Senior Officials of Party and State Visit KPA's Post under Pine Trees

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- Senior officials of the Party and the state and chairpersons of the friendly parties and Cabinet members and senior officials of the Party and working people's organizations visited the post of the Korean People's Army (KPA) under pine trees Saturday on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the start of the Songun policy by leader Kim Jong Il. Being briefed on his leadership exploits in front of the monument to the revolutionary history erected on the spot, the senior officials of the Party and state keenly realized that he represents the destiny of the country and the revolution and the nation and a symbol of the sun's Korea. They went round with deep emotion the trench, an educational room, barracks and other places, taking the course he had covered when giving field guidance to it.
    Standing for a long while before the historical relics associated with his immortal feats, they manifested their firm revolutionary determination to vigorously accelerate the general onward march for the Songun revolution and bring earlier the final victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche, true to his idea and leadership.

NDFSK New Year Message to S. Korean People Released

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the National Democratic Front of south Korea (NDFSK) released a New Year message to the south Korean people Saturday, according to Internet site Kuguk Jonson. Last year was a year in which the democratic forces in the south registered noteworthy successes in the struggle to terminate the U.S. colonial domination and military occupation and reunify the country by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation, the message noted, and continued:
    The struggle for national reunification last year clearly proved that the attitude and stand on the June 15 joint declaration is a touchstone distinguishing between patriotism and treachery and that implementing the joint declaration by the concerted efforts of all the fellow countrymen provides a short-cut to smashing the moves of the anti-reunification forces inside and outside Korea and bringing earlier the day of reunification.
    This year is a significant year marking the fifth anniversary of the historic June 15 joint declaration and the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the country.
    It is necessary to wage a struggle for democracy this year with main emphasis on finally eliminating the pro-U.S. ultra-right conservatives such as the Grand National Party of south Korea that makes desperate efforts to topple the present "government" and hamstring the process of progressive reform under the backstage manipulation of the U.S.
    All movement organizations and people from all walks of life should strengthen the solidarity and unity in the struggle, conduct a dynamic and coordinated joint struggle, actively choose and steadily improve forms and methods of struggle which may attract broad popular masses' sympathy and participation.

Candlelight Rally and Meeting for Abolition of NSL Held in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- A candlelight rally and meeting for the total abolition of the "National Security Law (NSL)" took place in front of the National Assembly building in Seoul on Dec. 29, according to a news report. The rally was attended by at least 4,000 members of the People's Solidarity for the Abolition of the "National Security Law" and hunger-strikers' group for the total abolition of the evil law and civic and social organizations.
    Speakers at the rally declared that they would exert every possible effort together with lawmakers who stand for the abrogation of the evil law, holding that it is the only way for the history to follow to place the bill on the abolition of the law on the agenda of the NA
    The rally was followed by a meeting to vow to put an end to the NSL.
    Speakers at the meeting called on all the people to pool efforts and call a sit-in hunger strike for the abolition of the evil law.
    Then the participants destroyed a cut-out symbolic of the code of the NSL, shouting "Let's have NSL repealed in the name of the history and the people."
    Prior to the rally and the meeting, a 214 member group of hunger-strikers made up of members of civic and public organizations entered into the strike, declaring "there began the fight which will decide the fate of the NSL and the destiny of the people."
    Meanwhile, the Bar Association for a Democratic Society in south Korea held a press conference at its office on Dec. 27 at which it declared its start of an all-night sit-in hunger strike for the total abolition of the NSL.
    Legislators from the Uri Party also attended the press conference, encouraging and supporting the association in its strike.

Equatorial Guinean President Wishes Korean People Success in New Year

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- Equatorial Guinea sincerely wishes the fraternal Korean people great success in socialist construction and in their struggle for the reunification of the country under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il in the new year, too, its President Obiang Nguema Mbasogo said when meeting DPRK Ambassador to his country Hwangbo Ung Bom on Dec. 28 last year on the threshold of the New Year.

Early Clearance of Four Bills on Reforms Urged

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- The Democratic Workers' Party of south Korea issued a statement on Dec. 27 urging the Uri Party of south Korea to clear four bills on reforms as early as possible, according to south Korean MBC. Pointing to the fact that the Grand National Party and the Uri Party failed to reach an agreement, the statement said that the ruling and opposition parties could not succeed because they attempted to reach such agreement behind the scene to avoid other's attention.
    The statement urged the Uri Party to opt at once for clearing the bills on four reforms such as the bill on repealing the NSL.

Pak Pong Ju Visits Lodging Quarters for Technical Delegation of China

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- Premier of the DPRK Cabinet Pak Pong Ju visited the lodging quarters of the technical delegation of China taking part in the construction of the Taean Friendship Glass Factory on Jan. 1 on the occasion of the New Year Juche 94 (2005). On hand were Jo Yun Hui, minister of Construction and Building-Materials Industries, other officials concerned, Chinese Ambassador to the DPRK Wu Donghe and embassy officials.
    After congratulating the members of the delegation on the New Year, the premier conversed with them in a friendly atmosphere.
    Souvenirs were handed to the members of the delegation that day.

RS. Calls for Implementing This Year's Tasks under Uplifted Banner of Songun

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Sunday editorially calls on all the party members and servicepersons of the Korean People's Army and people to enshrine the pride and honor of being the first generation who uphold the Songun politics of leader Kim Jong Il, peerless statesman who pursues Songun politics, and continue making a long journey of the revolution under the great Songun banner. It is a noble obligation and duty we should fulfill for the times, history and the future generation to bring into fuller bloom the true picture of the Songun politics, the powerful socialist political mode in our times, the editorial notes, and goes on:
    We should always enshrine the truth that the country and socialism remain strong and the victory of the cause of Juche is guaranteed thanks to Kim Jong Il who ushered in the new history of Songun politics and become human bombs and bullets who protect him at the cost of their lives. We should fully repose the absolute trust in the headquarters of the revolution and manifest stronger sense of revolutionary obligation towards it and protect the unity and cohesion of the revolutionary ranks based on the Juche-oriented Songun idea and line as our own eyeballs.
    We should glorify for all ages the revolutionary exploits, the tradition and treasures achieved by Kim Jong Il under the great banner of Songun as the eternal cornerstone of our revolution and the most precious treasure of the nation.
    The servicepersons of the Korean People's Army should always preserve the admirable fighting trait with which they devotedly defended the headquarters of the revolution during the "Arduous March" and bore the brunt of the struggle to glorify Korean-style socialism. We should increase in every way the might of self-reliant defence industry we have built up from scratch in the spirit of fortitude.
    All the party members and other working people should make the spirit of attaching importance to the army and military affairs prevail throughout the society and bring the traditional trait of army-people unity into fuller bloom.
    The editorial calls on the entire party and army and all the people to turn out as one to thoroughly implement the militant tasks set forth in the joint New Year editorial under the uplifted banner of Songun and glorify the 60th anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea and the 60th anniversary of national liberation as grand festivals of proud victors.

Kim Jong Il Receives Congratulatory Messages from Koreans in Japan

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received congratulatory messages from the Standing Council of the Federation of Korean Traders and Industrialists in Japan, the Central Standing Committees of the Korean Youth League in Japan and the Union of Democratic Korean Women in Japan and the Standing Council of the Korean Amateur Athletes Federation in Japan, the Korean Human Rights Association in Japan and the organizations of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) and their affiliated bodies the Choson Sinbo Company, the Korean News Service, the Haku Bookshop, the Kumgangsan Opera Troupe, the Kumgang Insurance Co., Ltd and other organizations and the headquarters of Chongryon in different parts of Japan and Joson University and other Korean schools at different levels and compatriots on the occasion of the New Year Juche 94 (2005). The New Year messages referred to the facts that last year the officials of Chongryon and compatriots brilliantly decorated the 20th Congress as a congress of unity and victors under the great Songun revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il and intensified the patriotic movement for implementing the decision of the congress. They expressed the will of the compatriots to further develop the movement of the Koreans in Japan and energetically conduct the work and an 8 month-long movement to implement the congress's decision in the run-up to the 50th anniversary of the formation of Chongryon, in the New Year.

For Spanish-speaking people

Acto de ninos escolares por nuevo ano 94 (2005) de la Era Juche

    Pyongyang, el primero de enero (ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar el 31 de diciembre en el Palacio de Deportes de Pyongyang un acto de los ninos escolares por el nuevo ano 94 (2005) de la Era Juche. Estuvieron presentes los cuadros directivos del partido, el Estado y el ejercito y presidentes de los partidos amigos.
    Fueron invitados los representantes diplomaticos y otros miembros de las embajadas de varios paises y huespedes extranjeros en Corea.
    Los cuadros directivos vieron diversas maquetas y materiales graficos alusivos a los 8 lugares pintorescos del Songun y los aspectos felices de los ninos escolares. En medio de la interpretacion de la cancion de voto se inicio el acto de los ninos escolares por el Nuevo Ano 94 (2005) de la Era Juche.
    Ante todo, los ninos escolares, junto con los enorgullecidos por ricos conocimientos, nobles virtudes y buena salud, rindieron el saludo de ano nuevo al Dirigente Kim Jong Il traduciendo los sentimientos de todo el pueblo e integrantes de la nueva generacion del pais.
    Y expresaron el saludo de ano nuevo a los padres y madres de todo el pais quienes en sus respectivos puestos de la construccion de una gran potencia prospera han registrado heroicas proezas bajo la direccion del Partido.
    En la escena se pusieron diversas piezas, entre otras, Oungum (instrumento coreano) y cancion "Que caiga la nieve para el nuevo ano", el escenario de relato verdadero "Celebracion del ano nuevo en Mangyongdae junto con el Generalisimo Kim Il Sung", el de orgullos de ricos conocimientos, nobles virtudes y buena salud, el de orgullos de los ninos talentosos, la danza gimnastica "El cuerpo fuerte es tesoro de la patria del Songun", la narracion coreografica de ninos escolares coreanos residentes en Japon "Poderio de amor", el pequeno coro "Padre mas ocupado", el concierto de acordeon "Cancion de bendicion", imperecedera obra clasica y el coro "Montemos el corcel de ricos conocimientos, nobles virtudes y buena salud para alcanzar la meta de sobresalientes".

Vocero del CRPP denuncia al "partido Hannara"

    Pyongyang, el primero de enero (ATCC) -- El vocero del Comite por la Reunificacion Pacifica de la Patria (CRPP) hizo publica el pasado dia 31 una declaracion con respecto a que el "Partido Hannara" del Sur de Corea propuso en el reciente "foro sobre la politica de reunificacion" un "proyecto de la reunificacion a traves de la comunidad desarrollada de la nacion coreana". El documento senala como sigue:
    Dicho "proyecto de la reunificacion" es un plan divisorio opuesto a las medidas comunes de la nacion para la reunificacion estipuladas en la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio.
    Los compinches del "Partido Hannara" pregonan que el "proyecto" sirve para "agrandar beneficios reciprocos Sur-Norte" y que por lo tanto, lo impulsaran en calidad de la "plataforma de su organizacion politica". Es una cosa extremadamente ilogica y un acto anormal que el "Partido Hannara" presentara algun "proyecto de reunificacion" disfrazandolo con los "beneficios reciprocos" y la "reconciliacion y la cooperacion" a sabiendas de que esta agrupacion hostiliza a su coterraneo Norte solo por tener diferente idea, ideal y sistema y acrimina "acciones pro-Norte".
    Es decir, es un proceder tan ridiculo como si un ciervo intentara convertirse en un cisne.
    Entonces resulta obvio que la publicacion del "proyecto" del "Partido Hannara" no es mas que un artificio para enganar al pueblo y desviar a la opinion publica y de esta forma, alargar los contados dias de su vida condenada a la muerte por los habitantes que los repudian y denuncian.
    Si el "Partido Hannara" tiene de veras algun interes en la reintegracion del pais, debe declarar ante todo su respaldo a la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio y demostrar en claro su voluntad de abolir la "ley de seguridad", infame codigo fascista contra la reunificacion.
    Al margen de esto, los "beneficios reciprocos Norte-Sur", la "reconciliacion y cooperacion" quedaran como palabras hueras nada mas.
    El "Partido Hannara" debe darse clara cuenta de su miserable condicion de abandonados por los habitantes y marginados de la corriente de la epoca y la historia, y actuar con prudencia.