Message of Greetings to Kim Jong Il from Cambodian King

    Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a message of greetings from Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni on Dec. 15 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the DPRK and Cambodia. The Kingdom of Cambodia and the DPRK have maintained the exemplary great friendly relations in all fields over the last 40 years, the message said, and went on:
    I will make every possible effort for the steady efflorescence and development of such beautiful unbreakable relations of friendship which will always link the two countries and their leaders and peoples.
    Noting that Kim Jong Il has achieved signal successes in the economic and social fields by carrying forward the cause of President Kim Il Sung, thus turning the DPRK into a developed and proud country, the message pointed out that Kim Jong Il has devoted himself to the work to bring earlier the peaceful reunification of Korea. The Kingdom of Cambodia will always stand on the side of the DPRK, it added.

Kim Jong Il Replies to Cambodian King

    Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, sent a message to Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni on Dec. 20 in reply to his message of greetings on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the DPRK and the Kingdom of Cambodia. The reply message extended warmest congratulations to the king and the fraternal Cambodian people on the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, expressing the belief that the excellent relations of friendship and cooperation existing between the two peoples would grow stronger. It wholeheartedly wished the king great success in carrying out the cause of building independent and prosperous Cambodia, true to the noble intention of the great King Norodom Sihanouk.

Functions Held in DPRK

    Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA) -- A meeting of youth and students and a gathering of agricultural workers titled "Song of Songun Sun" were held Tuesday to mark the 13th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army. Kim Kyong Ho, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, delivered a report at the meeting which was followed by speeches.
    The reporter and speakers said that Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the revolutionary armed forces marked a historic event of weighty significance in the building of Juche-oriented revolutionary armed forces and the future development of the Korean revolution and a great jubilee as it opened a bright prospect of accomplishing the human cause of independence.
    A letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.
    At the gathering the speakers highly praised Kim Jong Il as the great sun of the 21st century and the greatest-ever commander who has wisely led the Korean revolution along the road of victory and glory with his original Songun policy.
    Meanwhile, a meeting singing songs of loyalty titled "We will keep to the road of loyalty under the leadership of the general" was held by women's union members and an art performance was given by the organizations which proved successful at the national art contest of primary organizations of the youth league on the same day on the occasion of the 13th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the KPA and the 87th birth anniversary of anti-Japanese war hero Kim Jong Suk.
    Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Pak Sun Hui, chairperson of the Central Committee of the Korean Democratic Women's Union, Kang Chang Uk, chairman of the Central Committee of the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea, and others attended the meetings and were among the audience at the art performance.

Wreath Laid before Bust of Kim Jong Suk

    Pyongyang, December 22 (KCMA) -- Embassy officials of different countries in charge of cultural and friendly relations laid a wreath before the bust of anti-Japanese war hero Kim Jong Suk at the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery on Mt. Taesong today on the occasion of her 87th birth anniversary. She established the precious tradition of devotedly defending the leader with the arms of the revolution in the crucible of the hard-fought anti-Japanese war and dedicated herself to the liberation of the country and the happiness of the people, true to the leadership of President Kim Il Sung.
    They placed the wreath before her bust and paid silent tribute to her in humble reverence.
    The ribbon of the wreath bore letters "The revolutionary exploits of anti-Japanese war hero Kim Jong Suk will be immortal!"

Kim Jong Il Receives Congratulatory Letter from Economic and Commercial Councilors' Corps

    Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a congratulatory letter from the Economic and Commercial Councilors' Corps here on the occasion of the 13th anniversary of his assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army. It was conveyed to an official concerned today by Economic and Commercial Councilor of the Chinese embassy Gu Jinsheng on behalf of the corps.

Mongolian President Pays Courtesy Call on Pak Pong Ju

    Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA) -- Mongolian President Natsagyn Bagabandi had a friendly talk with Premier of the DPRK Cabinet Pak Pong Ju at the Mansudae Assembly Hall Wednesday. Present there were Mongolian Foreign Minister Tsend Munkh-orgil and other suite members.
    DPRK Minister of Finance Mun Il Bong who is chairman of the DPRK-Mongolia Friendship Association and officials concerned were on hand.

Mongolian President Leaves

    Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA) -- Mongolian President Natsagyn Bagabandi left here Wednesday by a special plane after wrapping up his official visit to the DPRK at the invitation of Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly. Leaving with him were his wife and Mongolian Foreign Minister Tsend Munkh-orgil and other suite members.
    The Mongolian president and his entourage were seen off at the airport by Kim Yong Nam, Minister of Finance Mun Il Bong who is chairman of the Korea-Mongolia Friendship Association and officials concerned.
    Mongolian Ambassador to the DPRK J. Lomvo and his embassy officials were among the farewell-bidders.
    A farewell function took place at the airport.
    On the same day the president and his entourage visited Mangyongdae and an ostrich farm in the suburbs of Pyongyang.
    The president's wife and her party visited the International Friendship Exhibition.

Kim Jong Suk, Crack Shot

    Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero, earned fame for her skilful marksmanship. Her marksmanship was fully demonstrated at a shooting contest of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army held in March Juche 33 (1944) in the flames of the anti-Japanese war. At the contest, attended by master shots selected from KPRA units, she won top marks in all events -- shooting with a rifle a round target and five bottles 100 meters away, bobbing bust-target 200 meters away and full-length target 300 meters away, and shooting with a pistol a round target and turning back and instantly hitting three bottles.
    After the contest, guerrillas lauded her marksmanship as a gifted one. She, with a smile on her face, said that her marksmanship was not a gifted one but what she attained through strenuous practice, out of the resolution to guard President Kim Il Sung.
    There are many legend-like stories about her marksmanship.
    Indeed, Kim Jong Suk guarded President Kim Il Sung during the glorious revolutionary struggle for the liberation of the country and the freedom and emancipation of the people and thus made an undying contribution to the victory in the anti-Japanese war.

Power Stations Built along Kaechon-Lake Thaesong Waterway

    Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA) -- Power stations have been built along the Kaechon-Lake Thaesong Waterway in South Phyongan Province, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The 150-kilometer-long natural-flow waterway has been built from Taegak-ri in Kaechon City to Lake Thaesong. It saves 140 million kWh of electricity a year.
    Many spots have been chosen as sites of power stations along the waterway, providing a foundation for turning out several dozen million kWh of electricity a year.
    Phyongwon power stations Nos.1, 2 and 3 constructed in Phyongwon County are turning out several thousand kWh daily.
    The construction of power stations in such places as Taegak Youth Dam in Kaechon City and Hungo-ri, Sukchon County is being pushed ahead at the final stage.
    Preparations for providing new generating capacity are brisk in Simwon-ri, Phyongwon County and Taesong-ri, Sukchon County.
    Labor Hero Om Il Yong, a section chief of Irrigation Designing Institute under the Ministry of Agriculture, who was in charge of the general blue-print of the waterway, told KCNA that a power station can be built in any spot of the waterway, which was built in a unique building method.
    Water of the River Taedong flows into 100,000 hectares of paddy and non-paddy fields, several dozen cubic meters per second, and 20-odd reservoirs along the waterway add beauty to the landscape of the country, he added.

Japanese Ultra-right Conservatives' Anti-DPRK Racket under Fire

    Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA)--Rodong Sinmun here Wednesday in their commentary denounce the Japanese ultra-right conservative forces and anti-communist organizations for calling for gsanctionsh against the DPRK, while malignantly slandering it after announcing the gresults of the recent DNA testh of the remains of Japanese woman Megumi Yokota.
    Rodong Sinmun says:
    The Japanese ultra-right conservative forces, adamantly opposed to Japanfs settlement of its past and the improved DPRK-Japan relations, cooked up a new gshocking caseh called gcase of false remainsh in a bid to render the mind-set of the Japanese people hostile to the DPRK and drive the DPRK-Japan hostile relations into an extreme phase.
    In fact, the DPRK has done everything it can as regards the gabduction issue.h
    This notwithstanding, the Japanese ultra-right conservative forces are still using this issue as a pretext for aggravating the situation. This development compels the DPRK to guess that they deliberately kicked up the recent racket according to their carefully prearranged operational script to serve a particular political purpose. This is evidenced by the fact that acting Secretary General of the Liberal Democratic Party Abe, a standard-bearer of the Japanese ultra-right conservatives, is spearheading the anti-DPRK campaign.
    Explicitly speaking, it is impossible for the fact-finding committee to performs its duty as the Japanese ultra-right conservatives are wickedly mocking at the DPRKfs investigation to confirm the whereabouts of those persons whose fate the Japanese side claimed unknown and misusing it for their anti-DPRK moves. Now that they insist her remains are gfalseh in disregard of the sincere efforts made by the DPRK it has no option but to demand Japan return the remains as they are together with the test data.
    The more frantic they are getting in their anti-DPRK campaign while floating the fiction about gfalse remainsh the higher the hatred of the Korean people against Japan will mount and their will to force it to settle its past grow stronger. In case gsanctionsh are applied against the DPRK, it will decisively react to this action by exercising its right to strong option.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il recibe presente del presidente mongol y su esposa

    Pyongyang, 22 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il recibio presente que le dirigieran el Presidente de Mongolia, Natsagyn Bagabandi, y su esposa, de visita oficial en Corea. El mandatario mongol lo entrego el dia 21 al presidente del Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, Kim Yong Nam.

Generacion electrica en Canal Kaechon-Lago Thaesong

    Pyongyang, 22 de diciembre (ATCC) -- En estos dias, se genera la electricidad en el Canal Kaechon-Lago Thaesong de Corea. Antes el sistema de suministro del agua para la irrigacion en esta localidad requeria 140 millones de Kwh. anuales de electricidad para bombearla.
    Pero, gracias a la construccion de este macro-canal de cerca de 160 kilometros que une la comuna de Taegak de la ciudad de Kaechon con el lago Thaesong, este sistema se convirtio en uno de fluencia natural.
    Lo mas sorprendente es que se acondicionaron alli muchas estaciones de generacion electrica que posibilitan la transicion del canal del consumidor al generador de mucha energia electrica.
    En particular, la provincia de Phyong-an del Sur ya ha sentado las bases para producir decenas de millones de Kwh. anuales en este canal.
    Las plantas electricas Phyongwon No.1, 2, y 3 levantadas en el distrito homonimo producen diariamente miles de Kwh. que se emplean en la vida cultural de los moradores y en la produccion agricola.
    Mientras tanto, estan en plena marcha las obras similares en varios lugares de la provincia, entre otras, la construccion del dique Juventud de Taegak de la ciudad de Kaechon y la edificacion de una planta electrica en la comuna de Hung-o del distrito de Sukchon que pronto entraran en funcionamiento.
    Por otra parte, en la comuna de Simwon del distrito de Phyongwon y la comuna de Taesong del distrito de Sukchon se desarrollan activamente los preparativos para crear nuevas capacidades de generacion electrica.
    En opinion del heroe del trabajo Om Il Yong, jefe de seccion del Instituto de Proyectos de Irrigacion y disenador del proyecto general del canal Kaechon-lago Thaesong, es posible producir electricidad en todos los tramos de este canal, construido con metodos originales.
    Ademas, -prosigue Om- gracias a esta obra, a cada segundo decenas de metros cubicos de agua del rio Taedong banan mas de 100 mil hectareas de arrozales y campo de secano y mas de una veintena de embalses siempre estan llenos del agua retenida.
    De esta forma, este canal, otro tesoro del pais, contribuye en gran medida a la produccion agricola y embellece los aspectos del territorio nacional, concluyo.
    Hoy, el pueblo coreano se afilia al dicho coreano "Tres pajaros de un tiro" para elogiar la virtud de este canal.

Permanencia del presidente de Mongolia en Corea

    Pyongyang, 22 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El presidente de Mongolia, Natsagyn Bagabandi, realizo del 21 al 22 del mes en curso una visita a Corea por la invitacion del presidente del Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea Kim Yong Nam. El Presidium de la APS ofrecio un banquete en honor del mandatario mongol. Kim Yong Nam, al hacer uso de la palabra, dijo que la presente visita a Corea del mandatario mongol servira de un motivo importante en ampliar y desarrollar las relaciones bilaterales de amistad de larga historia conforme a la demanda del nuevo siglo.
    Sabemos bien que el gobierno de coalicion de Mongolia formado este ano despliega con exito la labor para desarrollar la economia y la cultura nacionales y elevar la autoridad exterior del pais, senalo.
    Deseamos de todo corazon que en el futuro tambien todos los trabajos en Mongolia marchen bien, remarco.
    Natsagyn Bagabandi en su discurso se refirio a que los pueblos de Mongolia y Corea tienen las intimas relaciones de amistad desde la remota antiguedad y anadio que nos incumbe en el siglo 21 la tarea de cooperar estrechamente uno a otro y profundizar con nuevos contenidos y formas con vistas al futuro las relaciones de amistad entre los dos paises.
    Mongolia considera que lograr la desnuclearizacion de la Peninsula Coreana y preservar la paz y la seguridad en esta convienen a los intereses de la region y el resto del mundo, dijo y expreso la conviccion de que el problema de la Peninsula Coreana se resolvera a traves de las negociaciones pacificas.
    El hizo una visita protocolar al Presidente Kim Yong Nam y se reunio con el primer ministro del Consejo de Ministros Pak Pong Ju.
    En las conversaciones sostenidas entre los dos presidentes ambas partes intercambiaron una serie de problemas de relaciones de amistad y de interes mutuo.
    Tuvieron lugar las conversaciones por sectores entre la RPDC y Mongolia y quedaron rubricados convenios entre los dos gobiernos.
    Durante su permanencia en Corea el presidente mongol acudio al Palacio Memorial Kumsusan para rendir tributo al Presidente Kim Il Sung.
    Tambien hizo un recorrido por Mangyongdae y deposito una ofrenda floral ante el Cementerio de Martires Revolucionarios en el Monte Taesong.
    El mandatario mongol y su comitiva realizaron una visita a la granja ganadera de avestruces y otros lugares.