Foreign Diplomats Enjoy Concert

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- Diplomatic envoys of various countries and representatives of international organizations here appreciated a concert given by the State Symphony Orchestra at the People's Palace of Culture on Dec. 29 on the occasion of the 13th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army and the 87th birth anniversary of anti-Japanese war hero Kim Jong Suk. In the newly created symphony suite "Long Journey for Songun Leadership", its instrumentalists truthfully represented the boundless reverence for Kim Jong Il who has led the Korean revolution and the global cause of independence to victory by creditably carrying forward with arms the revolutionary cause of Juche started with arms.
    They also staged orchestras "Rich Harvest Comes to the Chongsan Plain" and "Arirang" and others with a unique solemn ensemble of Korean style and peculiar rendition spiced with national flavour and high artistry.
    Also put on the stage were pieces of foreign instrumental music such as orchestra "Waltz" from "Swan Lake" composed by Tchaikovsky.

Reception Given for Chinese

    Chongjin, December 29 (KCNA) -- The North Hamgyong Provincial People's Committee hosted a reception this evening in honor of the officials of the Chinese Consulate General here on the threshold of the New Year Juche 94 (2005). Present there on invitation were Consul-General of China Wang Yonggui and staff members of the Consulate General.
    Kim Song Gwon, vice-chairman of the committee, and officials concerned were among those present.
    Speeches were made at the reception.

Messages of Sympathy to Prime Ministers of Asian Countries

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- Different Asian countries were recently hit by a quake and tidal waves in the Indian Ocean, which caused huge casualties and material losses. In this connection Pak Pong Ju, premier of the DPRK Cabinet, Tuesday sent messages of sympathy to Bangladeshi Prime Minister Khaleda Zia, Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Sri Lankan Prime Minister Mahindra Rajapakse.
    The messages expressed belief that the aftermath of the natural disasters would be eradicated at an early date and the living of the people in the afflicted areas would return to normal thanks to the positive efforts of the prime ministers and governments of those countries.

Message of Sympathy to Bangladeshi President

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, Tuesday sent a message of sympathy to Bangladeshi President Iajuddin Ahmed for the heavy losses in human lives and materials caused in Bangladesh by a strong quake and tidal waves that swept the Indian Ocean recently. Extending deep sympathy to the president and people of Bangladesh, the message expressed the belief that its government and people would clear away the consequences of the natural disaster at an early date and stabilize the life of the people in the afflicted areas.

Kim Jong Il Sends Floral Basket to Cuban Embassy

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il sent a floral basket to the Cuban embassy here on the occasion of the 46th anniversary of the victory in the Cuban revolution. The floral basket was handed to Cuban Ambassador Ruben Perez Valdes on Thursday.

Kim Jong Il Receives Floral Basket from Lao President

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a floral basket from Khamtay Siphandone, chairman of the Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party and president of Laos, on the occasion of the New Year Juche 94 (2005). Lao Ambassador to the DPRK Chanpheng Sihaphom handed it over to an official concerned Thursday.

U.S. Plan to Deploy New Type Missiles in S. Korea Assailed

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Korean National Peace Committee issued a statement Thursday denouncing the Bush administration for having recently worked out a criminal plan to deploy new type missiles Bunker Burst in south Korea next year in a bid to destroy underground facilities in the DPRK. The plan discloses once again the U.S. criminal attempt to strike underground military facilities in the DPRK through preemptive attack, neutralize its war deterrent force and materialize with ease its scenario for a war of aggression against the DPRK, the statement says, and goes on:
    Already in July last the U.S. announced that it succeeded in developing new type missiles warhead capable of destroying underground facilities with bigger penetrating capability than that of the existing ones. It disclosed that it would deploy 6 missiles in U.S. forces bases in south Korea and contemplate their additional deployment depending on the judgement to be made by the U.S. Forces Command in south Korea.
    The U.S. has so far openly cried out that it would seek a peaceful and diplomatic solution to the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula within the framework of the six-party talks and that it does not pursue a regime change in the north and has no willingness to attack it.
    But the reality irrefutably proves that the peaceful solution to the nuclear issue and the resumption of the six-party talks much touted by the U.S. were nothing but a charade to conceal its attempt at aggression of the DPRK. This indicates how desperately the Bush administration is working to contain the DPRK by force, while paying lip-service to the "peaceful solution" to the nuclear issue.
    The U.S. has massively deployed in and around south Korea weapons of mass destruction including up-to-date military hardware which it tested in the Afghan and Iraqi wars in a bid to put into practice its anti-DPRK war scenarios such as "OPLAN 5030" and "OPLAN 5027-04."
    The U.S. intention to deploy the above-said missiles in south Korea after the introduction of PAC-3 in Kwangju of south Korea has pushed the situation on the Korean Peninsula to an extremely grave phase.
    If a war is started by the U.S. on the Korean Peninsula it will be hard for the Koreans in the north and the south to survive its disaster.
    Nothing is more foolish than expecting peace from those hell-bent on aggression and war.
    The DPRK will increase its war deterrent force, a shield for defending the nation and a treasured sword to champion peace, with redoubled efforts now that the U.S. only pursues a policy to stifle the DPRK, far from showing any willingness to co-exist with it. All the Koreans in the north and the south and abroad should turn out to foil the U.S. moves to introduce new type missiles and force the U.S. imperialists to pull back their aggression troops, the root cause of aggression and war, from south Korea through a nationwide anti-U.S. and anti-war struggle.

Kim Jong Il Inspects KPA Unit

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army (KPA) Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission, inspected KPA Unit 563. Kim Jong Il learned about the unit's performance of duty before going round the room for the education in the revolutionary history and the room devoted to the unit's history, guided by its commander.
    He highly appreciated the feats performed by the unit, noting that it has displayed popular heroism on the forefront of the revolution for a long period from the period of the fatherland liberation war up to this date, greatly contributing to the defence of the country and the cause of the army building.
    He set forth tasks to be fulfilled to further increase the unit's combat capability, expressing great satisfaction over the fact that all the servicepersons of the unit have made great successes in their energetic endeavors to carry through President Kim Il Sung's on-the-spot instructions.
    He praised the unit for having effectively conducted the revolutionary education and the working class education with the help of diverse and instructive visual aids after successfully building the servicemen's hall as a center for cultural and aesthetic education.
    To be consistent in idea is one of the most important characteristic features of our army, he said, underscoring the need to more energetically conduct political and ideological education among all servicepersons to prepare them as fighters strong in idea and conviction who have unshakable faith and sense of obligation towards the party and the leader.
    Going round military lecture rooms, the inside of the barracks and their compound, he called on the servicepersons of the unit to steadily intensify the training, always keeping themselves in the spirit of standing in the battlefield, in order to build up a match-for-a-hundred combat capability.
    He had a photo session with the servicepersons of the unit.
    He was accompanied by KPA Generals Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il envia cesto de flores a embajada de Cuba

    Pyongyang, 30 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il envio un cesto de flores a la Embajada de la Republica de Cuba en Corea con motivo del 46 aniversario del triunfo de la Revolucion Cubana. Lo recibio el dia 30 el embajador extraordinario y plenipotenciario Ruben Perez Valdes.

Kim Jong Il recibe cesto de flores de cuerpo de agregados militares

    Pyongyang, 30 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il recibio un cesto de flores y mensaje de felicitacion que le dirigiera el Cuerpo de Agregados Militares acreditados en Corea con motivo del ano nuevo 94 (2005) de la Era Juche. Abdullah Hamidi Benam, agregado militar de la Embajada de la Republica Islamica de Iran, quien preside el Cuerpo, los entrego el dia 30 a un funcionario coreano.

Kim Jong Il recibe cesto de flores de presidente lao

    Pyongyang, 30 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il recibio un cesto de flores que con motivo del nuevo ano 94 (2005) de la Era Juche le dirigiera Khamtay Siphandone, presidente del Comite Central del Partido Popular Revolucionario y de la Republica Democratica Popular Lao. Chanphen Sihaphom, embajador extraordinario y plenipotenciario de Laos en Corea lo entrego el dia 30 a un funcionario coreano.