Preparatory Committee Inaugurated in Sweden

    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- The Executive Committee of the Sweden-Korea Friendship Association inaugurated a preparatory committee for celebrating the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il (February 16) on Jan. 21. Acting Chairman of the friendship association Christer Lundgren was elected chairman of the preparatory committee and executive members of the association its vice-chairmen.
    The executive committee set a celebration period from January 22 to the end of February and discussed the plan for translating and publishing Kim Jong Il's famous work "The Juche Philosophy Is an Original Revolutionary Philosophy" to distribute it among political parties, organizations, institutes and individual figures and for printing a magazine of the association "Information of Korea" and organizing a meeting, film show and other colorful functions in this period.

Norodom Sihanouk Expresses Profound Reverence for Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- The Great King of Cambodia Norodom Sihanouk expressed deep reverence for President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il at an opening ceremony of the Exhibition of Gifts for Norodom Sihanouk on Jan. 20. The great king went round with deep emotion the gifts sent by Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il to him, a photograph Kim Il Sung had taken with him and the great queen on Mt. Myohyang and others which were on display at the exhibition.
    Posing before embroidered folding screen "Magnolia and Oriole," he told diplomatic envoys of various countries that this work is a gift sent by Kim Il Sung on the occasion of the birthday of the great queen. I can never forget the benevolence bestowed by Kim Il Sung upon us, he added.
    He met with the DPRK ambassador to Cambodia and said Kim Il Sung was a benefactor who gave him and the great queen more gifts than what others did.
    This place, I think, is too small to display all the gifts I received from the President, he noted, adding that the rare gifts he received from Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il would be conveyed down to posterity along with him, the great queen, the royal family and all the Cambodian people.

Japan Urged to Settle Issue of Remains of Korean Victims of Forcible Drafting

    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Association of Korean Victims of Forcible Drafting and their Bereaved Families issued a statement Thursday accusing the Japanese authorities of having taken an inhuman attitude of blocking the solution of the issue of the remains of Korean victims of forcible drafting though it is nearly 60 years since the defeat of the Japanese militarists. The Japanese authorities have hatched and employed every possible plot and trickery for the past 60 years to negate and evade their state responsibility for the hideous human rights abuses such as the forcible drafting of Koreans and the forced labor imposed upon them. They have not yet made any apology or any compensation to the Korean victims and their bereaved families, the statement noted, and went on:
    Information recently released by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan ascertained the horrible fact that some of the Korean victims of forcible drafting are entombed in the "Yasukuni Shrine". This is an intolerable mockery of the Korean victims of forcible drafting who met deaths with bitter grudge and indignation at the Japanese imperialists and their bereaved families who deeply grieve over the death of their kith and kin and unpardonable human rights abuses.
    The Japanese authorities have spent 60 billion yen for retrieving remains of soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army. Japan is, therefore, the only country in the world which has extolled its war criminals and beautified the history of aggression while turning blind eyes to the victims of other countries who suffered untold damage and pain due to the war of aggression started by Japan in the past.
    The Japanese authorities have evaded the redemption of Japan's past crimes still today. Moreover, they are frantically kicking up an anti-DPRK racket, crying out for the "application of economic sanctions" against the DPRK and the adoption of the "North Korean Human Rights Law" over the issue of abducted Japanese.
    As regards the issue of the remains of the Korean victims of the forcible drafting, the statement raised the following demands to the Japanese government:
    First. The Japanese government should make a thorough probe into the truth behind the issue of the remains of Korean victims of forcible drafting and make public the whole story about it as early as possible.
    Second. The Japanese government should admit the state responsibility for the issue of the remains and make a formal apology and make full compensation to the victims and their bereaved families.
    Third. The Japanese government should take a practical measure to find out remains of Korean victims of forcible drafting and rebury them either in their native places or in the places where their families reside as demanded by their bereaved families.

Japan's Moves for Becoming Military Power Flayed

    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Japan's easing of the "three principles of arms export" is a practical step to gratify its ambition for militarist overseas aggression, not confined to paving the way of exporting weapons, remarks Rodong Sinmun in an article Thursday. The author of the article goes on:
    The Japanese government decided to ease the "three principles of arms export" in the new "defense program outlines" in December last year. This snuffed off the "control line" restricting the production and export of weapons which Japan had maintained, though for form's sake.
    It is the view and doctrine of action of the Japanese militarists to remove the troublesome "control line" it had drawn in the past by taking advantage of the situation changed with the end of the Cold War and plunge into the world with its military wings spread. The Japanese militarists have opened a broad way of arms production and export by softening the principles.
    They do not want Japan to be restricted in the production of uptodate military hardware and placed at the bottom of the global list in arms export, bound to the principles. By discarding the "control line" of arms export, they seek to build a military power through unlimited arms expansion and arms production and prepare the "Self-Defense Forces" for any war of aggression and, at the same time, reap a windfall on the world arms market.
    Japan's removal of the "control line" means, in essence, setting the stage for a switchover to building a new springboard in the development of munitions industry and transferring all the legal orders and political system of the country to a militarist ruling system. This is, in fact, a very dangerous move like the establishment of a state ruling system before the Second World War.
    Japan's easing the "three principles of arms export" is quite a dangerous act of fostering a renewed arms race and military conflicts worldwide. Japan is trying to attain its aim of overseas aggression by jumping into scufflings through the supply of weapons to the forces in disputes under the pretext of "coping with threat" and "settling disputes"
    The world peace-loving people should intensify the anti-Japanese struggle, clearly seeing through the dangerous acts of the Japanese militarists.

Reception Given by Indian Ambassador

    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- N. T. Khankhup, Indian ambassador e.p. to the DPRK, hosted a reception Wednesday evening on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Republic of India. Present there on invitation were Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, Ryom Sun Gil, chairman of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea and chairman of the DPRK-India Friendship Association, and other officials concerned, diplomatic envoys of various countries and representatives of international organizations here.
    Speeches were made at the reception.

All People Called Upon to Make Leap forward on All Fronts

    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Let's rush forward toward the eminence of a great prosperous powerful nation in the offensive spirit created by the workers of the Songjin Steel Complex. This is the banner we should hold high to make advance in our drive to effect a great revolutionary surge at present. Rodong Sinmun says this in an editorial Thursday.
    It goes on:
    The spirit fully reflects the matchless grit and the spirit of uninterrupted revolution of Kim Jong Il, the great brilliant commander of Mt. Paektu, the spirit of waging a strenuous struggle and making steady advance till a final victory with faith that there is nothing impossible. It is also a manifestation of strong independent faith and national self-esteem, the spirit of settling everything our own way, firmly convinced of our idea and cause, the validity of the Songun policy and our own strength.
    Rushing forward in this spirit means a dynamic general march aimed to significantly augment the national power of the country and demonstrate before the world the invincible spirit of socialist Korea advancing under the banner of Songun.
    The above-said offensive spirit is based on the resourcefulness, grit and staunch fighting trait of the heroic Korean people advancing and struggling despite all ordeals and difficulties by the force of Songun. Only when they dynamically struggle in the offensive spirit and fighting trait created by the workers of Songgang will our country demonstrate the dignity as a great powerful nation winning one victory after another and achieving prosperity thanks to its matchless military capacity and single-minded unity and its solid economic foundation.
    Rushing forward in this spirit is a worthwhile struggle to bring about a great Songun revolutionary upswing.
    Only when all the fields of the national economy including the metal industry and all other fields and units give fullest play to the might of ideology, the might of the revolutionary soldier spirit and enlist all the potentials for the development of economy and science and technology just as the workers of Songgang did, is it possible to radically improve the economic picture of the country and attain the high goal of building a great prosperous powerful nation in the new century ahead of schedule.
    All the Party members and other working people should effect a leap forward on all fronts of socialist economic construction in the spirit of spurring on steed as befitting the strong-willed revolutionary people who pulled through the adversity during the "Arduous March" like heroes and thus powerfully demonstrate before the world the spirit and might of Songun Korea this year which marks the 60th anniversaries of the Workers' Party of Korea and the liberation of the country.

Rodong Sinmun Calls for Anti-U.S. Struggle through Inter-Korean Cooperation

    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- All the Koreans in the north, the south and overseas should vigorously turn out in the anti-U.S. struggle, holding high the banner of three forms of cooperation, in order to make this year a year of nation-wide anti-U.S. struggle and a year of decisive termination of U.S. domination and interference, urges Rodong Sinmun in an article Thursday. Noting that the United States is the main target of the struggle for achieving the three forms of cooperation -- cooperation for national independence, cooperation for peace against war and cooperation for reunification and patriotism, the author of the article says:
    Cooperation for national independence is to oppose outsiders' domination and subjugation, defend the nation's sovereignty and dignity and shape its destiny independently to suit its will and interests by pooling the efforts of the nation. This is raised because of the United States opposed to it.
    The U.S. is the main outside force standing in the way of the Korean nation's cause of independence. Without an end to its domination and interference, the sovereignty and dignity of the Korean nation cannot be defended nor can the cause of national independence be accomplished. The anti-U.S. struggle is, immediately, the realization of cooperation for national independence.
    Apart from the struggle against the U.S. aggression and war moves, the country's peace cannot be defended and it is impossible to check the danger of a nuclear war which is coming toward the Korean Peninsula hourly.
    Cooperation for peace against war intended to oppose war and defend peace by the united efforts of the Korean nation inevitably requires a powerful anti-U.S. struggle to smash the U.S. aggression on the DPRK and its provocation of a nuclear war and eradicate the root-cause of a nuclear war in the country. Cooperation for reunification and patriotism means a patriotic struggle to reconnect the artificially cut blood vessel of the nation, realize the reconciliation of the whole nation and promote the interests and prosperity common to the nation by the idea of "By our nation itself".
    Cooperation for reunification and patriotism can successfully be achieved and can display its might when a daring nation-wide anti-U.S. struggle is waged to frustrate the interference and obstructions of the U.S., the root-cause of national division and harasser of Korea's reunification. All the fellow countrymen in the north, the south and overseas should courageously wage a life-or-death struggle against the U.S. this year.

Grave Military Provocations of South Korean Forces under Fire

    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today carries a commentary on the rash military provocations committed by the south Korean war-like forces repeatedly, such as the intrusion of combat boats in the western sea from the very beginning of the year. This is a deliberate and premeditated illegal intrusion into the waters of the north side and quite a dangerous military hostile act that may give rise again to a grave military collision in this area, the news analyst says, and goes on:
    Entering the new year, the south Korean army has staged an unbroken chain of war games including mobile exercises of tanks and equipment and a large-scale river-crossing rehearsal, while committing a military provocation by bringing an artillery piece up to the Military Demarcation Line.
    Inter-Korean reconciliation, cooperation and exchange are utterly impossible when the danger of a war is hovering over this land. One should throw away the dagger hidden in his bosom, if he wants a dialogue and reconciliation.
    For a smooth implementation of the June 15 joint declaration, a suitable climate must be created, above all. Dialogue and war, reconciliation and confrontation can never go together. If the south Korean military authorities persist in military provocations, it is as clear as noonday that there will be created grave difficulties in the way of the implementation of the joint declaration and the inter-Korean relations.
    Such rash acts leading the situation to the danger line can never be allowed.
    The south Korean war-thirsty forces must at once stop the military provocations bringing dark clouds of war over the country. Should the south Korean military authorities continue with such indiscreet military provocations for a confrontation between fellow countrymen, turning a deaf ear to the repeated warnings of the north, they will be held fully accountable for all the ensuing consequences.

KPA Navy Command Again Warns S. Korean Military

    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) --The Navy Command of the Korean People’s Army issued a press release on Thursday as regards the continued intrusion of warships of the south Korean forces into the waters of the north side in the West Sea of Korea to strain the situation. It said: Despite our warning, warships of the south Korean forces are busy operating in the waters south of Kuwol Hill in the north side after intruding deep into those waters everyday.
    What is serious is that the navy of the south Korean forces disclosed through media its intention to persistently maintain the bogus "northern limit line" drawn by the outside forces, while justifying the intrusion of warships into those waters.
    This goes to clearly prove that the military provocations in the West Sea had been premeditated by the south Korean military.
    We urge the south Korean military authorities to behave themselves, properly understanding the gravity of the situation, and once again warn them that if another military skirmish occurs in the West Sea, they can never evade the responsibility for it.

Despicable U.S.-Toeing Stance

    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- All Koreans in the north, south and overseas are turning out in the struggle to force the foreign forces out of south Korea and to achieve the reunification of the country with cooperation for national independence under the idea of "by our nation itself." The south Korean authorities and ultra-right conservative forces, however, are still engrossed in "cooperation" with the U.S., contrary to the desire and demand of all Koreans.
    The present south Korean authorities are intensifying the confrontation with the DPRK than ever before in close military contact with the U.S.
    They have said that the nuclear issue of the north should be solved on the basis of the firm alliance with the U.S. and that, without cooperation with the U.S., there would be no national cooperation.
    They have also submitted to the pressure put by the U.S. to control the progress of the inter-Korean relations in keeping with "the progress of the nuclear issue", in an attempt to impede the brisk dialogue and exchange between the north and the south following the publication of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration.
    The south Korean minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said that economic exchange between the two halves of Korea would be impossible unless the nuclear issue on the part of the north is solved. His remark glaringly reveals the south Korean authorities' U.S.-toeing stance.
    They are zealously joining the U.S.-made "human rights" racket against the DPRK. They have dispatched over 3,000 troops to Iraq as cannon fodder for the U.S.
    Such U.S.-toeing acts of the south Korean authorities will only precipitate their own doomsday.

Ninth Kimjongilia Festival under Preparation

    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Preparations for the 9th Kimjongilia Festival are going on at full swing in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to celebrate the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il, February 16. The grand festival has been held in Pyongyang from 1997 as an annual event.
    A Japanese horticulturist Motoderu Kamo named the flower, one of the most beautiful flowers, after Kim Jong Il, whom he was deeply revering. He sent pots of the flower to the first and second rounds of the festival.
    More than 64,000 Kimjongilia pots were exhibited in the eight rounds. Among the exhibitors were overseas Koreans and foreigners.
    The number of visitors to the festival has increased year after year. Last year it was visited by nearly a million people including senior officials of the Party, state and army, working people of various social strata and more than a hundred overseas Korean and foreign delegations.
    The Korean Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia Committee is busy with the preparation for the forthcoming round.
    State commissions, ministries, national institutions, People's Army units and many organizations and individuals in Pyongyang and local areas are tending Kimjongilia with care for the festival.
    Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia greenhouses have grown in number across the country. In recent years alone some 230 greenhouses have been built.
    Dr. Kim Ryong Bong, a department director of the Korean Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia Committee, told KCNA that this year the national festival will be held on a larger scale than the previous ones and an exhibition in each province.
    Preparations are also being made for successful opening and closing ceremonies and the festival venue is being decorated.
    Festival posters, diploma and cups are being made at the final stage along with the work to ensure all conveniences for the visitors.

Training Center of Young Athletes

    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Central District Junior Sports School in Pyongyang, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, is intensifying sports education and training of students with a goal to greatly contribute to sports development of the country this year. The teachers of the school are introducing scientific methods in training to win juvenile sports contests to be held this year and produce more promising athletes.
    The school has produced many famous sportspersons who distinguished themselves in various national and international tournaments.
    It won seven events including football, volleyball and handball matches of amateur teams in the 4th National Games held in Juche 62 (1973). It has placed first at table-tennis, basketball, rhythmic gymnastics, badminton and various other events of the national junior sports school contests every year over the last ten years. Table-tennis players Ri Kun Sang and Kim Song Hui, and boxer Kim Song Guk who proved successful at the 28th Olympic Games graduated from the school.
    Its weightlifters, too, proved successful at various competitions held last year, though they had been trained at the school for only one year.
    The school has gained over 130 trophy cups and 1,590 gold medals and produced hundreds of fine athletes including Merited and People's Sportspersons.
    Headmaster Ri Sung Su told KCNA that the school would train all students as competent athletes with advanced sports technique and thus inspire the people in their efforts for the prosperity of the country.

Paek Nam Sun Meets Thai Ambassador

    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun met and had a conversation with Jullapong Nonsrichai, new Thai ambassador e. p. to the DPRK, who paid a courtesy call on him Thursday.

Kim Jong Il Calls for Intensifying Combat Training in KPA

    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, inspected a sub-unit of KPA unit 347 honored with the title of O Jung Hup-led Seventh Regiment. He was saluted by commanding officers of the unit and the sub-unit on the spot.
    He acquainted himself with the unit's performance of duty before watching the training of servicepersons.
    Then he set forth the tasks which would serve as guidelines in further increasing the combat capability of the unit, satisfied to learn that all the commanding officers and men of the unit have been trained as a-match-for-a-hundred fighters through successful training.
    The unit has set an example in the live firing exercise to be followed by the whole army by paying primary attention to the training in the past, he said, adding that to intensify the combat training is a basic guarantee for bolstering the combat capability of any unit.
    Learning about how servicepersons are handling weapons, he said that the victory of the cause of socialism, the destiny of the Songun revolution, hinges on the weapons, the precious legacy of the revolution as they are associated with the blood and soul of the anti-Japanese forerunners and bequeathed to them generation after generation. He stressed the need for the soldiers to prize and handle the arms of the revolution like the apples of their eyes.
    Looking at the mountain ranges around the barracks overgrown with various species of trees, he familiarized himself with the tree planting. He highly appreciated patriotism displayed by the servicepersons, praising the unit for having created the forests covering scores of hectares in recent years.
    Then he took deep care of the military service and living of soldiers, going round an education room, a bedroom, a mess hall, a kitchen, wash-cum-bath-house, non-staple food store and other entertainment and logistic facilities.
    Greatly pleased to learn that the unit has successfully built all the logistic facilities and provided the soldiers with abundant diet by effectively doing the sideline job, he said that such praiseworthy success is the fruition of the concerted persevering efforts made by the commanding officers and men of the unit.
    The soldiers of the KPA are successfully carrying out their work even after proceeding to the society as they are not only training body and mind in a revolutionary manner but also learning every aspect of their life in the days of their military service, he noted, adding that the period they have spent as soldiers can be likened to a course of a revolutionary university.
    He gave the servicepersons of the unit a pair of binoculars, a machine gun and an automatic rifle as gifts and posed for a photograph with them.
    He was accompanied by KPA Generals Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong.

For Spanish-speaking people

Se prepara novena edicion de Festival de Kimjongilias

    Pyongyang, 27 de enero (ATCC) -- En Corea se libran activamente los preparativos del IX Festival de Kimjongilias que va a celebrarse con motivo de la fiesta de febrero (16 de febrero, cumpleanos del Dirigente Kim Jong Il). El certamen iniciado a partir de 1997 se efectua cada ano solemne y tradicionalmente en esta capital.
    La flor Kimjongilia, una de las mas hermosas del mundo, la denomino el botanico japones Mododeru Kamo venerando al Dirigente Kim Jong Il. El botanico envio en el primer y segundo festival flores cultivadas por si mismo.
    Del primer certamen al octavo se exhibieron mas de 64 mil Kimjongilias. Coreanos en ultramar e incluso extranjeros participan en el festival.
    Tambien el numero de visitantes se aumenta cada ano, por ejemplo, en 2004 visitaron el lugar de festival casi un millon de personas, entre otras, cuadros del partido, el Estado y el ejercito, trabajadores de distintos sectores de Corea y mas de cien delegaciones de coreanos en ultramar y de extranjeros.
    El Comite Coreano de Kimilsungia y Kimjongilia da espuelas a los preparativos para asegurar en maximo nivel el presente festival.
    Los comites del Consejo de Ministros, ministerios, organos centrales, sectores de las Fuerzas Armadas Populares, numerosas entidades y trabajadores individuales de Pyongyang y otras localidades cultivan con todo esmero la flor inmortal para el festival. Por doquier se levantan los invernaderos de Kimilsungia y Kimjongilia. En los ultimos anos se construyeron mas de 230 invernaderos.
    Segun el dr. Kim Ryong Bong, director del citado Comite, este ano no solo tendra lugar el festival central, sino tambien se efectuaran las exposiciones provinciales en gran escala sin precedente.
    Esta en animacion la labor para asegurar con exito los actos de apertura y de clausura del festival y acondicionar magnificamente el interior del lugar del festival.
    Se impulsa en etapa final la labor de creacion de pancartas, diplomas y copas.
    Ademas se aceleran los preparativos para ofrecer comodidades a los visitantes.

"Comite Preparatorio para el Dia del Sol del siglo XXI"

    Pyongyang, 27 de enero (ATCC) -- Con motivo del cumpleanos del Dirigente Kim Jong Il, la Asociacion Central de Coreanos Residentes en Rusia organizo el dia 16 en la Region de Sakhalin el "Comite Preparatorio para el Dia del Sol del Siglo XXI". Como presidente del citado comite fue electo Ju Hui Chol, presidente de dicha Asociacion.
    El comite decidio organizar un mitin, proyeccion filmica, exhibicion de libros y fotos, conferencia y otras actividades en ocasion de esa efemeride.

Peru: Comite preparatorio nacional para encuentro de elogio

    Pyongyang, 27 de enero (ATCC) -- Quedo constituido el dia 19 en Lima el Comite Preparatorio Nacional del Peru para el "Encuentro de elogio a los grandes hombres del monte Paektu". Como presidente del comite fue elegido Angel Castro Lavarello, titular del Instituto Cultural y de Amistad Peruano-Coreano; y como vicepresidentes, Victor Oliva Miguel, coordinador del Comite de Coordinacion Nacional de los partidos de izquierda y progresistas del Peru y secretario general del Partido Socialista Revolucionario, Alberto Moreno, secretario general del CC del Partido Comunista del Peru (patria roja), Genaro Ledesma Izquieta, presidente del Frente Obrero, Campesino, Estudiantil y Popular, Lenan Raffo Munoz, secretario general del CC del Partido Comunista del Peru, Luis Mateo Munoz, secretario general del Partido Socialista del Peru, Jose Antonio Gamarra, presidente de la Asociacion Peruana de Amistad General Kim Jong Il y de la Asociacion Nacional de Escritores y Artistas del Peru, Tani Baler Lopera, presidente del Comite Peruano de Apoyo a la Reunificacion Independiente Pacifica de Corea, y Wilfredo Saens, presidente del Instituto Nacional de Estudio de la Idea Juche del Peru.
    El comite definio de febrero a octubre como un periodo festivo y decidio hacer ingentes esfuerzos por la exitosa marcha del citado acto en Corea y del erguimiento del monumento a los tres Generales del monte Paektu y organizar mitin, exhibicion de fotos, proyeccion filmica y otras actividades politicas y culturales con motivo del 16 de febrero (cumpleanos del Dirigente Kim Jong Il), el Dia del Sol (15 de abril, cumpleanos del Presidente Kim Il Sung) y el 60 aniversario de la fundacion del Partido del Trabajo de Corea y de la restauracion de Corea.

Rodong Sinmun exhorta a avanzar con espiritu de ataque de Songgang

    Pyongyang, 27 de enero (ATCC) -- El diario Rodong Sinmun inserto en su edicion del dia 27 un editorial. Avancemos como rafagas de viento hacia la cumber de una gran potencia prospera con el espiritu de ataque de Songgang, esto es la bandera de la lucha y el avance que debemos enarbolar hoy por registrar un gran auge revolucionaria, senala el editorial y prosigue:.
    El espiritu de ataque de Songgang es la brillante materializacion del espiritu de la revolucion continua y de la firme determinacion del Dirigente Kim Jong Il, gran general insigne del monte Paektu, de no reconocer la imposibilidad y de luchar y avanzar sin cesar hasta que se logre la victoria final y es la expresion del ferreo credo independiente y la dignidad nacional de solucionar a nuestra manera todos los problemas firmemente convencidos de nuestra ideologia y causa, la justeza de la politica de Songun (priorizacion militar) y de las fuerzas propias.
    Se trata de la grandiosa marcha general para centuplicar el poderio de la patria y demostrar a todo el mundo el impetu invencible de Corea socialista en avance bajo la bandera del Songun.
    El espiritu de ataque de Songgang refleja la inteligencia, la audacia y el firme temperamento del heroico pueblo coreano que con el poderio del Songun avanza sin cesar sobreponiendose a multiples pruebas. De luchar con este espiritu y estilo de lucha de Songgang, nuestra patria saldra siempre victoriosa apoyandose en el gran poderio militar, la unidad monolitica y la firme base economica y ostentara su fisonomia en el camino hacia una potencia prospera.
    Avanzar como rafagas de viento con el espiritu de ataque de Songgang es una lucha orgullosa para avivar las llamas del gran auge revolucionario mediante el Songun.
    Cuando todos los sectores y unidades de la economia nacional, en particular la industria metalurgica, dan plenas pruebas del poderio de la ideologia y del espiritu revolucionario de los militares y ponen en pleno despliegue la potencialidad del desarrollo economico y cientifico- tecnico como lo hace Songgang, podemos renovar radicalmente de fisonomia economica del pais y alcanzar con anticipacion la gran meta de la construccion de una gran potencia prospera del nuevo siglo.
    Todos los militantes del partido y otros trabajadores deben registrar gran viraje en todos los frentes de la construccion economica socialista espoleando al corcel guerrero como el pueblo revolucionario que en aquel tiempo de la "Marcha penosa" se sobreponia heroicamente a todos los contratiempos y asi demostrar a todo el mundo el impetu y el poderio de Corea del Songun este ano en que se cumple el 60 aniversario de la fundacion del Partido del Trabajo de Corea y de la restauracion de la patria.