them into account.
    The U.S., however, termed those criminals as "defectors," asserting that they have crossed the border for political reasons, opposed to its system, and kicked up a row over its human rights issue after overstating their number.
    The Bush administration, right after its emergence, did not hesitate to designate the DPRK as part of an "axis of evil", not hiding its inveterate hostility toward its political system.
    It was none other than the Bush administration which listed the DPRK as a target of a preemptive nuclear attack and put PSI in force, thus escalating its moves to isolate and blockade it.
    Finding it impossible to topple the DPRK by force as it has a powerful nuclear deterrent force, the U.S. faked up the "North Korean Human Rights Act" and adopted it as its policy to realize a regime change in it. It has spread sheer lies through such operation to destabilize its society as massively smuggling transistors and increasing the hours of broadcasting of Voice of Free Asia.
    It is, however, seriously mistaken.
    The system in the DPRK is politically stable and is as firm as a rock. It is not such a weak system as those in other parts of this planet that were brought down through Rose and Chestnut Revolutions.
    Nothing reasonable can be heard from wicked persons. The Bush administration is free to wag its tongue till the cows come home.
    No matter how noisily the U.S. may cry out we will take it as no more than a dog's barking at a moon.
    The smear campaign on the part of the hostile forces aimed at the collapse of the system in the DPRK is nothing but a desperate last-ditch effort to destroy the system under which the leader, the party and the popular masses form a harmonious whole. It is as foolish an act as trying to get the sun eclipsed by a palm.
    The U.S. frantic smear campaign against the DPRK reminds us of an eve of its aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq. This heightens our vigilance.
    The hatred of the army and people of the DPRK towards the U.S. is rapidly mounting due to its escalation of the smear campaign to bring down the political system in the DPRK.
    Under this situation the DPRK is compelled to seriously reconsider its participation in the talks with the U.S., a party extremely disgusting and hateful.
    What is clear is that only strength of justice will work on the U.S. as it stoops to any despicable method to destroy its dialogue partner while paying lip-service to "dialogue."
    It is the mettle of the army and people of the DPRK not to allow anyone to defile or disregard the ideology and system chosen by the Korean people themselves.

Kim Jong Il Inspects KPA Naval Unit

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, inspected Unit of the KPA Navy 153. He acquainted himself with the unit's performance of duty before looking round the monument to the on-the-spot guidance given by President Kim Il Sung and the room devoted to the history of the unit, guided by its commander.
    The once unknown quiet fishing port has turned into a modern naval port over the last nearly three decades since the President gave field guidance to it and the unit has grown to be invincible ranks of matchless fighters, he said, adding that the revolutionary exploits performed by the President in building the Juche-based navy will last forever together with the country.
    After praising the unit for having built well the room devoted to its history, he went round the room for the education in trees bearing slogans built by the unit.
    Noting that the trees bearing slogans are the WPK's precious revolutionary treasure and pride which can not be bartered for anything, he underscored the need to conduct an effective education among the servicepersons and people through them and firmly arm them with the revolutionary idea of the WPK.
    He met lecturers Kim Yong Ok, Kim Kwan Bin and Kim Jung Gol who displayed the matchless self-sacrificing spirit in the act of protecting trees bearing slogans from the fire in 1998 and highly praised them for their feats.
    Seeing one by one the photographs of the 17 heroic soldiers who dedicated their lives to protecting those trees, he noted that they could throw themselves without hesitation into the raging flames to protect them at the cost of their lives because they were intensely loyal to the Party and leader.
    This admirable self-sacrificing spirit clearly shows how noble the ideological and moral state of the servicepersons of the KPA is in the era of Songun.
    He once again highly appreciated the shining feats performed by them, saying that those 17 heroes who protected those trees with their bodies till they breathed their last would be always remembered by the Korean people.
    Then he took care of the servicepersons' service and living, going round the servicemen's hall, an educational room, a bedroom, a mess hall, a kitchen, a washroom, a non-staple food store and other places of the unit.
    He spared time to watch an art performance given by servicepersons of a company of the unit.
    He set forth tasks to be fulfilled to further increase the combat capability of the unit, greatly satisfied to learn that all the servicepersons of the unit have been prepared as the fighters who enshrined the spirit of devotedly defending the leader, the spirit of becoming human bullets and bombs and the spirit of blowing oneself up as their unshakable faith.
    He gave the servicepersons of the unit a pair of binoculars and an automatic rifle as gifts before having a photo session with them.
    He was accompanied by KPA Generals Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong.

Japan's Reinvasion Moves Past Danger Line

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- The Japanese reactionaries at a recent hearing of the constitutional research panel of the House of Representatives openly revealed their scheme to delete from the present Constitution Article 9, which bans Japan's launch of any war or use of force and its possession of regular combat forces, and legalize the conversion of Japan into a state having the right to start a war. Timing to coincide with this, government officials concerned and high-ranking officials of the Japan Defence Agency decided to "simplify the procedures for intercepting ballistic missiles" under the pretext of "taking measures to cope with" what they called "missile threat". They went the lengths of announcing in rapid succession "a plan for commanding the missile defense system (MD)", "a program for promoting the development of a long-range land-to-land missile" and "a policy for easing the three principles of arms export". In this regard Rodong Sinmun Monday in a signed commentary says:
    The Japanese reactionaries are going to legally launch overseas aggression by replacing the present constitution by a war constitution. This proves to what dangerous extent the Japanese reactionaries have gone in their scheme of overseas aggression.
    Herein lies the reactionary and dangerous nature of the undertakings of the Japanese reactionaries to revise the Constitution.
    What the Japanese reactionaries have in mind is to make Japan a military power so as to hold the position of a military "superpower" on a par with the U.S. and become the leader of Asia and, furthermore, vanquish the world.
    Korea is their first target in this. To stage a comeback to Korea is the first goal of Japan's overseas aggression. It is not without reason that the Japanese reactionaries are speeding up the establishment of an MD system under the pretext of "missile threat" from the DPRK.
    War and disaster must be checked in advance. The world people aspiring after peace should clearly see the danger of Japan's aggression and wage a vehement joint struggle to thwart and frustrate its moves to become a military giant and commit aggression again.

Immediate Release of Hanchongryon Chairman Demanded in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- Statements were reportedly issued separately by youth and student organizations and the Solidarity for Implementing the South-North Joint Declaration in south Korea and the South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon) in demand of the immediate release of the chairman of the south Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon). The South Headquarters of the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification in a statement on Dec. 7 recalled that Hanchongryon had taken the lead in the struggle for national independence, peace and reunification, notably for the abolition of the "National Security Law (NSL)", an anti-democratic evil law directed against reunification.
    Lurking behind the walking off of the Hanchongryon chairman is the plot of the conservative forces to keep the NSL effective at the sacrifice of the organization, remarked the statement.
    Earlier, the Solidarity of Youth and Students for Implementing the June 15 South-North Joint Declaration in its statement branded the arrest of the Hanchongryon chairman by the public security authorities as a treacherous act of denying the democratization of this land. It warned that the public security authorities would face a stern judgment by the nation for defending the Grand National Party of south Korea, a group of traitors which obstructs the abolition of the NSL, and suppressing Hanchongryon.
    Recalling that the police walked off the chairman of Hanchongryon on Dec. 5, the Solidarity for Implementing the South-North Joint Declaration in its statement said: The NSL, which designates Hanchongryon as "an enemy-benefiting organization" and legalizes the crackdown upon it, is the worst of the evil laws which must be sent to the graveyard of history.
    .The South Headquarters of Pomminryon in its statement said the members of the headquarters could hardly repress towering rage at the arrest of the chairman by the police authorities.
    Noting that Hanchongryon has fully played its role as a vanguard for national reunification, the statement said: Though the public security authorities have clamped down on it, labeling it "an enemy-benefiting organization", they have not been able to break its fighting spirit by whatever means.

U.S. Moves to Provoke New War under Fire

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- A secret document called "measures to let the U.S. forces in south Korea to play a regional role" was opened to the public in south Korea in November. The document classified the crisis in Northeast Asia into the low, medium and high phases. It calls for hurling the U.S. troops in south Korea into actions, considering the DPRK's refusal to scrap its nuclear program as the medium phase, China's launch of all-out war with Taiwan as the high phase.
    The Korean National Peace Committee in a statement on Dec. 12 warned that either the "relocation" of the U.S. forces in south Korea or their preemptive attack would prove futile in face of the powerful deterrent force of the DPRK and the aggressors would not be able to escape death.
    If the U.S. mounts an attack on the Korean Peninsula or China, it will develop into another world war and the Korean nation will suffer a nuclear disaster, the statement said, and continued:
    It is the only way of bringing the present situation, a matter of deep concern for all Koreans and the world peace-loving people, under control and protecting the peace on the peninsula and the security of the nation to further increase the nuclear deterrent.
    The U.S. had better stop acting rashly, mindful that neither a preemptive attack nor precision strike is its monopoly.
    The recent disclosure of the fact that the south Korean authorities have conspired with the U.S. forces in south Korea in working out the scenario for preemptive attack once again clearly prove that they have had an axe to grind with daggers hidden in their belts.
    The south Korean authorities are well advised to behave themselves, pondering over the serious consequences to be entailed by their military nexus with the U.S.

Lecture Session in France

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- A lecture session was held at Nice University in France on December 7 on the occasion of the 13th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army and the 87th birth anniversary of anti-Japanese war hero Kim Jong Suk. The chief representative of the DPRK General Mission spoke under the title "The reality of the DPRK where the Songun politics is pursued," explaining the essence and great vitality of Songun politics of Kim Jong Il in combination with the reality of the DPRK which is making a long drive while decisively frustrating the moves of the U.S. imperialists to isolate and stifle it.
    Then the secretary general of the International Liaison Committee for Reunification and Peace in Korea gave a lecture on the real nature of the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and the extensive international solidarity movement supporting the Korean people's cause of reunification.
    Those who heard the lectures said in unison they became well aware of the validity and great vitality of Songun politics in the DPRK and its just and principled stand for settling the nuclear issue and requested such lectures be sponsored often.

Long-livers' Village in DPRK

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- The Osu Plateau in Junggang County, Jagang Province, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, is well known as a village with many long-livers. The number of macrobians above 90 is on a steady increase there.
    The highland, the northwestern tip of the country, has such good conditions as climate and dietary life for longevity.
    But before the liberation of the country, the villagers suffered from the shortage of drinking water as they had no clean well.
    They, therefore, had to drink rainwater and standing water in summer and melted snow in winter. It caused endemic diseases among them and few people lived above 30. So, the village was called "short-livers' village".
    The DPRK government has taken a measure to build nine-stage pumping station to draw water from the River Amnok to solve the drinking water problem for hundreds of families there.
    Service water pipes have found their way to each family in the village.

Year of Splendid Development in Sports Technique

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea has made a splendid development of sports technique this year. Athletes have considerably improved their skills through various sports contents including Paektusan Cup, Mangyongdae Cup, Pochonbo Torch sports contests and the DPRK Championships.
    National records were renewed in five events at the Paektusan Cup sports contests held in February, in nine events at Mangyongdae Cup sports contests in April and 13 categories of weightlifting alone at the DPRK Championships.
    Sports tournaments were held with the participation of broad sections of working people across the country. Among them were the 30th National Juvenile Sports Contests for Jongilbong Cup, the National Students Sports Contests for September 5 Cup, the National Folk Sports Contests of Agricultural Working People and the 5th National Sports Contests of Workers celebrating the victory in the Korean war.
    This year many athletes proved successful in various international tournaments.
    Woman boxer Kim Kwang Ok knocked out her Japanese opponent and won the championship in the 53.52kg category of the IFBA held in Shenyang, China, last October.
    Weightlifter Kim Chol Jin came first in total in the 69 kg category at the 36th Asian Men's Weightlifting Championships held in Alma Ata, Kazakhstan in April, and wrestler Ri Yong Chol won a gold medal in the 60 kg division at the Asian Freestyle Wrestling Championships for 2004 held in Iran.
    DPRK athletes snatched six gold medals at the 10th Asian Shooting Championships held in Malaysia in February, six cups and seventeen gold medals at the 6th World Junior Taekwon-Do Championships in Malaysia in July to win the first place in total and twelve gold medals at the 3rd International "Asian Children's" Sports Games in Sakha, Russia.
    DPRK athletes also demonstrated the honor of the Taekwon-Do cradle-land at the first International Martial Arts Games held in Pyongyang last September.
    Meanwhile, the footballers won group round robin series of the Asian region for the 2006 World Cup to advance to the next stage of games and women soccer players distinguished themselves at the 6th International Women's Football Tournaments for the Australian Cup.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il inspecciona Unidad No. 854 de Fuerza Aerea del EPC

    Pyongyang, 13 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea, inspecciono la Unidad No. 854 de las Fuerzas Aereas del EPC. El Dirigente, guiado por el jefe de la Unidad, recorrio la sala de educacion con objetos historicos de la revolucion y la sala de presentacion del historial de la Unidad.
    En esta se ven numerosos objetos y datos historicos revolucionarios en que estan impregnadas las huellas del Presidente Kim Il Sung y del Dirigente Kim Jong Il por la direccion sobre el terreno en repetidas ocasiones.
    El Comandante Supremo los recorrio y recordo con gran emocion las hazanas de direccion del Presidente en la historia de desarrollo de la Unidad.
    De la Unidad salieron decenas de heroes de la Republica y otros muchos condecorados.
    El Dirigente subrayo la necesidad de fortalecer la educacion a traves de la sala de presentacion del historial que demuestra vividamente el proceso de desarrollo de la Unidad.
    Se entero del estado de cumplimiento del deber de la unidad en la sala de mando operacional y se mostro muy contento de que los oficiales y soldados vigilan agudamente con alta vigilancia revolucionaria las maquinaciones agresivas de los imperialistas y estan dispuestos a pelear a todo momento contra los enemigos.
    Tras recorrer los establecimientos generales de servicio publico recien construidos, se quedo muy satisfecho de que la Unidad construyo por su propia cuenta la base de servicio general dotada de todas las instalaciones necesarias, entre otras, el bano con sauna y la barberia, y los pone en pleno funcionamiento y evaluo de altos los trabajos de los oficiales a favor de los soldados.
    Acto seguido, el Comandante Supremo recorrio la casa de militares, la biblioteca, el comedor, el deposito diario, la sala de educacion, el dormitorio, el bano de la compania subordinada inmediatamente, y otros lugares para darse cuenta del estado de administracion de la unidad y la labor de educacion ideo-politica para los militares.
    Expreso satisfaccion por lo que la Unidad mantiene limpio el recinto del cuartel, dispone de las instalaciones de cultura, educacion y abastecimiento para ofrecer excelentes condiciones de vida a los soldados y realiza de diversas formas y metodos la educacion ideologica entre los soldados.
    En la epoca del Songun, senalo, las unidades del EPC encauzaron las fuerzas en el fortalecimiento de combatividad y la administracion de la unidad para renovar sus fisonomias. Este viraje trascendental es valioso fruto del alto espiritu revolucionario, combativo, organizativo y de disciplina que constituyen la idiosincrasia de nuestro ejercito, recalco.
    El Comandante Supremo se fotografio junto a los militares de la Unidad.
    Le acompanaron los generales de ejercito del EPC:
    Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae y Pak Jae Gyong.

ACVAFF condena a autoridades japonesas

    Pyongyang, 13 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Las autoridades japonesas impidieron la entrada en su pais de los familiares coreanos de las victimas de arresto forzoso y otros miembros interesados en busca de los restos de los difuntos. Con respecto al hecho, la Asociacion Coreana de Victimas de Arresto Forzoso y Familiares (ACVAFF) hizo publica el dia 11 una declaracion para condenar severamente a nombre de todos los familiares de las victimas y de todos los demas habitantes coreanos tal acto imprudente de las autoridades japonesas. El documento senala:
    En estos momentos en que las autoridades japonesas actuan con tanta arrogancia, ?por que mostraremos la sinceridad al problema de las victimas japonesas de secuestro?; son incomparables los danos de unos secuestrados japoneses con las grandisimas perdidas de los coreanos. Asi expresan protesta e indignacion no solo los familiares de las victimas sino tambien todos los coreanos.
    En el tiempo pasado, las autoridades japonesas secuestraron y arrestaron a incontables coreanos y los dejaron morir en masa en los centros de trabajo duro y campos de guerra agresiva y hasta la fecha, a 60 anos de aquel entonces, encubren los aspectos verdaderos. Ellas deben pedir disculpa y hacer indemnizacion estricta por tales crimenes antieticos de ultra gran tamano y devolver los restos de las victimas a sus familiares.
    Expresamos la conviccion de que todas las personalidades concienzudas y las entidades del mundo que respetan la justicia y los derechos humanos elevaran las voces de protesta y condenacion a los crimenes inhumanitarios y los actos antieticos de las autoridades japonesas y, al prestar profunda atencion a la solucion del problema de restos mortales de las victimas coreanas de arresto forzoso que se presentan como lo apremiante de los derechos humanos, desarrollaran activamente las justas actividades solidarias para recuperar cuanto antes el honor de las victimas coreanas.

CNCDP denuncia complot de EE.UU. para desatar nueva guerra

    Pyongyang, 13 de diciembre (ATCC) -- En noviembre ultimo, en el Sur de Corea fue desclasificado un documento confidencial titulado "Medidas para el cumplimiento del papel regional" de las tropas norteamericanas estacionadas alli. Segun este documento que divide la intensidad de la eventual crisis en la region del Nordeste Asiatico en la "baja", "mediana" y "alta", si la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea no renuncie a su fuerza nuclear y cuando la Republica Popular China entre en la guerra total con Taipei China, la crisis sera de "mediana" y "alta", respectivamente. A base de esta clasificacion, sera definido el numero de tropas norteamericanas a intervenir en dichos casos.
    Con respecto a esto, el Comite Nacional Coreano por la Defensa de la Paz (CNCDP) dio a la publicidad el dia 12 una declaracion que senala en particular:
    La "reubicacion", el golpe preventivo y demas metodos belicos de tropas norteamericanas ocupantes del Sur de Corea no surtiran ningun efecto frente a las potentes fuerzas de la RPDC para detener la guerra y los invasores se convertiran en cadaveres abandonados.
    Sea cual fuere la diana de ataque de EE.UU. la Peninsula Coreana o China, la nueva guerra adquirira la dimension mundial y por consiguiente, la nacion coreana sufrira plagas nucleares.
    Fortalecer la fuerza de detencion nuclear es la unica solucion para acabar con la actual situacion, de la que se preocupan todos los coreanos y los pueblos pacifistas del mundo, y preservar la paz de la Peninsula Coreana y la seguridad nacional.
    EE.UU. debe darse clara cuenta de que el golpe preventivo y el "ataque a precision" no son medios exclusivos de si mismo y actuar reservadamente.
    Por otra parte, la recien probada complicidad de las autoridades surcoreanas en el planeamiento del golpe preventivo de tropas gringas ocupantes del Sur de Corea evidencia una vez mas su sucia naturaleza.
    Las autoridades surcoreanas han de reflexionar seriamente de las nefastas consecuencias que emanen del contubernio militar con EE.UU. y actuar con prudencia.